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Re: Newbie

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To your questions about your flush. I don't know about the apple juice

mixed with the epsom salts, but I was thinking of doing something along

those same lines next time. As far as your shooting pain last night, have

you been drinking apple juice for a week before doing this flush? I know it

makes a difference and softens the gallstones. I didn't have any pain the

week before my flush because of doing that. Plus I was fasting off and on

and watching my fat intake. If you haven't softened the gallstones, you may

want to wait until you do. It may make for an uncomfortable flush.

I have done the flush both with lying flat on my back and lying on my right

side with my knee up. I had much more success with lying flat on my back.

Plus, I noticed while lying on my back, I could feel the train of stones

traveling around.

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Lori, I don't know about the apple juice thing either. But I always lie on

my back, but not flat. With my head up, kind of in a reclining position. I

never feel any stones traveling. I wish you good luck. Welcome to the group.


----- Original Message -----

From: " ldo " <ldo@...>


Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 10:09 AM

Subject: newbie

> Hi,


> I am doing a flush today following Hulda 's protocol---espom salts,

> grapefruit juice, olive oil. I was wondering, can I mix the epsom salts

> in diluted apple juiceor add vanilla flavoring, since everyone says the

> taste is so objectionable? Is there some special reason it has to be in

> plain water? I guess I'm being a little bit chicken about drinking the

> salts. I have been having gnawing feelings under my right rib cage, and

> just last night as I was sleeping, I got a really bad shooting pain from

> the same place, but only lasted about 15 sec. First gb " attack " as I

> can remember. It sure did solidify my decision to do this flush today.

> Hulda recommends laying down on your back as soon as you drink the olive

> oil/juice combo, but I have read elsewhere to lay on your right side or

> on your stomach with your right knee bent up under you. Anyone have any

> recommendations on which works best, or maybe it doesn't matter? Thanks

> for any input. I will post my results when I am finished. I was

> encouraged by the woman's post today about her husband's successful

> flush. Hope mine will be too. Thank you.


> Lori




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> Have a nice day !


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Hi ,

Thanks for your quick reply. I have been drinking diluted apple juice for

several weeks now as I have been doing colon cleansing using bentonite and

psyllium. I drink about 1 gallon a day. But it is diluted, freshly made

organic, about 24 oz of juice per gallon. I have also been fasting for 3 days a

week while cleansing, then going back to regular eating. I think that I will

still go ahead and try it tonight, and then lay flat on my back as your

experience proved better for you. Thanks again. I'll keep you posted. Lori

Green wrote:

> Lori,


> To your questions about your flush. I don't know about the apple juice

> mixed with the epsom salts, but I was thinking of doing something along

> those same lines next time. As far as your shooting pain last night, have

> you been drinking apple juice for a week before doing this flush? I know it

> makes a difference and softens the gallstones. I didn't have any pain the

> week before my flush because of doing that. Plus I was fasting off and on

> and watching my fat intake. If you haven't softened the gallstones, you may

> want to wait until you do. It may make for an uncomfortable flush.


> I have done the flush both with lying flat on my back and lying on my right

> side with my knee up. I had much more success with lying flat on my back.

> Plus, I noticed while lying on my back, I could feel the train of stones

> traveling around.




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I think I will lie on my back. I got another post response that the person also

had better results in this position. Thanks for the tips. I'll keep you

posted. Lori

robert mcmullan wrote:

> Lori, I don't know about the apple juice thing either. But I always lie on

> my back, but not flat. With my head up, kind of in a reclining position. I

> never feel any stones traveling. I wish you good luck. Welcome to the group.


> laura


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I'll have to correct myself. I wasn't exactly FLAT. I did use a pillow

under my head! LOL

-----Original Message-----

From: ldo <ldo@...>

gallstonesegroups <gallstonesegroups>

Date: Thursday, December 07, 2000 11:25 AM

Subject: Re: newbie

>Hi ,


>Thanks for your quick reply. I have been drinking diluted apple juice for

several weeks now as I have been doing colon cleansing using bentonite and

>psyllium. I drink about 1 gallon a day. But it is diluted, freshly made

organic, about 24 oz of juice per gallon. I have also been fasting for 3

days a

>week while cleansing, then going back to regular eating. I think that I

will still go ahead and try it tonight, and then lay flat on my back as your

>experience proved better for you. Thanks again. I'll keep you posted.



