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Re: iodine and water retention

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"Because I'm one who is not afraid to speak up and share that iodine supplementation is not for me. I believe Carol here has done that too. But I also know others who have had a negative mega-dosing iodine experience who have written to me that they are afraid of sharing their story because of being beat down"

I don't want to get in the middle of this debate, but I am curious about a couple things. I am really curious what Doctors Abraham, Brownstein, and Flechas do when they encounter people who cannot tolerate iodine, especially Hashi people. Brownstein touches on it in his iodine book, but I don't remember what he says exactly. He apparently does "something" to where many of these people can start tolerating iodine. , do you know anything about this?

I am just curious if it is possible to have these symptoms alleviated if the treatment is done under one of these doctor's care.

I am also curious if anyone here with Hashi's has had an iodine loading test.



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It's probably also noteworthy to just point out that Brownstein does

state that a " detoxification reaction to iodine usage is RARE " . And

that he does not specifically include tender thyroid in his detox

list unless it's in the " among others " . You didn't mention it (just

saying these reactions pass), but Brownstein does state that using

nutritional support (vitamins and minerals), balancing the hormonal

system, getting the body's PH balanced, eating healthy foods and

other holistic treatments are the way to miminize a detoxification


Interestingly, both fatigue and fever are listed as a possible detox

reaction Or allergy (how does one tell the difference i

wonder?)...although he does state an allergy is rare too. For

allergy, NAET, a cupressure technique is recommended. Brownstein is

determined to get iodine in a person as a holistic treatment (not a

cure) for folks it seems.





> >

> > What YOU don't get is that some of us Hashi folks have


> the tender

> > thyroid, the fatigue and the achy muscles and stuck with it. It

> passed as the

> > literature said it would.

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I usually don't get involved with who is right and who is wrong discussions, but I have to add my two cents here. I think each of us are individuals and some with Hashi might very well benefit with iodine. Many supplements can cause "healing crisis". I work with a nutritional company, and we counsel people to take our supplements slowly. Increase very carefully if you don't want to go through "healing crisis". When we are ill, and we introduce a new nutrient to our body it can cause us to feel sick for a while. If we hang in there (like you), we will experience the benefits. These people may be starting with too large a dose (who knows), but I tend to agree with you on this discussion. I've added Iodoral and I feel better (I'm not Hashi as far as I know). I'm still taking only one per day. I feel better on this dosage. I may or may not increase. I do not think I'll ever go to four a day like some. I feel I'll receive benefits even at the smaller dosage. Irene> [Original Message]> From: <kennio@...>> <iodine >> Date: 2/4/2007 12:09:38 AM> Subject: Re: Re: iodine and water retention

> Iodine is clearly not for everyone, that is obvious. Everyone megadosing> iodine needs to do some due diligence and research to assess the risks. If a> year ago I had mistaken you for someone knowledgeable on iodine supplementing I> might have given up immediately as you yourself did.>:

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On another forum, this was quoted as being from the package insert

for Iodoral...assuming this is accurate, perhaps it will answer some

of your questions:

" The suggested daily amount is 1-4 tablets/day as

recommended by your physician. Work closely with your

physician while on the Iodoral program. ...

Before starting Iodoral, your physician ... will order blood

tests for hematology, blood chemistry and thyroid functions.

.... an ultrasound of your thyroid ...

Depending on the results of the thyroid function tests

and ultrasound, he may order some blood tests for

thyroid antibodies....

you will need to cut down the amount of thyroid hormones

if you experience palpitation, anxiety, increased sweating

and intolerance to heat. ... Your physician will guide you...

Your physician will reevaluate you one month afterward...

iodine and/or iodide has been associated with certain

complaints. If you experience any of the following, stop

ingesting Iodoral and contact your physician: ...

If you experience any unusual symptom since starting

on Iodoral, contact your physician. ...

The optimal requirement of the whole human body for

iodine has never been studied.

Therefore, the optimal amount of this element for physical

and mental wellbeing is unknown... "



> I don't want to get in the middle of this debate, but I am curious

about a couple things. I am really curious what Doctors Abraham,

Brownstein, and Flechas do when they encounter people who cannot

tolerate iodine, especially Hashi people. Brownstein touches on it

in his iodine book, but I don't remember what he says exactly. He

apparently does " something " to where many of these people can start

tolerating iodine. , do you know anything about this?


