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Joyce, isn't it better to mention you added a file to the group so that everybody know it is in the files? I keep much mails in my inbox but if I know it is mentioned and saved in a file I'll safe space in the mailbox.

As there are much mails on one day, not everybody follows them but a mail with info about an uploaded file can maybe bring more attention to it. Just an idea hé! Joyce and , I really appreciate how much time you spent into the group. Also to the members of the group, exploring a bit the files can give enough solutions to some questions. Just a hint to both sides that everybody needs to put some energy in a group to keep a good balance.

Meanwhile I wish everybody a fine christmas and a happy new year!

e :-)

From: bjoyful@...Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 19:15:07 -0500Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Question

Sugar, you did fine. What I want to know is how many people are accessing the files and looking for their selves to see what we have. When you reposted the article on soap, it was in the file already. When she asked for a shampoo, that told me she hadn't even looked in the files. Now, if the files are not being used, why am I going to such an energy/time involved effort to create them? If they are not going to look in them, then I am wasting my valuable time and energy, and I will quit with the files. That's all. So you posting that, actually was good for me. It told me to look closely, am I wasting my time? We will have to see on that. Love you, Joy

[ ] Re: Question

>> Mystic reposting of the recipes for soap and shampoo, made me wonder, if our files are being searched by the members. All of those recipes were already in the files.> > I really need to know if the files are being searched for information by anyone on the group. If anyone who has used the files, would let me know either on the group or personally, it would be very helpful. I am thinking, that maybe Michele and I can save a lot of time and energy and drop the files if they are not being utilized. > > Now, if they are being utilized, then that is absolutely, positively, wonderful, and all of the hard work has been worth it. > > I would also, like to know if anything in particular was not found. I am sure that is a high possibility, as I still have hundreds of articles to upload and there is no way I can create a thorough encyclopedia. Lol!> > I can personally tell you, I have put in hundreds of hours in researching for articles, transferring them to word and up loading them to the files. Today, I captured 40 screens of article titles from each category in the files. have attached a few, to give you an idea. If no one is using them, then there is no need to do all of this work.> > Blessings, Joy>All I know is that I was asked me for help and I was more then glad to be able to help them. I did not mean to cause any problems. Mystic

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hi e,

thank you for the input. It is my pleasure to work

with such a fine group. I look forward to the comments

of our members and the requests of information.

When we upload files, we do tell the group, but if we

have many files we upload, we only send out one

message as to not bombard the group with notification.

With the Christmas holiday upon us, so many of us our

busy visiting friends and relatives, and preparing and

all that fun stuff. It is hard to soak up all the

information at once, that is why the files are an

important reference like a library.

Thank you for being a part of our group, and have a

happy christmas celebration.



--- e Bonte <mbmasiba@...> wrote:


> Joyce, isn't it better to mention you added a file

> to the group so that everybody know it is in the

> files? I keep much mails in my inbox but if I know

> it is mentioned and saved in a file I'll safe space

> in the mailbox.


> As there are much mails on one day, not everybody

> follows them but a mail with info about an uploaded

> file can maybe bring more attention to it. Just an

> idea hé! Joyce and , I really appreciate

> how much time you spent into the group. Also to the

> members of the group, exploring a bit the files can

> give enough solutions to some questions. Just a

> hint to both sides that everybody needs to put some

> energy in a group to keep a good balance.


> Meanwhile I wish everybody a fine christmas and a

> happy new year!


> e :-)



> @...:

> bjoyful@...: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 19:15:07

> -0500Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Question






> Sugar, you did fine. What I want to know is how

> many people are accessing the files and looking for

> their selves to see what we have. When you reposted

> the article on soap, it was in the file already.

> When she asked for a shampoo, that told me she

> hadn't even looked in the files. Now, if the files

> are not being used, why am I going to such an

> energy/time involved effort to create them? If they

> are not going to look in them, then I am wasting my

> valuable time and energy, and I will quit with the

> files. That's all. So you posting that, actually

> was good for me. It told me to look closely, am I

> wasting my time? We will have to see on that. Love

> you, Joy


> [ ] Re: Question









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Thank you e! Love, Joy

[ ] Re: Question

>> Mystic reposting of the recipes for soap and shampoo, made me wonder, if our files are being searched by the members. All of those recipes were already in the files.> > I really need to know if the files are being searched for information by anyone on the group. If anyone who has used the files, would let me know either on the group or personally, it would be very helpful. I am thinking, that maybe Michele and I can save a lot of time and energy and drop the files if they are not being utilized. > > Now, if they are being utilized, then that is absolutely, positively, wonderful, and all of the hard work has been worth it. > > I would also, like to know if anything in particular was not found. I am sure that is a high possibility, as I still have hundreds of articles to upload and there is no way I can create a thorough encyclopedia. Lol!> > I can personally tell you, I have put in hundreds of hours in researching for articles, transferring them to word and up loading them to the files. Today, I captured 40 screens of article titles from each category in the files. have attached a few, to give you an idea. If no one is using them, then there is no need to do all of this work.> > Blessings, Joy>All I know is that I was asked me for help and I was more then glad to be able to help them. I did not mean to cause any problems. Mystic