> Green wrote:


>> Lori,


>> To your questions about your flush. I don't know about the apple juice

>> mixed with the epsom salts, but I was thinking of doing something along

>> those same lines next time. As far as your shooting pain last night,


>> you been drinking apple juice for a week before doing this flush? I know


>> makes a difference and softens the gallstones. I didn't have any pain


>> week before my flush because of doing that. Plus I was fasting off and


>> and watching my fat intake. If you haven't softened the gallstones, you


>> want to wait until you do. It may make for an uncomfortable flush.


>> I have done the flush both with lying flat on my back and lying on my


>> side with my knee up. I had much more success with lying flat on my


>> Plus, I noticed while lying on my back, I could feel the train of stones

>> traveling around.







>Collected testimonials:


>You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the

gallstonesegroups. To unsubscribe:


>To subscribe again: Mailto:gallstones-subscribeegroups

>To change status to digest: Mailto:gallstones-digestegroups

>To change status to normal: Mailto;gallstones-normalegroups

>By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR


>List Archives: http:///messages/gallstones

>Web Sites: http://home.online.no/~dusan/gallstones/

>Have a nice day !



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I have to admit I've not tasted Epsom salts for years - but if theye

are as distasteful as everone says, try Magnesium Citrate, which

tastes wonderful - it really does!

Just ask for the powder at a pharmacy.

Try it next time ...


> Hi,


> I am doing a flush today following Hulda 's protocol---espom


> grapefruit juice, olive oil. I was wondering, can I mix the epsom


> in diluted apple juiceor add vanilla flavoring, since everyone says


> taste is so objectionable? Is there some special reason it has to

be in

> plain water? I guess I'm being a little bit chicken about drinking


> salts. I have been having gnawing feelings under my right rib

cage, and

> just last night as I was sleeping, I got a really bad shooting pain


> the same place, but only lasted about 15 sec. First gb " attack " as


> can remember. It sure did solidify my decision to do this flush


> Hulda recommends laying down on your back as soon as you drink the


> oil/juice combo, but I have read elsewhere to lay on your right

side or

> on your stomach with your right knee bent up under you. Anyone

have any

> recommendations on which works best, or maybe it doesn't matter?


> for any input. I will post my results when I am finished. I was

> encouraged by the woman's post today about her husband's successful

> flush. Hope mine will be too. Thank you.


> Lori

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  • 11 months later...

Please take me of this mailinglist/newsletter - I just wanted to be able to

view the questions and answers. Now My mailbox is almost 3/4 full in a short


Please don't send any more questionanswers to my mail box.

" Pat T. " <pawatson@...> wrote: Hi--

I joined a couple of weeks ago. I wish I had found this group earlier,

then I might have avoided surgery, but I was too afraid to cancel it, and

so had my GB removed the day before Thanksgiving. Actually, it wasn't too

bad, and I am doing great now. The largest stone was 1/2 " in diameter.

Several were 1/4 " , and the rest (which was a lot!) was like small gravel.

I had abdominal pain for several years before finally discovering that

I had gallstones. I am not going to waste a lot of time wondering if I

made the wrong decision (to have surgery), b/c it's done now, but I do

want to find out what I can do from here to prevent future problems and

keep my liver healthy. So, I will lurk here for a while! Just wanted to

update on what my situation is, and particularly thank Debra for her


Pat T.

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  • 1 year later...

Yep.....me too!!!

-----Original Message-----

From: victoriaabbott2 <victoriaabbott2@...>


Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 5:29 PM

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Subject: Newbie

I have been reading some of the postings on this site today, and have

been just amazed. For the past few years, I have constantly been

telling myself that the dizzyness, fatigue, general weakness and

achiness have been in my head, and that I should just get over it. I

never realized that it is all tied in with RA (I never asked).

Having completely refused to acknowledge or accept the fact that I

have RA for the past few years, I am woefully lacking in knowledge

regarding RA and find myself playing catch-up now that my body is

forcing me to face it. Some days it is really tough just getting out

of bed. I have been so afraid lately, and pretty down in the dumps.

I am on Methotrexate, Prednisone, Sulfazine, and Folic Acid, and none

of it is helping. Plus, I am on meds for High blood pressure, and

migraine headaches. I feel like I carry a drugstore around with me

every day. Do you ever wish you could just pull the covers over your

head and say " due to lack of interest, today has been cancelled " ?

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Donna and everyone

A very good suggestion. Since I starterd taking my prednisolne at night just

before i go to bed (instead of the morning) and I have minimised my morning



" Fisher " <dfisher57@...> on 16/01/2003 09:55:11

Please respond to Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis

cc: (bcc: Gregg/NSW/QBE/AU)

Subject: Re: Newbie

Have you guys ever considered taking your medication at night so you're not so

sore in the morning? My Dr. said to take my medication in the morning but, I

take it at night so I can get up with the kids and start my day. My Dr. said

that's not a problem if I take it at night. Usually I am sore at night when I

am sleeping. So it's not a problem.


