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> Yes the upper oesophageal sphincter ...is located in the base of the throat

(in the hollow of the base) under the voicebox at the top of the Oesophagus and

is part of the portion left in after patients have an ectomy. Drawings and

photos of the throat show it as Cricopharyngeal Sphincter of the Oesophagus.

It plays a part in controlling where food, drink, saliva and air go.

When breathing it is closed so air goes to the lungs and not the

esophagus. When swallowing it opens so food and such go into the

esophagus. You can have problems with choking and aspiration when it


For a very complete but very technical article about it see:

GI Motility online (2006) doi:10.1038/gimo12

Published 16 May 2006

Upper esophageal sphincter

Ivan M. Lang, D.V.M., Ph.D.







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Hello Ann

No I didn't go to the hospital. The GI doc is supposed to phone me this

afternoon about arranging a date for replacement J-Tube and Gastroscopy which

are both urgent as well as a dilatation (once again it is needed). The leak has

slowed down a little and is just about managable. But I am determined to get

things sorted out as I am certain that there is a problem. Thank you for the

supportive post. I will get things sorted out have no fear on that score. It is

getting difficult swallowing again and food is getting stuck in the centre of my

chest at the point where the bottom of my stomach is against the diaphram after

the ectomy if you know what I mean. Things are so tight that I want to vomit

most of the time especialy when I try to swallow soft food or liquids. Things

are very tight in the throat at the UES in the throat and is annoying especially

at night in bed when I am on the feeds. I use 5 pillows to prop myself at a 45%

angle and I keep sliding

down so have to have a pillow behind my knees.


From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_lady@...>


Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 4:45:18 PM

Subject: Re: Question

Thank you ,

That was a very useful answer, which you explained well.

Did you go to the Hospital?


Love from Ann  xx

From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes>

Subject: Re: Question

achalasia@grou ps.com

Date: Saturday, 10 January, 2009, 1:26 PM

Hello Ann

Yes the upper oesophageal sphincter IS relevant to Achalasia so 5 different docs

have told me when I asked about it. It is located in the base of the throat (in

the hollow of the base) under the voicebox at the top of the Oesophagus and is

part of the portion left in after patients have an ectomy. Drawings and photos

of the throat show it as Cricopharyngeal Sphincter of the Oesophagus. I have

Achalasia of this muscle which when closed can cause any excretions i:e saliva

to go down the wrong way into the lungs.. I am sure Notan can explain this



____________ _________ _________ __

From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_ lady (DOT) . co.uk>

Host Achalasia <achalasia@gro u ps.com>

Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 12:26:17 PM

Subject: Question

Recently I have heard references to the UPPER oesophageal sphincter.

Please can somebody tell me where this is located and if it is involved in our



Best Wishes to all from Ann.

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Did you receive that phone call, ?

From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes>

Subject: Re: Question

achalasia@grou ps.com

Date: Saturday, 10 January, 2009, 1:26 PM

Hello Ann

Yes the upper oesophageal sphincter IS relevant to Achalasia so 5 different docs

have told me when I asked about it. It is located in the base of the throat (in

the hollow of the base) under the voicebox at the top of the Oesophagus and is

part of the portion left in after patients have an ectomy. Drawings and photos

of the throat show it as Cricopharyngeal Sphincter of the Oesophagus. I have

Achalasia of this muscle which when closed can cause any excretions i:e saliva

to go down the wrong way into the lungs.. I am sure Notan can explain this



____________ _________ _________ __

From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_ lady (DOT) . co.uk>

Host Achalasia <achalasia@gro u ps.com>

Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 12:26:17 PM

Subject: Question

Recently I have heard references to the UPPER oesophageal sphincter.

Please can somebody tell me where this is located and if it is involved in our



Best Wishes to all from Ann.

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Hi Ann

No I didn't get that phone call and I phoned them this morning and was promised

a return phonecall by 1.20pm today. I told them that if I don't hear from them

I'll phone again and again until I get a date for my procedures.


From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_lady@...>


Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:30:11 PM

Subject: Re: Question

Did you receive that phone call, ?

