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Thank you for your story. Sometimes leaving is the best you can do.

It reminds me of a book on relationships I saw titled " Too Good to

Leave, Too Bad to Stay. "

But even when it is horrible sometimes people are stuck where they

are and/or just can't believe it is so serious. A contractor I know

called me yesterday very upset because he was unable to convince a

young single mother with a one year old to stop the exposures by

moving. She had just rented an old trailer in an old park a month

ago. The baby has been to the doctor beginning one week after move-in

with bronchitis and getting sicker. Three pets have died in that

bedroom. But she won't leave because she doesn't have enough money

for another security deposit. He pleaded with her but she refused.

Instead she wanted someone to test for mold. He told her it makes no

difference if it is mold or rats or cat dander. Animals have died and

your baby is sick, please leave. She got impatient and told him if he

wouldn't test for mold she'd find somebody else.

I wonder if she would stay if the trailor was smoldering but not in

flames? Too good to leave, too bad to stay. PIR of 2+, not quite 3.

Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC


> Dear ,

> I am sorry that I have missed several of your posts. But, I can also

> understand giving up things. We lost 98% of our belongings and our

> home-coming up 4 years this October. We still miss many of our

> things. Our kids had to give up EVERYTHING, they still after 3 years

> will say, " Hey mom, remember that (whatever toy it is) that we had in

> our moldy house, I sure do miss it still. " I don't know if you ever

> get over it. The one thing we were able to salvage was a collection

> of dolls I had started for my daughter the day before she was born.

> It was kept in an air tight cabinet, and had no traces of mold spores

> on them. But, sometimes when we look at them it brings back other

> memories, so I can't tell you it has helped to bring them. I can tell

> you though, as many others will. After a couple years you look back,

> and even though losing your things, you feel better, and you start a

> sort of new life. New things, better health, and the past even though

> it is still with you, becomes easier year by year. We have started

> ALL over, but we are better off now. We have a safe home, safe

> belongings, and better health. I never feel bad for leaving. It took

> me 4 months to leave after finding out. If I had to do it all over,

> I'd leave the day I knew. As it only made our health worse to stay.

> If I would have had this group, with all of the knowledge and

> information that we have here, I would have probably left sooner. We

> had no where to go either, as many on this board. But, finally we just

> did it. Believe me when I say, most of us here on the board know what

> it is like, and that it is hard. One day soon it will all sink in,

> and even though hard to do, you will be able to do it. You will feel

> better too. I hope it will work out for you. Please remember, your

> health. The longer you stay, and interact with contaminated things,

> your health will only worsen, not get better.



> Re: [] Re: Mold



> > On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:59:23 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

> >

> >>

> >>While what you say is true , It wasn't simple to say or do, I

> >>had to do just that.

> >

> > I only wish I had your sense to put your health before everything

> > else. I have to admit that I talk the talk but not walked the walk.

> > You have. I still have a shed full of items I don't want to part

> > with. Many things similar to what you gave up. And I am still sick.

> > I keep telling myself it's the trailer I am in and I need to abandon

> > it. That and I know I am allergic to a lot of foods that I eat and

> > need to foucus on foods that agree with me.

> >

> > I have no where else to go presently. It took me years to come to

> > grips with the reality I needed to sell my home and get rid of all

> > of my belongings. And than a few more years to execute the plan. I

> > only wish I had the guts to do what you have done and am happy for

> > your success.

> >

> >

> >>I apologize if it sounded a bit sarcastic though

> >

> > Not really you were just giving the cold hard reality of the matter.

> > And coming from someone who is familiar with the problem and been

> > through it not taken that way at all.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> >

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" carondeen " wrote:

> It is hard, but considering the options avaiable- the only one that

will work in the long run- <

Those of us who made the initial mistake of listening to the " It's

All In Your Head " doctors and " Just Change Your Attitude " " Reduce

Stress " theories from family and friends until it was too late know

what the consequences of NOT taking that option can do.

We all think that other mold sufferers we locate will benefit by our

experience, and I think we're all a bit amazed to find that people

will sail right on through all the same time, money and health wasting

strategies that didn't work for us - before they finally are driven to

a point where they must take that final option and run for their lives.

It's a shame to watch people reproduce the same experience because

they can't bring themselves to believe us.


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Thank you Carl for sharing again. It is sad. But, for reason I can relate.