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You need to increase your intake of minerals when you do foot baths because the good minerals get pulled out along with the bad ones. I don't know of a strict guideline, but what I do is to double my daily intake just on the days I do a foot bath - along with drinking a lot of water.

How often, or long, you will do the foot baths will vary too. . . The Ionic Oasis people say you can do them every 48 hours. . . That may be OK for the first few foot baths, but after that, I would limit them to no more than weekly. As you do them, you should see an improvement in the water color - indicative of how much is being pulled out. As you begin to draw less stuff out, you can increase the interval between foot baths. . . I've been told that it may take as many as 40 foot baths to see a significant difference. Hopefully it won't take that long, but I can see myself doing them for years to come. Regardless of how careful we are, we must deal with a host of environmental chemicals on a daily basis.

If you're interested, check www.ionicoasis.com for info . . . then order the same units from ebay for about half the price. These foot baths are the least expensive and the most durable I've seen. It doesn't have a pretty suitcase, or computer to track your time . . . but it works great!



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thanks for the information - at this point I am not taking any kind of supplements. I am just not sure where to start. Is there any multi-vitamin that is recommended or is it best to take several specific ones?



Re: Question


You need to increase your intake of minerals when you do foot baths because the good minerals get pulled out along with the bad ones. I don't know of a strict guideline, but what I do is to double my daily intake just on the days I do a foot bath - along with drinking a lot of water.

How often, or long, you will do the foot baths will vary too. . . The Ionic Oasis people say you can do them every 48 hours. . . That may be OK for the first few foot baths, but after that, I would limit them to no more than weekly. As you do them, you should see an improvement in the water color - indicative of how much is being pulled out. As you begin to draw less stuff out, you can increase the interval between foot baths. . . I've been told that it may take as many as 40 foot baths to see a significant difference. Hopefully it won't take that long, but I can see myself doing them for years to come. Regardless of how careful we are, we must deal with a host of environmental chemicals on a daily basis.

If you're interested, check www.ionicoasis. com for info . . . then order the same units from ebay for about half the price. These foot baths are the least expensive and the most durable I've seen. It doesn't have a pretty suitcase, or computer to track your time . . . but it works great!



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There are many good supplements. I prefer the Garden of Life brand. You can find a full line, at a discount on www.vitacost.com.

Be sure to read the labels carefully though. If you're sensitive to silicone, you'll want to avoid the forumulations that include silicone dioxide. ly, I don't think you need ALL their supplements. . . The very best is Primal Defense.

Some of the ladies here can recommend products they use. . . Avoid the cheap brands . . . This is one instance where you get what you pay for.

I highly recommend "The Maker's Diet" . . . by Rubin. Rubin is the developer of Garden of Life. The book is much more than a "diet" book. It will help you understand why a healthy diet is essential. Understanding makes the switch much easier. Following the diet to the letter would be tough - but you can ease into it by finding foods you like before giving up all the other stuff. Some of our ladies are going to start following his diet program after the first of the years. You may want to join them.



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thanks so much for the link....I also just purchased the makers diet book and plan to try to ease nto it as soon as possible.. I may jump on board with some of the other ladies as soon as I get the book read and understand what it is.....

I also want to make sure I am taking the right supplements while doing my foot bathes....the last thing I want to do is make myself worse because I am not doing something the right way.

Thanks for all your help..... :)



Re: Question


There are many good supplements. I prefer the Garden of Life brand. You can find a full line, at a discount on www.vitacost. com.

Be sure to read the labels carefully though. If you're sensitive to silicone, you'll want to avoid the forumulations that include silicone dioxide. ly, I don't think you need ALL their supplements. . . The very best is Primal Defense.

Some of the ladies here can recommend products they use. . . Avoid the cheap brands . . . This is one instance where you get what you pay for.

