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> Hi to all, my name is Aja and I am 28yrs old with a 2 boys and a husband. I

was resently diagnosed with A just last month after what seemed like forever of

having all the symtoms that all of us have. With my experience, I would say

that my A progressed kind of fast. I first started regergitating in late May

which I thought was morning sickness. After taking several pregnacy test in

which all came out negative i really didnt think much more about it until I

started dropping a lot of weight at one time as well as chocking in my sleep and

throwing up everything I ate and drank as soon as it hit my throat. After about

a month I was so malnurished that I was unable to take care of my household or

even pick up my nine month old for that matter. After having a endoscopy, a

barium swallow, and a mynomotry done my GI confirmed that it was infact

Achalasia. He told me I had two options, to have botox shots or surgry. I

decided to go for the botox 1st go round just because I didnt want surgury to be

my 1st choice. I have to say that Im not really happy with the results and I

plan to have the surgry done early next year just because of insurance purposes.

Im really glad that their are people out here who understand what Im going

through because for awhile there I really thought I was going crazy and none of

the doctors I saw act like they believed me. I just wanted to take the time out

to say thanks for all the info and hopefully you will be hearing more from me.

Because this is kind of new to me I would just like to know of any tricks that

anyone knows of or different things that you do or foods that you find that work

better than others that would be great to know. Thanks again!



When I did a google search for Nissen soft diet UPMC Medical Center had a

list of Diets.Clear,Liquid and Soft.I was on this diet after surgery and it

seemed to work well for me until I started trying some of the soft diet.Jello

with fruit mixed in works very good for me.I eat a lot of the Progresso soups

too although I don't know if they are the best thing for me.I got sick of

creamed, strained soups though.I eat a lot of rice and gravy also, but there

again they don't recommend a lot of spicy, fatty gravies.There may be more diets

for this on the internet too.Good luck!

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Welcome Aja,

Rather than tricks, is it possible at all for you to get surgery earlier. If

you are thinking about early next year, that is a long time for a freshly

diagnosed person.

The general opinion seems to be to do all you can to keep your esophagus from

stretching. When you are newly diagnosed, your esophagus is narrow, like panty

hose, (you are too young to know, maybe) But it seems like things generally

turn out better after surgery if you do it sooner than later. Six months is a

long time and it will likely get worse. I don't mean to be discouraging, but if

you have picked the doctors and the hospital, is there any way to do it more


If you can't afford it quickly, can you switch your insurance now? If not,

perhaps a dialation or (can't believe I'm saying this) botox.

Not a lot of studies, but seems like so many here do better with the more

aggressive treatment right away, before their esophagus stretches. LIkely your

symptoms are more extreme, if your esophagus isn't stretched, because it is

narrow and the food comes right back out.

I wish you the best, maybe do some more research? Google pubmed.com and search

through those medical summaries. Be aware that in some instances some of the

information is dated as it applies to newer technology.

Try to meet up with one of us, if you can work it out.



> Hi to all, my name is Aja and I am 28yrs old with a 2 boys and a husband. I

was resently diagnosed with A just last month after what seemed like forever of

having all the symtoms that all of us have. With my experience, I would say

that my A progressed kind of fast. I first started regergitating in late May

which I thought was morning sickness. After taking several pregnacy test in

which all came out negative i really didnt think much more about it until I

started dropping a lot of weight at one time as well as chocking in my sleep and

throwing up everything I ate and drank as soon as it hit my throat. After about

a month I was so malnurished that I was unable to take care of my household or

even pick up my nine month old for that matter. After having a endoscopy, a

barium swallow, and a mynomotry done my GI confirmed that it was infact

Achalasia. He told me I had two options, to have botox shots or surgry. I

decided to go for the botox 1st go round just because I didnt want surgury to be

my 1st choice. I have to say that Im not really happy with the results and I

plan to have the surgry done early next year just because of insurance purposes.

Im really glad that their are people out here who understand what Im going

through because for awhile there I really thought I was going crazy and none of

the doctors I saw act like they believed me. I just wanted to take the time out

to say thanks for all the info and hopefully you will be hearing more from me.

Because this is kind of new to me I would just like to know of any tricks that

anyone knows of or different things that you do or foods that you find that work

better than others that would be great to know. Thanks again!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

You're dealing with a lot and you've come to a good place for help.

I sympathize about not having the money to get the care you need. This is

the situation of so many in our society. I'm going to make some

recommendations based on what you've told us about your financials. Others

may disagree with me, and we should listen to what they say and see if

there's a better way. But I know that more than anything right now you

need simple, clear answers without a lot of contradictory information, and

being an internet mailing list that might be a tall order, so try to hang

in there.

I'm not sure why you thought the Synthroid wasn't working for you any more.

But put that aside for a moment. I take thyroid supplement (Nature-Throid)

and wouldn't want to be without some form of thyroid hormone support.

I suggest starting with the basics of the iodine protocol, plus a product

that will support your adrenals called Isocort. Here is the least

expensive source I can find for Isocort:


UTF8 & s=hpc & qid=1283411442 & sr=1-1-spell

That's 240 pellets. My acupuncturist/ND prescribed it for me and I was

told to take 1 pellet early in the am, up to 3 if it felt good. The bottle

says up to 8 pellets. Some others on this list will say that Isocort isn't

strong enough, but the other options are prescription drugs. This is

something you can buy on your own. It's a risk, in that if it turns out

you don't need adrenal support you'll have spent the money. But if you

feel better with the Isocort, that's a diagnostic for needing the support.

Iodine protocol:

Lugol's liquid iodine is less expensive than the Iodoral tablets. They are

equivalent in their content of iodine-- it is iodine + potassium iodide in

the same ratio. With Lugol's liquid the dose can be adjusted in minute

increments because it's by the drop. Your children and husband really

should also get on iodine, their ultimate health will be so much better.

Here's the least expensive source for Iodoral:

http://www.amazon.com/Optimox-Iodoral-180-tabs/dp/B000X843VG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & \

s=hpc & qid=1283411990 & sr=1-1

Many of us buy ours from www.breastcancerchoices.org but they do add

shipping so it's a little more expensive.

Plus the companion nutrients: You need the companions because the body

uses them to process iodine, and if you don't have them you are more likely

to have the detox symptoms that can be so uncomfortable. There are various

sources for the companions, but I find www.vitacost.com and

www.swansonsvitamins.com to have consistently reliably low prices and high

quality. At Vitacost, their house brand NSI is the best value.

The companion nutrients are described in the file for beginners that is on

this group's website. Take this link and then press the link for the

" Iodine New Members " document.



Do you have a natural foods store near you? The brand " NOW " vitamins is a

very good quality with good prices. You also need unrefined salt, and the

brand Real Salt is the least expensive in the USA. You can order that at


http://www.vitacost.com/productResults.aspx?ss=1 & previousText=real+salt & Ntk=prod\

ucts & x=0 & y=0 & Ntt=redmond's

I hope this helps some. I'm sure others will have ideas. My suggestion of

going to the Isocort + iodine is that it will jumpstart you. If the

Isocort makes you feel speedy and nauseous, you don't need it. Another

course would be to get on the iodine protocol, see how that feels, and then

possibly add the Isocort.

Anyway, on to more discussions.

wishing you well,


At 07:46 PM 9/1/2010, you wrote:

>Hello. I was directed this way by the Thyroidless group.

>My name is and I'm mom to four beautiful little girls and wonderful

>husband of 15yrs.

>My journey with hypothyroidism started when my third daughter was about 3

>yrs old. From blood work I found out that I was hypo and was started on

>Synthroid. I was started on .25mcg of Synthroid and for the first time I

>felt awake! It almost started to work automatically. Before hand I had

>gained a lot of weight, looked poofy and was just constantly tired all of

>the time. So for three years I did well. I had lost 55 pounds through

>diet and exercise. Then I had gotten pregant with my 4th daughter. I had a

>good pregnancy as far as how I felt. I had no morning sickness, nothing.

>It wasn't until my 3rd month of pregnancy that I almost lost my daughter.

>But I didn't and she held on. During this time my Synthroid levels were

>never changed. They always stayed at .25mcg. It wasn't until I had my

>daughter that things started to change. She had been born with some health

>problems (you can read more about it on

>www.caringbridge.org/visit/margaretreed1 ) Bascially in a nut shell she

>was born with multiple birth defects, a condition called VACTERL

>Association. It is not known what causes VACTERL. At the moment it is

>neither hereditary or genetic. I began to notice a change in my health

>when my daughter turned 6 months old. It was the combination of lack of

>sleep ( she was constantly crying, in pain, sick ,,etc) and stress of the

>unknown as I was dealing with something very few doctors will ever see in

>their lifetime of practice). I had four children to care for and no help

>from friends or family as most seemed to had 'disappeared'.

>At some point I started getting a goiter. I don't know when beause most of

>the first two years of my daughter's life is a blurr to me. But its

>pretty much there. It really hasn't changed.


>It wasn't until this January , my daughter is now 4, that I finally just

>'crashed'. My blood pressure got high, I felt exhausted like I just

>couldnt' get out of bed, and started having racing heart beats in the

>middle of the night. It was awful. So I go to my primary care doctor and

>she knows how I feel about not getting to the root of the problem,and just

>covering it up with medicine. Anyways, in the end in her mind it was

>anxiety,not like me at all , and high blood pressure and I slowly started

>getting put on meds that actually started working a little bit only to

>stop working. So my thought was maybe my 'swollen neck' had something to

>do with it. So a sono was set up and I had that done. It showed a

>multicystic goiter. With a 'mass'. Of course my pc doc said that really

>could mean not much or something. So I went to see an ENT. He was a very

>nice doctor. Very kind and compassionate. I told him my symptoms and they

>palpated my neck. It just feels like a swollen neck. You can't feel any

>lumps or bumps at all. They were a bit puzzled and he offered to take the

>thyroid out , but was cautious as he said he didn't see anything scary in

>the sono that would make him want to take it out like right now. Plus he

>said with my 'symptoms' I was having that it needed to be taken care of

>first because he could take my thyroid out but it won't fix what is going

>on in my body at the moment too. So he kindly let me go home and think

>about what I wanted to do next.

>So after that I decided maybe to see an endo. BIG MISTAKE. For one I have

>Medicaid so yes, I'm poor at the moment , right along with millions of

>other people. So it literally took 7 months to see this doctor. While I

>waited I read many posts on the thyroidless board and began to feel like

>maybe I shouldn't go see the Endo. I expressed this to my husband with him

>feeling that I was being paranoid and that I should give the doctor a

>chance. I, on the other hand , had this horrible pit feeling in my

>stomach. But I went anyways. I invited my husband to go and brought my

>youngest daughter with me to show this doctor that I have a HUGE

>responsibility to find out what is going on with me so I can take good

>care of my daughter and my other three girls as well. I brought my husband

>in to see that I was NOT being paranoid and to show him once and for all

>how these doctors are NOT listening to me at all.


>Boy did he get an education. First this doctor looks at the report and

>says she doesn't understand it at all. I'm not sure what the heck she

>didn't understand because I surely did when my PC shared it with me. In a

>nut shell it said I had some smaller cysts(nodules) in there and the

>largest one was 2.5cm. It said there was a mass in there. But I'm banking

>that that mass is a swollen thyroid due to extremely poor treatment. That

>was basically it. But this Endo was saying it was HUGE and that it needed

>to come out. Right before I had a chance to talk to her or even say

>anything. After this she asks me what I want to do and I ask her I would

>like some testing to figure out what is going on , why my hormones are out

>of whack ( I have been getting some acne , and have hair growing in places

>it shouldn't.. like under my chin and breasts,stomach and rearend). What

>is causing the problem. She looks at me and says did the ENT do a biospy.

>I said no. He felt that there were to many false positives and negatives

>to do it and didn't want to be poking around my neck. Plus I made it known

>I would not do that. That is my limit when it comes to needles. I am very

>sensitive when it comes to my neck. Poke me wherever else you want, not my

>neck. She goes on to tell me, " Oh they numb you. " After this I tell her

>that the Synthroid made me feel worse , and so I discontinued taking it.

>She says to me that it was a good thing I did. But in the same breath goes

>on to say " It needs to come out, your thyroid needs to come out. " " your

>energy levels won't be the same and you wont' feel the same ever again. "

>Once she said that I said " See here. I have a child that goes to doctors

>in three cities in two states. I have to manage her care and I have three

>other daughters who love me and need me and my husband needs me too. " This

>endo goes on to say , well its better to live with low energy then to die.

>If you don't do this you will die. " This woman had me dying in her office!

>Then she takes me in another room and does some strange testing on me,

>proceeds to have me drink some water as she palpates my neck all the while

>saying " Yes, it needs to come out. Let's set up that biopsy and get the

>surgery scheduled. " I sat there and just didn't say a word to her and

>looked at her at the moment. Then said " you know what I need to " think "

>about it. " So she says " Well at least get the blood work done " . So I

>get a script , and just am so ready to run out of the building with my

>husband and daughter. My poor husband was sitting in the room saying "

>Maybe you should get the surgery done. I don't want you do die. " Finally

>we leave and the receptionist says " Okay well I can schedule you for

>three months out. So I made something up and told her that my calendar was

>at home and that I didn't want to make any appointments without it because

>I would end up calling them back having to reschedule and I walked quickly

>out of there.

>I sat in the car and just broke down in tears. I felt like my whole life

>just crashed around me. I didn't want to die but i didn't want someone to

>rip my thyroid out and never be able to function properly again and not be

>able to enjoy life and my family. I knew it wasn't right and there was

>another way.


>So here I am right now. I have read so much about the adrenals, natural

>thyroid hormone and now have been reading about Iodine. Please I would

>like for someone to help me understand all of this. How it works and how I

>can save myself. I'm thinking what I'm dealing with isn't cancer. Of

>course I could be wrong but there is not a family history of it in my

>family on either side, my voice has not changed at all, I don't have

>trouble breathing or swallowing. Its just at the moment an annoyance

>because honestly I don't known if this is a cancerous thing or not and

>frankly I don't want to know some days. I want to be able to live a long

>and healthy life. I want to grow old and watch my children grow up and

>graduate from school and college and be a grandma. Its all I want out of

>life anymore.


