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Hello i am pretty new here also. i found out a

few weeks ago that i have a very low thyroid problem

also. I am on levothoid, 50mgs. 3 times aday. I have

lost some hair, swallowing problem, muscle pains,

extremely tired out all the time, my joints hurt

constantly, and i started having trouble just walking across

the floor. I have been on the medication for 4 weeks

now and have started seeing some changes for the

best, thank goodness, cause i thought my body was

shutting down. i guess in a way it was.<br>Enough about my

problem; i wish you the best with yours, i hope things

turn out good for you.

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Welcome! My thyroid was enlarged too - hopefully the synthroid will bring that

down. The scan is an easy test, I had it done in February. Let us know how it


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  • 1 year later...


Welcome! If anywone can answer your questions & point you in the

right direction, the people here can. Have you checked out


I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say you are more than welcome on

the 21st & definately bring your wife. These are some of the most

honest & caring people you could ever want to meet.

Hope to see you there!

W. (Pigletsmom)


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  • 4 weeks later...

I went back and read some posts and now I know why I am wide awake

at 3:30 in the morning. My Doc has me on 10mg. I was tired after

work, so I took my first ad ever and went to bed. Woke up at

12:30am like someone had given me a triple shot of espresso

intravenously! I hope I can get some sleep tonight.

Here is the odd thing for me. My doctor says I show all the

symptoms of having panic attacks and according to what I read on

Lexapro's site I have may of the " signs " of depression, but I have

never been the emotional type under stress, I haven't had any

abnormal behavior due to anxiety, and I haven't felt depressed

emotionally. I guess I have a hard time with the " new " definition

of these terms? Anyway, my physical symptoms were so bad, I got

past my predisposition toward this stuff and decided to trust a

doctor for once. Anyone else like this? Emotionally I'm fine, but

physically, I had hypoglycemia type symptoms, couldn;t sleep, high

blood pressure, couldn;t think straight, no energy etc. Anyway, I'm

rambling now when I should be trying to get back to sleep. I'm

curious to see what others say and I will keep you posted on how I'm

doing on Lexapro.


> Hi all,


> My doctor just prescribed Lexapro for me. I've never taken an

> antidepressant before in my life. Is there any kind of posts I

> should look for in the Group email archive online? I'd really


> to know what I'm getting into here.


> Alan

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I started about two weeks ago on 10mg. Took it about 7pm and was

wide awake at 3am and felt really strange all day. Cut back to 5mg

the next day. Now I wake up at 4am. If I move quickly(stand up or

toll over in bed)I get very dizzy. This is still happening. Now

after two weeks I am very tired all the time.

I think most of these meds just make you feel so miserable you

forget you are insane.

> Hi all,


> My doctor just prescribed Lexapro for me. I've never taken an

> antidepressant before in my life. Is there any kind of posts I

> should look for in the Group email archive online? I'd really like

> to know what I'm getting into here.


> Alan

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Well, I'm on day 3. Day one was wonderful. I had energy and could

think clearly all day and night. I did not have that burst on day

two, but I still felt great. I was wired for sound again today, but

it wore off and I slowed down. Still, the symptoms I was having are

all but gone except that I feel " unfocused " at times. No sides

(yet?). Anyway, I cut my grass, hung curtains, cleaned my office,

ate out with my family, played with my kids, and when it was all over

I did not feel like passing out, no agitation, shakes, nothing. I

also feel like my IQ went up 40 points. I thought it would take

longer for this stuff to take effect. Maybe I am hypersensitive to

ADs. So far, so good with me.


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  • 4 weeks later...


I'm on lex for panic attacks, gad, depression, and ocd. I also went from 10 to 15mg's with no problems at all. No side effects other than jaw clenching. Not to mention, the lexapro has literally cured me! I'm not kidding. I wasnt able to leave my house in months b/c of my terrible anxiety, and now after 6 weeks of being on lex I'm going everywhere, and I dont have panic attacks, and I dont worry. Not to mention I am sooo happy! I feel wonderful. There is a difference b/w 10 and 15mg's in my opinion-I think it is what actually "cured me" so to speak. I cant believe how great lex is. I've had so many prob's in the past w/ other med's not working and side effects, but thank God I found lex!!! Good luck to you!

