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Prayer request

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Let us know how she's doing please. My thoughts and prayers are with her.



Prayer request

>From: AIS1INFO@...


>Hello all, a here. I was just wanting to request that you all pray for


>special little friend in Arizona. Britney Blackburn. She had shunt surgery

>Wednesday. It was to add an external shunt to her already installed


>shunt. She was released yesterday late and is back in the hospital in the

>CCU. She is very sick. I hope you will all find it in your hearts to help


>in praying for her. And for those of you that know the power of

>prayer......send a little extra one to her parents, so that they may have


>strength to stand this trying time. a



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  • 3 weeks later...

, thank you for asking for the support! Our family has

already had prayers for all of you tonite, and we will gladly

continue until things are doing much better.


The hoggan Clan of Utah


> From: Bell <eibell@...>


> Hi everyone,


> I would like to ask a favor of everyone who feels so inclined

to pray

> for my husband, , as he is in the hospital with heart


> They have scheduled a couple of tests for him later this week,

which we

> hope will solve the problems.


> He was admitted to hospital on Saturday with chest pains and a


> beat of only 45 bpm. The doctors have decided to do an

angiogram and

> depending on the results, he may have to have an angioplasty.

They are

> also going to do an assessment to see if he is suitable for a

> pacemaker. We will know later this week the results. In the


> I would appreciate your prayers. Thanking you in advance


> Bell

> Little People of Manitoba

> Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

> --

> May the peace of Christmas fall softly in your world and stay

in your

> heart forever.



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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
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Hi Texas mom,

It just broke my heart about your dog. He's part of your family and we

all love you and we'll pray for him and your family so you will make the

right decision. God cares about every aspect of our lives the small

things, the medium things, and the big things.

I'm praying.

Love and prayers from Cincinnati




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You've got my prayers sis. Nothing is too big or small to, or for the Lord. He said to come to Him in ALL things :-) God bless you and your family hon. I'd sure ask for prayers for my Micha ( my rowdy cocker!)

Love, Bonnie

**********************************************With God, ALL things are possible.**********************************************

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Just want to thank everyone for their kind words and prayers for my

dog. I feel emotionally alot better. It's just a hard decision to

make because it is not a physical problem but rather an mental

problem with him so I keep thinking there's something more I can do.

I have had to put to sleep my childhood dog and my husbands before,

along with sick dogs at the dog sheleter I use to volunteer for. I

was always okay with it because they were physical problems. This is

different but I do know in my heart that if I have to put him to

sleep, it's the best thing for him because he will have peace. Don't

want everyone to think I'm unable to function during all this. After

a good cry this morning, I did my LL and have been right on track

with everything. I'll give everyone a dog update on Monday or so

since it will take a few days to see how this medicine works but will

continue to contribute my LL and eating opinions in the meantime. I

will end my last email today on a good note.....all my clothes are

too big! They are just hanging on me. One of my co-workers is going

to move buttons and take things in for me. I'm calling it The Button

Moving Party! Take care everyone for today and thanks again for

everything. Big group hug for us all.

> You've got my prayers sis. Nothing is too big or small to, or for

the Lord. He said to come to Him in ALL things :-) God bless you and

your family hon. I'd sure ask for prayers for my Micha ( my rowdy


> Love, Bonnie

> **********************************************

> With God, ALL things are possible.

> **********************************************

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I want you to know that my heart and my prayers are with you and your sweet pet. I know how heartbreaking it can be to lose a pet, or to see them suffer. My heart is reaching out to you right now. We open our hearts and let these sweet animals in, they become part of our family, our lives. It makes perfect sense for you to ask for prayers for him and for your family. You can be assured you have mine.

I heard that there will be a special on TV tonight about the power of prayer. It has been somehow medically proven that prayer can be one of the most important things in our lives. I know that last year I received calls and emails from all over the world when Darlene and Jan spread the word on the internet that my Dad was diagnosed with Cancer. The doctors had told him he had little or no chance of survival. You know I just came from celebrating his 81st birthday a year and a half later. I have and always will be grateful for all those who offered their prayers to give me these extra days with him. He is going back in for tests on Friday and I will be on my knees all night Thursday.