> I am just curious if it is possible to have these symptoms

alleviated if the treatment is done under one of these doctor's



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Let me be clear that I do not disagree with this at all. I

definitely think that many can benefit from iodine supplementation.

My caution has always just been that some Hashi's folks might have

problems. I'm one of them. There are others.

And I agree with Brownstein when he says that those who are

unusually sensitive to supplements and medications should

start " with a LOW dose of iodine " and titrate the dose. I can not

tolerate even a low dose. So my caution is also that More is not

always better...sometimes Less is better. Dr. Brownstein clearly

states that an effective dose is somewhere between 12 and 50 mg. a


If I felt unhealthy or have any conditions that might benefit

specifically from iodine supplementation, this would be a concern

that I can't get extra iodine in me. But I'm obviously getting some

from dietary sources. Since my Hashimoto's is well managed and I

feel good, I see no reason to force the issue.



> ,


> I usually don't get involved with who is right and who is wrong

discussions, but I have to add my two cents here. I think each of

us are individuals and some with Hashi might very well benefit with

iodine. Many supplements can cause " healing crisis " . I work with a

nutritional company, and we counsel people to take our supplements

slowly. Increase very carefully if you don't want to go

through " healing crisis " . When we are ill, and we introduce a new

nutrient to our body it can cause us to feel sick for a while. If

we hang in there (like you), we will experience the benefits. These

people may be starting with too large a dose (who knows), but I tend

to agree with you on this discussion. I've added Iodoral and I feel

better (I'm not Hashi as far as I know). I'm still taking only one

per day. I feel better on this dosage. I may or may not increase.

I do not think I'll ever go to four a day like some. I feel I'll

receive benefits even at the smaller dosage.

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I don't know how Dr. B determines whether someone is in detox or having

an allergic reaction, but I was like you in that I was reacting to all

forms of iodine and even in tiny doses. He told me that although it was

rare, he suspected I was allergic to iodine and recommended that I try

NAET. I tried it and it worked. I am also Hashi's. He also said that he

had one patient allergic to iodine that was never able to tolerate it and

still does not take it.

I currently take 2 iodoral per day. I tried to go up to 4 iodoral but

felt so horrible I had to cut back to 2. I was just not able to junction

for weeks at 4.

So that is my experience for whatever it is worth.

Irene (a different Irene to the one who posted to earlier)

At 07:05 AM 2/4/2007, you wrote:

It's probably also noteworthy to

just point out that Brownstein does

state that a " detoxification reaction to iodine usage is RARE " .


that he does not specifically include tender thyroid in his detox

list unless it's in the " among others " . You didn't mention it


saying these reactions pass), but Brownstein does state that using

nutritional support (vitamins and minerals), balancing the hormonal

system, getting the body's PH balanced, eating healthy foods and

other holistic treatments are the way to miminize a detoxification


Interestingly, both fatigue and fever are listed as a possible detox

reaction Or allergy (how does one tell the difference i

wonder?)...although he does state an allergy is rare too. For

allergy, NAET, a cupressure technique is recommended. Brownstein is

determined to get iodine in a person as a holistic treatment (not a

cure) for folks it seems.





> >

> > What YOU don't get is that some of us Hashi folks have


> the tender

> > thyroid, the fatigue and the achy muscles and stuck with it. It

> passed as the

> > literature said it would.

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In his book he does mention a compounded version but I'm sure there

are other things he does as well.

I think it's also important that iodine replacement concept is still

relatively new and I'm sure there are alot more things to learn

about it.



> " Because

> I'm one who is not afraid to speak up and share that iodine

> supplementation is not for me. I believe Carol here has done that

> too. But I also know others who have had a negative mega-dosing

> iodine experience who have written to me that they are afraid of

> sharing their story because of being beat down "


> I don't want to get in the middle of this debate, but I am curious

about a couple things. I am really curious what Doctors Abraham,

Brownstein, and Flechas do when they encounter people who cannot

tolerate iodine, especially Hashi people. Brownstein touches on it

in his iodine book, but I don't remember what he says exactly. He

apparently does " something " to where many of these people can start

tolerating iodine. , do you know anything about this?


