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Coconut water is known to heal them overnight. If you use the water from a

coconut and

not a carton be sure it hasn't been dipped in formaldehyde.




> What can you do for cataracts


> thanks,

> beth









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How can you tell if a coconut has been dipped in formaldehyde? Is this a usual



Coconut water is known to heal them overnight. If you use the water from a

coconut and

not a carton be sure it hasn't been dipped in formaldehyde.




> What can you do for cataracts


> thanks,

> beth










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Beth, cataracts are caused by excessive damage due to low

antioxidants in the eye; of those antioxidants, glutathione figures

prominently. Anyway, more antioxidants, especially some of the

betacarotenes, and undenatured whey and selenium (glutathione

precursors) should stop the progress of cataracts. They should slowly

dissolve and reabsorb over time but this takes years.

all good,




> What can you do for cataracts


> thanks,

> beth









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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

sorry - typo - it's " fibrin "


> what is fibros ?


> > question

> >

> > hi which beck machine would be best for me if i'm looking to

> > reduce the fibros in my blood?

> > thanks

> > carol

> >


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don't know that a BE is the way to deal with it.

fibrin is produced by the liver, and it appears (from wiki) that your

" coagulation cascade " process may be overactive for some reason? i don't

know where fibrin blood levels are controlled from. an outside guess from

someone who only know as much as just read on wiki and googling a bit would

be to first try a few liver cleanses and see what the status is then?

and generally make sure you get enough exercise and balanced diet with not

too much saturated fats. have you seen this:


and this one...


> question

> > >

> > > hi which beck machine would be best for me if i'm looking to

> > > reduce the fibros in my blood?

> > > thanks

> > > carol

> > >

> >





> ------------------------------------



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I always heard the solution to too much fibrin was to take nattokinase.


wildman350smom writes:

> sorry - typo - it's " fibrin "




>> what is fibros ?


>> > question

>> >

>> > hi which beck machine would be best for me if i'm looking to

>> > reduce the fibros in my blood?

>> > thanks

>> > carol

>> >






> ------------------------------------



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Dear Kathy,

I was glad to hear that I was not the only one that has noticed that since I

have had my issues with (doctor's now can't decide if I have actual ankylosing

by itself or a combo of ankylosing and fibro) my hearing. I am 32 years old and

I have noticed over the last year that my hearing is not what it use to be. I

have not ever talked to my doctor about it but now since I am living in a new

town I do have a good doctor due to my aunt helping me get on with the local

hospital ingent. plan.

I am expected to go and see him this friday and since now that I have had

someone else notice this and that is it just not me I am going to talk to him

about it. Tomorrow I have an appointment with an oral surgeon to remove my last

wisdom tooth. It sits right on the facial nerve so please keep me in your



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Well let me know what you find out.? Prayers of course!


Re: Question

Dear Kathy,

I was glad to hear that I was not the only one that has noticed that since I

have had my issues with (doctor's now can't decide if I have actual ankylosing

by itself or a combo of ankylosing and fibro) my hearing. I am 32 years old and

I have noticed over the last year that my hearing is not what it use to be. I

have not ever talked to my doctor about it but now since I am living in a new

town I do have a good doctor due to my aunt helping me get on with the local

hospital ingent. plan.

I am expected to go and see him this friday and since now that I have had

someone else notice this and that is it just not me I am going to talk to him

about it. Tomorrow I have an appointment with an oral surgeon to remove my last

wisdom tooth. It sits right on the facial nerve so please keep me in your



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Dear ,

What you describe is something that I have some experience in. Orignially I was

diagnosed with Reiter's Syndrome but later it was concluded that was not it but

more likely due to family history was Ankylosing but now my dr (who I am happy

to report for a general practioner is very, very good) thinks that it is quite

possible that the rhuem I saw for a short time was onto something when he stated

that my issue was probably ankylosing but also to consider a possiblity that I

had fibro on top of that.

I will have from time to time issue with my feet that include the hamstring and

I will agree with you it is very painful. When this happens I usually end up on

crutches because of the pain of any pressure placed on that leg. It takes time,

patience, anti inflammatories and plenty of hot baths to get me through it.

Hope that soon your discomfort will be over with. But, do keep in mind that

anytime you get sick or extremely stressed it can cause a flair up well I know

this much to be true with my case and I have read several others mention this

fact as well.