We didn't leave even after having it tested. I just couldn't believe. I

read and read, and talked to professionals, did research, and still in my

mind it just couldn't be us. I am a very strong independent person, who can

fix ANYTHING. I couldn't believe that this time I couldn't fix it, without

spending tens of thousands I didn't have. It wasn't until I had been on

mold-help and read some of the symptoms, and then things to watch for. We

had just about every symptom. One symptom in particular we didn't have yet.

Then my son got it, I left the next day. It is just very hard to believe.

It is hard to try and tell someone, if they just don't believe, or

understand the seriousness.

Bless the contractor for atleast trying, and trying hard. Maybe the mother

will sleep on it a few nights like I did and research it. It does take time

for many (as it did for myself) to sink in. Others it just never does.

They just stay.

Yes finances play a major role too. But, for me. We left with nothing,

pled our case to a local apartment complex, and they let us in with no

security deposit. (we were lucky)But, I prepared to leave without knowing

where we would go, to save my children. But, it took 4 months for me to get

to that point, and to let go.

It saddens me also when you try to help someone and they just don't get it.

It almost feels like I have termites crawling under my skin and in my body.

Just because I have been blessed to learn, take classes, get certified, and

help many who had no money, and had no clue about mold. Some I helped and

they got out, others just stayed. That's the saddest part I think for all

of us.

Re: [] Re: Mold



>> > On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:59:23 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>> >

>> >>

>> >>While what you say is true , It wasn't simple to say or do, I

>> >>had to do just that.

>> >

>> > I only wish I had your sense to put your health before everything

>> > else. I have to admit that I talk the talk but not walked the walk.

>> > You have. I still have a shed full of items I don't want to part

>> > with. Many things similar to what you gave up. And I am still sick.

>> > I keep telling myself it's the trailer I am in and I need to abandon

>> > it. That and I know I am allergic to a lot of foods that I eat and

>> > need to foucus on foods that agree with me.

>> >

>> > I have no where else to go presently. It took me years to come to

>> > grips with the reality I needed to sell my home and get rid of all

>> > of my belongings. And than a few more years to execute the plan. I

>> > only wish I had the guts to do what you have done and am happy for

>> > your success.

>> >

>> >

>> >>I apologize if it sounded a bit sarcastic though

>> >

>> > Not really you were just giving the cold hard reality of the matter.

>> > And coming from someone who is familiar with the problem and been

>> > through it not taken that way at all.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >


>> >

>> >

>> >

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Oops forgot to mention, how blessed I was about 2 years ago to find this

group. A group of professionals like yourself, and others that are victims.

I feel even though I have not met any of you in person you are friends, who

understand and are always willing to listen and help my family, as I am

willing to do for you. Thank you everyone for being here, and helping any

who need it. For that we are all blessed.

Re: [] Re: Mold



>> > On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:59:23 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>> >

>> >>

>> >>While what you say is true , It wasn't simple to say or do, I

>> >>had to do just that.

>> >

>> > I only wish I had your sense to put your health before everything

>> > else. I have to admit that I talk the talk but not walked the walk.

>> > You have. I still have a shed full of items I don't want to part

>> > with. Many things similar to what you gave up. And I am still sick.

>> > I keep telling myself it's the trailer I am in and I need to abandon

>> > it. That and I know I am allergic to a lot of foods that I eat and

>> > need to foucus on foods that agree with me.

>> >

>> > I have no where else to go presently. It took me years to come to

>> > grips with the reality I needed to sell my home and get rid of all

>> > of my belongings. And than a few more years to execute the plan. I

>> > only wish I had the guts to do what you have done and am happy for

>> > your success.

>> >

>> >

>> >>I apologize if it sounded a bit sarcastic though

>> >

>> > Not really you were just giving the cold hard reality of the matter.

>> > And coming from someone who is familiar with the problem and been

>> > through it not taken that way at all.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >


>> >

>> >

>> >

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You are oh so right , you know the sad part is that even still I find myself

thinking it is all a big dream and I will wake up soon. Sometimes I wake up

from a dream and cannot tell which one is reality, and through it all I still

find myself doubting it all. Sometimes some of us have to be hit by a bus to

know we are standing in the road..... In dead a shame..


erikmoldwarrior <erikmoldwarrior@...> wrote:

" carondeen " wrote:

> It is hard, but considering the options avaiable- the only one that

will work in the long run- <

Those of us who made the initial mistake of listening to the " It's

All In Your Head " doctors and " Just Change Your Attitude " " Reduce

Stress " theories from family and friends until it was too late know

what the consequences of NOT taking that option can do.

