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Re: New here

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It is very true, the die-off symptoms plunge you lower than you thought you

could ever go! I actually did think that I was dying at that point! But

without giving up on the treatment, I kept going and got better after a

while. So do keep the good work! There will be more things you will learn

while reading other books and web-sites, and every little new thing helps

expand your knowledge and the odds of getting better increase.

Look into cleansing your body of toxins, adding substances that will

actually kill the bacteria (like grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid or

walnut oil), and even some natural hormone therapy. The mood swings and

tiredness could be coming from an hormonal imbalance caused or triggered by

the body trying to fight the candida. My doctor gave me a wonderful cream

for this and it has made the world of a difference.

So, have a good trip and we'll hear from you later. Sandy

- re: re: new here

Hello Sandy,

Thanks for your supporting words.

I know that I'm not alloud to falter the diet and medication. The hardest

thing abou it is that before I get healthy again, it should get worse first.

Because when killing the candidiasis, the candidiasis tries to live anyway

and gets stronger and makes you feel worse. It will be killed eventually,

but it goes really slow. I'm now in the stage where the sympthones get worse

and I totally feel like a trainwreck or something like that.

But I know that it'll go away that's what keeps me going.

Somewhere I'm happy that I'm not in this but on the other hand I hate not

being the only one in the world having it, because i know what a bad illnis

it is, and how you feel when having it, this I wouldn't even wish my worse




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In a message dated 4/6/02 9:13:57 AM Central Standard Time,

dweston6587@... writes:

<< If I understand it clearly, it seems children who are a bit older get

better results with an active device? Any clarifications out there? >>

Personally I would agree with this. I can't help but wonder if (who

started when she was 9 months old) would have gotten more correction if she

had used an active rather then passive device. Still, she did get some good

correction and, at the time, the helmet was the only device available in our

state and the ortho who made it was outstanding.

The sweating was a bummer, but it really did get better after a couple of

weeks. You'll be suprised the new and creative ways you find to snuggle with

your baby and you will really value the one hour a day you get to have the

helmet off.

Best wishes to you and Rhiannon!

Marci (Mom to )


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  • 11 months later...
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I ran across an interesting site, The Invisible Disabilities Advocate, “Helping People Understand Chronic Illness and Pain”. http://www.invisibledisabilities.com/index.html "But You Don't LOOK Sick!"Do your loved ones have a difficult time understanding your illness, because to them you "LOOK fine?" IDA's publications help friends and family see the courage and determination it takes to live with a disabling illness, amidst the challenges, frustrations and losses! Several articles are posted and some publications are for sale. This site may be helpful to you provide information to your friends and loved ones.

I'm on Remicade and Methotrexate (among other things) and I didn't do well until after my fourth Remicade infusion. The first three were at 3 mg/kg, the next two at 5 mg/kg, and the latest was at 6 mg/kg. I'm now almost off of Prednisone after being on up to 40 mg for 15 months. I hope the latest Remicade infusion will last me 8 weeks (til April 17). The previous two only lasted 6 weeks. It takes time for the medications to act and for the rheumatologist to adjust dosage for you. Please be patient. Good luck and God bless.

----- Original Message -----


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 1:57 AM

Subject: New Here

Hi, I'm 42 and have recently been tested positive RF and SLE. I'm married, 25 years this Weds.. Most of my teen years and early adulthood has been one illness after another. Pain has kept me from being a productive partner in my marriage,(with the exception of our sons). I have no one whom I can talk to and I am just a mess. I started Remicade, and plaquinel this past month. I'm trying to find out more about all of this but what I read just makes me even MORE depressed. Plus some of it I don't understand. Most of my friends and family gave up on me a long time ago and said it was all in my head and that all I wanted was attention. So I feel VERY alone.If anyone here has any input on how I can learn to deal with any and all of this, please.losing it in Florida

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  • 2 weeks later...
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If the Rheumatoid Factor is positive there is a good chance (perhaps 90%) that you do have RA, but if it is negative there is only about a 25% chance that you have RA. It's one indication but not enough to make a diagnosis. My numbers may be slightly off but they are approximately correct. I don't mind the questions - but remember that your doctor is the best source of accurate information.

----- Original Message -----

From: margie929

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 11:23 PM

Subject: New Here

Hi all my name is Margie. I live in beautiful northern calif. I was just very recently diagnosed with RA. I have a question please that I hope someone can answer. If I test positive in blood work for RA factor does that mean I definately have RA or could I have something else? I hope that is not a dumb question, but I had to ask and I am sure I will have more questions. I hope you all dont mind.Thanks, Margie

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Hi Margie,

A positive RF is a strong indicator of RA, but is not sufficient to

diagnose in the absence of other symptoms. This info came from the

SavOn Drugs web site:

" Greater than normal values may mean

A rheumatoid factor (RF) level greater than 23 and a titer greater

than 1 to 80 supports a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, but it may

also occur in other conditions.

An RF level greater than 23 and a titer greater than 1 to 20 may

indicate conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE),

scleroderma, Sjögren's syndrome, tuberculosis, mononucleosis,

infection of a heart valve (endocarditis), sarcoidosis, and some

infections caused by a virus or parasite (such as malaria). "

If you also are sufferring from other symptoms that suggest RA then

the RF test could be the " clincher " so to speak, but in the absense

of other symptoms it would not necessarily mean RA. But I agree with

Harold that your doctor is the best source of reliable information.







