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Have you completely dried up? If you haven't, does anyone know if there

some good electric pumps out there? If you have no milk at this time, does

anyone know if it's safe to take hormones to elicit milk production? I've

heard moms adopting can do that. Sandy

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>Have you completely dried up? If you haven't, does anyone know if there

>some good electric pumps out there? If you have no milk at this time, does

>anyone know if it's safe to take hormones to elicit milk production? I've

>heard moms adopting can do that.

There are some REALLY good pumps out there, you just have to look, and shop,

ideally you would be near a lactation center that would allow you to try a

few different pumps before buying. If you want info on specific pumps for

long or short term use, feel free to email me. There are several herbals

that boost milk production if you still have a little milk, on that note,

many moms are shocked at just how long their bodies hold on to milk, I had

milk well over a year after my first son weaned. Try to hand pump it out if

you don't have an electric pump. If you still have a wee bit of milk then

you can try several herbals to get your production up, fenugreek seems to be

the most widely used and in my practice I have found it to be the quickest

return. If you have no milk there are a few prescription drugs that can get

your breasts going again, but I think you would be really surprised at what

a few days on fenugreek and pumping would do. Just remember with pumping,

you have to be consistent. Any chance of getting your son to take the

breast again without pumping? Most people don't realize that breastfeeding

empties the breast more thoroughly than pumping does.

Just my thoughts. If you need any other herbal advice regarding bfing, feel

free to email me privately, unless of course the rest of the list wants to

know as well.



Did you hear? Breast is Best!

Certified Lactation Counselor

IBCLC Exam Candidate

Homeopathic Counselor in training


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I found the Advent breast pump (manual) to be MUCH more comfortable than an

electric breast pump, and you also get a surprisingly high quantity of



> Have you completely dried up? If you haven't, does anyone know if there

> some good electric pumps out there? If you have no milk at this time,


> anyone know if it's safe to take hormones to elicit milk production? I've

> heard moms adopting can do that. Sandy







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From what I've read, even men can lactate........I have that website

somewhere.... but all it takes is being very consistant in pumping....the

right herbs will help too.

This one guy did it every 4 hrs for like 6 months and finally was able to

nurse his child (his wife was killed in an accident I think.....something

like that).....I think he supplemented at first......so, being that's

pretty weird and all.....my point is that if a man can do it, how much

more can women???

Plus, think of wet nurses way back when! Those rich ladies were too busy

to nurse their own children and had their servants to it.

And, yes, also adoptive parents do it as well.... You can probably find

an email list to support you in this respect.....I think I've come across

one on eGroups.com.....

Don't know what to tell you in regards to pumps...never used one that

worked on me... if I relied on them, my baby would have starved! lol

Good luck!


La. SaHMommie to beautiful, breastfed, non-vax, co-sleeping Calista, born


On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 14:04:11 -0900 " Sandy Mintz " <sandym@...>


> Have you completely dried up? If you haven't, does anyone know if

> there

> some good electric pumps out there? If you have no milk at this

> time, does

> anyone know if it's safe to take hormones to elicit milk production?

> I've

> heard moms adopting can do that. Sandy




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I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but Mothering magazine has an article

on breastfeeding adopted children. It might be worth it to take a look. They

often have some good " other places " to look at the end of the articles.


>From: " Sandy Mintz " <sandym@...>



>Subject: Re: HI ALL

>Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 14:04:11 -0900


>Have you completely dried up? If you haven't, does anyone know if there

>some good electric pumps out there? If you have no milk at this time, does

>anyone know if it's safe to take hormones to elicit milk production? I've

>heard moms adopting can do that. Sandy



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, This is awesome that you are willing to do this. It takes a

lot of determination but it can be done. You can get some info at

www.laleche.org and you can join ABreastIsBest list as well. You

will benefit most from renting a hospital grade double pump to begin

with and if you want to put baby to the breast, a lact aid would be

in order. I did not catch the age of your baby? You can use herbs

and you can also take " reglan " which helps to synthetically increase

milk supply. I took it when we adopted our son and it did tend to

make me sleepy. You can go to the links on my site and

put " relactate " or " relactation " in the search engines. I know " lact-

aid " has a website, just can't recall it. You may want to find a

local LC and LLL leader to help you and encourage you in this

endeavor. Hope it all works out for you :c)

Joan S.