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Hey Todd,

Second Newbie today awesome! Like I said to the previous user, this

board is awesome and all the members treat everyone like family.

Anyway I suffer from extreme anxiety (Mostly Panic attacks, GAD, and

Social). Anywhoo I have bounced back and forth between 7.5 and 10

Mg, but I think for now the 7.5 is the best for me. Just because of

the nausea and the zombieness I feel on 10. I do need Klonopin to

compliment the 7.5 and yes I still feel panic attacks, but I belong

to a support group and I want to attack this thing cognitively too

because I am so med sensitive. If you have any other question,

hammer away. And most of all welcome to the family...

Take Care,


> Hi there,


> I have been on Lexapro for about a month and a half. I suffer

from terrible general anxiety, and I am wondering if anyone out there

is taking Lexapro for the same thing. I notice a difference on 10mg,

but not enough. My doctor said he wants me to go to 15mg. I used to

be on Zoloft, and it numbed me. Any advice out there? I could use

some. Thanks. Jo

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Hi Jo. I'm taking Lexapro for anxiety also. I was on 10mg for 5

weeks and it didn't help with the anxiety (it even seemed to

increase it) so my doctor put me on 20mg. I went to 15mg for about

3 days and didn't feel any additional side effects so I went up to

20mg. Almost immediately it helped with the anxiety. It made me

tired for a few days, but that is getting better now. It's only

been about a week and a half since my dosage was increased but so

far I'm very happy with the results. Good luck and welcome to the




> Hi there,


> I have been on Lexapro for about a month and a half. I suffer

from terrible general anxiety, and I am wondering if anyone out

there is taking Lexapro for the same thing. I notice a difference

on 10mg, but not enough. My doctor said he wants me to go to 15mg.

I used to be on Zoloft, and it numbed me. Any advice out there? I

could use some. Thanks. Jo

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  • 1 month later...

I never noticed a difference with synthroid. They say six to eight

weeks though.

I did notice a difference almost right away with my armour thyroid

though. And I can tell that I missed it when I miss a day's worth.


> Hi!

> I just joined this site last week, and am finally getting a chance

> to introduce myself.


> My name is Shanda. I am 32 and mommy to 2 boys, ADam 2 1/2 and

> 7 mo. I live in Colorado. I was just diagnosed last week

> with hypothyroidism and have started on 0.075 of Synthroid a day.


> have not noticed much difference. I am also breastfeeding my baby.


> I had hyperthyroidism as a teenager, and my thyroid has been


> watched for years. After having my 2nd child, I started having


> achy feet and joints, lots of fatigue, and inability to lose

> weight. They checked my thyroid at 6 wks postpartum, and it was

> borderline, then borderline again at 3 mo.


> I have read thru the archives some and found lots of great

> information. I guess my main question right now is when will I

> start to notice a difference? I think I do have more energy now

> than I did, but it is still not where it was.


> Any advice or experience will be greatly appreciated!

> Shanda

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the other side Trish. I had surgery July 10, 2002. It comes off

fast! I've lost 103 lbs. Take your vitamins daily and drink your liquids.

You'll do good.



From: " Trish & " <wagnerpk@...>


< >

Subject: Newbie

Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 23:14:41 -0800


I'm a new post op and I'm so glad to be on the other side. My surgery was

2/12/03, took 26 minutes. So far I've lost 13 lbs, I wish it was more but

good things come to those who wait...right? LOL I feel great and have

already felt more energy. Please advise if you have any " good tips " for me.

Trish Wagner

2/12/03 Dr. R


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Thanks for the info but since I have insurance that covers scripts I'm never

eligible for those services. On one hand insurance is a good thing and on the

other it's NOT. Especially when you have no income.


Make Me A Cake


Help me save the money to visit my grandkids by joining <A

href= " http://www.myaffiliateprogram.com/u/sim/b.asp?id=1546 " >

You can sign up for free trial then quit if you're not interested.


Hi all I just returned from the doctor who gave me samples of Lexapro

10mg. THought I'd join the group and get some feedback.