I feel like that most every morning !!!

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Have you guys ever considered taking your medication at night so you're not so sore in the morning? My Dr. said to take my medication in the morning but, I take it at night so I can get up with the kids and start my day. My Dr. said that's not a problem if I take it at night. Usually I am sore at night when I am sleeping. So it's not a problem.

DonnaI feel like that most every morning !!!

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the board and condolonces on your disease. A few people have luck with diet changes or herbal remedies but most people have the choice between medicines with potentially severe side effects and being bed ridden. Once joint damage occurs it is irreversible. Some links to alternative treatments are in the following web site: http://www.arthritisinsight.com/medical/alternative/links.html Also http://www.drweil.com/app/cda/drw_cda.html is a well-known web site that has a lot of information on natural remedies. There are also protocols for elimination diets to determine food sensitivities that may contribute to RA but I don't have a good reference. Good luck and God bless.

----- Original Message -----

From: passion4mastiffs71

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:44 AM

Subject: Newbie

Hi,I was diagnosed with RA by my family doctor, am having that confirmed this next week by an RA physcian. I've started researching it and want't to know what herbs and vitamins out there were good to use? I'm not into poluting my body with chemical drugs.I had started working on my weight in November and had dropped 22lbs since, but have stale mated with this because walking and lifting seem to be out of the question for the most part. The pain I'm in is horrible and I'm only 31 yrs old. I'm looking for a support group. My biggest fear is ending up disabled way way before my time. Thanks and I look forward to being an active member on the board. Kerri Bakerandria, VA

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> Hi,


Hi Kerri!

I was diagnosed with RA when I was 35 (2 years ago). The pain is

horrible. Like you, I worry about this disease disabling me. I

still work full time. Some days are worse than others.

As far as herbal remedies, I've heard that some people take Noni & it

has helped them (I tried Noni & it didn't work for me). I don't

knock herbal remedies because I used one for my asthma, which used to

be chronic (I was in my doctor's office every 3-4 months to get an

injection of Depo Medrol & a Medrol Dose Pak, plus I

practically 'lived' on my inhaler & nebulizer). Anyway, this herbal

remedy (Pleurisy Root, manufactured by Solary) got my asthma in

remission. I rarely have problems with asthma anymore. I quit

taking it (Pleurisy Root) when I was diagnosed with RA & the asthma

is still in remission. Back in 1997 when I first started taking the

Pleurisy Root, I showed it to my family doctor & his attitude was, if

it's working for you, keep taking it...he even noticed that I wasn't

going in to see him for asthma flareups...just for refills on my

maintainence medication for asthma.

For my RA, I'm under the care of a Rheumatologist & I'm on 6

different medications (Plaquenil, Methotrexate, Medrol, Naproxen,

Darvocet & Folic Acid). I don't like taking medication but I feel

tjat this combination is helping me. Granted some of the side

affects of medication aren't pleasant (I had a reaction to Celebrex)

but RA will damage joints your joints. Your Rheumatologist will

very likely prescribe an immuno suppressive drug which will slow

down, if not stop any damage to your joints. I asked my doctor about

exercise & the only thing he recommended was if I could get into a

heated pool a couple of times a week. As far as other exercise he

said that I may do more harm to myself than good (my RA is mainly in

my shoulders, hands, fingers, knees & feet). I've lost a lot of

weight since having RA, even though I'm on Medrol. I wasn't trying

to lose weight. I mean, I needed to lose weight but there were times

that the pain of the RA was so bad that even though I was starving, I

couldn't eat because I was in so much pain that the pain overrode

hunger pangs.

Good luck with your visit to your Rheumatologist.


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I ran across a post I saved from the Arthritis Insight message board that might address your interests. I'm not personally into this system.

