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Hi Simone,

I started it beginning August when my ferritin was about 30 from taking florisene for several years. The blood test of 88 was in early December.


Val how long did it take you to get your ferritin to 88 on the ferrochel? I quite like Source Natural, think there products are very good.Luv,Simone

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> Thankyou all for the responses on ferritin..wow, Val that is a great

jump from 30 to 88 in a short period. Do you order the ferrochel from

the States?



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If you feel you are beiong stimulated too much Simone, then I would stop your NAE for a while and see how you feel. You omay have boosted your adrenals sufficiently. I take Sigerian Ginseng to keep my adrenals boosted.

Luv - Sheila

Hi all

I wondered if i should continue taking nutri adrenal extra as i have a fast resting pulse 85 b/m...or should i swap to something like siberian ginseng which does not have the extra adrenaline..Thanks,Luv,Simone

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> Sheila, i think the work you are doing regarding getting the message

out there about hypothyroidism is fantastic..and what better choice

than Davina McCall to be a celebrity face for the cause. All very


Thanks for the response regarding the Armour..i did also wonder

if i could start on a quarter grain a day and then move up slowly to an

eventual 1 grain a day...as i am quite slim i really do not want to be

losing weight on the Armour. If i remember correctly..(i still can't

view the files, have downloaded the Word Viewer but still does not

open).the files suggest moving up to 3 grains..does anyone do ok on

staying at 1 grain?



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Hi Simone

I have attached (hope you can receive attachments) the file "How to Use Armour Thyroid". Let me know if you can open this OK and if not, I will copy it and send it to you separately. There isn't much point in starting on quarter of a grain unless you are particularly intolerant of thyroid hormones, and starting on half a grain is the recommended starting dose. Some people do absolutely fine on 1 grain, some need more and are fine on 2 grains, I was on 2 grains for about 3 years asnd have recently gone up to 3 grains. The beauty of Armour is that you know when your body needs more and you know when it needs less.

Have a look at the attached.

luv - Sheila

>> Sheila, i think the work you are doing regarding getting the message out there about hypothyroidism is fantastic..and what better choice than Davina McCall to be a celebrity face for the cause. All very exciting...:)Thanks for the response regarding the Armour..i did also wonder if i could start on a quarter grain a day and then move up slowly to an eventual 1 grain a day...as i am quite slim i really do not want to be losing weight on the Armour. If i remember correctly..(i still can't view the files, have downloaded the Word Viewer but still does not open).the files suggest moving up to 3 grains..does anyone do ok on staying at 1 grain?Luv,Simone

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> Hi Sheila,

Thanks for that...my pulse is quite fast ..over 80 and it seems that

when i take Nutri adrenal extra..my pulse goes even higher..i wondered

if i should just take high dose of Vitamin C for my adrenals and steer

clear of the NAE.



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High dose Vitamin C is always good for you, as is 200 mcgs Selenium daily as this helps in converting T4 to T3. If this was me, I would try stopping the NAE and see what effect that has. When you are having odd things happening to you, it is always best to stop one medication at a time to see whether that makes a difference. If no difference and you still get palpitations, then add that medication back and stop taking something else until you find the culprit.

LOuv - Sheila

>> Hi Sheila,Thanks for that...my pulse is quite fast ..over 80 and it seems that when i take Nutri adrenal extra..my pulse goes even higher..i wondered if i should just take high dose of Vitamin C for my adrenals and steer clear of the NAE.Luv,Simone

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My husband used to use it and my sister also, neither for thyroid of course. Having read that article however, I think I shall begin using it and ensure that hubby does also, it is not pleasant to taste and you have to eat cereal really to be able to have it - I did sometimes put a teaspoon of it into a yoghurt but I don't want to eat that many yoghurts to be honest. I shall just have to find a way because it is best not to cook it. I do actually make a raw chocolate and add lots of healthy things to it including Maca.


Here is a link i found interesting, where Dr Muller speaks about Maca and underactive thyroid..http://www.thyroid-info.com/articles/viana-muller-herbs.htm...Has anyone tried Maca?

