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Hi Diane,

I cannot take credit for Mercola's language/quote from his article. It

sounds like you know a lot about this...more than me.

Mercola described zonulin as a protein if I recall.

I do have a hunch that somewhere along the line, vaccine ingredients

have played a role in creating the auto-immune environment which

predisposes one to celiac.

I can't prove it yet though Dr. Carley has her research


that proves vaccines cause " all auto-immune " diseases through the over

stimulation of the immune system.

The short story is no vaccines and no gluten. I am doing well with the

first one but not as good as my wife on the second.

Little by little...

Thank you for the info.

" Leaky Gut " Intestinal Protein Linked to Autoimmune Disorders

" Researchers report that a protein called zonulin appears to be

responsible for maintaining the protective barrier in the small

intestine, and that high levels of this protein are associated with

disruptions in the barrier that allow foreign substances into the

body's tissues. "


On Jan 12, 2010, at 5:43 PM, Evie wrote:

> Hi, ,


> Great job explaining this! Yes, thyroid problems abound among

> people with celiac disease (caused by gluten intolerance). I was

> hypothyroid and it actually normalized as a result of going gf and

> soy-free! It is interesting, tho, that ALL auto-immune diseases

> abound among celiacs, not just thyroid problems. It is because

> gluten causes the body to excrete a hormone (I believe it is called

> zonulin) which temporarily opens the tight junctions in the gut

> (this is how the gut permeability gets started). Glutens also open

> tjs in, at least, some of the organs--it is known they affect the

> blood brain barrier, the lungs, the liver, and highly suspected,

> that they open the tjs of the heart. Even normal people have this

> reaction to eating glutens, but among people with gluten

> intolerances, tjs open for a much longer time period and sometimes

> the tjs refuse to close altogether.


> I didn't know if you knew this about other auto-immune diseases

> being connected to eating glutens, but you really did a great job

> describing how glutens do damage. They act the same way thru-out

> the body. I have auto-immune TMJ, for instance. My jaw surgeons

> went in to repair my left jaw joint and found there was nothing

> there but dead tissue--it could not be repaired. They said it

> looked like the remains of a building that had been " fire-bombed " --

> it was all gray and full of debris. This was due to my body

> attacking glutens in or near my jaw joint. This is also how it is I

> have so many diagnoses. I have auto-immune diseases upon auto-

> immune diseases.


> Just thought you might be interested, if you do not already know this.

> Take care, . My best to you and your wife,

> Diane





>>> Just want to clarify one point for those who like to

>> quibble and

>>> argue, the autoimmune thyroid has been known as

>> Hashimoto's Disease.

>>> The orginal contributions claimed about this newer

>> author is to

>>> break that down into a more detailed understanding.




>>> ------------------------------------



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, ,

You write:

> Mercola described zonulin as a protein if I recall.

> I do have a hunch that somewhere along the line, vaccine

> ingredients

> have played a role in creating the auto-immune environment

> which

> predisposes one to celiac.

My reply:

You are correct re zonulin being a protein--I mis-wrote when I called it a

hormone.  I know a bit about zonulin and zot ( " zonulin occult toxin " , which is

what causes the brain damage in some people with celiac disease), as I have

followed medical research studies concerning them since Dr Fasano first made the

zonulin and zot/gluten connection in 2000, (which was also when I was dxed with

CD).  I think there's more here than meets the eye, too (regarding your

thoughts on vaccines)--but I think the vacine issue is possibly related to the

tight junction permeability gene dysfunction. I notice that I do not do well on

vaccines. I come down with whatever I am being immunized for, even tho doctors

claim these are not live viruses. But, like I mentioned yesterday, if one's

blood-brain barrier is leaky, we are not getting the same amount of vaccine as a

normal person would be getting; we are getting more. At least more to our

brains; it would be

interesting to know how this, then, would then affect the immune system.

My best to you and your wife,


> >>

> >>> Just want to clarify one point for those who

> like to

> >> quibble and

> >>> argue, the autoimmune thyroid has been known

> as

> >> Hashimoto's Disease.

> >>> The orginal contributions claimed about this

> newer

> >> author is to

> >>> break that down into a more detailed

> understanding.

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> ------------------------------------

> >>>

> >>>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, ,

So sorry I am just getting to this email (and I missed sending the info for your

presentation entirely)! How did that go for you, btw? Hope it went very well.

You write:

> I am surprised that anyone on this

> list is still allowing needles to 

> penetrate your skin with animal DNA, antifreeze, MSG,

> mercury, 

> aluminum, many viral components, etc., etc. in them.

So true.  It has been well over 20 years since I have had vaccines, flu shots,

etc.  I got very ill everytime I got one--it didn't make any sense to continue

such a practice.  lol  Even my husband got ill with them.  When my doctor

insisted one year that they had now changed vaccines and they were no longer

live virus, I tried one last time, mainly to appease him.  The result was still

the same--I came down with a serious flu-like illness.

You write:

> Do you know of any enzymes that can be taken regarding

> zonulin or 

> anything in that area to help with celiac?

Dr. Alesio Fasano was in drug trials last year for a pill called larazotide

acetate.  It went thru all 3 trial phases and was said to be on track to go to

market in April of this year.  That pill worked for minor gluten contaminations

in celiacs who did not have bad on-going gut damage, as I understand.  But what

Dr. Fasano had hoped it would do is keep the tight junctions closed after one

eats glutens and repair the damaged tjs which remained inoperational after

particularly ill celiacs have gone gf.  It did not do this, however, and so he

did not, in the end, deem the trials a success.  I have not heard whether he is

going to continue onto marketing that pill for mild gluten ingestion.   

Another researcher, however, is now working on an enzyme pill (larazotide was a

peptide).  This enzyme pill is in trials now.  (Actually my understanding is

that there are several researchers in different countries competing at this at

the moment.)  They are saying the results so far are good for the one that is in

trials, but this was leaked about the larazotide pill too--means nothing yet. 

Dr. Fasano is still looking for a tj fix, however, which is why my money is on

him.  The enzyme pill will not likely address the tjs.  I personally do not see

an enzyme as working, long run; it is similar to using devices to control ES. 

You are not actually curing ES with a device, but stunting the effects of emfs. 

Same would be true of an enzyme, I would think.  Yes, if you can get an enzyme

that is effective enough at digesting gluten it will help symptoms, but the tjs

are still open; zonulin is still produced.  (But certainly one would think

researchers would know this too--so I may be wrong.)  But I have noted that Dr

Fasano has not moved on--his focus has not been changed by the enzyme race.   

There is also an enzyme pill already on the market in Canada being touted for

use for celiacs.  I forget the name of that product, but it *does not* work for

celiacs.  It may work for those with mild gluten intolerance.  It has been

around for at least 5 years and every year or so someone comes on the celiac

forum pushing it.  But those who have tried it got gut damage eventually; some

right away. 

Best wishes to you and your wife, ,



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