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in williss paper it remarks this too, take all flouride off our kids, bar

none. That means even DIFLUCAN which contains flouride, please check all

pharmaceuticals, it's in there at times


[ ] Fluoride


>Hi everyone~


>Amazing what I didn't know about fluoride! Pasted in below is a post I

>received from a friend. I've also found a few others that I'll be sending.

>Scary stuff!





>In Physicians for Social Responsibilities report " In Harm's Way, Toxic

>Threats to Child Development " there are a few pages devoted to fluoride.

>Here are some excerpts:

>Since the 1950's, in many communities throughout the US and other areas of

>the world, fluoride has been added to community drinking water supplies

>with the intention of reducing tooth decay. Controversy about the safety

>of that practice centers around concerns about increased risks of tooth

>staining, and brittleness (dental fluorosis), bone brittleness (skeletal

>fluorosis), bone cancer, hormone disruption (melatonin), premature

>puberty, and altered neurological development.

>In addition, some critics argue that fluoridating the water supply has a

>minimal impact on tooth decay. The practice has been staunchly defended

>by the American Dental Association and heralded by the Centers for Disease

>Control and Prevention as one of the major public health success stories

>of the 20th century. We don not intend to review the entire controversy

>here. Recent reviews are found elsewhere.(They list these). Rather, here

>we commentbriefly on concerns about neurodevelopmental impacts of prenatal

>exposure to fluoride.

>They also quote many studies such as one on rats that were exposed to

>fluoride on days 17-19 of pregnancy showed significant hyperactivity and

>another where rats were given fluoride in drinking water during pregnancy

>and lactation and had significantly elevated acetylcholinesterase levels

>and two reports from China that identified significantly lower childhood

>IQs in communities where fluoride expsoure is elevated and one study where

>the distrubution of IQ sscores in children in each quartile of fluoride

>exposure shifted progressively downward as the fluoride exposures


> Conclusion:

>Studies in animals and human populations suggest

>that fluoride exposure, at levels that are experienced by a significant

>proportion of the population whose drinking water is fluoridated, may have

>adverse impacts on the developing brain. Though no final conclusions may

>be reached from available data, the findings are provocative and of

>significant public health concern. Perhaps most surprising is the relative

>sparseness of data addressing the central question of whether or not this

>chemical, which is intentionally added to drinking water, may interfere

>with normal brain development and function. Focused research should

>address this important matter urgently.

>Additional sources of fluoride, including topical fluoride treatments,

>fluoride tablets, and fluoride toothpaste, add to the total fluoride


>In Harm's Way: Toxic Threats to Child Development, May 2000

>Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility

>Chapter 6, pages 90, 91 and 92


>To download go to


>or call 617-497-7440







>Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to

>be normal. -- Albert Camus







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  • 2 weeks later...

There are several different " versions " of fluoride (stannous fluoride,

calcium fluoride, etc.). The natural one found in various foods does have

some benefits but the one they add to the water supply, toothpaste, etc. is

toxic waste. The companies which have to get rid of this byproduct of their

manufacutring process pay the ADA and city water districts big bucks to

promote it and put it in the water because it saves them money over what

they would otherwise have to pay for toxic waste removal! It began with the

nuclear weapons industry trying to figure out what to do with this toxic

waste byproduct and somebody said stannous fluoride, calcium fluoride... the

general public won't know the difference, particularly if we do a bang-up

sales job with backing from the medical community. There's a book about the

hazards of fluoride by Youyannis (sp?). I don't remember the title at the


On Wed, 13 Sep 2000 06:52:59 -0700, egroups wrote:

> Hi everyone~


> Amazing what I didn't know about fluoride! Pasted in below is a post I

> received from a friend. I've also found a few others that I'll be


> Scary stuff!


> Chris

> =========================================

> ,

> In Physicians for Social Responsibilities report " In Harm's Way, Toxic

> Threats to Child Development " there are a few pages devoted to fluoride.

> Here are some excerpts:

> Since the 1950's, in many communities throughout the US and other areas


> the world, fluoride has been added to community drinking water supplies

> with the intention of reducing tooth decay. Controversy about the safety

> of that practice centers around concerns about increased risks of tooth

> staining, and brittleness (dental fluorosis), bone brittleness (skeletal

> fluorosis), bone cancer, hormone disruption (melatonin), premature

> puberty, and altered neurological development.