One thing that I hope is that all of you who belong to this list will understand that Life Lift is about more than just breathing. It is about supporting each other, being there when one of us needs help, love, inspiration and even yippees when we have accomplished something wonderful. We are all a team here. Not one of you out there has to ever be alone again. You have me, and I have you, and aren't we the luckiest bunch of people on earth to have so many who care.

I saw today that we now have over 180 members. Pretty amazing considering that we just started our list a few months ago. We are a list with an real honest to goodness heart. I will bet if you listen closely you can almost hear a heart beat when you read your mail from this list.

One thing you can be assured of, someone out here really cares about you. You can count on it!



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Prayer request

Hey everyone, I hope I don't offend anyone asking for prayers on this but I have a situation with my oldest dog. He's a 10 1/2 year old Shar-Pei named Chancellor and I may have to put him to sleep because of behavioral problems. He suffers from separation anxiety and has all his life. It was all under control the last few years but has sparked up again very bad. Unless he is with me or my daughter he will bark non-stop for hours on end. Last count was 7 hours straight when we were out of town. He's all stressed out and in addition to barking will purposely hurt himself. For the past couple of weeks we have had him on some separation anxiety medication that, believe it or not, made the matter worse. So today we went back to the vet for some new medication along with some tranquilizers to help him until the medication kicks in (takes several days to see results). Every professional that has met him and tried to treat him always ends up saying, "In all my years of business..." or "I've never seen anything like this...". I know the easy thing sounds like just put him to sleep but he's a part of our family and I have a daughter that I will have to explain this too if we do and her birthday is late this month and believe it or not, two years ago right before her birthday, I found one of my other shar-pei's at home dead from having a heart attack in her sleep so the timing is kind of bad. I'm just hoping that either this medication works or that God will help my family through the difficult decsion to put him to sleep and not think me of being a failure for doing this. No need for anyone to respond to this because I don't want to interrupt the LL discussion that this board is for. I will tell everyone what we have done though next week but know that I will feel your prayers in the meantime. Thanks everyone

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Dear Texas Mom,

Having a sharpei named " Chazzy " here at my feet OF COURSE I don't

think prayers for dogs are silly! I was a pre vet student before I

went into Speech and I love all kinds of critters (I married a

giraffe-like man because he is like my favorite zoo animal...then

learned that Bova means cow in Italian!) (also he is tall and

nearsighted so that when I look up my wrinkles fall out and he can't

see 'em anyway!)

Sharpeis are gentle and sensitive...this one is the king of skittish

too. He takes great delight in trotting to the back fence and ruff!

one time at Psycho-Dog who lives behind us (a Gordon Setter) to set

him off on a barking tirade, trotting back in and I swear he is

laughing all the way!

I hope and pray your vet can help and some Divine Intervention, too!

We also have Baby the dachshund from H...E double toothpick. This

past January I had to have my greyhound (rescued) put to sleep.

SOMEDAY I will have another!

Love and Pahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!...hey, Rashelle...is there a way we

can teach our dogs to LL?....maybe squeeze a pahhhhhhhh out?...oh-oh!

That might squeeze out something ELSE we wouldn't want!

