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In a message dated 4/23/01 1:13:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, poggim@...


<< Gail,

Thanks for asking. Gennie is doing much better with her cast now. It is

her right hand so it makes it very difficult for her to do a lot of things,

but she doesn't seem to mind. She has had a few more tantrums than usual,


has been sleeping more than usual. She refuses to wear the sling and her arm

keeps slipping out of it and then it hurts her neck. Tuesday we have to go

back to Children's Hosp to X-ray her arm again and she really is afraid of


It has been a very hard week with Brook and Gennie this week both

needing me so much and worrying about my Grandmother. My parents were going

to a wedding in Italy for a relative May 1st and they have had to cancel

their trip. My sister , who is here from Boston for a visit and to

help my sister Jackie who had surgery last week is leaving for home Tuesday.

We are still waiting to hear from my dh's company on what his new job will

be, but it may again require a fair amount of travelling. Hope your IEP goes




Sounds like you are managing well with all this going on Marisa. I hope the

x-rays are show good things and you get some relief about the job situation

soon. Prayers for your Grandma. (((((hugs)))))


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear Gail,

Thanks for the hugs, I really appreciate it. Today is the prayer vigil and

tomorrow the funeral mass. It will be a hard couple of days for us. Sometimes

I'm OK and then suddenly I just start crying. It will take a while to get

over this I know. Anyway thanks for your condolences.


Mom to Miles 14, Brook 11, and Genevieve 3 yrs

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Gail and the gang,

I'm up working on the finishes touches of the ARC golf tournament.The

fundraiser is for our camp.I haven't been able to get to the computer long

enough to turn it on.The phones are crazy,school is out and the same old,

house is a shambles.Zeb can't process that he is on summer vacation,no

school.He was up this am with the bookbag on yelling let's go before we're

late.He insisted he was going anyway.I had to have my son bring over the

grandchildren to get his mind away from school.I hadn't planned on watching 3

kids in addition to working on the tournament.Happy and thankful to hear that

Jordans' surgery went well.I am lurking but because of my busy work schedule

with the business you may not hear to much from me.I am still

waiting for a revised and corrected IEP so now the central office director

has quit her job.There is no love lost but ones as bad as the next.I am not

too thrilled but the ESY is set so I have time to straighten it out.I am so

glad I taped the meeting! Hey Leah,when I bought my daughter her first

bra,she's a big girl,they made a point to say I should try it on they were

not returnable. I could have worn it for a hat!!


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Well I hope that you don't get too busy with the 3

kids, and your work, and this tournament. Well good

luck on the golf thing that your doing. Yea, it's a

pain where they don't know that their on summer

vacation from school. In a week or 2- he'll probablly



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My psychiatrist took a not necessarily conventional approach and

placed me on neurontin--an anticonvulsant/anti-pain medication

instead of lithium. I am actually doing great and have stabilized

very quickly. I am very lucky as I know this doesn't happen for

everyone. Thanks for your kind words. I think I knew for a long

time something was wrong, but didn't know exactly what. I kept

thinking, isn't everyone like this? Guess not. Now I know what's

it's like to like everyone else. Not as high... but not as low

either. The highs were never really has fun as everyone makes them

out to be anyway. HA! Don't get NEARLY as much done though now that

I'm not manic. Oh well. At least I'm not suicidal after a busy day

of getting a lot done. The other thing is I can look back and laugh,

which is a wonderful thing. Now I can get on to the real business of

taking care of my daughter, with a clearer head and more perspective.


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  • 3 months later...

Hi Gail,

Thanks for the prayers. My daughter and husband will be here taking care of

Zeb. I have everything covered and should only be in the hospital for a few


Charlyne Mom to Zeb DS-? OCD 8

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 11/14/01 3:11:39 PM Pacific Standard Time,

duffey48@... writes:

<< Seems she's managed

to work it out, and still remain friends with Hina, who will now leave. (the

other roommate and get along great, but Jill and Hina will never be

friends). >>

Glad to hear she's worked it out so well. Hope she gets her mail. Can you

put a tracer on it? Got a big Thanksgiving planned I'm sure, huh?