I'm always scared to death to start a new med and I'm hoping the Lex

will help that along with depression, anxiety problems and just

feeling absolutely crazy. My BIG problem is the fact that I'm just

not sure if I can afford the dang stuff once the samples are gone.

Thanks for listening,


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<<I'm always scared to death to start a new med and I'm hoping the Lex

will help that along with depression, anxiety problems and just

feeling absolutely crazy. My BIG problem is the fact that I'm just

not sure if I can afford the dang stuff once the samples are gone.>>

I know what you mean! I'm also always scared of new meds, and then my mind

starts playing tricks on me and I don't know if it's the medication or my mind

that is causing symptoms. I can honestly say, though, that I haven't had any

side effects from lexapro (20 mg) except that I was getting terribly tired in

the afternoons. I cut it back to 10 mg and everything is fine.

My copay on the Lexapro is more than my copay was for prozac, wellbutrin, etc.,

so you're right about wondering about the cost. You might want to think about it

more before starting if money is an issue.

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As someone suggest talk to the doc, when I was on celexa and only working

part time the company that makes it gave me 90 days worth free and would

have done more if necessary, the doctor should have a form. At the time I

my docs were at a community health place in NYC so they may have been more

aware of these programs, try the company website maybe?


Hi all I just returned from the doctor who gave me samples of Lexapro

10mg. THought I'd join the group and get some feedback.

I'm always scared to death to start a new med and I'm hoping the Lex

will help that along with depression, anxiety problems and just

feeling absolutely crazy. My BIG problem is the fact that I'm just

not sure if I can afford the dang stuff once the samples are gone.

Thanks for listening,


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Remeron is another antidepressant, just like Lex. Lex, however, is one of

the SSRI types of antidepressants, while Remeron is a different type. I'm

surprised that the newbie was taking BOTH antidepressants at the same time,

but I'm sure not a doc.

I'm the one who was on Lex, but switched to Remeron in hopes it would

relieve the teeth clenching. It did not. But Remeron gave me vertigo!! So I

am now off all antidepressants for the first time in 5+ years, and holding

my breath that the depression stays away. Nine days and so far very good.

The vertigo finally went away completely 36 hours ago. Thank god.

----- Original Message -----

From: " Winger " <bosha000@...>

> I've heard a couple of you guys talk about " Remeron " ......what is that

medication for? Just curious :)


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  • 2 months later...

Hi ,

Lexapro is supposed to be more effective and have less side effects than

Celexa. Keep in mind that side effects are usually temporary and may go away.

When I started Lex a few weeks ago, it disturbed my sleep, but it passed in a

week or so. Good luck, it is worth a try...and give it a while to take

effect...it takes a while sometimes.


To make a long story short I am suffering from anxiety/OCD I tried to

take Celexa for 11 days, I wasn't sleeping well, and have bad

headaches. And for some reason develped this clenching of my jaw(

which the Dr. said was unrelated but I never had it before) Anyway

tomorrow I start on Lexapro to see if it is any better. Any input on

side affects etc. would be appreciated. I think I am having more

anxiety just by taking meds and wanting to feel better someday.



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Hi !

I’m very happy to meet you! I haven’t really formally introduced myself to

this group either (I’ve been lurking for 2+ months but not much posting) so

you just inspired me to do so.

Hello everybody! I am . I am a married 33 yr. old with a 2 yr old

son. I was recently banded by Dr. Ortiz/Dr. ez on 9/26/03. I am

jealous of because she gets to go to “Smash and Mash” foods tomorrow!

;) (…unfortunately we must be on the liquids for three weeks before we can

introduce Smash and Mash). But it’s all good. We’ll all survive this

phase. I live in Olympia, Washington…the good ole Capitol and yes..like

MANY Olympians..I work for the State. However, I am taking off a bit of

time to heal and recover and I think I certainly deserve this. I have had a

weight problem my WHOLE life..okay..not really..I was born at a normal

weight..from pictures it seems as if my weight problem started when I was

about 2. I lost 102 lbs. on Weight Watchers (WW) right before I got

pregnant…then I had a really healthy pregnancy and wonderful baby…but…I’ve

put it all back on again. It’s really devastating. Even losing 102 lbs..I

wasn’t a “normal” weight but it was the littlest I’ve ever been in my adult

life. I honestly don’t know what “skinny” feels like…heck..I may never be

skinny…it doesn’t seem to be in the genetics…but I know what to do to lose

the weight and I plan on working with my band to help me do this and keep it

off. Heck…I’d be thrilled at 200. I know when I was 264 before..I felt

GOOD. So I am here with all of you…working very hard.

