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Hi Simone,

Dr Peatfield is always a good option. He does phone consultations as

well. And....unlike many doctors, he has a good sense of humour.

> I forgot to add, i got my antibodies results from the nurse >

> My instinct now is Dr Peatfield would be a good option??


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>Thanks ,

I have been try to call him for the last 2 hours, however always

engaged...perhaps he is doing a telephone consultation..:)

Anyway, it will be good to see what he thinks..



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Today is Tuesday - he has a clinic on Tuesday. Wednesday is his 'telephone' day when he makes and takes calls all day. Try tomorrow morning, but try to be the first.

He is always very busy. If he is engaged, the best thing to do is to dial call back (he has this facility) and press '5' when asked to do so. There is a charge for this, but when his phone is free, it starts to ring again, and so does your phone, you pick up your phone and then wait for Dr P to answer. Good luck.

If you have a FAX machine, send him a FAX with your name and phone number saying you want an appointment and he will call you back.

Luv - Sheila

Hi All

Does anyone know Dr Peatfields ph number i have a nimber 4 him but cannot get through...thanks,Luv,Simone

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You may need to go down the route boosting your adrenals first, with Nutri Adrenal Extra and then after a couple of weeks boosting your thyroid with Nutri Thyroid - this might be just what your thyroid and adrenals need. See what Dr Peatfield suggests.

I forgot to add, i got my antibodies results from the nurse today..and she says the results are normal no antibodies..so tsh 3.27...ft4 16.9..would medication still be the answer for me...it appears i have a sluggish thyroid...so now i wonder if medication is right for me...i posted earlier about starting armour tomorrow before i got the antibody result..so again confused...perhaps i can bring the tsh down naturally??My instinct now is Dr Peatfield would be a good option??Thanks,Luv,Simone

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Thatr could very well be the answer Simone. You're learning fast.

Luv - Sheila

----- Original Message -----

I just found this piece..i wonder what anyone thinks of this:Recent research has shown that there is a diurnal (daily) variation in TSH production with a peak during the night, declining to half of this during the afternoon. A further result of recent work has suggested that the tests should be undertaken in the morning and that the previous upper limit of normality was too high. Authorities in USA now suggest that 2.7mU/L should be the cut-off point and treatment should be offered above this. I know this is probably a stab in the dark but do usually have my tsh done in the morning, the last tsh 3.25...i had done at about 6 in the evening...my acupuncturist who is a gp did it and had it sent off...would that maybe explain the big jump from tsh 2.7 to 3.27 in 2 months...just a thought..curious..thanks,Luv,Simone

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Simone - Keri uses Dynamite adrenal - she may be able to tell you where she purchases it from. Hi Keri - are you around? I have heard that Dynamite Adrenal is excellent.

Luv - Sheila

Does anyone know where to get Dynamite Adrenal...Sheila i did try nutri adrenal before but for some reason i did not get on too well with it.. i wondered if i should try this product that Keri mentioned a while back..Luv,Simone

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Dynamite adrenal - yes I've been on it and it's excellent although

expensive. I got mine from Nutri-Link Ltd www.nutri-linkltd.co.uk.

They've just brought a large pot at 900 grms and a TRADE price of

£52.87 but I believe you are a therapist Simone so I expect you would

get trade? Good luck.

luv Keri

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If you have low adrenal reserve - then yes. It tells you on the Patient Information Leaflet(PIL) that you should inform your doctor before starting L-thyroxine if you have such a problem.

Luv - Sheila

If you go on thyroxine do you also have to boost your adrenals for one month before using it?Luv,Simone

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Hi all

Question regarding a friend:She is 49, overweight, high cholesterol (7), last year her tsh was 2, recent test says 1.7.Doctor recently put her on statins saying she had no choice but to go on it, as she was high risk of heart attack.She eats healthily, takes garlic, fish oil supplements and many others to help with her cholesterol.After 4 weeks on it her colour looks good but she says she is feeling depressed on it.I wonder if she took thyroid meds would this drop her cholesterol..her sister had overactive thyroid many years ago.On the statins she says she is now starting to feel colder.Luv,Simone

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No, nobody has sent me an email with her phone number in. The only number I have is the number for his clinic and that is his home number.

