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is short for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. This is a hormone secreted by the

pituitary gland when it recognises that your thyroid gland is not producing

enough thyroxine (T4) or enough triiodothyronine (T3). The less T4 and T3 your

thyroid is secreting the higher your TSH will be. The higher the T4 and T3

secretion will show your TSH to be very suppressed. It is best to have a TSH of

1.00 or less to feel healthy and this is where you should try to get it.


your blood, urine, saliva or whatever tests that you have had done through the

NHS are yours by law. Your doctor or receptionist cannot refuse you them. If

there is a lot you need, they may charge you for photocopying, but often your

doctor will be happy to give you them off his computer screen. Always though,

remember to get the reference range for each test done, as these differ with

different laboratories throughout the UK. You are also entitled to all the

information that is in your medical notes and you would need to write a letter

to your GP or Head of practice to give them notice - and they can charge you

for this service too.


thyroid nodules/cysts are not cancers. In fact, only about 5/10% of thyroid

nodules are malignant. The rest are fluid filled sacks or cysts, benign tumours

that are not cancers, or outgrowths of otherwise basically normal thyroid

tissue called colloid nodules. A small percentage of benign thyroid tumours are

overactive - making too much thyroid hormone. These tumours are very unlikely

to be cancers.


is the question you need an answer to about thyroxine?

Luv -


Hi ,

many thanks for the e-mail, it will not

surprise you that I have no idea what TSH is but I am going to look through the

archives. I did not know that I could ask for my test results? are most doctors/specialists

happy to give them?

Also if any one can let me know re the

thyroxine or the possibility of the cyst turning into a tumor I would be most grateful.

I can see I have a lot to learn



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Irene - your GP CANNOT refuse you access to your blood results, or access even

to your medical records. The reason why you need your thyroid function tests

are, quite frankly, nothing whatsoever to do with him and you would be in your

place to tell him so if you were feeling bloody-minded, but don't do this, you

need to see him another day. However, just write him a short letter, something

along the lines of

" Dear

Dr *****, please will you let me have a copy of my last blood results and

especially my thyroid function tests together with the laboratory reference

range for each test. I am enclosing a stamped address envelope for your



sincerely ****** "

If he

still refuses, then have a word with your Practice Manager.

luv -


I have phoned my GP re getting my results and

it was like the third degree, why did I want them, when I explained why I

wanted them I got a long winded reason why I should not use web sites ectra and

he did not give them to me!. I am a bit stuck here as they are the only doctors

for miles around. I have a gp appointment tomorrow and I will try again. I will

have a look at the files now. many thanks for helping out a newbie


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…and last year, PALS

accepted TPA-UK into the circle as being a thyroid support web site and forum -

we are now on their web site. Tis good that the NHS are beginning to

recognise the value of such organisations as TPA.

Luv -


Hi Irene

PALS ~ Patient Advice and Liaison Service via your PCT.....

they can often resolve 'little' things like that without the doctor

knowing who might have complained (?anon).

best wishes


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Hi there Irene, many people don`t no that cancer is an autoimmune problem, so as you have this in your family , there is a good chance that you have an autoimmune problem as well. it could be hypo, or it could be some thing else,. the only way is an RT3 and TPOab tests.hope this helps you .angel.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You’re dealing with a lot; as most people in this group are.

Because of my own ADD, I encourage you to keep yourself in PACE. I know

Svetlana uses PACE a the beginning of each day and midday to help everyone stay

focused and open to learning. I have found that when I’m in PACE, my own ADD

fades because I have both sides of my system open for processing. It’s a huge

help. Good journey.

Joni in Minnesota


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of sweetladyruck

Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 8:00 PM

Subject: New Member

Hi Everyone,

I am a new member who just finished the 16-hour Tactile Integration®

Course taught by Svetlana in Kelowna BC. I took the course because I am the Mom

of an almost 11 (in 3 days!) son who has Cerebral Palsy, ADHD, Behaviour

Control problems, is Sensory Integration Dysfunctional, has Emotional Issues

and also has a very advanced (genius) IQ. As for myself, I just am ADD, have

Sensory Issues, Hormonal Imbalances and Clinical Depression. We

have done sensory diets with Cole in the past (pre-kindergarden) and have

worked with stroking in the facial area to aid with his speech. I am looking

forward to a new part of our journey and am really excited to see where it will

take us.


