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Never thought about that Lilian but for those who have a digest, it makes it miles long and difficult to figure out where one ends and the next begins.

Luv nne

I have come across a problem there nne. If someone has opted for the traditional way it can be done, if they have opted for the new way, if you try and delete anything not wanted, everything is deleted.

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I have come across a problem there nne. If someone has opted for the traditional way it can be done, if they have opted for the new way, if you try and delete anything not wanted, everything is deleted.

The only way in that case is to cut and paste the bit you are answering - which can be forgotten.

I much prefer the old way. To change to the old way just click on "change setting via web" and at the bottom put a dot in the space provided to send and receive 'traditional'.

Your email settings: Individual Email|Traditional Change settings via the Web ( ID required) Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest | Switch to Fully Featured Visit Your Group | Terms of Use | Unsubscribe Lilian

Also, if you could please please delete all but a little of the message you are responding to, it makes our lives so much easier and better for those who are on digest. This morning there was a message that would not be edited no matter what I did and it had to go out in its entirety which will drive those poor people mad.


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Lilian, I think that would be great to put in the files for anyone who uses Outlook Express, then you can direct anyone who has problems to it. It is very hard to read digests especially so if the message is above the original and none of the the previous message is deleted, I remember well from my holidays - I now make sure that I redirect my TPA stuff to another account to ensure I miss nothing. I know that we cannot do that with AOL unfortunately.

I do have my automatically filtered so I do not have one enormous inbox. I have many folders and one is TPA-UK and anything that comes in regarding that goes straight to the folder, so I can read them at my leisure.

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I do agree 100% although have improved the digest a little since it was originally set out. However I have tried digest when on holiday and I absolutely hate it. I find it harder to read and worse, in fact, than just getting the individual emails.

I do have my automatically filtered so I do not have one enormous inbox. I have many folders and one is TPA-UK and anything that comes in regarding that goes straight to the folder, so I can read them at my leisure.

I use Outlook Express and it is easy to do. I could put the instructions how to do this on the files if anyone would like this. I find this far easier to read than digest, doesn't clog inbox and am able to reply to a message a lot easier than from a digest. Gets the correct heading too.



Never thought about that Lilian but for those who have a digest, it makes it miles long and difficult to figure out where one ends and the next begins.

Luv nne

I have come across a problem there nne. If someone has opted for the traditional way it can be done, if they have opted for the new way, if you try and delete anything not wanted, everything is deleted.

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OK I will put instructions on the files as to how to do this in OE, but just cannot think what to head it. Has anyone any ideas.


I do have my automatically filtered so I do not have one enormous inbox. I have many folders and one is TPA-UK and anything that comes in regarding that goes straight to the folder, so I can read them at my leisure.

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Hi Sian

If you read direct from the Web, or if you receive a Daily Digest, you can see all the messages relating to one particular subject underneath the message you are reading, so this isn't a problem. have obviously put a lot of thought into the best way to present their forums. It is more difficult if you have individual emails.

Luv - Sheila

Pity doesn't allow the messages to be put into groups like thelast forum.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been off Lexapro now for 6 weeks (after slowly weaning).My head

is still zapping ,and I'm still dizzy. I've looked at a ton of message

boards and websites-nobody ever posts after the zaps stop.I assume

that once they're off the drugs and all the withdrawl symptons go away

they don't have the need to visit the boards.I wish I knew when this

will end-if ever.

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Is everyone on here miserable and full of no hope. I came to this site seeking

encouragement and what I got here is miserable, pessimistic people. Does anyone

have good stories or just complaints. Hard to be positive with the emails I


---- chetchy2001 <ajc2@...> wrote:

I have been off Lexapro now for 6 weeks (after slowly weaning).My head

is still zapping ,and I'm still dizzy. I've looked at a ton of message

boards and websites-nobody ever posts after the zaps stop.I assume

that once they're off the drugs and all the withdrawl symptons go away

they don't have the need to visit the boards.I wish I knew when this

will end-if ever.

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Well, I've been taking Lexapro since December. I'm on 20 mg and I can say it

has helped me *immensely*! (I've suffered low grade depression since I was a

child, with intermittent deeper depressions.) I had a few side effects for the

first couple of weeks of taking Lexapro, mainly extreme sleepiness, but I don't

really experience any now. I also tried Effexor & felt even worse than not

taking any ADs. But each person's experience is different than another's, so I

can only speak for myself. I've never gone off of Lexapro, so I can't speak to

that, either. I think part of the point of the group is for people to be

*honest* about their experience on Lexapro, so if their experience is negative,

that's what their going to write, and it's good to know both the positive and

the negative sides of taking any drug. Just my 2 cents.

