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Dear :

Thank you for the information. I apparently am as I keep being told

by the doctors " one for the books. " However, I'm positive one day, somehow,

this will resolve regardless of what I'm told!



New Member

Hello All:

I am a 56-year-old female diagnosed with CLL 10 years ago. Two

years later, I developed bilateral facial palsies (like a double Bell's

Palsy) that I still have. I understand this is very unusual, and I would

like to know if anyone has been challenged with any kind of paralysis such

as this.

I truly appreciate any information you may provide, and I wish you

all a wonderful day. God bless.




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> I have switched from Zytyec to Singulair on the hope that is > really does inhibit the growth of polyps. I take generic Claritin too, > but still have frequent problems with congestion. > Hi,

My name is Sheila, and I'm new to this list. I seem to have developed a salicylate senstivity after using aspirin as parr of my treatment for an autoimmune clotting factor. I have never had polyps, but my dd has had two removed. When I first started reacting to Aleve, my doctor said that the inside of my nose looked like raw meat and was crusting, but I really don't have many sinus problems - nothing like my dd.

My most notable symptom was photosensitivity and fevers. I had to wear a mask for months and stay in a darkened room. It was terrible! Then, the problem went away entirely if I didn't eat grains and eggs - though I had ceased Aleve, as well. My allergist explained that there is some kind of a process where my food allergies and sensitivities are connected to my problem with salicylates.

I tried taking 5mg of Sinulair to see if it helped me, but I started running a fever of 100 degrees because I am allergic to the corn that hold the pill together. Same thing happens with Plavix. 81mg of aspirin really makes me sick. So, my doctors don't exactly know what to do with me. I'm off of anything but my thryoid meds and Clarinex. I believe that I also have a problem with amines - really, I'm pretty sure of this. I had a major stroke when I was 19yo, but recovered. I am 53yo now, and don't want to have a stroke now....

Have any of you noticed a correlation with high blood pressure? When I first started getting sick with salicylates, my blood pressure jumped out of the sky. I can't find anything to prove this though. I'm scared to death because my other dd is taking indomethicin for pain on a regular basis. There are too many familial similarities among my dds and myself.

My doctor told me about Samter's. I read that you don't have to have all of the problems. Does anyone else here present like me?


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Just to say that I had an anaphlectic (sp.?) shock to

Aleve. Almost didn't make it then - was 10 years ago.

I have Samter-s with astnma, nasal polyps and aspirin

allergy...polyps have been better lately.. and asthma.

Stuff changes. Now I ahve to be careful with



--- sheilafitzpg@... wrote:


> > I have switched from Zytyec to Singulair on the

> hope that is

> > really does inhibit the growth of polyps. I take

> generic Claritin too,

> > but still have frequent problems with congestion.

> >

> Hi,


> My name is Sheila, and I'm new to this list. I seem

> to have developed a salicylate senstivity after

> using aspirin as parr of my treatment for an

> autoimmune clotting factor. I have never had polyps,

> but my dd has had two removed. When I first started

> reacting to Aleve, my doctor said that the inside of

> my nose looked like raw meat and was crusting, but I

> really don't have many sinus problems - nothing like

> my dd.


> My most notable symptom was photosensitivity and

> fevers. I had to wear a mask for months and stay in

> a darkened room. It was terrible! Then, the

> problem went away entirely if I didn't eat grains

> and eggs - though I had ceased Aleve, as well. My

> allergist explained that there is some kind of a

> process where my food allergies and sensitivities

> are connected to my problem with salicylates.


> I tried taking 5mg of Sinulair to see if it helped

> me, but I started running a fever of 100 degrees

> because I am allergic to the corn that hold the pill

> together. Same thing happens with Plavix. 81mg of

> aspirin really makes me sick. So, my doctors don't

> exactly know what to do with me. I'm off of

> anything but my thryoid meds and Clarinex. I

> believe that I also have a problem with amines -

> really, I'm pretty sure of this. I had a major

> stroke when I was 19yo, but recovered. I am 53yo

> now, and don't want to have a stroke now....


> Have any of you noticed a correlation with high

> blood pressure? When I first started getting sick

> with salicylates, my blood pressure jumped out of

> the sky. I can't find anything to prove this

> though. I'm scared to death because my other dd is

> taking indomethicin for pain on a regular basis.