--- Get FREE High Speed Internet from USFamily.Net! ---

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  • 1 month later...
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What type of thyroid medication are you taking. Your bone pain may be related to not getting enough thyroid hormone. It is quite common as most of us are put on Synthroid or Levoxyl or another t4 only medication. For thyroid cancer you need iodine. Large amounts of it. At least 50 mgs. I know because it saved my life from papillary thyroid cancer after 3 failed RAI's. Scanning repeatedly with RAI is insane. It requires that you come off your meds for 6 weeks and then scan and then go back on. It takes 3 mos or more to stabilize again. Did anyone take a thyroglobulin measurement pre-RAI on you? This is your cancer marker and can be used to monitor your thyroid cancer status.

Please see my website at www.naturalthyroidchoices.com Read my full thyroid cancer story to see what I did to heal.

new member

Hello,I'm a new member and would like to get any advice on how to deal with emotional roller coaster while balancing between work and being sick.I have metastatic papillary carcinoma and had a total thyrodectomy with somelymph nodes on last September and had I 131 treatment on last December. It took almost 6 months for me to go back to work from the recovery. I'm going to have a second scan and treatment this summer. I have lost almost 40 Lbs and always feels tired and weak in general.I've experienced nerve pain and bone pain which I still didn't get a diagnosis from 2 neurologists yet. I'm exhausted to see doctor to doctor to look for the answer for the new symptoms. Since I started a new medication to relieve my pain which makes me drowsy, I'm experiencing difficulty on balancing work and being sick.. I have missed already so many days from work and I'm frustrated even though people at work has been supporting me great. I can't thank enough but when I feel I'm making everyone at work worry about me, I found out myself getting stress from the fact. I understand that the papillary cancer is treatable and I don't worry about the cancer itself but there are many other things are following up like family, friend, work, getting support, emotion, spirit,.... Living with cancer is very complicated process. If I can hear from people who has similar experience with me, it will be a great comfort. Thanks.-Hearyun

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Hi ,Thanks for your advise. I'm taking levothyroxine 100mcg plus Cytomel 12.5 mg twice a day. My TSH on 2/09 was lower than 0.02 undetectable. Yes they did TG before and after. since I have TG antibody, Tg level which is very low doesn't guarantee I'm a cancer free. I am more frustrated with other pains and work with pain.  I can't take Neurontin or Ultram during the day time because it makes me drowsy. My neurologist changed to Lyrica hoping less side effect. I'll read your website and contact you if more question. Thanks-HearyunFrom: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...>iodine Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 2:10:26 PMSubject: Re: new member

What type of thyroid medication are you taking.  Your bone pain may be related to not getting enough thyroid hormone.  It is quite common as most of us are put on Synthroid or Levoxyl or another t4 only medication.  For thyroid cancer you need iodine.  Large amounts of it..  At least 50 mgs.  I know because it saved my life from papillary thyroid cancer after 3 failed RAI's.  Scanning repeatedly with RAI is insane.  It requires that you come off your meds for 6 weeks and then scan and then go back on.  It takes 3 mos or more to stabilize again.  Did anyone take a thyroglobulin measurement pre-RAI on you?  This is your cancer marker and can be used to monitor your thyroid cancer status.


Please see my website at www..naturalthyroidc hoices.com   Read my full thyroid cancer story to see what I did to heal.




new member

Hello,I'm a new member and would like to get any advice on how to deal with emotional roller coaster while balancing between work and being sick.I have metastatic papillary carcinoma and had a total thyrodectomy with somelymph nodes on last September and had I 131 treatment on last December. It took almost 6 months for me to go back to work from the recovery. I'm going to have a second scan and treatment this summer. I have lost almost 40 Lbs and always feels tired and weak in general.I've experienced nerve pain and bone pain which I still didn't get a diagnosis from 2 neurologists yet. I'm exhausted to see doctor to doctor to look for the answer for the new symptoms. Since I started a new medication to relieve my pain which makes me drowsy, I'm experiencing difficulty on balancing work and being sick.. I have missed already so many days from work and I'm frustrated even though people at work has been supporting me great. I can't thank enough but when I feel I'm making everyone at work worry about me, I found out myself getting stress from the fact. I understand that the papillary cancer is treatable and I don't worry about the cancer itself but there are many other things are following up like family, friend, work, getting support, emotion, spirit,.... Living with cancer is very complicated process. If I can hear from people who has similar experience with me, it will be a great comfort. Thanks.-Hearyun

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Dear ,

I am a little behind on checking my email and when I saw that you had joined the

group I thought that I needed to make sure to congrats on joining the group.