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Hi ,

I like yourself have had several bouts of inflammation in various areas in

my body; my heel, my rib cage (Costochondritis)and my ankle etc........ My

specialist informed me that my condition known as Reactive Arthritis or

Reiter's syndrome is the direct cause. Recently I have been experiencing

pain that radiates down the right side of my rear and into my leg; making

it difficutl to sit, walk and sleep. Soooooo, I went back to the

specialist, who confirmed that my arthritis had progressed to my spine

(ankylosing spondylitis); apparently this is not uncommon for someone with

my type of arthristis. All these forms of arthritis fall under the

umbrella term of 'spondyloarthropathy'. , I would suggest that you

follow this up with your GP and he/she will get you setup with a good

rhematologist. All the best and please let us know the outcome!


> I have had flair ups in my wrist knee ankle, ribcage and Iritis in both

> eyes. Recently I have had( for over a month now) A hamstring problem. I

> did not do anything to hurt it bu having played sports know the hamstring.

> This runs down the back of my upper leg from the top of my rear to my

> knee. It even hurts to sit. Is this a riter reaction?



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I too fall in that category of a little bit of each one of the spondy's and

I too have a great GP. One Internal Med type at the local hospital said I

could not have both Anky and Rheum. Rather than argue with him I just

nodded and said nothing.

Mentioned it to my GP and he said that the doctor needed education. Just

because my hands are not fully deformed he that about my Rheumatoid. I wish

I had my computer with the that day as I could have sent him right to a page

that mentions that. The page was from one of the prestigious Medical


I have given up on arguing with doctors who still think the old way.

Now a Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!

I moved some furniture to make some room for book cases in my cave. OK I

know the pain I am having is my old fault, but this is not about pain. It

is my stupidity.

After moving the furniture and plugging things back in, my cable TV hook up

is acting screwy. At first all I got was the History Channel and the

History of the War in Vietnam. Not the greatest for an Easter Weekend, but

some remarkable good combat footage. Some of these I saw first hand. OK,

the official government stand is that we had no troops in Viet Nam. Had a

Deputy Minister in the government state officially and of course wrong, we

had no Canadian Troops in Viet Nam. Of course we didn't, we had no

organized division of soldiers in Viet Nam but there were Canadians there.

That is the truth. I know I was there. Oops not supposed to say that.

But it grates my nerves when I see a government minister spout off when they

are really wrong.

So I now have some TV for the weekend. Seems my cable box for the other 100

stations has gone kaputski. I can't stand the boredom that comes without

the other 100 channels and the Jack LaLane Juicer programs.

Blessings to all this Easter

Fr. Dave

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Fr.Dave, Hi friend. Sounds like you are in the same boat I am with the docs

saying different things, than one tried to get the other fired. I feel just the

same way, going nuts over the docs besides the disease. I can't get them to stop

fighting over this now. It is like they forgot that I am the one with the

illness, and here I am standing on the outside of the wring. Well, I am just

happy to hear from you. Wondered if you were still with us or not. Good to know

you are still around to cheer us up. But you know, my son has my old Rhuemy and

he said for sure he has AS and now maybe Crohn's. Then he got my records out and

compaired them and said AS reacts in a woman in another way, so he is sure that

is what is going on too. Plus the ReA. So, now I tell the primary care guy, and

he is letting my new Rhuemy and the old one hash it out. In the meantime, now my

left arm and shoulder has it. If it weren't for my wheel chair I would really be

stuck. I go Monday to my pcp, and find out what the MRI said was in my head.

Then back to the Rhuemy again. I feel like a ping pong ball. And I am sleeping

all the time too. I just don't get it. I am not taking all my meds either

because I am usually asleep right thru it. I don't care. The sleep seems to make

me feel better. Anyway, it is good to know you are around. I'll put you back in

my prayers. in Oregon

From: monkscellca@...

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 21:13:07 -0600

Subject: Re: Re: question


I too fall in that category of a little bit of each one of the spondy's and

I too have a great GP. One Internal Med type at the local hospital said I

could not have both Anky and Rheum. Rather than argue with him I just

nodded and said nothing.

Mentioned it to my GP and he said that the doctor needed education. Just

because my hands are not fully deformed he that about my Rheumatoid. I wish

I had my computer with the that day as I could have sent him right to a page

that mentions that. The page was from one of the prestigious Medical


I have given up on arguing with doctors who still think the old way.