Gail :-)

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In a message dated 11/14/01 11:06:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,

smilinggail@... writes:

> Can you

> put a tracer on it?


I told my aunt to do that, since I remember doing that when I worked for a

law firm. She called her post office, and the guy practically laughed at

her. He told her it was impossible. I told her to just put a stop on her

check. But she thinks it will eventually get there.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Gail,

Infantile spasms are a type of seizure that occurs in infants. It's a

type of seizure that has a significant negative prognosis for development and

can cause autism. There are many different types of seizures and you would

need to see a neurologist to get diagnosed.

We believe that Brook's autism was caused by the seizures he had when

he was very little. They are a less severe type of infantile spasms called

myoclonic seizures. To us at first they looked like a startle in a baby, with

his arms shooting out suddenly. Later they progressed, his head would

suddenly drop down and his arms would shoot out and his head would then fly

back. The whole thing only lasted a few seconds and then he would seem to be

OK again.


Mom to Miles 14, Brook 11 and Genevieve 4

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In a message dated 12/5/2001 8:36:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,

smilinggail@... writes:

> Hi! Glad to hear you are okay, well almost okay. I hope you are feeling

> better soon Charlyne. How are the school issues with Zeb? I have a

> feeling

> it's going to be a LONG winter....all the bugs just seem to be going round

> and round here. Hope you all have a healthy season.

> Gail :-)

Hi Gail,

Thanks, I really missed the group but I can only handle sitting up for so

long. I hate to speak too soon but so far we have all been virus free. This

is the first fall with no illness of any kind for Zeb.He did break his foot a

few days after I came home from the hospital. My daughter took him for the

xrays but the poor husband had Zeb limping on one side and me barely walking

on the other side when we went to the orthopedist. I was feeling sorry for

myself that day. Zeb turns into a dog as soon as he gets into school. He has

decided he can get out of doing work if all he does is bark. The new behavior

started last week and has me just crazy. The school calls everyday. It is

always something with him. Life is never boring in my household.


Mom to Zeb almost 9 DS/OCD?

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I've been trying to talk to my son about the " worry monster " who is making

him get upset about things so he can boss it back and he is NOT getting it

at all. He keeps saying that there is no worry monster it is just him. I

have tried different variations on this theme but they meet with the same

response - that he thinks I'm crazy or something inventing some external

thing to take the hit for his problems. I just got " up and down the worry

hill " in the mail yesterday so we'll see if that can explain it to him

better than I can. I'm getting no where on that front.

As for the light and sound, my son's psychologist is skeptical but she said

she uses light therapy to help people work through trauma so she thinks it

may be along the same lines so said why not try it. Although she made it

clear that if it were HER kid he'd be on Zoloft right now.


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  • 2 months later...
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Welcome Gail.....I'm Judy, 53 year old disabled Rn. There are many nice people on this list that can probably help you more than I can. I just found out at Christmas that I have Hep c. It scared me when I first found out. I just couldn't believe it. I have finally calmed down some and saw the liver specialist and I go for the liver biopsy this coming Wed, the 13th of March.

You have just had the 1st test that showed positive...the more complete one may just as easily be negative....Let's hope so.

Do you have any symptoms? Are your liver enzymes up? Ask whatever questions you need to....like I said...there are some really nice people on this list that has helped me......judy

-----Original Message-----From: gmcondon [mailto:gmcondon@...]Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 8:34 PMHepatitis C Subject: newHi, My good friend Ladonna from Nodak told me about this site. I recently was told that I tested positive for hep c through routine blood tests. I have a more through group of test scheduled this coming Friday for a true reading. At this time I dont know what to think, lots of fear and doubt and everything in between. Anyway my name is Gail(guess I should of said that first off huh...lol)I'm a 50 yr old female, who also has diabetis and MDS,and now maybe hep c...what next. Oh well, right now my attitude is that everything is ok, and dont get too worked up(which is difficult), take it day by day. Thanks for listening(reading)I will probably have more questions.Gail