We all think that other mold sufferers we locate will benefit by our

experience, and I think we're all a bit amazed to find that people

will sail right on through all the same time, money and health wasting

strategies that didn't work for us - before they finally are driven to

a point where they must take that final option and run for their lives.

It's a shame to watch people reproduce the same experience because

they can't bring themselves to believe us.



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Extremely well put ....

<blackmold@...> wrote: Carl,

Oops forgot to mention, how blessed I was about 2 years ago to find this

group. A group of professionals like yourself, and others that are victims.

I feel even though I have not met any of you in person you are friends, who

understand and are always willing to listen and help my family, as I am

willing to do for you. Thank you everyone for being here, and helping any

who need it. For that we are all blessed.

Re: [] Re: Mold



>> > On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:59:23 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>> >

>> >>

>> >>While what you say is true , It wasn't simple to say or do, I

>> >>had to do just that.

>> >

>> > I only wish I had your sense to put your health before everything

>> > else. I have to admit that I talk the talk but not walked the walk.

>> > You have. I still have a shed full of items I don't want to part

>> > with. Many things similar to what you gave up. And I am still sick.

>> > I keep telling myself it's the trailer I am in and I need to abandon

>> > it. That and I know I am allergic to a lot of foods that I eat and

>> > need to foucus on foods that agree with me.

>> >

>> > I have no where else to go presently. It took me years to come to

>> > grips with the reality I needed to sell my home and get rid of all

>> > of my belongings. And than a few more years to execute the plan. I

>> > only wish I had the guts to do what you have done and am happy for

>> > your success.

>> >

>> >

>> >>I apologize if it sounded a bit sarcastic though

>> >

>> > Not really you were just giving the cold hard reality of the matter.

>> > And coming from someone who is familiar with the problem and been

>> > through it not taken that way at all.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >


>> >

>> >

>> >

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Eastern Shore of VA

> On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 21:05:08 +0000, you wrote:


> > I wish

> >there were some moldies around by me to have lunch with

> >


> Where do you live?




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I would be great if some of us that live within a few hrs. of each other

could get together some day for lunch and a long talk. I'm willing if anyone

else is.


> On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 21:05:08 +0000, you wrote:


> > I wish

> >there were some moldies around by me to have lunch with

> >


> Where do you live?

> verizon.net writes:

Eastern Shore of VA

> On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 21:05:08 +0000, you wrote:


> > I wish

> >there were some moldies around by me to have lunch with

> >


> Where do you live?


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Well I am close as you know Sue. I can go for lunch. :) --- In

As soon as the weather improves we will get together I promise!! Maybe some

others can join us!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone out there within an hr. or two of the

Wilmington area?

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Well I am close as you know Sue. I can go for lunch. :)

> >

> > > I wish

> > >there were some moldies around by me to have lunch with

> > >

> >

> > Where do you live?

> >









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Sorry- about 31/2 hrs southfrom Wilminton


> Well I am close as you know Sue. I can go for lunch. :) ---



> As soon as the weather improves we will get together I promise!!

Maybe some

> others can join us!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone out there within an hr. or

two of the

> Wilmington area?







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i will be looking forward to lunch. Anyone else. :)




> Well I am close as you know Sue. I can go for lunch. :) --- In


> As soon as the weather improves we will get together I promise!!

Maybe some

> others can join us!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone out there within an hr. or

two of the

> Wilmington area?







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where is Wilmington?

> >

> >

> >

> > Well I am close as you know Sue. I can go for lunch. :) --- In

> >

> > As soon as the weather improves we will get together I promise!!

> Maybe some

> > others can join us!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone out there within an hr. or

> two of the

> > Wilmington area?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Sorry it took me so long to reply to this post, between all the

other post's I was in the middle of I got overwhelmed.

I am in tampa bay area fl so that's a little bit of a haul.

If anyone in this area wants to get together though let me know.

On Wed, 01 Mar 2006 04:45:49 +0000, you wrote:


>Eastern Shore of VA


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

--- amy dent <amydent9@...> wrote:

> Hi Amy,

The only thing I have taken for my toxic mold exposure

which has made a difference for my breathing issues,

muscle and joint pain, and migraines has been CSM.

