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Re: Wash your foods

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While it is good to have a little dirt in

your life, washing fruits and veggies is very important. A good portion of the

chemicals are in the outer peels and even if you are the healthiest person a

dose of a virulent type of e-coli will kill you – and it isn’t a

quick painless death either. Using safe food practices is just part of routine

at our house. So please get your dose of dirt from everyday living like from

your kids, public transportation, school, work, etc. Just touching surfaces everyday

does that, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t wash our hands though.

Just my 2 cents.


From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of Suzanne

Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006

3:51 PM



Wash your foods

Wash Your Foods!

Most people take the " ready to serve " label on foods as

gospel, but, if you remember, your mom always told you to

wash your hands. This is true of everything, and foods

these days are touched by hands not your own.

A lot of people would think to wash their salad, but their

cantaloupe?, etc.


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The two I have are an hour also... 1/2 hour from work.. I wish our other stores would wise up.. but none near me... Walmart has a bit of organic stuff (more than the other store but still not that much)... The farmers market has some stuff right now but I don't think any of it is organic.. The midwest is always the last to follow a trend... SuziMorningGlory113@... wrote: from the neighbor farm is one thing.. .but the stores have wax, pesticides, etc... I'll wash mine from there... We're lucky to have a mega chain supermarket that has a line of organic produce. Years ago there was a rumor that a Whole Foods might be coming into our area. (The closest one is an hour away). Suddenly our local chain completely

revamped their format and launched a whole organic produce section with organic leaf lettuce, collards, leeks, onions, carrots, kale, spring mix, fruit etc. ...the whole nine yards, often at pretty low prices. And now they are offering organic meat and poultry. Then they built 5 more of their mammoth stores in the area...each one getting bigger and bigger! Even Whole Foods couldn't compete with them now. I'm sure that was their plan.

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ok, no offense to the men on this group... however, I know farmers around here that pick produce to sell, pee out in the field and never wash their hands... now... do you really want to not wash your veggies?? (sorry guys) SuziSV <shavig@...> wrote: ".....passing their germs off...." There's that "G" word again. Shari Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ http://360./suziesgoats

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I did, and though I agree with most of it. ..I still don't want to eat someone else's saliva, pee, etc.... (you just never know what you might be eating)... I'm around people at work who come in sick... and I don't catch it... but the idea of food being handled by "who knows what"... no thanks.SV <shavig@...> wrote: I get it, but it still won't make me wash my produce. Did ya' go to the web page with the article on the germ theory? S

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You're just trying to get me to say yes, aren't you? Nope, sorry. Like I said, I'm not afraid of "germs", "bacteria", "virus", ......

and again...........did you read the writing on the germ theory?


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oops! sorry didn't see this one before I read the other one....make sense?


----- Original Message -----

From: Suzanne


Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 1:29 PM

Subject: Re: Wash your foods

I did, and though I agree with most of it. ..I still don't want to eat someone else's saliva, pee, etc.... (you just never know what you might be eating)... I'm around people at work who come in sick... and I don't catch it... but the idea of food being handled by "who knows what"... no thanks.SV <shavigverizon (DOT) net> wrote:

I get it, but it still won't make me wash my produce. Did ya' go to the web page with the article on the germ theory?


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Yes Gloria ask them where they thought

vegetable came from? LOL Perhaps he/she thought they were from Santa Claus



From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of Suzanne

Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006

12:16 PM


Subject: Re:

Wash your foods

and did you inform them???



I was once buying organic scallions in our grocery store when

a nearby shopper came up to me and asked why I was getting organic ones because

they are yucky...all full of dirt and bugs and stuff like that. LOL!