"Hi - I understand where you are coming from. I have nothing against rheumatologists (and have nothing against taking DMARDS for a temporary period if needed while one is trying other approaches), but if they only practice traditional medicine, they only look at the RA problem one way. You miss out on the multitude of research that has been done (but largely ignored) that takes a different view in the effort to help people help themselves to get better."I was diagnosed with severe RA back in late 1997 (was on temporary disability), but was able to get to complete remission within about 7-8 months. My story is on the Diet & Nutrition page of this site (Joe's Story)."I was in total remission for about 4.5 years. Late last year, I started having RA symptoms again, although very mild. In late March of this year, the symptoms got worse, although still nothing like I had several years ago. I attribute that to permanent lifestyle changes I've made. I needed to get more serious about this. After 3 months, I've experienced major improvements and expect to achieve complete remission again within the next couple of months."The approach I've followed assumes that Leaky Gut Syndrome is a major factor in RA and many autoimmune conditions (I wrote an article about this for ArthritisInsight that is displayed on the Diet & Nutrition page). Are you familiar with this concept?"Although most people think I've only changed my diet, there are quite a few other things that also need to happen in the protocol I've followed for the past 3 months. Some items will vary according to the individual. The list is below..."-- Whole foods diet - hunter gatherer type (meat, veggies, nuts, some fruit are primary foods) for me, for someone else it may be something different. Previously I had run an elimination diet to identify food allergens (not all e-diets are equally effective).-- Digestive enzymes to help break food down in the intestinal tract and assist in the process of getting things "back to normal" in there-- Supplements to assist my diet in supporting my immune system and overall health-- Relaxation techniques to deal with stress-- Nasal rinse with antifungal added (Nystatin and/or grapefruit seed extract) to address possible fungus buildup in nasal passages. Sounds weird, but this is supported by a 1999 Mayo Clinic study. It has helped.-- Strong Antifungal (Sporanox) to address fungus intestinal buildup-- Pepto Bismol test for bacteria leakage through intestine - again sounds weird, but too involved to go into here-- 10 days of allopurinol - normally used for gout, but has some anti-parasitic/anti-bacterial properties-- 2 days of antibiotic, Flagyl, to kill bacteria in intestinal tract-- Strong probiotic (Primal Defense is the best I've used by far) to repopulate good intestinal bacteria"This stuff wasn't created out of the blue and has been used by a lot of people. Existing medicines (with the exception of NSAIDS) can still be taken at the same time."Authors you should read or at least become familiar with their area of research (there are many others):-- Dr. Weston Price - studied effect of processed food on native populations worldwide in 1920s-1930s.-- Dr. Mansfield - developed effective e-diet in England-- Dr. Rudolph Wiley - has done good work in researching metabolic diets (diets adjusted for one's inherited metabolism - no one diet will work for everyone)-- Appleton, Phd - researched effects of sugar on human body-- Dr. Pelletier - one of first to research how the mind affects the body.-- Dr. Hans Seyle - father of stress research-- Dr. Herbert Benson - another well-known stress researcher-- Lipski, board certified clinical nutritionist - researcher/author/practitioner in area of digestive wellness & leaky gut syndrome-- McFerran - developed the protocol above (he has RA, experimented on himself), working on an upcoming book - a large part of which is free on the internet"Good websites to learn from:http://www.arthritistrust.org/ - Several of the things I'm doing are based on the research/protocol recommended herehttp://www.WESTONAPRICE.ORG - A lot of research-based nutrition informationhttp://homepages.paradise.net.nz/rwgully/ - compares a lot of the different diets/ways of eating out there today. Also contains the e-diet I used and metabolic diet I'm following nowhttp://www.usprobiotics.org/index.htm - general information about probioticshttp://jhackett_ra.tripod.com/ - Describes my story along with details/background of the type of approach I have used."Email me at jhackett1@... if desired."I don't claim to have all of the answers here. No one does. I know this is radically different from the norm, but in my opinion you do what works. Personally I was not going to be satisfied until I had dug up every possibility in treating my RA, regardless of whether it came from my doctor or not. In case you are wondering, the effort I've spent has been more than worth it."Best of luck - Joe"Joe’s Story: http://arthritisinsight.com/living/diet/joe.html

Leaky Gut: http://arthritisinsight.com/living/diet/leakygut.html

----- Original Message -----

From: passion4mastiffs71

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:44 AM

Subject: Newbie

Hi,I was diagnosed with RA by my family doctor, am having that confirmed this next week by an RA physcian. I've started researching it and want't to know what herbs and vitamins out there were good to use? I'm not into poluting my body with chemical drugs.I had started working on my weight in November and had dropped 22lbs since, but have stale mated with this because walking and lifting seem to be out of the question for the most part. The pain I'm in is horrible and I'm only 31 yrs old. I'm looking for a support group. My biggest fear is ending up disabled way way before my time. Thanks and I look forward to being an active member on the board. Kerri Bakerandria, VA