> Hey everyone, I hope I don't offend anyone asking for prayers on


> but I have a situation with my oldest dog. He's a 10 1/2 year old

> Shar-Pei named Chancellor and I may have to put him to sleep


> of behavioral problems. He suffers from separation anxiety and has

> all his life. It was all under control the last few years but has

> sparked up again very bad. Unless he is with me or my daughter he

> will bark non-stop for hours on end. Last count was 7 hours


> when we were out of town. He's all stressed out and in addition to

> barking will purposely hurt himself. For the past couple of weeks


> have had him on some separation anxiety medication that, believe it

> or not, made the matter worse. So today we went back to the vet


> some new medication along with some tranquilizers to help him until

> the medication kicks in (takes several days to see results). Every

> professional that has met him and tried to treat him always ends up

> saying, " In all my years of business... " or " I've never seen

> anything like this... " . I know the easy thing sounds like just put

> him to sleep but he's a part of our family and I have a daughter


> I will have to explain this too if we do and her birthday is late

> this month and believe it or not, two years ago right before her

> birthday, I found one of my other shar-pei's at home dead from


> a heart attack in her sleep so the timing is kind of bad. I'm just

> hoping that either this medication works or that God will help my

> family through the difficult decsion to put him to sleep and not

> think me of being a failure for doing this. No need for anyone to

> respond to this because I don't want to interrupt the LL discussion

> that this board is for. I will tell everyone what we have done

> though next week but know that I will feel your prayers in the

> meantime. Thanks everyone.

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Dear Texas Mom,

I will pray for you sweet little love. I would like to make a suggestion have

you thought about getting a companion for him.I don't know if this would help

but maybe you could ask the vet.



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Winnie, I actually had a total of four Shar-Pei's. I always said I'd

have five dogs but after four my husband told me he'd like a " real

child " so we had my daughter. One dog died in her sleep of a heart

attack at age 7 1/2 (she had a bad thyroid and the pills weren't

working well enough) so he still has two more to keep him company: a

7 1/2 year old female and an 8 1/2 year old male they are both his

kids (it was the mom that died). Shar-Pei's can become very attached

to one person and fiercly protective of him so when I'm not around,

he really aches. Plus, he is now even more attached to my daughter

so when we both are not around he really hurts. We are outside every

night with them but it's just not enough for him. So I've really

been held hostage whenever we go to work or whenever we go out on the

weekends. We have a covered patio with ceiling fans going and we

installed an air conditioner unit in the garage last year as in Texas

in August it's always in the 100's. I even have separation anxiety

music playing that the ASPCA puts out. As you can see, I've done as

much as I can to make a happy home for them. I can tell everyone

that we did have a quiet night last night once the tranquilizer

kicked in. He did bark this morning and we gave him his anxiety

medication and another tranquilizer. He was still barking when I

left but you could hear the tranquilzer kicking in so I'm sure he's

sound asleep now. The tranquilizers are only for a few more days as

the anxiety medication should have kicked in by then so that will be

real test. Right now he's only quiet because he's knocked out but

hopefully the new med will work and keep him calm. Thanks again for

everyone's kind words and prayers.

> Dear Texas Mom,


> I will pray for you sweet little love. I would like to make a

suggestion have

> you thought about getting a companion for him.I don't know if this

would help

> but maybe you could ask the vet.



> Winnie


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I am on the lifelift group. I just wanted you to know that you are in my

prayers. I know how hard this must be for you.





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  • 1 month later...
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Hi ,

You got my prayers. The house sounds wonderful.

Love, Liz



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Praise God sis :-) We're claiming the house is yours in the Name of Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What wonderful news to read first thing in the morning :-) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

*****************************With God, ALL things are possible.*****************************

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  • 2 weeks later...
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You've got it Liz :-)

Hope your weekend has been full of love and peace! By the way, I did the two breaths I told you I would :-) Planning on starting back with my breaths and Plies tomorrow. I was told to do the OiP and Half Frogs before bed, so I guess I'll do those tonight Lord willing. I've had an exhausting week and weekend due to the cleanse, obligations and the fact that I have been to bed late and up early all week. I'm planning on getting in the tub with my little DaZey "Turbo Spa" with Lavender scented water and a face mask and cucumbers over my eyes and listen to a McGruders tape. Going to try to get in bed early too :-) Talk to you later. Keep us posted on your Pastor.

{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

*****************************With God, ALL things are possible.*****************************I would like to ask you to pray for my pastor. His name is Jack White.He's been having bloody diarrhea since last night. He's going to thehospital today.Thanks!Love, Liz

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Hi Bonnie,

Thanks for your prayers. I noticed that you also like the McGruders. I

have a couple of their tapes. Have you ever seen them in person? I seen

them a couple of years ago. They were great!

