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When you go into Trivector do the therapy and then click on the Atom and your DNA choices will come up.


-----Original Message-----From: qxci-english [mailto:qxci-english ]On Behalf Of O'LoneSent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:10 AMqxci-english Subject: RE: question

Hello group-this has happened to me a number of times. When I go to therapy page to do therapies there will be listed-Autotrivector therapy and trivector and DNA therapy as the 2 choices. There is only one trivector button -or is trivector and DNA therapy located somewhere else? If so where? Thanks for the info. O’Lone............................................

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I saw your question. I can't answer it but, it was posted. Connie

rene@... writes:

why can I not post a question. I have tried twice without any luck. Thanks

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Dear - I have requested 3 times to be taken off the group but to no

avail. I no longer am able to use the computer because of my MG. Please take

me off as it clogs up my email which I do have to access. Thanks Elly

Friedman (gazelle 35200)

>From: " Kelsey " <kelsey.garland@...>


><qxci-english >

>Subject: Re: question

>Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 21:09:49 +0100


>dna is accessed via trivector

>the same thereapy mentioned twice as for anything mentioned twice is

>intended to give it extra weight


> Kelsey PhD

>QXCI User Manual Author, Advanced Trainer

>Visit www.qxcisynergy.co.uk for tech infos




> RE: question



> Hello group-this has happened to me a number of times. When I go to

>therapy page to do therapies there will be listed-Autotrivector therapy and

>trivector and DNA therapy as the 2 choices. There is only one trivector

>button -or is trivector and DNA therapy located somewhere else? If so

>where? Thanks for the info. O'Lone





> ............................................



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Belinda, that is a good question. I hadn't heard that before. I have heard

of tightness around " that " time of the month but I hadn't heard any related

to weather. But I suppose people react to things differently and in

different ways.

Maybe Nina has heard of it happening?


> Hi Nina or , I was wondering if weather could make your band

> tighter? This week i've had a real problem keeping solid food down

> and i've not had a fill sence May 19. I'm at a l.5 and have done just

> fine as a matter of fact up until this week i did'nt feel restricted

> enough. Just a little concerned I can drink just fine and can eat

> soft foods fine just sold get stuck pretty much everytime i eat this

> week. Advice Thanks Belinda








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NO, I will ask the doctor , but check what else is going on in your life differently. Your period does cause this.

Mills <techgurl88@...> wrote:

Belinda, that is a good question. I hadn't heard that before. I have heard of tightness around "that" time of the month but I hadn't heard any related to weather. But I suppose people react to things differently and in different ways.Maybe Nina has heard of it happening? question> Hi Nina or , I was wondering if weather could make your band> tighter? This week i've had a real problem keeping solid food down> and i've not had a fill sence May 19. I'm at a l.5 and have done just> fine as a matter of fact up until this week i did'nt feel restricted> enough. Just a little

concerned I can drink just fine and can eat> soft foods fine just sold get stuck pretty much everytime i eat this> week. Advice Thanks Belinda>>>>>>>

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how about stress? My father is not doing well could that be it? I don't know but something is not right and I can't pin point it. I threw up twice today (just from the pouch not the stomach) but I went this evening a ate some fish and so far i've kept it down. Should i be worried about this? Belinda

question> Hi Nina or , I was wondering if weather could make your band> tighter? This week i've had a real problem keeping solid food down> and i've not had a fill sence May 19. I'm at a l.5 and have done just> fine as a matter of fact up until this week i did'nt feel restricted> enough. Just a little concerned I can drink just fine and can eat> soft foods fine just sold get stuck pretty much everytime i eat this> week. Advice Thanks Belinda>>>>>>>

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also the only thing different is i've been walking on my treadmill 2 miles every night i'm sure that can't be it. Just let me know what Doctor says. Thanks Belinda

question> Hi Nina or , I was wondering if weather could make your band> tighter? This week i've had a real problem keeping solid food down> and i've not had a fill sence May 19. I'm at a l.5 and have done just> fine as a matter of fact up until this week i did'nt feel restricted> enough. Just a little concerned I can drink just fine and can eat> soft foods fine just sold get stuck pretty much everytime i eat this> week. Advice Thanks Belinda>>>>>>>

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Belinda, I just found this post on OH about weather related tightness!!