> In addition, some critics argue that fluoridating the water supply has a

> minimal impact on tooth decay. The practice has been staunchly defended

> by the American Dental Association and heralded by the Centers for


> Control and Prevention as one of the major public health success stories

> of the 20th century. We don not intend to review the entire controversy

> here. Recent reviews are found elsewhere.(They list these). Rather, here

> we commentbriefly on concerns about neurodevelopmental impacts of


> exposure to fluoride.

> They also quote many studies such as one on rats that were exposed to

> fluoride on days 17-19 of pregnancy showed significant hyperactivity and

> another where rats were given fluoride in drinking water during pregnancy

> and lactation and had significantly elevated acetylcholinesterase levels

> and two reports from China that identified significantly lower childhood

> IQs in communities where fluoride expsoure is elevated and one study


> the distrubution of IQ sscores in children in each quartile of fluoride

> exposure shifted progressively downward as the fluoride exposures

> increased.

> Conclusion:

> Studies in animals and human populations suggest

> that fluoride exposure, at levels that are experienced by a significant

> proportion of the population whose drinking water is fluoridated, may


> adverse impacts on the developing brain. Though no final conclusions may

> be reached from available data, the findings are provocative and of

> significant public health concern. Perhaps most surprising is the


> sparseness of data addressing the central question of whether or not this

> chemical, which is intentionally added to drinking water, may interfere

> with normal brain development and function. Focused research should

> address this important matter urgently.

> Additional sources of fluoride, including topical fluoride treatments,

> fluoride tablets, and fluoride toothpaste, add to the total fluoride

> burden.

> In Harm's Way: Toxic Threats to Child Development, May 2000

> Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility

> Chapter 6, pages 90, 91 and 92


> To download go to

> http://www.igc.org/psr/

> or call 617-497-7440


> Regards,

> Sue




> Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to

> be normal. -- Albert Camus






Say Bye to Slow Internet!


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  • 4 weeks later...


> Here's a brief commentary on water fluoridation by Donella Meadows, a very

> well-respected ecologist.


> The full article can be found at:




> 26sourcetype%3Dnews


> Wallinga, M.D.

> Director, Antibiotics Resistance Project

> Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)

> 2105 First Avenue South

> Minneapolis, MN 55404

> ph 612-870-3418

> fax 612-870-4846

> dwallinga@...


> Scientists, Fluoride Loonies, And the Evidence

> By Donella Meadows | posted-10.13.00 |


> Back when I was a chemistry major, my professors told me in no uncertain

> terms that water fluoridation is a boon. It prevents millions of children

> from getting cavities. People who oppose it are hysterical know-nothings.


> We budding chemists absorbed both the specific and the general lesson.

> Fluoride is good. Scientists know best.


> At just that time Carson was questioning scientific wisdom with

> regard to another issue: pesticides. I was taught that she was hysterical

> too. However as I read more widely and went beyond chemistry to ecology, I

> decided she was right. While I continued to respect science greatly, I


> to see that some scientists can be hasty in judgment, narrow in

> understanding, out of date, or more loyal to their ideology or source of

> income than to the truth.


> But I didn't question fluoride. The consensus was strong. The dentists


> behind it. Toothpaste makers hyped it. Half the nation's cities fluoridate

> their water with no obvious ill effect. I classed fluoride opponents with

> UFO spotters and horoscope

> believers. Loonies.


> I never looked at the evidence. I was thoroughly unscientific.........


> Here, for what they're worth, are some conclusions I drew after my


> immersion in this contentious topic......


> Fluoride is toxic.....The fluoride used by municipal water districts comes

> from phosphate fertilizer plants in Florida, where it is stripped from

> smokestacks to reduce air pollution. It contains not only fluoride, but

> heavy metals and other contaminants. If it were not put in

> drinking water, it would have to be treated as hazardous waste.


> The epidemiological evidence doesn't seem to be compelling either way...


> Why fluoridate the whole water supply, the millions of gallons with which


> flush toilets and take showers and water lawns, if our only target is

> children's teeth?


> Why expose all people to a chemical of arguable benefit and some risk in a

> way they can't control?


> Why dump that chemical into water supplies and then sewage plants and then

> waterways with almost no understanding of what happens to it after that?