From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes>

Subject: Re: Question

achalasia@grou ps.com

Date: Saturday, 10 January, 2009, 1:26 PM

Hello Ann

Yes the upper oesophageal sphincter IS relevant to Achalasia so 5 different docs

have told me when I asked about it. It is located in the base of the throat (in

the hollow of the base) under the voicebox at the top of the Oesophagus and is

part of the portion left in after patients have an ectomy. Drawings and photos

of the throat show it as Cricopharyngeal Sphincter of the Oesophagus. I have

Achalasia of this muscle which when closed can cause any excretions i:e saliva

to go down the wrong way into the lungs.. I am sure Notan can explain this



____________ _________ _________ __

From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_ lady (DOT) . co.uk>

Host Achalasia <achalasia@gro u ps.com>

Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 12:26:17 PM

Subject: Question

Recently I have heard references to the UPPER oesophageal sphincter.

Please can somebody tell me where this is located and if it is involved in our



Best Wishes to all from Ann.

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You Go Girl !!!!!

From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes>

Subject: Re: Question

achalasia@grou ps.com

Date: Saturday, 10 January, 2009, 1:26 PM

Hello Ann

Yes the upper oesophageal sphincter IS relevant to Achalasia so 5 different docs

have told me when I asked about it. It is located in the base of the throat (in

the hollow of the base) under the voicebox at the top of the Oesophagus and is

part of the portion left in after patients have an ectomy. Drawings and photos

of the throat show it as Cricopharyngeal Sphincter of the Oesophagus. I have

Achalasia of this muscle which when closed can cause any excretions i:e saliva

to go down the wrong way into the lungs.. I am sure Notan can explain this



____________ _________ _________ __

From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_ lady (DOT) . co.uk>

Host Achalasia <achalasia@gro u ps.com>

Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 12:26:17 PM

Subject: Question

Recently I have heard references to the UPPER oesophageal sphincter.

Please can somebody tell me where this is located and if it is involved in our



Best Wishes to all from Ann.

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Partially right. Iodine when supplied in high enough amounts will create Iodolipids which put the "brakes" on the peroxide reaction inside the cells of the thyroid so that they do not burn out of control and damage the cells. This is where thyroid peroxidase antibodies come in - they are in reaction to this burning which creates abnormal cells that antibodies are created against. The

From my website: http://www.naturalthyroidchoices.com/iodine_path_thyroid.html

Once inside the cell iodide is oxidzed into iodine. This means that one electron has been dropped. This process occurs with the reaction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) with thyroperoxidase (TPO). Abnormalities here can cause the body to create Anti-TPO antibodies. This leads to Hashimoto's disease


>I have hearfd that iodine neutralize hydrogen peroxide , so how i can treat myself from MS with iodine and h2o2 , > any suggestions> Rysiek > > > ------------------------------------> > > > >

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Thank you for your answer but what i have to do with my treatments .



>I have hearfd that iodine neutralize hydrogen peroxide , so how i can treat myself from MS with iodine and h2o2 , > any suggestions> Rysiek > > > ------------------------------------> > > > >

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Take Iodine and do whatever else you are doing.



>I have hearfd that iodine neutralize hydrogen peroxide , so how i can treat myself from MS with iodine and h2o2 , > any suggestions> Rysiek > > > ------------------------------------> > > > >

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yes i do all the time between the stress from everyday things to my health??? to

my kids ,and grandson?? they think i'm crazy? so do i at times


Is anyone having problems with anxiety issues?

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I have had chronic pain now for 26 years. I have had anxiety issues now for

26 years. I truly believe they go hand in hand.

I can only speak for myself, but I know with the pain...comes anxiety,

depression, and at times real darkness. I must force myself to get up and do

something....even though it hurts so badly.

There have been days where all I can do is cry. I cry from the pain and the

suffering. I cry from the guilt that I feel towards my beautiful

family...they are always there for me without one complaint...and I wish I

could give

them a " normal " life. I cry due to my husband's unconditional love towards

me...no matter what...he remains at my side. He is my hero. I cry because I

feel so bad that he is worried about money all the time now that I can't work

any more.

Of course I do not cry all the time...but rather only when it really gets me

now. In the beginning, it seemed to be all the time, but now...it is better.

So...you see...you are NOT alone. I really think everyone with Chronic

pain....has one form of anxiety or another.

It is a big step that you have addressed it....now work towards

understanding it.... and beat it!

Please know that you have the support of all the members. We are really a

great bunch of folks who understand each other, respect each other and are

truly there for each other.

My name is Kathy G. I am the co-owner of this awesome group. Our founder

is Mike. He is such a great guy. We have incredible moderators and truly

kind, and wonderful members in our group. If you ever need to chat...just


in...and you will get some real great folks writing you back.