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Shari, no one will try to make you do

anything. I will say that you should look for other sources of information on

the net and check into the background of the authors carefully. Generally,

anyone with such extreme ideas that resorts to paranoia causing tactics is

trying to sell you something. The real truth is usually somewhere in the

middle. Prevention and taking your own health into your hands is so important

yes it is. But I’ve personally seen micro-organisms damage healthy tissue

- so to say they aren’t doing it is just not true. Contrary to what this

article says, med students are not taught that germs cause disease and that’s

the only thing that matters. We are taught that diet, exercise, a healthy

outlook on life and spirituality are all part of a healthy body and mind. The

problem is that people don’t want to hear that, they have selective

hearing. Keep reading and searching for the answers. Don’t get stuck on

just one person’s idea and not be open to everything that’s out



From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of SV

Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006

12:44 PM


Subject: Re:

Wash your foods

You're just trying to get me to say yes, aren't you?

Nope, sorry. Like I said, I'm not afraid of " germs " ,

" bacteria " , " virus " , ......

and again...........did you read the writing on the

germ theory?


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Oooooh my God, if that doesn't make you want to wash your food then nothing will. Yuk!! LOL :)


----- Original Message -----

From: Suzanne


Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 4:12 PM

Subject: Re: Wash your foods

ok, no offense to the men on this group... however, I know farmers around here that pick produce to sell, pee out in the field and never wash their hands... now... do you really want to not wash your veggies?? (sorry guys)


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Hmmm, guess I'm in serious trouble because I don't wash my fruits and vegetables. I don't even wash my lettuce.

I rarely did either, Shari. Practically never if it was organic lettuce.I just started recently because I saw a natural foods cooking show that said there can be bugs or mites somewhere in or on them. And I know my cats pee in my garden so I wash even what I grow. But I just rinse with water. However I have to remind myself to do it because the habit hasn't kicked in yet.


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The farmers market has some stuff right now but I don't think any of it is organic..

Suzi...I don't know if your farmers market is big but the ones here have lots of farmers with their produce. I used to just go from farmer to farmer asking if they put anything on their produce. I was surprised when some of them would tell me they didn't or point out specific crops that had no sprays on them. But there was no way of knowing until I asked...no signs etc. It wasn't until recently (this summer) that any of them put up signs announcing "no sprays". I figured it was probably because of people like me asking them all the time. LOL! Not totally organic, but no sprays or pesticides is good enough for me. You should just ask them and you might be surprised to find some pesticide free food. Here they are usually from the Mennonites or Amish but not always.


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and did you inform them???

Oh...this is the clincher! This guy was telling me about the buggy organic scallions and said he was going to buy "regular" scallions. He had them in his hand and I pointed out to him that organic scallions were on sale and cheaper than the regular ones that week. And guess what??!!!! He paused, then put down the regular ones and grabbed some organic ones and said "What the hell, I may as well try them". I guess he was more interested in saving money than eating bugs.


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............did you read the writing on the germ theory?

Please send it again Shari. It got mixed up in the pile of e-mails I have. Thanks.


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There is no bacteria or virus that can damage healthy tissues. NONE!!!

If there is damage then the tissues were not healthy to begin with. This

is truth. There are times when what appears to be healthy tissues are

being damaged by bacteria and viruses but in fact the tissues are not

healthy. If bacteria is so virulent then why does one get damaged by it

and not another? It is not because anyone has a healthier immune system

either. It is because of internal wastes and toxins or lack of, not

bacteria. Bacteria are only there to remove the toxins and clean up the

waste that we humans put into our own bodies by our own choices. This

can include the destruction and removal of non-healthy tissues, which is

most likely what you have personally witnessed.

The germ theory of dis-ease is bogus, a con and nothing more. It was

pounced upon by the medicos at the time because it gave them the power

over peoples health and unfortunately, the people allowed this to

happen. There is no bacteria or virus that exists that doesn't already

exist within and around each and every one of us all the time. E-coli is

no more virulent than Barney Rubble. Yes, a perfectly healthy and toxic

free person might get ill from eating an E-coli burger from Burger King

but will quickly get over it, although a perfectly healthy person with a

toxic free body would never eat from Burger King but you get the idea, I

hope. On the other hand, those whose diets are less than desirable and

whose digestion is already impaired are going to have some major

problems. But it is not because of the bacterium. This is a huge

misunderstanding that is constantly being perpetuated by the

medical/pharmaceutical combines for a specific purpose ($$$$$$$$$$$$$).

