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My pains are like a butter knife in my chest and sometimes its like a butcher knife. It all depends on what and how much I eat and drink. Hope this helps!

Kerry Jaeger wrote:

My son describes these like cramp in his chest or someone putting a hot knife in his chest. Sometimes severe sharp pain - sometimes a duller ache - sometimes comes in waves and sometimes constant pain. Varies quite a bit and he gets quite distressed sometimes. That probably doesn't help much! Re: please help> I am woundering what the spasm feals like so i can help > my daughter that is 7 she has been sick for about a week > now and i wounder if it is sasm that she is having she > has had achalasi her whole life but didnt figure out > what it was tell she was 3 please can someone explain > the spasm to me thanks mom to lexie 7yo> > >

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My pains are very similar. It feels like a butter knife stabbing pains in my chest and sometimes a butcher knife. It depends on what I eat and the amount I eat. Sometimes drinking cold water is just as bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. I have had the spasms on and off for over twenty years. Didn't know it was Achalasia until Jan. of this year. I had my Heller Cardiomyotomy in Aug. and had some spasms after that. They seem to be getting better now. I am still on a soft diet, which helps. The spasms are like having chest pains. It can be burning to such a powerful degree that you can't function without some relief. It mimics a heart attack sometimes. I would get water and drink it as fast as I could to stop the pain. Sometimes it worked, sometimes I had to take medication, like Previcid or tums. I feel for your daughter. it is hard enough for an adult to live with, let alone a child. My heart goes out to her. I hope she has a good doctor. Bev. SC

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  • 4 months later...

Cindi, glad you feel well enough to be back. IMO, addressing the

bowel issues makes the viral symptoms better. What I have done

re my gut is to cut out most refined sugar, take probiotics and

use enemas if I am having constipation. I also use senna as needed

but only occasionally.

Some other folks will comment on Klimas, Steve went to see her

a few months ago, and what the 'skinny' has been is that she tries

to get you on one of her experimental tests, the lastest one I

believe is epogen. However, she is one of the leading CFS researchers,

and you may get something good from her.

Mike C

> Hello You All,


> I used to read and post to this group until I

> was diagnosed with breast cancer last year.

> I have an appointment with Dr. Klimas in

> Miami this week and I am hoping and praying

> that she can help me!

> First of all, can anyone give me an opinion on

> Dr. Klimas?

> Secondly, my main symptoms are feeling like

> I have a virus most of the time and bowel prob-

> lems.

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i think the most important thing is to get a DR who is willing to

look alot of places for the cause of your CFS. from what i havfe

read, Dr Klimas will do a very thorough testing of your immune system

(something i still would love to have done). I'm not sure what

testing she does for infections, and she probably does not do

metabolic and intestinal testing. for that stuff you may need to get

another DR.

there is also the Dr shoemaker theories which have been discussed at

length here recently. here is a link to a general article on his



also, i don't if your going to Dr Klimas means you live in FLA, but

here is the name of a DR who many people like over on the " stealth

virus support " board, and it sounds like she will consider many many

possibilities. here is her info:

Dr. Rica S. Bogdany, M.D., Lifetime Family Physicians P.A., 14501

Gatorland Drive, Orlando, Florida 32837 Phone# (407) 859-1699, CFS/

Coagulation Disorders/ Insulin Disorders/ Nutrition /Stealth Virus


if i were to make a quick list of stuff i have looked into i would


1) chronic infection (HHV-6A, CMV, EBV, mycoplasma, lyme, babesia,


2)neurotoxins (mold, nasal staph, lyme)

3)intestinal dybiosis (yeast overgrowth, no beneficial bacteria,

leaky gut)

4)metabolic problems (glutathione defficiency)

5)hypercoagulation (HEMEX testing)

6) immune dysregualtion (cytokine imbalance, NK cell function, RnaseL


7) HPA-axis prblems (thyroid, hypothalamus hormones, adrenal, etc)

i'm sure there are many others of note, but this is just off the top

of my head.

please email me if you ahve any questions.