Have a great night! Enjoy your bath! Nighty night!

Love, Liz



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Hello, I have a quick question for you, what is Plies?

I'm sorry, I've been gone so long and often that I'm

quite out of touch with what has been going on. Thank

you for your response and I'll look towards hearing

from you. Sounds like you are recovering after you

bout with the cleanse. That truly was rather

remarkable, so glad you didn't set yourself to

hospital! Best to you and keep your chin up!


--- Bonnie <block312@...> wrote:

> You've got it Liz :-)

> Hope your weekend has been full of love and peace!

> By the way, I did the two breaths I told you I would

> :-) Planning on starting back with my breaths and

> Plies tomorrow. I was told to do the OiP and Half

> Frogs before bed, so I guess I'll do those tonight

> Lord willing. I've had an exhausting week and

> weekend due to the cleanse, obligations and the fact

> that I have been to bed late and up early all week.

> I'm planning on getting in the tub with my little

> DaZey " Turbo Spa " with Lavender scented water and a

> face mask and cucumbers over my eyes and listen to a

> McGruders tape. Going to try to get in bed early too

> :-) Talk to you later. Keep us posted on your

> Pastor.

> {{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

> *****************************

> With God, ALL things are possible.

> *****************************


> I would like to ask you to pray for my pastor. His

> name is Jack White.

> He's been having bloody diarrhea since last night.

> He's going to the

> hospital today.


> Thanks!

> Love, Liz




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Ok Liz, I will add him to my prayer list. I hope for

a good report.


--- stevku@... wrote:

> Hi Everyone,


> I would like to ask you to pray for my pastor. His

> name is Jack White.

> He's been having bloody diarrhea since last night.

> He's going to the

> hospital today.


> Thanks!

> Love, Liz




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Hi Melisa,

I'm sorry to here about your grandfather. I'll pray for him, you, and

your family.

Love, Liz



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Melisa, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. I will keep you and

your family in my prayers.

God Bless,

prayer request

> Hi all!

> Well, we just got back from a two week trip to Canada and my


> who has lung cancer seemed to be doing great. He was diagnosed about two

> years ago and about a year ago the doctors said there was nothing else


> could be done for him and suggested continued chemotherapy/radiation

> treatments which would prolong his time by about a year to two. After a


> of very aggressive rounds of chemo and radiation , he declined, saying


> sleeping and being sick all day and not being able to spend time with


> " was not living " . Well, we all had a wonderful visit this summer and all


> kids and most of the grandkids were there and he seemed to be doing well.


> seems , now that he was just putting up a front for our sake and seeing

> everyone was kind of a closure for him. Apparently , yesterday he woke up

> and said " I am dying and I don't want to try and choke down any more


> I have had enough. " As he currently, weighs less than 80 lbs now, he is

> being given less than a week. My mother is trying to find a flight to get

> there ASAP. Please pray that she would make it there in time. I am just

> beside myself. Rationally, I do not want him to be in any pain, and


> else seems to have accepted it, but I just cannot bear the thought that he

> will not be at my wedding , my first child , etc. I know that I am being

> selfish, it is just so hard. In addition, his wife is a step grandmother

> whom I feel very close to and I worry about losing that side of the


> To make matters worse, his doctors are no help at all acting very smug


> it is our problem because we declined the more aggressive treatment!!!

> I am sorry this is so long, I am just at loose ends right now.

> Thank you so much for listening!

> Melisa

> (holigoltly)




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What a painful and horrible thing for you to have to

go through. I truly trust in the Lord's ability to

get your Mother to his side on time. I went through a

very similar situation less than a year ago, making it

to the bedside of my loved one, only moments before he

passed away.

I'm sorry that the doctors have acted in such a

unbecoming way. That, I am sure, has only added to

your pain. Remember that when the decision was made,

it was made sincerely and honestly, and beyond that,

God's hands remain in control.