I am a single mother of two beautiful girls. I was originally diagnosed with

Reiter's Syndrome and later with Ankylosing and then later it was Ankylosing

with Fibro tendencys on top. But, now since I had a MRI done today it is

looking that I may have more a Fibro issue than anything.

I will tell you like anyone here can tell you, that it is very frustrating to

have any of these conditions. For one thing, many of us have gone years with

out being diagnosed and was told over and over that it was all in our heads,

nothing was wrong with us, and so on.

I know that personally since joining the group a couple of years ago if I

remember correctly, I have greatly enjoyed reading the postings listed here

because I don't feel so alone. Plus I am able to read about the newest

treatments around. Finding this site has been a blessing indeed.

Currently I am having a flare up. My doctor injected me four times in my lower

back yesterday with what they call trigger shots which are steriod shots to the

actual pin point of the pain. The last time that he did this, it worked.

However, this time is hasn't so now it is more like I need time to rest and to

recover. Kinda hard to do that when you are a student along with being a single


However, I am happy to report that I have decided that it is time for me to try

to reapply for my disability again. I had a disability lawyer say that normally

they do first time apps turn downs but currently that they are not turning down

people on the first go this time. However, from what I was told it doesn't last

very long so everyone out there that has applied before and got turned down,

this may be the best time to reapply for those benefits.

Your friend,



> Hey my name is Jennie. I am 27 years old and a mother of four beautiful

children! I started having some joint pain last fall but put going to the Dr off

until January. After some x-rays and blood work, I was sent to a Rheumy who then

did more x-rays and blood work. I tested positive for the HLA-B27 antigen. I

also had to do a lung function test which came back abnormal so I am seeing a

lung specialist as well. My Rheumy didn't really give me a specific name for

what have, just spondyloarthropathy. I am so glad to meet people who understand

what I am feeling!


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Well Hi there Sue and welcome, you are in for a right treat as you enjoy all the

info here where you can ask questions and communicate with others who have

walked the same path as yourself.

Can I suggest you also have a look at the www.tpa-uk.org.uk were you will find

even more 'goodies' as well as the files section.



> Hi I'm Sue and I'm from South Yorkshire. I found this site through a Google

search whilst I was looking for information about international postal charges

imposed by Parcelforce on my package of Armour Thyroid from USA. This is the

first time in two years that this has happened so I guess I was just lucky.


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Yes indeed, welcome.

The support and advice I have recieved here has been second to none its a

fantastic group. People caring and contributing info,

Enjoy reading all the info hon :)

lotsa luv


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Hi Sheila

I guess you could call me Suzie B if there are too many Sue's on here. Thanks

for your warm welcome and I'll try to answer some of your questions. I take

2grains of Armour per day but my GP told me at my last review that my thyroid

function was on the low side and I should increase my medication. I asked if he

thought I should take a little Levothyroxine in addition to the Armour and he

was horror struck. He said that there was no way he would take responsibility

for that and that I should take either one or the other. He typically didn't

elaborate but I suspect he was referring to T4 as this is all they test for. I

know that T4 can be low if T3 is elevated but I daren't tell him that this is

normal so I began to take 1 grain extra just at weekends but suffered from

palpitations so stopped. My hair remains much thicker than it was when I was on

Levothyroxine - I tend to use this along with tiredness as a general indicator.

If my hair falls out and I'm shattered I must be low! I know this is a

haphazard state of affairs but to be honest I daren't push it with my doctor for

extra tests as he is quite uncooperative. Is anyone else scared of their GP? It

is interesting that you mention adrenal matters because I have long thought that

this may be a problem for me as I have suffered almost constant stress for many

years now. To be quite honest I think this may have been instrumental in my

developing thyroid disease and type II Diabetes. Is it expensive to get adrenal

function checked and to treat it if this is found to be a problem? I doubt my

GP would prescribe me anything even if I presented him with a private diagnosis.