>Please share with me your success stories. Is there anyone on here who

>have been able to save their thyroids by following these things?

>This endo questioned if I had even needed to be on thyroid meds in the

>first place. I sure did have low thyroid symptoms when I did start it. I

>was not hyper at all. I actually felt for the first time in my life '

>Awake'. I believe I've been dealing with thyroid problems my whole

>life. The strange thing was when I started on the Synthroid my hair began

>to shed terrible. No one could explain it and no one helped me figure out

>why. Its just never really stopped. My hair just does not seem to replace

>itself after it sheds.


>Anyways I know I need to get my adrenals tested first. I'm trying to come

>up with the money for that. Right now it is REALLY tough because we just

>don't have the money. With all of the traveling we have to do for my

>daughter to Pittsburgh and Cincinnati it is just draining us. But I'm

>praying and hoping God will light the way. Then I know I need to see a

>real doctor. One that will help me figure that out. I have an idea of who

>I want to see. But again, its money.

>Then I know once my hormones and thyroid is treated properly it could

>shrink this down but I've been reading that Iodine helps with this too.

>It just all seems so overwhelming to me. I think its because I just can't

>afford it. This Endo thought I was stupid and wanted to line her pocket

>with money from my thyroid. I wasn't sure if she thought because I was on

>Medicaid that I was stupid. Well I'm not. What because I'm poor , well

>let's just rip her thyroid out because she couldn't possibly afford to

>take care of herself. As this doctor literally had a bottle of D3 Vitamins

>sitting on her table. Oh, so you'll rip my thyroid out but you would NEVER

>do that to yourself?

>All I could think was that I know she isn't going to come to my house to

>take care of my daughter, nor is she going to pay for a nurse to do it

>because my daughter would have a mommy who couldn't function right anymore

>because a doctor took her thyroid out. In the end as I came home I had

>finally looked at this 'blood work' she wanted. It was just for T4 and

>nothing else.


>So sorry that this is a novel. If you've read this far you are awesome. If

>you respond even better. I just need some guidance.

>Now with Iodine can I start on something like this? What do you do? Is

>this also linked with adrenal function too? Will it be something that

>won't work unless your adrenals work too? Or can I start taking it until I

>manage to get that adrenal test?

>I would love explanation on how this all works. I am a desperate mom who

>wants to save her thyroid and herself.





~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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Hi I really feel for you and hope this information will be of help:Dr Don M.D., of Quantum Techniques is I believe still offering a free 30' consult .Quantum Techniques is a combination of cutting edge energy medicine and other approaches with an extremely high level of accuracy in diagnosing and treating illness including cancer.

Dr Baily will be able to see what is causing the swelling,give you a treatment and recommend the supplements and dosages you personally need.I have a lot of good experience with the Q.T. approach (although it's a bit out of the box) with my family and friends and myself.Some of the cases were with clearing cancer or pre- cancerous conditions.

Dr has a tele seminar he gave on low thyroid  :http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=14242755

You can check out www.Quantumtechniques.comIf you want to book a free 30' consult his e-mail is  don@...

Wishing you a quick and speedy recoveryEstair On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 10:32 AM, Baker <vbaker@...> wrote:


Hi ,

You're dealing with a lot and you've come to a good place for help.

I sympathize about not having the money to get the care you need. This is

the situation of so many in our society. I'm going to make some

recommendations based on what you've told us about your financials. Others

may disagree with me, and we should listen to what they say and see if

there's a better way. But I know that more than anything right now you

need simple, clear answers without a lot of contradictory information, and

being an internet mailing list that might be a tall order, so try to hang

in there.

I'm not sure why you thought the Synthroid wasn't working for you any more.

But put that aside for a moment. I take thyroid supplement (Nature-Throid)

and wouldn't want to be without some form of thyroid hormone support.

I suggest starting with the basics of the iodine protocol, plus a product

that will support your adrenals called Isocort. Here is the least

expensive source I can find for Isocort:

http://www.amazon.com/BEZWECKEN-ISOCORT-240-PELLETS/dp/B002D2A6HU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & s=hpc & qid=1283411442 & sr=1-1-spell

That's 240 pellets. My acupuncturist/ND prescribed it for me and I was

told to take 1 pellet early in the am, up to 3 if it felt good. The bottle

says up to 8 pellets. Some others on this list will say that Isocort isn't

strong enough, but the other options are prescription drugs. This is

something you can buy on your own. It's a risk, in that if it turns out

you don't need adrenal support you'll have spent the money. But if you

feel better with the Isocort, that's a diagnostic for needing the support.

Iodine protocol:

Lugol's liquid iodine is less expensive than the Iodoral tablets. They are

equivalent in their content of iodine-- it is iodine + potassium iodide in

the same ratio. With Lugol's liquid the dose can be adjusted in minute

increments because it's by the drop. Your children and husband really

should also get on iodine, their ultimate health will be so much better.

Here's the least expensive source for Iodoral:

http://www.amazon.com/Optimox-Iodoral-180-tabs/dp/B000X843VG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & s=hpc & qid=1283411990 & sr=1-1

Many of us buy ours from www.breastcancerchoices.org but they do add

shipping so it's a little more expensive.

Plus the companion nutrients: You need the companions because the body

uses them to process iodine, and if you don't have them you are more likely

to have the detox symptoms that can be so uncomfortable. There are various

sources for the companions, but I find www.vitacost.com and

www.swansonsvitamins.com to have consistently reliably low prices and high

quality. At Vitacost, their house brand NSI is the best value.

The companion nutrients are described in the file for beginners that is on

this group's website. Take this link and then press the link for the

" Iodine New Members " document.


Do you have a natural foods store near you? The brand " NOW " vitamins is a

very good quality with good prices. You also need unrefined salt, and the

brand Real Salt is the least expensive in the USA. You can order that at


http://www.vitacost.com/productResults.aspx?ss=1 & previousText=real+salt & Ntk=products & x=0 & y=0 & Ntt=redmond's

I hope this helps some. I'm sure others will have ideas. My suggestion of

going to the Isocort + iodine is that it will jumpstart you. If the

Isocort makes you feel speedy and nauseous, you don't need it. Another

course would be to get on the iodine protocol, see how that feels, and then

possibly add the Isocort.

Anyway, on to more discussions.

wishing you well,


At 07:46 PM 9/1/2010, you wrote:

>Hello. I was directed this way by the Thyroidless group.

>My name is and I'm mom to four beautiful little girls and wonderful

>husband of 15yrs.

>My journey with hypothyroidism started when my third daughter was about 3

>yrs old. From blood work I found out that I was hypo and was started on

>Synthroid. I was started on .25mcg of Synthroid and for the first time I

>felt awake! It almost started to work automatically. Before hand I had

>gained a lot of weight, looked poofy and was just constantly tired all of

>the time. So for three years I did well. I had lost 55 pounds through

>diet and exercise. Then I had gotten pregant with my 4th daughter. I had a

>good pregnancy as far as how I felt. I had no morning sickness, nothing.

>It wasn't until my 3rd month of pregnancy that I almost lost my daughter.

>But I didn't and she held on. During this time my Synthroid levels were

>never changed. They always stayed at .25mcg. It wasn't until I had my

>daughter that things started to change. She had been born with some health

>problems (you can read more about it on

>www.caringbridge.org/visit/margaretreed1 ) Bascially in a nut shell she

>was born with multiple birth defects, a condition called VACTERL

>Association. It is not known what causes VACTERL. At the moment it is

>neither hereditary or genetic. I began to notice a change in my health

>when my daughter turned 6 months old. It was the combination of lack of

>sleep ( she was constantly crying, in pain, sick ,,etc) and stress of the

>unknown as I was dealing with something very few doctors will ever see in

>their lifetime of practice). I had four children to care for and no help

>from friends or family as most seemed to had 'disappeared'.

>At some point I started getting a goiter. I don't know when beause most of

>the first two years of my daughter's life is a blurr to me. But its

>pretty much there. It really hasn't changed.


>It wasn't until this January , my daughter is now 4, that I finally just

>'crashed'. My blood pressure got high, I felt exhausted like I just

>couldnt' get out of bed, and started having racing heart beats in the

>middle of the night. It was awful. So I go to my primary care doctor and

>she knows how I feel about not getting to the root of the problem,and just

>covering it up with medicine. Anyways, in the end in her mind it was

>anxiety,not like me at all , and high blood pressure and I slowly started

>getting put on meds that actually started working a little bit only to

>stop working. So my thought was maybe my 'swollen neck' had something to

>do with it. So a sono was set up and I had that done. It showed a

>multicystic goiter. With a 'mass'. Of course my pc doc said that really

>could mean not much or something. So I went to see an ENT. He was a very

>nice doctor. Very kind and compassionate. I told him my symptoms and they

>palpated my neck. It just feels like a swollen neck. You can't feel any

>lumps or bumps at all. They were a bit puzzled and he offered to take the

>thyroid out , but was cautious as he said he didn't see anything scary in

>the sono that would make him want to take it out like right now. Plus he

>said with my 'symptoms' I was having that it needed to be taken care of

>first because he could take my thyroid out but it won't fix what is going

>on in my body at the moment too. So he kindly let me go home and think

>about what I wanted to do next.

>So after that I decided maybe to see an endo. BIG MISTAKE. For one I have

>Medicaid so yes, I'm poor at the moment , right along with millions of

>other people. So it literally took 7 months to see this doctor. While I

>waited I read many posts on the thyroidless board and began to feel like

>maybe I shouldn't go see the Endo. I expressed this to my husband with him

>feeling that I was being paranoid and that I should give the doctor a

>chance. I, on the other hand , had this horrible pit feeling in my

>stomach. But I went anyways. I invited my husband to go and brought my

>youngest daughter with me to show this doctor that I have a HUGE

>responsibility to find out what is going on with me so I can take good

>care of my daughter and my other three girls as well. I brought my husband

>in to see that I was NOT being paranoid and to show him once and for all

>how these doctors are NOT listening to me at all.


>Boy did he get an education. First this doctor looks at the report and

>says she doesn't understand it at all. I'm not sure what the heck she

>didn't understand because I surely did when my PC shared it with me. In a

>nut shell it said I had some smaller cysts(nodules) in there and the

>largest one was 2.5cm. It said there was a mass in there. But I'm banking

>that that mass is a swollen thyroid due to extremely poor treatment. That

>was basically it. But this Endo was saying it was HUGE and that it needed

>to come out. Right before I had a chance to talk to her or even say

>anything. After this she asks me what I want to do and I ask her I would

>like some testing to figure out what is going on , why my hormones are out

>of whack ( I have been getting some acne , and have hair growing in places

>it shouldn't.. like under my chin and breasts,stomach and rearend). What

>is causing the problem. She looks at me and says did the ENT do a biospy.

>I said no. He felt that there were to many false positives and negatives

>to do it and didn't want to be poking around my neck. Plus I made it known

>I would not do that. That is my limit when it comes to needles. I am very

>sensitive when it comes to my neck. Poke me wherever else you want, not my

>neck. She goes on to tell me, " Oh they numb you. " After this I tell her

>that the Synthroid made me feel worse , and so I discontinued taking it.

>She says to me that it was a good thing I did. But in the same breath goes

>on to say " It needs to come out, your thyroid needs to come out. " " your

>energy levels won't be the same and you wont' feel the same ever again. "

>Once she said that I said " See here. I have a child that goes to doctors

>in three cities in two states. I have to manage her care and I have three

>other daughters who love me and need me and my husband needs me too. " This

>endo goes on to say , well its better to live with low energy then to die.

>If you don't do this you will die. " This woman had me dying in her office!

>Then she takes me in another room and does some strange testing on me,

>proceeds to have me drink some water as she palpates my neck all the while

>saying " Yes, it needs to come out. Let's set up that biopsy and get the

>surgery scheduled. " I sat there and just didn't say a word to her and

>looked at her at the moment. Then said " you know what I need to " think "

>about it. " So she says " Well at least get the blood work done " . So I

>get a script , and just am so ready to run out of the building with my

>husband and daughter. My poor husband was sitting in the room saying "

>Maybe you should get the surgery done. I don't want you do die. " Finally

>we leave and the receptionist says " Okay well I can schedule you for

>three months out. So I made something up and told her that my calendar was

>at home and that I didn't want to make any appointments without it because

>I would end up calling them back having to reschedule and I walked quickly

>out of there.

>I sat in the car and just broke down in tears. I felt like my whole life

>just crashed around me. I didn't want to die but i didn't want someone to

>rip my thyroid out and never be able to function properly again and not be

>able to enjoy life and my family. I knew it wasn't right and there was

>another way.


>So here I am right now. I have read so much about the adrenals, natural

>thyroid hormone and now have been reading about Iodine. Please I would

>like for someone to help me understand all of this. How it works and how I

>can save myself. I'm thinking what I'm dealing with isn't cancer. Of

>course I could be wrong but there is not a family history of it in my

>family on either side, my voice has not changed at all, I don't have

>trouble breathing or swallowing. Its just at the moment an annoyance

>because honestly I don't known if this is a cancerous thing or not and

>frankly I don't want to know some days. I want to be able to live a long

>and healthy life. I want to grow old and watch my children grow up and

>graduate from school and college and be a grandma. Its all I want out of

>life anymore.


>Please share with me your success stories. Is there anyone on here who

>have been able to save their thyroids by following these things?

>This endo questioned if I had even needed to be on thyroid meds in the

>first place. I sure did have low thyroid symptoms when I did start it. I

>was not hyper at all. I actually felt for the first time in my life '

>Awake'. I believe I've been dealing with thyroid problems my whole

>life. The strange thing was when I started on the Synthroid my hair began

>to shed terrible. No one could explain it and no one helped me figure out

>why. Its just never really stopped. My hair just does not seem to replace

>itself after it sheds.


>Anyways I know I need to get my adrenals tested first. I'm trying to come

>up with the money for that. Right now it is REALLY tough because we just

>don't have the money. With all of the traveling we have to do for my

>daughter to Pittsburgh and Cincinnati it is just draining us. But I'm

>praying and hoping God will light the way. Then I know I need to see a

>real doctor. One that will help me figure that out. I have an idea of who

>I want to see. But again, its money.

