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RE: Digest Number 91

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Dear Constance:

The RNA, in the basic form would be the messenger to the RNA. It is

like a delivery person, or coach, or anyone, or thing, that carries

instructions to take the next step, In this case, it is how the cell

divides and what it carries as information. Everyone has RNA in each

cell that acts like the stop light at a traffic signal. If the light

goes on the " frizz " , you either have a very messy intersection,

accidents or both.

The PCR is a test that allows the lab to look at a particular aspect

of your blood serum, and, by some hairy methods, is able to see how much

of the virus is in a given area. This figure is then taken and

multiplied to account for the rest of the liver, with the assumption

that it is a representative sample. It is just another medical test that

offers more accurate details of something that is happening, and to what


Years ago the ALT and AST were used as indicators on whether someone

had a heart attack, because, when any muscle suffered injury, it

releases certain chemicals into the body, which are then measured. It

was assumed, that if you had chest pain, and these levels were elevated,

you were, or had a heart attack. Today, we know how to more

sophistically tell what chemicals are released from what cells, when

that area has problems. The PCR is one of those indicators that help in

HCV, although there are PCR levels for other conditions.

I hope this helps. Marty

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Pat, Claudine,

I don't know what my genotype is. My previous doctor didn't test. My new

doctor did and I will get the results 4/13.


Did you ask your doctor or the dermatologist about the Ultravate? That was

the only thing that gave me relief from the rash. It didn't go away but it

did clear up some and stop the itch and burn.


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Pat, Claudine,

I don't know what my genotype is. My previous doctor didn't test. My new

doctor did and I will get the results 4/13.


Did you ask your doctor or the dermatologist about the Ultravate? That was

the only thing that gave me relief from the rash. It didn't go away but it

did clear up some and stop the itch and burn.


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  • 1 year later...
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Hello all. I am mostly a lurker, but wanted to write in response to the

discussions about treating metals versus taking enzymes. I think there is

some confusion and maybe this will explain things, Devin, please correct me

if I am wrong.

The problem is that mercury disables enzymes in the body (I read this in a

paper, but sorry I cannot remember which one, as I read so many) , so that

is WHY adding enzymes helps, it is also why chelating out the mercury brings

about improvement.

It is not one or the other thing going on, but one causing the other, and it

is a vicious cycle of things that are going on.

Hope this makes it all a little more clear.

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  • 2 months later...


I was put dow today by someone i have known for years today. He

didn't want to be around me because he found out that i had hcv. He was

afraid even to eat by me. I blasted him about it tho someting that i

haven't done to anyone else. But i still felt that shame of having hcv.

I tried to explain to hi that he didn't have to worry that he couldn't

catch it by sitting next to me . But it ended up in a big argument and

probably ended our 20 yr friendship. I know that it is his ignorance of

the disease, but, it still hurt. I needed to come in here to talk to you

all, so i can try to get rid of this feeling.


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Yes RFK jr found out in june after an accident, they contribute it

to iv drug use. Now maybe someone will listen. But the article painted a

dark picture of us even with this new news


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That jerk isn't worth calling a friend.... Good for you... They put

enough stigmatism on us and I don't blame you at all..... My best friend

(what a joke) disappeared after I told her I had Hep C.... Oh she sent

me xmas cards etc but I just trashed them..... You are a good person,

and if this so called friend treated you like this, then Good Riddance

to him.... You have us and don't you ever forget that!!!!!!! We

Care..... ;o

Angel Hugs,


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Terri I have a sister and I use the term looosly that when she found out I had HCV she gave me this curled up lip look and said "Welllll what that means? You gonna die?" She showed so much compassion that I could have puked. I looked at her and said "If you are waiting on a time I can't give you one" It wouldn't matter anyway if I did you'd never be in my will!!!!! She said "How did you get that" (again lip curled)...I said do you ever remember doing drugs ? (she had gotten busted before) She said well yes....I looked at her and replied "Man you better get checked cause the person you smoked or snorted after may have had it!!!!!!!. She just gave me "The Look". I know it sounds cruel what I told her but she made me feel like I was dirty. None of us are. If we had known that we would contact this disease when we were getting it ......we would have never done it.......A wise man from the group made that statement to me once on the phone and changed my whole out look. Terri my EX hubby even told my kids I had aids. Now see we all go through things. Little is he thinking that I got HCV while still married to his ass!!!!!!!!

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Terri don't let it get to you. My own daughter who is 23 wouldn't even let me (and still hasn't) see my granddaughter when she was born due to my HCV. When I called after finding out of the birth..I asked if I could go see her and my daughter said she left instructions at the desk I was not allowed. See it isn't only so called freinds...it's family too. That's why we are all here Terri. We know and understand what each of us is going through.

