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yes, you have clarified it, reaction to the antibiotic, like a flare.


darrenblane wrote:

> To everbody who replied to my new user post :)


> I've emailed Dr Hornetts surgery in surrey enquiring about a private

> consultation, and i'm off buy 'the new arthritis breakthrough'.


> My family are behind me if i opt to leave the methotrexate on the

> shelf, if you know what i mean, which to be honest is the decision

> i've made.


> I've also had a swift look at the rheumatic solutions site and read

> through a few posts so thanks for that aswell.


> I'll let you know what my next move is.


> also, i've heard the word herx used in some emails and i'm guessing

> its a bad bad flare or reaction to the anti biotics??? Can anybody

> just clarify this for me?


> cheers again


> darren




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Welcome, !

I'm so sorry that your RA remission is over for now, but I hope the

prednisone and Plaquenil work.

Glad you found us, and I'm looking forward to learning more about you.

[ ] Thanks

> I just discovered this group on Fri. and am already feel blessed. I

> was dia. w/ RA in '96 after my right hand went into a spasm while

> cleaning the fridge. In the two years that followed at various times

> I felt it all over, couldn't raise my arm, couldn't roll over in bed.

> After many dr.'s, various meds. & lots of omega-3's, somehow I went

> into remission. For the past 5 yrs. I've never been as bad as that

> until this past week. Although my hands have looked weird for some

> time, the left index fin. is like a roller coaster, the right a

> twinkie, as long as they worked that was ok for me...This Mon. they

> were both in spasms, pain in wrists shooting up my arm w/that over

> feeling like I got hit w/a truck and breathing seemed an

> effort.Dr.wanted to put me on methatrexate, but I was afraid. I'm

> trying a low dose of prednisone for a month until we see if

> plaquilnal works for me...I just want to say thank you to all the

> caring people in this group.. The messages have made me laugh, cry,

> smile...Some have it so much worse and I pray for them...It's

> comforting to know there are people who understand... Positive

> thoughts and prayer to all of you.

> NJ

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Thanks for the welcome...

The finger spasms are easing up

little but the wrists just feel like they're

going to snap at times...This group

is a God send...Thanks


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(((((((((((Stacey)))))))))...I'm sorry you are feeling so awful. I pray

you get some relief soon. My psoriasis flared up since the pneumonia in

Feb. when I could not take Mtx. I've been back on Mtx a few weeks now,

and I think there is a tiny improvement in some areas, but other areas

are really bad. I'm sorry you have to experience this.

Hugs to you & Wyatt...you're always in my heart & in my prayers, kiddo.

All my love...


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Colleen, I am 48, started going through Menopause at about age 37. Was

" through with it " by time I was...I believe, 42 or just before.

I started " bleeding " again last year when I was on MTX. OBGYN could find

no " good reason " to say it was due to female trouble, and thought it was

the MTX doing it. But to be sure, she did sonogram, which showed " a

PAPER THIN Uterus " . She said it was actually " too thin " ! But being as

I was so " young " when I had started menopause and it had now been so

many years later...that it would be 'normal' to have uterus thinned out

so much.

Also, I had a large cysts on my right ovary! I had NEVER had any cysts

that I know of before. She did NOT like the looks of this, as she said

that cysts are not prevalent after Menopause, especially for someone who

had gone through menopause so many years previous to it. So she also did

biopsy's to be sure. I had the UTERUS biopsy done. (I opted no

anesthesia, as I can not do Valium...nor, " Valium drips " they use for

this.) It all turned up Negative. The cysts finally went away a few

months later.

The bleeding she reckoned, was attributed to by the MTX I was on.

But she did also say the " paper thin uterus " could have contributed to

the " bleeding " I started having. But this ALL stopped within weeks of

stopping the MTX also!

I always felt the cysts was brought on by the MTX. Though I don't know

if tumors or cyst-like things can be caused by the MTX. I just know I

never had one until I was on the MTX, and it went away on its own after

stopping it.

Was your OBGYN going to also do a Uterus Biopsy to be safe? I had the

Sonogram first, then a few weeks later, had the biopsy as out-patient.