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Hello my name is Jan and I am 51 and also a widow as of Oct. 2002. My kids are grown thankfully. I was dxed with RA in 95 and then dxed with MS in October 2002. My knee has been drained twice and I do know what you are talking about. They drain the fluid and then give me a cortisone shot. For me it lasts about a year. I don't over due it though. I finally got on the right meds for me and BAMMMM!!! they tell me I have MS also and have to take an interferon drug through injection which by the way will make my arthritis worse. That's where I am now, In constant pain.

-------Original Message-------

From: Rheumatoid Arthritis

Date: Thursday, April 10, 2003 8:12:53 AM

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Subject: new here

well kind of takes me awhile to post. A year ago I found out I have RA..we do the blood work and specialist. With a list of things I shouldn't be doing. If I don't do them they don't get done. I'm 45 and a widow with 3 kids the youngest 8. I have 7 acres to take care of. I have been and still am active. I am trying not let the pain get to me. My problem is and the doc just says she can try draining it...my knee fill with fluid. It will go down some with the meds but then fills back up to the point it throbs after a days work or outing with the kids. She also tells me my pain tolerance is too high. Any one else had a knee fill with fluid??and what did you do about it?Thanks for listening

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  • 1 year later...
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Caroline wrote:

> Hi guys...


> I've been lurking for a few days...to kind of get a feel for

> things...and this place definitely looks and feels comfortable.

> Thanks for the invite. I am delighted that someone thought to send me

> an invitation to join.


> I am ver much into herbs, but don't really have the time or patience

> to do any major cleansing right now and I have seen you guys promote

> it but not insist on it, which is perfect for me! I have attempted

> the 3 day juice cleanse...twice...lol...but only manage to make it

> through one day..I haven't given up though...and I will get through

> it...it will just have to wait until after baseball season because

> right now there is too much going on.


> Anyway, thanks for letting me join and I am already enjoying reading

> the posts and I hope to be participating in them just a bit more!!


> Caroline


Hi Caroline,

Welcome to the group. Glad that you are here. As to the cleansing, well

you can cleanse anyway you choose to. You can do the 5 week complete

total body cleanse or you can go a slower route and begin to make

changes in the diet which always helps anyway. A total body cleanse,

while being very good, is not for everyone as not everyone can tolerate

it yet. It is quite brutal. but the result are astounding. I feel that

it is much better to go it a little slower and begin to make the

necessary changes in your diet and do quite a few juice cleanses and

fastings to prepare you for the 5 week bonanza.

If you can cleanse for one day that is great. That is a very good start.

The first time I did a 3 day juice cleanse/fast I thought I was

literally going to die. LOL Now it is very easy for me to do a juice

cleanse for a week at a time. I am working up to doing a 21 day juice

cleanse. Then I should be ready for the big kahuna.

We are glad that you are here and hope to share much between us.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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Thank you Don. This really makes me feel better. I have been truly concerned that I just wasn't getting it...because I couldn't even manage to do a 3 day cleanse...sheesh...lol. Glad that I am not just being wimpy. We have made some major changes in our eating habits to start with, and are working on the rest. I won't ever convince my son to go totally raw...although watching him choke down his morning nutritional drink makes me wonder when he will change his mind...lol...since the deal I made with him was he could either force down the yucky green stuff every day or we would go totally raw...lol...he decided to suffer through the green stuff. LOL

I really do look forward to doing some sort of cleansing...it is just very difficult with an 11 year old around....and during baseball season when I spend more time at the baseball field than I do at home!! At least during normal times all we have is Tae Kwon Do a few nights a week, so that is not as major.

Anyway, thanks again...I really am glad to have been invited to join....and look forward to gleening all of the information off of you guys that I can!!


If you can cleanse for one day that is great. That is a very good start. The first time I did a 3 day juice cleanse/fast I thought I was literally going to die. LOL Now it is very easy for me to do a juice cleanse for a week at a time. I am working up to doing a 21 day juice cleanse. Then I should be ready for the big kahuna.

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Caroline wrote:

> Thank you Don. This really makes me feel better. I have been truly

> concerned that I just wasn't getting it...because I couldn't even

> manage to do a 3 day cleanse...sheesh...lol. Glad that I am not just

> being wimpy. We have made some major changes in our eating habits to

> start with, and are working on the rest. I won't ever convince my son

> to go totally raw...although watching him choke down his morning

> nutritional drink makes me wonder when he will change his

> mind...lol...since the deal I made with him was he could either force

> down the yucky green stuff every day or we would go totally

> raw...lol...he decided to suffer through the green stuff. LOL


> I really do look forward to doing some sort of cleansing...it is just

> very difficult with an 11 year old around....and during baseball

> season when I spend more time at the baseball field than I do at

> home!! At least during normal times all we have is Tae Kwon Do a few

> nights a week, so that is not as major.


> Anyway, thanks again...I really am glad to have been invited to

> join....and look forward to gleening all of the information off of you

> guys that I can!!


> Caroline


Hi Caroline,

Your very welcome. You will cleanse when the time is right for you. What

ever changes you are making dietary wise will only help you and your

family out in the long run. Major cleansings can come when they come.

One step at a time.

Again, you are welcome, just don't forget to share with us too. LOL


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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Hi Inge,

I was diagnosed with RA when I was in my 20's ( am 45 in a couple of weeks)

I the only symptom I had at time was pain in hands if I wrote a lot or help book for a long time.

I know it's scary, but believe me it's not as bad as you imagine. You can still have fun and get on with life, you learn to adapt and live witin your illness.

Hopse this helps, if you want to mail me off list if you need someone to talkt o or just listen, please feel free.


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