Now a Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!

I moved some furniture to make some room for book cases in my cave. OK I

know the pain I am having is my old fault, but this is not about pain. It

is my stupidity.

After moving the furniture and plugging things back in, my cable TV hook up

is acting screwy. At first all I got was the History Channel and the

History of the War in Vietnam. Not the greatest for an Easter Weekend, but

some remarkable good combat footage. Some of these I saw first hand. OK,

the official government stand is that we had no troops in Viet Nam. Had a

Deputy Minister in the government state officially and of course wrong, we

had no Canadian Troops in Viet Nam. Of course we didn't, we had no

organized division of soldiers in Viet Nam but there were Canadians there.

That is the truth. I know I was there. Oops not supposed to say that.

But it grates my nerves when I see a government minister spout off when they

are really wrong.

So I now have some TV for the weekend. Seems my cable box for the other 100

stations has gone kaputski. I can't stand the boredom that comes without

the other 100 channels and the Jack LaLane Juicer programs.

Blessings to all this Easter

Fr. Dave


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


> I have had flair ups in my wrist knee ankle, ribcage and Iritis in both eyes.

Recently I have had( for over a month now) A hamstring problem. I did not do

anything to hurt it bu having played sports know the hamstring. This runs down

the back of my upper leg from the top of my rear to my knee. It even hurts to

sit. Is this a riter reaction?


sounds like Reiters disease, and if it is, get yourself to a decent specialist

fast, once it grabs you, it can take years to get under control... the hamstring

u talk of, i dont get that, but I get everything else, 7 operations for

corrective surgery! Iritis is a typical symptom of Reiters disease....Immune

suppressants help me....but took me years b4 i was even offered them!

tkae care


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I am hooke and like them a lot. They plump up --- they sprout. I put them on and

in alot  of stuff.


Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically

treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super

Markets. dukestone@...


From: twoods1642@... <twoods1642@...>

Subject: Question

Coconut Oil

Date: Saturday, April 25, 2009, 3:32 PM

I know this is off-topic but is anyone on this board familiar with the health

benefits of eating Chia seeds? I received a free sample of the seeds with my

online purchase of Nutiva Coconut Oil from Raw Food World and I was just

wondering what benefits they provide and how to use them. There was no

information about the seeds included.



Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


This does not sound good...Do you have ANY fill? Have you had a Fluoro to

check band placement? Can you get a second opinion at another facility?



In , " lyndasb " <lyndasb@...> wrote:


> I have had my band for 2 yrs.Still have issue with vomiting, not loseing

weight,have tried all sugestion from Dr, this support group.Am I the only one

that is having these issue? My Dr. has NO more ideals and say I'm a problem

child,doesn't need to see me for 6 mos.Because of vomiting issue I eat a lot of

slider foods that are emty calories.Is there any one else like me?


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Hi, Lynda - not you're not alone, but many don't have the courtage to ask for


that's a good start to figuring out what is going on.

please tell us a bit more:

1. what band and size

2. how much fill, how many fills, last fill or unfill

3. last fluoro

4. is your doc ver experienced with bands, or mostly a bypass doc?

5. what foods make you vomit? are you very very sure you're starting with a PEA

sized bite, then chewing 15x ?

6. how often are you vomiting?

7. Have you had a complete physical exam by your family doc?

While we help figure this ou, i'd vey strongly encourage you to get onto the

Bariatric Advantage bandster vitamins. with all this vomiting and for 2 years,

it'sd very likely you have not been getting the nutrients needed. Please see the

" vitamin " document in the files here. The online source i suggest still has the

best prioces, e alst i looked about 2 weeks ago.

I hope we can help you figure things out, but it might b a good idea to see

another band oc too for other thouhts and ideas.



> I have had my band for 2 yrs.Still have issue with vomiting, not loseing

weight,have tried all sugestion from Dr, this support group.Am I the only one

that is having these issue? My Dr. has NO more ideals and say I'm a problem

child,doesn't need to see me for 6 mos.Because of vomiting issue I eat a lot of

slider foods that are emty calories.Is there any one else like me?