Take great care!

Gentle hugs too you and all,

Kathy G.

Group Co-Owner

**************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy





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Hi All

Well I finally got that phonecall at 5.30pm on Wednesday. They want to admit me

onto a hospital ward next Monday 19th January to do the procedures in the

afternoon. Seeing as I had leakages after the last tube fit and was discharged

the same night, they are deffinately keeping me in at least overnight this time

to monitor me in case there is a repeat of my leakages. Hopefully they can deal

with the problems this time. I have been feeling off colour these last few days

and nights with having to get up in the night not only to deal with dressing

changes but with having to vomit up bile as well. As I have said before there is

definately something wrong for me not only to leak all this bile from my J-Tube

stoma site but to vomit it up and to pass some from the back passage as well. It

has been hell these last few weeks especially the last week. Hope they find out

the cause of the problem on Monday. My weight is dropping down as well and is

now down to 91lbs,

too low for me.

I will keep in touch. Thanks for everyones support once again it means such a

lot to me.


From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_lady@...>


Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 4:27:55 PM

Subject: Re: Question

You Go Girl !!!!!

From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes>

Subject: Re: Question

achalasia@grou ps.com

Date: Saturday, 10 January, 2009, 1:26 PM

Hello Ann

Yes the upper oesophageal sphincter IS relevant to Achalasia so 5 different docs

have told me when I asked about it. It is located in the base of the throat (in

the hollow of the base) under the voicebox at the top of the Oesophagus and is

part of the portion left in after patients have an ectomy. Drawings and photos

of the throat show it as Cricopharyngeal Sphincter of the Oesophagus. I have

Achalasia of this muscle which when closed can cause any excretions i:e saliva

to go down the wrong way into the lungs.. I am sure Notan can explain this



____________ _________ _________ __

From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_ lady (DOT) . co.uk>

Host Achalasia <achalasia@gro u ps.com>

Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 12:26:17 PM

Subject: Question

Recently I have heard references to the UPPER oesophageal sphincter.

Please can somebody tell me where this is located and if it is involved in our



Best Wishes to all from Ann.

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Hey !

When I worked in the field, Paxil was and still is an excellent med used to

treat both depression and anxiety...you are correct. It has helped so many

folks that it is like a miracle to some.

I totally agree with you about the insurance company not covering

meds....and beleive me it is not just medicare.....insurance companies truly


SICK. They could care less about the human being and how their decision to

cover a procedure/med/surgery or not to cover affects us. We are all just

damned numbers to most of them.

I myself tried Paxil about 10 years ago...and to this day it causes me to

have horrendous stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea. This type of med can really

affect the G.I. horribly for some and then for others...they are great with

out side effects.

I am so glad that it is helping you!

Gentle hugs to you and all.

Kathy G.


**************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy





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That sounds a bit more positive .

Thank goodness you are getting some attention. Good Luck for Monday. I hope that

everything goes well for you.

Best Wishes from Ann XX

From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes>

Subject: Re: Question

achalasia@grou ps.com

Date: Saturday, 10 January, 2009, 1:26 PM

Hello Ann

Yes the upper oesophageal sphincter IS relevant to Achalasia so 5 different docs

have told me when I asked about it. It is located in the base of the throat (in

the hollow of the base) under the voicebox at the top of the Oesophagus and is

part of the portion left in after patients have an ectomy. Drawings and photos

of the throat show it as Cricopharyngeal Sphincter of the Oesophagus. I have

Achalasia of this muscle which when closed can cause any excretions i:e saliva

to go down the wrong way into the lungs.. I am sure Notan can explain this



____________ _________ _________ __

From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_ lady (DOT) . co.uk>

Host Achalasia <achalasia@gro u ps.com>

Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 12:26:17 PM

Subject: Question

Recently I have heard references to the UPPER oesophageal sphincter.

Please can somebody tell me where this is located and if it is involved in our



Best Wishes to all from Ann.

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Dear ,

I am so happy that finally coming Monday they start working on you.'

Girl, don't have them mess around, OK? They have done that enough. Speak up when

you feel something is not OK, or if you feel the treatment is not OK.

It worries me that you are now vomiting bile up etc. They had you walk around

with this with so many months, way too long. I would no longer want to be under

the care of that hospital, honest.

I so much hope they will give you the treatment you so much need and deserve.

Once they've done that, I would honestly think of filing complaints against

them. The vet over here takes better care of the animals than your hospitals of

the humans...