Welcome again, !

Banded by Dr. Ortiz/Dr. ez in Tijuana, Mexico – 9/26/03

365/352/180 – 5’7”

Olympia, Washington

From: yrulaughing05 [mailto:lisab@...]


My name is and I was banded by Dr. Kuri on Sept 24th.

Almost 2 weeks ago. One more day of liquids!Yeah!. Smash

and mash sounds so appealing, never thought I would say that!

Don't really have a question or anything just wanted to say Hi

and introduce myself. I live in Ephrata WA (near Moses Lake if

that helps). I have been reading everything that comes across

and it has all be very helpful. I have been on the smartbandsters

group and Dr. Kuri's group, but thought I would join this group to

meet people close to me.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you

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I just wanted to throw my name out there also. I'm

Debbie and was banded on September 30th by Dr.

Montgomery in Kirkland, WA. I don't want to sound

dumb, but what is " Smash and Mash? "

I am working my way through my first weeks with my band

and can't wait to move up to real food. I can already

tell, though, that I am going to love my band! The

only thing I have felt any craving for is the pizza I

bought for my family last night. But pizza has always

been my favorite food!

I look forward to getting to know all of you.


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  • 1 month later...

Welcome, Aunti. I am 4 months out, 57 years old. I have lost 22 pounds and will

be going in for my second fill this week. You will find lots of information

here, on SmartBandsters, Mexican Bandsters and Bandsters 50 plus. Read the

archives and join in.


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Dear Aunti,

Welcome to the ranks of bandsters and bandsters to be.

We are very similar in stats and I even live in Port Angeles...at

least until I move to Oregon at the end of the year.

I am 56, 5' 6 " , presurgery/consultation weight of 340. My lap band

surgery was 7/2/03 with Dr. Watkins in Kirkland. On surgery day I

weighed 314 and I am now hovering a bit under 260 (taking a " scale

vacation " this week!). Respond direct to my e-mail if you would like

to get together and compare notes. By the way...I would do it again

in a moment...I am so happy with all the changes in my physical

condition already! (no more sleep apnea, I can take a walk again,

love doing water aerobics, today I was wearing size 18 jeans, and my

primary doctor told me recently I have " the blood pressure of a

teenager " !)

Best of luck...hope to hear from you.


> H'lo,


> I was referred here from the Mexican Bandsters group

> since I am from Port Angeles, WA. I didn't know

> there was a Pacific Northwest group, but was glad

> to hear of you! I am scheduled for lap-banding

> on Dec. 15th, in Puerto Vallarta. I spent a lot of

> time researching the various methodologies for WLS

> and Lap Banding just made the most sense to me, so

> here we go.......... I have also already begun looking

> to find a good fill doctor and have received some

> good references. I look forward to learning more

> about your experiences with lap banding from all of you.


> Aunti

> ===========================

> Scheduled for Lap Banding on

> 12/15 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

> 5' 7 " / 336 lbs.

> 57 years old

> Port Angeles, WA

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi MizKitty,

Welcome! Yes, the jaw clenching does go away, for most of us

anyway... it's so annoying, isn't it? The tiredness is another

story, though it does get lots better, and more *tolerable*

Lexapro has been a miracle for me, as I hope it will be for

you too!! :) We're here to listen and hopefully help :)



Hi, everyone,

I'm new to this group and newly diagnosed. My internist diagnosed me

with depression/sad 5 days ago, and put me on 10 mg. of Lexapro. I

was experiencing depression and thoughts of suicide. I've had short

boughts of depression before, but not on this scale. The Lexapro

seems to be helping, but it's still too early to tell. I'm having jaw

pain and lots of naps in the day. I hope these pass as my body gets

used to the med. I hope to learn from those who have suffered from

depression and benefitted from Lexapro.