Re: Re: Hi all

Is everyone on here miserable and full of no hope. I came to this site seeking

encouragement and what I got here is miserable, pessimistic people. Does anyone

have good stories or just complaints. Hard to be positive with the emails I


---- chetchy2001 <ajc2@...> wrote:

I have been off Lexapro now for 6 weeks (after slowly weaning).My head

is still zapping ,and I'm still dizzy. I've looked at a ton of message

boards and websites-nobody ever posts after the zaps stop.I assume

that once they're off the drugs and all the withdrawl symptons go away

they don't have the need to visit the boards.I wish I knew when this

will end-if ever.


No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG Free Edition.

Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.30/1030 - Release Date: 9/25/2007

8:02 AM

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Not me. I'm always smiling and laughing. I feel better on Lexapro. I don't know

why anyone would want to quit it unless they're having bad sides from it. I feel

that if I quit it I would go back to being irritable and crying for no reason.

I would like to encourage everyone to be as happy as they can be. Who was it

who said, " People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. " I think

it was Abraham Lincoln.


Dan McIntyre <danjullib@...> wrote:

Is everyone on here miserable and full of no hope. I came to this site seeking

encouragement and what I got here is miserable, pessimistic people. Does anyone

have good stories or just complaints. Hard to be positive with the emails I


---- chetchy2001 wrote:

I have been off Lexapro now for 6 weeks (after slowly weaning).My head

is still zapping ,and I'm still dizzy. I've looked at a ton of message

boards and websites-nobody ever posts after the zaps stop.I assume

that once they're off the drugs and all the withdrawl symptons go away

they don't have the need to visit the boards.I wish I knew when this

will end-if ever.

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Well, Dan, usually the people that post here are looking for answers. They're

thinking about starting Lexapro or are having issues with Lexapro. Which would

explain the kinds of messages you see. When peoples lives are going great and

the Lex is working for them there's not as much motivation to post here. They go

on with their lives.

If Lexapro is working well for you tell us about it. Tell us how it's changed

your life.


Re: Re: Hi all

Is everyone on here miserable and full of no hope. I came to this site seeking

encouragement and what I got here is miserable, pessimistic people. Does anyone

have good stories or just complaints. Hard to be positive with the emails I


---- chetchy2001 <ajc2@...> wrote:

I have been off Lexapro now for 6 weeks (after slowly weaning).My head

is still zapping ,and I'm still dizzy. I've looked at a ton of message

boards and websites-nobody ever posts after the zaps stop.I assume

that once they're off the drugs and all the withdrawl symptons go away

they don't have the need to visit the boards.I wish I knew when this

will end-if ever.

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How slow is slow? In other words how long did you take to wean off? It took me 4

months to wean completely off of Celexa (parent drug of Lex). The withdrawals I

had at complete cessation were almost none.

The problem with these drugs is people want to wean off much more quickly than

it actually can take. Most doctors have no clue how long it takes to wean off

any of these drugs...add to that the fact that this weaning period can vary from

one person to another.


Re: Hi all

I have been off Lexapro now for 6 weeks (after slowly weaning).My head

is still zapping ,and I'm still dizzy. I've looked at a ton of message

boards and websites-nobody ever posts after the zaps stop.I assume

that once they're off the drugs and all the withdrawl symptons go away

they don't have the need to visit the boards.I wish I knew when this

will end-if ever.

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Dan, I guess I can be a success story, knock on wood. I started Lex at the end

of May. It has changed my life. I was at the end of my rope and in what I call

a dark hole. Looking back I have probably had trouble with depression and

anxiety most of my life and wish someone had told me that I didn't have to live

that way. I had come to accept a lot of the negatives in my life as just part

of my personality, thought it was " just me " . Turns out, it was the depression

and anxiety. I am on 10mg of Lex and it has been working great for me. I am

hopeful about my life again.

On another note, I had a slight setback when I quit taking the birth control

pill, Yaz, and opted for the Mirena IUD(about 7 weeks ago now). I felt like my

" old " self rather than the " new me " when I started my cycle. I didn't really

have a cycle or PMS while on Yaz, so I guess my hormones being out of whack

threw me off a bit. I didn't go back into my depression, just felt some of my

old feelings/habits coming back. I am going to get my Mirena removed next week

and hope to go back to my new, happy, lively self. Has anyone else had this

experience with Mirena and depression/Lex?

I hope my story (minus the birth control part, which I know doesn't pertain to

you:) gives you some hope. I finally have hope after starting Lex.

Barbara <bjarrett@...> wrote:

Well, Dan, usually the people that post here are looking for answers.

They're thinking about starting Lexapro or are having issues with Lexapro. Which

would explain the kinds of messages you see. When peoples lives are going great

and the Lex is working for them there's not as much motivation to post here.

They go on with their lives.

If Lexapro is working well for you tell us about it. Tell us how it's changed

your life.