Hoping it is getting some of the toxins out but I

still have sinus and eye issues. I'm hoping to try an

antifungal or nasal spray like you within the month.

What actually happens to your body during the die off?

I have also avoided all sugars and starches which has

made a huge difference. Before the CSM I was becoming

allergic to so many foods and could only tolerate rice

and veg. Will your doctor try CSM for you?


> can anyone comment about mold meds? are they the

> same as fungi meds?


> I am on nizoral nasal spray and the dieoff is huge

> and this after 1 year on

> a very low dose.is there anything to help wiht this

> dieoff? it is making my

> so called fibromyalgia muscle pains worse. I

> conclude that it is really

> infectious arthritis. and hope the fact that its

> getting worse is just a

> temporary die off effect.


> are you doing the special diets?


> I am still getting sick from many foods, if not

> super fresh and cooked.


> amy




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Consider lamisil AND nystatin or fungizone.


On 15 May 2006, at 01:10, amy dent wrote:


> can anyone comment about mold meds?  are they the same as fungi meds?


> I am on nizoral nasal spray and the dieoff is huge and this after 1

> year on

> a very low dose.is there anything to help wiht this dieoff?  it is

> making my

> so called fibromyalgia muscle pains worse. I conclude that it is

> really

> infectious arthritis. and hope the fact that its getting worse is

> just a

> temporary die off effect.


> are you doing the special diets?


> I am still getting sick from many foods, if not super fresh and

> cooked.


> amy


> _________________________________________________________________

> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's


> http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/





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I know you dont bother the barber much Bleu, you will find this interesting , The wonder drugs STATINS are of course antifungal drugs , they were first developed as an antifungal

Occult fungal infection is the underlying pathogenic cause of atherogenesis.Sastry PS.Jaslok Hospital, Research Centre, 15, D.G. Deshmukh Marg, Pedder centre, Mumbai, India. psrksastry2000@...Atherosclerosis is the underlying cause of coronary heart disease (CHD). Atherogenesis is supposed to result from response to injury and is considered an inflammatory condition. A variety of infectious agents have been investigated as the underlying risk factor for atherogenesis, however, none have been proved to be causally linked. Also several interventions against these agents have not been proved to be of benefit in trials. The role of fungal infection, however, has not been explored in sufficient detail. Baldness particularly male pattern baldness and coronary artery disease have been linked in several epidemiological studies. There is some evidence that this type of baldness could be due to fungal infection and this link is being established even though traditionally male pattern baldness was associated with androgen effect. Seborrheic dermatitis and Pityrosporum infection have been causally linked and the benefit derived from antifungal shampoo in male pattern baldness, gives further credence to the link with fungal infection. Here it is being hypothesized that fungal infection is the underlying risk factor for both baldness and CHD. Several interventions, which have proved beneficial in CHD like statins and drug coated stents, also have anti-fungal effects, lending further credence to the present hypothesis. Copyright 2004 Elsevier Ltd.PMID: 15325014 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

This ones interesting , the use of a statin & Lamisil [Terbinafine] against a parasite ...I wonder? [plenty of info warns against using other AF's with a statin]

Mevinolin (lovastatin) potentiates the antiproliferative effects of ketoconazole and terbinafine against Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi: in vitro and in vivo studies.Urbina JA, Lazardi K, Marchan E, Visbal G, Aguirre T, Piras MM, Piras R, Maldonado RA, Payares G, de Souza W.Laboratorio de Quimica Biologica, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas, Caracas.We have studied the antiproliferative effects of mevinolin (lovastatin), an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase, on the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi and its ability to potentiate the action of specific ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors, such as ketoconazole and terbinafine, both in vitro and in vivo. Against the epimastigote form in vitro, mevinolin produced a dose-dependent reduction of the growth rate up to 25 microM, but at 50 and 75 microM, complete growth arrest and cell lysis took place after 144 and 96 h, respectively. A systematic study of the effects of mevinolin combined with ketoconazole and terbinafine, which act at different points in the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway, on the proliferation of epimastigotes indicated a synergic action, as shown by concave isobolograms and fractional inhibitory concentration indexes ranging from 0.17 to 0.54. Analysis of the sterol composition and de novo sterol synthesis in control and treated cells by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatographies showed that the antiproliferative effects of the drug alone and in combination were correlated with the depletion of the endogenous ergosterol pool and particularly with a critical (exogenous) cholesterol/endogenous 4-desmethyl sterol ratio in the cells. When we studied the effects of mevinolin on the amastigote form proliferating inside Vero cells in vitro, only very modest effects on the parasites were observed up to 0.75 microM; above this concentration, significant deleterious effects on the host cells were found. However, when the same concentration of the drug was combined with ketoconazole, it was able to reduce by a factor of 10 the concentration of the azole required to eradicate the parasite (from 10 to 1 nM), again indicating a synergic action. On the other hand, a combination of mevinolin and terbinafine had only additive effects on amastigotes, but a ternary combination of mevinolin, ketoconazole, and terbinafine was again clearly synergistic. In vivo studies with a murine model of Chagas' disease showed that mevinolin can also potentiate the therapeutic effects of ketoconazole in this system; combined treatment with the two drugs at doses that alone offered only limited protection against the parasite was able to essentially eliminate circulating parasites and produce complete protection against death. These results confirm the synergic action against the proliferative stages of T. cruzi both in vitro and in vivo and in vivo of combined ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors that act at different points in the pathway and suggest that mevinolin combined with azoles, such as ketoconazole, can be used in the treatment of human Chagas' disease.PMID: 8460926 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Related Articles,