question> Hi Nina or , I was wondering if weather could make your band> tighter? This week i've had a real problem keeping solid food down> and i've not had a fill sence May 19. I'm at a l.5 and have done just> fine as a matter of fact up until this week i did'nt feel restricted> enough. Just a little concerned I can drink just fine and can eat> soft foods fine just sold get stuck pretty much everytime i eat this> week. Advice Thanks Belinda>>>>>>>

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Well I'm thinking that might be it because we got really hot here and have been very humid (like 90 and 100 % humidity). We have also had alot of storms this week I don't know but it is the only thing I could come up with maybe Doctor Aceves will have another reason. Thanks for the e-mail that helped alot I'm feeling like the lady there i'm not going crazy after all. Belinda

PS glad you was able to get your fill yesterday

question> Hi Nina or , I was wondering if weather could make your band> tighter? This week i've had a real problem keeping solid food down> and i've not had a fill sence May 19. I'm at a l.5 and have done just> fine as a matter of fact up until this week i did'nt feel restricted> enough. Just a little concerned I can drink just fine and can eat> soft foods fine just sold get stuck pretty much everytime i eat this> week. Advice Thanks Belinda>>>>>>>

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Hi everyone

The problem I have is this:

I have one green eye and one brown eye. I read

somewhere that for job interviews and important

meetings it is a good idea to wear a tie that is the

same colour as your eyes. Apparently it creates a good

impression on the people you are dealing with.

So what do I do? A tie that is divided down the middle

into two colours doesn't look too good.

Best wishes



Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail


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How about a brown tie with green stripes or vice versa? Or polka dots :)

Re: question

Hi everyone

The problem I have is this:

I have one green eye and one brown eye. I read

somewhere that for job interviews and important

meetings it is a good idea to wear a tie that is the

same colour as your eyes. Apparently it creates a good

impression on the people you are dealing with.

So what do I do? A tie that is divided down the middle

into two colours doesn't look too good.

Best wishes


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How about a blue tie? That way you'll confuse the intrviewer's

subconscious mind and he'll call you back for a second interview just

to try and figure out what niggled him at the first interview?

*shrugs* It is early in the morning....I may come up with a better

solution when I wake up LOL

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(I posted earlier, just didn't see it so here it is again):

Anyone experience femur pain right after a THR? I am experiencing that with my second THR, and I don't recall I did with my first?

I'm wondering if it could be the result of LLD equalization or the fact that they found a bone spur this time around due to the arthritis or anything to do with my having had dysplastic hips?

I'm seeing the OS next week and I will certainly check it out with him, but just wondering if others have experienced that.


I apparently have my choice of anesthesias for this procedure... general or spinal. Doc recommended the spinal, but left it up to me. Said I'd get more pain relief (an hour or so) after surgery, and then, it would be an easier recovery than a general. What I DON'T want is to hear hammers and chisels and saws hacking away at my leg....

Any opinions????


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Listen to the tide slowly turning, washes all our heartache awayWe’re part of the fire that is burningand from the ashes we can build another day(The Moody Blues “Story In Your Eyes”)

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I'm wondering if it could be the result of LLD equalization >>> VERY POSSIBLE! I had 9 months of pure hell the after my inital THR with thigh spasms. Muscle locking into place, sever jerking, heat / color differences.... NOT FUN and was a result of my being leveled up. Passed in time... but not quick enough as far as I was concerned. LOL

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It's good to know that someone else had that experience. >>>I had nearly 3 full inch difference corrected. They told me that most patients run closer to 1/2~ 1" corrections. What did you have fixed ? The larger the distance fixed... the more problems created or experienced. I let doc push the limits not only in hopes of me being leveled... but hey save LOTS OF MONEY on my shoe builds LOL but more so in the hopes of helping others with greater differences. They have to have someone willing to eventual the unknowns to figure out what's what. I still have to do ALOT of stretching to keep it from tighting back up.... but it's gotten used to it's new lengths for the most part. Now if I could get my back used to the new way I walk.... I think I'll be doing pretty good. LOL All things considered~

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Thanks for your response, Sassy. It's good to know that someone else had that experience. I'm hoping mine passes too. Have my first post-op appt Monday, so I'll see what they say. I'm a little fuzzy about what they told me they did (although I knew they would be equalizing leg length, plus my OS said a lot more damage in the hip than x rays showed, and also found bone spurs) since I was on a high dose of antivan and I experienced some kind of temporary amnesia from about 2 hours before surgery to several hours after recovery. I always ask a lot of questions, so when I go in for the post-op I will be asking away what they found, what they did, why this femur pain, etc.