Re: Re: Hi all

Is everyone on here miserable and full of no hope. I came to this site seeking

encouragement and what I got here is miserable, pessimistic people. Does anyone

have good stories or just complaints. Hard to be positive with the emails I


---- chetchy2001 <ajc2@...> wrote:

I have been off Lexapro now for 6 weeks (after slowly weaning).My head

is still zapping ,and I'm still dizzy. I've looked at a ton of message

boards and websites-nobody ever posts after the zaps stop.I assume

that once they're off the drugs and all the withdrawl symptons go away

they don't have the need to visit the boards.I wish I knew when this

will end-if ever.

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Hi Dan,

I was on lexapro for a year in 2006 for anxiety/panic. I also took

xanax .5 every night to help. I decided in January to get off lexapro

because we wanted to try and have another baby and I was doing pretty

good with the anxiety. I can tell you it took me about 6-8 weeks to

wean off gradually. I had no withdrawl symptoms or side effects until

about week 6 to week 8 when I was on the tinyest dose and doing the

every other day dose. The only thing I felt was increased dizziness!

I couldnt keep my balance. I also felt jittery which the xanax helped

me with. After about week 8 it all went away. I have not had any zaps

or dizzyness since then.

Unfortunetly, I may need to get back on Lexapro. I have been having

major anxiety and chest pain and docs dont know why so its all going

back to anxiety. I really want a baby though so I am trying to decide

what to do right now. I do know that lexapro really helped me but

dont want to harm the baby if i get pregnant.

May I ask why you got off lexapro? Were you doing better or not

likeing it?


> I have been off Lexapro now for 6 weeks (after slowly weaning).My


> is still zapping ,and I'm still dizzy. I've looked at a ton of


> boards and websites-nobody ever posts after the zaps stop.I assume

> that once they're off the drugs and all the withdrawl symptons go


> they don't have the need to visit the boards.I wish I knew when


> will end-if ever.



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Five or six years ago I was diagnosed reactive anxiety/panic disorder job

related. I was started on Serzone and I did not like the side effects of

drowsiness. I stopped immediately, and I had two years with no disorder or

medication (since is job related I was not having stress).

On another job, I started Xanax as needed. I was about two years without

taking the medication since job related stress was not present. On that job I

had stress and was back on the Xanax and I got a transfer. Four years later, I

get another job to better myself but it is a female dominated environment and I

did not know that it is very difficult to work among females.

I got depressed in one month and I did not know it. I took 1,025 of Xanax and

I am alive because of the grace of God who must have a purpose for my life.

It's been a month since I am on Lexapro 10 mg. It gives me a sense of

calmness. I don't feel side effects. I also feel my mood is back to normal ( I

am a morning person, I feel happy, I smile and, I feel motivated).

I read that Lexapro can cause a bloating in the tummy, loose stools that can

cause accidents, and sexual dysfunction. Is that the truth? I plan to take

Lexapro temporarily. I also had a sucessful interview for a job that does not

have much conmotion and is not female dominated in the same area but in a

different building.

Have a great day, I must go to work.

Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the




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Hi there,

Glad you are doing good on lexapro. As for the side effects you

listed below... I only expeirenced jitteriness for about 1 week and

then throughout the year that I took it I did gain about 5 pounds of

water weight. Oh, and yes... I didnt really want sex as much as

normal but it didnt effect me bad. All it did was take the want for

sex away. Not the ability to enjoy it if you know what i mean. But I

did not experience any other side effects.



> Five or six years ago I was diagnosed reactive anxiety/panic

disorder job related. I was started on Serzone and I did not like the

side effects of drowsiness. I stopped immediately, and I had two

years with no disorder or medication (since is job related I was not

having stress).


> On another job, I started Xanax as needed. I was about two years

without taking the medication since job related stress was not

present. On that job I had stress and was back on the Xanax and I got

a transfer. Four years later, I get another job to better myself but

it is a female dominated environment and I did not know that it is

very difficult to work among females.


> I got depressed in one month and I did not know it. I took 1,025

of Xanax and I am alive because of the grace of God who must have a

purpose for my life.


> It's been a month since I am on Lexapro 10 mg. It gives me a

sense of calmness. I don't feel side effects. I also feel my mood is

back to normal ( I am a morning person, I feel happy, I smile and, I

feel motivated).


> I read that Lexapro can cause a bloating in the tummy, loose

stools that can cause accidents, and sexual dysfunction. Is that the

truth? I plan to take Lexapro temporarily. I also had a sucessful

interview for a job that does not have much conmotion and is not

female dominated in the same area but in a different building.


> Have a great day, I must go to work.



> Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives

the impossible!

> Yvette




> ---------------------------------

> Got a little couch potato?

> Check out fun summer activities for kids.



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  • 1 month later...