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I have a 5cc band, and it has 4.5cc in right now,it has been that way since oct

of 2008.There isn't much in healthy foods I can eat, most meats and veg are out.

give me all the no no and they go down great. the band was checked last fall

also, and is ok. My dr. has admitted he has no ideal and what to do with me.I

have been honest with him about the foods I eat, he makes me feel like a looser,

and I've wasted his time. I was no. 10 on his list to get the procurer when he

started doing the band.I know a number on people who cheat worse then i, and

they are 100 plus pds off in two years or less. I go to the local support group,

I don't want to go there either, there not much support, no one else has this

problem. I guess i at the cross road, my family dr. says take it out, i don't

think i should give up yet.

> From: moonshadow.sandy <moonshadow.sandy@...>

> Subject: Re: question


> Date: Friday, May 8, 2009, 6:03 PM

> Hi, Lynda - not you're not alone, but

> many don't have the courtage to ask for help.

> that's a good start to figuring out what is going on.

> please tell us a bit more:

> 1. what band and size

> 2. how much fill, how many fills, last fill or unfill

> 3. last fluoro

> 4. is your doc ver experienced with bands, or mostly a

> bypass doc?

> 5. what foods make you vomit? are you very very sure you're

> starting with a PEA sized bite, then chewing 15x ?

> 6. how often are you vomiting?

> 7. Have you had a complete physical exam by your family

> doc?


> While we help figure this ou, i'd vey strongly encourage

> you to get onto the Bariatric Advantage bandster vitamins.

> with all this vomiting and for 2 years, it'sd very likely

> you have not been getting the nutrients needed. Please see

> the " vitamin " document in the files here. The online source

> i suggest still has the best prioces, e alst i looked about

> 2 weeks ago.


> I hope we can help you figure things out, but it might b a

> good idea to see another band oc too for other thouhts and

> ideas.


> Sandy









> >

> > I  have  had my band for 2 yrs.Still have

> issue with vomiting, not loseing weight,have tried all

> sugestion from Dr, this support group.Am I the only 

> one that is having  these issue? My Dr. has NO more

> ideals and say I'm a problem child,doesn't need to see me

> for 6 mos.Because of vomiting issue I eat a lot of slider

> foods that are emty calories.Is there any one else like me?

> >





> ------------------------------------



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Is your band too tight? Would it work better if you had some unfill

and could eat the protein meats? I have no idea, no expert, but that

is what popped into my head.

At 08:36 PM 5/8/2009, you wrote:

>I have a 5cc band, and it has 4.5cc in right now,it has been that

>way since oct of 2008.There isn't much in healthy foods I can eat,

>most meats and veg are out. give me all the no no and they go down

>great. the band was checked last fall also, and is ok. My dr. has

>admitted he has no ideal and what to do with me.I have been honest

>with him about the foods I eat, he makes me feel like a looser, and

>I've wasted his time. I was no. 10 on his list to get the procurer

>when he started doing the band.I know a number on people who cheat

>worse then i, and they are 100 plus pds off in two years or less. I

>go to the local support group, I don't want to go there either,

>there not much support, no one else has this problem. I guess i at

>the cross road, my family dr. says take it out, i don't think i

>should give up yet.




> > From: moonshadow.sandy

> <<mailto:moonshadow.sandy%40>moonshadow.sandy@...>

> > Subject: Re: question

> > To:

> <mailto:%40>

> > Date: Friday, May 8, 2009, 6:03 PM

> > Hi, Lynda - not you're not alone, but

> > many don't have the courtage to ask for help.

> > that's a good start to figuring out what is going on.

> > please tell us a bit more:

> > 1. what band and size

> > 2. how much fill, how many fills, last fill or unfill

> > 3. last fluoro

> > 4. is your doc ver experienced with bands, or mostly a

> > bypass doc?

> > 5. what foods make you vomit? are you very very sure you're

> > starting with a PEA sized bite, then chewing 15x ?

> > 6. how often are you vomiting?

> > 7. Have you had a complete physical exam by your family

> > doc?

> >

> > While we help figure this ou, i'd vey strongly encourage

> > you to get onto the Bariatric Advantage bandster vitamins.

> > with all this vomiting and for 2 years, it'sd very likely

> > you have not been getting the nutrients needed. Please see

> > the " vitamin " document in the files here. The online source

> > i suggest still has the best prioces, e alst i looked about

> > 2 weeks ago.

> >

> > I hope we can help you figure things out, but it might b a

> > good idea to see another band oc too for other thouhts and

> > ideas.