, I am keeping my fingers so very very very crossed for you. Girl, you

deserve a good outcome now and you WILL get it now!!!

Good luck,



From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes@...>


Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 2:05:12 PM

Subject: Re: Question

Hi All

Well I finally got that phonecall at 5.30pm on Wednesday. They want to admit me

onto a hospital ward next Monday 19th January to do the procedures in the

afternoon. Seeing as I had leakages after the last tube fit and was discharged

the same night, they are deffinately keeping me in at least overnight this time

to monitor me in case there is a repeat of my leakages. Hopefully they can deal

with the problems this time. I have been feeling off colour these last few days

and nights with having to get up in the night not only to deal with dressing

changes but with having to vomit up bile as well. As I have said before there is

definately something wrong for me not only to leak all this bile from my J-Tube

stoma site but to vomit it up and to pass some from the back passage as well. It

has been hell these last few weeks especially the last week. Hope they find out

the cause of the problem on Monday. My weight is dropping down as well and is

now down to 91lbs,

too low for me.

I will keep in touch. Thanks for everyones support once again it means such a

lot to me.

____________ _________ _________ __

From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_ lady (DOT) co.uk>

achalasia@grou ps.com

Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 4:27:55 PM

Subject: Re: Question

You Go Girl !!!!!

From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes>

Subject: Re: Question

achalasia@grou ps.com

Date: Saturday, 10 January, 2009, 1:26 PM

Hello Ann

Yes the upper oesophageal sphincter IS relevant to Achalasia so 5 different docs

have told me when I asked about it. It is located in the base of the throat (in

the hollow of the base) under the voicebox at the top of the Oesophagus and is

part of the portion left in after patients have an ectomy. Drawings and photos

of the throat show it as Cricopharyngeal Sphincter of the Oesophagus. I have

Achalasia of this muscle which when closed can cause any excretions i:e saliva

to go down the wrong way into the lungs.. I am sure Notan can explain this



____________ _________ _________ __

From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_ lady (DOT) . co.uk>

Host Achalasia <achalasia@gro u ps.com>

Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 12:26:17 PM

Subject: Question

Recently I have heard references to the UPPER oesophageal sphincter.

Please can somebody tell me where this is located and if it is involved in our



Best Wishes to all from Ann.

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I've had back pain since I was around 20 and am now 53. My back just keeps

getting progressively worse, plus I've added other problems to the list. I

think my anxiety started around 40 and has gotten progressively worse also. I

now have to take medication for it. My PM doc sent me to a psychiatrist because

I was showing signs of depression. He determined was not clinically depressed,

I was just caught in that vicious cycle of stress, pain, anxiety, .....so

depression. So I do take medication for it. And I think it's lousy that

Medicare does not cover anxiety medication. My PM is trying me on a new (new to

me) med, Paxol, because it treats both depression and anxiety. That way if it

works I can stop the diazepam & mirtazapine.....since Paxol is covered. I have

to say, I'm feeling better anxiety wise than I have in a long time. Will be

nice to be able to stop 2 meds (one not covered by Medicare) and just take the


Take Care,



From: " KGAVI@... " <KGAVI@...>


Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 8:34:13 AM

Subject: Re: question


I have had chronic pain now for 26 years. I have had anxiety issues now for

26 years. I truly believe they go hand in hand.

I can only speak for myself, but I know with the pain...comes anxiety,

depression, and at times real darkness. I must force myself to get up and do

something... .even though it hurts so badly.

There have been days where all I can do is cry. I cry from the pain and the

suffering. I cry from the guilt that I feel towards my beautiful

family...they are always there for me without one complaint... and I wish I

could give

them a " normal " life. I cry due to my husband's unconditional love towards

me...no matter what...he remains at my side. He is my hero. I cry because I

feel so bad that he is worried about money all the time now that I can't work

any more.

Of course I do not cry all the time...but rather only when it really gets me

now. In the beginning, it seemed to be all the time, but now...it is better.

So...you see...you are NOT alone. I really think everyone with Chronic

pain....has one form of anxiety or another.

It is a big step that you have addressed it....now work towards

understanding it.... and beat it!

Please know that you have the support of all the members. We are really a

great bunch of folks who understand each other, respect each other and are

truly there for each other.

My name is Kathy G. I am the co-owner of this awesome group. Our founder

is Mike. He is such a great guy. We have incredible moderators and truly

kind, and wonderful members in our group. If you ever need to chat...just


in...and you will get some real great folks writing you back.