By the way... I was a Vet Tech also for a few years after I " retired "

from a Newspaper of 21 years! I loved it!

It is a very high paced job, being Vet Tech. Everything from office work

to surgery to exams... and everything imaginable! I could " open &

close " , and could probably do a spay with my eyes closed! On dogs we did

the " cut " in the skin on the lower stomach, not the " balls " (if I am

allowed to say that word here!) This amazed me, as I had never seen it

done that way! They recovered much faster it seemed.

I don't see how you keep up from falling on your face with all your

health problems! It was the MOST demanding job I ever had! I eventually

quit, after receiving a severe cat bite to the BONE in my arm. (His

tooth lodged in the BONE! Eowwwww! Talk about PAIN!) I had to have 3

surgery's to cut out a mysterious " tumor " that kept growing in the BONE

after that horrendous cat bite! ALL my MS and RA " symptoms " started

showing up within 8 months after this incident!

I am also now, VERY " chemical sensitive " , I believe due to all those

TOXIC chemicals we had to use for " dips " and such. (I use to not be,

before I did Vet Tech)... It got to where I could just be in same room

with a " dipped dog " , and I would get heart palpitations, and sweats and

shakes and nauseous! To this day, I can't even get around a place with

" bug spray " that has been sprayed! I think my system got " overdosed " on

all the CHEMICALS we have to use in Veterinary Medicine!


Colleen McPherson wrote:

> I appreciate the names of doctors in my area. As I read your digest

> that I've subscribed to I'm already so thankful that I've found you

> guys. I got my blood test results faxed to me today and I can see why

> my GP wants me to see a specialist. Since pain was why I went in to

> see the GP in the first place and it's taking a while to get any

> appointment with a RA he prescribed Arthrotec 75 MG twice daily. Just

> started today but I'm leery because it comes with so many warnings.

> I'm 55 yrs. old, post menopause and I began bleeding last week. My

> OBGYN tells me it doesn't have anything to do with RA so I'm scheduled

> for a pelvic sonogram the 29th of May. Since reading the " digest " I've

> left a message with my podiatrist that I don't think I need to spend

> anymore money with him. I've had much heel pain and have all ready met

> my deductible just with my podiatrist. After 2 steroids injections

> that didn't do anything, I can't help but feel it's all connected. I

> wonder about the sudden female problem as well. I feel like I'm

> falling apart! I'm a Vet Tech, very active job and have been in good

> health until recently. All your comments have been very helpful and I

> feel I'm learning with each email. By the time I get to the

> specialist, I think I should know something about what he or she is

> talking about.

> Thanks for all the info and you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

> Colleen



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Stacey, the Psoriasis part of mine is always WORSE this time of year,

and again in the late FALL to early WINTER for some reason. I have no

clue why.

As for the RA... this time of year, believe it or not...is the BEST time

for me!

Otherwise... the arthritis part is bad all the rest of the year, no

matter what season!

Hey... you ever break down about the Guinea Pig for Wyatt? Or has he

asked anymore for one? You said you thought you would wait until he was

a little older and more " responsible " to get one. And it was so cute...I

was just wondering if he ever " got a pet " or what kind!

Glad to see you posting again!


slmowl@... wrote:

> I want to thank you all for your responses and concerns. I am still

> extremely fatigued. Spending a lot of time in bed, resting. The

> joint pain

> is not getting any better, neither is the psoriasis. I am reading all

> the

> responses, just don't always have the energy to respond sometimes.

> Poor

> Wyatt has strep throat again. This is the second time. Got him to

> the dr

> today for another round of antibiotics. May have to get his tonsills

> out if

> this continues. We are in the middle of baseball season again. I

> enjoy this

> time with Wyatt. I get to meet so many people and it really forces me

> to get

> out of the house sometimes. I will keep you all updated.

> Love and Hugs

> Stacey




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I don't remember the meds they tried on me...

I never stayed on them to long because I

thought they made me feel worse.... I do

remember the rhuematologists saying some

people swore by tuna fish....I'm not saying

that did it....But I almost grew fins....My dad

had RA and was disabled @55....I'm sorry

that I never understood his pain back then...