> There are too many familial similarities among my

> dds and myself.


> My doctor told me about Samter's. I read that you

> don't have to have all of the problems. Does anyone

> else here present like me?



> Sheila



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Not sure if this is true for all Samterites...though I would guess

most of us fall into the category. I am allergic to aspirin, aleve,

naproxin, non-steroid anti-inflammitories, advil, motrin, ibuprofen,

etc...once was given toradol during surgery and whoowhee...that was

fun! always read everything just to be safe. trudy.


> >

> > > I have switched from Zytyec to Singulair on the

> > hope that is

> > > really does inhibit the growth of polyps. I take

> > generic Claritin too,

> > > but still have frequent problems with congestion.

> > >

> > Hi,

> >

> > My name is Sheila, and I'm new to this list. I seem

> > to have developed a salicylate senstivity after

> > using aspirin as parr of my treatment for an

> > autoimmune clotting factor. I have never had polyps,

> > but my dd has had two removed. When I first started

> > reacting to Aleve, my doctor said that the inside of

> > my nose looked like raw meat and was crusting, but I

> > really don't have many sinus problems - nothing like

> > my dd.

> >

> > My most notable symptom was photosensitivity and

> > fevers. I had to wear a mask for months and stay in

> > a darkened room. It was terrible! Then, the

> > problem went away entirely if I didn't eat grains

> > and eggs - though I had ceased Aleve, as well. My

> > allergist explained that there is some kind of a

> > process where my food allergies and sensitivities

> > are connected to my problem with salicylates.

> >

> > I tried taking 5mg of Sinulair to see if it helped

> > me, but I started running a fever of 100 degrees

> > because I am allergic to the corn that hold the pill

> > together. Same thing happens with Plavix. 81mg of

> > aspirin really makes me sick. So, my doctors don't

> > exactly know what to do with me. I'm off of

> > anything but my thryoid meds and Clarinex. I

> > believe that I also have a problem with amines -

> > really, I'm pretty sure of this. I had a major

> > stroke when I was 19yo, but recovered. I am 53yo

> > now, and don't want to have a stroke now....

> >

> > Have any of you noticed a correlation with high

> > blood pressure? When I first started getting sick

> > with salicylates, my blood pressure jumped out of

> > the sky. I can't find anything to prove this

> > though. I'm scared to death because my other dd is

> > taking indomethicin for pain on a regular basis.

> > There are too many familial similarities among my

> > dds and myself.

> >

> > My doctor told me about Samter's. I read that you

> > don't have to have all of the problems. Does anyone

> > else here present like me?

> >

> >

> > Sheila








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  • 1 month later...
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HI Dennis, I have been getting the spinal injections for over 2 years. I have had success with them. Some don't. I have severe stenosis and 3 slipped discs. The pain in my butt, leg and foot was terrible. I just had an injection Fri. and I do feel better already. I should be ready to go ballroom dancing this weekend.They start with a series of 3 injections. The're uncomfortable but not bad. You will get novocaine shot first to numb. Mine last about 7 to 10 months. They are done under xray to ensure the shot is positioned correctly. Call today and make an appt. You'll never know if it will help you if you don't try. Pat ps I am 65!dprice84015 <dprice84015@...> wrote: Hello,My name is Dennis. I am a 55 year old who was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis last Sept. I was told mine was not bad enough for any kind of surgery so my only option was to try some sort of injections. Being the baby I am, I haven't pursued the injections but am now to the point where I will consider them. Can anyone please tell me if they work and if so, for how long? I am so tired of not being able to walk longer than 5 minutes. Had to quit mowing my own lawn, etc, etc. I feel 100 years old. Any advise would be helpful. Thanks.

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Hi Dennis, I can sure understand your thinking on spinal injections. I was in your shoes a year ago. the thought of needles in my spine, let alone surgery was too much to deal with. On the other hand I could barely move and had to try something. A friend was with me, when the doc suggested the spinal injections and I said no way. Her response, and remember we have been best friends for over 40 years, was this. "just ignore what she just said, tell me the time and place and she will be there, if I have to hit her over the head with a baseball bat first." Believe me, she just about had to do it too. The doc I saw for the injections uses a sedation administered by IV before doing the injection, so I never felt anything more than the needle going in my arm for the IV. The injection was done using xray equipment to be sure that the needle