It is very profitable for them to have you and everyone else believe

that your health is not due to anything you are doing but is due to bugs.

On this same note, no drug is good they all have side effects, even if

they are not immediately noticeable. It is true that Benadryl has saved

many lives but it is only a palliative and nothing more. It only deals

with symptoms and not cause. Allergies all have a cause and when that

cause is removed the allergies disappear. Using drugs to cover up

symptoms only makes the allergies worse in the long run as all drugs do

for any dis-ease.

The human body is perfect in all ways. Nature does not make mistakes.

Only we humans make less than optimum choices with our diets and

lifestyles. Then we blame nature or some germ or other outside influence

so we can be freed from our responsibility of our own demise. Then we

willingly take the so called natural or synthetic medications to soothe

our symptoms instead of removing the cause and changing our way of

living and foolishly continue to buy into the medical/pharmaceutical

propaganda and lies.

There is no medical school, that I am aware of, that teaches proper

nutrition to any MD, RN, LVN, LPN or even the so called nutritionists.

This is very obvious to anyone who goes to the hospital and sees the

slop they serve to people who are ill or who are supposedly in their

care. Cooked food is dead and devoid of any nutrition what-so-ever.

Grains, meats, milk products are all acid forming foods. The human body

is an acid producing organism that needs an alkaline diet to offset the

constant acid production that goes on in every cell of the human body.

Feeding acid producing foods is contrary to good health.

Granted there is movement afoot to change this but, as with all change,

it is very slow in coming. Medical schools are not about to promote

proper nutrition and health. There is no money to be made when you are

responsible for your own health and you have knowledge about true health

and nutrition. Life can only come from living, not dead and dying.

Living foods create life and foster it. Dead foods lead to death.


Janet Hamilton wrote:


> Shari, no one will try to make you do anything. I will say that you

> should look for other sources of information on the net and check into

> the background of the authors carefully. Generally, anyone with such

> extreme ideas that resorts to paranoia causing tactics is trying to

> sell you something. The real truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

> Prevention and taking your own health into your hands is so important

> yes it is. But I’ve personally seen micro-organisms damage healthy

> tissue - so to say they aren’t doing it is just not true. Contrary to

> what this article says, med students are not taught that germs cause

> disease and that’s the only thing that matters. We are taught that

> diet, exercise, a healthy outlook on life and spirituality are all

> part of a healthy body and mind. The problem is that people don’t want

> to hear that, they have selective hearing. Keep reading and searching

> for the answers. Don’t get stuck on just one person’s idea and not be

> open to everything that’s out there.


> Janet


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> *From:* health

> [mailto:health ] *On Behalf Of *SV

> *Sent:* Thursday, July 27, 2006 12:44 PM

> *To:* health

> *Subject:* Re: Wash your foods


> You're just trying to get me to say yes, aren't you? Nope, sorry. Like

> I said, I'm not afraid of " germs " , " bacteria " , " virus " , ......


> and again...........did you read the writing on the germ theory?


> Shari



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Hulda . I have to disagree with that - I would never soak anything in

bleach before I ate it. Talk about toxic!!!!


Always Enough Ranch

Acampo, California


Bill Barnhill is our Rainbow Example!


----- Original Message -----

From: " Landes " <L@...>

<health >

Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 2:12 PM

Subject: Re: Wash your foods



> I used to be in charge of the Advertising department of my home town

> newspaper. A couple of the large grocery stores were my clients, and

> I had to visit the stores about 3 times each week to pick up ad copy,

> bring back the ad layout for proofing, etc. I also had two brothers,

> when we were young and living at home, that also worked at local

> groceries.