> Hello You All,


> I used to read and post to this group until I

> was diagnosed with breast cancer last year.

> My year was busy with surgery, chemo and

> radiation.

> My last chemo was a few months ago and

> I believe the chemicals are finally leaving my

> body, but now my CFS symptoms are back.

> I now know that I need to get help and resolve

> my " viral " illness or I am afraid I may get another

> bout of cancer.

> I have been reading your posts the past few days

> and I can see alot has happened in a year!

> I have an appointment with Dr. Klimas in

> Miami this week and I am hoping and praying

> that she can help me!

> First of all, can anyone give me an opinion on

> Dr. Klimas?

> Secondly, my main symptoms are feeling like

> I have a virus most of the time and bowel prob-

> lems. Are there any new tests or findings that

> may help us target a certain hypothesis or

> diagnosis?

> Thank you and May God Bless Us All With

> Good Health!


> Yours Truly,

> Cindi




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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


It could be that all of us are different too and each has their own unique

outcome to a CI.. I think it is wonderful that all of us know the possibility of

all outcomes.

It is an individual decision and should be based on *self*, rather than

anything anyone else has to say. I'm referring to you saying that she could

influence someone one way or the other... anymore than 99% positive outcomes


influence us. We are all unique and I would rather know that there are 1000

unique outcomes possible than to be deluded to think there is only one

collective outcome.

I for one really appreciated 's post and her *up front ness*. I honor

her for her honesty. The collective outcome is a mixture of many.


In a message dated 6/14/2004 1:24:51 PM Alaskan Daylight Time,

jt1@... writes:


> Hi ,


> Your reply about your hearing is somewhat SURPRISING. You prefer HA over CI

> even if your best aided give you less than 3%... I don't have Nucleus, but I

> do hope someone will be able to suggest you something. Like... You might

> need more mapping? Device failure, etc.? I'm not in position to suggest

> something worthwhile, however, your case is something what future candidates

> will worry about when they read it.


> I hope you don't give up in searching solution for your CI to hear well just

> because some people said results are randomized. There must be a cause why

> it doesn't work well...


> Regards/

> Jerome


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Excactly! or go ahead and look deep, but get rid of the *critical and

judgemental eye/response*.. be tolerant and embrace everyone's journey


your own) :-).

We are all here to learn.. universally and on this list.


In a message dated 6/14/2004 1:53:52 PM Alaskan Daylight Time,

lisamunson@... writes:

> Jerome- So my advice is not to look deep into someone's posts


> Snoopy

> bilateral CIer

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Jerome-- You need to stop jumping to conclusions about a person and their CI

experience. You dont know what their history might be. I applaud for her

perserverence in getting where she is today with her CI journey. Not all of us

have " terrific " hookups and CI journeys but we do appreciate what the CI do give

us and would not for the most part give it up for anything. So my advice is not

to look deep into someone's posts


bilateral CIer

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I'm not a doctor, but it could be the Naproxen was getting in the way of the

Lexapro and Wellbrutin effectively working. My doctor made me stop taking

Valerian (an herbal formula!), to get to sleep at night, coz she said it could

" get in the way " of the Lexapro working to its full extent. So, maybe it was

something like that(?).

Hang in there!


(Who, once again, is so glad NOT to have a husband!). :)

Please Help

I had a bad day Saturday, I became very weepy,depressed, got very

mad at my husband over some serious issues we had, called my

Therapist as it just felt like Lexapro/Wellbutrin wasn't working.

The interesting thing is I was taking Naproxen for a wrenched

shoulder from a minor car accident and after I stopped taking that

my moods and depression lifted. I feel like myself again. I wonder

if it was situational or from the Naproxen? It's wierd.

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  • 4 months later...

What time of day are you taking Lexapro? My doctor encourages me to

take it right before bed with a little food.