Best wishes for all,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome, !

I'd like to invite you to subscribe to the SmartBandsters list (send a blank

email to:

SmartBandsters-subscribe ). That list is a great forum full

of people from all over the world who can answer your banding questions.

The PNWBandsters list is more of a networking list for discussing local

events and meetings.

We'd love for you to come to one of our " Soup Nights " which are held monthly

at various locations. They're a great place to come and meet bandsters and

ask lots of questions. There are soup nights in Tacoma, Issaquah, Seattle

and Everett (and beyond!). You can check our calendar on the PNW_Bandster

website at groups for places, dates and times.

Barb S. in Monroe


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  • 1 month later...


Welcome to the group--it's a great group and i have found many really nice

people here!

I am not a doctor so I would ask him/her about he dosage, as there are

individual differences in brain chemistry and metabolism. HOw long have you

been on the 20mg? Have you gone to the OCD web site? It is a really great

site for those of us suffering from OCD. The web site is:


As for the Lexapro, I can just tell you about my experience with the


I have severe OCD, I don't mind speaking about it as I have been dealing

with it since 1994 from a head trauma. In my situation.... I cannot

tolerate SSRI's at all! In the past I was able to, but up until 2002

soemthing happened and bang! I couldn't tolerate the smallest amount of

any pill. It was awful until a doctor tried me on the pill format 5mg. It

really helped--then had problems....

In the past I was able to tolerate the Lexapro in the pill form at 5mg, 7mg

and 10mg, then I just couldn't tolerate it. I think it was because my

doctor went up in the dosage way, way too fast too soon like over a 3 week

period. However, in the beginning it really worked! Like I said individual

differences in brain chemistry and tolerance.

Good news though!!! When I was taking the pill form of Lexaparo at 5mg for

just 4 days I felt

GREAT--The OCD and anxiety was slowing down. The anxiety was gone! The OCD

symptoms were easy to logic out, my thinking was clearer, I felt really

great for the first time in many months.

At 7 mg I was going pretty good, when I got to 10mg I unfortunately got the

same side effects from the 5 major meds that hit OCD. So now we are doing

the liquid form because we can adjust the dosage if I have any sie effects,

that is the good thing about the liquid form.

So my doctor started me on Lexapro in the liquid form. I am now at 1.5mg

every 3 days and we

are going up with the dosage very slowly. One of my doctors noted that

there is a difference in my OCD sy,ptoms, but a small difference. So he

feels that it is working and getting " in there " .

I have been looking to correspond with someone in my similar situation that

cannot tolerate SSRI's and is using small amounts of the liquid Lexapro and

going up slowly. Haven't found anyone yet. There are many chat rooms

regarding OCD but hardly any one goes in them. I found one and this person

was using the liquid form of Prozac. I cannot go near it!

I hope you are feeling better with the Lexapro. Let me know how you are

doing and if you want to chat.


>From: " ocd762000 " <ocd762000@...>



>Subject: newbie

>Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 22:25:56 -0000


>Hi everyone I just started taking 20 mg of lexapro for ocd. I was on

>60 mg of paxil and it just wasn't working for me. Do you know what mg

>of Lexapro are used to treat ocd? thanks :)



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I have severe OCD and I don't tolerate SSRI's at all! So my doctor started

me on Lexapro in the liquid form I am now at 1.5mg and we are going up very

slowly. In the past I was able to tolerate the Lexapro 5mg, 7mg and 10mg,

then I just couldn't tolerate it. Good news though when I was

at 5mg for justs 4 days I felt GREAT--The OCD and anxiety was slowing down,

at 7 mg I was foing pretty good, when I got to 10mg I go the side effects

from the 5 major meds that hit OCD.

Have you fone to the OCD web site? http://www.ocfoundation.org It is a

really great site for thoseof us suffering form OCD

>From: " ocd762000 " <ocd762000@...>



>Subject: newbie

>Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 22:25:56 -0000


>Hi everyone I just started taking 20 mg of lexapro for ocd. I was on

>60 mg of paxil and it just wasn't working for me. Do you know what mg

>of Lexapro are used to treat ocd? thanks :)



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