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You and your husband have been in my prayers and will continue to be. Keep up

the strength (I know you will) and know that we are all focusing our positive

thoughts on your family.

Many hugs,


mom to Gabby (6, ds-asd) and Adam (2)


In a message dated 5/26/02 5:15:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

joan@... writes:

<< Gail, honey.....years of work in ICU and CCU tells me that he *does* know

you're there--regardless of the outcome.

We're all thinking of you and yours.




Thanks for all the support everyone. Joan, it's strange but you are right.

Even if I go in his room and don't speak, his blood pressure goes up. It

goes up higher if I hold his hand or rub his head. All the nurses said

that's not uncommon. It's VERY comforting to know that he knows I'm there

with him. :-) Things are still basically the same. They don't know what

is causing the seizure-like episodes and the last 2 days he has been running

a high temp. They think maybe taking all his hard core psych drugs away cold

turkey is playing a role in the seizure-like episodes. Gosh, he's on 3

antibiotics, morphine, 2 sedatives, insulin injections 4 times a day ( meds

and tube feeding are raising his sugar) and the med that paralyzes you to

stay on the respirator. Not to mention all the respiratory drugs. How much

can a body take? We are hanging in there and are still hopeful. He hasn't

given up yet, so we aren't either. I went in chat last night while I was

waiting for the kids to wind down. It was nice to chat with and

a. :-) Thanks for the pick me up you guys! :-) Keep us in your

prayers that we can accept God's will and not lose faith? I think, right

now, my biggest fear is that I will get mad at God and lose my faith. I

can't bear to think of life without my hero here with us. I'm thankful that

Seth doesn't have a clue that anything is wrong. He is still his happy,

active self. He is my source of comfort right now when I walk in the door

and he comes running with his smile, kisses and clapping his hands to play.

:-) The girls ask a zillion questions, but Seth just gets us all smiling

when we get too sad. Thanks for all the prayers, and I will keep you posted.

Gail :-)


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Gail! I am so glad to hear your dh is doing better. Great great News!!!!!

Pam mom to Hannah and

UrthMan <outerspace@...> wrote: Oh Gail

Sooo glad to hear about your husband!!! Thanks for letting us know.

Keep smiling. . .Gail!!!


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In a message dated 5/30/02 1:52:39 AM Pacific Daylight Time,


> I want to thank everyone for their prayers and encouragement the last week.


> Dh is doing better now. He is still in ICU on the ventilator, but he

> acknowledged me today and his fever is down. They put him back on his

> psych drugs and he is now down from 8 IV's to 2. :-) Things are brighter

> in

> my little corner of the world tonight. Now that I can focus a little

> better,

> I'm off to read the old posts and catch up a bit. Thanks again guys, this

> group is the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!!


THANK GOD, GAIL!!!!!! Try to get a little rest too!

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Dear Gail,

I'm so sorry. We're all praying for you and your family. There's

still hope of a miracle. And don't worry about raising Seth on your own.

You have all of us to help you as you have been so supportive & helpful to

us. Your older girls will help you get through this. And you're so right

about the simple minds of children who can't comprehend. It's God's way of

protecting them from the pain. Your younger children will help you put

things into perspective. As you said, you know you will survive, but the

pain will be unbearable at times. Remember, we're here all the time,

stretching our arms around you in a giant group hug. Ramble on any time

you need to.

Much love, hugs & prayers,

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In a message dated 5/30/02 7:59:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time,


> They don't expect dh to make it through the night. Please pray for an easy

> death and for me and my family that we will get through this.

> Gail :-(




WHAT??????? OMG!!!!!!! Merciful God, please watch over this very loving,

supportive family and keep them in Your care.

God bless you all,

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Gail, said what I was feeling too and just want you to know I am also

here for you!! We send all our love your way, still praying, I know this is so

hard, Dawn

Re: Gail

Dear Gail,

I'm so sorry. We're all praying for you and your family. There's

still hope of a miracle. And don't worry about raising Seth on your own.

You have all of us to help you as you have been so supportive & helpful to

us. Your older girls will help you get through this. And you're so right

about the simple minds of children who can't comprehend. It's God's way of

protecting them from the pain. Your younger children will help you put

things into perspective. As you said, you know you will survive, but the

pain will be unbearable at times. Remember, we're here all the time,

stretching our arms around you in a giant group hug. Ramble on any time

you need to.