-----Original Message-----From: infections [mailto:infections ]On Behalf Of ColourbleuSent: 15 May 2006 20:31infections Subject: Re: [infections] moldConsider lamisil AND nystatin or fungizone.bleuOn 15 May 2006, at 01:10, amy dent wrote:

can anyone comment about mold meds? are they the same as fungi meds?I am on nizoral nasal spray and the dieoff is huge and this after 1 year on a very low dose.is there anything to help wiht this dieoff? it is making my so called fibromyalgia muscle pains worse. I conclude that it is really infectious arthritis. and hope the fact that its getting worse is just a temporary die off effect.are you doing the special diets?I am still getting sick from many foods, if not super fresh and cooked.amy_________________________________________________________________Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/

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When I was going bald in my early twenties the folicals felt infected

with something and used to itch really a lot.

All makes sense now.


On 15 May 2006, at 22:55, Jaep wrote:

> I know you dont bother the barber much Bleu, you will find this

> interesting , The wonder drugs STATINS are of course antifungal drugs

> , they were first developed as an antifungal



> Occult fungal infection is the underlying pathogenic cause of

> atherogenesis.


> Sastry PS.


> Jaslok Hospital, Research Centre, 15, D.G. Deshmukh Marg, Pedder

> centre, Mumbai, India. psrksastry2000@...


> Atherosclerosis is the underlying cause of coronary heart disease

> (CHD). Atherogenesis is supposed to result from response to injury and

> is considered an inflammatory condition. A variety of infectious

> agents have been investigated as the underlying risk factor for

> atherogenesis, however, none have been proved to be causally linked.

> Also several interventions against these agents have not been proved

> to be of benefit in trials. The role of fungal infection, however, has

> not been explored in sufficient detail. Baldness particularly male

> pattern baldness and coronary artery disease have been linked in

> several epidemiological studies. There is some evidence that this type

> of baldness could be due to fungal infection and this link is being

> established even though traditionally male pattern baldness was

> associated with androgen effect. Seborrheic dermatitis and

> Pityrosporum infection have been causally linked and the benefit

> derived from antifungal shampoo in male pattern baldness, gives

> further credence to the link with fungal infection. Here it is being

> hypothesized that fungal infection is the underlying risk factor for

> both baldness and CHD. Several interventions, which have proved

> beneficial in CHD like statins and drug coated stents, also have

> anti-fungal effects, lending further credence to the present

> hypothesis. Copyright 2004 Elsevier Ltd.


> PMID: 15325014 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


> This ones interesting , the use of a statin & Lamisil [Terbinafine]

> against a parasite ...I wonder? [plenty of info warns against using

> other AF's with a statin]



> Mevinolin (lovastatin) potentiates the antiproliferative effects of

> ketoconazole and terbinafine against Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum)

> cruzi: in vitro and in vivo studies.


> Urbina JA, Lazardi K, Marchan E, Visbal G, Aguirre T, Piras MM, Piras

> R, Maldonado RA, Payares G, de Souza W.


> Laboratorio de Quimica Biologica, Instituto Venezolano de

> Investigaciones Cientificas, Caracas.