went into the correct place. Unfortunately the first injection only lasted about 2 days. I had another one done, 5 weeks later and it did nothing. The 3rd made the pain worse. My alternatives according to my doc where suffer or have a laminotomy on the one vertebrae that was causing the compression. I agreed to surgery, but got several other opinions from some of the leading specialists in the Boston area. Several of them did not believe that my stenosis was bad enough to warrant surgery and I should wait till it is. I just looked at them in disgust and told them they could suffer in the pain I'm in and wait, I want to live my life and not with the pain and unable to function, walk, move or do anything. One doc I saw also didn't think the stenosis was as bad as the radiologist and my original doc thought as well, but he believed it was from

vascular claudication and I needed vascular studies to fix the problem. Had those done and they where normal. This went on for 2 months, getting the other opinions, and I finally went back to my original doc and had the surgery. By then, the pain was so bad, I dragged my leg as if I had had a stroke, and had difficulty holding my bladder from the nerve compression. All the other opinions I had gotten where wrong. The compression was actually worse than the original doc thought and I was lucky to get the surgery done when I did. I could have suffered permement nerve damage and bowel and bladder control problems. I would suggest that you get a second opinion, even before you consider the spinal injections. Try and get one with a sports medicine orthopedic surgeon who specializes in spinal surgery. In my opinion they are the

best to use and will do surgery only when necessary, with the smallest incision needed. Many spinal surgeons will do surgery with an incision much larger than needed and it makes recovery more difficult. They also believe that if you wait to long to have surgery and the nerve compression continues without relief, you will suffer permenent nerve damage and not have good recovery. I had my surgery last year, June 12th and Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of this week I was outside raking leaves and loving every minute of it. this time a year ago I was thinking about suicide if I had to live like I was in the pain I was in. I was starting my other opinions on what to do, type of surgery etc. It's hard to believe what my life was like a year ago, considering what it's like now. Good luck Frandprice84015

<dprice84015@...> wrote: Hello,My name is Dennis. I am a 55 year old who was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis last Sept. I was told mine was not bad enough for any kind of surgery so my only option was to try some sort of injections. Being the baby I am, I haven't pursued the injections but am now to the point where I will consider them. Can anyone please tell me if they work and if so, for how long? I am so tired of not being able to walk longer than 5 minutes. Had to quit mowing my own lawn, etc, etc.

I feel 100 years old. Any advise would be helpful. Thanks.

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Hi Dennis, I fogot to mention that I had my surgery 3 months after I turned 55. I spent my 56th birthday going out to dinner and dancing with my husband. Frandprice84015 <dprice84015@...> wrote: Hello,My name is Dennis. I am a 55 year old who was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis last Sept. I was told mine was not bad enough for any kind of surgery so my only option was to try some sort of injections. Being the baby I am, I haven't pursued the

injections but am now to the point where I will consider them. Can anyone please tell me if they work and if so, for how long? I am so tired of not being able to walk longer than 5 minutes. Had to quit mowing my own lawn, etc, etc. I feel 100 years old. Any advise would be helpful. Thanks.

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Hi Dennis I never had the injections, but several people have said the first ones work, but the ones after are not that great. My sister had 3 doses of the shots I think 2 or 3 weeks apart, she also said the first one helped the pain but after that they did not do much good. I know what u mean about feeling 100 years old. I also have a stressful job but I am on my feet 7 hours a day, walking around cleaning, climbing a short ladder, bending, etc. I live up stairs so I have to climb stairs a couple times a day. I myself think for me.... staying as active as I am now is the only thing keeping me going. I take non asprin every morning just to get thru work. by the time I am home I am in real pain and have to take more meds. I am over weight alot and really think losing weight might help some. my sister had surgery on her back a year ago dec... just now she is healed pretty good. in Feb she had neck surgery for

the same kind of stenosis. she is still healing. I also think the longer we wait to have surgery the more damage it does to the nerve. I was told that some people get worse over time, and others can stay the same. I have been about the same for 3 years. I dont know what I would do if I could not work.... I mean at 52.... I am still concidered young. also I had a heart attack a year ago May. I had 2 stents put in... on meds for that. I seem to be doing ok now with that....but u never know! Dennis, I think you will be dancing at ur wedding!!!!!!!!!!!! keep us posted on ur progress. also try taking Krill Oil (like fish oil but better for u). shanna Las vegasdprice84015 <dprice84015@...> wrote: Hello,My name is Dennis. I am a 55 year old who was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis last Sept. I was told mine was not bad enough for any kind of surgery so my only option was to try some sort of injections. Being the baby I am, I haven't pursued the injections but am now to the point where I will consider them. Can anyone please tell me if they work and if so, for how long? I am so tired of not being able to walk longer than 5 minutes. Had to quit mowing my own lawn, etc, etc. I feel 100 years old. Any advise would be helpful. Thanks.