> If you have ever been in the back storeroom of a grocery store and

> seen what goes on there, you would never, never, ever eat any produce

> without washing it first. Cockroaches are big in grocery stores and

> will crawl all over everything; cockroaches are just one bug - there

> are many others. Where there is food there is also going to be mice

> and possibly rats - I've seen both types of rodents in locally owned

> and chain stores. I have seen meat boxes stacked above produce boxes

> and other foods with blood and meat juices running out of the boxes

> and all over everything.


> If the store has a deli department the critters are going to be even

> worse than normal.


> I'm sorry, but I can not imagine buying produce, whether from a

> grocery or a farmer's market, organic or non-organic, and not washing

> the heck out of it before I eat it.


> Who is the lady that promotes zappers? Hilda or Helga or something

> like that? She recommends washing everything you eat in bleach water

> and she will tell you to soak your chicken, fish, etc., in bleach

> water for at least 15 minutes before you cook it and eat it. I've

> got 2-3 of her books but the name is failing me at the moment. I can

> get up and find them if anyone is interested.




> At 03:44 PM 7/27/2006, you wrote:


>>You're just trying to get me to say yes, aren't you? Nope,

>>sorry. Like I said, I'm not afraid of " germs " , " bacteria " , " virus " ,



>>and again...........did you read the writing on the germ theory?








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----- Original Message -----

From: " Don Eitner " <mysticalherbalist@...>

<health >

Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 1:07 AM

Subject: Re: Wash your foods

> There is no bacteria or virus that can damage healthy tissues. NONE!!!

Don, I agree with you completly on all that you have said. As a nurse it

really makes sence to me. However, I still wash my food in my filtered

water. I just can't stand the thought of the farmer's urine or spit or any

kind of manure or fertilizer or cockroaches or any other kind of bug or

animal or anything else on my food when I eat it. LOL ;)~ Sorry sweet

heart, I just can't help myself. Unlike some here I have seen what is going

on behind the supermarket doors before it goes on display for the public.

Yuk! After what I've seen I just can't think of it as appetizing unless I

wash it. Maybe it's just in my head, I don't know. But I HAVE to wash it

Don. You know what I mean Hunny Bunny?

>> There is no medical school, that I am aware of, that teaches proper

> nutrition to any MD, RN, LVN, LPN or even the so called nutritionists.

Here is where I have to disagree with you. When I was in nursing school I

was taught in our nitrition class many of the same principles of what we do

here in this group. Raw food is the best and cooked food is dead. No value

in it. Other things like that too. This was in my nutrition class. That's

where I first heard of Doctor . We learned about a lot of his

ideas there. Maybe my school was unique. We were taught that it is what we

put into our bodies and how much of it will effect our overall health. This

was 15 years ago. Out teacher didn't go into great detail but he gave us a

really good foundation to build on.

> This is very obvious to anyone who goes to the hospital and sees the

> slop they serve to people who are ill or who are supposedly in their

> care. Cooked food is dead and devoid of any nutrition what-so-ever.

Agreed again. I was in the hospital recently and hardly ate. I asked for a

raw diet and for the most part got it but not without a fight from the

nutritionist. She wanted to shove all kinds of crap down my throat. No

way. I survived just fine. I believe each patient has a responsibility to

be active in their own prescription for recovery. They can't stand that

kind of talk in a hospital. They feel like you " belong " to them while

you're there and they must control everything that goes on with you. If you

protest in any way the they label you as noncompliant. Thee was no way out

of the surgery so I allowed that. I needed physical therapy so I allowed

that. Raw food only and no dairy, meat, sugar or bread. They couldn't get

over it when I refused all pain meds. No drugs. That was like the last

straw. LOL!! I had their heads spinning. I did so well that I was able to

come home three days early. Yeah!! They couldn't believe how fast I

recovered. So there you go. I was proud of myself.


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Thanks for the name, Gayla. If memory serves me right, Hulda claims

the bleach kills any parasites, etc., that might be in the meat. I

do remember she also recommends washing all produce in a bleach

solution. I follow the vinegar/water route myself, and sometimes use

a water and citrus oil mix.