Take great care!

Gentle hugs too you and all,

Kathy G.

Group Co-Owner

************ **A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy


(http://pr.atwola. com/promoclk/ 100000075x121585 5013x1201028747/ aol?redir=

http://www. freecreditreport .com/pm/default. aspx?sc=668072% 26hmpgID=

62%26bcd= De


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So far I'm very pleased. I hope I haven't spoke too soon!!!! lol

Take Care,



From: " KGAVI@... " <KGAVI@...>


Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 2:37:10 PM

Subject: Re: question

Hey !

When I worked in the field, Paxil was and still is an excellent med used to

treat both depression and anxiety...you are correct. It has helped so many

folks that it is like a miracle to some.

I totally agree with you about the insurance company not covering

meds....and beleive me it is not just medicare.... .insurance companies truly


SICK. They could care less about the human being and how their decision to

cover a procedure/med/ surgery or not to cover affects us. We are all just

damned numbers to most of them.

I myself tried Paxil about 10 years ago...and to this day it causes me to

have horrendous stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea. This type of med can really

affect the G.I. horribly for some and then for others...they are great with

out side effects.

I am so glad that it is helping you!

Gentle hugs to you and all.

Kathy G.


************ **A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy


(http://pr.atwola. com/promoclk/ 100000075x121585 5013x1201028747/ aol?redir=

http://www. freecreditreport .com/pm/default. aspx?sc=668072% 26hmpgID=

62%26bcd= De


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!  Thank God you are getting some good attention!

Hang in there and let them know how this stuff has been

affecting you.  Dang!  How would any one of them like it?!

I'll be thinking of you next week, and I'll be sending out good,

strong, healthy vibrations!



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-I am on noretripline for deppression and xanax snd valuim mikr group

owner-- In Stimulator , KGAVI@... wrote:


> Hey !


> When I worked in the field, Paxil was and still is an excellent

med used to

> treat both depression and anxiety...you are correct. It has

helped so many

> folks that it is like a miracle to some.


> I totally agree with you about the insurance company not covering

> meds....and beleive me it is not just medicare.....insurance

companies truly MAKE ME

> SICK. They could care less about the human being and how their

decision to

> cover a procedure/med/surgery or not to cover affects us. We are

all just

> damned numbers to most of them.


> I myself tried Paxil about 10 years ago...and to this day it

causes me to

> have horrendous stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea. This type of

med can really

> affect the G.I. horribly for some and then for others...they are

great with

> out side effects.


> I am so glad that it is helping you!


> Gentle hugs to you and all.


> Kathy G.

> Co-Owner

> **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in

just 2 easy

> steps!

> (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1215855013x1201028747/aol?



> cemailfooterNO62)




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Hi Isabella

Found out yesterday and it was confirmed by post this morning that one of the

procedures they want to do is an ERCP of both the bile duct and pancreatic

ducts. This is together with a J-Tube replacement and Gastroscopy. At least I

know what is ahead of me now. My GI doc is 1 of 2 on the staff at the hospital

who perform the ERCP's so in a way I am glad of a familiar face. We'll see. I

will keep in touch and let everyone know how things go on Monday.


From: Isabella Arnold <arnoldisabella@...>


Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 6:25:48 PM

Subject: Re: Question

Dear ,

I am so happy that finally coming Monday they start working on you.'

Girl, don't have them mess around, OK? They have done that enough. Speak up when

you feel something is not OK, or if you feel the treatment is not OK.

It worries me that you are now vomiting bile up etc. They had you walk around

with this with so many months, way too long. I would no longer want to be under

the care of that hospital, honest.

I so much hope they will give you the treatment you so much need and deserve.

Once they've done that, I would honestly think of filing complaints against

them. The vet over here takes better care of the animals than your hospitals of

the humans...

, I am keeping my fingers so very very very crossed for you. Girl, you

deserve a good outcome now and you WILL get it now!!!

