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Hi Robyn, I do not know if it is ok to talk about products that we

offer in this group. I just got in trouble with another group for

posting a similar mesage. Let me know what you think.




> Sounds exciting, when will LEM PLUS be available in



> Robyn





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Dear everyone, apparently I have really messed up, in that I

posted a message already that has a link to a web site that I am

involved with. I apologize if I have offended anyone at the support

group. I have gotten a few extremely angry emails from a few

individuals from other groups who really let me have it.

I am actually a very sensitive person with a lot of care in my heart,

I simply did not know the proper ethics of being part of a group.

Sincerely, in shock


> >

> >

> > Sounds exciting, when will LEM PLUS be available in

> Australia?

> >

> > Robyn

> >

> >



> _______________

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thanks Robyn, I really appreciate you saying that.





> Its ok Moses, we all just want to get well. I know you are not


> but just trying to help and THANKYOU. I don't think anyone

here minds.


> Robyn





> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


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  • 1 month later...


I don't know where you live, but one option that may be available in your

area is a pain clinic. Pain management is really just now coming to the

forefront, and a good, knowledgeable clinic will work with you to achieve as

must pain relief as is possible. Donna

>From: research_chic@...

>Reply-Scoliosis Treatment

>Scoliosis Treatment

>Subject: New to the group

>Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2001 01:35:36 -0000


>Hi everyone,


>I am so happy to have found this group. I have been struggling

>with " flatback " syndrome for a long time. I am 42 and had the

>Harrington Rod surgery 30 years ago when I was 12. I had an 87

>degree curvature at the time, I am fused from T-1 to L-5 with two

>rods in place (the first rod started to bend during surgery so my

>doctor placed a second one slightly shorter). I still have a 27

>degree curve and all the horrible symptoms of " flatback " . I was

>hoping there was another option to surgery because I also have

>kidney, liver and thyroid disease. The surgery could cause a lot of

>problems for me with these. I am desperate to resolve the pain. I

>have had a selective nerve block and two epidurals for the pain with

>not much success. I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to the group, .

My son is almost 8 and has had cholesteatoma since he was almost 3.

I believe it was congenital, because it was so widepsread when they

first diagnosed it. I am saddened to read that so many pediatricians

are unaware, or do not have enough training, in this area. It is

very important as parents to insist that a child be seen by a

specialist, even if it means switching pediatrician, as you mentioned.

It sounds like you did the right thing by switching and by finding

the right specialist. In children, cholesteatoma spreads quickly, so

it's a good thing that his surgery is scheduled sooner rather than


I understand completely what you are going through (I've been through

it numerous times). The one thing that has always gotten me through

this is my son's ability to bounce back. I am convinced that God

created children to be strong and resilient, so we as parents, can

handle the tough times! As much as my son has been through, I can

honestly say, that I feel lucky that his condition is a treatable

one. And with regular checkups, the disease is manageable.

Please keep us posted on his surgery in November. We will be praying

for you.


> Hi! I'm new to the group. I was very happy to find 's web


> and other people that are going through the same things. Then I

> found the link to this group! I'm trying to 'talk to' as many


> about this as I can and learn as much as I can.


> My 6 year old son, Vinny, was diagnosed recently with congenital

> cholesteatoma in his left ear. This, after years of ear


> etc., and my husband and I finally talking his pediatrician into

> referring him to a specialist (again). We've since switched

> pediatricians.


> He goes in for his surgery on November 5th, and they expect to do


> second surgery about 6 months later. We'll find out more specifics

> when we meet again with the surgeon on the 26th of October. I have

> to admit, it scares me alittle (more than a little) to think that


> may go through this numerous times in his life, but I have to keep

> telling myself that the alternative is much scarier.


> I look forward to getting to know some of you. I'll be checking by

> the site everyday!


> Mazzarell

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Welcome to the group. I just wanted to say good luck with your sons surgery and keep us posted on his recovery. My (almost) 9 year old daughter has this in her left ear, just had her most recent surgery in August and is recovering well. She'll have a hearing test in December so we're keeping our fingers crossed.

Take care and if you have any questons, we're all here for you :)

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Terri & ,

Thank you so much for your concern. It makes me feel so much better

to know that there are others out there that I can reach out to if


I'm sure my son is going to get through this just fine -- I think it

will be a miracle if my husband and I do! We're both just so

worried, but were very careful not to let Vinny see. We had the

priest at our church bless him last night (informally - outside by a

fountain), and I think it was good for all of us. The priest was

great -- he eplained to Vinny how he was blessed before he had

surgery and showed him the scar on his neck. He also gave him his

card with his personal number on it and asked Vinny to call him when

he gets out of surgery to let him know how he is.