I realise that this is completely wrong to be so afraid of your GP but if I try

to suggest anything to him he gets on his high horse and I end up feeling bad

for mentioning it. He is definitely a control freak - he is the professional

and what would a mere mortal like me know! Does anyone have any suggestions as

to how to handle him? Also can anyone explain why I sweat such a lot? Does

anyone else suffer with this?

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Hi Suzie B

There is a set amount of T4 and t3 in Armour, and it doesn't

always work for everybody - like a size 5 shoe doesn't fit everybody. Some of

us do need to take a little more T3 and others (like me) need a little more T4.

I add 25 mcgs T4 to my Armour and find that if I don't take this T4 (even such

a teeny amount) I start to get back some symptoms. Obviously, your GP knows

little about Armour, so I would do the necessary reading and look after

yourself.  Your TFT's after using Armour Thyroid usually show a completely

suppressed TSH, a Free T4 in the upper third of the reference range, the Free T3

at the top of the reference range. Obviously, your GP is not going to give you

extra of the synthetics, so you might need to do the experiment yourself but

having to buy extra thyroid hormone replacement because your GP doesn't know

anything about it is a bit pathetic, and very unfair on you.

You are probably suffering with low adrenal reserve or candida,

or you could be low with your minerals and that is why you are unable to

increase your Armour - so do get the minerals and vits checked through your GP.

The 24 hour adrenal profile test costs £70 so try to beg, borrow or steal to

get this done. it really is invaluable. You can treat any low adrenal reserve

yourself and we have details of this in our files.

Do you buy your Armour or does your doctor prescribe it for you?

Don't be afraid of your GP - honestly, soon, you will know more about your

condition that he does - and learn to be assertive. If you have any questions

for him, write them down and don't budge until you get answers - your doctor is

there to help you, not to cause you distress and/or problems.

Luv - Sheila

I realise that this is completely wrong to be

so afraid of your GP but if I try to suggest anything to him he gets on his

high horse and I end up feeling bad for mentioning it. He is definitely a

control freak - he is the professional and what would a mere mortal like me

know! Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to handle him? Also can anyone

explain why I sweat such a lot? Does anyone else suffer with this?

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You get a lot more information about the actual results from

Genova Diagnostics I have now found, that is why I recommend Genova over NPTech

or Lab21 as they are now.

Luv - Sheila

You asked:

Is it expensive to get adrenal function checked and to treat it if this is

found to be a problem?

£69 from;


for the salivary adrenal test

£70 from Genova

And Nutri Adrenal Extra is the most favoured

treatment to begin with I think, not too expensive:


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> You get a lot more information about the actual results from Genova

> Diagnostics I have now found, that is why I recommend Genova over NPTech or

> Lab21 as they are now.




> Luv - Sheila


>I have the test kits now (urine T3/T4 and saliva for adrenal)which I will be

sorting out early next week - I have been looking on the Genova website which is

very informative and gives very comprehensive information, including a sample

results report for each test - looking at even the example gave me confidence

that it is a document I can take to my GP to read when I have the results and

perhaps he will take note!

The address of the website is here -


After my tests are done I can finally start the supplements I have been given -

Candizyme for candida;

Livatone Plus Powder for my liver;

Vitamin C Powder

Bio-Acidophilus for the digestive system;

and TNT (I was joking to the girls at work that I needed some dynamite to get my

digestive system working and I couldn't believe it when this was recommended to

me!! :-))

Mycotaki (not sure what that is for)

Hopefully in a couple of weeks I will start feeling a wee bit better - I really

am tired of feeling and looking so terrible at the moment!

Anyhow as Sheila says I would definitely recommend Genova over the other two

suppliers - and good luck to everybody!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


> Hi all, My name is and I am a 22 year old female. I just got diagnosed

with mild scoliosis last week that I guess was missed as a teenager. I remember

my doctor thinking possible scoliosis as a teenager because I was having

repeated ankle sprains and instability and had to brace my right ankle

throughout my teenage years to prevent reinjury but I don't think it was severe

enough to catch without a xray. Last November I sprained my left knee, left

wrist, left hip, and mid thoracic back, and now have bursitis and piriformis

syndrome(a form of sciatic)in my hip and chondromalacia in my left knee. I had

an xray of my thoracic spine because I am still having pain and he said it shows

some hardening and a mild scoliosis and he put me on ibuprofen 800mg 3x/day for

two weeks and he wants me to go to physical therapy for a few weeks and come

back and see him. He also said I have hypermobility syndrome.