He's passed away 16 yrs. and I still look to

the heaven's to tell him I'm sorry he suffered..

Anyway....I think emotional stress and not

watching what I eat may have set it off...

I'm curious about this RA factor....Dr. said

mine was 54 and that doesn't mean much to me...

The prednisone is giving me some relief and

possibly the plaquilnal...Dr. still thinks mex. is

the way to go....I'm not as afraid of that since

joining this group....I think it's time I woke up

and tried to get a handle on this....Thanks for

your support....I pray for my new group of

friends each night and thank God I found

all of you....

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Welcome fellow New Jersian. I am also from NJ, not far from Atlantic City.

Glad you found our wonderful group, but sorry for your reasons for being

here. Is there anything you can point to that caused you to flare after

such a long remission? I hope you will go back into remission again.

Do you remember what meds you were taking that put you in remission?

Instead of the mtx, maybe you could take whatever put you into remission.


> I just discovered this group on Fri. and am already feel blessed. I

> was dia. w/ RA in '96 after my right hand went into a spasm while

> cleaning the fridge. In the two years that followed at various times

> I felt it all over, couldn't raise my arm, couldn't roll over in bed.

> After many dr.'s, various meds. & lots of omega-3's, somehow I went

> into remission. For the past 5 yrs. I've never been as bad as that

> until this past week. Although my hands have looked weird for some

> time, the left index fin. is like a roller coaster, the right a

> twinkie, as long as they worked that was ok for me...This Mon. they

> were both in spasms, pain in wrists shooting up my arm w/that over

> feeling like I got hit w/a truck and breathing seemed an

> effort.Dr.wanted to put me on methatrexate, but I was afraid. I'm

> trying a low dose of prednisone for a month until we see if

> plaquilnal works for me...I just want to say thank you to all the

> caring people in this group.. The messages have made me laugh, cry,

> smile...Some have it so much worse and I pray for them...It's

> comforting to know there are people who understand... Positive

> thoughts and prayer to all of you.

> NJ






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Studies show that fish oil is beneficial for RA. I eat a lot of fish and

take Carlson's Cod Liver Oil.

I'm sorry your dad suffered so much. It's hard for people to understand

unless they experience it.

Here is a good site on RA factor:


Normal RA factor is 0 meaning there is no RA factor in the blood.

But someone having a negative RA factor doesn't mean they can't have RA.


> a,

> I don't remember the meds they tried on me...

> I never stayed on them to long because I

> thought they made me feel worse.... I do

> remember the rhuematologists saying some

> people swore by tuna fish....I'm not saying

> that did it....But I almost grew fins....My dad

> had RA and was disabled @55....I'm sorry

> that I never understood his pain back then...

> He's passed away 16 yrs. and I still look to

> the heaven's to tell him I'm sorry he suffered..

> Anyway....I think emotional stress and not

> watching what I eat may have set it off...

> I'm curious about this RA factor....Dr. said

> mine was 54 and that doesn't mean much to me...

> The prednisone is giving me some relief and

> possibly the plaquilnal...Dr. still thinks mex. is

> the way to go....I'm not as afraid of that since

> joining this group....I think it's time I woke up

> and tried to get a handle on this....Thanks for

> your support....I pray for my new group of

> friends each night and thank God I found

> all of you....





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I'm glad to hear that, Tess. What about the rest of your symptoms?

[ ] thanks

> Thank you & Jan...I am feeling much better this morning, thank


> Lord!


> Much Love, Always...


> Tess

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" ...told you so. Prayers and Angels... "

But then again, I think your faith and hope has sustained you and everyone's

prayers helped, however, you had to be receptive and accepting of our Heavenly

Father's gifts in order for all to come together and be complete.

I will give thanks that this a good morning for you.

Love and prayers, Jan.

tess_northwest@... wrote:

Thank you & Jan...I am feeling much better this morning, thank the


Much Love, Always...


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Alan2 and welcome!

I am a little late in my response, so please forgive. I am Debs in FL. I

have the usual gamut of health problems that the rest of the members have. I am

currently recovering from my 4th bout of sepsis, hence the slow response.