Also, maybe try to meet with a nutritionist - they may be able to

help with foods that boost your mood or foods that are better while

taking these meds. My weight gain (though minimal) seems to be water

weight - and I'm sure a nutrionist could help develop a diet that

minimizes that.



> When I was first diagnosed with depression my doctor put me on

> Zoloft. I immediately gained 30 lbs. That was 7 years ago. I've

> tried to get off the drug all together, but end up worse than

> before. My new physician put me on Lexapro about 3 months ago and


> am so tired I could sleep for days. I don't know what to do. I


> mention that when trying to get off the drugs I immediately lose

> weight, which is a good thing, but end up so depressed. I feel

> horrible and wish there were alternatives for me. Can anyone


> I would surely be willing to try anything at this point.

> Thanks, Joan

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side effects

I am so tired all of the time. Plus the weight gain. I could sleep

all day. I'm actually thinking I need a nap right now.


> Hi Joan, did you have any side effects on the 20 mg dose? Terry



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I take it at night also. I'm really starting to think that a

nutritionist is a place I should bring myself. I heard one today at

a group I attend and she really made some sense. Moreso than my

doctor who doesn't offer anything but trying a different drug.


> >

> > When I was first diagnosed with depression my doctor put me on

> > Zoloft. I immediately gained 30 lbs. That was 7 years ago.


> > tried to get off the drug all together, but end up worse than

> > before. My new physician put me on Lexapro about 3 months ago


> I

> > am so tired I could sleep for days. I don't know what to do. I

> will

> > mention that when trying to get off the drugs I immediately lose

> > weight, which is a good thing, but end up so depressed. I feel

> > horrible and wish there were alternatives for me. Can anyone

> help?

> > I would surely be willing to try anything at this point.

> > Thanks, Joan

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Dear Joan ,

May I ask how much your weight gain is ? When did you start to notice it

( how long on lex) ? Have you been exersizing at all or is the fatigue

too much to do that? Do you think the weight gain is related to fatigue

and just generally wanting to move about less or do you have increased

appetite or do you straight up think it is the lex. sorry if you answered

these questions already and I understand if you do not want to further

comment on this topic. alison

On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 18:55:26 -0000 " denovo04 " <cdecker3@...>


side effects

I am so tired all of the time. Plus the weight gain. I could sleep

all day. I'm actually thinking I need a nap right now.


> Hi Joan, did you have any side effects on the 20 mg dose? Terry



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The weight gain is a total of 30 lbs. over the last 7 to 10 years.

Increase in appetite and not being able to have the energy to do

anything is the problem. I can starve myself and still not lose the

weight. Even though I'm constantly running with 4 children, I'm in

the car a lot of that time. I am looking into an exercise program

and better diet. I just think it's funny how within weeks of

stopping the drugs I can lose 10 lbs without doing anything. The

crash is too much so I always end up back on them. Urgh!


> > Hi Joan, did you have any side effects on the 20 mg dose? Terry

> >

> >

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  • 2 months later...

I hope you can find someone to direct you. You should file against

the government that did this to your son. Your lawyer is exceptional

because he admitted he thinks it was the vaccines, but not

exceptional in his cowardice not to pursue the lawsuit. I hope you

can find a lawyer that will do that for you and maybe someone on this

list can help you. Your are exceptional as a parent because you are

not believing the lies that you were told and many thousands of other

parents whose infant died and the coroner says it is SIDS. SIDS has

been around for 50 years and you'd think they would want to find out

why babies are dying. I believe they know and don't care. I am so

sorry for your loss.


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


as you were resisting the drugs, were you taking

supplements or following an alternative treatment to

stay healthy?

My personnal experience is that I never even catch a

cold since I started the Beck protocol last year.

Before that, I would catch 3 to 5 colds per year.

That was even without supplements.

My grain of salt.


--- dalgentry <inspectorhomes@...> wrote:

> i've been " poz " (ha ha) since 85. i always resisted

> the drugs because

> it just didn't feel right. although i was convinced

> to for a while in

> the mid 90's (this was before i discovered the

> dissident point of view)

> and - might i add i never felt worse.