> We have studied the antiproliferative effects of mevinolin

> (lovastatin), an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A

> reductase, on the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum)

> cruzi and its ability to potentiate the action of specific ergosterol

> biosynthesis inhibitors, such as ketoconazole and terbinafine, both in

> vitro and in vivo. Against the epimastigote form in vitro, mevinolin

> produced a dose-dependent reduction of the growth rate up to 25

> microM, but at 50 and 75 microM, complete growth arrest and cell lysis

> took place after 144 and 96 h, respectively. A systematic study of the

> effects of mevinolin combined with ketoconazole and terbinafine, which

> act at different points in the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway, on the

> proliferation of epimastigotes indicated a synergic action, as shown

> by concave isobolograms and fractional inhibitory concentration

> indexes ranging from 0.17 to 0.54. Analysis of the sterol composition

> and de novo sterol synthesis in control and treated cells by

> thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatographies showed that the

> antiproliferative effects of the drug alone and in combination were

> correlated with the depletion of the endogenous ergosterol pool and

> particularly with a critical (exogenous) cholesterol/endogenous

> 4-desmethyl sterol ratio in the cells. When we studied the effects of

> mevinolin on the amastigote form proliferating inside Vero cells in

> vitro, only very modest effects on the parasites were observed up to

> 0.75 microM; above this concentration, significant deleterious effects

> on the host cells were found. However, when the same concentration of

> the drug was combined with ketoconazole, it was able to reduce by a

> factor of 10 the concentration of the azole required to eradicate the

> parasite (from 10 to 1 nM), again indicating a synergic action. On the

> other hand, a combination of mevinolin and terbinafine had only

> additive effects on amastigotes, but a ternary combination of

> mevinolin, ketoconazole, and terbinafine was again clearly

> synergistic. In vivo studies with a murine model of Chagas' disease

> showed that mevinolin can also potentiate the therapeutic effects of

> ketoconazole in this system; combined treatment with the two drugs at

> doses that alone offered only limited protection against the parasite

> was able to essentially eliminate circulating parasites and produce

> complete protection against death. These results confirm the synergic

> action against the proliferative stages of T. cruzi both in vitro and

> in vivo and in vivo of combined ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors

> that act at different points in the pathway and suggest that mevinolin

> combined with azoles, such as ketoconazole, can be used in the

> treatment of human Chagas' disease.


> PMID: 8460926 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



> Related Articles, Links



>> Re: [infections] mold


>> Consider lamisil AND nystatin or fungizone.


>> bleu


>> On 15 May 2006, at 01:10, amy dent wrote:



>>> can anyone comment about mold meds?  are they the same as fungi meds?


>>> I am on nizoral nasal spray and the dieoff is huge and this after 1

>>> year on

>>> a very low dose.is there anything to help wiht this dieoff?  it is

>>> making my

>>> so called fibromyalgia muscle pains worse. I conclude that it is

>>> really

>>> infectious arthritis. and hope the fact that its getting worse is

>>> just a

>>> temporary die off effect.


>>> are you doing the special diets?


>>> I am still getting sick from many foods, if not super fresh and

>>> cooked.


>>> amy


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  • 1 month later...
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Mold can be a killer! . . . Friday, I noticed a bad smell in our bathroom . . .even after washing everything in sight . . .Come to find out, it was the drain in my sink that had build up a huge hunk of nasty mold! . . . Hubby was so good - he cleaned it out! . . . and the smell is gone! I don't think we were hurt by this mold . . . while mold grows with moisture, it's when it gets dry and becomes airborne that the problems begin. One of our implant sisters had to move, not just once, but twice, from her home, taking nothing but her driver's liscense in a baggie! . . . Because her immune system was so suppressed, she had horrible problems she's still working to overcome. It's not just in humid areas that these problems occur - she was in Pheonix! Hugs, Rogene

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  • 1 year later...

Jackie..it doesn't mean there is mold there..but a high possibilty for it to

grow there if it hasnt already. What i've done in the past for that is to

spray a half bleach/water mixture on the area. Let it soak it etc. That

should kill the mold if present and help prevent mold if its not. With you


rhinitis etc I'd recommend you have someone else do this and try to avoid

the area until it dries! I hope this helps! You can also just try setting a

fan under the area to dry it ...If it has mold..chances are you may see it and

know you need to take other measures. But its also possible for mold to

grow in the small cracks of wood too!

Best of Luck!!!


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I've been on Xolair since February, and it's been great for me, almost from

the first shot.