I will definitely keep you informed of the outcome, and look forward

to corresponding with everyone between now and then.

> Hi

> Welcome to the group. I just wanted to say good luck with your sons


> and keep us posted on his recovery. My (almost) 9 year old

daughter has this

> in her left ear, just had her most recent surgery in August and is


> well. She'll have a hearing test in December so we're keeping our


> crossed.

> Take care and if you have any questons, we're all here for you :)


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Terri & ,

Thank you so much for your concern. It makes me feel so much better

to know that there are others out there that I can reach out to if


I'm sure my son is going to get through this just fine -- I think it

will be a miracle if my husband and I do! We're both just so

worried, but were very careful not to let Vinny see. We had the

priest at our church bless him last night (informally - outside by a

fountain), and I think it was good for all of us. The priest was

great -- he eplained to Vinny how he was blessed before he had

surgery and showed him the scar on his neck. He also gave him his

card with his personal number on it and asked Vinny to call him when

he gets out of surgery to let him know how he is.

I will definitely keep you informed of the outcome, and look forward

to corresponding with everyone between now and then.

> Hi

> Welcome to the group. I just wanted to say good luck with your sons


> and keep us posted on his recovery. My (almost) 9 year old

daughter has this

> in her left ear, just had her most recent surgery in August and is


> well. She'll have a hearing test in December so we're keeping our


> crossed.

> Take care and if you have any questons, we're all here for you :)


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  • 1 month later...

Welcome Robin!

New to the group

>Hello everyone! A few weeks ago I stumbled onto

>and I was surprised to see all the action in here so I just had to

>join. :) ....... Actually vaccine informaion has been a big part of

>my life ever since my daughter was born, almost 6 years ago.

>She had, what her doctor called, a minor reaction to her 1st set

>of shots and ever since then I have had my nose in books and

>questioning what was being put into my daughters body. My

>husband was in the military at the time and we were getting

>ready to leave for Germany and she needed her MMR rounds. I

>truely believe that God interviened that day, as it turned out she

>was two weeks too early for her shots and we were leaving the

>next day for Germany. So we said we'd get them over there.

>However, they already marked her records, giving me a open

>door (so to speak) into a hassle free world.


>While we were in Germany I gave birth to a 10lb baby girl

>delivered by a germany midwife and managed to escape the

>shots on account I was waiting a year. My husband and I were

>planning on leaving the military and I knew that I wouldn't have to

>deal with the " problem " comments in my files and the questions

>from them. So I told them I would wait.


>We have been back in the states for a year now and I have found

>out that a little patience and a lot of prayer and lots of information

>has helped me find the way to get her into schools without (so

>far) a confrontation about why she isn't immunized. Fortunately, I

>found a ped. that is OK about non-immunized kids.


>I also have been raised on herbs and vitamins and to look for

>alterantive ways of healing. Both my girls have never had an

>antibiotic and I hope I can continue to help them in that way.


>I have a lot of catching up to do, there is so much information

>here. :) Take care

>Robin Link








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  • 2 weeks later...

ZaksMom598 <zaksmom@...> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Does anyone have any good ideas for sleep


Deb Kosovich

If I could show you how to make your home a safer environment for you

and your family, would you be interested?


Hi Deb,

Welcome to the group. I have used essential oils to help promote sleep in both

children and adults. It sounds like you could get some extra rest your self.

Peace and Calming, Valor and Valerian are a few I can think of right off hand

that I have used for restless grandchildren. I usually massage them on their

feet or back - they love that too. Essential oils can be very calming and

sedative to the central nervous system. They are very easy to use and children

seem to have a real affinity to them. They are so worth learning about - feel

free to browse my website to learn a little more.




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At 03:27 PM 12/20/2001 -0800, you wrote:



> ZaksMom598 <zaksmom@...> wrote:

>Hi Everyone,


>Does anyone have any good ideas for sleep



As usual, I encourage a visit to a classical homeopath



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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Hi everybody! I have an amazing homeopathy success story, or so it would

seem so far.

I have had two sebaceious cysts on my head for about 20 years. The have

slowly grown, and are quite uncomfortable. I had been thinking of having

them removed, but then decided to see what my naturopath had to say about


She gave me a homeopathic and two months later they are already smaller. Of

course it takes time and I'll have to be patient, but it's been twenty

years - I can wait.