> i want to believe that despite 25 t-cells, and viral

> load of over

> 200,000 that i'm perfectly healthy. i know you guys

> don't give a hoot

> about those test and numbers, but i haven't been

> feeling well and

> thought what the hell.


> a few months ago i began to feel very bad with

> constant fever. i let

> it go for a few weeks thinking it would pass, it

> didn't. i went to

> the doctor and lo and behold i had pneumonia. to

> say the least i

> freaked out and i'm beginning to question my

> beliefs.


> i'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar

> experience or could

> give me some insight. i can see why the viral load

> test are flawed,

> but don't t-cells tell you something about your

> immunity. is there

> anything i can do or take to increase my t-4s or

> should i not worry

> about it. i once again am starting to feel bad. i

> guess i just need

> some reassurance that i'm on the right track and

> that the pneumonia

> was just a fluke.


> many thanks


> gentry






Musically yours,

Sylvain Gagnon




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I understand that you're concerned. It's definitely not a good idea to

throw off all health care.

What you should remember that about 1.2 million people a year get

pneumonia. My friend just went to the hospital with pneumonia and he's

not positive. You're an older gentleman, correct?


As I've always said (and I'm working on my response to the other emails,

but it requires research), T Cells have shown in some studies to correlate

with health... however, since only sick people have been studied, that's

not a completely accurate assumption. And of course correlation does not

prove causation. Not to mention, there's no proof that manually boosting

a T Cell count will do anything for your health. Especially if it

involves taking poison. I'm pretty sure a study was done of healthy

people and the T Cells ranged from 200 to 2000. I would have to check but

I'll find it. That's quite a range. You might be on the low side... or,

you might have been below 100 all your life and that's just your natural T

Cell count.

You should find an alternative practitioner if you can. You may have

underlying health problems that need attention. You should never just

ignore your health completely. Visit the Alive and Well site and get a

rational second opinion. I think you know what an allopathic doctor would


But remember the science. Fear is no good for you either.


> i've been & quot;poz & quot; (ha ha) since 85. i always resisted the

> drugs because

> it just didn't feel right. although i was convinced to for a while in

> the mid 90's (this was before i discovered the dissident point of view)

> and - might i add i never felt worse.


> i want to believe that despite 25 t-cells, and viral load of over

> 200,000 that i'm perfectly healthy. i know you guys don't give a hoot

> about those test and numbers, but i haven't been feeling well and

> thought what the hell.


> a few months ago i began to feel very bad with constant fever. i let

> it go for a few weeks thinking it would pass, it didn't. i went to

> the doctor and lo and behold i had pneumonia. to say the least i

> freaked out and i'm beginning to question my beliefs.


> i'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience or could

> give me some insight. i can see why the viral load test are flawed,

> but don't t-cells tell you something about your immunity. is there

> anything i can do or take to increase my t-4s or should i not worry

> about it. i once again am starting to feel bad. i guess i just need

> some reassurance that i'm on the right track and that the pneumonia

> was just a fluke.


> many thanks


> gentry







> Read AIDS-Cured

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On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 18:14:16 -0000 " dalgentry "

<inspectorhomes@...> writes:

> i've been " poz " (ha ha) since 85. i always resisted the drugs

> because

> it just didn't feel right. although i was convinced to for a while

> in

> the mid 90's (this was before i discovered the dissident point of

> view)

> and - might i add i never felt worse.


> i want to believe that despite 25 t-cells, and viral load of over

> 200,000 that i'm perfectly healthy. i know you guys don't give a

> hoot

> about those test and numbers, but i haven't been feeling well and

> thought what the hell.


> a few months ago i began to feel very bad with constant fever. i

> let

> it go for a few weeks thinking it would pass, it didn't. i went to

> the doctor and lo and behold i had pneumonia. to say the least i

> freaked out and i'm beginning to question my beliefs.