At 12:48 AM 7/28/2006, you wrote:

>Hulda . I have to disagree with that - I would never soak anything in

>bleach before I ate it. Talk about toxic!!!!


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Hi Lynn,

No problem, it really is truly only about choice. That is all life is,

choice. Nothing more and nothing less. Everything we do, feel, see,

think, say, etc. is based on choice. Ultimately that is it in a nutshell.

As I mentioned there are some schools that are beginning to understand

what true nutrition really is but they are few and far between and most

doctors and nurses do not learn enough about nutrition. In other words,

you get a rudimentary understanding of nutrition without going into the

details, which is alright as far as it goes. However, there are many

misunderstandings still, eg. salt!!!! Salt has no place or purpose in

the human body as it cannot be utilized by any cell in the body, it is

caustic and toxic. Now sodium, ionic from plants, being very different

from the ionic sodium found when dissolving sodium chloride in water,

has many uses in the human body and is the only form the body can

utilize. This is passed off by most professionals as " salt " . Ionic

sodium is not salt. Dissolved sodium chloride is still salt no matter

how you look at it.

However, Lynn, I say bravo to you and congratulations on not allowing

them to have their way totally with your health. Very well done and good

for you. I applaude your willingness to stand up for your rights to your

own health, even if the medicos didn't like it.

In peace,


Pearlmoon wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " Don Eitner " <mysticalherbalist@...>

> <health >

> Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 1:07 AM

> Subject: Re: Wash your foods




>> There is no bacteria or virus that can damage healthy tissues. NONE!!!





> Don, I agree with you completly on all that you have said. As a nurse it

> really makes sence to me. However, I still wash my food in my filtered

> water. I just can't stand the thought of the farmer's urine or spit or any

> kind of manure or fertilizer or cockroaches or any other kind of bug or

> animal or anything else on my food when I eat it. LOL ;)~ Sorry sweet

> heart, I just can't help myself. Unlike some here I have seen what is going

> on behind the supermarket doors before it goes on display for the public.

> Yuk! After what I've seen I just can't think of it as appetizing unless I

> wash it. Maybe it's just in my head, I don't know. But I HAVE to wash it

> Don. You know what I mean Hunny Bunny?




>>> There is no medical school, that I am aware of, that teaches proper


>> nutrition to any MD, RN, LVN, LPN or even the so called nutritionists.





> Here is where I have to disagree with you. When I was in nursing school I

> was taught in our nitrition class many of the same principles of what we do

> here in this group. Raw food is the best and cooked food is dead. No value

> in it. Other things like that too. This was in my nutrition class. That's

> where I first heard of Doctor . We learned about a lot of his

> ideas there. Maybe my school was unique. We were taught that it is what we

> put into our bodies and how much of it will effect our overall health. This

> was 15 years ago. Out teacher didn't go into great detail but he gave us a

> really good foundation to build on.





>> This is very obvious to anyone who goes to the hospital and sees the

>> slop they serve to people who are ill or who are supposedly in their

>> care. Cooked food is dead and devoid of any nutrition what-so-ever.




> Agreed again. I was in the hospital recently and hardly ate. I asked for a

> raw diet and for the most part got it but not without a fight from the

> nutritionist. She wanted to shove all kinds of crap down my throat. No

> way. I survived just fine. I believe each patient has a responsibility to

> be active in their own prescription for recovery. They can't stand that

> kind of talk in a hospital. They feel like you " belong " to them while

> you're there and they must control everything that goes on with you. If you

> protest in any way the they label you as noncompliant. Thee was no way out

> of the surgery so I allowed that. I needed physical therapy so I allowed

> that. Raw food only and no dairy, meat, sugar or bread. They couldn't get

> over it when I refused all pain meds. No drugs. That was like the last

> straw. LOL!! I had their heads spinning. I did so well that I was able to

> come home three days early. Yeah!! They couldn't believe how fast I

> recovered. So there you go. I was proud of myself.