>Then I know once my hormones and thyroid is treated properly it could

>shrink this down but I've been reading that Iodine helps with this too.

>It just all seems so overwhelming to me. I think its because I just can't

>afford it. This Endo thought I was stupid and wanted to line her pocket

>with money from my thyroid. I wasn't sure if she thought because I was on

>Medicaid that I was stupid. Well I'm not. What because I'm poor , well

>let's just rip her thyroid out because she couldn't possibly afford to

>take care of herself. As this doctor literally had a bottle of D3 Vitamins

>sitting on her table. Oh, so you'll rip my thyroid out but you would NEVER

>do that to yourself?

>All I could think was that I know she isn't going to come to my house to

>take care of my daughter, nor is she going to pay for a nurse to do it

>because my daughter would have a mommy who couldn't function right anymore

>because a doctor took her thyroid out. In the end as I came home I had

>finally looked at this 'blood work' she wanted. It was just for T4 and

>nothing else.


>So sorry that this is a novel. If you've read this far you are awesome. If

>you respond even better. I just need some guidance.

>Now with Iodine can I start on something like this? What do you do? Is

>this also linked with adrenal function too? Will it be something that

>won't work unless your adrenals work too? Or can I start taking it until I

>manage to get that adrenal test?

>I would love explanation on how this all works. I am a desperate mom who

>wants to save her thyroid and herself.





~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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I felt the Synthroid quit working after about my fourth daughter turned 6

months old. I began feeling sluggish again, my myxedema came back , my stomach

and everything has just slowed down, started getting hands that were cold. I am

hot when its hot and cold when its cold. I feel like a cold blooded animal.

I have tingly sensations in my face, hands, feet, and my sinus /ear issues came

back. Those issues are at night my nose gets stuffy and I spend the night

tossing back and forth to clear each side. Then my ears feel like there must be

fluid in them or something because I can pop them. I had these same exact

symptoms prior being diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

When I started I was started with .25 mcg of Synthroid and had been on that for

7yrs. It has never been increased. Ever.

So this January my blood pressure began shooting up. It was crazy and I just

felt like I crashed. I felt like all of the energy in my body left me and I just

couldn't move anymore. I was waking up in the middle of the night feeling like

my heart was racing. All of a sudden I was being diagnosed with high bp and

being put on BP meds and 'Anxiety'. In the middle of the night when I'm

sleeping? Then I'm finding I'm being put on allergy meds that don't help at all

for the sinus issues. All things I told my primary care doc that I didn't

believe in doing without first finding out the root cause of the problem. The

Linsinopril helped at first but all of a sudden started causing me headaches,

and I was so tired I just felt awful. My midwife believed that it was

aggrivating something.

As for finding a doctor to test anything else other than T4 around here is

absolutely impossible. Right now I'm trying to come up with the money to see an

alternative doctor. Right now I can't afford anything. Between me trying to save

money for our next trip to Cincinnati for our daughter's kidney problems, and

for me, well I'm really trying not to stress about it. But I need both to happen

because her issues aren't any less than mine at the moment. I can't say' Oh we

can wait on her issues while I work on mine. " So its not at all like I can chose

one over the other at the moment.

I just got a job today but its only for two days a week , but its for four hours

and at $8 an hour isn't very much. My husband is still looking for a job. The

economy in our area is BAD. We live in the poorest county in PA. Everything is

just going overseas and we're just being left with tourism. So we're pretty much

like everywhere else in the country at the moment. All we have at the moment is

food stamps and our daughter's SSI. So I have to be chosey with what I spend our

money on at the moment. But I know I can make it happen to. Its not in my time

frame but its slowly happening.

Tonight I was able to go out and get some Vitamin C. I bought the Ester -C. I

hope this is okay and that it doesn't have anything in it that I'm not supposed

to have. I was looking at Vitamin D and Calcium but either the ones in the store

had : Glycol Propolene(sp?) or they didn't have D3 but D2, or they had soy in

them. Can anyone suggest a good Vitamin D3/Calcium supplement?

Also how do I give Iodine to my daughters? They are 12, 10, 7 and 4. Is there

any contraindications with Iodine? Such as my 4yr old has kidney/Urological

problems ( neurogenic bladder, lost the function in her right kidney, kidney

reflux). Would it still be safe to give her?

Does anyone have any vitamin recommendations for children?

What is the best way for me to take Iodine? Do you start low and work your way

up? What dose do you start with and how much do you work yourself up to?

I'm sure those are all questions everyone asks here. But I thougth I'd ask


> >Hello. I was directed this way by the Thyroidless group.

> >My name is and I'm mom to four beautiful little girls and wonderful

> >husband of 15yrs.

> >My journey with hypothyroidism started when my third daughter was about 3

> >yrs old. From blood work I found out that I was hypo and was started on

> >Synthroid. I was started on .25mcg of Synthroid and for the first time I

> >felt awake! It almost started to work automatically. Before hand I had

> >gained a lot of weight, looked poofy and was just constantly tired all of

> >the time. So for three years I did well. I had lost 55 pounds through

> >diet and exercise. Then I had gotten pregant with my 4th daughter. I had a

> >good pregnancy as far as how I felt. I had no morning sickness, nothing.

> >It wasn't until my 3rd month of pregnancy that I almost lost my daughter.

> >But I didn't and she held on. During this time my Synthroid levels were

> >never changed. They always stayed at .25mcg. It wasn't until I had my

> >daughter that things started to change. She had been born with some health

> >problems (you can read more about it on

> >www.caringbridge.org/visit/margaretreed1 ) Bascially in a nut shell she

> >was born with multiple birth defects, a condition called VACTERL

> >Association. It is not known what causes VACTERL. At the moment it is

> >neither hereditary or genetic. I began to notice a change in my health

> >when my daughter turned 6 months old. It was the combination of lack of

> >sleep ( she was constantly crying, in pain, sick ,,etc) and stress of the

> >unknown as I was dealing with something very few doctors will ever see in

> >their lifetime of practice). I had four children to care for and no help

> >from friends or family as most seemed to had 'disappeared'.

> >At some point I started getting a goiter. I don't know when beause most of

> >the first two years of my daughter's life is a blurr to me. But its

> >pretty much there. It really hasn't changed.

> >

> >It wasn't until this January , my daughter is now 4, that I finally just

> >'crashed'. My blood pressure got high, I felt exhausted like I just

> >couldnt' get out of bed, and started having racing heart beats in the

> >middle of the night. It was awful. So I go to my primary care doctor and

> >she knows how I feel about not getting to the root of the problem,and just

> >covering it up with medicine. Anyways, in the end in her mind it was

> >anxiety,not like me at all , and high blood pressure and I slowly started

> >getting put on meds that actually started working a little bit only to

> >stop working. So my thought was maybe my 'swollen neck' had something to

> >do with it. So a sono was set up and I had that done. It showed a

> >multicystic goiter. With a 'mass'. Of course my pc doc said that really

> >could mean not much or something. So I went to see an ENT. He was a very

> >nice doctor. Very kind and compassionate. I told him my symptoms and they

> >palpated my neck. It just feels like a swollen neck. You can't feel any

> >lumps or bumps at all. They were a bit puzzled and he offered to take the

> >thyroid out , but was cautious as he said he didn't see anything scary in

> >the sono that would make him want to take it out like right now. Plus he

> >said with my 'symptoms' I was having that it needed to be taken care of

> >first because he could take my thyroid out but it won't fix what is going

> >on in my body at the moment too. So he kindly let me go home and think

> >about what I wanted to do next.

> >So after that I decided maybe to see an endo. BIG MISTAKE. For one I have

> >Medicaid so yes, I'm poor at the moment , right along with millions of

> >other people. So it literally took 7 months to see this doctor. While I

> >waited I read many posts on the thyroidless board and began to feel like

> >maybe I shouldn't go see the Endo. I expressed this to my husband with him

> >feeling that I was being paranoid and that I should give the doctor a

> >chance. I, on the other hand , had this horrible pit feeling in my

> >stomach. But I went anyways. I invited my husband to go and brought my

> >youngest daughter with me to show this doctor that I have a HUGE

> >responsibility to find out what is going on with me so I can take good

> >care of my daughter and my other three girls as well. I brought my husband

> >in to see that I was NOT being paranoid and to show him once and for all

> >how these doctors are NOT listening to me at all.

> >

> >Boy did he get an education. First this doctor looks at the report and

> >says she doesn't understand it at all. I'm not sure what the heck she

> >didn't understand because I surely did when my PC shared it with me. In a

> >nut shell it said I had some smaller cysts(nodules) in there and the

> >largest one was 2.5cm. It said there was a mass in there. But I'm banking

> >that that mass is a swollen thyroid due to extremely poor treatment. That

> >was basically it. But this Endo was saying it was HUGE and that it needed

> >to come out. Right before I had a chance to talk to her or even say

> >anything. After this she asks me what I want to do and I ask her I would

> >like some testing to figure out what is going on , why my hormones are out

> >of whack ( I have been getting some acne , and have hair growing in places

> >it shouldn't.. like under my chin and breasts,stomach and rearend). What

> >is causing the problem. She looks at me and says did the ENT do a biospy.

> >I said no. He felt that there were to many false positives and negatives

> >to do it and didn't want to be poking around my neck. Plus I made it known

> >I would not do that. That is my limit when it comes to needles. I am very

> >sensitive when it comes to my neck. Poke me wherever else you want, not my

> >neck. She goes on to tell me, " Oh they numb you. " After this I tell her

> >that the Synthroid made me feel worse , and so I discontinued taking it.

> >She says to me that it was a good thing I did. But in the same breath goes

> >on to say " It needs to come out, your thyroid needs to come out. " " your

> >energy levels won't be the same and you wont' feel the same ever again. "

> >Once she said that I said " See here. I have a child that goes to doctors

> >in three cities in two states. I have to manage her care and I have three

> >other daughters who love me and need me and my husband needs me too. " This

> >endo goes on to say , well its better to live with low energy then to die.

> >If you don't do this you will die. " This woman had me dying in her office!

> >Then she takes me in another room and does some strange testing on me,

> >proceeds to have me drink some water as she palpates my neck all the while

> >saying " Yes, it needs to come out. Let's set up that biopsy and get the

> >surgery scheduled. " I sat there and just didn't say a word to her and

> >looked at her at the moment. Then said " you know what I need to " think "

> >about it. " So she says " Well at least get the blood work done " . So I

> >get a script , and just am so ready to run out of the building with my

> >husband and daughter. My poor husband was sitting in the room saying "

> >Maybe you should get the surgery done. I don't want you do die. " Finally

> >we leave and the receptionist says " Okay well I can schedule you for

> >three months out. So I made something up and told her that my calendar was

> >at home and that I didn't want to make any appointments without it because

> >I would end up calling them back having to reschedule and I walked quickly

> >out of there.

> >I sat in the car and just broke down in tears. I felt like my whole life

> >just crashed around me. I didn't want to die but i didn't want someone to

> >rip my thyroid out and never be able to function properly again and not be

> >able to enjoy life and my family. I knew it wasn't right and there was

> >another way.

> >

> >So here I am right now. I have read so much about the adrenals, natural

> >thyroid hormone and now have been reading about Iodine. Please I would

> >like for someone to help me understand all of this. How it works and how I

> >can save myself. I'm thinking what I'm dealing with isn't cancer. Of

> >course I could be wrong but there is not a family history of it in my

> >family on either side, my voice has not changed at all, I don't have

> >trouble breathing or swallowing. Its just at the moment an annoyance

> >because honestly I don't known if this is a cancerous thing or not and

> >frankly I don't want to know some days. I want to be able to live a long

> >and healthy life. I want to grow old and watch my children grow up and

> >graduate from school and college and be a grandma. Its all I want out of

> >life anymore.

> >

> >Please share with me your success stories. Is there anyone on here who

> >have been able to save their thyroids by following these things?

> >This endo questioned if I had even needed to be on thyroid meds in the

> >first place. I sure did have low thyroid symptoms when I did start it. I

> >was not hyper at all. I actually felt for the first time in my life '

> >Awake'. I believe I've been dealing with thyroid problems my whole

> >life. The strange thing was when I started on the Synthroid my hair began

> >to shed terrible. No one could explain it and no one helped me figure out

> >why. Its just never really stopped. My hair just does not seem to replace

> >itself after it sheds.

> >

> >Anyways I know I need to get my adrenals tested first. I'm trying to come

> >up with the money for that. Right now it is REALLY tough because we just

> >don't have the money. With all of the traveling we have to do for my

> >daughter to Pittsburgh and Cincinnati it is just draining us. But I'm

> >praying and hoping God will light the way. Then I know I need to see a

> >real doctor. One that will help me figure that out. I have an idea of who

> >I want to see. But again, its money.

> >Then I know once my hormones and thyroid is treated properly it could

> >shrink this down but I've been reading that Iodine helps with this too.

> >It just all seems so overwhelming to me. I think its because I just can't

> >afford it. This Endo thought I was stupid and wanted to line her pocket

> >with money from my thyroid. I wasn't sure if she thought because I was on

> >Medicaid that I was stupid. Well I'm not. What because I'm poor , well

> >let's just rip her thyroid out because she couldn't possibly afford to

> >take care of herself. As this doctor literally had a bottle of D3 Vitamins

> >sitting on her table. Oh, so you'll rip my thyroid out but you would NEVER

> >do that to yourself?

> >All I could think was that I know she isn't going to come to my house to

> >take care of my daughter, nor is she going to pay for a nurse to do it

> >because my daughter would have a mommy who couldn't function right anymore

> >because a doctor took her thyroid out. In the end as I came home I had

> >finally looked at this 'blood work' she wanted. It was just for T4 and

> >nothing else.

> >

> >So sorry that this is a novel. If you've read this far you are awesome. If

> >you respond even better. I just need some guidance.

> >Now with Iodine can I start on something like this? What do you do? Is

> >this also linked with adrenal function too? Will it be something that

> >won't work unless your adrenals work too? Or can I start taking it until I

> >manage to get that adrenal test?