Re: Question

I'm wondering if it could be the result of LLD equalization >>> VERY POSSIBLE! I had 9 months of pure hell the after my inital THR with thigh spasms. Muscle locking into place, sever jerking, heat / color differences.... NOT FUN and was a result of my being leveled up. Passed in time... but not quick enough as far as I was concerned. LOL

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I guess I got used to the leg length difference, now it seems strange to be of equal length! >>> I know, don't even feel like your walking..... it feels more like a waddle LOL Course truth is other way around. Still feels VERY ODD standing flat footed to me. I have alot of trouble with my FD too though... where I walked so many years literally on my big toe~ I only used a shoe build about 5~6 yrs. prior to my operation... and that was due to the doctors recommendations in hopes it would take strain off my spine. Which it did help to a degree.

Three inches that you had sounds like quite a LLD!!!! >>> I had the option to leave it be.... didn't honestly bother me one way or another~ At 33 yrs. I'd been called about everything ONE CAN concerning the matter. LOL Doc was the one that actually mentioned it to me~ Said there would be valuable insight gained in the result for LD which is for the most part "limited" to say the least when it comes to THR. There are the % that end up GETTING a LD afterwards "as a complication".... but not near as many patients going into the procedure with such difficulties which can be documented. The ones that due have LD generally are the ones that have dislocation or the hip has merely relocated higher for whatever reason~ which is merely "temperary" due to their onset of bad hip symptoms. Plus, the majority that have THR tend to be older patients with limitations on their walking stablity & activity levels to begin with... so few doctors suggest taking the chances in part because bones are more bittle, patient doesn't maintain enough exercising etc. I'm all about medical advancement... and although I don't like to be known as a genie pig~ someone's gotta go first... or no one will ever know!

I'm NOT the first by any means... but I am amoung the FEW that have had extreme LD corrected during THR. I just told doc make the decision he felt was best not only for my needs~ but in terms of me "being a good canidate" or not for such a stretch. He said he'd make his final decision when he knew for certain exactly what he was dealing with IN SURGERY. He went with it~ maybe for the "added MAUH~ to his career" but I think it was for the exact reasons he stated to me and believes himself. I think my THR would've ended just the same regardless of my LD being corrected or not~

I'll be the first to say.... if your considering same LD correction.... THINK HARD IT AIN'T NO PICNIC~ First 8~9 months after mine hub would ask "honey what can I do" to which my response was "SHOOT ME~ I go to hell for killing myself!" and I MEANT IT! There was times he literally carried me into the doctors office crying so hard I could bearly breathe~ because I'd spent 6 SOLID hours with a cramp, my muscle in my thigh would literally look like someone was pulling it off the bone & be hard as a rock~ it would tighten up so bad... and muscle relaxers & pain killers didn't touch it! Have to go have shots and "muscle stimulations" as they called it with rubs & hot tub~ which 2 me translated... try 2 KILL ME WITH ELECTRIC~ then dump me in water! LOL Has been a VERY LONG HAUL recoverying. I wasn't even issued PT in terms of "normal" exercises~ those they give me a flier on.... because they were worried more about my gait & stride training. I had the muscle tone what I needed more was to actually know the "RIGHT WAY" to walk! So I had regular exercises as "assumed task" and worked in PT on my foot strength, stance.... sheesh and A BILLION OTHER DETAILS~ I was in PT for nearly a full year... 3 times a week before it was time to start right back at ground zero.... Grrrrrr!

It'll be interesting to see how much total height I gained from my LLD ... >>> did U have both hips done ? I didn't actually "gain" any height... I was just "leveled" as I often put it. LOL It has it's benefits now... but certainly was a LONG WAIT getting them.... least for me. And only draw backs I've found SO FAR.... is having to stretch so much~ and loosing my height cracks when seen at my family doc office. :( Oh well... can't have it all! LOL

Best of wishes on a terrific check up sweetie~ Hope all is well with you! :)

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I believe my LLD was 1/2-3/4 inch, not exactly sure until I go in on Monday for my post-op. I guess I got used to the leg length difference, now it seems strange to be of equal length! I also feel I have to stretch a lot.

Three inches that you had sounds like quite a LLD!!!!