> I am just curious if it is possible to have these symptoms

alleviated if the treatment is done under one of these doctor's



> I am also curious if anyone here with Hashi's has had an iodine

loading test.


> Thanks,

> Olif


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>From: " groupiestuff " <groupiestuff@...>

>I think it's also important that iodine replacement concept is still

>relatively new and I'm sure there are alot more things to learn

>about it.

New is a relative concept. I guess the iodine loading test is probably a

new way to determine it. But, since in " Vermont Folk Medicine " , DC Jarvis

wrote about Lugol's Solution as if it had been known as a folk remedy for a

long time, , I'm not so sure it's completely new. Knowledge doesnt' always

move forward.



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>From: " cindi22595 " <cindi22595@...>

> shoman's description of her reaction accurately describes my

>reaction...only last time I tried Lugol's, i didn't notice the

>goiter, but then my gland is atrophic now:


> But the several times I have tried iodine or kelp supplementation

>in any form -- beyond the very small amounts of iodine contained in

>some supplements -- I have had what I call an " iodine crash. "


>Within a day, I noticed my thyroid enlarging slightly (goiter), and

>feeling tender. Within three days, I became exhausted and achy all

>over my body.

I've started and stopped iodine a few times. Feeling the effects in your

throat / thyroid is normal at the beginning. A burning sensation in the

throat, also not unusual at first. If the iodine was repairing the damage

done to your thyroid by the antibodies, what would that feel like?. I've no

idea. But, the three days of feeling like the thyroid is enlarged or

throat is burning is simply a normal reaction.

Even when one starts thyroid treatment, it's doesn't all feel good as we get

better. So, based on what you've said I couldn't judge whether you are

having a normal reaction, or you'll stay seriously ill because of it. This

is where the loading test and doctors who know about the use of iodine would

come in. You shouldn't risk the iodine without knowledgeable doctor input

own based on what you're saying.



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And i don't disagree with this at all.

If I was near Brownstein, I'd probably give him a try.

As it is...I'm not willing to play around to much on my own with the

wellness I've achieved. I enjoy waking up ready to meet the

day...and enjoy being productive all day long....and I sleep great

at night, etc....and at this point in my life (age 51) I'm not so

keen on returning to feeling ill...iodine detox or not.



, based on what you've said I couldn't judge whether you are

> having a normal reaction, or you'll stay seriously ill because of

it. This

> is where the loading test and doctors who know about the use of

iodine would

> come in. You shouldn't risk the iodine without knowledgeable

doctor input

> own based on what you're saying.

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cindi, does yr post here mean that you were unproductive before reaching the point where u r now? sandracindi22595 <cindi22595@...> wrote: And i don't disagree with this at all. If I was near Brownstein, I'd probably give him a try. As it is...I'm not willing to play around to much on my own with the wellness I've achieved. I enjoy waking up ready to meet the day...and enjoy being productive all day long....and I sleep great at night, etc....and at this point in my life (age

51) I'm not so keen on returning to feeling ill...iodine detox or not. cindi>, based on what you've said I couldn't judge whether you are > having a normal reaction, or you'll stay seriously ill because of it. This > is where the loading test and doctors who know about the use of iodine would > come in. You shouldn't risk the iodine without knowledgeable doctor input > own based on what you're saying.

Get your own web address. Have a HUGE year through Small Business.

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What I meant was that Brownstein and company are still learning

themselves on what all iodine does and the symptoms that it can

cause. At one time he didn't believe in giving idodine to Hashi's

patients. Now he does. Three years ago he did not know that it could

cause sinus congestion. Now he does. They don't know everything at

this point and they don't know why in some people it does little and

in some people they feel terrific. Maybe someday they will. For me

personally, it keeps the goiter shrunk but it does not mentally or

physically make me feel better or worse no matter if I take 50 or

25mg. ....jingles


> >I think it's also important that iodine replacement concept is


> >relatively new and I'm sure there are alot more things to learn

> >about it.


> New is a relative concept. I guess the iodine loading test is

probably a

> new way to determine it. But, since in " Vermont Folk Medicine " ,

DC Jarvis

> wrote about Lugol's Solution as if it had been known as a folk

remedy for a

> long time, , I'm not so sure it's completely new. Knowledge

doesnt' always

> move forward.