I highly recommend "The Maker's Diet" . . . by Rubin. Rubin is the developer of Garden of Life. The book is much more than a "diet" book. It will help you understand why a healthy diet is essential. Understanding makes the switch much easier. Following the diet to the letter would be tough - but you can ease into it by finding foods you like before giving up all the other stuff. Some of our ladies are going to start following his diet program after the first of the years. You may want to join them.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Steph,

I had swollen eyelids but it was pretty minor. It eventually went

away. I believe it is thyroid related (or can be.) I don't remember

how long I had them, but it was sporadic and very unpredictable. I

thought at first it was my eye makeup. Have you tried switching makeup?

That may help in the meantime. But hopefully it will resolve with your

thyroid treatment.

You can take armour thyroid with anything else...no effects (though you

should take it sublingually, or else on an empty stomach). Make sure

you take 3600 mg of caprylic acid a day for 2 weeks minimum, and you

should have that candida under control.


--- In , " stephie0580 " <stephie0580@...>



> Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family here

> visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still


> with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else? PH-I

> know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it last


> I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a round of

> CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels of

> candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope everyone is

> doing well!


> Steph


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Hi Steph,

I had swollen eyelids but it was pretty minor. It eventually went

away. I believe it is thyroid related (or can be.) I don't remember

how long I had them, but it was sporadic and very unpredictable. I

thought at first it was my eye makeup. Have you tried switching makeup?

That may help in the meantime. But hopefully it will resolve with your

thyroid treatment.

You can take armour thyroid with anything else...no effects (though you

should take it sublingually, or else on an empty stomach). Make sure

you take 3600 mg of caprylic acid a day for 2 weeks minimum, and you

should have that candida under control.


--- In , " stephie0580 " <stephie0580@...>



> Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family here

> visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still


> with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else? PH-I

> know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it last


> I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a round of

> CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels of

> candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope everyone is

> doing well!


> Steph


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Hi Patty, I'm on 30 mgs of armour. Do you think it's good starting

off on a low dose? Also, do you reccommend any supplements for

adrenal fatigue? So far I haven't been able to find one. Thank you


> >

> > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family here

> > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still

> dealing

> > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else? PH-


> > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it


> for?

> > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a

round of

> > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels


> > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope everyone


> > doing well!

> >

> > Steph

> >


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Hi Patty, I'm on 30 mgs of armour. Do you think it's good starting

off on a low dose? Also, do you reccommend any supplements for

adrenal fatigue? So far I haven't been able to find one. Thank you


> >

> > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family here

> > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still

> dealing

> > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else? PH-


> > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it


> for?

> > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a

round of

> > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels


> > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope everyone


> > doing well!

> >

> > Steph

> >


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Anytime you are dealing with hormones, it is good to start off on a

low dose and work your way up. You don't want to blast your

endocrine system suddenly with alot of hormones. Give it about 6

weeks or so to settle in. Then you can decide if it is a high enough

dose for you. I am taking 60 mg myself presently, but I've worked my

way there.

Did you read the info about how to take thyroid meds that was

posted? You may want to keep a copy of that and refer to it


For adrenal fatigue, I have a folder in our links section labeled

Adrenal Info, and it has quite a bit of info to help you there. The

question you need to know the answer to is, do you have elevated or

depressed cortisol levels? That answer will only change one

recommendation as far as the supplements go. Otherwise they are all

the same.

Here they are:

Vitamin B5 500 mg three times a day

Vitamin B6 50 mg twice a day

Vitamin C 3000 mg three times a day (I take 500mg every hour)

Vitamin E 800 IU per day

Cayenne 1 cap 3 times per day

Gingeng 1 cap 3 times per day

If you have high cortisol, then you add Phosphorylated Serine, 500 to

1000 mg a day.

If you have low cortisol, then you should take licorice root extract

in the morning and at noon, or bio-identical Cortef (which is Rx only)

If you want to take a single adrenal support supplement, there are

many available at the health food stores, but I don't know of any

specfic one I would recommend. Perhaps those who have taken the

Standard Process brand can recommend one also. I did notice that

many of those supplements contain bovine extracts and tissues, which

gives me just a slight pause, but if it works, then it works!

Only you can be the judge there.

Hope this helps!


> > >

> > > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family


> > > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still

> > dealing

> > > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else?


> I

> > > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it

> last

> > for?

> > > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a

> round of

> > > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels

> of

> > > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope


> is

> > > doing well!

> > >

> > > Steph

> > >

> >


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Anytime you are dealing with hormones, it is good to start off on a

low dose and work your way up. You don't want to blast your

endocrine system suddenly with alot of hormones. Give it about 6

weeks or so to settle in. Then you can decide if it is a high enough

dose for you. I am taking 60 mg myself presently, but I've worked my

way there.