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest


Fluoride is nuclear waste used as rat poison among other things. The nuclear

weapons industry had to either pay for toxic waste disposal or find a use for

it. One of the studies they presented to the government stated that the men in

the group which received fluoride had fewer cavities than the " control " group,

but they failed to mention that the men in the fluoride group HAD NO TEETH. The

studies had code names and portions of them " mysteriously " disappeared during a

court hearing on the subject. Guess which groups offer funding to encourage

cities like Sacramento, CA to fluoridate the city water? They reaally push for

fluoridation in surrounding communities/suburbs as well for fear of obvious

comparison groups so close together geographically.

There's a book about fluoride by a dentist named Yuoyannis (sp?) written in the

70s I think so not sure if still available. The nuclear weapons industry pulled

a fast one on the public because natural CALCIUM fluoride has beneficial

properties but the commonly used stannous fluoride has the above mentioned

definition....so they conveniently call it just fluoride. They got the ADA to

" buy it " and push it off on innocent bystanders, but we know the ADA has limited

regard for human health.




I'm curious about who has tested for mercury in your water and who you used

and what your results were.

I found an interesting map on the EPA report that says we live near " mercur y

central " (basically the east coastal area of the US) and we are going to have a

private test of mercury in our water. Our local water authority doe s not test

for mercury and it seems the EPA doesn't require testing on merc ury even though

they have a limit standard.

We are thinking of installing a reverse osmosis system in our house but wan t to

know what our current level is b4 we do that.

Also, our pediatrician wants him to continue on fluoride one way or the oth er.

I know some one out there has an opinion about fluoride, so please sha re.

If you want to share privately, please feel free to.




[This message has been truncated.]

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Fluoride is scary stuff...nuclear waste used in rat poison. It's

another case of them messing with our minds not really calling stuff

what it is...big difference between calcium fluoride (natural with some

potential benefits for oral health) and stannous fluoride (toxin). A

couple years ago they put a warning on the toothpaste tubes saying if

child swallows more than a pea-size amt. to call poison control. They

stopped just short of putting the skull and crossbones or Mr. Yuck on

the label from what I heard!



actually its toxic waste from Florida phosphate mines, mostly, but

it has lots of lead, arsenic, uranium, etc.,

etc. in it. It is very scary stuff. but even the fluoride is toxic.

More so than lead I think based on the ATSDR

MRL. also carcinogenic.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

I wish there were some better fluoride-free toothpaste alternatives, in

terms of being able to " sell " them to the kids. We were using Tom's silly

strawberry for awhile, but I think my guy was reacting to it. I haven't

found anything else at the healthfood store that he is willing to

use. Colorful labels with action figures would probably help, but alas,

the healthfood stuff mostly looks very 'organic' on the outside, as well as

in! Suggestions, anyone? I don't dare slack on toothcare at all, as my

family (including me) has AWFUL teeth, i.e. lots of dental work and mercury

fillings in the past. Both my son and daughter had lots of cavities by age

5 that had to be filled (under general anesthesia for my son :-().


At 07:27 PM 7/8/01 -0400, you wrote:

> Fluoride is scary stuff...nuclear waste used in rat poison. It's

>another case of them messing with our minds not really calling stuff

>what it is...big difference between calcium fluoride (natural with some

>potential benefits for oral health) and stannous fluoride (toxin). A

>couple years ago they put a warning on the toothpaste tubes saying if

>child swallows more than a pea-size amt. to call poison control. They

>stopped just short of putting the skull and crossbones or Mr. Yuck on

>the label from what I heard!

> S


> actually its toxic waste from Florida phosphate mines, mostly, but

>it has lots of lead, arsenic, uranium, etc.,

>etc. in it. It is very scary stuff. but even the fluoride is toxic.

>More so than lead I think based on the ATSDR

>MRL. also carcinogenic.






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Would Fluoride and/or lead be removed in the cooking process? In other

words, can I cook with my tap water (containing fluoride). If so, at what

temp and for how long?



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Terri, What we have switched over to is Microhydrin powder from

Royal BodyCare. It is called MicroBrite. Before the company offered

it I was opening capsules of Microhydrin and putting a small amount

of the powder in the palm of my hand and moistening it to make

paste. Sorry there are no fancy labels to this one. But it works

great. This is the website: www.rbcnow.com. Click on to the products

and look at MicroBrite and also look at Microhydrin. This is a MLM

company. So for you who have trouble with that concept you have been



> > Fluoride is scary stuff...nuclear waste used in rat poison. It's

> >another case of them messing with our minds not really calling


> >what it is...big difference between calcium fluoride (natural with


> >potential benefits for oral health) and stannous fluoride

(toxin). A

> >couple years ago they put a warning on the toothpaste tubes saying


> >child swallows more than a pea-size amt. to call poison control.