A friend came to visit me yesterday and said I was definitely taller. I used to be half an inch shorter than her, now I am taller ... and that was with my barefeet and her in shoes! It'll be interesting to see how much total height I gained from my LLD ... I was 5'2" prior to my THRs.

Re: Question

It's good to know that someone else had that experience. >>>I had nearly 3 full inch difference corrected. They told me that most patients run closer to 1/2~ 1" corrections. What did you have fixed ? The larger the distance fixed... the more problems created or experienced. I let doc push the limits not only in hopes of me being leveled... but hey save LOTS OF MONEY on my shoe builds LOL but more so in the hopes of helping others with greater differences. They have to have someone willing to eventual the unknowns to figure out what's what. I still have to do ALOT of stretching to keep it from tighting back up.... but it's gotten used to it's new lengths for the m! ost part. Now if I could get my back used to the new way I walk.... I think I'll be doing pretty good. LOL All things considered~

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Sounds like you encountered a whole lot of pain in your femur, more than I am complaining about, so now I feel so bad for even complaining! I'm glad it resolved itself for you. I'm not at the point of tears due to this pain, just that I don't want to have it forever. Even though it's nothing compared to the arthritis pain, I would rather not trade one pain for another, just want to be NORMAL!!!

Yes, I had both hips done due to hip dysplasia, and with the first one my OS told me there would be approximately a 1/4 inch discrepancy, but not to worry because he would fix it with the second surgery (which was 10 weeks after the first). I think the LLD was more like 1/2 inch, maybe even more. So, yes, my height should shoot up (well, not SHOOT up if it's only half an inch), but it's a strange feeling to grow taller once you're an adult.

I do very much appreciate your insights on all this.

Re: Question

I guess I got used to the leg length difference, now it seems strange to be of equal length! >>> I know, don't even feel like your walking..... it feels more like a waddle LOL Course truth is other way around. Still feels VERY ODD standing flat footed to me. I have alot of trouble with my FD too though... where I walked so many years literally on my big toe~ I only used a shoe build about 5~6 yrs. prior to my operation... and that was due to the doctors recommendations in hopes it would take strain off my spine. Which it did help to a degree.Three inches that you had sounds like quite a LLD!!!! >>> I had the option to leave it be.... didn't honestly bother me one way or another~ At 33 yrs. I'd been called about everything ONE CAN concerning the matter. LOL Doc was the one that actually mentioned it to me~ Said there would be valuable insight gained in the result for LD which is for the most part "limited" to say the least when it comes to THR. There are the % that end up GETTING a LD afterwards "as a complication".... but not near as many patients going into the procedure with such difficulties which can be documented. The ones that due have LD generally are the ones that have dislocation or the hip has merely relocated higher for whatever reason~ which is merely "temperary" due to their onset of bad hip symptoms. Plus, t! he majority that have THR tend to be older patients with limitations on their walking stablity & activity levels to begin with... so few doctors suggest taking the chances in part because bones are more bittle, patient doesn't maintain enough exercising etc. I'm all about medical advancement... and although I don't like to be known as a genie pig~ someone's gotta go first... or no one will ever know! I'm NOT the first by any means... but I am amoung the FEW that have had extreme LD corrected during THR. I just told doc make the decision he felt was best not only for my needs~ but in terms of me "being a good canidate" or not for such a stretch. He said he'd make his final decision when he knew for certain exactly what he was dealing with IN SURGERY. He went with it~ maybe for the "added MAUH~ to his career" but I think it was for the exact reasons he stated to me and believes himself. I think my THR would've ended just the same regardless of my LD being corrected or not~ I'll be the first to say.... if your considering same LD correction.... THINK HARD IT AIN'T NO PICNIC~ First 8~9 months after mine hub would ask "honey what can I do" to which my response was "SHOOT ME~ I go to hell for killing myself!" and I MEANT IT! There was times he literally carried me into the doctors office crying so hard I could bearly breathe~ because I'd spent 6 SOLID hours with a cramp, my muscle in my thigh would literally look like someone was pulling it off the bone & be hard as a rock~ it would tighten up so bad... and muscle relaxers & pain killers didn't touch it! Have to go have shots and "muscle stimulations" as they called it with rubs & hot tub~ which 2 me translated... try 2 KILL ME WITH ELECTRIC~ then dump me in water! LOL Has been a VERY LONG HAUL recoverying. I wasn't even issued PT in terms of "normal" exercises~ those they give me a flier on.... because they were worried more about my gait & ! ; stride training. I had the muscle tone what I needed more was to actually know the "RIGHT WAY" to walk! So I had regular exercises as "assumed task" and worked in PT on my foot strength, stance.... sheesh and A BILLION OTHER DETAILS~ I was in PT for nearly a full year... 3 times a week before it was time to start right back at ground zero.... Grrrrrr!It'll be interesting to see how much total height I gained from my LLD ... >>> did U have both hips done ? I didn't actually "gain" any height... I was just "leveled" as I often put it. LOL It has it's benefits now... but certainly was a LONG WAIT getting them.... least for me. And only draw backs I've found SO FAR.... is having to stretch so much~ and loosing my height cracks when seen at my family doc office. :( Oh well... can't have it all! LOLBest of wishes on a terrific check up sweetie~ Hope all is well with you! :)