Sandy from Alaska








Re: New to the group

At 03:27 PM 12/20/2001 -0800, you wrote:



> ZaksMom598 <zaksmom@...> wrote:

>Hi Everyone,


>Does anyone have any good ideas for sleep



As usual, I encourage a visit to a classical homeopath



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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In a message dated 12/20/2001 5:28:31 PM Central Standard Time,

amarycanliving@... writes:


> Does anyone have any good ideas for sleep

> problems?

What kind of sleep problems?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome Connie. Ahhh Virginia Beach, a beautiful place. I

can hear the water beating against the shoreline now.

Sounds like you have had a lot of bad luck with your procedures.

I have a feeling that is about to change for you. You now have

this group to support you and a lot of prayers will be going out

for you.



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Welcome to the group,

I wish you well, I had the Thoracotomy procedure as well. These procedures are done more routinely now. Hope your do okay and let us know how you do.


New to the group

Hi everybody! I am new to the group. I learned that I have Achalasia in 1997. Since then, I have had at least three dilitations and last year a Myotomy that was supposed to be done laproscopally but when my esophagus was punctured by the retractor changed to an open proceedure. That surgery was unsucessful and I am now scheduled for a Thorocotomy Myotomy next week. Needless to say, I am very nervous. I live in Va. Beach, VA. (I lived in Houston, TX from 1984-1990.) I would love to hear from you. Best wishes for all of you. I know what you are dealing with. Connie

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Hi Connie,

Welcome to the group. Wow it seems things have really exploded in the last

few days. Anyway, I am glad your here. I was diagnosed with " A " at 17 and

I have had 3 surgeries, all open procedures. I am interested to know why

your Myotomy was not successful.


New to the group

> Hi everybody! I am new to the group. I learned that I have Achalasia

> in 1997. Since then, I have had at least three dilitations and last

> year a Myotomy that was supposed to be done laproscopally but when my

> esophagus was punctured by the retractor changed to an open

> proceedure. That surgery was unsucessful and I am now scheduled for a

> Thorocotomy Myotomy next week. Needless to say, I am very nervous. I

> live in Va. Beach, VA. (I lived in Houston, TX from 1984-1990.) I

> would love to hear from you. Best wishes for all of you. I know what

> you are dealing with. Connie







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Hi Connie:

When is your surgery scheduled for next week? Yes, it is very

nerve-wracking. I'm sure it is more so for you after what you have been

through. I had only one myotomy in Oct. 2001 and no other treatments

except for medication. I still have some problems, but I truly consider

myself lucky and the surgery a success, especially when I hear about

some of you who have undergone several dilations and several surgeries

and bone cracking and so on! It really scares me! Bless you! Bless you!

Bless you!

Connie, this time your surgery will be 100 percent successful!

Absolutely! The power of positive thinking prevails! Please write us



Fitzgerald wrote:


> Welcome to the group,

> I wish you well, I had the Thoracotomy procedure as well. These

> procedures are done more routinely now. Hope your do okay and let us

> know how you do.

> Ed


> New to the group


> Hi everybody! I am new to the group. I learned that I have

> Achalasia

> in 1997. Since then, I have had at least three dilitations

> and last

> year a Myotomy that was supposed to be done laproscopally

> but when my

> esophagus was punctured by the retractor changed to an open

> proceedure. That surgery was unsucessful and I am now

> scheduled for a

> Thorocotomy Myotomy next week. Needless to say, I am very

> nervous. I

> live in Va. Beach, VA. (I lived in Houston, TX from

> 1984-1990.) I

> would love to hear from you. Best wishes for all of you. I

> know what

> you are dealing with. Connie



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-Hi JC, I dont' know why the Myotomy was unsucessful. All I know is

that I continued to feel that eveything that I ate or drank got

stuck. They have diagnosed recurrent Achalsia. Connie-- In

achalasia@y..., " JC Elder " <jc_elder@y...> wrote:

> Hi Connie,

> Welcome to the group. Wow it seems things have really exploded in

the last

> few days. Anyway, I am glad your here. I was diagnosed with " A "

at 17 and

> I have had 3 surgeries, all open procedures. I am interested to

know why

> your Myotomy was not successful.


> JC

> New to the group



> > Hi everybody! I am new to the group. I learned that I have


> > in 1997. Since then, I have had at least three dilitations and


> > year a Myotomy that was supposed to be done laproscopally but

when my

> > esophagus was punctured by the retractor changed to an open

> > proceedure. That surgery was unsucessful and I am now scheduled

for a

> > Thorocotomy Myotomy next week. Needless to say, I am very

nervous. I

> > live in Va. Beach, VA. (I lived in Houston, TX from 1984-1990.) I

> > would love to hear from you. Best wishes for all of you. I know


> > you are dealing with. Connie

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 4/17/02 3:35:48 AM GTB Daylight Time, jlsandn@...