> >I would love explanation on how this all works. I am a desperate mom who

> >wants to save her thyroid and herself.

> >

> >

> >

> >www.caringbridge.org/visit/margaretreed



> ~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

> --A.J. Muste


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Hi ,

I can't answer your questions about dosing for your children. Steph will

need to address that for you.

The thing is, what you probably need is MORE Synthroid (or thyroid

hormone), not less. Your hypo symptoms worsening is a sign that you need

more thyroid hormone. For one thing, the average Synthroid dose is 100 to

125 mcg, not 25mcg. So if you have some refills on your Synthroid you

might consider bumping up your dose on your own-- have you had your TSH

checked lately? You should be taking some kind of replacement thyroid.

Most of us here think Synthroid isn't ideal and take Armour or

Nature-Throid, which are whole-thyroid replacements. But having Synthroid,

imo, is better than not having any thyroid replacement at all.

btw, that endo was full of it. You're so right-- so many MDs are cut and

burn happy.

The Vit C you got is the best one to buy! It stays in circulation in the

body for 24 hours, unlike other forms. You don't need to add calcium, you

need to add magnesium. Avoid propylene glycol, you did good on that.

Here is the magnesium I am using right now. Two tablets makes 400mg

magnesium, which means the bottle is a 90-day supply. Vitacost has a flat

$4.99 shipping rate for however much you order.


You also need selenium. Here is an excellent deal, it's 100 to 200 days'

worth, depending on whether you take 1 or 2 caps a day:


This is the best D3 that I have found-- cheapest by far and easiest to

take. It is simply D3 and olive oil, and 1 drop is 2000iu D3. There are

900 drops in the bottle, for $10. Very easy for anyone to take.


There is also a lower-dose drop for children, 900 servings of 400iu for $9.00:


I believe I included a link for the Real Salt in my previous email. In

addition to taking a certain amount each day, you and all your family will

use only unrefined salt in all your cooking. Also, if you have detox

symptoms, you will do what is called " salt loading " which helps the body

wash out the toxins that are causing the symptoms (can be headaches,

sleepiness, irritability, many things).

If you buy Lugol's liquid, you can use that to dose your children, and you

can start on Lugol's. The tablets, called Iodoral, are easier to take imo,

but it's definitely more expensive per dose. The least expensive source of

Lugol's (by far) is on ebay. Lugol's is almost impossible to find at

regular stores or pharmacies, and it's usually a lot more expensive. This

seller is trustworthy, I have bought from him.


ltDomain_0 & hash=item4a9ef19af1

Each drop of 2.2% Lugol's is equal to about 2.5mg iodine. For adults, we

want to get our iodine intake up to 25mg and above per day, 50mg is

probably minimal for therapeutic periods, many people go up to 100 to 125mg

/day. You can see that would be a lot of drops per day, which is why the

Iodoral tablets is easier.

You'll probably want to put the drops in something to disguise the taste, a

drop or two for children is easier than larger amounts for adults. Just

don't use any juice like citrus or other juices that have high Vit C

content because it converts the brown iodine to the clear potassium iodide

and you need both forms to heal your body.

You can start with whatever you're comfortable with. I started with 5mg

and worked my way up quickly. I'm taking 50mg now. Some people start

right in with 25mg/day. It's up to you what you are comfortable

with. You'll want to balance caution with the need to get your levels up

as quickly as possible.

So you need unrefined salt, magnesium, selenium, and Vitamin C, plus the

iodine source. Vit D3 is excellent to add because it's so important for

healing and health.

hope this helps.


At 07:28 PM 9/2/2010, you wrote:


>I felt the Synthroid quit working after about my fourth daughter turned 6

>months old. I began feeling sluggish again, my myxedema came back , my

>stomach and everything has just slowed down, started getting hands that

>were cold. I am hot when its hot and cold when its cold. I feel like a

>cold blooded animal.

>I have tingly sensations in my face, hands, feet, and my sinus /ear issues

>came back. Those issues are at night my nose gets stuffy and I spend the

>night tossing back and forth to clear each side. Then my ears feel like

>there must be fluid in them or something because I can pop them. I had

>these same exact symptoms prior being diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

>When I started I was started with .25 mcg of Synthroid and had been on

>that for 7yrs. It has never been increased. Ever.


>So this January my blood pressure began shooting up. It was crazy and I

>just felt like I crashed. I felt like all of the energy in my body left me

>and I just couldn't move anymore. I was waking up in the middle of the

>night feeling like my heart was racing. All of a sudden I was being

>diagnosed with high bp and being put on BP meds and 'Anxiety'. In the

>middle of the night when I'm sleeping? Then I'm finding I'm being put on

>allergy meds that don't help at all for the sinus issues. All things I

>told my primary care doc that I didn't believe in doing without first

>finding out the root cause of the problem. The Linsinopril helped at

>first but all of a sudden started causing me headaches, and I was so tired

>I just felt awful. My midwife believed that it was aggrivating something.


>As for finding a doctor to test anything else other than T4 around here is

>absolutely impossible. Right now I'm trying to come up with the money to

>see an alternative doctor. Right now I can't afford anything. Between me

>trying to save money for our next trip to Cincinnati for our daughter's

>kidney problems, and for me, well I'm really trying not to stress about

>it. But I need both to happen because her issues aren't any less than mine

>at the moment. I can't say' Oh we can wait on her issues while I work on

>mine. " So its not at all like I can chose one over the other at the moment.

>I just got a job today but its only for two days a week , but its for four

>hours and at $8 an hour isn't very much. My husband is still looking for a

>job. The economy in our area is BAD. We live in the poorest county in PA.

>Everything is just going overseas and we're just being left with tourism.

>So we're pretty much like everywhere else in the country at the moment.

>All we have at the moment is food stamps and our daughter's SSI. So I have

>to be chosey with what I spend our money on at the moment. But I know I

>can make it happen to. Its not in my time frame but its slowly happening.


>Tonight I was able to go out and get some Vitamin C. I bought the Ester

>-C. I hope this is okay and that it doesn't have anything in it that I'm

>not supposed to have. I was looking at Vitamin D and Calcium but either

>the ones in the store had : Glycol Propolene(sp?) or they didn't have D3

>but D2, or they had soy in them. Can anyone suggest a good Vitamin

>D3/Calcium supplement?


>Also how do I give Iodine to my daughters? They are 12, 10, 7 and 4. Is

>there any contraindications with Iodine? Such as my 4yr old has

>kidney/Urological problems ( neurogenic bladder, lost the function in her

>right kidney, kidney reflux). Would it still be safe to give her?

>Does anyone have any vitamin recommendations for children?


>What is the best way for me to take Iodine? Do you start low and work your

>way up? What dose do you start with and how much do you work yourself up to?


>I'm sure those are all questions everyone asks here. But I thougth I'd ask






> > >Hello. I was directed this way by the Thyroidless group.

> > >My name is and I'm mom to four beautiful little girls and wonderful

> > >husband of 15yrs.

> > >My journey with hypothyroidism started when my third daughter was about 3

> > >yrs old. From blood work I found out that I was hypo and was started on

> > >Synthroid. I was started on .25mcg of Synthroid and for the first time I

> > >felt awake! It almost started to work automatically. Before hand I had

> > >gained a lot of weight, looked poofy and was just constantly tired all of

> > >the time. So for three years I did well. I had lost 55 pounds through

> > >diet and exercise. Then I had gotten pregant with my 4th daughter. I

> had a

> > >good pregnancy as far as how I felt. I had no morning sickness, nothing.

> > >It wasn't until my 3rd month of pregnancy that I almost lost my daughter.

> > >But I didn't and she held on. During this time my Synthroid levels were

> > >never changed. They always stayed at .25mcg. It wasn't until I had my

> > >daughter that things started to change. She had been born with some

> health

> > >problems (you can read more about it on

> > >www.caringbridge.org/visit/margaretreed1 ) Bascially in a nut shell she

> > >was born with multiple birth defects, a condition called VACTERL

> > >Association. It is not known what causes VACTERL. At the moment it is

> > >neither hereditary or genetic. I began to notice a change in my health

> > >when my daughter turned 6 months old. It was the combination of lack of

> > >sleep ( she was constantly crying, in pain, sick ,,etc) and stress of the

> > >unknown as I was dealing with something very few doctors will ever see in

> > >their lifetime of practice). I had four children to care for and no help

> > >from friends or family as most seemed to had 'disappeared'.

> > >At some point I started getting a goiter. I don't know when beause

> most of

> > >the first two years of my daughter's life is a blurr to me. But its

> > >pretty much there. It really hasn't changed.

> > >

> > >It wasn't until this January , my daughter is now 4, that I finally just

> > >'crashed'. My blood pressure got high, I felt exhausted like I just

> > >couldnt' get out of bed, and started having racing heart beats in the

> > >middle of the night. It was awful. So I go to my primary care doctor and

> > >she knows how I feel about not getting to the root of the problem,and

> just

> > >covering it up with medicine. Anyways, in the end in her mind it was

> > >anxiety,not like me at all , and high blood pressure and I slowly started

> > >getting put on meds that actually started working a little bit only to

> > >stop working. So my thought was maybe my 'swollen neck' had something to

> > >do with it. So a sono was set up and I had that done. It showed a

> > >multicystic goiter. With a 'mass'. Of course my pc doc said that really

> > >could mean not much or something. So I went to see an ENT. He was a very

> > >nice doctor. Very kind and compassionate. I told him my symptoms and they

> > >palpated my neck. It just feels like a swollen neck. You can't feel any

> > >lumps or bumps at all. They were a bit puzzled and he offered to take the

> > >thyroid out , but was cautious as he said he didn't see anything scary in

> > >the sono that would make him want to take it out like right now. Plus he

> > >said with my 'symptoms' I was having that it needed to be taken care of

> > >first because he could take my thyroid out but it won't fix what is going

> > >on in my body at the moment too. So he kindly let me go home and think

> > >about what I wanted to do next.

> > >So after that I decided maybe to see an endo. BIG MISTAKE. For one I have

> > >Medicaid so yes, I'm poor at the moment , right along with millions of

> > >other people. So it literally took 7 months to see this doctor. While I

> > >waited I read many posts on the thyroidless board and began to feel like

> > >maybe I shouldn't go see the Endo. I expressed this to my husband with

> him

> > >feeling that I was being paranoid and that I should give the doctor a

> > >chance. I, on the other hand , had this horrible pit feeling in my

> > >stomach. But I went anyways. I invited my husband to go and brought my

> > >youngest daughter with me to show this doctor that I have a HUGE

> > >responsibility to find out what is going on with me so I can take good

> > >care of my daughter and my other three girls as well. I brought my

> husband

> > >in to see that I was NOT being paranoid and to show him once and for all

> > >how these doctors are NOT listening to me at all.

> > >

> > >Boy did he get an education. First this doctor looks at the report and

> > >says she doesn't understand it at all. I'm not sure what the heck she

> > >didn't understand because I surely did when my PC shared it with me. In a

> > >nut shell it said I had some smaller cysts(nodules) in there and the

> > >largest one was 2.5cm. It said there was a mass in there. But I'm banking

> > >that that mass is a swollen thyroid due to extremely poor treatment. That

> > >was basically it. But this Endo was saying it was HUGE and that it needed

> > >to come out. Right before I had a chance to talk to her or even say

> > >anything. After this she asks me what I want to do and I ask her I would

> > >like some testing to figure out what is going on , why my hormones are

> out

> > >of whack ( I have been getting some acne , and have hair growing in

> places

> > >it shouldn't.. like under my chin and breasts,stomach and rearend). What

> > >is causing the problem. She looks at me and says did the ENT do a biospy.

> > >I said no. He felt that there were to many false positives and negatives

> > >to do it and didn't want to be poking around my neck. Plus I made it

> known

> > >I would not do that. That is my limit when it comes to needles. I am very

> > >sensitive when it comes to my neck. Poke me wherever else you want,

> not my

> > >neck. She goes on to tell me, " Oh they numb you. " After this I tell her

> > >that the Synthroid made me feel worse , and so I discontinued taking it.

> > >She says to me that it was a good thing I did. But in the same breath

> goes

> > >on to say " It needs to come out, your thyroid needs to come out. " " your

> > >energy levels won't be the same and you wont' feel the same ever again. "

> > >Once she said that I said " See here. I have a child that goes to doctors

> > >in three cities in two states. I have to manage her care and I have three

> > >other daughters who love me and need me and my husband needs me too. "

> This

> > >endo goes on to say , well its better to live with low energy then to

> die.

> > >If you don't do this you will die. " This woman had me dying in her

> office!

> > >Then she takes me in another room and does some strange testing on me,

> > >proceeds to have me drink some water as she palpates my neck all the

> while

> > >saying " Yes, it needs to come out. Let's set up that biopsy and get the

> > >surgery scheduled. " I sat there and just didn't say a word to her and

> > >looked at her at the moment. Then said " you know what I need to " think "

> > >about it. " So she says " Well at least get the blood work done " . So I

> > >get a script , and just am so ready to run out of the building with my

> > >husband and daughter. My poor husband was sitting in the room saying "

> > >Maybe you should get the surgery done. I don't want you do die. " Finally

> > >we leave and the receptionist says " Okay well I can schedule you for

> > >three months out. So I made something up and told her that my calendar

> was

> > >at home and that I didn't want to make any appointments without it

> because

> > >I would end up calling them back having to reschedule and I walked

> quickly

> > >out of there.

> > >I sat in the car and just broke down in tears. I felt like my whole life

> > >just crashed around me. I didn't want to die but i didn't want someone to

> > >rip my thyroid out and never be able to function properly again and

> not be

> > >able to enjoy life and my family. I knew it wasn't right and there was

> > >another way.

