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  • 4 weeks later...

>I was proud of myself for exercising 5 days but I didn't control my eating.

It'll happen again - just stick with it.

Today is a new day

> with new possibilites! :) I need to make good choices.


>Gotta keep moving!

I wish I could get out of this house, but it's freezing out there! And the

winds howling at gusts to 40 mph don't help matters, either. Aside from

brushing snow off the cars on Friday, I haven't been out of this house in 6

days. I *hate* snow!!! And snow PLOWS that bury my cars ar it comes down

the block.


> My goal is to exercise 4 days this week. On Fri. dh and I leave for Paris

Have a great time, and happy anniversary.

Sue in NJ

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Before I got my treadmill, when it was too cold to go outside, I would put on a cd and walk in place. Its not much but way better then doing nothing.


Re: Weigh In>I was proud of myself for exercising 5 days but I didn't control my eating.It'll happen again - just stick with it.Today is a new day> with new possibilites! :) I need to make good choices.Amen!>Gotta keep moving!I wish I could get out of this house, but it's freezing out there! And thewinds howling at gusts to 40 mph don't help matters, either. Aside frombrushing snow off the cars on Friday, I haven't been out of this house in 6days. I *hate* snow!!! And snow PLOWS that bury my cars ar it comes downthe block.>> My goal is to exercise 4 days this week. On Fri. dh and I leave for ParisHave a great time, and happy anniversary.Sue in NJ

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  • 1 month later...
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Congratulations! No, I've never had a problem with being allowed too much

food. :)


----- Original Message -----

From: " Dawn " <dmm316@...>

> I just finished my Blast Off week on Deal-A-Meal and am happy to say

> I lost 4 pounds. Surprising to myself since I had a couple of slip-

> ups with my eating and I've only exercised twice all week.

> Now I go up to 1600 calories, and wow, that looks like a lot of food

> to eat everyday.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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> I lost 5 pounds this week


> pounds to get back to 30 and two more after that to get back to where I


Let's see, I have about 19 pounds to get back to where I was before I hit my

plateau and started gaining again. Gee, has it really been that much? :(

> At least I'm back to work.

My thoughts, exactly! We *can* do this if we just stick to it long enough to

make a habit out of it again.

Sue in NJ

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----- Original Message -----

From: " CLD "

> HI...im lurker sussie...:)


> is the sugarbusters like atkins?

Hi Sussie,

No. Atkins is very low carb. Sugar Busters is very low sugar and carbs

that act like sugar in your body (white flour, white rice, white potatoes,

and corn). On Sugar Busters you are encouraged to have whole grains and

fruit. Those items are limited more strictly on Atkins.

I've been doing Sugar Busters for 3 weeks. I like it. I seem to be less

tired and have fewer cravings. Atkins isn't for me but some people swear by

it. Check the Sugar Busters book out of the library and see if it makes

sense to you.

Stop lurking and start posting! :)


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> I lost 2 pounds this week.

And I found them. :(

I guess I can blame it on TOM, which is 4 days overdue again, because I've

been avoiding all things salty except for waht we ate Friday.


> home again today since Lynn still had a fever last night.

Gosh, what a crappy year it's been for all these sick kids! Henry is still

coughing, too, and when I called his doc for the results of the blood tests

I was told to call tomorrow - they all went home already because of the


>so I'll get

> some time off. Woo hoo! I have to decide what I'm going to do. :)

I'm sure you'll think of something good. :)

>Hmmm.... it's daylight savings

> time so maybe I can go for a walk after Vonn goes to bed at 7.

> since can put Lynn to bed at 8 without

> having to deal with both kids.

Will she go to bed without giving Mommy a goodnight kiss? If so, then I say

go for it!

Sue in NJ

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----- Original Message -----

From: " " <housewifey34@...>


> Weighed in at 261.4 this morning. That's a loss of 1.2 lbs. this week!

Great news!

I just noticed your e-mail address. Not many women still embrace the term

housewife. I prefer unemployed or temporarily retired. :):)


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----- Original Message -----

From: " Sue in NJ " <susang@...>

> > I lost 2 pounds this week.


> And I found them. :(

Hopefully you can lose them next week but please don't send them back to


> Gosh, what a crappy year it's been for all these sick kids! Henry is still

> coughing, too, and when I called his doc for the results of the blood


What are the blood tests for? I've talked to several people who have said

that this year more people are having breathing difficulties due to very

high pollen counts in our area. I'm crossing my fingers that this isn't a

chronic thing for my little one.

> > since can put Lynn to bed at 8 without

> > having to deal with both kids.


> Will she go to bed without giving Mommy a goodnight kiss? If so, then I


> go for it!

Oh yeah. They've been trained to go to bed without mommy since they were a

few months old. :) At least 3 times per month I go out in the evenings for

a much needed break (book club, Mothers and More meeting and mom's night

out) a few other nights per month I'll go out and run errands in the

evening. Even when I'm here often puts the kids to bed. I figure that

I've been with them all day and he needs some quality daddy time.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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9 pounds! What a great loss! You're doing great! I'm impressed with you walking up 7 flights of stairs. I have trouble getting up and down the one flight in my house without getting out of breath! LOL

weigh in

I am happy to report a 9 pound weight loss since beginning my diet on the 1st. I work on the 7th floor and tried to go up once. I made it. It took me awhile and thought I was going to need oxygen

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> I am happy to report a 9 pound weight loss since beginning my diet

> on the 1st.

Very nice!

> It has been really hard especially not drinking my

> Pepsi.

See how little changes can make a big difference! Look at all those calories

you're no longer taking it.

> I have been getting out and walking and taking the stairs

> down at work. I work on the 7th floor and tried to go up once.