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Hello everyone,

I am been pretty much of lurker, but when I saw this I wanted to make

a quick comment. I was diagnosed with RA 18 years ago (juvenille

onset). I never outgrew the disease, and am looking forward to a hip

replacment sometime in the near future (residual damage from when the

disease was out of control). Anyway, in response to the message

Harold found, I have used a very similar approach to controlling my

RA for about 10 years. When I was first diagnosed, it took massive

steriods to get it under control, but once it was, I radically

changed my lifestyle. Quit smoking, lost significant amount of

weight, switched to a whole foods diet and greatly reduced the amount

of animal protien I consume. I also found that I have a severe dairy

allergy (which triggers the disease, almost like clockwork), anyway

to make this growing story short. A natural approach may be the

answer to some. Its made a significant difference in my life. Its

also really my ONLY choice, I am without insurance.

Anyway, just wanted to say that the approach below does work for

many. It takes a lot of work, but I am no longer on any anit-

inflamatories or meds. When I have a flare up, about once a year, I

use asprin.

Just some thoughts...

Bless you all!


> I ran across a post I saved from the Arthritis Insight message

board that might address your interests. I'm not personally into

this system.

> " Hi - I understand where you are coming from. I have nothing

against rheumatologists (and have nothing against taking DMARDS for a

temporary period if needed while one is trying other approaches), but

if they only practice traditional medicine, they only look at the RA

problem one way. You miss out on the multitude of research that has

been done (but largely ignored) that takes a different view in the

effort to help people help themselves to get better.


> " I was diagnosed with severe RA back in late 1997 (was on temporary

disability), but was able to get to complete remission within about 7-

8 months. My story is on the Diet & Nutrition page of this site

(Joe's Story).


> " I was in total remission for about 4.5 years. Late last year, I

started having RA symptoms again, although very mild. In late March

of this year, the symptoms got worse, although still nothing like I

had several years ago. I attribute that to permanent lifestyle

changes I've made. I needed to get more serious about this. After 3

months, I've experienced major improvements and expect to achieve

complete remission again within the next couple of months.


> " The approach I've followed assumes that Leaky Gut Syndrome is a

major factor in RA and many autoimmune conditions (I wrote an article

about this for ArthritisInsight that is displayed on the Diet &

Nutrition page). Are you familiar with this concept?


> " Although most people think I've only changed my diet, there are

quite a few other things that also need to happen in the protocol

I've followed for the past 3 months. Some items will vary according

to the individual. The list is below...


> " -- Whole foods diet - hunter gatherer type (meat, veggies, nuts,

some fruit are primary foods) for me, for someone else it may be

something different. Previously I had run an elimination diet to

identify food allergens (not all e-diets are equally effective).

> -- Digestive enzymes to help break food down in the intestinal

tract and assist in the process of getting things " back to normal " in


> -- Supplements to assist my diet in supporting my immune system and

overall health

> -- Relaxation techniques to deal with stress

> -- Nasal rinse with antifungal added (Nystatin and/or grapefruit

seed extract) to address possible fungus buildup in nasal passages.

Sounds weird, but this is supported by a 1999 Mayo Clinic study. It

has helped.

> -- Strong Antifungal (Sporanox) to address fungus intestinal buildup

> -- Pepto Bismol test for bacteria leakage through intestine - again

sounds weird, but too involved to go into here

> -- 10 days of allopurinol - normally used for gout, but has some

anti-parasitic/anti-bacterial properties

> -- 2 days of antibiotic, Flagyl, to kill bacteria in intestinal


> -- Strong probiotic (Primal Defense is the best I've used by far)

to repopulate good intestinal bacteria


> " This stuff wasn't created out of the blue and has been used by a

lot of people. Existing medicines (with the exception of NSAIDS) can

still be taken at the same time.


> " Authors you should read or at least become familiar with their

area of research (there are many others):

> -- Dr. Weston Price - studied effect of processed food on native

populations worldwide in 1920s-1930s.

> -- Dr. Mansfield - developed effective e-diet in England

> -- Dr. Rudolph Wiley - has done good work in researching metabolic

diets (diets adjusted for one's inherited metabolism - no one diet

will work for everyone)

> -- Appleton, Phd - researched effects of sugar on human body

> -- Dr. Pelletier - one of first to research how the mind

affects the body.