Now I've got a small problem. I live in a 50 year old house which has had some


issues in the past (resolved by remediation at great expense...).

I just noticed that I've had a BIG leak under my kitchen sink, and the pipe is

attached to

dishwasher, clothes washer, ice maker--all sorts of things that I've been using


that there's a small stream under the pipe. Once I realized what was happening,

I was so

disgusted that I grabbed all the boxes and cleaners from under the sink, mopped

up the

mess, and poured a bunch of Comet on the wet wood underneath. I probably should


had someone else do the cleaning since now I've got really bad rhinitis and am


Of course, it's also pretty bad outdoors (I live in the Southwest, and fires and

ragweed are

the problems.)

A quick question for any of you who might know more about this kind of

stuff--if the

wood is warped from water damage, does that automatically mean mold is there,


Thanks, and good health!


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> Jackie..it doesn't mean there is mold there..but a high possibilty

for it to

> grow there if it hasnt already. What i've done in the past for that

is to

> spray a half bleach/water mixture on the area. Let it soak it etc.


> should kill the mold if present and help prevent mold if its not.

With you having

> rhinitis etc I'd recommend you have someone else do this and try to


> the area until it dries! I hope this helps! You can also just try

setting a

> fan under the area to dry it ...If it has mold..chances are you may

see it and

> know you need to take other measures. But its also possible for

mold to

> grow in the small cracks of wood too!


> Best of Luck!!!


> Ginger



When we moved the furniture out of my former house, we found dead

roaches all over the place. Also, the new family that moved in found

black mold in the heating system. No wonder I had many ER visits

during the 6 years I lived there.

It was a church parsonage. The AC system was new but the furnace was

OLD! They sprayed every month for all sorts of bugs but they used an

unknown exterminator.

Even with all that, the xolair helped my asthma TREMENDOUSLY!

Now, we own our home. We got rid of the carpet and put in laminate

flooring and hired a reputable exterminator.


Group founder

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  • 7 months later...
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My dentist just yesterday said his wife was very ill from mold and they ozonated their house and cars and she's up to 80 percent better. How do you mean hard on other things in the house. And I know ozone is not good to breath so do you have to leave the house?bob Larson <bobList@...> wrote: ozone in the air will kill mold, and probably break down mycotoxins too.unfortunately ozone is also hard on almost everything else around the housethat it contacts.mold doesn't like fresh air, natural light esp

direct sunlight, or dryness.> [ ] Re: Leaky gut Syndrome>>> Edy I don't know if heat kills mold but I do know that killing mold> only takes care of one of the problems. Mold releases mycotoxins and> mycotoxins are dead. These tend to linger in the air for a lot longer> than the spores from mold. I have to say that the science is moving> very fast on some of this stuff but

one thing Shoemaker said in his> last interview was that there are many things you have to worry about> in a sick building and although it originates with the mold it is> like breathing a toxic soup. I know it's disgusting and they say it> is going to be the next asbestos in the legal, health and> environmental fields.>> Mold thrives on moisture and dies without it so my guess is that heat> would kill it but I'm not sure.>> Sharon

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a small amount in the air, sufficient to kill mold etc, once in awhile shouldn't be a problem, but generally ozone is a very powerful oxidizer which will, if concentrated enough and exposed long or often, attack most anything but some plastics (like kynar) and glass. it can get into 'puters, TV's, phones, fabrics like upholstery and clothing, etc and cause damage.

there's ozone generators with programmable times for the home that make a bit on schedule, and if used properly you can live and breathe with that small level in nice clean air without destroying your possessions or lungs.

ozone is often initially used much stronger as a "shock treatment" (mostly after fire or flood damage against mold and smoke smell) and you can't stay in the building during that level of operation.

[ ] Re: Leaky gut Syndrome>>> Edy I don't know if heat kills mold but I do know that killing mold> only takes care of one of the problems. Mold releases mycotoxins and> mycotoxins are dead. These tend to linger in the air for a lot longer> than the spores from mold. I have to say that the science is moving> very fast on some of this stuff but one thing Shoemaker said in his> last interview was that there are many things you have to worry about> in a sick building and although it originates with the mold it is> like breathing a toxic soup. I know it's disgusting and they say it> is going to be the next asbestos in the legal, health and> environmental fields.>> Mold thrives on moisture and dies without it so my guess is that heat> would kill it but I'm not sure.>> Sharon

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