> > >

> > >So here I am right now. I have read so much about the adrenals, natural

> > >thyroid hormone and now have been reading about Iodine. Please I would

> > >like for someone to help me understand all of this. How it works and

> how I

> > >can save myself. I'm thinking what I'm dealing with isn't cancer. Of

> > >course I could be wrong but there is not a family history of it in my

> > >family on either side, my voice has not changed at all, I don't have

> > >trouble breathing or swallowing. Its just at the moment an annoyance

> > >because honestly I don't known if this is a cancerous thing or not and

> > >frankly I don't want to know some days. I want to be able to live a long

> > >and healthy life. I want to grow old and watch my children grow up and

> > >graduate from school and college and be a grandma. Its all I want out of

> > >life anymore.

> > >

> > >Please share with me your success stories. Is there anyone on here who

> > >have been able to save their thyroids by following these things?

> > >This endo questioned if I had even needed to be on thyroid meds in the

> > >first place. I sure did have low thyroid symptoms when I did start it. I

> > >was not hyper at all. I actually felt for the first time in my life '

> > >Awake'. I believe I've been dealing with thyroid problems my whole

> > >life. The strange thing was when I started on the Synthroid my hair

> began

> > >to shed terrible. No one could explain it and no one helped me figure out

> > >why. Its just never really stopped. My hair just does not seem to replace

> > >itself after it sheds.

> > >

> > >Anyways I know I need to get my adrenals tested first. I'm trying to come

> > >up with the money for that. Right now it is REALLY tough because we just

> > >don't have the money. With all of the traveling we have to do for my

> > >daughter to Pittsburgh and Cincinnati it is just draining us. But I'm

> > >praying and hoping God will light the way. Then I know I need to see a

> > >real doctor. One that will help me figure that out. I have an idea of who

> > >I want to see. But again, its money.

> > >Then I know once my hormones and thyroid is treated properly it could

> > >shrink this down but I've been reading that Iodine helps with this too.

> > >It just all seems so overwhelming to me. I think its because I just can't

> > >afford it. This Endo thought I was stupid and wanted to line her pocket

> > >with money from my thyroid. I wasn't sure if she thought because I was on

> > >Medicaid that I was stupid. Well I'm not. What because I'm poor , well

> > >let's just rip her thyroid out because she couldn't possibly afford to

> > >take care of herself. As this doctor literally had a bottle of D3

> Vitamins

> > >sitting on her table. Oh, so you'll rip my thyroid out but you would


> > >do that to yourself?

> > >All I could think was that I know she isn't going to come to my house to

> > >take care of my daughter, nor is she going to pay for a nurse to do it

> > >because my daughter would have a mommy who couldn't function right

> anymore

> > >because a doctor took her thyroid out. In the end as I came home I had

> > >finally looked at this 'blood work' she wanted. It was just for T4 and

> > >nothing else.

> > >

> > >So sorry that this is a novel. If you've read this far you are

> awesome. If

> > >you respond even better. I just need some guidance.

> > >Now with Iodine can I start on something like this? What do you do? Is

> > >this also linked with adrenal function too? Will it be something that

> > >won't work unless your adrenals work too? Or can I start taking it

> until I

> > >manage to get that adrenal test?

> > >I would love explanation on how this all works. I am a desperate mom who

> > >wants to save her thyroid and herself.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >www.caringbridge.org/visit/margaretreed

> >

> >

> > ~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

> > --A.J. Muste

> >







>All off topic posts should go to the IodineOT

>group IodineOT/



>Commonly asked questions: http://tinyurl.com/yhnds5e

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I apologize for not being able to be more involved but I am trying to write a paper tonight and not be up again until 12:30 am. So I grabbed the portion that "needed help" with (btw thank you - you are doing very well handling the posts).

I started my 4 & 7 yr old on 6.25 mgs of Iodoral Mon thru Fri - then a year later we increased to 12.5 mgs. My daughter (8) is still at 12.5 mgs Mon thru Fri. My son went up to 25 mgs / day when we tested his iodine / bromide levels and he was VERY toxic. So we are detoxing him. He is almost 11 and is on 25 mgs 5 days a week (with other things).

As for your 4 year old with kidney issues. I would probably be a little concerned with giving Iodoral to her. I think given the tenderness of her condition I would recommend a Nascent or Detoxified Iodine. 3-4 drops / day. That would be about .5 mg / day. www.iodinesource.com is the place for detoxified. You'll have to google Magnascent or Nascent Iodine for the other.

For children's vitamins I love Nordic Natural's Nordic Berries. But we have also used Yummy Bears. They are both from food sources with no colorings or sugars.

Better get back to writing my paper!

>Also how do I give Iodine to my daughters? They are 12, 10, 7 and 4. Is >there any contraindications with Iodine? Such as my 4yr old has >kidney/Urological problems ( neurogenic bladder, lost the function in her >right kidney, kidney reflux). Would it still be safe to give her?>Does anyone have any vitamin recommendations for children?

Re: Re: New to the group

Hi ,I can't answer your questions about dosing for your children. Steph will need to address that for you.The thing is, what you probably need is MORE Synthroid (or thyroid hormone), not less. Your hypo symptoms worsening is a sign that you need more thyroid hormone. For one thing, the average Synthroid dose is 100 to 125 mcg, not 25mcg. So if you have some refills on your Synthroid you might consider bumping up your dose on your own-- have you had your TSH checked lately? You should be taking some kind of replacement thyroid. Most of us here think Synthroid isn't ideal and take Armour or Nature-Throid, which are whole-thyroid replacements. But having Synthroid, imo, is better than not having any thyroid replacement at all.btw, that endo was full of it. You're so right-- so many MDs are cut and burn happy.The Vit C you got is the best one to buy! It stays in circulation in the body for 24 hours, unlike other forms. You don't need to add calcium, you need to add magnesium. Avoid propylene glycol, you did good on that.Here is the magnesium I am using right now. Two tablets makes 400mg magnesium, which means the bottle is a 90-day supply. Vitacost has a flat $4.99 shipping rate for however much you order.http://www.vitacost.com/Kal-Magnesium-Glycinate-400You also need selenium. Here is an excellent deal, it's 100 to 200 days' worth, depending on whether you take 1 or 2 caps a day:http://www.vitacost.com/NSI-Selenium-Select-200-mcg-200-Capsules/?cas=1This is the best D3 that I have found-- cheapest by far and easiest to take. It is simply D3 and olive oil, and 1 drop is 2000iu D3. There are 900 drops in the bottle, for $10. Very easy for anyone to take.http://www.vitacost.com/NSI-Liquid-Vitamin-D-Drops-2000-IU-900-servingsThere is also a lower-dose drop for children, 900 servings of 400iu for $9.00:http://www.vitacost.com/NSI-Baby-Ds-Liquid-Vitamin-D-DropsI believe I included a link for the Real Salt in my previous email. In addition to taking a certain amount each day, you and all your family will use only unrefined salt in all your cooking. Also, if you have detox symptoms, you will do what is called "salt loading" which helps the body wash out the toxins that are causing the symptoms (can be headaches, sleepiness, irritability, many things).If you buy Lugol's liquid, you can use that to dose your children, and you can start on Lugol's. The tablets, called Iodoral, are easier to take imo, but it's definitely more expensive per dose. The least expensive source of Lugol's (by far) is on ebay. Lugol's is almost impossible to find at regular stores or pharmacies, and it's usually a lot more expensive. This seller is trustworthy, I have bought from him.http://cgi.ebay.com/Lugols-solution-4-fl-oz-2-2-iodine-/320494213873?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0 & hash=item4a9ef19af1Each drop of 2.2% Lugol's is equal to about 2.5mg iodine. For adults, we want to get our iodine intake up to 25mg and above per day, 50mg is probably minimal for therapeutic periods, many people go up to 100 to 125mg /day. You can see that would be a lot of drops per day, which is why the Iodoral tablets is easier.You'll probably want to put the drops in something to disguise the taste, a drop or two for children is easier than larger amounts for adults. Just don't use any juice like citrus or other juices that have high Vit C content because it converts the brown iodine to the clear potassium iodide and you need both forms to heal your body.You can start with whatever you're comfortable with. I started with 5mg and worked my way up quickly. I'm taking 50mg now. Some people start right in with 25mg/day. It's up to you what you are comfortable with. You'll want to balance caution with the need to get your levels up as quickly as possible.So you need unrefined salt, magnesium, selenium, and Vitamin C, plus the iodine source. Vit D3 is excellent to add because it's so important for healing and health.hope this helps.--

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Thanks so much for the info .

I had bought the Ester C yesterday and was able to get 2,000mg in. Today I

actually feel a little bit better :>) I'm not sure if its because of the C or

other vitamins that are in it ( there are B6, B12, Calicum, Magnesium , Zinc,

Potassium, Chrominum etc) in the packet.

I took my 1/2 tsp of Himalayan Sea Salt this morning with some bottled spring

water. Took my daughters to school , went outside with my youngest for a little

while then came back in and took my vitamin C and felt like I was 'waking up'

again. Not 100% yet , I'm sure because I need those hormones too.

Its made me nervous not being on my thyroid hormone but the Synthroid just made

me feel worse. Even on that low dose. Being off of it I don't feel half bad but

not as bad as I was feeling on the Synthroid. One of my husband's friends from

high school has thyroid problems and is seeing a doctor in Greenville (one that

was recommened on the thyroidless list) and she is sending me an extra bottle of

Armour for me to try. So I won't be off of this for very long. If the Armour

doesn't work I will try getting the Thyroid-S. I cannot find not one doctor so

far in our area that will even write a prescription for desicated thyroid

hormone. They look at me like I have two heads, try to tell me that stuff

doesn't work its not reliable, and then go on to change the subject thinking I'm

going to forget about it.

I told my husband last night was really irked me about that Endo I saw was that

there literally was a bottle of D3 vitamins on her desk (I sat and observed) so

to me that told me she had that knowledge of how to keep HER thyroid well, but

she wanted to cut mine out!!

I seem to do better with natural treatments. Once I had atheletes foot on the

side of my left foot. I had gone to the store and had gotten those antifungal

creams and none of them worked at all. Went to my doc and she prescribed me a

cream that never worked on it at all either. Then one day I was reading a vegan

cook book that I have and at the end of the book it talked about apple cider

vinegar. So I thought what the hay. I soaked my foot in apple cider vinegar

three times a day for two weeks and it totally disappeared! I've never had it

since either and this was about 5yrs ago. I've also used it for sore throats

and such.As a matter of fact I honestly cannot remember the last time I've even

had an antibiotic for anything. Its been that long. I want to say I was a

teenager (I'm 34 now). I really don't get sick very often.

Anyways, I'm rambling. I'm just so happy to find this group and get so much

wonderful information. I really think this will help with my wellness and my

families. It makes me sad to think that my own body most likely contributed to

my youngest daughter's condition. I wished I would have known these things when

I first started my journey with my thyroid problems.


> > > >Hello. I was directed this way by the Thyroidless group.

> > > >My name is and I'm mom to four beautiful little girls and wonderful

> > > >husband of 15yrs.

> > > >My journey with hypothyroidism started when my third daughter was about 3

> > > >yrs old. From blood work I found out that I was hypo and was started on

> > > >Synthroid. I was started on .25mcg of Synthroid and for the first time I

> > > >felt awake! It almost started to work automatically. Before hand I had

> > > >gained a lot of weight, looked poofy and was just constantly tired all of

> > > >the time. So for three years I did well. I had lost 55 pounds through

> > > >diet and exercise. Then I had gotten pregant with my 4th daughter. I

> > had a

> > > >good pregnancy as far as how I felt. I had no morning sickness, nothing.

> > > >It wasn't until my 3rd month of pregnancy that I almost lost my daughter.

> > > >But I didn't and she held on. During this time my Synthroid levels were

> > > >never changed. They always stayed at .25mcg. It wasn't until I had my

> > > >daughter that things started to change. She had been born with some

> > health

> > > >problems (you can read more about it on

> > > >www.caringbridge.org/visit/margaretreed1 ) Bascially in a nut shell she

> > > >was born with multiple birth defects, a condition called VACTERL

> > > >Association. It is not known what causes VACTERL. At the moment it is

> > > >neither hereditary or genetic. I began to notice a change in my health

> > > >when my daughter turned 6 months old. It was the combination of lack of

> > > >sleep ( she was constantly crying, in pain, sick ,,etc) and stress of the

> > > >unknown as I was dealing with something very few doctors will ever see in

> > > >their lifetime of practice). I had four children to care for and no help

> > > >from friends or family as most seemed to had 'disappeared'.

> > > >At some point I started getting a goiter. I don't know when beause

> > most of

> > > >the first two years of my daughter's life is a blurr to me. But its

> > > >pretty much there. It really hasn't changed.

> > > >

> > > >It wasn't until this January , my daughter is now 4, that I finally just

> > > >'crashed'. My blood pressure got high, I felt exhausted like I just

> > > >couldnt' get out of bed, and started having racing heart beats in the

> > > >middle of the night. It was awful. So I go to my primary care doctor and

> > > >she knows how I feel about not getting to the root of the problem,and

> > just

> > > >covering it up with medicine. Anyways, in the end in her mind it was

> > > >anxiety,not like me at all , and high blood pressure and I slowly started

> > > >getting put on meds that actually started working a little bit only to

> > > >stop working. So my thought was maybe my 'swollen neck' had something to

> > > >do with it. So a sono was set up and I had that done. It showed a

> > > >multicystic goiter. With a 'mass'. Of course my pc doc said that really

> > > >could mean not much or something. So I went to see an ENT. He was a very

> > > >nice doctor. Very kind and compassionate. I told him my symptoms and they

> > > >palpated my neck. It just feels like a swollen neck. You can't feel any

> > > >lumps or bumps at all. They were a bit puzzled and he offered to take the

> > > >thyroid out , but was cautious as he said he didn't see anything scary in

> > > >the sono that would make him want to take it out like right now. Plus he

> > > >said with my 'symptoms' I was having that it needed to be taken care of

> > > >first because he could take my thyroid out but it won't fix what is going

> > > >on in my body at the moment too. So he kindly let me go home and think

> > > >about what I wanted to do next.