I had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands in the early 90s. I was a customer

service rep at that time with about 100% of my job on the computer. My down

time was about 6 weeks on each hand. However, they now do this surgery

laprascopically, so down time is kept to a minimum. On the first hand (my right

one) I did not have any therapy at all. When the left hand was done, my


was not as rapid and I did need the therapy. On both hands the surgery was

extremely successful. The pain and loss of feeling was to a point where I had

gone into a cabinet to get a blade for a food processor, cut my hand and never

felt it. My doctor tried the splints, oral medication and even steroid

injections, all to no avail. When they did the nerve tests, surprise, surprise,

they came back normal and the doctor was very reluctant to operate. However,

when he made the initial incision and saw how compressed the nerve was, he

wondered how I managed for so long. The results were almost instantaneous. It


the same case in both hands. To date, I have had no recurrence of any pain

or symptoms. Oddly enough, when I was pregnant with my first daughter, I also

had carpal tunnel syndrome due to the retaining of fluids from the pregnancy.

At that time, the splints were made out of plaster and when I put them on one

night I rolled over in bed and nearly gave my husband a concussion when that

splint hit him in the head, accidentally, of course (I think)!

I also sympathize with you about your pancreatitis. I have had this many

times and that is some of worse pain there is, even worse than labor. I most

recently had this last month with my latest battle of sepsis. The infection

settled there and I am just now starting to feel a bit better. You have my

sympathy on that condition, my friend.

Once again, welcome to our little family. I am glad that you found us, put

sad that this disease has found its way to yet another productive person. We

serve whine and cheese here every day with NO limit on the WHINE. Look forward

to getting to know you.

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Well, yes! If you inject it as opposed to drinking the liquid, you will bypass

your GI tract and, with any luck, the nausea may a thing of the past. It's not

guaranteed - some people still have problems with the injections, but there is a

better chance of being able to tolerate it. It's also less waste of the medicine

since it enters your system directly.

If your friend is willing to give you the injections, I think you should go for

it, Chris.

[ ] Hi all



> > Hi to all... I'm new to this site and new to RA... 1st the Doctors

> > said I had carpol tunnel..then one thing after another and now RA,

> > I'm taking Methotrexaite, it seems to make me very tired and weak

> > feeling, no energy... I take it once a week, oral, seems to make


> > sick to my stomach for the day.

> > is anyone else taking this?? and what effects are you having?

> > I must admit, I don't know much about RA...what to expect...I know

> > that now, today, I'm sore in my joints....inflamation in my


> > and top of my feet.... knees crack everytime I stand, back is


> > It's hard to sit long and in my job, I sit infront of a computer


> > day. hard to get down on the ground to play with my grand-

daughter. I

> > don't feel like I need to throw in the towel, I keep moving so I

> > don't just fall apart, but there are days that I wonder if this


> > stop or get worse.

> > Sorry to vent...just need someone to talk to that is going through

> > this..my husband doesn't seem to understand that I can't do what

I did

> > a few years ago...even last year.

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when I was first diagnosedd, I tried taking meth by pill and was sick

everytime..lost a lot of weight the first 3 months just from vomiting, and

had lots of indigestion..I switched to an injection once per week...since my

Rheummy is about 50 miles away...it was arranged that I go to my MD's office

every Fri and one of the nurses gives me the injection, I just keep the

serum supply there...and they do this for no charge...Pretty neat and pretty

lucky to have a cooperative MD.....but the indigestion was gone

immediately.....good luck marge

[ ] Hi all

> >

> >

> > > Hi to all... I'm new to this site and new to RA... 1st the Doctors

> > > said I had carpol tunnel..then one thing after another and now RA,

> > > I'm taking Methotrexaite, it seems to make me very tired and weak

> > > feeling, no energy... I take it once a week, oral, seems to make

> me

> > > sick to my stomach for the day.

> > > is anyone else taking this?? and what effects are you having?

> > > I must admit, I don't know much about RA...what to expect...I know

> > > that now, today, I'm sore in my joints....inflamation in my

> wrists,

> > > and top of my feet.... knees crack everytime I stand, back is

> sore.