> I am really struggling with all these diagnosis all at the same time. Does

anyone else have all these together? I am also struggling with the pain from

everything. The last seven months, I have been in so much pain I can't hardly

sleep or do anything.


> Does anyone have any suggestions for the pain? Do you think all these

things are possibly linked to the scoliosis or separate problems?


> Thanks in advance,


>hi,im diana,18.i have scoliosis too.i've had scoliosis for 3years nw. besides,i

also have smthing called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis on 2 of my fingers which

is bothering me much when i write.nw the lastest is my sprain right arm and my

left leg is giving sm problem.whenever i walk,it tends to shift to the right,and

its really hurting.i usually all these pains together,and its really bad.im

sorry you have to go through all these.

sometimes i cant sleep..i've got sm suggestions for you.its important that you

go for your physio therapy.besides,try breathing exercises,relax and get a lot

of rest.im sorry.bt im not sure if all of your pain is related to scoliosis or

not.do take good care.

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-Hi ,

Thanks for your reply. It is nice to hear from someone who is close to my age. I

hope your sprain, left leg, and everything feels better soon.

> >hi,im diana,18.i have scoliosis too.i've had scoliosis for 3years nw.

besides,i also have smthing called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis on 2 of my

fingers which is bothering me much when i write.nw the lastest is my sprain

right arm and my left leg is giving sm problem.whenever i walk,it tends to shift

to the right,and its really hurting.i usually all these pains together,and its

really bad.im sorry you have to go through all these.

> sometimes i cant sleep..i've got sm suggestions for you.its important that you

go for your physio therapy.besides,try breathing exercises,relax and get a lot

of rest.im sorry.bt im not sure if all of your pain is related to scoliosis or

not.do take good care.


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You should go to a rheumatoidologist


From: cntrygrlrak <cntrygrl86@...>

Scoliosis Treatment

Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 7:20:19 PM

Subject: Re: New Member

-Hi ,

Thanks for your reply. It is nice to hear from someone who is close to my age. I

hope your sprain, left leg, and everything feels better soon.

> >hi,im diana,18.i have scoliosis too.i've had scoliosis for 3years nw.

besides,i also have smthing called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis on 2 of my

fingers which is bothering me much when i write.nw the lastest is my sprain

right arm and my left leg is giving sm problem.whenever i walk,it tends to shift

to the right,and its really hurting.i usually all these pains together,and its

really bad.im sorry you have to go through all these.

> sometimes i cant sleep..i've got sm suggestions for you.its important that you

go for your physio therapy.besides, try breathing exercises,relax and get a lot

of rest.im sorry.bt im not sure if all of your pain is related to scoliosis or

not.do take good care.


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Hi, ,

A doctor never said I had hypermobility syndrome, but if one asked anyone around

me from my 20's to 40, they would say I had an unending supply of energy,

hyperenergetic some said.  Syndrome?  I don't know.

lj CMT2

From: cntrygrlrak <cntrygrl86@...>

Subject: New Member

Scoliosis Treatment

Date: Monday, June 8, 2009, 2:42 PM

Hi all, My name is and I am a 22 year old female. I just got diagnosed

with mild scoliosis last week that I guess was missed as a teenager. I remember

my doctor thinking possible scoliosis as a teenager because I was having

repeated ankle sprains and instability and had to brace my right ankle

throughout my teenage years to prevent reinjury but I don't think it was severe

enough to catch without a xray. Last November I sprained my left knee, left

wrist, left hip, and mid thoracic back, and now have bursitis and piriformis

syndrome(a form of sciatic)in my hip and chondromalacia in my left knee. I had

an xray of my thoracic spine because I am still having pain and he said it shows

some hardening and a mild scoliosis and he put me on ibuprofen 800mg 3x/day for

two weeks and he wants me to go to physical therapy for a few weeks and come

back and see him. He also said I have hypermobility syndrome.

I am really struggling with all these diagnosis all at the same time. Does

anyone else have all these together? I am also struggling with the pain from

everything. The last seven months, I have been in so much pain I can't hardly

sleep or do anything.

Does anyone have any suggestions for the pain? Do you think all these things are

possibly linked to the scoliosis or separate problems?