Good luck,


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes>

achalasia@grou ps.com

Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 2:05:12 PM

Subject: Re: Question

Hi All

Well I finally got that phonecall at 5.30pm on Wednesday. They want to admit me

onto a hospital ward next Monday 19th January to do the procedures in the

afternoon. Seeing as I had leakages after the last tube fit and was discharged

the same night, they are deffinately keeping me in at least overnight this time

to monitor me in case there is a repeat of my leakages. Hopefully they can deal

with the problems this time. I have been feeling off colour these last few days

and nights with having to get up in the night not only to deal with dressing

changes but with having to vomit up bile as well. As I have said before there is

definately something wrong for me not only to leak all this bile from my J-Tube

stoma site but to vomit it up and to pass some from the back passage as well. It

has been hell these last few weeks especially the last week. Hope they find out

the cause of the problem on Monday. My weight is dropping down as well and is

now down to 91lbs,

too low for me.

I will keep in touch. Thanks for everyones support once again it means such a

lot to me.

____________ _________ _________ __

From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_ lady (DOT) co.uk>

achalasia@grou ps.com

Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 4:27:55 PM

Subject: Re: Question

You Go Girl !!!!!

From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes>

Subject: Re: Question

achalasia@grou ps.com

Date: Saturday, 10 January, 2009, 1:26 PM

Hello Ann

Yes the upper oesophageal sphincter IS relevant to Achalasia so 5 different docs

have told me when I asked about it. It is located in the base of the throat (in

the hollow of the base) under the voicebox at the top of the Oesophagus and is

part of the portion left in after patients have an ectomy. Drawings and photos

of the throat show it as Cricopharyngeal Sphincter of the Oesophagus. I have

Achalasia of this muscle which when closed can cause any excretions i:e saliva

to go down the wrong way into the lungs... I am sure Notan can explain this



____________ _________ _________ __

From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_ lady (DOT) . co.uk>

Host Achalasia <achalasia@gro u ps.com>

Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 12:26:17 PM

Subject: Question

Recently I have heard references to the UPPER oesophageal sphincter.

Please can somebody tell me where this is located and if it is involved in our



Best Wishes to all from Ann.

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Many thanks Deborah. The Groups support means a lot to me and enables me to have

a good moan with those who understand.


From: Deborah Lattimore <deborah_Lattimore@...>


Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 6:50:33 AM

Subject: Re: Question

!  Thank God you are getting some good attention!

Hang in there and let them know how this stuff has been

affecting you.  Dang!  How would any one of them like it?!

I'll be thinking of you next week, and I'll be sending out good,

strong, healthy vibrations!



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You are so right they go Hand in Hand. Thats what my psycitrist tood

me. Its hard to admit I se one but I really need the help, she has help

me alot. Sometimes you have to put your pride to the side and don't

listen or thik of what they say about you seeing a shrink. And its hard

for a man that was brought up not to show you are week or need that kind

of help.


> Hello!


> I have had chronic pain now for 26 years. I have had anxiety issues

now for

> 26 years. I truly believe they go hand in hand.


> I can only speak for myself, but I know with the pain...comes anxiety,

> depression, and at times real darkness. I must force myself to get up

and do

> something....even though it hurts so badly.


> There have been days where all I can do is cry. I cry from the pain

and the

> suffering. I cry from the guilt that I feel towards my beautiful

> family...they are always there for me without one complaint...and I

wish I could give

> them a " normal " life. I cry due to my husband's unconditional love


> me...no matter what...he remains at my side. He is my hero. I cry

because I

> feel so bad that he is worried about money all the time now that I

can't work

> any more.


> Of course I do not cry all the time...but rather only when it really

gets me

> now. In the beginning, it seemed to be all the time, but now...it is



> So...you see...you are NOT alone. I really think everyone with Chronic

> pain....has one form of anxiety or another.


> It is a big step that you have addressed it....now work towards

> understanding it.... and beat it!


> Please know that you have the support of all the members. We are

really a

> great bunch of folks who understand each other, respect each other and


> truly there for each other.


> My name is Kathy G. I am the co-owner of this awesome group. Our


> is Mike. He is such a great guy. We have incredible moderators and


> kind, and wonderful members in our group. If you ever need to

chat...just write

> in...and you will get some real great folks writing you back.


> Take great care!

> Gentle hugs too you and all,


> Kathy G.

> Group Co-Owner


> **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2


> steps!





> cemailfooterNO62)




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Dear ,

Similar to what Ann did, I looked up ERCP as well and indeed it seems to be a

very wise move!