> >stopped just short of putting the skull and crossbones or Mr. Yuck


> >the label from what I heard!

> > S

> >**************

> > actually its toxic waste from Florida phosphate mines,

mostly, but

> >it has lots of lead, arsenic, uranium, etc.,

> >etc. in it. It is very scary stuff. but even the fluoride is


> >More so than lead I think based on the ATSDR

> >MRL. also carcinogenic.

> >Bernie

> >

> >

> >=======================================================

> >

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I don't have a source, do not believe that cooking would remove either, may

alter their form in some way. I bet Andy can answer these. If I remember

correctly, hair analysis involves burning the hair and studying the ashes, so

even that does not burn up the metal toxins. Of course, I don't remember

fluoride listed on the hair analyses.


On Wed, 08 August 2001, Eeyoremiami@... wrote:


> <html><body>

> <tt>

> Would Fluoride and/or lead be removed in the cooking process? & nbsp; In other


> words, can I cook with my tap water (containing fluoride). & nbsp; If so, at

what <BR>

> temp and for how long?<BR>

> <BR>

> Thanks,<BR>

> Kirsten<BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>


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Just FWIW. There is bottled, flouridated water sold in the infants formulas

section in most stores for babies and toddlers. I thought come on is this

really necessary and isn't this dangerous. I know that flourine is a natural

source of flouride, but isn't the flouride added to water a souped up mix of

chemicals known to be rat poison? kelly

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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

Hi everyone,

What do you think of fluoride, specifically fluoride rinse, and also fluoride

toothpaste? The fluoride site that the WAPF site links to focuses on

fluoridating water, but doesn't seem to have info on the other two sources of

fluoride. I came down with a major dental decay problem last October, so

many cavities I lost count, I think around 15, with two root canals. My

dentist prescribed a fluoride rinse. At first I was paranoid about the side

effects, but later found out the ones they list only happen in children and

well it is swallowed. But still, I did it off and on. Soemtiemes I have

trouble sleeping when I use it, because you can't drink anything after it for

a half hour, and I'm supposed to use it right before bed, and it makes me

really thirsty. Also, it sometimes seems to give me a feeling in my bones

that I get when I have too much coffee. So I haven't used it for a while.

Since my diet before was no meat, lots of soy flour and canola oil, and soy

milk instead of milk, and coffee every day, I am counting on my diet changes

stopping the dental decay and hoping I don't need the rinse.

Does anyone have any opinion on the effectiveness and side effects of these

rinses, and also in fluoride toothpaste?




" What can one say of a soul, of a heart, filled with compassion? It is a

heart which burns with love for every creature: for human beings, birds, and

animals, for serpents and for demons. The thought of them and the sight of

them make the tears of the saint flow. And this immense and intense

compassion, which flows from the heart of the saints, makes them unable to

bear the sight of the smallest, most insignificant wound in any creature.

Thus they pray ceaselessly, with tears, even for animals, for enemies of the

truth, and for those who do them wrong. "

--Saint Isaac the Syrian

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I can't comment specifically on the fluoride rinse, but earlier this year I

lived with someone who was well versed in fluoride issues who said that the

toxicity of fluoride is between that of lead and arsenic. If your body

doesn't like the fluoride, I'd look up the numerous posts (both recent and

many months back) on remineralizing teeth. Search under " remineralization " .


----- Original Message -----

From: <ChrisMasterjohn@...>

< >

Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 3:04 PM

Subject: fluoride

> Hi everyone,


> What do you think of fluoride, specifically fluoride rinse, and also


> toothpaste? The fluoride site that the WAPF site links to focuses on

> fluoridating water, but doesn't seem to have info on the other two sources


> fluoride. I came down with a major dental decay problem last October, so

> many cavities I lost count, I think around 15, with two root canals. My

> dentist prescribed a fluoride rinse. At first I was paranoid about the


> effects, but later found out the ones they list only happen in children


> well it is swallowed. But still, I did it off and on. Soemtiemes I have

> trouble sleeping when I use it, because you can't drink anything after it


> a half hour, and I'm supposed to use it right before bed, and it makes me

> really thirsty. Also, it sometimes seems to give me a feeling in my bones

> that I get when I have too much coffee. So I haven't used it for a while.