Ok can someone tell me about how much they paid for car insurence when they drove there own car over to mex.daymkr05 <DStu98@...> wrote: >Kim, Where is Porterville? I live in Kelseyville which is Northern CA outside of Napa.Deborah

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35ish and it was just for the day and I bought it online. Just google it and you will find it.vicky burns <vickyburns26@...> wrote: Ok can someone tell me about how much they paid for car insurence when they drove there own car over to mex.daymkr05 <DStu98@...> wrote: >Kim, Where is Porterville? I live in Kelseyville which is Northern CA outside of Napa.Deborah __________________________________________________

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Can vary but should run about 16.00 per day for full coverage.Jerry Gerovac Re: Re: Hi All

Ok can someone tell me about how much they paid for car insurence when they drove there own car over to mex.daymkr05 <DStu98@...> wrote: >Kim, Where is Porterville? I live in Kelseyville which is Northern CA outside of Napa.Deborah


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Thanks jerry.Jerry Gerovac <jerrygerovac@...> wrote: Can vary but should run about 16.00 per day for full coverage.Jerry Gerovac Re: Re: Hi All Ok can someone tell me about how much they paid for car insurence when they drove there own car over to mex.daymkr05 <DStu98@...> wrote: >Kim, Where is Porterville? I live in Kelseyville which is Northern CA outside of Napa.Deborah__________________________________________________

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You need to check with your insurance company first to see if they

cover comprehensive. Some cover comprehensive as long as you are less

than 10 miles from the border. If they do then you will only need

liability. Call 800-404-1088 or go to mexins.com & maybe they can

give you some prices. I used them but there may be cheaper.


> >Kim, Where is Porterville? I live in Kelseyville which is Northern


> outside of Napa.

> Deborah


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Thanks Reno for all of ypur help. renoalaska <renoalaska@...> wrote: You need to check with your insurance company first to see if they cover comprehensive. Some cover comprehensive as long as you are less than 10 miles from the border. If they do then you will only need liability. Call 800-404-1088 or go to mexins.com & maybe they can give you some prices. I used them but there may be cheaper.Reno> >Kim, Where is Porterville? I live in Kelseyville which is Northern CA > outside of Napa.> Deborah>

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  • 1 month later...

Well Debbie,

I think I'd have a few questions for the prof if it were me under

his 'care'. I'd certainly want to know what my recent and past

blood tests results and ranges were in order to ascertain whether I

was getting optimum treatment. I'd ask if he thought that the sleep

apnoea was related to hypothyroidism (there are papers that claim it

is) and I'd want to know whether he had any explanation for the

insomnia which I suspect could be a symptom of adrenal fatigue.

The prof may not support any of these ideas so you may want to do

some research and have a think.

As far as I know, not having periods is going to be an issue if you

want children. Have you asked Prof W about this?

Luv Bella


> Re professor weetman he is my consultant is this a good thing or


> thing ) and i suffer with sleep apnea at min which they tested

> me for ... and insomnia any ideas for any reliefs and is it doing


> body harm with not having periods if i want children can i still


> them ?... its all new to me am on 100 mcgs a day ..


> All guideance greatfully recieved..........


> I posted to daily mail too and as you all say it was a waste of


> power it fell into cyber space as one would say lol ..



> Debbie


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Hi Debbie

Having Professor Weetman as your consultant is probably quite excellent - especially if you can tolerate thyroxine and you do not have a conversion or other problem. It is only those patients who DO have a conversion problem, or for one reason or another, cannot tolerate the fillers in the thyroxine tablets who need either a combination of synthetic T4 or T3 or natural desiccated thyroid extract (Armour Thyroid) where you might find a problem being treated by Professor Weetman. He is President of the British Thyroid Association and they have placed a statement against the use of Armour and T4/T3 combination, and we are hoping to correct what they say with researched papers and studies showing they are wrong.

Thyroxine hormone is called T4 and Triiodothyronine hormone is called T3. What dose of thyroxine are you taking and how often does your GP tell you to "go up a dose".

Where did you see Professor Weetman and what advert was there in a paper? I hope you do well on thyroxine, do tell us a little about yourself and how you came to being diagnosed. You can get your blood results from your doctor, he cannot refuse you. When you get them, please post them here together with the reference ranges for each test.


Re professor weetman he is my consultant is this a good thing or bad thing ?.. in the ad that went in paper it seemed he was the good guy ?.. and as im new what is t3 ?or t4 ?.. have never been given my results ?... always been told to go up a dose etc .. the side effects i get are i suppose down to the meds i have no periods ( which doesnt upset me lol ) and i suffer with sleep apnea at min which they tested me for ... and insomnia any ideas for any reliefs and is it doing my body harm with not having periods if i want children can i still have them ?... its all new to me am on 100 mcgs a day ..All guideance greatfully recieved..........I posted to daily mail too and as you all say it was a waste of typing power it fell into cyber space as one would say lol ..Debbie

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