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BIGGGGGGGGG YELLLLLLLLL for DZ this morning........ Let me know when to shushhhh. And I wonder why my hubby stays aggrevated with me.. Hummmmmm could it be my mouth after all???????? hahahaha

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I commend you for your courage and strength! It is so sad that people

are so mislead and don't understand things, that they don't take the

time to either 1. listen & understand what the person is telling them

or 2. research it themselves.

Back in 1990, I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus, it's like

chronic fatique only you can tests for it in your blood. Anyway the

point is that my parents best friend whom is an Insurance Broker told

them and I that EBV was the precursor to AIDS and no insurance

company would carry me. I was in shock, see I knew nothing about EBV

at the time and I thought OH NO.....the point is he was wrong, he was

just talking off his head. He did realize and come back to my parents

and say, (quite some time later) Oh well they now say that's not

true. Well, it isn't I don't have HIV. While most HIV patients have

EBV, CMV and HEP C, none of these are precursors to HHIV...people are


Sorry you had to go through that...but good for you for standing up

to him. He's the one that has lost out, not you! Lynn ;~)

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Hi Lynn:

I also have EBV.......... A lot of people wth Hep C seem to have

it.... Our immune systems are so low that we just can't fight things off

as well as someone who has a healthy immune system......... My EBV is

active right now....... Stress brings it on also!!!!!!!

Angel Hugs,


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I'm sorry you had to go through that. A good friend

would have listened to you and maybe done a little

research on his own before making rash judgements.

It's hard to fight ignorance, especially with people

who don't want to make the effort to learn. Hope today

is a better day. -dz-

--- WTM4@... wrote:

> Hi

> I was put dow today by someone i have known for

> years today. He

> didn't want to be around me because he found out

> that i had hcv. He was

> afraid even to eat by me. I blasted him about it

> tho someting that i

> haven't done to anyone else. But i still felt that

> shame of having hcv.

> I tried to explain to hi that he didn't have to

> worry that he couldn't

> catch it by sitting next to me . But it ended up in

> a big argument and

> probably ended our 20 yr friendship. I know that it

> is his ignorance of

> the disease, but, it still hurt. I needed to come in

> here to talk to you

> all, so i can try to get rid of this feeling.

> Terri




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Maybe it's a good time to find out who are true

friends are. Good riddance to bad baggage. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Terri I have a sister and I use the term looosly

> that when she found out I

> had HCV she gave me this curled up lip look and said

> " Welllll what that

> means? You gonna die? " She showed so much

> compassion that I could have

> puked. I looked at her and said " If you are waiting

> on a time I can't give

> you one " It wouldn't matter anyway if I did you'd

> never be in my will!!!!!

> She said " How did you get that " (again lip

> curled)...I said do you ever

> remember doing drugs ? (she had gotten busted

> before) She said well yes....I

> looked at her and replied " Man you better get

> checked cause the person you

> smoked or snorted after may have had it!!!!!!!. She

> just gave me " The Look " .

> I know it sounds cruel what I told her but she made

> me feel like I was dirty.

> None of us are. If we had known that we would

> contact this disease when we

> were getting it ......we would have never done

> it.......A wise man from the

> group made that statement to me once on the phone

> and changed my whole out

> look. Terri my EX hubby even told my kids I had

> aids. Now see we all go

> through things. Little is he thinking that I got HCV

> while still married to

> his ass!!!!!!!!



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Not yet... So go ahead and yell all you want... -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> DZ !!!!! SSSSSSSSh.....I think you are at

> work...........be quiet so they

> won't know ok???????



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Ssssshhhh! -dz-

Jannewilms42@... wrote: BIGGGGGGGGG YELLLLLLLLL for DZ this morning........ Let me know when to shushhhh. And I wonder why my hubby stays aggrevated with me.. Hummmmmm could it be my mouth after all???????? hahahaha

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Boy do I know about EBV! But I've had EBV atleast 7 years before

testing positive for HepC.I'm still waiting for all my tests to

confirm it all! I used to tests my EBV titers every 3 months, thne

got so tired of worrying about them that I quite in 1996 and said F-

it, not much I can do...so don't worry, be happy. But when I get

sick, I listen to my body and go to bed!


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Lynn: Stress brings mine on!!!!! I get so exhausted that I actually

just fall asleep... A few times with the keyboard on my lap.... It is

actually dehabilitating..... Kinda sucks!!! Geez ooh..... what else can

happen....... How often does yours come on????? Then I get mono..... Not

the catching kind.... It is my own body making me sick...... Where does

it all end......

Angel Hugs,


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