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What an interesting article Simone. The link you posted was broken, so here it is again http://www.thyroid-info.com/articles/viana-muller-herbs.htm

Luv - Sheila


Shomon: Can you talk a bit about the effect of maca on thyroid function? Dr. Viana Muller: Of course, since the maca root has so recently been rediscovered, there has been almost no research in terms of medical studies. And quite honestly I never considered that it might have beneficial effects on the thyroid gland, even though I knew based on some rat studies done by Dr. Chacon, that the alkaloids of maca were believed to stimulate the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to better balance the entire endocrine system. But when I began to study the impact of taking maca on several women who were having moderate to severe menopausal symptoms they began--without my asking them--to report that they had been able to reduce their thyroid medication or in a few cases even to stop it entirely after using maca for two or three months. And they all reported feeling so much better, much more energetic. In all these cases, the thyroid was underactive. On the other hand, my thyroid is overactive--I have Grave's Disease. I wish I could report that it cleared up my problem, but it has made no difference for me. I do not have any information one way or the other of its effect on Hashimoto's syndrome. Some of the women who had hypothyroidism were taking Armour thyroid, others were taking Synthroid. What they noticed after a month or two was that they were beginning to feel some of the symptoms of an overactive thyroid, and so they cut back their thyroid medication and the symptoms went away. Some got stabilized at 50% of their former dosage of thyroid medication and some were able to stop all thyroid medication. They did this however, little by little, with frequent testing of thyroid function in order not to shock the thyroid and make their condition worse. I can't say that this was the effect with all women on thyroid medication, because in most cases I don't even know that the women have this problem, nor do most of them call me and report these changes. So its not possible for me to give you an accurate percentage of women who had significant thyroid function improvement as a result of taking maca. The results for some, however, were so exciting and dramatic that they called me and told me. This is how I found out that taking maca could positively affect thyroid function.

Hi All

Here is a link i found interesting, where Dr Muller speaks about Maca and underactive thyroid..http://www.thyroid-info.com/articles/viana-muller-herbs.htm...Has anyone tried Maca?Luv,Simone

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> Hi All,

Just read Sue's message about taking Nutrithyroid..i had not heard of

that before....can you take Nutrithyroid without becoming dependent i.e

does the thyroid stop producing it's own hormones as a result of

Nutrithyroid..or is it a supplement that can be taken to support

thyroid function...




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Thanks Simone but I prefer to buy the powder and know what I am getting, capsules restrict the amount you take and cost twice as much - if you prefer capsules why not buy your own and fill them with the powder - very cost effective

nneHere is a link of where you can get it from..i am going to order the capsules from Dr Muller's company on her site..you will find an UK retailer....http://www.wholeworldbotanicals.com/founders.html

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Excellent idea nne - I bought some veggie gel capsules for a medication that is taking and they were very cheap.

Luv - Sheila

Thanks Simone but I prefer to buy the powder and know what I am getting, capsules restrict the amount you take and cost twice as much - if you prefer capsules why not buy your own and fill them with the powder - very cost effective

nneHere is a link of where you can get it from..i am going to order the capsules from Dr Muller's company on her site..you will find an UK retailer....http://www.wholeworldbotanicals.com/founders.html

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>I thought this was an interesting and my friend says she is doing well

on it..but it seems contradictory to all the information i have

gathered about hypothyroidism i thought iodine should be avoided at all


In the past i have tried products with kelp in it, only to find that i

am left in a bad state almost immediately after taking it. I am

personally very sensitive to iodine..and yet so many supplements for

hypothyrodism add iodine to the mix..very strange..perhaps other people

do well on iodine?



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>I thought this was an interesting and my friend says she is doing well

on it..but it seems contradictory to all the information i have

gathered about hypothyroidism i thought iodine should be avoided at all


In the past i have tried products with kelp in it, only to find that i

am left in a bad state almost immediately after taking it. I am

personally very sensitive to iodine..and yet so many supplements for

hypothyrodism add iodine to the mix..very strange..perhaps other people

do well on iodine?



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>I thought this was an interesting and my friend says she is doing well

on it..but it seems contradictory to all the information i have

gathered about hypothyroidism i thought iodine should be avoided at all


In the past i have tried products with kelp in it, only to find that i

am left in a bad state almost immediately after taking it. I am

personally very sensitive to iodine..and yet so many supplements for

hypothyrodism add iodine to the mix..very strange..perhaps other people

do well on iodine?