> > > It's hard to sit long and in my job, I sit infront of a computer

> all

> > > day. hard to get down on the ground to play with my grand-

> daughter. I

> > > don't feel like I need to throw in the towel, I keep moving so I

> > > don't just fall apart, but there are days that I wonder if this

> will

> > > stop or get worse.

> > > Sorry to vent...just need someone to talk to that is going through

> > > this..my husband doesn't seem to understand that I can't do what

> I did

> > > a few years ago...even last year.





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In a message dated 6/25/2003 10:49:22 PM Central Standard Time,

Matsumura_Clan@... writes:

> Well, yes! If you inject it as opposed to drinking the liquid, you will

> bypass your GI tract and, with any luck, the nausea may a thing of the past.

> It's not guaranteed - some people still have problems with the injections, but

> there is a better chance of being able to tolerate it. It's also less waste of

> the medicine since it enters your system directly.


> If your friend is willing to give you the injections, I think you should go

> for it, Chris.




Something else to consider here-the formulation of the med for oral intake

will be different from the one for injection. It is possible that by drinking

the injectable your GI tract will render it useless. A sort of similar example

is insulin. It is injectable. If you drink it, your stomach acid breaks it

down and you get zero of it. However, there are oral diabetes medicines that

you can take orally. At the very least, you should check with a pharmacist to

see if the money you are spending on the injectable is being thrown away due

to the GI issue.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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It's nice that you were able to see your mom and sister for your

birthday. I'm sure it made it extra special.

I hope all the aggravation with the house is over soon so you can stop

stressing over it.


On Wednesday, July 9, 2003, at 01:23 PM, Pederson wrote:

> From: Pederson <linda@...>

> Date: Wed Jul 9, 2003 1:23:46 PM US/Eastern


> Subject: [ ] Thanks

> Reply-


> Thanks for the birthday wishes. I've been pretty quiet lately. We've

> been busy trying to get things settled with the house and it has been

> a real pain. My RA has also decided to remind me that it lives inside

> my body also. It's not been a real fun time dealing with those two

> issues. My Mom and my sister were in town so I saw them on my

> birthday. We may have a get together this weekend.



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Sorry if this has been said before

Is there mercury in Vit-K shots ?

Or something else ?

Dean 13, Tanisha 12, Hailey le 4,

3, Abigail 18mnths...

come visit them @ http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/m/munchkinette

[ ] Thanks

A sense of humor is

something that I will NEVER be able to connect with Autism.

I can understand this completely though in reading about

and his mother this morning I found some rays of hope and joy. I do hope

you find some humor in some of the lighter things in life, it helps so

much to laugh even when faced with all that we are faced with.

I thank you for the empathy and understanding. I think I have the kind

of heart that feels for all mothers and fathers because I am one myself.

I have known about the problems with vaccines for about 13 years, but

not enough....when I separated from my wife about five years ago she

forced me to vaccinate my first two kids and I really did not know

enough to put up a good fight, but they were older and did not react,

though they did kick and scream...........

My present involvement and research came with the birth of

about six weeks ago and we avoided all vaccines but they did manage to

slip in that damn vitamin K shot, right when we were in the incredible

glow of 's birth. Did not even have time to think but I do not

think it harmed him......he is well..........but I went home and started

reading and reading...and they are doing this to babies.............I

can only cry....I do not get angry.....I can only feel my heart........I

do not hold up much hope for a race of beings that would do such things

to their own babies............so this is where I personally draw the

line.....I do not accept it....will not accept it..........cannot accept

it....and feel some shame for being human, for being part of a race of

beings that would do such things.