Much love, hugs & prayers,


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Dear Gail,

So thankful to hear you dh pulled through the night

and is coherent to your communications with him. I

and those I have recruited to pray for him and you

will continue to do so. Absolutely NO Guilt is

warranted here!!! Reaching out and being there when

others need you is what Christianity and friendship is

all about! I wish like many others in this group

that we could be there inperson for you. Please know

my hugs and prayers are also with you and yours at

this time.

Sincerely, In Christ,


Lyn mom to JM-17, Josiah-5 DS/ASD, Tabitha-22mo.


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In a message dated 5/31/02 6:33:26 PM Pacific Daylight Time,


> . He is responding to my asking yes and no questions by head

> movements. He wants to have rugrats on TV and he wants to hear about the

> kids. He doesn't want to lay there anymore. LOL And he wants me to swab

> his mouth every 3 minutes! LOL That's my dh through and through! Things

> are so much brighter today. I feel guilty always asking for prayers, and

> not

> being there for the others on the list right now. The doc says dh is still


> as critical as you can get, but he's still fighting. Thanks again for all

> the support and prayers everyone. You will never know how much it has

> meant

> to me to know that so many people care.

Gail, miracles happen all the time and I think you experienced one! We will

continue to pray and light candles.....pretty soon, God's going to put all of

us on hold, we're asking so much of Him lately.....hehe....

Good karma being sent your way....by the way, I just chatted with one of your

daughters....your IM was on, but your daughter was online chatting......what

a lovely girl, she was so nice and remembered our " ten minute meeting " last

year in Bensalem!

God bless your whole family, they are truly a joy,


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In a message dated 6/2/02 2:25:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time,


> Well, my hero is going to make it! YIPPEE!!!!!!!! He's off the ventilator,


> feeding tube, insulin and down to 2 liters of oxygen. He can't move his

> arms

> and is confused and cries at times, but other times he seems *with it*. He


> doesn't remember the last 12 days. He thinks he just went to the hospital.


> He thinks friends have died that haven't. AND......LOL He asked me when I


> hooked up with ( dating) Penny. She's a girl he works with. LOL But when

> I

> kissed him good night, I only gave him one kiss, and we always kiss three

> times. He asked where his other kisses were.

Gail, this is the best news I've heard in a long time! Don't be too

concerned about what dh is saying or doesn't recall yet....remember, he's

been through a helluva time these last few days.....one day at a time!

Do they know what caused his reactions? Have they told you why they took him

off those drugs he was used to? I guess it'll all be explained to you in due

time; it's just that I don't want them to get away with anything if they've

caused you and your dh undue stress by making a medical decision that almost

cost him his life! You may be able to be compensated for this.

You're welcome for the flowers.....just a small token of what we want to do

for you!

Take care and get some REST!


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Gail, this is the best news I've heard in a long time! Don't be too

concerned about what dh is saying or doesn't recall yet....remember, he's

been through a helluva time these last few days.....one day at a time!

Do they know what caused his reactions? Have they told you why they took


off those drugs he was used to? I guess it'll all be explained to you in


time; it's just that I don't want them to get away with anything if they've

caused you and your dh undue stress by making a medical decision that almost

cost him his life! You may be able to be compensated for this.

You're welcome for the flowers.....just a small token of what we want to do

for you!

Take care and get some REST!



Hi ,

Taking him off Novane (sp) and then putting him back on caused the problems.

It somehow became toxic to him. Margaret explained a lot of it to me. Wish

I were as smart as Margaret so I could have watched for the signs. I'm sure

his doc made a mistake taking him off, then putting him back on the drugs.

He should have check with the psych doc first. I'm also sure that his doc

didn't set out to deliberately hurt him. He was doing what he thought would

help. I feel we have been compensated. All of the love, support and prayers.