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Gail,

I know first hand how consuming the educational piece is. I quit that second

job because of the school. Each time I think things are going okay and start

considering picking up a part-time position my life falls apart again. I am

hoping to see you in August. We will talk.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 5/15/2002 11:01:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

smilinggail@... writes:

> Gosh Charlyne, I am just sitting here shaking my head....speechless. Your

> situation is just unbelievable. I'm so sorry.

Hi Gail,

I think when you buck the system it bucks back.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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In a message dated 5/21/2002 10:59:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

smilinggail@... writes:

> Prayers for you that you can

> continue to keep a level head and civil tongue.

Hi Gail,

Thanks for the prayers. They were definately heard and answered. I had all

the right words today. The school sent a note home asking me to go on their

field trip because the aide wasn't comfortable. I asked the central office

why do they not have the necessary skills to perform their job. I had lots of

lemons today sent from Sara.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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In a message dated 5/21/2002 10:59:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

smilinggail@... writes:

> I'm beginning to wonder if there is a balance. The way our kids change week

> to week, the ignorance of adults and the cruelty of other kids make you

> wonder if their is a spot that our kids belong.


Hi Gail,

Zeb has been fortunate thus far. He has never been exposed to cruelty from

other kids. All the kids in the school know him and really do accept him and

stick up for him. They have known him since he was young and are very

accepting. I will admit this is one very positive thing that has come from

being in the regular classroom. The school had a small assembly today and his

class was singing a song. Zeb is always a line behind them.The kids

themselves told the music teacher that Zeb will be like the chorus. She was

very impressed how thoughtful they were having him fit in to not make him

look different. It's the kids that make the adults stop and see the positives.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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In a message dated 5/24/02 2:25:49 PM Pacific Daylight Time,


> Thanks all for the prayers. I'm asking for more now. Please pray that we

> can all accept God's will. Dh took a turn for the worse. In ICU. On

> ventilator, paralyzed (med induced) On morphine and not doing well. Thanks


> for the prayers.



You have my prayers and I say them every day! I do hope you are holding up

okay and have someone to watch Seth (you have such a large beautiful family

who are so great with Seth!).

May God watch over you and may your husband recover as soon as possible.


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In a message dated 5/24/02 7:00:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Ltb3105@...


<< Gail,

You have my prayers and I say them every day! I do hope you are holding up

okay and have someone to watch Seth (you have such a large beautiful family

who are so great with Seth!).

May God watch over you and may your husband recover as soon as possible.


Thanks for prayers everyone. Dh is no better yet. This is harder than

anyone could ever imagine. If anyone on this list smokes, QUIT NOW!!!!!! If

you think you can't quit, go watch someone have their lungs suctioned. :-(

Please continue the prayers.

Gail :-(

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In a message dated 5/25/02 7:49:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

smilinggail@... writes:

> Thanks for prayers everyone. Dh is no better yet. This is harder than

> anyone could ever imagine. If anyone on this list smokes, QUIT NOW!!!!!!

> If

> you think you can't quit, go watch someone have their lungs suctioned. :-(


> Please continue the prayers.

> Gail :-(


Oh Gail honey!!!!!! Prayers are still going strong. I understand about

the smoking. My parents both smoked and my mom died from it. I know how

painful it is to watch someone you love suffer like that. Giant

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to you and your family as you struggle

to get through this. Please know that we are with you in spirit and

thinking of you each day!!! Let us know how he is when you can dear!!!!


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In a message dated 5/26/02 7:59:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time, duffey48@...


<< Oh Gail honey!!!!!! Prayers are still going strong. I understand


the smoking. My parents both smoked and my mom died from it. I know how

painful it is to watch someone you love suffer like that. Giant

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to you and your family as you struggle

to get through this. Please know that we are with you in spirit and

thinking of you each day!!! Let us know how he is when you can dear!!!!