My name is !

I am a mother of a soon-to-be 2 yr old son named . >>

just wanted to welcome you to the list .There are a few CA memebers,and

hopefully close to you :)


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Hi and !

Welcome. You will love this group, sooo much information. Anytime you have a

question, ask and someone will help if they can and lots will give their

opinion, LOL!

I'm addicted to this group.........:-)

I'm into alt meds too and no vaxxing for my daughter Ruby anymore. She had her

early jabs (cos I didnt know better at the time) but becos of the contraversy

here in the UK,. I was wary of the MMR so looked into it, thankfully!

Ruby and I are in the middle of seeing our homeopath and it is going very well.

She has no major problems and Im grateful for that.

Again, welcome.


new to the group


My name is !

I am a mother of a soon-to-be 2 yr old son named .

Since giving birth to him I have been using homeopathic medicines

to treat any ailment that has occured: teething, falls, fever, cold/flu,

smashed fingers, etc.. I read several books on homeopathy after giving

birth to find alternatives to vaccinating. After learning more about


and all its uses I became confident that vaccination was not an option for my

son. I have been seeking other like-minded mothers in my area (I live in

Sacramento, CA) I am looking forward to meeting new people with the same

perspective regarding health and vaccines!

, CA

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


I haven't posted in a while, but have been reading the post. I, myself,

do not have A but my husband does. He suffered with A for about a year and

lost around 50 lb. before being diagnosed. He had the Heller Myotomy with a

loose wrap after trying 2

botox treatments. As you will learn from this site, no treatments work the

same for

everyone. My husband still has problems, but at least he can now eat and has

gained back his lost weight. He has problems with fatigue, has to eat

standing up sometimes and drinks lots of water with his food. He had a

stomach virus this summer and at that time, he found out that he no longer

had the ability to throw up.

That was pretty miserable, but, as I said earlier, this may not happen to


Let me also mention, that my husband also is diabetic and has high blood


He also has arthritis, so, I'm sure that these probably affect his A. Hope

this helps


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the group, . You sound like me a while ago

(LOOOOOONNNNNGGG while ago [i could be your mother], LOL). The only thing I

didn't suffer from in your list was eczema. I also tried vegetarianism and

darn near died (whole wheat bread, the whole thing). You have a lot to

overcome, so start slow, and really listen to what your body is saying to

you. My personal advice is to first give up wheat and corn, and gradually

introduce meat to your diet (O-compliant fish, etc.) and then work your way

up to red meat. You will be surprised as to how much better you will feel.

This group is full of wonderful people who have been where you are now and

we will help you get started on the right foot.

Again, welcome.

Richmond, Virginia

hi, i'm , 24 years old. i'm new to the group.

i've had a series of health problems. i turned to

vegetarianism hoping it would help me to feel better,

and it made all of my symptoms worse. i suffer from

candidiasis, sinusitis, allergies (environmental,

food, etc) ovarian cysts, irritable bowel, eczema, and

the list goes on. i just started Eating Right for for

my type. i'm hoping to get suggestions and support

from this group. this will be a difficult transition

for me as i have not had meat in a few years now,

buti'm willing to make the changes. hope to hear from

you all soon

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Guest guest


I was mostly vegetarian for about 20 years. When I

reached colapse (before ER4YT was published) and

discovered I needed MEATS I was feeling better in just

3 days.

I still don't eat quite as much Meats as some suggest

but can tell is I go too many days without it.

Fruits, veges and meats and you will start feeling

better and the longer you follow it and the better you

feel the more noticiable it is when you stray. That's

hoo you learn your worst ofenders.

And you learn how nice it is to feel good.


--- Guerra <therealteresa@...> wrote:

> hi, i'm , 24 years old. i'm new to the group.


> i've had a series of health problems. i turned to

> vegetarianism hoping it would help me to feel

> better,

> and it made all of my symptoms worse. i suffer from

> candidiasis, sinusitis, allergies (environmental,

> food, etc) ovarian cysts, irritable bowel, eczema,

> and

> the list goes on. i just started Eating Right for

> for

> my type. i'm hoping to get suggestions and support

> from this group. this will be a difficult

> transition

> for me as i have not had meat in a few years now,

> buti'm willing to make the changes. hope to hear

> from

> you all soon

> sincerly



> __________________________________________________


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