The chance to see all the others in ICU suffering and being able to try to

comfort each other and to have a second chance together is enough for me. I

was talking with 's nurse today and she asked me what I thought of dh's

recovery. I told her I thought it was nothing less than a miracle. I told

her I had great Internet friends that prayed many prayers for him. She said

she, too, prayed for him and so did his doc. Gosh, also heard from a mother

of one of my daughter's friends today. She said her daughter has never said

a prayer before, but she asked her Mom if she would help her pray for

jo's Dad. Isn't that the sweetest thing? Dh lifted his hand a little to

night to hold mine. He starts PT tomorrow. I feel like the luckiest person

in the world tonight.

Gail :-)

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Hi Gail,

Any news yet from the ins co? I didn't think cervical cancer was that common

esp. in younger woman,hum. The school battles just don't quit. Thanks for the

prayers. I am hoping for resolution but I don't see much in sight. How is dh

today? I look forward to getting the updates.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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In a message dated 6/5/02 9:14:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

charlyne1121@... writes:

<< Hi Gail,

Any news yet from the ins co? I didn't think cervical cancer was that common

esp. in younger woman,hum. The school battles just don't quit. Thanks for


prayers. I am hoping for resolution but I don't see much in sight. How is dh

today? I look forward to getting the updates.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ? >>

Hi Charlyne. Well, dh has to stay put until next week when the IV

antibiotics will be done. Doc said yesterday if dh keeps going the way he

is, he will be ready to come home. I think I believe him. I can't believe

the improvement every day! He fed himself pretty good last night and is much

more *with it*. He can stand up on his own, but can't walk yet. His gall

bladder checked out fine, now they have to check the colon. All in all,

he's doing great. From what I've been reading lately, cervical cancer

among teens is on a fast rise. My daughter also had something removed a

while back. She gets paps done every 6 months right now. Does your daughter

live with you? Will you have a grandbaby living with you? How will Zeb be

with it?

Gail :-)

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In a message dated 6/6/02 5:33:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time, DPLigon@...


<< Gail, so happy to hear this great news about your husband!! I know we will

hear more good news from everyone on the list about all that has been going

on!! Things will get better, everyone is so strong here!! Thinkin of you!!

Dawn >>

Thanks Dawn. We really do need good news on the list, huh? District called

yesterday to cancel Seth's IEP today. LOL I figured that was coming since

they never notified his teacher about it. LOL Seems good to feel that is

such an unimportant thing in life. LOL

Gail :-)

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Hi Joan,

Yes, this ONE thing should be unimportant. Just isn't fair that they are so

strict and hard on me, teaching my own kids, yet they seem to be able (and

do) break the rules. They make me jump through the hoops on everything with

the girl's schooling. I just got a postcard yesterday saying my quarterly

reports are late. I personally delivered them 3 days EARLY and spoke with

the lady 20 minutes so that wouldn't happen AGAIN. One time the lady found

them on her desk while she was yelling at me on the phone for being late with

them. Then didn't even apologize, just grumbled that they weren't where they

were supposed to be. And that's MY fault? LOL Maybe our district has too

many chiefs? LOL I might not sound it, but I really am a happy person and

easy to get along with. :-) I hate to be a stickler and say I want 10

days notice, because I don't have a busy schedule and can accommodate the

ones that do have a busy schedule, but maybe doing that would, in turn, help

the teacher. Nuff complaining. I should have nothing to complain about.

:-) Let us know about Andy's picnic?

Gail :-)

<< Hey gail?

It is an unimportant thing all things considered (and thensometimes even

without considering htem...).

Next time you talk with them, remind them that by law you are entitled to

two-week's notice (10 business days), which you need in order to make

certain all is under control at home. The teacher is entitled to that same

notice by law....


When this was an issue in the past, I used my need to organize my schedule

to force the issue. Courtesy is always a nice thing.

Glad to hear you sounding upbeat.



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Gail, so happy to hear this great news about your husband!! I know we will hear

more good news from everyone on the list about all that has been going on!!

