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phine and OT-Prayer needed

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Well said phine, I love the ending!!I have found through weight loss, I've lost that "comradary" with other overweight women. You know how a table of you would sit together and commiserate over the latest attempt to lose weight, the struggles to go for a walk, and how exhausted you feel all the time. I don't have that anymore. One gal was talking about having to change what she was eating and I laughed and said, "good luck with that", meaning I couldn't do it. She was very offended because it was coming from "the skinny girl" who obviously wouldn't have a clue what SHE was going through. It was a little sad for me. My mom and I used to talk about our weight all the time together, now I'm kind of at a loss when I try to agree with her. It is

strange.OK, enough rambling. I'm giving a shout out to all my praying friends out there. My husband quit is job this week and since we live where we work, we have to move. I agreed to stay on and keep the bed and breakfast running until Aug 8 when we have our last big booking and then my boss asked me to come back if we get any more large booking or groups that want to do Mystery Dinner Theater. I told her if I'm not working another job elsewhere, I would. I really do like what I do, but I can see that we are in the Will of God so it will all work out. Anyway, thanks for the prayers - specifically for a job for my husband and a place to live - where ever that is supposed to be. Thanks!! Cyrena Weeks701-390-3233www.weeks.acnrep.com [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] QuestionTo:

@groups. comDate: Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 2:07 PMAnd so I too have embarked on the life changing journey of weightloss. I have a sleeve date /w/ Dr. Aceves on August 5th Is anyone joining me on that date? I'd love to meet you. I have been a member of this group and began researching weightloss surgery in April 2005. I was unaware that there was a procedure called 'the sleeve', so I only researched 'the band'. Well I have to thank

the powers that be because had I not been fired from my job and lost my health insurance, and then later denied insurance from private and corporate insurance companies then I would would not be where I am now ..... on my way to getting a sleeve. I can say I am glad I sold my stocks *which were supposed to have been for my retirement* to get the money for the surgery, however, honestly , I doubt that if I woud have continued to do nothing about my health, * or lack there of* then I would not make it to retirement age. Ohh anyway sorry about my ramblin' on my question

is.... I am getting my duckies in a row and need to know what I'll be needing post op. Please be very detail orentied! Robyn Boothe 5' 3" 297.4 lbs post op Windows Live Hotmail is giving away Zunes. Enter for your chance to win. Enter Now!

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