> i'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience or could

> give me some insight. i can see why the viral load test are

> flawed,

> but don't t-cells tell you something about your immunity. is there

> anything i can do or take to increase my t-4s or should i not worry

> about it. i once again am starting to feel bad. i guess i just

> need

> some reassurance that i'm on the right track and that the pneumonia

> was just a fluke.


> many thanks


> gentry

)========= gentry,............your counts indicate a serious health

condition IMO - and measures must be taken to produce an envrionment

where your t-cells can flourish back to healthy numbers - also the

viral-load indicates something too (let intelligence guide). I've never

had pneummonia, but during my bout with lymphoma/chemo....my t-cells

stayed at 25 for a time...until my body recuperated and got more towards

my normal 100 - 200 cd'4s. My t-cells are now at 231 so my system is on

the rebound - can we attribute any of this to the assistance of the

meds?(went on as a last resort after chemo - been on about 7-8 months)

Only God knows...but we can deduce things logically and form a


I take lots of anti-oxidants, vites-minerals, immune enhancing

products(natural) and am always keeping an eye out on the latest

nutritional data - thats all you can do. I am using both conventional and

holistic therapies similar to a format promoted by dr. Jon Kaiser. - hes

into the integrative approach.(both modalities) Asides from all the

hoopla over splitting hairs on t-cell/v-load counts....they still count

for something and it would be everyones best interest to discover what

actually they may be indicating given all the facts and collective data

currently aquired. - so they may not be exactly indicating what

conventional thought has so far supposed - so,....find out what they do

indicate relative to ones general and particular health and use the

friggin data! - gadzooks. (might as well for now until it can be 'proved'

that they are 'entirely' useless - get a grip!)

Anyways....I am taking Aloe vera juice, Host Defense by New Chapter

(liquid drops), whey protein (extra L-glutamine booster), and many other

generally supportive nutrients for immune health and vitality - C, E,

B-complex, selenium, zinc, alpha lipoic acid(ALA), milk thistle, gingko

biloba, red clover, Supreme Greens with MSM, trace mineral drops in

drinking water, beta carotene, etc. Do your homework and begin to

co-create health.

Positive thoughts and uplifting spiritual consciousness practice will

naturally enhance your over-all well-being on all dimensions. If you get

a chance...there are a few books by a Dr. Emoto (? - asian dr.) who

studied the power of human consciousness on water molecules and its just

amazing proof (books have awesome photos) how words, thoughts,

consciousness can affect/transform water atoms into beautiful designs and

crystals....while negative, depressing, dark thoughts tend to produce

water molecules that have no crystal formation..but are dark, ugly,

splotched, disordered. We come back to the whole mind/body thing. (we are

over 70% water). I believe there is a connection and evidence

abounds.....so employ light, love, healing, harmony and gratitude

whenever you can to enhance your own well-being and all those (life)

around you.

Be well,


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If you have an illness such as pneumonia, treat it. If

you don't have an illness I'm not sure why you would

want to be trying to treat that nonexistant illness.

Pneumonia is simply a cold that has spread to your

lungs. It is one of the most common diseases on earth.

Why would that cause you to question your beliefs?

MDs emphasize tcells and viral loads because ITS THE



--- dalgentry <inspectorhomes@...> wrote:

> i've been " poz " (ha ha) since 85. i always resisted

> the drugs because

> it just didn't feel right. although i was convinced

> to for a while in

> the mid 90's (this was before i discovered the

> dissident point of view)

> and - might i add i never felt worse.


> i want to believe that despite 25 t-cells, and viral

> load of over

> 200,000 that i'm perfectly healthy. i know you guys

> don't give a hoot

> about those test and numbers, but i haven't been

> feeling well and

> thought what the hell.


> a few months ago i began to feel very bad with

> constant fever. i let

> it go for a few weeks thinking it would pass, it

> didn't. i went to

> the doctor and lo and behold i had pneumonia. to

> say the least i

> freaked out and i'm beginning to question my

> beliefs.