> >

> > Sandy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > I have had my band for 2 yrs.Still have

> > issue with vomiting, not loseing weight,have tried all

> > sugestion from Dr, this support group.Am I the only

> > one that is having these issue? My Dr. has NO more

> > ideals and say I'm a problem child,doesn't need to see me

> > for 6 mos.Because of vomiting issue I eat a lot of slider

> > foods that are emty calories.Is there any one else like me?

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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I'm in a very similar boat to you. I've been banded for 1.5 years and I've lost

a grand total of 15 lbs. -- all of which was lost during the liquid phase after

surgery. I've eaten bandster portions and exercised my heart out and yet, no

weight loss. I've also cheated and eaten slider foods and still no weight loss

-- or gain. The scale just stays where it is and doesn't move. It's very

frustrating and I'm ready to scream. I too know people who eat way more than I

do and don't exercise as much and they lose weight. I lose nothing. My

bariatric nurse practitioner doesn't have any answers for me. She's at a loss.

I go to a Center of Excellence and they have a lot of experience with gastric

banding. I had close to 7cc in a 12 cc band, but had some taken out because I

was getting slight reflux. I now have 6.1 cc in my band and I feel zero

restriction. Then again, the reflux is gone, which is nice. I'm getting

another fill -- just a very small one -- at the end of the month. I'm not

hopeful. I've mostly lost hope, I guess. I have not found the band to be

helpful at all.

> > >

> > > I  have  had my band for 2 yrs.Still have

> > issue with vomiting, not loseing weight,have tried all

> > sugestion from Dr, this support group.Am I the only 

> > one that is having  these issue? My Dr. has NO more

> > ideals and say I'm a problem child,doesn't need to see me

> > for 6 mos.Because of vomiting issue I eat a lot of slider

> > foods that are emty calories.Is there any one else like me?

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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A drain and a port are two different things.  Since you are a revision you might have to have the drain in for as long as 10 days but I only had to have it in for 2 during my revision.Bands have ports, sleeved people have a drain for a few days as a precaution.

No, you won't have to go back to Mexicali to have the drain removed, your PCP can do it easily if you even go home with it, odds are it will be removed before you are discharged.On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 6:44 AM, Carolyn Hall <akan2hair@...> wrote:

How long does the drain port have to stay in?  Will I have to go back to Dr. A to have it removed, if so, when?



Banded, considering the sleeve

From: suzanne.hinshaw <SuzanneSH@...>

Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 11:15:03 AMSubject: Premier Protein Food Products

Hi Everyone,I am a big fan of products that taste good and have good protein. My personal feelings is that I really like Premier Products, and one of the reasons I like it so well, is the taste. The next one is that I can find it at my local Costco. If you don't have Costco, I know that you can find it on line, but I am sure they will cost more.

I started drinking the Premier Protein drink before I had the surgury and I fell in love with the Chocolate Drink that has 30 g of protein. It really is yummy. It is low in carbs too. So when I got to the creamy stage after surgery, I went back to drinking it again. That is my breakfast and it is great for on the go too, because it is premixed and in a little easy to carry drink box.

Well, yeterday I discoved another Premier product at Costco. I found the " Twisted All Natural Energy Bar " with Protein; 15g of protein. The only down side I see is the # of Carbs--21g.. But after tasting them,

I said I will just work a little harder when it comes to exercise and have one. They are soooooooooooo yummy. It is sinful, almost like a candy bar. They come in a box of 24 and they have 8 Chocolate, 8 Vanilla and 8 Peanut Butter. They are 190 calories too. So you have to make sure you know this and fit it in your 800 calories for the day. The inside of the bar is filled with Pretzel, caramel, peanuts and nougat. So if you are looking for something sweet I highly suggest you give it a try.

I am sure other people have already found these and tried them, but I have never have seen when anyone wrote anything about them. I was thrilled to find that they have 15 grms of protein in them. Premier has another bar with 30 grams of protein in them and 23g of Carbs too, that I will try next time. It was nice finding them, and also how good they taste.

Hugs,Suzanne225 154 125Start Now goalSleeved 10/21/08

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Hi Carolyn,

They take the drain out from the sleeve surgery the night before you go home. So NO you don't have to go back. And it doesn't hurt when they take it out. This is the beautiful part of having the sleeve there is no aftercare. You just have to take care of yourself and eat what they recommend you eat for the 1st month. It is like eating what you ate when you had the band the 1st month.