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The injections of cortizone worked OK for me at first. After the

first injection I felt like dancing on tables. I was totally free of

back pain. It lasted about a month and a half. The 2nd injection

wasn't so good and lasted 2 weeks.

I am now to the point that I want something done about it. I am

scheduled to see a back surgeon on May 8th.

I can't walk without feeling 100 years old either. The numbness in my

leg is very annoying and a safety issue also. I just want this all


> Hello,

> My name is Dennis. I am a 55 year old who was diagnosed with Spinal

> Stenosis last Sept. I was told mine was not bad enough for any kind


> surgery so my only option was to try some sort of injections. Being

> the baby I am, I haven't pursued the injections but am now to the


> where I will consider them. Can anyone please tell me if they work


> if so, for how long? I am so tired of not being able to walk longer

> than 5 minutes. Had to quit mowing my own lawn, etc, etc. I feel


> years old. Any advise would be helpful. Thanks.







> ---------------------------------

> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> Check outnew cars at Autos.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Welcome Pam. Yes you are in the right place. All of us here suffer from a

wide range of different afflictions, mostly dealing with RA and whatever else it

decides to spawn off on us. If you have questions ,just fire away. Someone

will answer you. Even if you just need to vent, we will listen. I also have AS

& PsA & am on a bunch of different meds that help me cope. Again, welcome

and I know everyone here will help you. These are a great bunch of people that

understand what your going thru. Marty

************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

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Fr. Dave, would you translate that so I can understand ? I'm not a well

educated man on foreign languages, so whatever you said is lost on me. I do


in my heart (even though I cant understand the words) they are meant for the

well being and help that you could offer a another human being that's

suffering in someway.My apologies for bothering you, but for some reason ,I want


know what that means.Thanks Marty

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Welcome Pam. You have come to the right place. Hope you enjoy our company

even in the situation we are all in.

Fr. Dave

" Benedicat tibi Dominus et custodiat te ostendat

Dominus faciem suam tibi et misereatur tui convertat

Dominus vultum suum ad te et det tibi pacem "

Re: New Member

> Welcome Pam. Yes you are in the right place. All of us here suffer from a

> wide range of different afflictions, mostly dealing with RA and whatever

> else it

> decides to spawn off on us. If you have questions ,just fire away. Someone

> will answer you. Even if you just need to vent, we will listen. I also

> have AS

> & PsA & am on a bunch of different meds that help me cope. Again, welcome

> and I know everyone here will help you. These are a great bunch of people

> that

> understand what your going thru. Marty




> ************************************** See what's free at

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Sorry Marty

It was a signature I use on my church related lists. It actually should not

have gotten in my regular list signatures. But I think it needs to be said


For a quick idea open your Bible to Numbers Chapter 6 verses 24 to 26

The LORD bless you and keep you;

the LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you;

the LORD lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

Fr. Dave

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Dear Pam,

I just wanted to say welcome to the group. I hope that the answers and

the support that you are looking for will no longer be a mission for

you have found it here with us. I hope to hear more from you soon.


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Hi Barbara,

Thank you. I am really new to this. I had x-rays done about a month ago and

they gave me the diagnosis of AS. They started Remicade infusions, I am hoping

they work. What I do know, is this is a very painful illness. Sometimes it

even hurts to pick up things with my hands and my lower back seems to always

hurt unless I'm reclined. Thank you again, Pam.

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Dear Pam,

The pain sucks. And the truth of it is that it is just one of the

many symptoms of these diseases. I was diagnosed last August with

Reiter's Syndrome. For years I had problems with my lower back and

scaitic nerve where I would spend days in the bed with nothing more

than just pure luck and hardedness to make it to the bathroom.