> Dear Joan,

> Do you have any information on getting one's milk back in? My son

is vaccine

> damaged and I would like to try and pump for him. Let me know,


> >

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My girlfriend adopted a little boy, and breastfed him. She had to supplement

also, because most of the time, unless you give birth, even though your body

will produce milk, it won't be in high enough quantity to provide adequate

nutrition for the adopted baby. She pumped like crazy, and also took some

things (?) to increase milk supply, but still had to supplement, although

not a whole lot. I thought it was really cool, because the baby still got

the benefits of breastfeeding...Sharon


> >Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 14:04:11 -0900

> >

> >Have you completely dried up? If you haven't, does anyone know if there

> >some good electric pumps out there? If you have no milk at this time,


> >anyone know if it's safe to take hormones to elicit milk production?


> >heard moms adopting can do that. Sandy

> >


> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com







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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

We share your pain - that's about all I can

offer. The antidepressant meds can be a culprit as well,

but everything you describe is a symptom and so far I

haven't had very good luck getting rid of any of them.

:-( It's pretty frustrating!!!!!!!!! <br><br>My

daughter had a dance concert this weekend & we've been

very busy getting ready. They had 4 performances, so I

haven't been on line at all for a while. The reason I'm

telling you all this is because there was a piece that

was choreagraphed to honor the dancers (all young

women 11 - 18 years old) and their growing maturity. At

the very end of the piece they shake their heads like

they are saying " no " while they are dancing. I asked

the choreographer why they did that and she said it

was a rejection of the negativity that gets thrown at

them all the time.<br><br>During the week of getting

ready for the concert some of the moms were bitching at

each other & one in particular was pretty nasty to the

rest. We were complaining about her until one of the

other moms said, " remember the dance. Let's just shake

our heads. " So, Hope & everyone else, it seems

simple, but when life is throwing sh*t at you, don't

accept it. It's out there. Don't take it

in.<br><br>Here's some positive: love, hope, prayers & hugs<br>~Rtz

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Hi ,<br><br>Do you think you could follow

a diet plan like Weight Watchers? If you could take

some weight off It may help restore enough energy to

start exercising. Just take it in bits and

pieces.<br><br>Another thought is do you take supplements? I think being

Hypo stresses other glands and organs and we need

extra help with energy and to keep our heads clear.

<br><br>There is also the concern of taking your thyroid meds

APART from iron(at least 4 hours), bcp, and your other

vitamins. <br><br>Another hot topic is Soy and soy products

suppress the thryoid and complicate the absorption of

Synthroid (T4). Maybe you need a little T3 added to your

medication, it helped me!!<br><br>Hypothyroid is a little

complex to have an easy fix. Do you have a good doctor?

Of course that is a big help! Medical care you can

turn to, but even that is a challenge!<br><br>Good

luck to you and welcome to the club!<br>Bev

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  • 4 weeks later...
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hi nate what is your stats --- how is everything with you --feeling great

, and what kind of regimin are you on that is helping you just getting

bits and pieces from all and taking what i can to help me out --- thanks

diane 70 since 30-oct-00

Re: Hi All

> Hi All,

> I am now a member of the new Post-op group.

> Nate King





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> Hi All,

> I am now a member of the new Post-op group.

> Nate King

Hi Nate,

How have you been? Didn't you move with your job...where are you now?

MGB 10/27/01


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I'm still in baltimore.

Nate King

Re: Hi All

> Hi All,

> I am now a member of the new Post-op group.

> Nate King

Hi Nate,

How have you been? Didn't you move with your job...where are you now?

MGB 10/27/01


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Hi Flo,

Sorry I have not posted in awhile. Well, it will be a year on May 25th, next

month since I had my surgery. I started out weighing 434 lbs. I now weigh

290lbs. I have lost 144 lbs to date. I am feeling great with no problems. Has

anyone heard from Amy?

Nate King

From: skinnyflo@...

Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 8:28 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Hi All

Hey Nate! Been wondering about you and how you're doing. How about posting

an update!

I'm here now too!


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Hi Nate:

Pam here from Elkridge, MD. Glad to hear from you. Sorry we missed

you at our last get together. How are you doing? Hope to see you next

time. Hopefully, we will get together when Flo gets back from


Pam from land

MGB 9/25/00


> > Hi All,

> > I am now a member of the new Post-op group.

> > Nate King


> Hi Nate,


> How have you been? Didn't you move with your job...where are you




> MGB 10/27/01

> -67




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  • 1 year later...


I would imagine it would be hard for many people to start ANY AD if

they have never been on one before, I know it was for me. Many of us

tend to research the drugs before we start, learn the side effect

profiles, the horror stories on the internet, and as a result,

monitor our bodies with hypervigilance first the first sign of

trouble. I guess it is the fear of the unfamiliar, just not knowing

what to expect, plus the stigmatism of a psychotropic drug and fear

of the impact it will have on us as individuals.

Of course, I am not suggesting your friend's side effects are not

truly present, it is just that the anticipatory anxiety of the drug,

can amplify the sides of any drug. For example, at my dose of Celexa

(60mg), I suffer from sleeping problems, was suffering from nasty

headaches, and suffer from sexual sides. However, I don't get worked

up over them like I used to because I know what to expect, know it

will pass (the headaches)or that it can be treated (sleeping

problems). Even the sexual problems I know I can work around, it

just requires some effort.

Now, I knew all of this when I first started the drug, but because it

was so new to me, it didn't matter that I knew it, every side effect

terrified me.

At 10mg of Celexa, for weeks I thought I would die. But now I am up

to 60mg and tolerating it well, even with the sides.

Good luck to your friend. What are your plans for Lexapro, I know you

were considering it?


> My friend is taking Lexapro for the first time. She is cutting the

> drug, so she is taking maybe 1.25 mg. She is waking up at nite on

> this little amount, and having racing thougths...kind of.

> Anyone notice it is hard to get on Lexapro if never taken a AD


> Kind of a " virgin AD " person...so to speak.

> She does taken Adivan though.

> Feedback???

> dagmar

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  • 10 months later...

Hi Wayne,

Welcome to . I hope you find the list helpful and friendly.

Best wishes in your quest for getting a ci.

Everyone is individual in how quick their recovery is. some may

breeze through it as if nothing ever happened while others may

struggle for a while. I'm guessing roughly and think most surgeons

reccommend at least 2 weeks off before allowing you to go back to


The activation itself takes place approximately 4 weeks after surgery.

Again it's all very individual as to how you will do at hook up..

there is no guarantee that you will even understand speech right away

and for some people, using the phone takes even longer.

I was one of the very fortunate ones who heard immediately upon

hookup and I went home from activation, called my father and talked

with him for about 10 minutes or so.. Heard every word too; I had

about 5% overhall hearing left when I was implanted. On the other

hand, my oldest sister had been completely deaf for 30 years when she

got her implant and it took aer about 3 months to be able to hear on

the phone.

You'll learn a lot more about ci's as you go along, and don't be

afraid to ask questions either here on the forum or privately.



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It depends on the person. Some people do really well with their CI

on their initial hookup, other's struggle for weeks if not months to

adjust to the sounds they are hearing.

Although I'm doing very well with mine and could possibly go back to

work I'm scared to death!! So instead I'm going to take a class or

two at the local college (plus my DD is in 1/2 day Kindergarten)

maybe by next fall I'll be more confident and sure of the speech I'm


Good luck with your evaluation. Let us know how it went.


> In your experience, how long after hookup was it before you could

> return to work or use the phone? I need to get the CI so that I can

> get back into the workforce and was wondering how long it might be

> before I could start interviewing.


> Thanks


> Wayne in KY

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jo,

Your questions are good and most of what you ask is very individual and the

answer will vary from person to person.

Recuperation time is variable......some people take longer to heal from

surgery than others. In my case I was ready for " hookup " in about a month.