> i'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar

> experience or could

> give me some insight. i can see why the viral load

> test are flawed,

> but don't t-cells tell you something about your

> immunity. is there

> anything i can do or take to increase my t-4s or

> should i not worry

> about it. i once again am starting to feel bad. i

> guess i just need

> some reassurance that i'm on the right track and

> that the pneumonia

> was just a fluke.


> many thanks


> gentry




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If I were you, I would be taking a plant derived nutrition called

Glyconutrients. The scientific studies and peer reviewed journals on these

essential sugars is extensive.

Combined of course with exercise (rebounding) and a healthy diet ( organic where

possible). The other item I would be mindful of is having enough essential

fatty acids.(flax seed oil or fish oil if the mercury has been removed)

You may remember who posted here a couple of months ago whose brother in

law had full blown aids for 10 years (not sure what his symtoms were,) but

finally the Drs could do no more, and he was given 24 hours to live, gave

him 12 tsp of glyconutrients for 2 days, on the 3rd day he was outa bed, and

left hospital on the 5th day.

Today he is back at work, and there is no sign of the virus in his blood.

He continues to take the glycos, unfortunately his Dr insists he remain on the


This site will give you some understanding of the science of glyconutrients,



dalgentry <inspectorhomes@...> wrote:

i've been " poz " (ha ha) since 85. i always resisted the drugs because

it just didn't feel right. although i was convinced to for a while in

the mid 90's (this was before i discovered the dissident point of view)

and - might i add i never felt worse.

i want to believe that despite 25 t-cells, and viral load of over

200,000 that i'm perfectly healthy. i know you guys don't give a hoot

about those test and numbers, but i haven't been feeling well and

thought what the hell.

a few months ago i began to feel very bad with constant fever. i let

it go for a few weeks thinking it would pass, it didn't. i went to

the doctor and lo and behold i had pneumonia. to say the least i

freaked out and i'm beginning to question my beliefs.

i'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience or could

give me some insight. i can see why the viral load test are flawed,

but don't t-cells tell you something about your immunity. is there

anything i can do or take to increase my t-4s or should i not worry

about it. i once again am starting to feel bad. i guess i just need

some reassurance that i'm on the right track and that the pneumonia

was just a fluke.

many thanks


Read AIDS-Cured

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One more thing Gentry, always beware of anyone who

touts any substance, whether organic or

pharmaceutical, as a sure cure. They are invariably



--- peter newman <petenewman2004@...> wrote:

> If I were you, I would be taking a plant derived

> nutrition called Glyconutrients. The scientific

> studies and peer reviewed journals on these

> essential sugars is extensive.

> Combined of course with exercise (rebounding) and a

> healthy diet ( organic where possible). The other

> item I would be mindful of is having enough

> essential fatty acids.(flax seed oil or fish oil if

> the mercury has been removed)

> You may remember who posted here a couple of

> months ago whose brother in law had full blown aids

> for 10 years (not sure what his symtoms were,) but

> finally the Drs could do no more, and he was given

> 24 hours to live, gave him 12 tsp of

> glyconutrients for 2 days, on the 3rd day he was

> outa bed, and left hospital on the 5th day.

> Today he is back at work, and there is no sign of

> the virus in his blood. He continues to take

> the glycos, unfortunately his Dr insists he remain

> on the meds.

> This site will give you some understanding of the

> science of glyconutrients, www.glycoscience.org

> peter.


> dalgentry <inspectorhomes@...> wrote:

> i've been " poz " (ha ha) since 85. i always resisted

> the drugs because

> it just didn't feel right. although i was convinced

> to for a while in

> the mid 90's (this was before i discovered the

> dissident point of view)

> and - might i add i never felt worse.


> i want to believe that despite 25 t-cells, and viral

> load of over

> 200,000 that i'm perfectly healthy. i know you guys

> don't give a hoot

> about those test and numbers, but i haven't been

> feeling well and

> thought what the hell.