> Skipper


> _________________________________________________________________

> Get in the mood for Valentine's Day. View photos, recipes and more

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hmm...good question.

a brief background on me would say that my Hashi's really presented

itself after childbirth at age 23...a few years of problems like

lump in throat/sore throat, impetigo, allergies, leaking breasts,

etc...then things settled down for a while.

I was probably in that percentage of women who go on to experience

full blown hypothyroidism (whatever that is) in the 10 years

following a postpartum thyroid episode. Around my early 30s, my

hashi's/hypo symptoms increased...and what I would say was that I

was less productive than others my age. I used lots of coffee and

No-Doz to get through the days during a lot of my 30s. I actually

realized I was different than others and thought I had CFS. But no

cure according to the info I was reading, so I didn't pursue the

diagnosis. I did pursue a hypo diagnosis at this time...but alas,

TSH was Normal at 2. something.

I quit work at age 41 and by age 44-45, I would say I was Unable to

work outside the home. I was able to maintain my home okay...but I

had lots of physical and psychological problems due to the

undiagnosed hashi's/hypo. Things worsened over the next couple of

years to where by the time I was diagnosed/treated at age 48, I was

pretty much a couch ornament. Couldn't remember what happened from

day to the next. A blob.

So yes, I became unproductive until being diagnosed with

Hashi's/hypo at age 48. I often say now that

mentally/psychologically I'm better than I've been since my 20s.

Physically, there's been natural aging of course...and it's been

rather odd to reconcile having lost so many years of my life to

undiagnosed hashi's/hypo...and to feel so much better physically

than I have since my early 30s yet also have the natural effects of

age (like creaky knees and wrinkles that had been hidden by


I feel like I'm quite productive now...although I don't work outside

the home. But I'm busy all day long with something or other...and

neve think about naps. :-)



> cindi,

> does yr post here mean that you were unproductive before

reaching the point where u r now? sandra

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Having read a number of replies to this thread from members with their thoughts

on Iodine supplementing, I am wonder just who you are fighting against here.

When you post (even in other forums) how you are bullied and attacked here for

your`speaking out' on Iodine, WHO is it you are talking about? When did it

happen? Where was I? I must have missed it.

Are you mistaking my relating my experience of sticking with it as bullying?

Offering encouragement is being made out to be attacking someone, is that it?

True, we do have one member who I am sure has a personalized license plate that

says " tak more " (of everything) but other than that... I have not a clue what

you are talking about with this scenario of yours; cowed members coming to you

for support... please.

Some people cannot take Iodine...including those with hashimoto's... that is

the consensus on this forum. You're fighting a battle that doesn't exist, IMO.

I have hashimoto's and I CAN take Iodine... sorry if that upsets you. BTW,

this exchange started with you questioning my `mentality' and my `common

sense " .... you only see another attack, right? I'm starting to get the



" You folks who don't get that Hashi's folks can have a negative reaction to

iodine and feel quite sick... "

" and you folks who refuse to acknowledge that the medical literature clearly

shows iodine can aggravate Hashimoto's. ..well that type of mentality just

amazes "

--- cindi22595 <cindi22595@...> wrote:

> And i don't disagree with this at all.


> If I was near Brownstein, I'd probably give him a try.

> As it is...I'm not willing to play around to much on my own with the

> wellness I've achieved. I enjoy waking up ready to meet the

> day...and enjoy being productive all day long....and I sleep great

> at night, etc....and at this point in my life (age 51) I'm not so

> keen on returning to feeling ill...iodine detox or not.


> cindi



> >

> , based on what you've said I couldn't judge whether you are

> > having a normal reaction, or you'll stay seriously ill because of

> it. This

> > is where the loading test and doctors who know about the use of

> iodine would

> > come in. You shouldn't risk the iodine without knowledgeable

> doctor input

> > own based on what you're saying.