As for your friend - I would not advise ANYBODY to start taking Statins - too many problems for too many people taking these, and she could lower her cholesterol by taking high dose Niacin (Vitamin B3 (the non-flushing kind) and also high dose CoEnzyme Q10. Her doctor has no right telling her she has no choice - we DO have a choice and my choice would be to run a mile from Statins.

Does she have results for her Free T4 or Free T3 and did her GP test to see if she has antibodies to her thyroid (Hashimoto's disease) especially as her sister had over-active thyroid.

Luv - Sheila?

Question regarding a friend:She is 49, overweight, high cholesterol (7), last year her tsh was 2, recent test says 1.7.Doctor recently put her on statins saying she had no choice but to go on it, as she was high risk of heart attack.She eats healthily, takes garlic, fish oil supplements and many others to help with her cholesterol.After 4 weeks on it her colour looks good but she says she is feeling depressed on it.I wonder if she took thyroid meds would this drop her cholesterol..her sister had overactive thyroid many years ago.On the statins she says she is now starting to feel colder.Luv,Simone

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When I first got diagnosed with hypothyroidism, my cholesterol was

7.9. I believe that this is one of the symptoms of long term

hyopthyroidism as the make up of your muscles change and it is more

difficult to break down fat.

After being on thyroxine and easting a virtually fat free diet, it

came down to 4.2.

Tell your friend to try the protfolio diet. Google it there are

plenty of web sites that cover it. Its supposed to be v good at

lowering cholesterol. It was profiled on the tonight show about 4 - 5

months ago.

I also went to see a nutritionist who told me to refuse statins until

you had a chance of lowering it yourself.

> Question regarding a friend:


> Doctor recently put her on statins saying she had no choice but to go


> I wonder if she took thyroid meds would this drop her cholesterol..her

> sister had overactive thyroid many years ago.

> On the statins she says she is now starting to feel colder.


> Luv,


> Simone


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>>>Tell your friend to try the protfolio diet. <<<

This diet recommends soya which is not very good for anyone who is hypothyroid.


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HI Simone

Problem we have is that different laboratories in the UK have different reference ranges for each of the tests. They use different 'kits' and it is the 'kit' that decides what reference range they use. However, normally, the TSH reference range is around 0.5 to 5.0. The Free T4 is around 10 to 24. The Free T3 is around 3.0 to 6.4.

Hope that helps


Does anyone know what the normal ranges of for laboraties for the T4,T3 and Tsh in england...more so asking for the range for the T3 and know the T4 and Tsh.Thanks,Luv,Simone

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Hi Simone

It is probably just a hypo symptom. Everything new that is introduced

to the body has to be given time. I felt awful the first week on

Armour but i stuck with it, you will start to feel the benefits after

that. 1/4 grain really isn't alot, i doubt it would have such an

effect. If you want to start on such a low dose then increase after a

few days, don,t leave it too long. Don't be afraid of Armour.




> I decided to try a quarter grain of armour today and it's made me


> kind of drugged..what could this be a sign of...does it mean that i

> don't need it?


> Luv,


> Simione


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Hi Jane and welcome to the group. You should not feel out of place because there are many who have not been diagnosed and been told they are 'normal' but who have hypothyroidism.

You might like to download and listen to what Dr.Lowe says about fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism. It is a very enlightening interview which might help you to understand what is going on.

The link is:-



I joined a couple of weeks ago and have not yet found my way round thewebsite, am still reading lots and felt a bit out of place as I do nothave a diagnosis.

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Hello Jane and welcome to TPA-UK - you are very welcome here and to reassure you many of our members (including me) dont have a diagnosis when they join, but through the help they receive here, many do get a diagnosis (me again!).

I had 'normal' blood results and a rheumatologist diagnosed fibromyalgia - actually it was my lucky day when they did because that gave me something to research on and enabled me to find TPA-UK.

I am almost certain that, like me, you are hypothyroid and thats why you have got fibromyalgia. You have likely had vague symptoms for years?