> -- Dr. Hans Seyle - father of stress research

> -- Dr. Herbert Benson - another well-known stress researcher

> -- Lipski, board certified clinical nutritionist -

researcher/author/practitioner in area of digestive wellness & leaky

gut syndrome

> -- McFerran - developed the protocol above (he has RA,

experimented on himself), working on an upcoming book - a large part

of which is free on the internet


> " Good websites to learn from:

> http://www.arthritistrust.org/ - Several of the things I'm doing

are based on the research/protocol recommended here

> http://www.WESTONAPRICE.ORG - A lot of research-based nutrition


> http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/rwgully/ - compares a lot of the

different diets/ways of eating out there today. Also contains the e-

diet I used and metabolic diet I'm following now

> http://www.usprobiotics.org/index.htm - general information about


> http://jhackett_ra.tripod.com/ - Describes my story along with

details/background of the type of approach I have used.


> " Email me at jhackett1@p... if desired.


> " I don't claim to have all of the answers here. No one does. I know

this is radically different from the norm, but in my opinion you do

what works. Personally I was not going to be satisfied until I had

dug up every possibility in treating my RA, regardless of whether it

came from my doctor or not. In case you are wondering, the effort

I've spent has been more than worth it.


> " Best of luck - Joe "

> Joe's Story: http://arthritisinsight.com/living/diet/joe.html


> Leaky Gut: http://arthritisinsight.com/living/diet/leakygut.html


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: passion4mastiffs71

> Rheumatoid Arthritis

> Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:44 AM

> Subject: Newbie



> Hi,


> I was diagnosed with RA by my family doctor, am having that


> this next week by an RA physcian. I've started researching it and

> want't to know what herbs and vitamins out there were good to


> I'm not into poluting my body with chemical drugs.


> I had started working on my weight in November and had dropped


> since, but have stale mated with this because walking and lifting

> seem to be out of the question for the most part. The pain I'm in


> horrible and I'm only 31 yrs old.


> I'm looking for a support group. My biggest fear is ending up

> disabled way way before my time.


> Thanks and I look forward to being an active member on the board.


> Kerri Baker

> andria, VA






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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

I've had pleurisy and pericarditis along with my RA. I think these are inflammations of the membranes around the lung and heart respectively. I was told to increase my Prednisone to 20 mg and to take the maximum allowable Over-The-Counter Ibuprofen. Wifhin a week my problems were corrected and i got back down on the Prednisone and cut back to only two Ibuprofen tablets a day. That was over a year ago and I haven't had any problems since. I hope you are as successful in getting rid of your problems. God bless.

----- Original Message -----

From: mysticangel27

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:44 AM

Subject: newbie

Hello everyone,I just joined. I have RA. I'm 41 and don't know very much about this diease. A rather unsettling event has brought me to your group for answers and support. I spent Monday night in the ER in severe pain. The dignoses (sp?) was pleurisy and broncitis. After doing some research on-line, I read that these are complications of RA. I kept having problems with broncitis last winter also, but never made the connection.Has anyone here dealt with these problems? I would really appreciate any and all advice. Thank you. Sharon

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Ray, welcome to the group.. but sorry you have a personal reason to be here. I just posted to new/denial so perhaps something in that post might be of help. especially the idea of taking a look at suplements and healthy eating habits. there are a lot of foods that a RA sufferer should stop eating.

i forgot to mention it, but i have stopped eating red eats, milk, sugar, fats and eat a lot of ruits ad vegetables and nuts and taking a total nutrician formula and a total tonic and others that i am able to make myself .

love.. granny lee

----- Original Message -----

From: Ray Lauffer

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:00 AM

Subject: Newbie Hi All, I'm a newbie, 42 years old and was diagnosed with RA 2 yearsago when my arms started to fall asleep. I have been to three different rheumotologists and finally picked one mainly because he also has RA and he trained at the Mayo clinic. He started me on Sulfasalazine 2,000mg per day 1 ½ yearsago. A year ago he put me on Plaquenil at 600mg per day. Things are getting worse not better. At first what was swollen elbows and pain, now it has progressed to my shoulders, knees and neck. 3 months ago he started me on Methotrexate 20mg once a week. I've been keeping a pain and joint diary. What hurts, howmuch, what the weather is and what I was doing. Still no change, and it's getting worse. The flare up'slast a week or more now. My elbows can only move 8 inches at the hand end and my neck is constantly hurting now with a noticeable decrease in the range of motion. Does anyone now what might be next or what may help?TIA,Ray

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  • 4 months later...
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Hi katphisch and welcome. I am sure someone can help you with alternatives.

Hugs, Jacy

~Money talks, but chocolate sings.