> > > >So after that I decided maybe to see an endo. BIG MISTAKE. For one I have

> > > >Medicaid so yes, I'm poor at the moment , right along with millions of

> > > >other people. So it literally took 7 months to see this doctor. While I

> > > >waited I read many posts on the thyroidless board and began to feel like

> > > >maybe I shouldn't go see the Endo. I expressed this to my husband with

> > him

> > > >feeling that I was being paranoid and that I should give the doctor a

> > > >chance. I, on the other hand , had this horrible pit feeling in my

> > > >stomach. But I went anyways. I invited my husband to go and brought my

> > > >youngest daughter with me to show this doctor that I have a HUGE

> > > >responsibility to find out what is going on with me so I can take good

> > > >care of my daughter and my other three girls as well. I brought my

> > husband

> > > >in to see that I was NOT being paranoid and to show him once and for all

> > > >how these doctors are NOT listening to me at all.

> > > >

> > > >Boy did he get an education. First this doctor looks at the report and

> > > >says she doesn't understand it at all. I'm not sure what the heck she

> > > >didn't understand because I surely did when my PC shared it with me. In a

> > > >nut shell it said I had some smaller cysts(nodules) in there and the

> > > >largest one was 2.5cm. It said there was a mass in there. But I'm banking

> > > >that that mass is a swollen thyroid due to extremely poor treatment. That

> > > >was basically it. But this Endo was saying it was HUGE and that it needed

> > > >to come out. Right before I had a chance to talk to her or even say

> > > >anything. After this she asks me what I want to do and I ask her I would

> > > >like some testing to figure out what is going on , why my hormones are

> > out

> > > >of whack ( I have been getting some acne , and have hair growing in

> > places

> > > >it shouldn't.. like under my chin and breasts,stomach and rearend). What

> > > >is causing the problem. She looks at me and says did the ENT do a biospy.

> > > >I said no. He felt that there were to many false positives and negatives

> > > >to do it and didn't want to be poking around my neck. Plus I made it

> > known

> > > >I would not do that. That is my limit when it comes to needles. I am very

> > > >sensitive when it comes to my neck. Poke me wherever else you want,

> > not my

> > > >neck. She goes on to tell me, " Oh they numb you. " After this I tell her

> > > >that the Synthroid made me feel worse , and so I discontinued taking it.

> > > >She says to me that it was a good thing I did. But in the same breath

> > goes

> > > >on to say " It needs to come out, your thyroid needs to come out. " " your

> > > >energy levels won't be the same and you wont' feel the same ever again. "

> > > >Once she said that I said " See here. I have a child that goes to doctors

> > > >in three cities in two states. I have to manage her care and I have three

> > > >other daughters who love me and need me and my husband needs me too. "

> > This

> > > >endo goes on to say , well its better to live with low energy then to

> > die.

> > > >If you don't do this you will die. " This woman had me dying in her

> > office!

> > > >Then she takes me in another room and does some strange testing on me,

> > > >proceeds to have me drink some water as she palpates my neck all the

> > while

> > > >saying " Yes, it needs to come out. Let's set up that biopsy and get the

> > > >surgery scheduled. " I sat there and just didn't say a word to her and

> > > >looked at her at the moment. Then said " you know what I need to " think "

> > > >about it. " So she says " Well at least get the blood work done " . So I

> > > >get a script , and just am so ready to run out of the building with my

> > > >husband and daughter. My poor husband was sitting in the room saying "

> > > >Maybe you should get the surgery done. I don't want you do die. " Finally

> > > >we leave and the receptionist says " Okay well I can schedule you for

> > > >three months out. So I made something up and told her that my calendar

> > was

> > > >at home and that I didn't want to make any appointments without it

> > because

> > > >I would end up calling them back having to reschedule and I walked

> > quickly

> > > >out of there.

> > > >I sat in the car and just broke down in tears. I felt like my whole life

> > > >just crashed around me. I didn't want to die but i didn't want someone to

> > > >rip my thyroid out and never be able to function properly again and

> > not be

> > > >able to enjoy life and my family. I knew it wasn't right and there was

> > > >another way.

> > > >

> > > >So here I am right now. I have read so much about the adrenals, natural

> > > >thyroid hormone and now have been reading about Iodine. Please I would

> > > >like for someone to help me understand all of this. How it works and

> > how I

> > > >can save myself. I'm thinking what I'm dealing with isn't cancer. Of

> > > >course I could be wrong but there is not a family history of it in my

> > > >family on either side, my voice has not changed at all, I don't have

> > > >trouble breathing or swallowing. Its just at the moment an annoyance

> > > >because honestly I don't known if this is a cancerous thing or not and

> > > >frankly I don't want to know some days. I want to be able to live a long

> > > >and healthy life. I want to grow old and watch my children grow up and

> > > >graduate from school and college and be a grandma. Its all I want out of

> > > >life anymore.

> > > >

> > > >Please share with me your success stories. Is there anyone on here who

> > > >have been able to save their thyroids by following these things?

> > > >This endo questioned if I had even needed to be on thyroid meds in the

> > > >first place. I sure did have low thyroid symptoms when I did start it. I

> > > >was not hyper at all. I actually felt for the first time in my life '

> > > >Awake'. I believe I've been dealing with thyroid problems my whole

> > > >life. The strange thing was when I started on the Synthroid my hair

> > began

> > > >to shed terrible. No one could explain it and no one helped me figure out

> > > >why. Its just never really stopped. My hair just does not seem to replace

> > > >itself after it sheds.

> > > >

> > > >Anyways I know I need to get my adrenals tested first. I'm trying to come

> > > >up with the money for that. Right now it is REALLY tough because we just

> > > >don't have the money. With all of the traveling we have to do for my

> > > >daughter to Pittsburgh and Cincinnati it is just draining us. But I'm

> > > >praying and hoping God will light the way. Then I know I need to see a

> > > >real doctor. One that will help me figure that out. I have an idea of who

> > > >I want to see. But again, its money.

> > > >Then I know once my hormones and thyroid is treated properly it could

> > > >shrink this down but I've been reading that Iodine helps with this too.

> > > >It just all seems so overwhelming to me. I think its because I just can't

> > > >afford it. This Endo thought I was stupid and wanted to line her pocket

> > > >with money from my thyroid. I wasn't sure if she thought because I was on

> > > >Medicaid that I was stupid. Well I'm not. What because I'm poor , well

> > > >let's just rip her thyroid out because she couldn't possibly afford to

> > > >take care of herself. As this doctor literally had a bottle of D3

> > Vitamins

> > > >sitting on her table. Oh, so you'll rip my thyroid out but you would


> > > >do that to yourself?

> > > >All I could think was that I know she isn't going to come to my house to

> > > >take care of my daughter, nor is she going to pay for a nurse to do it

> > > >because my daughter would have a mommy who couldn't function right

> > anymore

> > > >because a doctor took her thyroid out. In the end as I came home I had

> > > >finally looked at this 'blood work' she wanted. It was just for T4 and

> > > >nothing else.

> > > >

> > > >So sorry that this is a novel. If you've read this far you are

> > awesome. If

> > > >you respond even better. I just need some guidance.

> > > >Now with Iodine can I start on something like this? What do you do? Is

> > > >this also linked with adrenal function too? Will it be something that

> > > >won't work unless your adrenals work too? Or can I start taking it

> > until I

> > > >manage to get that adrenal test?

> > > >I would love explanation on how this all works. I am a desperate mom who

> > > >wants to save her thyroid and herself.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >www.caringbridge.org/visit/margaretreed

> > >

> > >

> > > ~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

> > > --A.J. Muste

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >------------------------------------

> >

> >All off topic posts should go to the IodineOT

> >group IodineOT/

> >

> >

> >Commonly asked questions: http://tinyurl.com/yhnds5e

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> I really don't get sick very often.

just thought i'd mention that if you are low in iron you won't get colds etc

because the viruses need iron ...if you are low in iron that might have been the

(or one) reason the synthroid didn't work and you felt so awful because your

body couldn't use the horomone.

best wishes




> Thanks so much for the info .

> I had bought the Ester C yesterday and was able to get 2,000mg in. Today I

actually feel a little bit better :>) I'm not sure if its because of the C or

other vitamins that are in it ( there are B6, B12, Calicum, Magnesium , Zinc,

Potassium, Chrominum etc) in the packet.

> I took my 1/2 tsp of Himalayan Sea Salt this morning with some bottled spring

water. Took my daughters to school , went outside with my youngest for a little

while then came back in and took my vitamin C and felt like I was 'waking up'

again. Not 100% yet , I'm sure because I need those hormones too.


> Its made me nervous not being on my thyroid hormone but the Synthroid just

made me feel worse. Even on that low dose. Being off of it I don't feel half bad

but not as bad as I was feeling on the Synthroid. One of my husband's friends

from high school has thyroid problems and is seeing a doctor in Greenville (one

that was recommened on the thyroidless list) and she is sending me an extra

bottle of Armour for me to try. So I won't be off of this for very long. If the

Armour doesn't work I will try getting the Thyroid-S. I cannot find not one

doctor so far in our area that will even write a prescription for desicated

thyroid hormone. They look at me like I have two heads, try to tell me that

stuff doesn't work its not reliable, and then go on to change the subject

thinking I'm going to forget about it.

> I told my husband last night was really irked me about that Endo I saw was

that there literally was a bottle of D3 vitamins on her desk (I sat and

observed) so to me that told me she had that knowledge of how to keep HER

thyroid well, but she wanted to cut mine out!!


> I seem to do better with natural treatments. Once I had atheletes foot on the

side of my left foot. I had gone to the store and had gotten those antifungal

creams and none of them worked at all. Went to my doc and she prescribed me a

cream that never worked on it at all either. Then one day I was reading a vegan

cook book that I have and at the end of the book it talked about apple cider

vinegar. So I thought what the hay. I soaked my foot in apple cider vinegar

three times a day for two weeks and it totally disappeared! I've never had it

since either and this was about 5yrs ago. I've also used it for sore throats

and such.As a matter of fact I honestly cannot remember the last time I've even

had an antibiotic for anything. Its been that long. I want to say I was a

teenager (I'm 34 now). I really don't get sick very often.


> Anyways, I'm rambling. I'm just so happy to find this group and get so much

wonderful information. I really think this will help with my wellness and my

families. It makes me sad to think that my own body most likely contributed to

my youngest daughter's condition. I wished I would have known these things when

I first started my journey with my thyroid problems.




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I keep getting my iron checked and since this year so far I've seen 4 doctors

and they say that my iron is fine. None of them will check ferritin either. I've

asked and they said well if the blood tests come back fine then they won't test

the ferritin. Throughtout my life I've had my iron levels checked and every

doctor I've ever encountered has always tell me I'm not anemic. So as far as I

know I've never been anemic.

If I can find my labs I'll post them.


> >

> >

> > Thanks so much for the info .

> > I had bought the Ester C yesterday and was able to get 2,000mg in. Today I

actually feel a little bit better :>) I'm not sure if its because of the C or

other vitamins that are in it ( there are B6, B12, Calicum, Magnesium , Zinc,

Potassium, Chrominum etc) in the packet.

> > I took my 1/2 tsp of Himalayan Sea Salt this morning with some bottled

spring water. Took my daughters to school , went outside with my youngest for a

little while then came back in and took my vitamin C and felt like I was 'waking

up' again. Not 100% yet , I'm sure because I need those hormones too.

> >

> > Its made me nervous not being on my thyroid hormone but the Synthroid just

made me feel worse. Even on that low dose. Being off of it I don't feel half bad

but not as bad as I was feeling on the Synthroid. One of my husband's friends

from high school has thyroid problems and is seeing a doctor in Greenville (one

that was recommened on the thyroidless list) and she is sending me an extra

bottle of Armour for me to try. So I won't be off of this for very long. If the

Armour doesn't work I will try getting the Thyroid-S. I cannot find not one

doctor so far in our area that will even write a prescription for desicated

thyroid hormone. They look at me like I have two heads, try to tell me that

stuff doesn't work its not reliable, and then go on to change the subject

thinking I'm going to forget about it.

> > I told my husband last night was really irked me about that Endo I saw was

that there literally was a bottle of D3 vitamins on her desk (I sat and

observed) so to me that told me she had that knowledge of how to keep HER

thyroid well, but she wanted to cut mine out!!

> >

> > I seem to do better with natural treatments. Once I had atheletes foot on

the side of my left foot. I had gone to the store and had gotten those

antifungal creams and none of them worked at all. Went to my doc and she

prescribed me a cream that never worked on it at all either. Then one day I was

reading a vegan cook book that I have and at the end of the book it talked about

apple cider vinegar. So I thought what the hay. I soaked my foot in apple cider

vinegar three times a day for two weeks and it totally disappeared! I've never

had it since either and this was about 5yrs ago. I've also used it for sore

throats and such.As a matter of fact I honestly cannot remember the last time

I've even had an antibiotic for anything. Its been that long. I want to say I

was a teenager (I'm 34 now). I really don't get sick very often.

> >

> > Anyways, I'm rambling. I'm just so happy to find this group and get so much

wonderful information. I really think this will help with my wellness and my

families. It makes me sad to think that my own body most likely contributed to

my youngest daughter's condition. I wished I would have known these things when

I first started my journey with my thyroid problems.

> >

> >

> >


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ferritine is the important one.without it the thyroid hormone will not get into the cell.you have the wrong doctors.


 Stop the Thyroid Madness: A Patient Revolution Against Decades of Inferior Treatment

On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 3:04 PM, reedfamilypa <reedfamilypa@...> wrote:


I keep getting my iron checked and since this year so far I've seen 4 doctors and they say that my iron is fine. None of them will check ferritin either. I've asked and they said well if the blood tests come back fine then they won't test the ferritin. Throughtout my life I've had my iron levels checked and every doctor I've ever encountered has always tell me I'm not anemic. So as far as I know I've never been anemic.

If I can find my labs I'll post them. www.caringbridge.org/visit/margaretreed1 > >

> > > > Thanks so much for the info . > > I had bought the Ester C yesterday and was able to get 2,000mg in. Today I actually feel a little bit better :>) I'm not sure if its because of the C or other vitamins that are in it ( there are B6, B12, Calicum, Magnesium , Zinc, Potassium, Chrominum etc) in the packet.