You will have your good days, you will have your bad days, you will

have your best days, better days and so on. In other words this

disease or one of the many others, is something that you have to take

one day at a time. I know that things that I was able to do a year

ago I just don't do anymore because it aggervates my condition. You

might suffer depression from this, but, that is just one more thing

that we battle while battling our main disease.

Recently, after a year of looking I found a job and was hired. I was

so excited. I love working and was trying to put off filing for my

disability and SSI, mainly because I am a proud woman. However, it

was not ment to be because I had a major flare up. It was so bad

that my boyfriend had to help me out of bed and walk with me to get

to the bathroom which stood only six feet away. I lost the job

because I couldn't even make it to the orientation due to the serve

pain I was in.

But, today, it seems the pain is a memory. For this morning, thank

goodness for mothers day, my pain is extremely bareable this

morning. Most morning I get up and well, the kids call it the Zombie

Walk. In a way, I see the humor, but in reality, being thirty years

old and walking in such a fashion, because you have no other way to

walk until you get unstiff, isn't funny. But, in the moments like

this one this morning, you will be grateful in more than one way.

I wish you the best Pam. I hope that some how some way you will have

many moments or even days of bareable pain, and I also hope that

there will be moments were there is no pain. But, just take it one

day at a time because the good news is that the group is here for you.


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Thanks Barbara. I feel very blessed to have found this group, and thank you

for your words of encouragement. I think the thing that scares me the most

about this AS, is that it can do permanent damage. Before receiving the

diagnosis of AS, I used to refer to my joint pain as my Crohn's arthritis. But

usually once the warm weather came, I would bounce back and become more mobile.

So far this spring, I am not bouncing back as of yet. I am 39 years old. I am

already on disability which does help as it relieves the stress financially.

But this past winter my health went downward and I'm praying I bounce back, I am

concerned about what the future holds for me. The good news is I have a very

loving boyfriend who is supportive. So far I've had 2 Remicade infusions and

I'm on 25 mg of Methotrexate weekly, so I'm giving it time. Thanks again, Pam.

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Dear Pam,

I totally understand what you are going through. I have always been

a very independant woman. If there was something that needed to be

done and no one else would do it I would. However, that is not the

case anymore.

Since my diagnoses last August, I would start to think that I was

getting my Reiter's undercontrol because the pain would be decreasing

or I would be able to do something that I hadn't in a while.

However, that would always come back and bite me in the butt. And

now that they have changed my med from Azulfidine to Methotrexate by

mouth, it seems that I am getting worse and everything, even though

very minor, I have accomplished seems to be slowly slipping away.

I, too, worry about what the future holds for me. I have read this

and that, and it all says the same about my condition that most

people make a full recovery in a few months with some having minor

flare ups in later years. But, I have never been dormant and wonder

if I will ever know such a sweet spot in life.

My oldest daughter, who is ten years old and a survivor of A. L. L.,

a form of childhood luekemia, asked me if I was every going to get

better. Of course the question brought me to tears since it is the

very question that I ask myself every waking moment of my life since

learning about what was wrong with me. I only had one answer for

her. I don't know. I didn't know what else to say but that. We

talked about my condition for a while and her concerns and fears

about what was going to happen to me. But, I couldn't answer her

question with nothing more than I don't know.

Just with like any other condition that is considered long term or

even life long, it not only effects you but the ones that you care

about. With me, my children get to watch dear 30 year old mom,

shuffle along like a zombie or mummy. I should be playing outside

with them, not asking them to help pick up the extra slack around the

house when I have a bad day. They are eight and ten years old and

should be having a good time with mom, running and kicking ball,

catching butterflies and so on. But, dear old mom, can't do that.

Then you have my boyfriend. Hard working, funny man that sits like a

deer caught in a set of headlights when I have a major flare up

because he feels helpless since there is nothing he can do to ease my

pain. He works hard and should be able to come home to a clean

house, and that is a challenge most days to even half way accomplish

unless I get help from my girls.

My condition has put alot of strain on my family. Not only

emotional, but physically and fianancial as well. But, I do try to

remember to take one day at a time. Some days I do really well in

that aspect, others, I am a crying wreck with depression and

frustration because I can barely walk to my bathroom which is only

six feet away from the bed.

But, then I get on here, and read the posts, the same posts that talk

about the same things that I am going through, and I can relate too

even though I may have a different condition. It does my soul good

to know that I am not alone in what I am feeling and that there is

someone out there that does understand. And that my dear, I feel

like is the chicken soup for ones soul. Hope that all is well with

you and hope to hear from you soon.