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so you calling me a liar?

sure sounds like it...and i suppose that answers the rest of your


folks attitudes do come through on their posts...

and your post also reminds me when someone here a while back asked

me why I remained a member, as if having a negative iodine

experience somehow makes one an outsider...and thus not worthy of

participating in the forum. when the truth is...I am interested in

the iodine group precisely because I do believe iodine

supplementaion has benefits to hypo folks...and I researched/read

the iodine docs information carefully and diligently (it's often

misquoted i've found) - and I've been helping other hypo folks for a

couple of years now. I was always puzzled when a person had

obviously hypo labs and yet no thyroid antibodies, and I now think

iodine deficiency is a piece of that puzzle. I've even told my

husband's cousin I think iodine is her answer to her thyroid


However I have also seen many Hashi's folks who aren't

improving/worsening because they are taking high dose iodine and I

let them know they may want to stop it...and then perhaps start back

at a lower dose when they are a bit more stable. That stance

of " some Hashi's folks have problems with iodine " was so jeered at

at " thyroid " group I just left.

Here, I see folks sometimes having an obvious worsening of hypo

symptoms and no one says anything it seems. It's as if it's not

being acknowledged that iodine may be making someone more

hypothyroid. Instead, folks just say " detox reaction " What

happened to monitoring thyroid function while doing this? It's that

strictly recommended by Brownstein? But yes, when at " thyroid "

group, several ladies wrote me because of my postings on Hashi's

iodine caution. I suppose I could copy/paste some of the interesting

emails I've received...but it really doesn't bother me that much if

you want to call me a liar.




I have not a clue what

> you are talking about with this scenario of yours; cowed members

coming to you

> for support... please.

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well ok...they are sorta interesting when i look at them again...so

here's two i still had in my inbox:

I personally want to thank you because you were the one who really

helped me. From everyone else, I kept hearing " up your dose " .....so

I did, and by the time I e-mailed with with you, I was very sick and

did not know why. After all, I did what others said to do.

The group is only hearing one message and what newcomers learn is

more, more, more Armour, and tons of iodine. I need to educate

myself more so I can be a voice of more isnt always better. Heck, I

can do that now. I can share how MORE too fast, made me ill.

and another one i got after one of my iodine posts...that indicates

how some folks don't want to speak up publicly...a problem I've

never had I guess:

cindi, I have to agree with you on a lot points you have made.I'm

not sure how much of what I should be taking.Until I get test

results I'm not changing anything!!I don't feel great,but I don't

feel like shit either.I'm not sure of whats going on with me.Between

you and me,I feel you side on the cautious side which I think is

good.I just wanted to let you know that.I for 1 respect your

opinion.Hope you don't mind me e-mailing you privatly. I just don't

want to start any shit on the site.




But yes, when at " thyroid "

> group, several ladies wrote me because of my postings on Hashi's

> iodine caution. I suppose I could copy/paste some of the


> emails I've received...

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Where did you get `liar' from?? I was just reacting to your apparent sense of

self importance. First of all, an aggressive personality does not make you an

expert on ANY subject and believe me your attitude and aggression comes through

loud and clear. Your attack on me for offering support earlier was out of

line and not appreciated.

I have taken the iodine urinalysis 3 times and been through countless blood

tests during iodine supplementing - thyroid, liver and kidneys. I recommend

testing often here. I mention the importance of the Iodine urinalysis.. which

people like you disregard. I urge people to keep up with the recommended

magnesium too.

If someone comes here and does not read any of the literature in the database

or the books on the subject and does not take the urinalysis and chooses to

supplement iodine anyway... they are making a mistake in my opinion. But it is

their prerogative to do so. Please let them know as they `flock' to you that

the info is in the database and that they should read up.

This forum is the most serious, organized and research oriented of any I have

been a member of and is loaded with information including warnings. There are

discussions on the dangers listed in mainstream medical literature about high

dose iodine often here. Last week Zoe posted an opinion from an alternative

doctor...something about permanent intestinal damage on iodine. Are we to

force people to read these posts?

Because you cannot apparently take iodine does not give you the right to smear

the members of this group or impugn the integrity of it. Your generalizations

with your `You folks are nazi's' comments and your odd observations about this

forum are in your head, IMO.

BTW, I was the one who asked why you were here since your constant `I don't buy

it for a second' comments seems out of place and confrontational. I am not

telling you to leave... I was just curious. It takes all types to round out a

good forum and you are welcome here. Just try to keep your anger under control

would be my advice.

--- cindi22595 <cindi22595@...> wrote:

> so you calling me a liar?

> sure sounds like it...and i suppose that answers the rest of your

> post.

> folks attitudes do come through on their posts...