Things will get better, everyone is so strong here!! Thinkin of you!! Dawn

Re: Re: Gail

In a message dated 6/5/02 9:14:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

charlyne1121@... writes:

<< Hi Gail,

Any news yet from the ins co? I didn't think cervical cancer was that common

esp. in younger woman,hum. The school battles just don't quit. Thanks for


prayers. I am hoping for resolution but I don't see much in sight. How is dh

today? I look forward to getting the updates.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ? >>

Hi Charlyne. Well, dh has to stay put until next week when the IV

antibiotics will be done. Doc said yesterday if dh keeps going the way he

is, he will be ready to come home. I think I believe him. I can't believe

the improvement every day! He fed himself pretty good last night and is much

more *with it*. He can stand up on his own, but can't walk yet. His gall

bladder checked out fine, now they have to check the colon. All in all,

he's doing great. From what I've been reading lately, cervical cancer

among teens is on a fast rise. My daughter also had something removed a

while back. She gets paps done every 6 months right now. Does your daughter

live with you? Will you have a grandbaby living with you? How will Zeb be

with it?

Gail :-)


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Dear Gail,

It's so great to hear day by day how much better your husband is

doing. Did you work things out with the insurance company? Good luck with

that battle & keep strong.

I have a couple of little bits of good news to share.

brushed her teeth completely independently at school the other day! One of

her aides has been working really hard on this skill & she's got it! Now,

mind you, she isn't doing it consistently (prefers to bite down on the brush

& usually needs H o H to actually brush), but it's a step in the right

direction. She hasn't brushed for me independently yet, but it gives me

hope! The other thing Steph did at school this week is she signed

appropriately & independently. One of her aides was writing in our

communication book. She had put a pear on the table (her snack) & Steph saw

it & took a bite out of it. When the aide said something like " Hey, that's

my pear! " , Steph signed " Sorry " & " More " ! Now, she has signed like this at

home & she signs for her special worker & for our private SLP, but she

hadn't transferred this skill to the school environment. I was really

excited about this! Unfortunately, only 1 of the 4 aides who work with her

signs with her (consistently). I wish they would see her potential, but

it's so hard when the child is non-verbal. I think there's a perception

that the potential to learn to communicate isn't there, do you know what I

mean? Anyway, just trying to share some positive things. Everyone here is

having such tough times. You're all in my thoughts & prayers. BTW, Steph

is going to have tubes put into her ears in July. She's never had them

(never needed them). I'm hoping it will help " open her up " to better

communication skills. We'll see.


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Hey gail?

It is an unimportant thing all things considered (and thensometimes even

without considering htem...).

Next time you talk with them, remind them that by law you are entitled to

two-week's notice (10 business days), which you need in order to make

certain all is under control at home. The teacher is entitled to that same

notice by law....


When this was an issue in the past, I used my need to organize my schedule

to force the issue. Courtesy is always a nice thing.

Glad to hear you sounding upbeat.


At 10:12 AM 6/6/2002 EDT, you wrote:

>In a message dated 6/6/02 5:33:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time, DPLigon@...



><< Gail, so happy to hear this great news about your husband!! I know we


>hear more good news from everyone on the list about all that has been going

>on!! Things will get better, everyone is so strong here!! Thinkin of you!!

>Dawn >>


>Thanks Dawn. We really do need good news on the list, huh? District


>yesterday to cancel Seth's IEP today. LOL I figured that was coming


>they never notified his teacher about it. LOL Seems good to feel that is

>such an unimportant thing in life. LOL

>Gail :-)




>Checkout our homepage for information, bookmarks, and photos

of our kids. Share favorite bookmarks, ideas, and other information by

including them. Don't forget, messages are a permanent record of the

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Hi Gail,

Great news on your husband's progress! Cait lives here now and yes I will end

up with a baby. I have not told Zeb yet. It's too far away to discuss it with

him. I think he will be fine. I won't be though. I love babies but I don't

want anymore.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS./OCD ?

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For a class maybe a yr ago, we went to the hospital

and saw premmie babies that were in the neontensial

care unit ( or whatever its' called.) It was sad, and

I'll never forget it.

Well I don't know if that portains to that post but

good luck.

--- mfroof@... wrote:

> <<Margaret explained a lot of it to me. Wish I were

> as smart as Margaret so

> I could have watched for the signs.

> The chance to see all the others in ICU suffering

> and being able to try to

> comfort each other and to have a second chance

> together is enough for me.

> her I had great Internet friends that prayed many

> prayers for him. She said

> she, too, prayed for him and so did his doc.

> Dh lifted his hand a little to night to hold mine.