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Sounds like you encountered a whole lot of pain in your femur, more than I am complaining about, so now I feel so bad for even complaining! >>>Has been a nasty lil experience but it's for good reason so worth it. :) You shouldn't feel bad... everyone has their own levels of pain tolerance & one is no worse then anothers.... hurt is HURT period~ for all of us! Complaining is good.... gets things off your chest. :)

I would rather not trade one pain for another, just want to be NORMAL!!! >>> AMEN TO THAT! Course hub reassures me to "hang up the hope for that now~ NEVER GONNA HAPPEN"..... I wasn't "normal" before. Such love~ LOL He does have a way with helping me to find a smile though~

I certainly hope yours passes and quickly. I think what your experiencing can very well be your LD correction acting up. Your stretches will make a WORLD of difference. It's almost like your muscle has to be "talked into" behaving itself...... but once it learns your not gonna put it back... it gets happy about it's new location. LOL

it's a strange feeling to grow taller once you're an adult. Maybe compaired to friend your not real certain about your changes... but have ya noticed a difference in your pants lengths ? Might be another way for you to see the difference~ LOL Just a thought.... <giggling> figured I'd share~

Wish ya the best of luck on your check up sweetie... and hope your recovery continues to go terrificly for ya! Don't forget tell doc to crack out the measuring tapes.... LOL U got me curious about it all now~ :)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I would listen to your audie; they're usually the experts! Everything sounds

too loud and noisy early on and as you eventaully get lower Ts and higher Cs,

it all gets into proportion. When you are ready to start playing around with

your options, you can try a sensitivity map. I use one and I love it because

I can use the dial on my 3G to turn down the further away sounds and still

hear the closer sounds. For example, when I'm in my car, I can turn the road

noise down but still enjoy the radio.

In a message dated 7/27/2005 7:48:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,

ec_nunez@... writes:

I have the new Freedom processor. Can anyone tell me if they have a problem

with background noise being too loud in the car, mall, etc. I have been to

my 3rd mappingsand the ride home was most uncomfortable with the noise the

processor was picking up. I had it set at 9 and lowered volume all the way to 1

and I could still hear the motor, A/C quite loudly. I am now sitting in front

of my computer with no noise and it still sounds like a waterfall. Is this

normal? My audie said it would get better. I can now talk on the phone quite

nicely and hear the TV with little help from the captions. Music is another

story. Went to a nightclub and it was horrid. Any help and ideas will be

appreciated. I do not really know what normal is for a CI.

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Elsa, is autosensitivity activated on any of your programs? I've a 3G two

programs) and autosens is on P2. When I am in my woork van, or in a noisy

place such as a mall, switching to P2 just fades all that racket away


> Question



> I have the new Freedom processor. Can anyone tell me if they

> have a problem with background noise being too loud in the

> car, mall, etc. I have been to my 3rd mappingsand the

> ride home was most uncomfortable with the noise the processor

> was picking up. I had it set at 9 and lowered volume all the

> way to 1 and I could still hear the motor, A/C quite loudly.

> I am now sitting in front of my computer with no noise and it

> still sounds like a waterfall. Is this normal? My audie said

> it would get better. I can now talk on the phone quite

> nicely and hear the TV with little help from the captions.

> Music is another story. Went to a nightclub and it was

> horrid. Any help and ideas will be appreciated. I do not

> really know what normal is for a CI.


> __________________________________________________


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Thisis what the audie says I now have on my Freedom.