> and your post also reminds me when someone here a while back asked

> me why I remained a member, as if having a negative iodine

> experience somehow makes one an outsider...and thus not worthy of

> participating in the forum. when the truth is...I am interested in

> the iodine group precisely because I do believe iodine

> supplementaion has benefits to hypo folks...and I researched/read

> the iodine docs information carefully and diligently (it's often

> misquoted i've found) - and I've been helping other hypo folks for a

> couple of years now. I was always puzzled when a person had

> obviously hypo labs and yet no thyroid antibodies, and I now think

> iodine deficiency is a piece of that puzzle. I've even told my

> husband's cousin I think iodine is her answer to her thyroid

> troubles.


> However I have also seen many Hashi's folks who aren't

> improving/worsening because they are taking high dose iodine and I

> let them know they may want to stop it...and then perhaps start back

> at a lower dose when they are a bit more stable. That stance

> of " some Hashi's folks have problems with iodine " was so jeered at

> at " thyroid " group I just left.


> Here, I see folks sometimes having an obvious worsening of hypo

> symptoms and no one says anything it seems. It's as if it's not

> being acknowledged that iodine may be making someone more

> hypothyroid. Instead, folks just say " detox reaction " What

> happened to monitoring thyroid function while doing this? It's that

> strictly recommended by Brownstein? But yes, when at " thyroid "

> group, several ladies wrote me because of my postings on Hashi's

> iodine caution. I suppose I could copy/paste some of the interesting

> emails I've received...but it really doesn't bother me that much if

> you want to call me a liar.

> cindi



> >

> >

> I have not a clue what

> > you are talking about with this scenario of yours; cowed members

> coming to you

> > for support... please.





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We've been asked by a moderator via email not to continue this

discussion...so let's move on.


> > >

> > >

> > I have not a clue what

> > > you are talking about with this scenario of yours; cowed


> > coming to you

> > > for support... please.

> >

> >








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What testing have you had down for liver

and kidneys while on iodine treatment. I just started treatment after doing

the loading test. Should I retest the loading test in 3 mos.

Thanks for the input.



Health Eating and Living Together




iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007

5:25 PM


Subject: Re: Re: iodine

and water retention

I have taken the iodine urinalysis 3 times and been through countless blood

tests during iodine supplementing - thyroid, liver and kidneys. I recommend

testing often here. I mention the importance of the Iodine urinalysis.. which

people like you disregard. I urge people to keep up with the recommended

magnesium too.

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hmmmm would this be me?

I will look into the license plate.

honestly this whole conversation seems goofy to me, much ado about nothing.


True, we do have one member who I am sure has a personalized license plate thatsays "tak more" (of everything) but other than that... I have not a clue whatyou are talking about with this scenario of yours; cowed members coming to youfor support... please. Some people cannot take Iodine...including those with hashimoto's... that isthe consensus on this forum. You're fighting a battle that doesn't exist, IMO.I have hashimoto's and I CAN take Iodine... sorry if that upsets you. BTW,this exchange started with you questioning my `mentality' and my `commonsense".... you only see another attack, right? I'm starting to get thepicture.--------------------"


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From: " groupiestuff " <groupiestuff@...>

Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 2:26 PM

> What I meant was that Brownstein and company are still learning

> themselves on what all iodine does and the symptoms that it can

> cause. At one time he didn't believe in giving idodine to Hashi's

> patients. Now he does. Three years ago he did not know that it could

> cause sinus congestion. Now he does.


May I ask for further clarification about this sinus *congestion* symptom?

From studying the effects of supplemental iodine in the past, I believed

that one sure way of knowing that the body had achieved a sufficient amount

of iodine was when one got a " runny " nose. At that point iodine would be

lowered to a mainenance dose (Bruce West, for one)

I have been taking a fair amount of Lugol's (varying daily doses ranging

from 2-4 drops)ever since I got the potent form of Lugol's a few weeks ago.

I've had a long term sinusitis that I suspect is fungal in origin and I was

sure that the Lugol's would be beneficial. I even experimented with putting

a few drops in a saline nose spray. At the same time, I was using a lot of

antifungal/antimicrobial supplements. The feeling of " concrete " in my

posterior sinuses not only did not improve, but seemed to worsen.