Thanks in advance,

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Hi, again, , I have re-read your note...


Over the years, several 'therapies' were tried to straighten my scoliosis.  At

14yo, when it was discovered, an ortho put a plaster body cast on my trunk,

which I wore for four months until it was cut off.  Result:  even shoulders,

over the next four months, the curves returned as bad as they were before. 

Physical therapy.  Result:  made trunk muscles stronger, curves progressed

slower, but they still progressed.  Chiropractic.  Result:  straigtened the

curves by about 10 to 15% at the end of two months of weekly treatments, curves

returned soon after to the same degrees as before, still progressing.  Physical

therapy in a pool:  strengthed strength of the trunk, arms and legs, progressed

faster due to one exercise I did where I bent to each side for 30 sec. 10 reps

for two years.  I SHOULD have been doing bends twice as many INTO the curve

(opposite direction from the biggest 'C').  2002:  anterior/posterior spinal

fusion T2 to L5. 

Result:  stopped progression, wonderful correction due to my excellent physical

condition and flexibility.  ONLY surgery will stop progression for sure.


Lj  CMT2

From: cntrygrlrak <cntrygrl86@...>

Subject: New Member

Scoliosis Treatment

Date: Monday, June 8, 2009, 2:42 PM

Hi all, My name is and I am a 22 year old female. I just got diagnosed

with mild scoliosis last week that I guess was missed as a teenager. I remember

my doctor thinking possible scoliosis as a teenager because I was having

repeated ankle sprains and instability and had to brace my right ankle

throughout my teenage years to prevent reinjury but I don't think it was severe

enough to catch without a xray. Last November I sprained my left knee, left

wrist, left hip, and mid thoracic back, and now have bursitis and piriformis

syndrome(a form of sciatic)in my hip and chondromalacia in my left knee. I had

an xray of my thoracic spine because I am still having pain and he said it shows

some hardening and a mild scoliosis and he put me on ibuprofen 800mg 3x/day for

two weeks and he wants me to go to physical therapy for a few weeks and come

back and see him. He also said I have hypermobility syndrome.

I am really struggling with all these diagnosis all at the same time. Does

anyone else have all these together? I am also struggling with the pain from

everything. The last seven months, I have been in so much pain I can't hardly

sleep or do anything.

Does anyone have any suggestions for the pain? Do you think all these things are

possibly linked to the scoliosis or separate problems?

Thanks in advance,

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Thanks LJ CMT2,

My doctor is not recommending any surgery or other treatment right now. The

scoliosis is mild and I am past my growth spurt so he just wants to monitor it

for now. I go back to see him at the end of the month.


>2002:  anterior/posterior spinal fusion T2 to L5. 

> Result:  stopped progression, wonderful correction due to my excellent

physical condition and flexibility.  ONLY surgery will stop progression for


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Hi, , Monitoring is good!  :)  I was monitored once a year after 20yo. 

Every time I had an chest xray for my lungs (which was often) I'd see alarm in

their faces when they put the films up on those lighted xray windows and I would

say, " That's ok.  I know about it.  I'm comfortable. "   Then, they would nod and

begin to talk about the reason I was in for the xray.


lj  CMT2

From: cntrygrlrak <cntrygrl86@...>

Subject: Re: New Member

Scoliosis Treatment

Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009, 10:02 PM

Thanks LJ CMT2,

My doctor is not recommending any surgery or other treatment right now. The

scoliosis is mild and I am past my growth spurt so he just wants to monitor it

for now. I go back to see him at the end of the month.


>2002:  anterior/posterior spinal fusion T2 to L5. 

> Result:  stopped progression, wonderful correction due to my excellent

physical condition and flexibility.  ONLY surgery will stop progression for


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Thanks so much for the welcome!  I have been reading the posts, getting adjusted.  I am happy for you getting a dog to help you!


I have been keeping up with the possible meds which may be taken off the market.  I wish people would realise we need them to get around as best as possible.


I think we all need time to vent now and again!!  I know my day will come!


Thanks again for the welcome!






On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 4:50 PM, midwestscoli <barbara.stacey@...> wrote:

Robin,Welcome to the group. This is a great place for scoliosis patients. You can ask questions and everyone is very helpful. Once in a while when I get particularly frustrated it's a good place to vent. Nobody else really understands what we live with every day.