You suggest that I try " to gently inform others and join people like

Congressman Dan Burton to try to make a very wrong situation right. "

Well obviously I am with you all the way with trying to make a very

wrong situation right, but gentle, yes I will be gentle as far as

non-violence is concerned. I promise not to bomb and clinics nor kill

any doctors. I promise not even to punch any of them in the nose. I

promise to forgive the ones who humble themselves and admit the wrong,

those who say they are sorry and ask for forgiveness for their blindness

and ignorance. But for the rest I offer only fire, the stronest and most

intense rhetoric I can muster. I offer the missles of my

words............and the feelings of my heart. What I am offering right

now is the most stark descriptions of the wrong......and that is

painful..........I hope painful enough to motivate some


You said, " Am I still angry? You bet! The anger (expressed without

sin) is a good thing. If we lose our capacity to be angry at this

situation, we very well

may become complacent. " I am with you all the way here and have made a

deep study of anger, and study my own when it comes up. I have written

quite a bit about anger and power, if you would like I could send you

some of it.

Thanks again and I hope you can understand why I can have such intense

feelings and write such intense stuff even though I am not angry, at

least not with the ego mean personal type that looks for vengence and

renews itself in blame. I just have the kind of heart that cannot

separate itself from all the feelings of all the parents I have been

reading this past month. Today I am feeling or opening up more to the

autism story....enough to break most hearts......it seems.......though I

imagine that most everyone in this group is doing their best to not

break but overcome so much with all the courage and faith they can

muster. My heart goes out to you and to all of them. I thank you for the

opportunity to feel my feelings, to feel my heart that cares so much

though I do not thank those people who have blindly put you and so many

others in harms way. Never will I do that!

And I am glad you feel this peace and I will pray for all of us....but

mostly for the children..........they say there are about 11,000 new

ones arriving today just in the United States. I will pray today for

them. I wish we all were doing that.........I wish....

Tender Regards,


PS Steve said " I sympathise with

any parent who loses control when their kid is going through a

sustained regression. The unbearable pain can make us do things we

regret later... "

Yes I agree it is easy to have empathy and compassion for such parents

put in impossible and inhuman situtations.......pain can be that

unbearable........that is why it all must be stopped.......

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Again, sorry about Honey, .

Thanks for letting us take a peek at your family and your projects. You

have made some lovely things!

[ ] Thanks

> I just wanted to say thanks for all the prayers and well wishes

concerning the passing of our dog Honey. It really means a lot to me.

I miss her and I know that this will continue for awhile. I am glad her

suffering is over.


> I have been working on a web site that I am putting my scrapbook

albums on as well as some of the other things I make. I have included

the url in my signature line. Take a look when you get a change. I am

just getting it going right now so I will be adding new pages




> http://albums.photo.epson.com/j/AlbumList?u=4096322

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I just thought I should throw in here that I believe Dr. Goldberg thinks

there may be a connection between underlying herpes viruses and seizures in

some cases, among other things.

I suggest (if you haven't already done so) that you go to Dr. Goldberg's

website " neuroimmunedr.com " , go to the conference area, and then use the

search engine there to search the " Ask Dr. Goldberg " section for " seizures " .

I think you will find it very interesting.


> On 8/8/03 4:12 PM, " lwmikesch@... " <lwmikesch@...> wrote:

> I want to thank all of you for your suggestions on how to help my son .

> He has been on a gluton and caseine free diet for a long time now. I've also

> basically cut out all sugar and have him on Acidophlis to help eliminate the

> yeast.

> One of you suggested writing him notes. What a good idea. did start

> reading

> when he was 2 and he can write but he HATES to and refuses to WRITE. So I'm

> still going to write him a note when he has a meltdown. Maybe he will stop

> to read it.

> I know he won't write me back but maybe just him stopping to read my letter

> will

> calm him down.

> There was one nice woman who said that her son was 6 and that his

> behaviors

> and characteristics sounded like . I believe your name is . Your

> son

> has seizures and is on Depekene. Well is on trileptal. Since he has

> been on this, he has started some bizarre, ritualistic, gesticulations that

> he

> did not have before this medication. Does Depekene cause " autistic " like

> behaviors in your son? I want him off this trileptal but his pediatrician

> says without

> this medication he could have another seizure. I am so sick of trying to

> deal with pediatricians in Michigan!!!!! Does anyone out there have a child

> that has

> or had a seizure and has seen Dr. Goldberg? What does he say about seizure

> medication?