In a message dated 05/14/09 07:44:53 Pacific Daylight Time, akan2hair@... writes:

How long does the drain port have to stay in? Will I have to go back to Dr. A to have it removed, if so, when?


Banded, considering the sleeve

From: suzanne.hinshaw <SuzanneSHaol> Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 11:15:03 AMSubject: Premier Protein Food Products

Hi Everyone,I am a big fan of products that taste good and have good protein. My personal feelings is that I really like Premier Products, and one of the reasons I like it so well, is the taste. The next one is that I can find it at my local Costco. If you don't have Costco, I know that you can find it on line, but I am sure they will cost more.I started drinking the Premier Protein drink before I had the surgury and I fell in love with the Chocolate Drink that has 30 g of protein. It really is yummy. It is low in carbs too. So when I got to the creamy stage after surgery, I went back to drinking it again. That is my breakfast and it is great for on the go too, because it is premixed and in a little easy to carry drink box.Well, yeterday I discoved another Premier product at Costco. I found the "Twisted All Natural Energy Bar" with Protein; 15g of protein. The only down side I see is the # of Carbs--21g.. But after tasting them, I said I will just work a little harder when it comes to exercise and have one. They are soooooooooooo yummy. It is sinful, almost like a candy bar. They come in a box of 24 and they have 8 Chocolate, 8 Vanilla and 8 Peanut Butter. They are 190 calories too. So you have to make sure you know this and fit it in your 800 calories for the day. The inside of the bar is filled with Pretzel, caramel, peanuts and nougat. So if you are looking for something sweet I highly suggest you give it a try.I am sure other people have already found these and tried them, but I have never have seen when anyone wrote anything about them. I was thrilled to find that they have 15 grms of protein in them. Premier has another bar with 30 grams of protein in them and 23g of Carbs too, that I will try next time. It was nice finding them, and also how good they taste. Hugs,Suzanne225 154 125Start Now goalSleeved 10/21/08

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Thanks All!!!!

From: SuzanneSH <SuzanneSH@...>@...Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 10:04:49 AMSubject: Re: Question

Hi Carolyn,

They take the drain out from the sleeve surgery the night before you go home. So NO you don't have to go back. And it doesn't hurt when they take it out. This is the beautiful part of having the sleeve there is no aftercare. You just have to take care of yourself and eat what they recommend you eat for the 1st month. It is like eating what you ate when you had the band the 1st month.


In a message dated 05/14/09 07:44:53 Pacific Daylight Time, akan2hair (DOT) com writes:

How long does the drain port have to stay in? Will I have to go back to Dr. A to have it removed, if so, when?


Banded, considering the sleeve

From: suzanne.hinshaw <SuzanneSHaol (DOT) com> @groups. comSent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 11:15:03 AMSubject: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] Premier Protein Food Products

Hi Everyone,I am a big fan of products that taste good and have good protein. My personal feelings is that I really like Premier Products, and one of the reasons I like it so well, is the taste. The next one is that I can find it at my local Costco. If you don't have Costco, I know that you can find it on line, but I am sure they will cost more.I started drinking the Premier Protein drink before I had the surgury and I fell in love with the Chocolate Drink that has 30 g of protein. It really is yummy. It is low in carbs too. So when I got to the creamy stage after surgery, I went back to drinking it again. That is my breakfast and it is great for on the go too, because it is premixed and in a little easy to carry drink box.Well, yeterday I discoved another Premier product at Costco. I found the "Twisted All Natural Energy Bar" with Protein; 15g of protein. The only down side I see is the # of Carbs--21g.. But after tasting

them, I said I will just work a little harder when it comes to exercise and have one. They are soooooooooooo yummy. It is sinful, almost like a candy bar. They come in a box of 24 and they have 8 Chocolate, 8 Vanilla and 8 Peanut Butter. They are 190 calories too. So you have to make sure you know this and fit it in your 800 calories for the day. The inside of the bar is filled with Pretzel, caramel, peanuts and nougat. So if you are looking for something sweet I highly suggest you give it a try.I am sure other people have already found these and tried them, but I have never have seen when anyone wrote anything about them. I was thrilled to find that they have 15 grms of protein in them. Premier has another bar with 30 grams of protein in them and 23g of Carbs too, that I will try next time. It was nice finding them, and also how good they taste. Hugs,Suzanne225 154 125Start Now goalSleeved 10/21/08

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