I wish you the peace and grace that is granted us

through the Holy Spirit.

--- Melisa McCreight <mmccreight@...>


> Hi all!

> Well, we just got back from a two week trip to

> Canada and my grandfather

> who has lung cancer seemed to be doing great. He was

> diagnosed about two

> years ago and about a year ago the doctors said

> there was nothing else that

> could be done for him and suggested continued

> chemotherapy/radiation

> treatments which would prolong his time by about a

> year to two. After a year

> of very aggressive rounds of chemo and radiation ,

> he declined, saying that

> sleeping and being sick all day and not being able

> to spend time with family

> " was not living " . Well, we all had a wonderful visit

> this summer and all the

> kids and most of the grandkids were there and he

> seemed to be doing well. It

> seems , now that he was just putting up a front for

> our sake and seeing

> everyone was kind of a closure for him. Apparently ,

> yesterday he woke up

> and said " I am dying and I don't want to try and

> choke down any more Ensure.

> I have had enough. " As he currently, weighs less

> than 80 lbs now, he is

> being given less than a week. My mother is trying to

> find a flight to get

> there ASAP. Please pray that she would make it there

> in time. I am just

> beside myself. Rationally, I do not want him to be

> in any pain, and everyone

> else seems to have accepted it, but I just cannot

> bear the thought that he

> will not be at my wedding , my first child , etc. I

> know that I am being

> selfish, it is just so hard. In addition, his wife

> is a step grandmother

> whom I feel very close to and I worry about losing

> that side of the family.

> To make matters worse, his doctors are no help at

> all acting very smug that

> it is our problem because we declined the more

> aggressive treatment!!!

> I am sorry this is so long, I am just at loose ends

> right now.

> Thank you so much for listening!

> Melisa

> (holigoltly)



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, ignore those idiot dr.s If they have that kind of attitude they are really not in service to their patients, but to themselves. Don't worry about being too long, I am the queen of long. Everyone puts up with me and I know we can be there for you, too.

It is very hard to loose someone you love, my brothers best friend, whom he had written off because she tried to get him to quit drinking so much, is very beloved of our family. He had quit speaking to a monthe before he died, but we have her come to our weekly family pizza night, and my kids adore her. I am so glad we have not lost touch with her "side of the family". She is very dear to us!

God will give you strength to go on even when you feel your crappiest and most irritable..It has not been easy, but it is survivable. I never thought I would survive something like this.

I just realized you said you had been in canada for two weeks. In case you had not heard, my brother committed suicide 2 weeks ago aand I was the one who found him. So I really know what you are going through. Our family has led a charmed and blessed life. We have only lost our grandparensts over the last 25 years. No one else. We were al shocked and stunned.

Just call and spend time with him, share your I love yous. Don't hold anything back,and never let a moment go by without telling someone you love , that you love them, NEVER MISS THAT OPPORTUNITY!! Never be afriad , embarrassed, or ashamed. JUST DO IT!!!

I pray that he will go peacefully and take his pain away while he remains here. Or better yet, a healing!

But always for God's will. Find someone to give you hugs, I wish I could you, they have been a lifesaver for me.. Every time someone hugs you it takes some of the pain.