P1-- Volume only ADRO Background noise. Volume goes from 1 to 9. Please try to

keep it at 9. P2 Sensitivity only- ADRO. Goes up to 22. Please try

to keep it at 12.

P3- volume only Whisper- for distance soft spoken speech

P4-- Volume only- BEAM zero in on something. Like a person in a restaurant.

She wrote this out foe me. What exactly is a 3G?

I tried the WHISPER with the TV tonight and it did quite well.

Which one of these would be best for trying to practice listening to music?

Shall I practice with all? THNAKS

Ci92000@... wrote:

I would listen to your audie; they're usually the experts! Everything sounds

too loud and noisy early on and as you eventaully get lower Ts and higher Cs,

it all gets into proportion. When you are ready to start playing around with

your options, you can try a sensitivity map. I use one and I love it because

I can use the dial on my 3G to turn down the further away sounds and still

hear the closer sounds. For example, when I'm in my car, I can turn the road

noise down but still enjoy the radio.

In a message dated 7/27/2005 7:48:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,

ec_nunez@... writes:

I have the new Freedom processor. Can anyone tell me if they have a problem

with background noise being too loud in the car, mall, etc. I have been to

my 3rd mappingsand the ride home was most uncomfortable with the noise the

processor was picking up. I had it set at 9 and lowered volume all the way to 1

and I could still hear the motor, A/C quite loudly. I am now sitting in front

of my computer with no noise and it still sounds like a waterfall. Is this

normal? My audie said it would get better. I can now talk on the phone quite

nicely and hear the TV with little help from the captions. Music is another

story. Went to a nightclub and it was horrid. Any help and ideas will be

appreciated. I do not really know what normal is for a CI.

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3g = third generation processor. What came immediately before the Freedom


Cochlear could have called the Freedom the " 4G " .

Does the P2 program work for you in noisy environments?

3Gs have a whisper switch, but I find it makes everything way too loud

I would say your last sentence is right - practice with everything.

YOU are the only person who knows what is right for YOU

> Re: Question



> Thisis what the audie says I now have on my Freedom.

> P1-- Volume only ADRO Background noise. Volume goes from 1

> to 9. Please try to keep it at 9. P2

> Sensitivity only- ADRO. Goes up to 22. Please try to keep it at 12.

> P3- volume only Whisper- for distance soft spoken speech

> P4-- Volume only- BEAM zero in on something. Like a person

> in a restaurant.

> She wrote this out foe me. What exactly is a 3G?

> I tried the WHISPER with the TV tonight and it did quite well.

> Which one of these would be best for trying to practice

> listening to music? Shall I practice with all? THNAKS


> Ci92000@... wrote:

> I would listen to your audie; they're usually the experts!

> Everything sounds

> too loud and noisy early on and as you eventaully get lower

> Ts and higher Cs,

> it all gets into proportion. When you are ready to start

> playing around with

> your options, you can try a sensitivity map. I use one and I

> love it because

> I can use the dial on my 3G to turn down the further away

> sounds and still

> hear the closer sounds. For example, when I'm in my car, I

> can turn the road

> noise down but still enjoy the radio.



> In a message dated 7/27/2005 7:48:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> ec_nunez@... writes:

> I have the new Freedom processor. Can anyone tell me if they

> have a problem

> with background noise being too loud in the car, mall, etc.

> I have been to

> my 3rd mappingsand the ride home was most uncomfortable with

> the noise the

> processor was picking up. I had it set at 9 and lowered

> volume all the way to 1

> and I could still hear the motor, A/C quite loudly. I am now

> sitting in front

> of my computer with no noise and it still sounds like a

> waterfall. Is this

> normal? My audie said it would get better. I can now talk on

> the phone quite

> nicely and hear the TV with little help from the captions.

> Music is another

> story. Went to a nightclub and it was horrid. Any help and

> ideas will be

> appreciated. I do not really know what normal is for a CI.




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The 3G is the behind the ear speech processr that came before your


Try music using P1 and P2. Do use them all, though, and have fun

figuring out which situation is best for which program!

In a message dated 7/27/2005 10:47:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,

ec_nunez@... writes:

She wrote this out foe me. What exactly is a 3G?

I tried the WHISPER with the TV tonight and it did quite well.

Which one of these would be best for trying to practice listening to music?

Shall I practice with all? THNAKS

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