> a few months ago i began to feel very bad with

> constant fever. i let

> it go for a few weeks thinking it would pass, it

> didn't. i went to

> the doctor and lo and behold i had pneumonia. to

> say the least i

> freaked out and i'm beginning to question my

> beliefs.


> i'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar

> experience or could

> give me some insight. i can see why the viral load

> test are flawed,

> but don't t-cells tell you something about your

> immunity. is there

> anything i can do or take to increase my t-4s or

> should i not worry

> about it. i once again am starting to feel bad. i

> guess i just need

> some reassurance that i'm on the right track and

> that the pneumonia

> was just a fluke.


> many thanks


> gentry







> Read AIDS-Cured

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Virginia,

I am sorry your daughter is having such a hard time. There are two very good

doctors in St Louis at the Washington University also known as Jewish

Hospital. Dr Bridwell and Dr Lenke. Dr Lenke did my surgery in 2004. I am 54

but he also works out of the Children's Hospital there. If you want his web

site or if I can help you in any way, let me know.

Joyce E

Please help

Any recommendations Re: specialists for a post surgery consult for correction

of scoliosis? We live in WI and can travel to Marshfield, Madison or Minnesota


My 15 year old had scoliosis 60degrees with a S curve and rotation and was

corrected to 30 degrees in one surgery and rodded from C2 to S1 in one procedure

posterior entry. She did ambulate with balance assist and support of a gait

trainer, rode an adapted tyke and scooted about on the floor all over the house

getting into everything. She functions at a two year old level. Since surgery

she has not been able to do anything and has muscle spasms that require her to

wear leg braces 24/7 or her legs spring into contraction like a rubber band and

she screams with pain. Her chest muscles were so tight that she couldn't expand

her lungs and ended up with pneumonia and is now having to use the vest like

Cystic Fibrosis patients do to keep her lungs clear. Her surgery was the 15th

of August. Our surgeon says this is only the 2nd patient that she has had have

these complications.

I and our ped feel we need to get a second opinion and I want the best I can


- Virginia, mum to three special angels and two grown children

Josh( Angel Wings May 2004, age 11)

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Dear Virginia,

Have you thought of the Mayo Clinic? I saw Dr. Bradford Currier - a spinal

specialist. He was young, up to date and extremely nice. Although he did

not get a handle on my problems (he wasn't the only one!) I would still

recommend him. He is well-prepared and very " simpatico " as we say in Italy.

Not a bit snobbish or off-putting. You will have to pay (I paid 350 bucks

for x-rays and examinations with him and his assistant) - but it's worth it

for your peace of mind. Good luck. My thoughts are with you.


from Italy

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Hi Virginia...

I'd check out Clifford Tribus in Madison first. He did a fellowship

in spine surgery at UCSF, one of the most prestigous fellowships in

spinal deformity:


Beyond that, I would definitely check out the Twin Cities Spine Center:


They have an excellent reputation.



> Any recommendations Re: specialists for a post surgery consult for

correction of scoliosis? We live in WI and can travel to Marshfield,

Madison or Minnesota ?

> My 15 year old had scoliosis 60degrees with a S curve and rotation

and was corrected to 30 degrees in one surgery and rodded from C2 to

S1 in one procedure posterior entry. She did ambulate with balance

assist and support of a gait trainer, rode an adapted tyke and scooted

about on the floor all over the house getting into everything. She

functions at a two year old level. Since surgery she has not been

able to do anything and has muscle spasms that require her to wear leg

braces 24/7 or her legs spring into contraction like a rubber band and

she screams with pain. Her chest muscles were so tight that she

couldn't expand her lungs and ended up with pneumonia and is now

having to use the vest like Cystic Fibrosis patients do to keep her

lungs clear. Her surgery was the 15th of August. Our surgeon says

this is only the 2nd patient that she has had have these complications.

> I and our ped feel we need to get a second opinion and I want the

best I can get.

> - Virginia, mum to three special angels and two grown children

> Josh( Angel Wings May 2004, age 11)




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