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Thanks Barbara I appreciate you sharing what you go through as well. That

must be frusterating for you especially with small children. And your so

young too. It's nice to have a place like this where people understand what

you go through. Take care, Pam.

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  • 1 month later...
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I have a 30 guage 1 inch it is so fine I honestly can watch myself inject and I dont feel a thing. what helps that is letting you hcg get to room temprature and also letting your rubbing alcohol dry before injecting, yes it really works I just finished phase 2 lost 23 lbs I am going to do it again in six weeks because I want to lose another 25 pounds. and it really does reshape you. .I'm going to do my inches tonight and will report tomorrow. I hit pleatues three times and did the apples. but my last seven days did not lose any more lbs but the thing I did notice at this time was one of the biggest change in my shape, drink the water it is so important to flush it out.

New Member

Hello:I am just getting the hcg from a lab--after paying more than your suggested places 8~(. Next time, I will do it differently. However, I am okay with it though maybe will wish I had done it differently later. 8~)I have been overweight since 1996 when I had my last child. As I've gone through menopause, I found I gained more and more, and now I am up well over 200#. I should weigh about 140.I HATE the weight, and I have been so depressed with my weight, I have felt like life was not worth living. I tried Atkins, but of course, I couldn't stay on that kind of eating plan for more than 30-45 days. Once I plateaued at 190 each time I tried it again, I couldn't get my weight down past that, and I just started cheating on the diet. I tried Weight Watchers, but that was worthless for me. Every time I eat bread, I put on a pound, and they allow me to have some starch (which seems to make me gain). I've tried starving, and of course, that didn't work. I've considered Craig, but I get bad headaches when I don't eat food, so I am scared of that diet.Knowing you have more than 60 pounds and suggested a year to do it is too discouraging and disheartening to stay with it. And I have been scared out of my mind about looking like a bag when I'm done--i.e. drooping skin, hanging from a bag of bones. People said, "Oh, you're skin will adjust." Sure! When? After menopause? Okay...When I saw this protocol, I thought it was the answer to my dreams.Now I've ordered the hcg, and it is due Monday, and I'm scared to death of injecting myself! Gosh, I'm sitting here in a cold sweat thinking about it. I'm not sure I can do it, and NOBODY else can do it for me either. I don't have anyone who would.So how did you get past the self injecting?And does it work, really work?Thanks.Kay

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Hi Kay, I know what you mean about being nervous. I will be starting as soon as my Hcg arrives, hopefully within the next couple of days. I'm a nurse who gives shots all the time, yet, I'm a little fearful to do it on myself. What is helping me is thinking that I'm doing this to be proactive. Yes, I weigh over 200 # , but I don't have any medical issues at this time. If I continue gaining weight and not able to lose it, chances are, I will be giving myself a shot once or twice a day, only it will be insulin I'm putting into my body instead of Hcg. For me, I'd rather have the Hcg. So for me, I've been telling myself that sooner or later, I will have to learn to do this, so I choose to take control of when and what I inject into my body, before my body tells me what it needs. Hope this helps. Let me know how it goes. aShirley Scheurich <shirleyscheurich@...> wrote: Yes Kay this really works. Just trust yourself and it will be fine. It took me 20 minutes and a cold sweat the first time to inject myself but if you use the photos in the file section and proceed exactly as planned, you will be fine. Just keep saying to yourself, that this is the last diet you will ever be on and the pounds will melt away with the hcg injections, and you will feel great about yourself and you will look great too. I am on my last few days of my 6th week, and getting ready for Phase 3. You can do this. I

went from 208 to 178 today. That's 30 pounds. I wasn't even hungry and that is the main part. I got into a routine and you follow the routine, and you will weigh 140 pounds. That is my goal also. You can do this. You want to do this for yourself. Tell yourself Shirley says I can do this. This is easy. You go girl. Let me know how you did. Shirley On 7/1/07, lucero <lucerocitlink (DOT) net> wrote: I have a 30 guage 1 inch it is so fine I honestly can watch myself inject and I dont feel a thing. what helps that is letting you hcg get to room temprature and also letting your rubbing alcohol dry before