However, just a few days ago I realized that I was also getting a " runny

nose " , constantly reaching for the kleenex to mop up. I stopped the Lugol's,

taking 1 drop every other day or so. I co-incidentally added an electrolyte

solution to my supplements, and, Finally, my sinuses started to loosen up

and I'm feeling better.


Could the Lugol's actually have ADDED to the sinus congestion I was so

painfully experiencing?!!

Very perplexedly,


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I think you left something out. The insert says that most peeps do well on 50mg/day. I also figured that some of the wording on the insert protected them legally, considering the conventional view of iodine.


On another forum, this was quoted as being from the package insertfor Iodoral...assuming this is accurate, perhaps it will answer some of your questions:"The suggested daily amount is 1-4 tablets/day asrecommended by your physician. Work closely with yourphysician while on the Iodoral program. ...Before starting Iodoral, your physician ... will order bloodtests for hematology, blood chemistry and thyroid functions.... an ultrasound of your thyroid ...Depending on the results of the thyroid function testsand ultrasound, he may order some blood tests forthyroid antibodies....you will need to cut down the amount of thyroid hormonesif you experience palpitation, anxiety, increased sweatingand intolerance to heat. ... Your physician will guide you...Your physician will reevaluate you one month afterward...iodine and/or iodide has been associated with certaincomplaints. If you experience any of the following, stopingesting Iodoral and contact your physician: ...If you experience any unusual symptom since startingon Iodoral, contact your physician. ...The optimal requirement of the whole human body foriodine has never been studied.Therefore, the optimal amount of this element for physicaland mental wellbeing is unknown..."cindi


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In the begiining I would fall apart mentally in the afternoon, get very anxious, and when I took 25mg Iodoral all would be fine again. I just learned to keep feeding my system iodine. However I still got many symptoms which came and went, like fullness in thyroid region, acne, sneezing, headaches, and a month of extreme fatigue. Still I was better on 50mg than on less. I probly needed more magnesium and vitamin C.

One of my worst hypo symptoms was water retention. My poor son lost a pound of water weight after he was born b/c the brilliant docs were unable to see how very hypo I was. If Iodoral doesn't solve the problem, then you will need thyroid meds.


"I never did the testing but I immediately knew that I needed 50mg/day."

Thanks Gracia. How did you know you needed 50mg? I took 50mg yesterday in 2 divided doses. I don't notice anything good or bad today, so I will continue with 50 mg. I would get anxiety and really hot from 2 drops, but that subsided within a couple weeks, except I get a little warm now and this water retention- still beats fatigue!

Will this water retention eventually go away? It is really strange. I will ask my ND about it, but I don't see her until March. BTW, she didn't even blink an eye when I told her I was doing 25 mg Lugol's. She is really awesome and open-minded! :-) She has heard Dr. Brownstein speak, so she was familiar with his work, but hopefully she will become more familiar with it and incorporate it in her office.

My 11 year old daughter (weighs about 100 pounds, and is 5' 4") has been doing 4 drops of Lugol's. At 2 drops, nothing was happening. Now at 4 drops, it appears that her temps are rising. We need to keep an eye on it. If she is in puberty but not menstruating yet, do/should her temps fluctuate throughout the month? I can only find info relating to menstruating women and menopausal women, not pre teens in puberty. :-)



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it's a symptom that you are undertreated. Take more (uh oh) Armour.


April.... any idea why the armour would do this? I have read that a symptom of hypoT is edema. Do you think this could be an allergic reaction of some sort to the armour? I just don't get it!AG

Sat Feb 3, 2007 6:24 am (PST)Years ago when I was on Synthroid this happened to me, and never

went away. Most of the retention was in my ankles and face.

I Was on it for a few years and then switched to Armour. The

Armour helped me to not feel so cold, but that's about the only

good thing I feel it did. Recently I started iodine supplementation,

and had been off the Armour completely for around six weeks.

The swelling (edema) was greatly reduced. The skin on my ankles

was actually "shiny" because its stretched so tight. For the last

three days though it has been so cold here in Colorado that I just

can't warm up, and had taken some Armour to see if it would help

and the retention is back. I feel like someone poured cement down

my throat. Really heavy feeling.growhair/

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does it say " do well on 50mg/day " forever? or is the info there about

most needing that amount for 3 months for saturation per iodine loading





> I think you left something out. The insert says that most peeps do

well on 50mg/day.

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