The NHS guidelines say that if someone has symptoms compatible with hypothryoidism irrespective of the TSH result (which is the blood test the doctors are telling you is normal) then a trial of levothyroxine should be started.

What I did was to get my blood tests done privately - the free T3 and free T4, which are the actual thyroid hormones, through NPTech (in the files). Then, having found out a good endocrinologist who doesnt treat the TSH as the be all and end all, I insisted on a referral to that endocrinologist - Ive found that if you sit there and say, yes but, I still want a second opinion and a referral to an endorinologist - they will usually give in as they will have patients waiting and want to get away from you!! You are entitled to a second opinion anyway.

The endo that I saw said what do you think it is, I said I think Im hypothryoid and he said, yes and I agree with you, and started me on levothyroxine straight away.

You will realise that many GPs (and many endocrinologists for that matter) are quite ignorant and act as though the TSH test is infallible - it isnt and its only 95% accuarate at best.

You are likely menopausal at the same time but these symptoms are likely to improve once the hypothryoidism is treated.

Stick around, continue to read the files and ask as many questions as you have. If you have blood tests such as the TSH post the results and if you can the reference range for the test - you might have to phone the practice and ask for this.

Gill x

I joined a couple of weeks ago and have not yet found my way round thewebsite, am still reading lots and felt a bit out of place as I do nothave a diagnosis.Basiclly I've had 2 thyroid tests, both 'within range and my gps seemto be saying 'its the menopause have some anti d's'I do have fibroids and fybromyalgia, as well as other symptoms (lowvoice, wieght gain, thrush) but am so defeated I've given up fightingat the moment.However, importantly, I came across this posting today on the Icke Website and I think it's very important.http://www.davidicke.com/content/view/13252/48/I've just check my Vit D, glucosamine supplements and they BOTH havestearite additives.It really needs checking by someone more able than me, so I'm happy topass the info on.regardsJane

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> However, importantly, I came across this posting today on the

> Icke Website and I think it's very important.

> http://www.davidicke.com/content/view/13252/48/


> I've just check my Vit D, glucosamine supplements and they BOTH


> stearite additives.

Hi Jane

Just wanted to thank you for this. VERY interesting. I take the

brand of supplements that is talked about and it is concerning if

what is reported here is true.

I'm going to look into it a bit more when I have time. Always best

to double and triple check these claims. But I wouldn't be at all

surprised if the claims do in fact have substance.

Thanks again


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I listened all the way through that interview - wasn't it enlightening. Saying every single thing that we say on TPA-UK - I felt definitely we were on the right path, and Dr Lowe helped me understand why. Do you know if it is possible to get a transcript of this interview as i found it very difficult to understand Dr Lowe sometimes.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Jane and welcome to the group. You should not feel out of place because there are many who have not been diagnosed and been told they are 'normal' but who have hypothyroidism.

You might like to download and listen to what Dr.Lowe says about fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism. It is a very enlightening interview which might help you to understand what is going on.

The link is:-



I joined a couple of weeks ago and have not yet found my way round thewebsite, am still reading lots and felt a bit out of place as I do nothave a diagnosis.

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They were selling it on the list - I am sure I read that.


Do you know if it is possible to get a transcript of this interview as i found it very difficult to understand Dr Lowe sometimes. Luv - Sheila

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> I will take solgar off my preferred list after finding that they are

now owned by monsanto.

Me too Val. Any suggestions for another supplier that you'd recommend?

I liked and trusted Solgar but no longer.


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Selling it on what list Val. Can you give me more details please.

Luv - Sheila

Re: Hi all

They were selling it on the list - I am sure I read that.


Do you know if it is possible to get a transcript of this interview as i found it very difficult to understand Dr Lowe sometimes. Luv - Sheila

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HI Val

Many thanks - I went back to the link and yes, they were selling the transcript for Aus $19.95 (UK £9 odd) so I have bought it. It is 24 pages long and an excellent read.

luv - Sheila

They were selling it on the list - I am sure I read that.


Do you know if it is possible to get a transcript of this interview as i found it very difficult to understand Dr Lowe sometimes. Luv - Sheila

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