> > I took my 1/2 tsp of Himalayan Sea Salt this morning with some bottled spring water. Took my daughters to school , went outside with my youngest for a little while then came back in and took my vitamin C and felt like I was 'waking up' again. Not 100% yet , I'm sure because I need those hormones too.

> > > > Its made me nervous not being on my thyroid hormone but the Synthroid just made me feel worse. Even on that low dose. Being off of it I don't feel half bad but not as bad as I was feeling on the Synthroid. One of my husband's friends from high school has thyroid problems and is seeing a doctor in Greenville (one that was recommened on the thyroidless list) and she is sending me an extra bottle of Armour for me to try. So I won't be off of this for very long. If the Armour doesn't work I will try getting the Thyroid-S. I cannot find not one doctor so far in our area that will even write a prescription for desicated thyroid hormone. They look at me like I have two heads, try to tell me that stuff doesn't work its not reliable, and then go on to change the subject thinking I'm going to forget about it.

> > I told my husband last night was really irked me about that Endo I saw was that there literally was a bottle of D3 vitamins on her desk (I sat and observed) so to me that told me she had that knowledge of how to keep HER thyroid well, but she wanted to cut mine out!!

> > > > I seem to do better with natural treatments. Once I had atheletes foot on the side of my left foot. I had gone to the store and had gotten those antifungal creams and none of them worked at all. Went to my doc and she prescribed me a cream that never worked on it at all either. Then one day I was reading a vegan cook book that I have and at the end of the book it talked about apple cider vinegar. So I thought what the hay. I soaked my foot in apple cider vinegar three times a day for two weeks and it totally disappeared! I've never had it since either and this was about 5yrs ago. I've also used it for sore throats and such.As a matter of fact I honestly cannot remember the last time I've even had an antibiotic for anything. Its been that long. I want to say I was a teenager (I'm 34 now). I really don't get sick very often.

> > > > Anyways, I'm rambling. I'm just so happy to find this group and get so much wonderful information. I really think this will help with my wellness and my families. It makes me sad to think that my own body most likely contributed to my youngest daughter's condition. I wished I would have known these things when I first started my journey with my thyroid problems.

> > > > > >>

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> just thought i'd mention that if you are low in iron you won't get

> colds etc because the viruses need iron .

Wow! What an important nugget of info for me. I went for about 25

years never catching a cold or the flu and could not figure that out --

since I was so chronically ill with chronic fatigue syndrome. But I had

been off and on anemic since my late teens (once getting down to a 7 on

my lab test!) and I suppose whatever iron might have been in my body was

taken up by the CF virus. After a while, I began thinking that maybe my

body was just too " busy " handling the CF to allow for a cold on top of

that -- but this surely is a better explanation. :) Thanks so much.

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My son who is is a college runner was feeling run down and they checked his iron levels and said he was not anemic. He researched on line and went back to the doctor and insisted that they check his ferritin levels and sure enough they were low. He went on iron pills and was back to normal within a few weeksSue

I keep getting my iron checked and since this year so far I've seen 4 doctors and they say that my iron is fine. None of them will check ferritin either. I've asked and they said well if the blood tests come back fine then they won't test the ferritin. Throughtout my life I've had my iron levels checked and every doctor I've ever encountered has always tell me I'm not anemic. So as far as I know I've never been anemic.

If I can find my labs I'll post them. www.caringbridge.org/visit/margaretreed1 > >

> > > > Thanks so much for the info . > > I had bought the Ester C yesterday and was able to get 2,000mg in. Today I actually feel a little bit better :>) I'm not sure if its because of the C or other vitamins that are in it ( there are B6, B12, Calicum, Magnesium , Zinc, Potassium, Chrominum etc) in the packet.

> > I took my 1/2 tsp of Himalayan Sea Salt this morning with some bottled spring water. Took my daughters to school , went outside with my youngest for a little while then came back in and took my vitamin C and felt like I was 'waking up' again. Not 100% yet , I'm sure because I need those hormones too.

> > > > Its made me nervous not being on my thyroid hormone but the Synthroid just made me feel worse. Even on that low dose. Being off of it I don't feel half bad but not as bad as I was feeling on the Synthroid. One of my husband's friends from high school has thyroid problems and is seeing a doctor in Greenville (one that was recommened on the thyroidless list) and she is sending me an extra bottle of Armour for me to try. So I won't be off of this for very long. If the Armour doesn't work I will try getting the Thyroid-S. I cannot find not one doctor so far in our area that will even write a prescription for desicated thyroid hormone. They look at me like I have two heads, try to tell me that stuff doesn't work its not reliable, and then go on to change the subject thinking I'm going to forget about it.

> > I told my husband last night was really irked me about that Endo I saw was that there literally was a bottle of D3 vitamins on her desk (I sat and observed) so to me that told me she had that knowledge of how to keep HER thyroid well, but she wanted to cut mine out!!

> > > > I seem to do better with natural treatments. Once I had atheletes foot on the side of my left foot. I had gone to the store and had gotten those antifungal creams and none of them worked at all. Went to my doc and she prescribed me a cream that never worked on it at all either. Then one day I was reading a vegan cook book that I have and at the end of the book it talked about apple cider vinegar. So I thought what the hay. I soaked my foot in apple cider vinegar three times a day for two weeks and it totally disappeared! I've never had it since either and this was about 5yrs ago. I've also used it for sore throats and such.As a matter of fact I honestly cannot remember the last time I've even had an antibiotic for anything. Its been that long. I want to say I was a teenager (I'm 34 now). I really don't get sick very often.

> > > > Anyways, I'm rambling. I'm just so happy to find this group and get so much wonderful information. I really think this will help with my wellness and my families. It makes me sad to think that my own body most likely contributed to my youngest daughter's condition. I wished I would have known these things when I first started my journey with my thyroid problems.

> > > > > >>

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Hi Sue, I just rec'd a report showing my "iron" levels were fine, but they did not run a ferritin and was just sitting here thinking I need to ask for a ferritin report. Now for sure I will. thank you!

From: sue houser <housershouse@...>iodine Sent: Sat, September 4, 2010 10:24:44 AMSubject: Re: Re: New to the group

My son who is is a college runner was feeling run down and they checked his iron levels and said he was not anemic. He researched on line and went back to the doctor and insisted that they check his ferritin levels and sure enough they were low. He went on iron pills and was back to normal within a few weeksSue

I keep getting my iron checked and since this year so far I've seen 4 doctors and they say that my iron is fine. None of them will check ferritin either. I've asked and they said well if the blood tests come back fine then they won't test the ferritin. Throughtout my life I've had my iron levels checked and every doctor I've ever encountered has always tell me I'm not anemic. So as far as I know I've never been anemic. If I can find my labs I'll post them. www.caringbridge.org/visit/margaretreed1 > >> > > > Thanks so much for the info . > > I had bought the Ester C yesterday and was able to get 2,000mg in. Today I actually feel a little bit better :>) I'm not sure if its because of the C or other vitamins that are in it ( there are B6, B12, Calicum, Magnesium , Zinc, Potassium, Chrominum etc) in the packet. > > I took my 1/2 tsp of Himalayan Sea Salt this morning with some bottled spring water. Took my daughters to school , went outside with my youngest for a little while then came back in and took my vitamin C and felt like I was 'waking up' again. Not 100% yet , I'm sure because I need those hormones too. > > > >

Its made me nervous not being on my thyroid hormone but the Synthroid just made me feel worse. Even on that low dose. Being off of it I don't feel half bad but not as bad as I was feeling on the Synthroid. One of my husband's friends from high school has thyroid problems and is seeing a doctor in Greenville (one that was recommened on the thyroidless list) and she is sending me an extra bottle of Armour for me to try. So I won't be off of this for very long. If the Armour doesn't work I will try getting the Thyroid-S. I cannot find not one doctor so far in our area that will even write a prescription for desicated thyroid hormone. They look at me like I have two heads, try to tell me that stuff doesn't work its not reliable, and then go on to change the subject thinking I'm going to forget about it. > > I told my husband last night was really irked me about that Endo I saw was that there literally was a bottle of D3 vitamins on her desk (I sat

and observed) so to me that told me she had that knowledge of how to keep HER thyroid well, but she wanted to cut mine out!! > > > > I seem to do better with natural treatments. Once I had atheletes foot on the side of my left foot. I had gone to the store and had gotten those antifungal creams and none of them worked at all. Went to my doc and she prescribed me a cream that never worked on it at all either. Then one day I was reading a vegan cook book that I have and at the end of the book it talked about apple cider vinegar. So I thought what the hay. I soaked my foot in apple cider vinegar three times a day for two weeks and it totally disappeared! I've never had it since either and this was about 5yrs ago. I've also used it for sore throats and such.As a matter of fact I honestly cannot remember the last time I've even had an antibiotic for anything. Its been that long. I want to say I was a teenager (I'm 34 now). I really don't

get sick very often. > > > > Anyways, I'm rambling. I'm just so happy to find this group and get so much wonderful information. I really think this will help with my wellness and my families. It makes me sad to think that my own body most likely contributed to my youngest daughter's condition. I wished I would have known these things when I first started my journey with my thyroid problems. > > > > > >>

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My son told me that the doctor said they don't usually run a ferritin right away because they are expensive. Sue

I keep getting my iron checked and since this year so far I've seen 4 doctors and they say that my iron is fine. None of them will check ferritin either. I've asked and they said well if the blood tests come back fine then they won't test the ferritin. Throughtout my life I've had my iron levels checked and every doctor I've ever encountered has always tell me I'm not anemic. So as far as I know I've never been anemic. If I can find my labs I'll post them. www.caringbridge.org/visit/margaretreed1 > >> > > > Thanks so much for the info . > > I had bought the Ester C yesterday and was able to get 2,000mg in. Today I actually feel a little bit better :>) I'm not sure if its because of the C or other vitamins that are in it ( there are B6, B12, Calicum, Magnesium , Zinc, Potassium, Chrominum etc) in the packet. > > I took my 1/2 tsp of Himalayan Sea Salt this morning with some bottled spring water. Took my daughters to school , went outside with my youngest for a little while then came back in and took my vitamin C and felt like I was 'waking up' again. Not 100% yet , I'm sure because I need those hormones too. > > > >

Its made me nervous not being on my thyroid hormone but the Synthroid just made me feel worse. Even on that low dose. Being off of it I don't feel half bad but not as bad as I was feeling on the Synthroid. One of my husband's friends from high school has thyroid problems and is seeing a doctor in Greenville (one that was recommened on the thyroidless list) and she is sending me an extra bottle of Armour for me to try. So I won't be off of this for very long. If the Armour doesn't work I will try getting the Thyroid-S. I cannot find not one doctor so far in our area that will even write a prescription for desicated thyroid hormone. They look at me like I have two heads, try to tell me that stuff doesn't work its not reliable, and then go on to change the subject thinking I'm going to forget about it. > > I told my husband last night was really irked me about that Endo I saw was that there literally was a bottle of D3 vitamins on her desk (I sat

and observed) so to me that told me she had that knowledge of how to keep HER thyroid well, but she wanted to cut mine out!! > > > > I seem to do better with natural treatments. Once I had atheletes foot on the side of my left foot. I had gone to the store and had gotten those antifungal creams and none of them worked at all. Went to my doc and she prescribed me a cream that never worked on it at all either. Then one day I was reading a vegan cook book that I have and at the end of the book it talked about apple cider vinegar. So I thought what the hay. I soaked my foot in apple cider vinegar three times a day for two weeks and it totally disappeared! I've never had it since either and this was about 5yrs ago. I've also used it for sore throats and such.As a matter of fact I honestly cannot remember the last time I've even had an antibiotic for anything. Its been that long. I want to say I was a teenager (I'm 34 now). I really don't

get sick very often. > > > > Anyways, I'm rambling. I'm just so happy to find this group and get so much wonderful information. I really think this will help with my wellness and my families. It makes me sad to think that my own body most likely contributed to my youngest daughter's condition. I wished I would have known these things when I first started my journey with my thyroid problems. > > > > > >>

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it's the nuggets that make all the difference sometimes ...i too was amazed when

i found out about the iron!

here's another one ...lack of zinc will effect more than 200 enzymes in the

human body; magnesium can substitute partially for low zinc but zinc is

preferred for most of them.

wish you well



> Trish,

> > just thought i'd mention that if you are low in iron you won't get

> > colds etc because the viruses need iron .

> Wow! What an important nugget of info for me. I went for about 25

> years never catching a cold or the flu and could not figure that out --

> since I was so chronically ill with chronic fatigue syndrome. But I had

> been off and on anemic since my late teens (once getting down to a 7 on

> my lab test!) and I suppose whatever iron might have been in my body was

> taken up by the CF virus. After a while, I began thinking that maybe my

> body was just too " busy " handling the CF to allow for a cold on top of

> that -- but this surely is a better explanation. :) Thanks so much.




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That's not necessarily true, I've had low ferritin and iron, even anemia and picked up colds and viruses.Linn On Sep 5, 2010, at 5:50 AM, Trish wrote:

it's the nuggets that make all the difference sometimes ...i too was amazed when i found out about the iron!

here's another one ...lack of zinc will effect more than 200 enzymes in the human body; magnesium can substitute partially for low zinc but zinc is preferred for most of them.

wish you well



> Trish,

> > just thought i'd mention that if you are low in iron you won't get

> > colds etc because the viruses need iron .

> Wow! What an important nugget of info for me. I went for about 25

> years never catching a cold or the flu and could not figure that out --

> since I was so chronically ill with chronic fatigue syndrome. But I had

> been off and on anemic since my late teens (once getting down to a 7 on

> my lab test!) and I suppose whatever iron might have been in my body was

> taken up by the CF virus. After a while, I began thinking that maybe my

> body was just too "busy" handling the CF to allow for a cold on top of

> that -- but this surely is a better explanation. :) Thanks so much.




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That's what I'm saying. I'm not buying there is a direct 1:1 correlation.

It's too pat and doesn't fit with experience. I used to be chronically

anemic and got every cold that went by. Not true now that I've gotten into

overall better health.


At 11:30 AM 9/5/2010, you wrote:

>That's not necessarily true, I've had low ferritin and iron, even anemia

>and picked up colds and viruses.