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-----Original Message-----From: katphisch [mailto:katphisch@...]Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 16:33Rheumatoid Arthritis Subject: NewbieHi. I have had arthritis symptoms for about two years. My md has confirmed the rheumatoid factor in my blood test. I was wondering where to go to find reliable, tested alternative therapies. I can not take most drugs. Thanks for any info, you can send me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated 8/25/2004 10:05:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, quirky2@... writes:

I still drink coffee in the mornings and hope to wean myself. Concerns include sleep as it effects my energy levels, energy and of course making the divorce permanent!!!


Quitting caffeine might help there. Have you tried melatonin? My husband swears by it for those restless nights.


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> Hello Everyone


> Been hanging there in the background devouring all the wisdom! Name is

> Cath and I am from a rural background

> which meant I was hardly sick and now I am discovering why. Duh......I

> took my health and all those natural foods for granted for years.


> Last year i came down with Epstein Barr and we dated for a year. I

> decided to get a divorce. Any suggestions on supplements? Or how I can

> save money like the natural calcium - lemon and egg shell. What I am

> doing is working but if I can do more I will. I slept the whole summer

> and just started to get energy back and started work.....


> While I am overweight (gained lots with eppie) I tested out very very

> healthy with the exception of dear Epstein. Prior to

> our romance i was walking 4-5 miles a day, eating little meat, and

> trying to incorporate some raw into my diet and lossing weight

> sensibly. I got over an impacted sinus with msm, enriching greens,

> garlic and parsley to fall pray to Epstein's charms.


> Humor is the best medicine.


> Recently I returned to work and am not shaky but not sleeping well

> either. Try to walk but developed a chronic shin splint last Feb. so I

> have to watch my steps and energy. Walking for me is like meditation

> and releases the stress and gives me those wonderful endorphins that I

> miss!!!!


> I do take lots of supplements : MSM, garlic & parsley, chorella,

> enriching greens ( full of all kinds of wonderful things!!!!), Omega

> oils, calcium and magnesium (shin splint), colloidal silver, mother of

> vinegar mixed with red chile and honey (great tonic!), a nerve blend

> as I have been stressed from the worry - with Valerian, passion

> flower, wood betony, ginger, hops, skullcap, chamomile and blessed

> thistle and a blend of echinacea, reishi and astragalus. last year I

> had given up on coffee for about 6-8 months when I came down with

> Epstein and it was loaded with sugar is how I got to work and kept my

> job. But I didn't have much of a social life etc. etc......very sad

> single woman:(


> I still drink coffee in the mornings and hope to wean myself. Concerns

> include sleep as it effects my energy levels, energy and of course

> making the divorce permanent!!! Last night I took Tylenol Night time

> and a glass of wine and felt so good this morning but am tired now.

> Working again is stressful and very tiring! Am on my feet a lot.


> Yet, It still feels like I just woke up after an nasty year long

> nightmare and I am ALIVE once again. I intend to stay

> there.



> Thanks You!!!!


> Cath

> ...risk the adventure...and howl...


Hi ,

I am going to agree with Suzi on this one. EB virus is more associated

with glandular disease or mononeucleosis. Therefore I would concur with

her on doing the 3 day juice cleansing. This will help to remove the old

stale lymph found in the glands and allow the body to dispose of it. Any

exercising you can do will greatly facilitate the movement of lymph.

Using either organic apple or carrot will be excellent for this. Doing a

lot of raw juicing and eating raw veggies and fruits will help to

rebuild and maintain your body and immune system. Do try to limit the

amount of cooked foods, processed foods, dairy, meats and cut out all

refined sugar and flours.

I would also suggest that you get into some sort of stretching regimen

to keep your muscles loose and limber. This will go a long way in

preventing the return of your shin splints.

Coffee and energy do not mix at all. You will be much better off

quitting the caffeine totally. There are some really nice Chai recipes

online that make for a great morning pick me up and don't contain any

caffeine. This is really good news for your adrenals. I make one using

raw sliced ginger (lots), about 10 cardamon pods, 10 pepper corns, 4 or

more bay leaves, 7-10 cloves, 2 4 " cinnamon sticks and a good sized

pinch of nutmeg. Great on a cold rainy day or even a hot day. Best part

about it is you can pretty much drink it all day if you want.

Have you tried listening to some nice soft music before going to sleep?

Sometimes this can be very helpful in allowing one to totally relax and

fall into slumber. Meditation can also be effective in helping one to relax.

Hope this helps you and we are here to help and support you so if you

need any futher clarifications or whatever, feel free to ask.

Peace be with you .