I hope you can get some sleep and rest for you body and spirit. w from Oz

prayer request

Hi all! Well, we just got back from a two week trip to Canada and my grandfatherwho has lung cancer seemed to be doing great. He was diagnosed about twoyears ago and about a year ago the doctors said there was nothing else thatcould be done for him and suggested continued chemotherapy/radiationtreatments which would prolong his time by about a year to two. After a yearof very aggressive rounds of chemo and radiation , he declined, saying thatsleeping and being sick all day and not being able to spend time with family"was not living". Well, we all had a wonderful visit this summer and all thekids and most of the grandkids were there and he seemed to be doing well. Itseems , now that he was just putting up a front for our sake and seeingeveryone was kind of a closure for him. Apparently , yesterday he woke upand said "I am dying and I don't want to try and choke down any more Ensure.I have had enough." As he currently, weighs less than 80 lbs now, he isbeing given less than a week. My mother is trying to find a flight to getthere ASAP. Please pray that she would make it there in time. I am justbeside myself. Rationally, I do not want him to be in any pain, and everyoneelse seems to have accepted it, but I just cannot bear the thought that hewill not be at my wedding , my first child , etc. I know that I am beingselfish, it is just so hard. In addition, his wife is a step grandmotherwhom I feel very close to and I worry about losing that side of the family.To make matters worse, his doctors are no help at all acting very smug thatit is our problem because we declined the more aggressive treatment!!!I am sorry this is so long, I am just at loose ends right now.Thank you so much for listening!Melisa(holigoltly)Please use our list bookstore In Association with Amazon.com If you are looking for anything, please click on this link first! Thanks! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/karmasrecommerea/

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You've got my prayers :-)

You trust the Lord Melisa and lean on Him. I'm here for you if you need me.

{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

*****************************With God, ALL things are possible.*****************************

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Thanks so much. You never fail to support all us and I hope you know how much we appreciate you!!!!

-----Original Message-----From: Bonnie [mailto:block312@...]Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 8:25 AMLifeLiftegroupsSubject: Re: prayer request

You've got my prayers :-)

You trust the Lord Melisa and lean on Him. I'm here for you if you need me.

{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

*****************************With God, ALL things are possible.*****************************Please use our list bookstore In Association with Amazon.com If you are looking for anything, please click on this link first! Thanks! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/karmasrecommerea/

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Thanks so much for yoyr kind words. I know you are right, of course, it

is just so hard to actually do it!!!


Re: prayer request


What a painful and horrible thing for you to have to

go through. I truly trust in the Lord's ability to

get your Mother to his side on time. I went through a

very similar situation less than a year ago, making it

to the bedside of my loved one, only moments before he

passed away.

I'm sorry that the doctors have acted in such a

unbecoming way. That, I am sure, has only added to

your pain. Remember that when the decision was made,

it was made sincerely and honestly, and beyond that,

God's hands remain in control.

I wish you the peace and grace that is granted us

through the Holy Spirit.

--- Melisa McCreight <mmccreight@...>


> Hi all!

> Well, we just got back from a two week trip to

> Canada and my grandfather

> who has lung cancer seemed to be doing great. He was

> diagnosed about two

> years ago and about a year ago the doctors said

> there was nothing else that

> could be done for him and suggested continued

> chemotherapy/radiation

> treatments which would prolong his time by about a

> year to two. After a year

> of very aggressive rounds of chemo and radiation ,

> he declined, saying that

> sleeping and being sick all day and not being able

> to spend time with family

> " was not living " . Well, we all had a wonderful visit

> this summer and all the

> kids and most of the grandkids were there and he

> seemed to be doing well. It

> seems , now that he was just putting up a front for

> our sake and seeing

> everyone was kind of a closure for him. Apparently ,

> yesterday he woke up

> and said " I am dying and I don't want to try and

> choke down any more Ensure.

> I have had enough. " As he currently, weighs less

> than 80 lbs now, he is

> being given less than a week. My mother is trying to

> find a flight to get

> there ASAP. Please pray that she would make it there

> in time. I am just

> beside myself. Rationally, I do not want him to be

> in any pain, and everyone

> else seems to have accepted it, but I just cannot

> bear the thought that he

> will not be at my wedding , my first child , etc. I

> know that I am being

> selfish, it is just so hard. In addition, his wife

> is a step grandmother

> whom I feel very close to and I worry about losing

> that side of the family.

> To make matters worse, his doctors are no help at

> all acting very smug that

> it is our problem because we declined the more

> aggressive treatment!!!

> I am sorry this is so long, I am just at loose ends

> right now.

> Thank you so much for listening!

> Melisa

> (holigoltly)



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