>On Sep 5, 2010, at 5:50 AM, Trish wrote:






>>it's the nuggets that make all the difference sometimes ...i too was

>>amazed when i found out about the iron!


>>here's another one ...lack of zinc will effect more than 200 enzymes in

>>the human body; magnesium can substitute partially for low zinc but zinc

>>is preferred for most of them.


>>wish you well



~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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  • 1 month later...


Have you been to the Masgutova web site? There is a list of classes.


We've been using some of the reflexes with my daughters. They both have anxiety

but show it differently. It has really helped both of them. We have used a

variety of reflexes. If you can make it to a Dynamic and Postural Reflex

Integration class you will learn alot!


> Hi my name is and I live in Western Massachusetts.  I have a 6-year old

daughter with no diagnosis.  Her symptoms are:


> emotional over-reactivity when something unexpected happens

> fears

> that prevent her from doing many things (like going to sleep, being in

> a room alone)

> anxiety about many social situations (ex., friends liking her) and almost

anything new


> She is learning to cope but has always been easily overwhelmed by chaotic

places and even as a toddler could not relax and play in an unfamiliar place. 

Her self-confidence is starting to suffer. 


> Through the suggestion of a somatic movement therapist I have been researching

the moro reflex and I think this might be what I have been looking for.  I'm

still new to this field and I'd like to hear from others about whether the

Musgatova Method might be something useful to us.  If so, where do I begin?  Is

it necessary to have a diagnosis first or test for the moro relex?  Are there

professionals in my area that do this type of work?  Can I be trained in the

Method to help her myself?


> Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to provide.   


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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome to our forum and I hope you get all the help and support

you need. The average dose of levothyroxine (if it works) is 125mcgs to 150mcgs

daily, with some people taking less and others taking more. Some take as much

as 300mcgs. However, thyroxine is only one of the thyroid hormones and it is

mainly INACTIVE hormone. It has to convert to the ACTIVE thyroid hormone

Triiodothyronine (T3). If your T4 is not converting to the T3, then you need

either synthetic T3 adding to your T4, T3 alone, or natural thyroid extract

that contains all the thyroid hormones your body and brain need i.e. T4, T3,

T2, T1 and calcitonin.

There are many reasons why levothyroxine doesn't and can't work

for a large minority of us, and I have attached a document that you should read

as to some of these reasons. The main reason why the thyroid hormone can't get

into the cells is because you may well be suffering with low adrenal reserve

(not recognised within the NHS unfortunately), so you have to get tested

privately to see where your cortisol and DHEA levels lie at four specific times

during the day. You can get this test (with a discount for being a member of TPA)

from Genova Diagnostics. Go to our FILES section and scroll down to the one

entitled 'Discounts' and open the Genova File there and follow the

instructions. This is a 24 hour salivary test.

Also, ask your GP to give you blood tests to check your levels

of ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc to see

whether any of these are low in the range. if they are, once again, no amount

of thyroid hormone can get into your cells until whatever you are low in has

been effectively supplemented.

Normal temperature should be 98.6 degrees F (37 degrees C). You

should take your temperature for 4 or 5 days and list what these are. Ask

for all the thyroid function test results and the reference range for each of

the tests done and post these to us on the forum so we can help with


We often find that it is best to write a letter to your doctor,

as they do not have time to take everything in when sat in front of you. First,

list all of your symptoms and signs (check these against those in our web site www.tpa-uk.org.uk

under hypothyroidism'. Next, list your basal temperatures for 4 or 5 mornings

before getting out of bed. Next, list any members of your family with a thyroid

or autoimmune disease. Next, list the thyroid function tests you need i.e. TSH,

free T4, free T3 and the tests to see whether you have thyroid antibodies. List

the other blood tests I have given above and tell the doctor why you should

like these done. Next, ask for a referral to an endocrinologist (preferably of

your choice) who has a speciality in thyroid disease, rather than diabetes,

which most of them have. Last, ask for your letter of requests to be placed

into your medical notes and send a copy to the Head of Practice. Doctors take

more notice of the written word.

I suffered with very severe pains in my lower back, under both

heels and shoulders. My GP told me I had a prolapsed disc, but never believed

it. When it was found I was unable to convert the T4 into the active thyroid

hormone T3, the private consultant gave me a prescription for natural thyroid

extract (Armour Thyroid). I was only 9 days into take that when the sun came

out and it has never gone in since - 7 years later). Gradually, all my symptoms

disappeared, I got my brain back, and the pains disappeared, never to return.

The pains were happening because my body was not getting the active thyroid

hormone it needed.

Good luck

Luv - Sheila

I stuggle to walk far, I have always blamed my

back with the pain, but my ankles are swollen and have tendonitus in them too.

I actually feel like I am hitting a brick wall whenever i do any sort of

excersise, its as though I have no strength left, so weary and tired, yet I

struggle to sleep because of my back pains, yet can dose off sat in a chair ten

minutes after i get up. I have been reading about the temperature taking I will

start to do that, I took it this morning and it was 32.6, I shall have to find

a converter and goodle what it should be. I do not know my blood results, but I

am going to ask the next visit, they just said they were fine and didnt go into

any particulars. I have a feeling looking at the symptons list that most of my

things are down to underactive thyroid and not connected to my bad back as I

always thought the were. I feel it will be a struggle to get the doctors to

take notice of me, they don't seem to have the time, the last time i visited, i

wrote down 3 things that i wanted to speak about and was told pick one we only

have five minutes. Anyway Thats about my health, I just wanted to say hello,

let you know i was here reading and trying to learn, look forward to making

some friends.

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Why thyroid hormone stops working.doc

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Dear Sheila

Thank you very much for your reply and for the information you have provided me

with. I have just booked another doctors appointment and I will try to get the

relevent tests done with them. I have to wait 10 days though to see them. To

be honest so far its been like banging my head against a brick wall trying to

get them to listen. I am not sure if it is connected or not but recently I

have been having times where I break out into a sweat, I mean really sweating

and making all my clothes damp, dripping off my face ect. Of course with feeling

the cold, this doesnt help as the sweating only happens for say ten minutes x 4

, then I am left feeling the cold again in damp clothes. Once again thank you .



> Welcome to our forum and I hope you get all the help and support you need.

> The average dose of levothyroxine (if it works) is 125mcgs to 150mcgs daily,


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WOW Ann, your high TSH shows that you are very hypothyroid - it

should be down at 1.00 or even less. When did you last have your levothyroxine

increased? You need to ask the GP to test your ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin

D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc and post the results on the forum with

the reference ranges, because if any of these levels are low, no amount of

thyroid hormone can get into the cells.

Go to our FILES section of this forum and Open the ADRENAL

Folder. Scroll down the list of documents there until you see 'Adrenal

Questionnaire' and answer all the questions to see how you score. Also, open

the File 'adrenals Home Testing' and do those tests on yourself to see what

happens. Then go back to the FILES section and scroll down to the Folder

'Medical Questionnaire' and do those on Candida and Magnesium, and see how you

score there too. Once you have done that and if it shows there is a strong

possibility you are suffering any of these conditions, we can then tell you

where you need to go from there.

What reaction did your GP have when he saw your TSH was 5.36?

Luv - Sheila

I'm new to this forum and I'd really appreciate some help.

I've been taking thyroxine for a number of years, but I still suffer from a lot

of thyroid symptoms and I don't have good health (I am very susceptible to

coughs and colds and have frequent minor infections, for example).

Currently I am on 100mg thyroxine. My latest results are as follows:

5.36 tsh (range 0.27-4.2)

4.1 t3 (range 3.1-6.8)

15.7 t4 (range 12-22)

I've read Sheila's notes which she sent to another forum poster and the

information in them makes so much sense to me!

So where do I go from here? I think I very likely have low adrenal function and

possibly candida too.

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Keep an open mind on the subject-I thought I had Samters' also and at this stage it looks as tho I don't-my problems are probably caused by a fungls issue.Self diagnosis is full of problems however finding a medical person who is capable is also an issue.I have found reading this website the best thing I ever did-eventually you might find something that fits your situation.Good luck! Brigg From: rainchicka22 <janaeh@...>samters Sent: Wed, 10 November, 2010 12:46:08 PMSubject: New to the group

Hello All,

I am new to this group and boy was I thrilled to find you! I have had Samter's for the last five years and like many of you sometimes I feel like my little bucket of hope has a big hole in the bottom of it. I do not have medical insurance so trying to find something that works has become rather expensive. I have tried everything from alternative therapies to drugs to diet only to continue with the same old problems. It is wonderful to hear about the things that are working for some of you. I'm wondering if it might also be good to post all the things that haven't worked so we can save others from spending unnecessary time and money on those products.

I also have two questions: I ran out of Nasonex while on vacation last March and for about a week I actually started feeling better. All of a sudden I could smell and I sounded less stuffy. My mom even commented about it while talking to me on the phone. Then I started getting stuffy again and tried going back on it. Ever since then I seem to become MORE congested when I use it than when I don't. Has anyone else ever become allergic to their nasal spray? I've tried using several other brands with no relief.

Also, in the course of the last two years I have gained 40 lbs from all of the steroids I've been on. My face has become very puffy. When I mentioned this to my doctor he didn't seem too alarmed by it. He just told me to start exercising more. Well, I am a runner and I try to exercise between 30 min to 1.5 hrs/day and am still unable to lose weight. Has anyone ever heard of steroid toxicity and how it is treated?

Sorry for the long post.


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Its funny how we think Doctors can cure and know everything. There was a comment the other day how a doctor was saying the person was self diagnosed . Hello Doctors of this century we are very well informed , thank you internet, perhaps more than they are just because we have the time.Lets remember these are human beings just like we are only they have a chip on their shoulder. Makes me so angry that you would see a doctor and be well informed and that doctor would just laugh not even considering the idea, Sorry just ventingFrom: "aio_cps@..." <aio_cps@...>"samters " <samters >Sent: Fri, November 12, 2010 8:14:57 AMSubject: Re: New to the group

HiI can totally relate!! Have gained from substantial weight as wellWent to dr today to see about desensitizationHe said my polyps aren't bad enough, my asthma not controlled enough and my chronic hives would get worseAlso when I asked him about perhaps needing a low salicylate diet he actually laughed said not aware of such a thing I'm bummed way out!!Sent from my iPhoneOn Nov 9, 2010, at 8:46 PM, "rainchicka22" <janaeh@...> wrote:

Hello All,

I am new to this group and boy was I thrilled to find you! I have had Samter's for the last five years and like many of you sometimes I feel like my little bucket of hope has a big hole in the bottom of it. I do not have medical insurance so trying to find something that works has become rather expensive. I have tried everything from alternative therapies to drugs to diet only to continue with the same old problems. It is wonderful to hear about the things that are working for some of you. I'm wondering if it might also be good to post all the things that haven't worked so we can save others from spending unnecessary time and money on those products.

I also have two questions: I ran out of Nasonex while on vacation last March and for about a week I actually started feeling better. All of a sudden I could smell and I sounded less stuffy. My mom even commented about it while talking to me on the phone. Then I started getting stuffy again and tried going back on it. Ever since then I seem to become MORE congested when I use it than when I don't. Has anyone else ever become allergic to their nasal spray? I've tried using several other brands with no relief.

Also, in the course of the last two years I have gained 40 lbs from all of the steroids I've been on. My face has become very puffy. When I mentioned this to my doctor he didn't seem too alarmed by it. He just told me to start exercising more. Well, I am a runner and I try to exercise between 30 min to 1.5 hrs/day and am still unable to lose weight. Has anyone ever heard of steroid toxicity and how it is treated?

Sorry for the long post.


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I just read your post again and I cannot believe how ignorant your doc was to laughingly say he hadn't heard of the low-sal diet....which implies, and therefore it either doesn't exist or has no place of importance to your condition.

You need a second opinion. Someone who will listen to you and take you seriously.


From: elizabeth l <ely312@...>samters Sent: Fri, 12 November, 2010 13:31:21Subject: Re: New to the group

Its funny how we think Doctors can cure and know everything. There was a comment the other day how a doctor was saying the person was self diagnosed . Hello Doctors of this century we are very well informed , thank you internet, perhaps more than they are just because we have the time.Lets remember these are human beings just like we are only they have a chip on their shoulder. Makes me so angry that you would see a doctor and be well informed and that doctor would just laugh not even considering the idea, Sorry just venting

From: "aio_cps@..." <aio_cps@...>"samters " <samters >Sent: Fri, November 12, 2010 8:14:57 AMSubject: Re: New to the group


I can totally relate!! Have gained from substantial weight as well

Went to dr today to see about desensitization

He said my polyps aren't bad enough, my asthma not controlled enough and my chronic hives would get worse

Also when I asked him about perhaps needing a low salicylate diet he actually laughed said not aware of such a thing

I'm bummed way out!!Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 9, 2010, at 8:46 PM, "rainchicka22" <janaeh@...> wrote:

Hello All,I am new to this group and boy was I thrilled to find you! I have had Samter's for the last five years and like many of you sometimes I feel like my little bucket of hope has a big hole in the bottom of it. I do not have medical insurance so trying to find something that works has become rather expensive. I have tried everything from alternative therapies to drugs to diet only to continue with the same old problems. It is wonderful to hear about the things that are working for some of you. I'm wondering if it might also be good to post all the things that haven't worked so we can save others from spending unnecessary time and money on those products. I also have two questions: I ran out of Nasonex while on vacation last March and for about a week I actually started feeling better. All of a sudden I could smell and I sounded less stuffy. My mom even commented about it while talking to me on the phone. Then I started getting

stuffy again and tried going back on it. Ever since then I seem to become MORE congested when I use it than when I don't. Has anyone else ever become allergic to their nasal spray? I've tried using several other brands with no relief. Also, in the course of the last two years I have gained 40 lbs from all of the steroids I've been on. My face has become very puffy. When I mentioned this to my doctor he didn't seem too alarmed by it. He just told me to start exercising more. Well, I am a runner and I try to exercise between 30 min to 1.5 hrs/day and am still unable to lose weight. Has anyone ever heard of steroid toxicity and how it is treated?Sorry for the long post.Janae

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