injecting, yes it really works I just finished phase 2 lost 23 lbs I am going to do it again in six weeks because I want to lose another 25 pounds. and it really does reshape you. .I'm going to do my inches tonight and will report tomorrow. I hit pleatues three times and did the apples. but my last seven days did not lose any more lbs but the thing I did notice at this time was one of the biggest change in my shape, drink the water it is so important to flush it out. New Member Hello:I am just getting the hcg from a lab--after paying more than your suggested places 8~(. Next time, I will do it differently. However, I am okay with it though maybe will wish I had done it differently later. 8~)I have been overweight since 1996 when I had my last child. As I've gone through menopause, I found I gained more and more, and now I am up well over 200#. I should weigh about 140.I HATE the weight, and I have been so depressed with my weight, I have felt like life was not worth living. I tried Atkins, but of course, I couldn't stay on that kind of eating plan for more than 30-45 days. Once I plateaued at 190 each time I tried it again, I couldn't get

my weight down past that, and I just started cheating on the diet. I tried Weight Watchers, but that was worthless for me. Every time I eat bread, I put on a pound, and they allow me to have some starch (which seems to make me gain). I've tried starving, and of course, that didn't work. I've considered Craig, but I get bad headaches when I don't eat food, so I am scared of that diet. Knowing you have more than 60 pounds and suggested a year to do it is too discouraging and disheartening to stay with it. And I have been scared out of my mind about looking like a bag when I'm done--i.e . drooping skin, hanging from a bag of bones. People said, "Oh, you're skin will adjust." Sure! When? After menopause? Okay...When I saw this protocol, I thought it was the answer to my dreams. Now I've ordered the hcg, and it is due Monday, and I'm scared to death of injecting myself! Gosh, I'm sitting here in a cold

sweat thinking about it. I'm not sure I can do it, and NOBODY else can do it for me either. I don't have anyone who would.So how did you get past the self injecting?And does it work, really work?Thanks.Kay No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.9.14/883 - Release Date: 7/1/07 12:19 PM

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Hey where did you get the 30 guage 1 inch from? I could not get





> I have a 30 guage 1 inch it is so fine I honestly can watch

myself inject and I dont feel a thing. what helps that is letting

you hcg get to room temprature and also letting your rubbing

alcohol dry before injecting, yes it really works I just finished

phase 2 lost 23 lbs I am going to do it again in six weeks because I

want to lose another 25 pounds. and it really does reshape you. .I'm

going to do my inches tonight and will report tomorrow. I hit

pleatues three times and did the apples. but my last seven days did

not lose any more lbs but the thing I did notice at this time was

one of the biggest change in my shape, drink the water it is so

important to flush it out.

> New Member



> Hello:


> I am just getting the hcg from a lab--after paying more than


> suggested places 8~(. Next time, I will do it differently.


> I am okay with it though maybe will wish I had done it


> later. 8~)


> I have been overweight since 1996 when I had my last child. As


> gone through menopause, I found I gained more and more, and now

I am

> up well over 200#. I should weigh about 140.


> I HATE the weight, and I have been so depressed with my weight,

I have

> felt like life was not worth living. I tried Atkins, but of

course, I

> couldn't stay on that kind of eating plan for more than 30-45


> Once I plateaued at 190 each time I tried it again, I couldn't

get my

> weight down past that, and I just started cheating on the diet.


> tried Weight Watchers, but that was worthless for me. Every time


> eat bread, I put on a pound, and they allow me to have some


> (which seems to make me gain). I've tried starving, and of


> that didn't work. I've considered Craig, but I get bad

> headaches when I don't eat food, so I am scared of that diet.


> Knowing you have more than 60 pounds and suggested a year to do

it is

> too discouraging and disheartening to stay with it. And I have


> scared out of my mind about looking like a bag when I'm done--


> drooping skin, hanging from a bag of bones. People said, " Oh,


> skin will adjust. " Sure! When? After menopause? Okay...


> When I saw this protocol, I thought it was the answer to my



> Now I've ordered the hcg, and it is due Monday, and I'm scared


> death of injecting myself! Gosh, I'm sitting here in a cold


> thinking about it. I'm not sure I can do it, and NOBODY else can


> it for me either. I don't have anyone who would.


> So how did you get past the self injecting?


> And does it work, really work?


> Thanks.


> Kay







> -------------------------------------------------------------------




> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.9.14/883 - Release Date:

7/1/07 12:19 PM


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