Getting used to a CI is also something that will vary.....a lot of it has to

do with your brain......and going from silence to hearing again can take a lot

of effort. For instance most new CI users find they need to do listening

therapy...reading along and listening to what is being read to get the brain


into the swing of comprehending sounds again. ( or learning sounds for the

first time)

What happens if I fall into the category of people

who do NOT benefit from a CI, meaning do I have to walk around with

electrodes in my head for the rest of my life? 

Not everyone gets the same benefit from a CI.....but most people get some

benefit and prefer it to not having it! I personally had a failed first CI.


just left the electroded in my head for five years with no damage done. I

finally had it removed. I had my second CI last year and was told that even

though I had a previous CI in my right ear that it was still perfectly usable

for another CI. If you have a CI failure, you would probably want a


And last question, is it really, really worth it? 

In my case YES......my CI gave me back my life!! I was in dead silence for

over 30 years and now I can talk on the phone again! I listen to music all

the time, and it sounds like it did before I lost my hearing........this CI is

totally amazing and I still get choked up about it! : )

Deb H

Clarion CII surgery 6/18/02-hook up 7/18/02

HiRes,1/2003, Auria, 2/2003

Post lingual/Previous failed implant in 1985

BEA volunteer

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Hi Jo,

Welcome to the group. Let's see if I can also answer

your questions. I noticed that Deb has done a good job

already though.

The recouperation time after CI surgery really depends

on the person. In most cases, it's a week to ten days

but it's a good idea to make sure you take adequate

time off from work to let yourself really heal. It's

a nice time to let yourself be pampered.

Getting used to a CI is also something that happens

differently for each individual. Some people adapt to

the new hearing right away and others have to practice

and stay positive while they adjust. A person who has

been activated normally hears something but not

everyone understands what they hear right away. The

three words to keep in your mind are patience,

practice and perserverance. By asking these

questions, you are doing the right thing because if

you decide to have the implant, you want to have your

expectations in place.

It is uncommon for a person who is implanted not to

show some benefit. I can't speak for others but I

believe most people would opt to try again if hearing

was important enough to them.

It sounds as if you are in Canada. There are others

here from Canada who can tell you more about the

coverage for CI surgery. I am not familiar with that


Your last question was the best. Is it really, really

worth it? In my opinion, it is one of the best

decisions I ever made for myself so I would definitely

say a resounding Yes!

Don't be afraid to ask more questions if you have


That's why we are here.


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  • 5 months later...

Hi ,

Everything you described in your post sounded quite mornal and expected to

me. I had the same experiences as far as what appears to be a double voice

and how some voices are easier to understand than others. More time to

acclimate to the device and more mappings will eventually help to make


sound more normal. You may not be able to map these problems out right away but

trust that it will get better on it's own time. Your brain is still




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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi everyone,

My name is Marie and I had my MGB three years ago this month. I can't

begin to tell all of you how wonderful I now feel compared to back then. I

would have this surgery again in a heart beat. I weighed 291 pounds when I had

surgery and I know weigh 177. I would still love to lose another 20 pounds

but 177 is good. I am extremely proud of the way I look now (with clothes on

that is). I haven't had any plastic surgeries yet but I'm beginning to

investigate them now. After three years, I still find that I can't eat alot


food at one time but I can " graze " all day long. I have actually gained 7

pounds in the last year because of this " grazing " habit of mine and have tried

really hard to stop it. Hamburger is the only thing that gives me a


still can't eat a hamburger....but ...I can give up hamburger for this new

life I have.

My energy level is so high these days but I can still remember the days

of hurting legs, being out of breath walking from the car to the store,

snoring myself awake (yes I have actually woke up hearing myself " snort " ). I


to hate to shop...now I love trying clothes on and they actually fit AND look

good. No more loose fitting clothes for me!! My husband has become a

different man since my weight loss. My confidence level has quadrupled and

with it

came a better attitude about myself and he noticed and now I AM the apple of

his eye.

I would love to help others with this surgery...if anyone knows a person

who needs a contact, has questions ...anything at all...please contact

me...I'd love to help " spread the good news " about Dr. R and this surgery. You


all contact me at PittmanFamily03@... for listening....

Marie P


Surgery Date 3/08/01

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