Donna >>

Thanks everyone for the prayers. Things are still the same with dh. Thank

God my daughter moved home a couple of months ago. God does provide! She

is running the house while I spend time at the ICU with dh. He's still on

the machine and sedated all the time. He doesn't know I'm there with him,

but it makes me feel better to be there. I hope everyone is doing well. I

haven't been keeping up with the posts. Thanks again for the prayers.

Gail :-)

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In a message dated 5/26/02 5:50:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time,


> Thanks for prayers everyone. Dh is no better yet. This is harder than

> anyone could ever imagine. If anyone on this list smokes, QUIT NOW!!!!!!

> If

> you think you can't quit, go watch someone have their lungs suctioned. :-(



Gail, this does not sound like fun! I can't believe it has gone from bad to

worse in so short a time; and your hubby's been fine up till now! A coworker

has staph infection which is a pneumonia....she'd be coughing for weeks now

and it sounded like a donkey! They put her on antibiotics.

I do hope your hubby has a speedy recovery, but under the circumstances, it

doesn't sound like it!

God bless all of you,

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In a message dated 5/26/2002 7:43:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

smilinggail@... writes:

> . Things are still the same with dh. Thank

> God my daughter moved home a couple of months ago. God does provide! She

> is running the house while I spend time at the ICU with dh. He's still on

> the machine and sedated all the time. He doesn't know I'm there with him,

> but it makes me feel better to be there.

Hi Gail,

I'm glad every home is doing ok and your daughter is around to help. I am

praying that your husband willl start responding to the meds.soon. Lots of

prayers and (((hugs)))


mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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At 07:42 PM 5/26/2002 EDT, you wrote:

He doesn't know I'm there with him,

>but it makes me feel better to be there.

Gail, honey.....years of work in ICU and CCU tells me that he *does* know

you're there--regardless of the outcome.

We're all thinking of you and yours.



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In a message dated 5/26/02 5:15:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

joan@... writes:

<< Gail, honey.....years of work in ICU and CCU tells me that he *does* know

you're there--regardless of the outcome.

We're all thinking of you and yours.




Thanks for all the support everyone. Joan, it's strange but you are right.

Even if I go in his room and don't speak, his blood pressure goes up. It

goes up higher if I hold his hand or rub his head. All the nurses said

that's not uncommon. It's VERY comforting to know that he knows I'm there

with him. :-) Things are still basically the same. They don't know what

is causing the seizure-like episodes and the last 2 days he has been running

a high temp. They think maybe taking all his hard core psych drugs away cold

turkey is playing a role in the seizure-like episodes. Gosh, he's on 3

antibiotics, morphine, 2 sedatives, insulin injections 4 times a day ( meds

and tube feeding are raising his sugar) and the med that paralyzes you to

stay on the respirator. Not to mention all the respiratory drugs. How much

can a body take? We are hanging in there and are still hopeful. He hasn't

given up yet, so we aren't either. I went in chat last night while I was

waiting for the kids to wind down. It was nice to chat with and

a. :-) Thanks for the pick me up you guys! :-) Keep us in your

prayers that we can accept God's will and not lose faith? I think, right

now, my biggest fear is that I will get mad at God and lose my faith. I

can't bear to think of life without my hero here with us. I'm thankful that

Seth doesn't have a clue that anything is wrong. He is still his happy,

active self. He is my source of comfort right now when I walk in the door

and he comes running with his smile, kisses and clapping his hands to play.

:-) The girls ask a zillion questions, but Seth just gets us all smiling

when we get too sad. Thanks for all the prayers, and I will keep you posted.

Gail :-)

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Your poor hubby is going through so much, and you too.

{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} I know it must be so hard on you and your family. I'm

glad you are hopeful and thanks so much for updating us. You are in my

thoughts all the time. We are all pulling for you and your husband to get

through this difficult time.


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