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I'm like Simone when it comes to kelp.

In my case, I only took a few kelp supplements yet immediately

suffered a reaction where the front of my neck swelled and went

visibly red and hot. It looked like I'd been slapped. I also had

difficulty breathing as my airway almost closed up. I also have to be

very careful with some but not all seaweeds in things like sushi.

I was later told to avoid iodine and kelp if there was any possibility

of my having thyroid problems. This did strike me as odd as several

sources had indicated you could self-treat minor thyroid imbalances

with iodine and kelp. So, just be very careful!


> In the past i have tried products with kelp in it, only to find that


> am left in a bad state almost immediately after taking it. I am

> personally very sensitive to iodine..and yet so many supplements for

> hypothyrodism add iodine to the mix..very strange..perhaps other


> do well on iodine?


> Luv,


> Simone

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from the little Ive read so far I think that Iodine may not be good for people with antibodies (but I could be wrong!) , but for others there seems to be a lot of evidence around that many people are deficient in iodine - because minerals etc in veg these days are much lower than they were 50 years or so ago. Iodine is not added routinely to table salt in the UK - this is a way that some countries have tackled iodine deficiency. According to the Vegan Society we get most iodine from dairy products as iodine is added to cattle feed.

Ive been looking into this a bit (not had time to do much yet) as I think I could well be deficient in iodine - I dont each much fish at all because mostly I dont like it - I dont eat a great deal of dairy because try not eat too much for weight gain reasons(!) and dont eat a lot of red meat, and cut down on salt as I had hypertension so told I should reduce it - lo and behold, my BP didnt alter but I became hypothyroid! For me it warrants investigation!

Iodine can cause problems if intake is too high as well!

The vegan society is a good source of info - they also say that Kelp is not a good way to take iodine but suggest two tablets a week as a maximum.

Have a look at the Vegan Society website as it gives a good intro to iodine.


Re: Hi All

>I thought this was an interesting and my friend says she is doing well on it..but it seems contradictory to all the information i have gathered about hypothyroidism i thought iodine should be avoided at all costs.In the past i have tried products with kelp in it, only to find that i am left in a bad state almost immediately after taking it. I am personally very sensitive to iodine..and yet so many supplements for hypothyrodism add iodine to the mix..very strange..perhaps other people do well on iodine?Luv,Simone

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This would be absolutely perfect, added to your smoothie is one of the recommended ways of taking it - I personally use 1 teaspoon (heaped) per day or sometimes like now when I have it in, I use the liquid and add 10 drops to a mouthful of water and just drink it down, twice a day. I wish you luck with the raw egg, yuck LOL. I am hoping that it is a nice yummy organic egg though.

Luv M xxx

Hi nne,

I have been thinking about trying maca for some time. How much do you take daily of the powder - I was thinking about adding it to my breakfast. Recently I have started having a "smoothie" of banana, raw goats milk, capra goats whey, teaspoon honey, raw egg - I find this is better for my digestion than cereal & quick too. I thought I could lose the maca in this?


I look up on the net and get an organic one, one place that I have purchased in the past is _www.detoxyourworld.com_ (http://www.detoxyourworld.com) I have purchased a few things from this site.nne

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Hi nne,

I have been thinking about trying maca for some time. How much do you take daily of the powder - I was thinking about adding it to my breakfast. Recently I have started having a "smoothie" of banana, raw goats milk, capra goats whey, teaspoon honey, raw egg - I find this is better for my digestion than cereal & quick too. I thought I could lose the maca in this?


I look up on the net and get an organic one, one place that I have purchased in the past is _www.detoxyourworld.com_ (http://www.detoxyourworld.com) I have purchased a few things from this site.nne

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I thought iodine is in armour?


In the past i have tried products with kelp in it, only to find that i am left in a bad state almost immediately after taking it. I am personally very sensitive to iodine..and yet so many supplements for hypothyrodism add iodine to the mix..very strange..perhaps other people do well on iodine?Luv,Simone

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> Does armour contain iodine? ..i did not know this, then i wonder why

i react to badly to kelp...and the few days i have tried armour(only 3

days) i felt i energy shift, lot's more energy?




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