> Thanks a lot




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In a message dated 8/17/03 6:51:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ccrmom@... writes:

Hi, I'm on the Eastside - Painesville.

n it looks like you work very hard on this group! I'm sorry I haven't

been more involved but will try and stay more consistent.


* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^* & ^

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Hi Shona,

Just curious how did you potty train your 3 year-old?


>From: " Shona Jordan " <chaia98@...>



>Subject: thanks

>Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 00:31:53 -0000


>Thanks everyone who responded to my questions about a nonsugar,

>nondairy frosting. I made the cupcakes using Duncan Hines yellow

>cake mix, and made a frosting from Splenda, cornstarch, fleischmann's

>butter, and Dari Free. I thought it had an aftertaste, but Chaia

>loved it. I froze the rest of the cupcakes for a later date. She

>found them in the freezer and actually had one for a snack today. go



>For those who asked about the bananas, we haven't added them back

>into her diet just yet. She's developed a cold, and I don't want to

>mistakenly attribute spaciness to bananas when it could be because of

>the cold. I'm going to wait until the cold is gone and then add them

>back in. I can definitely tell a difference in her without the

>bananas though.



>And on the final note, I just had to share. Skyler, my 3 year old,

>has made slow but steady progress on the protocol. Although he's

>still nonverbal, we have potty trained in the last month. In the

>past few days he's learned to ride a tricycle. Before, he never

>would even get on the tricycle. It just scared him to death. I had

>been so discouraged about his progress because he's not talking yet,

>but these two things have just been a blessing. Thanks again for all

>your support.






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I put him in regular underwear, not pull ups, and put him on the little potty

every 30 minutes or so. It took several days for him to get the idea, but he

did get it. All I did for 3 or 4 days was work on potty training with him. I

had tried it before and tried to keep up with my 5 year old and clean house,

etc.etc.etc. and it didn't work. My dh took care of the 5 year old and the

house and I just potty trained. He now has 1 or 2 accidents at the most each

day. I know that's not completely trained, but it's so much better than we've

ever been before. He's even conquered his fear of using the bathroom in public

restrooms. Before he would scream when you took him in there and now he just

stands there and does his business. HTH. Shona


> Date: 2003/09/21 Sun PM 11:15:43 EDT


> Subject: Re: thanks

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Hi 's Ma,

The Ballert helmet is a passive style helmet, meaning it sits on the

baby's head and eventually the baby's head will grow into the shape

of the helmet. It relies totally on growth.

We have had members use them with success, they just take a long time

to work. You're in for the long haul, but I'm sure it'll be worth it.

Keep us posted.

> Thanks to stripes6060 and for responding to my post. It's

> so nice to not feel alone. As far as the type of helmet he's

> getting I really don't know. I went to an orthotics place called

> Ballert and they are the ones making the helmet for him. They took

> a plaster cast of his head yesterday and I am to get the helmet


> Wednesday. I asked him if it was a full head helmet and he said

> no! Now I am somewhat concerned he is going to get that crowning

> effect I read about that some kids get with a large opening. As


> as I see it I will describe it to you all maybe you will know

> better. Then a week after he gets it we have to go back to the

> neurosurgeon. For what I haven't a clue, other than he may want to

> make sure it is properly fit. Once we get the plagio ball rolling


> will take 's picture and post it for you all to see. Thanks

> for the encouragement and advice. 's ma

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You can also have your ped or you can refer to the Early Intervention Program. Most babies with tort do qualitfy and the physical therapist will come right to you home. Jordan has PT 3x a week and OT twice a week and I would have gone completely nuts if we didn't have in home therapy through EI.

~~Buffalo, NY

Mama to:

, Jordan (cranio,plagio & tort~Starband 10-24-03) &

We will be starting PT at Children's very soon, my concern is mine and my husband's ability to get him there. It is so far away. We are definitely going for the initial eval and then considering an aggressive treatment program for the tort at home with me doing the treatments. I am an Occupational Therapist and work with adults with orthopedic injuries. There is a peds. therapy clinic in Waxahachie which is only 15 mins. away. I am considering requesting a referral to there at least till the end of the year. I'm not really sure.

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