I am keeping my fingers very crossed for you and will be thinking of you coming





From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes@...>


Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 3:08:22 PM

Subject: Re: Question

Hi Isabella

Found out yesterday and it was confirmed by post this morning that one of the

procedures they want to do is an ERCP of both the bile duct and pancreatic

ducts. This is together with a J-Tube replacement and Gastroscopy. At least I

know what is ahead of me now. My GI doc is 1 of 2 on the staff at the hospital

who perform the ERCP's so in a way I am glad of a familiar face. We'll see. I

will keep in touch and let everyone know how things go on Monday.

____________ _________ _________ __

From: Isabella Arnold <arnoldisabella>

achalasia@grou ps.com

Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 6:25:48 PM

Subject: Re: Question

Dear ,

I am so happy that finally coming Monday they start working on you.'

Girl, don't have them mess around, OK? They have done that enough. Speak up when

you feel something is not OK, or if you feel the treatment is not OK.

It worries me that you are now vomiting bile up etc. They had you walk around

with this with so many months, way too long. I would no longer want to be under

the care of that hospital, honest.

I so much hope they will give you the treatment you so much need and deserve.

Once they've done that, I would honestly think of filing complaints against

them. The vet over here takes better care of the animals than your hospitals of

the humans...

, I am keeping my fingers so very very very crossed for you. Girl, you

deserve a good outcome now and you WILL get it now!!!

Good luck,


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes>

achalasia@grou ps.com

Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 2:05:12 PM

Subject: Re: Question

Hi All

Well I finally got that phonecall at 5.30pm on Wednesday. They want to admit me

onto a hospital ward next Monday 19th January to do the procedures in the

afternoon. Seeing as I had leakages after the last tube fit and was discharged

the same night, they are deffinately keeping me in at least overnight this time

to monitor me in case there is a repeat of my leakages. Hopefully they can deal

with the problems this time. I have been feeling off colour these last few days

and nights with having to get up in the night not only to deal with dressing

changes but with having to vomit up bile as well. As I have said before there is

definately something wrong for me not only to leak all this bile from my J-Tube

stoma site but to vomit it up and to pass some from the back passage as well. It

has been hell these last few weeks especially the last week. Hope they find out

the cause of the problem on Monday. My weight is dropping down as well and is

now down to 91lbs,

too low for me.

I will keep in touch. Thanks for everyones support once again it means such a

lot to me.

____________ _________ _________ __

From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_ lady (DOT) co.uk>

achalasia@grou ps.com

Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 4:27:55 PM

Subject: Re: Question

You Go Girl !!!!!

From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes>

Subject: Re: Question

achalasia@grou ps.com

Date: Saturday, 10 January, 2009, 1:26 PM

Hello Ann

Yes the upper oesophageal sphincter IS relevant to Achalasia so 5 different docs

have told me when I asked about it. It is located in the base of the throat (in

the hollow of the base) under the voicebox at the top of the Oesophagus and is

part of the portion left in after patients have an ectomy. Drawings and photos

of the throat show it as Cricopharyngeal Sphincter of the Oesophagus. I have

Achalasia of this muscle which when closed can cause any excretions i:e saliva

to go down the wrong way into the lungs... I am sure Notan can explain this



____________ _________ _________ __

From: Ann Higgs <lilac_blossom_ lady (DOT) . co.uk>

Host Achalasia <achalasia@gro u ps.com>

Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 12:26:17 PM

Subject: Question

Recently I have heard references to the UPPER oesophageal sphincter.

Please can somebody tell me where this is located and if it is involved in our



Best Wishes to all from Ann.

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I've been dealing with the back pain since 97 and the car accident had

taken place. As for the anxiety, that's something I've always

questioned. To hear that persons with back pain have it I find really

interesting. To be honest with you, I always thought that the epilepsy

was something which the anxiety was coming from. It seemed to protrude

more over a period of time after I had breakthroughs or at least it

did to me anyway.

At any rate, the anxiety is something which I manage through and have

learned there are certain things that I can and cannot do.

Sue Elvins, Web Designer


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Hey !

How are you today? Hope good!

I do not know about the scuba, but I am sure that someone in the group will

know...if not, I will look into it for you....I will get back to you

regarding the scuba in 24 hours.

Regarding placing your arms over your head AFTER the recuperation

period....yes...you can. I do so daily when I stretch my back. Prior to my


getting so bad, the first stim that I had placed in about 15 years ago, I not


stretched my arms above my head, but I swimmed every day having no problem

at all.

I sincerely hope your stim will help you and please know I am here, along

with all the other members of this really great group for you.

Take care!!!

Gentle hugs to you and all,

Kathy G.


**************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy





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