, I am keeping up with the news about the FDA possibly limiting the use of pain medications. It's scary. Next time I see Dr. Long I will ask her if she knows what's going on.

-- Live the life you have imagined!HD ThoreauThings do not change.  We change.  HD ThoreauThere is life after PTSD!!!   Life is what you make of it!Waneeshee.......may the way be beautiful for you

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Welcome to the group, Robin. We are glad to have you.

Many of us have had flatback revision surgeries, some more successful than

others. I can relate to all the symptoms you describe. By the time I got to

surgery, I was forced to walk with my torso at a 90-degree angle to the groud.

My life had essentially become unlivable, and the surgery gave my life back to


If you have some time, you could browse through the message-archives at the

Feisty website and find lots of information on people's surgical experiences.

You could search for specific subjects using the search function at the site,

although this is not the best and is working to improve it.

Again, welcome. I hope you enjoy the group and perhaps get some useful

information from exchanging posts with us. You -- and any other new members --

should also have received a longish document via email, introducing our group

and explaining our rules and policies. Would you please let me know if this did

not reach you?



> Hi,


> Just joined the group and wanted to say Hi.


> I had 2 failed back surgeries as well as serious spasms....I was recently dx

with flatback. My clothes don't fit, I find it hard to stand for 5 minutes at

the most and have terrible spasms. I guess you can relate. Has anyone had

corrective surgery and did it help??


> Any info would be great!


> Peace,


> Robin


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A warm welcome to you, Tonya. we're glad to have you as a member.

I hope you can find some useful information about revision surgeons. It sounds

as if you are already knowledgeable about the importance of finding someone

specifically qualified to perform flatback revision surgery. Congratulations on

your conscientious research.

The name " Horton " seems to ring a bell, but I don't know how much experience

members may (or may not) have had with him. As you probably know, we do have a

partial list of revision surgeons among the resources at our website. I am

always hopeful that more members will post their experiences with particular


Looking forward to having you in the group,


> Hi everyone-


> I recently discovered this group and I am excited about communicating with

others who have similar problems. My original surgery was done by Dr.

in 1983 at University Hospital in Augusta Georgia. I was diagnosed with

flatback last fall. Since then, I have been researching flatback and revision

surgery. I have an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Horton at

Emory University on August 10th. I would love to hear from anyone who has had

experience with Dr. Horton. There are limited revision specialists in this area

of the country.


> Looking forward to being part of this group!


> Tonya


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Hi ,


Thanks so much for the welcome.  I am wondering if the surgery helped everyone even it was just lessening the pain and spasms.  I hope I am allowed to ask this.  I did read the intro here and thanks for reminding me of the many files here.  My torso is about 45 but it's getting worse quicker than it was.  I can stand about 5 minutes before the spams  become way too severe.  My pain specialists don't really know what it is but are getting with my surgeon to learn.


I am so glad your life is so much better.  I look forward to hearing from you again.


Thanks for the warm welcome!


Much Peace,



On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 4:10 PM, Rasche <elizabethrgonzalez@...> wrote:

Welcome to the group, Robin. We are glad to have you.Many of us have had flatback revision surgeries, some more successful than others. I can relate to all the symptoms you describe. By the time I got to surgery, I was forced to walk with my torso at a 90-degree angle to the groud. My life had essentially become unlivable, and the surgery gave my life back to me.

If you have some time, you could browse through the message-archives at the Feisty website and find lots of information on people's surgical experiences. You could search for specific subjects using the search function at the site, although this is not the best and is working to improve it.

Again, welcome. I hope you enjoy the group and perhaps get some useful information from exchanging posts with us. You -- and any other new members -- should also have received a longish document via email, introducing our group and explaining our rules and policies. Would you please let me know if this did not reach you?

Best, >

> Hi,> > Just joined the group and wanted to say Hi.> > I had 2 failed back surgeries as well as serious spasms....I was recently dx with flatback. My clothes don't fit, I find it hard to stand for 5 minutes at the most and have terrible spasms. I guess you can relate. Has anyone had corrective surgery and did it help??

> > Any info would be great!> > Peace,> > Robin>

-- Live the life you have imagined!HD ThoreauThings do not change.  We change.  HD ThoreauThere is life after PTSD!!!   Life is what you make of it!Waneeshee.......may the way be beautiful for you

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