> Lynn





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ours is very small... maybe 6 vendors....MorningGlory113@... wrote: The farmers market has some stuff right now but I don't think any of it is organic..Suzi...I don't know if your farmers market is big but the ones here have lots of farmers with their produce. I used to just go from farmer to farmer asking if they put anything on their produce. I was surprised when some of them would tell me they didn't or point out specific crops that had no sprays on them. But there was no way of knowing until I asked...no signs etc. It wasn't until recently (this summer) that any of them put up signs announcing "no sprays". I figured it was probably because of people like me asking them all the time. LOL! Not totally organic, but no sprays or pesticides is good

enough for me. You should just ask them and you might be surprised to find some pesticide free food. Here they are usually from the Mennonites or Amish but not always. Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ http://360./suziesgoats

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that is too funny!MorningGlory113@... wrote: and did you inform them???Oh...this is the clincher! This guy was telling me about the buggy organic scallions and said he was going to buy "regular" scallions. He had them in his hand and I pointed out to him that organic scallions were on sale and cheaper than the regular ones that week. And guess what??!!!! He paused, then put down the regular ones and grabbed some organic ones and said "What the hell, I may as well try them". I guess

he was more interested in saving money than eating bugs.

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It might kill parasites, but how do you get the bleach out of teh food? And

the bleach smell? I agree with some of her teachings, since I saw firsthand

what she did for a relative who was diagnosed with a terminal case of rare

epilepsy. he is now totally normal, but it opened the eyes of the whole

family. (It turned out to be retained heavy metals and parasites that had

set up shop in his brain, putting toxins into his brain).


Always Enough Ranch

Acampo, California


Bill Barnhill is our Rainbow Example!


----- Original Message -----

From: " Landes " <L@...>

<health >

Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 12:31 AM

Subject: Re: Wash your foods



> Thanks for the name, Gayla. If memory serves me right, Hulda claims

> the bleach kills any parasites, etc., that might be in the meat. I

> do remember she also recommends washing all produce in a bleach

> solution. I follow the vinegar/water route myself, and sometimes use

> a water and citrus oil mix.




> At 12:48 AM 7/28/2006, you wrote:


>>Hulda . I have to disagree with that - I would never soak anything in

>>bleach before I ate it. Talk about toxic!!!!







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I have heard that some people use grape seed extract to wash their fruit for their birds....what about for humans....oh and ACV.

Kathy L.

----- Original Message -----

From: Gayla


Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 2:08 PM

Subject: Re: Wash your foods

It might kill parasites, but how do you get the bleach out of teh food? And the bleach smell? I agree with some of her teachings, since I saw firsthand what she did for a relative who was diagnosed with a terminal case of rare epilepsy. he is now totally normal, but it opened the eyes of the whole family. (It turned out to be retained heavy metals and parasites that had set up shop in his brain, putting toxins into his brain).Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, Californiahttp://bouncinghoofs.com/alwaysenough.htmlBill Barnhill is our Rainbow Example!aeranchgmail----- Original Message ----- From: " Landes" <L@....com><health >Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 12:31 AMSubject: Re: Wash your foods>>> Thanks for the name, Gayla. If memory serves me right, Hulda claims> the bleach kills any parasites, etc., that might be in the meat. I> do remember she also recommends washing all produce in a bleach> solution. I follow the vinegar/water route myself, and sometimes use> a water and citrus oil mix.>> >> At 12:48 AM 7/28/2006, you wrote:>>>Hulda . I have to disagree with that - I would never soak anything in>>bleach before I ate it. Talk about toxic!!!!>>Gayla >>>>>

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GSE is okay to use diluted.Angeldestiny <angeldestiny@...> wrote: I have heard that some people use grape seed extract to wash their fruit for their birds....what about for humans....oh and ACV. Kathy L.

Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ http://360./suziesgoats

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