> He starts PT tomorrow. I

> feel like the luckiest person in the world

> tonight.Gail :-)>>


> Hi, Everyone.....just flew through numerous digests.

> I'm so far behind!!!

> Gail....all I did was read from info gotten off the

> Internet. You, on the

> other hand, homeschool your kids. That takes a

> lot more brains (and

> patience) then I will EVERY have!!! So glad DH is

> coming around. More

> prayers will still be said for a full recovery.

> FWIW....Looks like I will

> become a lurker for a while.

> This PT job is 5 days a week....I only wanted 2-3

> days. Can't keep up with

> the digests. Take care, Everyone.

> Margaret



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How did they diagnosis your FM?


Judy Mckee <tmckee@...> wrote:

Gail…arthritis and fibromalgia seem to be prevalent among hep c people. I was diagnosed with osteoartritis in 1978 and rheumatoid arthritis in 1985 and they didn’t know about my hepatitis until last Christmas. They found it when I started having so many symptoms last fall…the doctor said by the biopsy report I have had it for at least 25 years…well I had blood transfusions with my daughters birth in 1977….I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in Feb of this year. I hope they find the cause of your problems…..judy

-----Original Message-----From: gmcondon [mailto:gmcondon@...]Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 7:02 PM Hepatitis C Subject: unresolved

Hi Everyone,I've been reading all the messages and I realized that alot of the doctors people are seeing may not be following through on each case. I am being seen by VA doctors, and with my experiences with govt funded health centers sometimes the help isnt the best.As I have mentioned earlier the VA indicated that my Hep C is inactive, but they still havent been able to pin point my pain and tiredness issues. They recently did some more tests to rule out Rheumtodial (not spelled right...I never was good in spelling bees..lol) arthritis and lupus which both came back negative. I talked to my friend Ladonna and she suggested a retest on the hep c which is a great idea but I'm not sure if the VA would do the retest. I have also talked with some people who have told me to consider FM fibromaglia (wrong spelling I'm sure, so that is a consideration. But as you all know its very frustrating not knowing for sure, as well as not wanting the worse case either. Thanks for all your posts they really do help.hugsgail

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I had never thought about fibromyalgia…I have so

many other problems to concern myself with, I wasn’t in the market for another

diagnosis. I was seeing the rheumatologist for my rheumatoid arthritis and he

was doing the physical. When he was palpating different muscle area; it hurt so

much I almost came off the table. I wasn’t expecting that at all. He said, “Has

anyone ever told you that you have fibromalgia?” I said, no. He said, well you

do have it….I guess he based his diagnosis on the pressure points….judy

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Hi Gail,

So glad to hear that your husband is now home & recovering nicely under

your loving care. It's interesting that you compare it to having a newborn.

It makes me think back to when my had leukemia. She was in

hospital for three months. We were home for 3 weeks and then was

born. So, I had a newborn & a very fragile 6 yr. old at the same time. I

used to beat myself up for the sad state of my house ( I'm a bad housekeeper

at the best of times.), but now looking back, there's no way I could do

everything. Just make sure , Seth & yourself are fed, clean & safe.

The rest will fen for themselves. Sounds like you have a wonderful family.

Enjoy the great weather!

Love & hugs,

P.S. I admire your attitude where the school is concerned. Sometimes if we

just " let it go " the lack of stress can be so cleansing.

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Hi ,

Good to hear from you. Don't you wonder, looking back at things we did, how

we did it? On my list of important things to do, housekeeping isn't in the

top 50. LOL I am merely doing things that need to be done to keep the bugs

away. LOL And...I can live with that for now.

Gail :-)

<< Hi Gail,

So glad to hear that your husband is now home & recovering nicely under

your loving care. It's interesting that you compare it to having a newborn.

It makes me think back to when my had leukemia. She was in

hospital for three months. We were home for 3 weeks and then was

born. So, I had a newborn & a very fragile 6 yr. old at the same time. I

used to beat myself up for the sad state of my house ( I'm a bad housekeeper

at the best of times.), but now looking back, there's no way I could do

everything. Just make sure , Seth & yourself are fed, clean & safe.

The rest will fen for themselves. Sounds like you have a wonderful family.

Enjoy the great weather!

Love & hugs,


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