You're a braver woman (or crazier) than *I* would ever be! LOL

> I can't say I didn't eat a little tiny piece though.

Well it *was* a holiday! As long as you get back to your food plan net meal,

no long-term harm done.

> really wanted a Reeses egg but I behaved myself. Hopefully they'll

> eat those really fast!

Has anyone seen the sugar-free Reese peanut butter cups yet? I read about

them on the Sugar Busters list but haven't seen them in any stores around

here at all. Maybe that's a *good* thing!

Sue in NJ

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Congratulations. Keep it going. I weighed in today with a 2 pound loss. I think we are getting the hang of this slowly, but did eat two Easter cookies today. Although, I did only eat two and I had garden vegetable soup for lunch (0 points on WW) and a piece and a half of cheese-less pizza (is that still pizza???? it was good whatever it was)

who is cooking leftover ham for dinner tonight with a WW of saffron potatoes (husband had a hissy at the check out counter when the price for the saffron came up....I shrugged and said it is for a recipe in my WW cookbook...he said it had better be a good recipe :P )

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> I weighed in last night at 312 so I gained 78 pounds in one week. Ack!

That was some splurge you must have had last ngiht! LOL

> It's a Tanita that I bought at Service Merchandise about 5 years

> ago I think. It's been great so I want to get another one but I don't


> who carries them.

I really miss Service Merchandise. We used to have 2 here and both closed

over 10 years ago. In FL I had 3 within a 15 minute ride. :(

>I'd like to see them in person

> though so maybe I'll go shopping today with my 3 year old.

Why not just take advantage of having no scale and just go by measurements

for a while. You'll become less obsessed with the weight and pay more

attention to just eating the right foods for now.

> We were supposed to go to the zoo with playgroup but she threw up at


Sick again? Or is this just vomiting from the post nasal drip and the

asthma? Henry was famous for his vomiting up the phlegm. Once he did that he

was fine and dandy for hours afterwards.

> I've had 3 Sugar Busters days and today is going ok. I can feel myself

> struggling today. It seems almost automatic with life's little stresses

> like a sick kid and lack of sleep. I have to get out of the habit of

> turning to food!

Or find a safe comfort food. Instead of sweets, try crunchy and bite into

some carrots or celery. Gnaw your troubles away. :)

Sue in NJ

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Sue in NJ " <susang@...>

> > I weighed in last night at 312 so I gained 78 pounds in one week. Ack!


> That was some splurge you must have had last ngiht! LOL

hee hee. Shows what fast food will do.

> Why not just take advantage of having no scale and just go by measurements

> for a while. You'll become less obsessed with the weight and pay more

> attention to just eating the right foods for now.

Good idea in theory but not for me. For one thing I have very few vices

these days and I have no intention of giving up my Diet Pepsi or my scale.

:) For another thing, I just don't trust Sugar Busters yet. I like it in

theory but I need to monitor my weight to see what happens if I concentrate

more on sugar than on calories. I want to see what happens if I stay on

program for 5 out of 7 days or whatever. If I don't lose then I know I need

to watch my portions more closely. Without the scale I won't have the

feeback part of the loop.

I went to 7 or 8 stores looking for a scale today. What a waste of time!

The store were listed on the Tanita website but none had a good selection of

models. They all had the expensive ones that measure body fat. I know my

body is fat and I don't need my scale to tell me that! I'll order the basic

model on line.

> Sick again? Or is this just vomiting from the post nasal drip and the

> asthma? Henry was famous for his vomiting up the phlegm. Once he did that


> was fine and dandy for hours afterwards.

She was fine afterwards. I don't know what upset her tummy.

> Or find a safe comfort food. Instead of sweets, try crunchy and bite into

> some carrots or celery. Gnaw your troubles away. :)

I need to walk them away!


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> Good idea in theory but not for me. For one thing I have very few vices

> these days and I have no intention of giving up my Diet Pepsi or my scale.

> :)

I'm just as bad. I talk about trying to hide the scale and Ed insisting I

put it back, all the while checking out the scales for sale in Wal-Greens

that measure body fat. I *am* addicted to that thing, and yes, it *does*

tell me what kind of day I'm going to have.

For instance, I ate on-program for a few days now, including getting all my

water in AND exercise. This morning I had a 2 pound gain. In fact, it's 2

pounds *over* what it was when I weighed before going to bed last night

(Yes, I'm really that bad - lol)! Tell me, how does one gain weight while

sleeping? And it *is* accurate - Henry and Ed test it out all the time and

we've even gone as far as putting 10 pounds of flour on it and gotten

accurate readings.

> For another thing, I just don't trust Sugar Busters yet.

I did warn you that a lot of people said they gained for the first few weeks

as their bodies got used to all the whole grains. Again, it should be

long-term health and not just weight we should be concerned about.

> I went to 7 or 8 stores looking for a scale today. What a waste of time!

You may be better off with mail order, if you know which one you really


> They all had the expensive ones that measure body fat.

That's the *only* type I've seen in any stores lately. Either they don't

sell scales at all or only have the ones with all the bells and whistles.

I know my

> body is fat and I don't need my scale to tell me that!

LOL! I always say I don't need calipers or submersion takes to find out my

percentage of body fat - just assume it's 90% fat and the rest skin, bones &

blood. Calipers are useless when you can grab a handful! And I haven't been

able to put my fingers around my wrist in decades! Even as a little kid I

needed extensions on my charm bracelet!

> She was fine afterwards. I don't know what upset her tummy.

Must be something going around - Henry woke up like that this morning,

although he doesn't believe it's the post nasal drip. He *does* have a big

presentation in robotics class today so maybe it's just butterflies.

Sue in NJ

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