Did you read the info about how to take thyroid meds that was

posted? You may want to keep a copy of that and refer to it


For adrenal fatigue, I have a folder in our links section labeled

Adrenal Info, and it has quite a bit of info to help you there. The

question you need to know the answer to is, do you have elevated or

depressed cortisol levels? That answer will only change one

recommendation as far as the supplements go. Otherwise they are all

the same.

Here they are:

Vitamin B5 500 mg three times a day

Vitamin B6 50 mg twice a day

Vitamin C 3000 mg three times a day (I take 500mg every hour)

Vitamin E 800 IU per day

Cayenne 1 cap 3 times per day

Gingeng 1 cap 3 times per day

If you have high cortisol, then you add Phosphorylated Serine, 500 to

1000 mg a day.

If you have low cortisol, then you should take licorice root extract

in the morning and at noon, or bio-identical Cortef (which is Rx only)

If you want to take a single adrenal support supplement, there are

many available at the health food stores, but I don't know of any

specfic one I would recommend. Perhaps those who have taken the

Standard Process brand can recommend one also. I did notice that

many of those supplements contain bovine extracts and tissues, which

gives me just a slight pause, but if it works, then it works!

Only you can be the judge there.

Hope this helps!


> > >

> > > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family


> > > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still

> > dealing

> > > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else?


> I

> > > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it

> last

> > for?

> > > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a

> round of

> > > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels

> of

> > > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope


> is

> > > doing well!

> > >

> > > Steph

> > >

> >


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Hi Steph,

Try not to worry about the eyelids. I had the same thing and it just

slowly went away to the point I rarely experience it. I think I had it

for about 6 months and then at 7 months I went on Armour and I'm

wondering if that's what helped it go away. Love, PH

--- In , " stephie0580 " <stephie0580@...>



> Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family here

> visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still


> with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else? PH-I

> know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it last


> I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a round of

> CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels of

> candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope everyone is

> doing well!


> Steph


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Hi Steph,

Try not to worry about the eyelids. I had the same thing and it just

slowly went away to the point I rarely experience it. I think I had it

for about 6 months and then at 7 months I went on Armour and I'm

wondering if that's what helped it go away. Love, PH

--- In , " stephie0580 " <stephie0580@...>



> Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family here

> visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still


> with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else? PH-I

> know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it last


> I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a round of

> CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels of

> candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope everyone is

> doing well!


> Steph


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Hi Steph,

Dr. Mercola's office put me on BioMatrix DHEA drops and BioMatrix

pregnenelone drops for adrenals. I take much more than the

recommended dosage on the bottle. I'd give you the dosage but I

don't know if this is the standard dosage for everyone in Stage 1

adrenal fatigue or if it was dosed for my specific situation. I've

only been taking them a month but it's supposed to take 3-12 to

strengthen them to a healthy functioning level for Stage 1.


Love, PH

> > >

> > > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family


> > > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still

> > dealing

> > > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else?


> I

> > > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it

> last

> > for?

> > > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a

> round of

> > > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels

> of

> > > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope


> is

> > > doing well!

> > >

> > > Steph

> > >

> >


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Hi Steph,

Dr. Mercola's office put me on BioMatrix DHEA drops and BioMatrix

pregnenelone drops for adrenals. I take much more than the

recommended dosage on the bottle. I'd give you the dosage but I

don't know if this is the standard dosage for everyone in Stage 1

adrenal fatigue or if it was dosed for my specific situation. I've

only been taking them a month but it's supposed to take 3-12 to

strengthen them to a healthy functioning level for Stage 1.


Love, PH

> > >

> > > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family


> > > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still

> > dealing

> > > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else?


> I

> > > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it

> last

> > for?

> > > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a

> round of

> > > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels

> of

> > > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope


> is

> > > doing well!

> > >

> > > Steph

> > >

> >


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Thanks PH, I can't stand it! Do you know of any good supplement with

licorice root in it to help with adrenal fatigue? I'm trying to find

a good one but I haven't found one yet.


> >

> > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family here

> > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still

> dealing

> > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else? PH-


> > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it


> for?

> > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a

round of

> > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels


> > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope everyone


> > doing well!

> >

> > Steph

> >


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Thanks PH, I can't stand it! Do you know of any good supplement with

licorice root in it to help with adrenal fatigue? I'm trying to find

a good one but I haven't found one yet.


> >

> > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family here

> > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still

> dealing

> > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else? PH-


> > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it


> for?

> > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a

round of

> > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels


> > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope everyone


> > doing well!

> >

> > Steph

> >


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I wanted to point out what Patty says about the bovine extracts. One

reason I went off the Standard Process is because I went to Mercola

and switched to his products, but another reason is that after taking

all the bovine extracts I tested positive for meat antigens on the

BioMeridian test. It may or may not have had anything to do with the

supplements, but it seemed strange that a month or two before when I

had a previous BioMeridian test, it hadn't shown up. Again, I don't

know how valid the BioMeridian is, so I don't know if I truly had

meat antigens because I thought the best way to determine that was

through blood. I have heard so many positive stories about Standard

Process anyway, so if you want to try it, I say go for it...it's all

so individual anyway what works for each of us. Love, PH

> > > >

> > > > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family

> here

> > > > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm


> > > dealing

> > > > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone


> PH-

> > I

> > > > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it

> > last

> > > for?

> > > > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a

> > round of

> > > > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high


> > of

> > > > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope

> everyone

> > is

> > > > doing well!

> > > >

> > > > Steph

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I wanted to point out what Patty says about the bovine extracts. One

reason I went off the Standard Process is because I went to Mercola

and switched to his products, but another reason is that after taking

all the bovine extracts I tested positive for meat antigens on the

BioMeridian test. It may or may not have had anything to do with the

supplements, but it seemed strange that a month or two before when I

had a previous BioMeridian test, it hadn't shown up. Again, I don't

know how valid the BioMeridian is, so I don't know if I truly had

meat antigens because I thought the best way to determine that was

through blood. I have heard so many positive stories about Standard

Process anyway, so if you want to try it, I say go for it...it's all

so individual anyway what works for each of us. Love, PH

> > > >

> > > > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family

> here

> > > > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm


> > > dealing

> > > > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone


> PH-

> > I

> > > > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it

> > last

> > > for?

> > > > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a

> > round of

> > > > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high


> > of

> > > > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope

> everyone

> > is

> > > > doing well!

> > > >

> > > > Steph

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Hi Steph,

Have you had your adrenals tested by saliva to know where you stand?

Dr. Kolb put me on Adrenal Stress End


after surgery. I didn't take it very long because my local doc said

to go off of it.

I have Aveda tea that has licorice root in it.



But I'd want to know if I had too much or too little cortisol before

taking a supplement specificaly for adrenals. Love, PH

> > >

> > > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family


> > > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still

> > dealing

> > > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else?


> I

> > > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it

> last

> > for?

> > > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a

> round of

> > > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels

> of

> > > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope


> is

> > > doing well!

> > >

> > > Steph

> > >

> >


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Hi Steph,

Have you had your adrenals tested by saliva to know where you stand?

Dr. Kolb put me on Adrenal Stress End


after surgery. I didn't take it very long because my local doc said

to go off of it.

I have Aveda tea that has licorice root in it.



But I'd want to know if I had too much or too little cortisol before

taking a supplement specificaly for adrenals. Love, PH

> > >

> > > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family


> > > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still

> > dealing

> > > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else?


> I

> > > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it

> last

> > for?

> > > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a

> round of

> > > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels

> of

> > > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope


> is

> > > doing well!

> > >

> > > Steph

> > >

> >


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Aveda tea w/ licorice link

http://www.aveda.com/templates/products2/spp.tmpl?CATEGORY_ID=CATEGORY10701 & PRODUCT_ID=PROD7943

> > > >> > > > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family > here > > > > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still > > > dealing > > > > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else? > PH-> > I > > > > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it > > last > > > for? > > > > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a > > round of > > > > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels > > of > > > > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope > everyone > > is > > > > doing well!> > > > > > > > Steph> > > >> > >> >>

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Aveda tea w/ licorice link

http://www.aveda.com/templates/products2/spp.tmpl?CATEGORY_ID=CATEGORY10701 & PRODUCT_ID=PROD7943

> > > >> > > > Hi everyone. Sorry I havne't been posting but I have family > here > > > > visiting from NC. I've been feeling ok over all, but I'm still > > > dealing > > > > with my eyelids being swollen. Did that happen to anyone else? > PH-> > I > > > > know that you said that happened to you too...how long did it > > last > > > for? > > > > I can't get it to let up at all! My dr also wants me to do a > > round of > > > > CA for a couple of weeks since my blood test showed high levels > > of > > > > candida. Is that ok to take with armour thyroid? I hope > everyone > > is > > > > doing well!> > > > > > > > Steph> > > >> > >> >>

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