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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Hi Cath, glad to see you still have a sense of humor ;-) Supplements sound good, replace the echinacea, shroom and astragalus with just astragalus. Have echinacea separate and only take for when you are sick. If you have a sports center with a pool nearby or any pool for that matter, exercise in the water is non-impact, which means it will give those shin splints a chance to heal. Hot and cold alternating compresses on the shin help with the pain as well. Add cayenne to your daily regimen, it should help with circulation and energy. Garlic is definitely your friend for the Epstein's itself. I'm guessing you are taking it in pill form though are not getting the full benefit of it. Either increase your dose, or go for fresh organic cloves every day. There is a tonic recipe in the files at the group site that uses fresh garlic and a number of other helpful ingredients. Very cost friendly too!


----- Original Message -----



Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 7:04 PM

Subject: Newbie

Hello EveryoneBeen hanging there in the background devouring all the wisdom! Name is Cath and I am from a rural backgroundwhich meant I was hardly sick and now I am discovering why. Duh......I took my health and all those natural foods for granted for years.Last year i came down with Epstein Barr and we dated for a year. I decided to get a divorce. Any suggestions on supplements? Or how I can save money like the natural calcium - lemon and egg shell. What I am doing is working but if I can do more I will. I slept the whole summer and just started to get energy back and started work.....While I am overweight (gained lots with eppie) I tested out very very healthy with the exception of dear Epstein. Prior toour romance i was walking 4-5 miles a day, eating little meat, and trying to incorporate some raw into my diet and lossing weight sensibly. I got over an impacted sinus with msm, enriching greens, garlic and parsley to fall pray to Epstein's charms. Humor is the best medicine.Recently I returned to work and am not shaky but not sleeping well either. Try to walk but developed a chronic shin splint last Feb. so I have to watch my steps and energy. Walking for me is like meditation and releases the stress and gives me those wonderful endorphins that I miss!!!!I do take lots of supplements : MSM, garlic & parsley, chorella, enriching greens ( full of all kinds of wonderful things!!!!), Omega oils, calcium and magnesium (shin splint), colloidal silver, mother of vinegar mixed with red chile and honey (great tonic!), a nerve blend as I have been stressed from the worry - with Valerian, passion flower, wood betony, ginger, hops, skullcap, chamomile and blessed thistle and a blend of echinacea, reishi and astragalus. last year I had given up on coffee for about 6-8 months when I came down with Epstein and it was loaded with sugar is how I got to work and kept my job. But I didn't have much of a social life etc. etc......very sad single woman:(I still drink coffee in the mornings and hope to wean myself. Concerns include sleep as it effects my energy levels, energy and of course making the divorce permanent!!! Last night I took Tylenol Night time and a glass of wine and felt so good this morning but am tired now. Working again is stressful and very tiring! Am on my feet a lot. Yet, It still feels like I just woke up after an nasty year long nightmare and I am ALIVE once again. I intend to stay there.Thanks You!!!!Cath...risk the adventure...and howl...

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Thanks for the suggestions!!!! I am thinking about the fasts as I

used to fast but get headaches if I don't eat and shaky anymore. That

is the problem I have when I tried to go all veggie... Meltdown after

a couple of months.....

Oh, how I would love a bath as I have a shower and small garden tub.

Very sad here....:( In Missouri(a) where I am from I would soak and

soak etc....until I was a prune and then some more.

yes, I am increasing raw veggies and fruits but do not have a juicer.

I looked up the super tonic and will also try that. This site is great!

I know I need to work on healing and Walking. I feel better!!!! And

I am taking garlic in the pill form but do eat it in salsa and

slightly cooked a lot. Should I increase this?

Last summer I noticed a difference when I gave up any and most all

processed foods. That is how I normally eat but last year I was too

tired to cook - convenience is a killer!! Interesting how our

lifestyle is what is killing us....err personal gripe. I have

allergies to flour and rarely eat it. My energy levels increased

dramatically especially on ginger, vinegar, honey and red chili. And

camping in the desert in dry heat.

Red chili - I take about two scoops - teaspoons daily. I was in New

Mexico last summer before Epsein and bought couple of pounds of red

and green chilis - HOT.

Capsicum - am curious if it is only in cayenne peppers and not all

read chiles? am looking for a local herbalist/class to learn more.


Dirt Matters


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Calcium citrate supplement might do the trick.

It works on me.



--- In health , " cathy " <quirky2@e...>


> Myra


> Never heard of melatoin and will try to find it. ((((Hapy)))) to


> more.


> I was sleeping through the nights until a few weeks ago just fine

> until a family crisis. I realized last year I handle stress by


> and now that I cannot walk it is a issue. This is why I take the

> Nerve blend.


> Thank You!


> Cath


> Hug a Tree

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