> Since my diet before was no meat, lots of soy flour and canola oil, and


> milk instead of milk, and coffee every day, I am counting on my diet


> stopping the dental decay and hoping I don't need the rinse.


> Does anyone have any opinion on the effectiveness and side effects of


> rinses, and also in fluoride toothpaste?


> Thanks,

> Chris


> ____


> " What can one say of a soul, of a heart, filled with compassion? It is a

> heart which burns with love for every creature: for human beings, birds,


> animals, for serpents and for demons. The thought of them and the sight


> them make the tears of the saint flow. And this immense and intense

> compassion, which flows from the heart of the saints, makes them unable to

> bear the sight of the smallest, most insignificant wound in any creature.

> Thus they pray ceaselessly, with tears, even for animals, for enemies of


> truth, and for those who do them wrong. "


> --Saint Isaac the Syrian




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- I have read many research on this topic, and am very concerned as a

parent. In a practical sense though, what should we as parents do?

Obviously, allowing our children to not have good dental hygiene doesn't

make sense. But what is a safe regimen for dental hygiene?

Should we avoid all toothpaste products containing fluoride, or as some

research indicates, just make sure you use only a minimal amount and make

sure it is well rinsed out and never swallowed? Maybe just use baking soda?

Should we avoid bi-annual trips to the pediatric dentist where they usually

use a flouride treatment? Should we have our water levels checked and avoid

using flouridated water if that is the case? Against, the advice of my

son's dentist, I will not use the overnight flouride treatment they

recommend. Needless to say, he had four cavities in his only four permanent


Any advice really appreciated.

Message: 14

Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 21:22:56 -0500

From: Binstock <binstock@...>

Subject: 4: Fluoride, definitions; tin, thyroid, EPA opposition, Town's


Someparents whose autistic child is experiencing chelation have asked, Why


his (or her) tin so high? Where's the tin coming from? Fluoride is a source


tin. Perhaps we'll have to investigate fluoride's presence in various


just as we continue to find additional sources of thimerosal!

Since many autism-spectrum children (ASC) have impaired


(as documented by high levels of toxic metals excreted during chelation, as

reinforced by the traits-improvements many such children experience during


after chelation), the question arises: Can an autism-spectrum child with

impaired detoxification accumulate excessive fluoride or fluoride-related

compounds. The answer appears to be Yes.

Do I think that fluoride *causes* autism? No. Do I think that


adverse effects can exacerbate a fetus's, infant's, or toddler's development


autism-spectrum traits? The medical literature presented today suggests that


answer is Yes! Fluoride's effects may be contributing to the immune and

neurologic impairments we are seeing as a national epidemic of



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i don't use toothpaste at all as there are other chemicals in that

are absorbed through the gums

no. 14 on


i did see someone recommend salt the other day, a pinch of salt on the


basically if you go without fluoride you have to cut right back on

sugar and proably watch acid fruits drinks to

> - I have read many research on this topic, and am very

concerned as a

> parent. In a practical sense though, what should we as parents do?

> Obviously, allowing our children to not have good dental hygiene


> make sense. But what is a safe regimen for dental hygiene?


> Should we avoid all toothpaste products containing fluoride, or as


> research indicates, just make sure you use only a minimal amount

and make

> sure it is well rinsed out and never swallowed? Maybe just use

baking soda?

> Should we avoid bi-annual trips to the pediatric dentist where they


> use a flouride treatment? Should we have our water levels checked

and avoid

> using flouridated water if that is the case? Against, the advice

of my

> son's dentist, I will not use the overnight flouride treatment they

> recommend. Needless to say, he had four cavities in his only four


> molars.


> Any advice really appreciated.


> Message: 14

> Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 21:22:56 -0500

> From: Binstock <binstock@p...>

> Subject: 4: Fluoride, definitions; tin, thyroid, EPA opposition,


> opposition


> Someparents whose autistic child is experiencing chelation have

asked, Why

> is

> his (or her) tin so high? Where's the tin coming from? Fluoride is

a source

> of

> tin. Perhaps we'll have to investigate fluoride's presence in


> products,

> just as we continue to find additional sources of thimerosal!

> Since many autism-spectrum children (ASC) have impaired

> detoxification

> (as documented by high levels of toxic metals excreted during

chelation, as

> reinforced by the traits-improvements many such children experience


> and

> after chelation), the question arises: Can an autism-spectrum child


> impaired detoxification accumulate excessive fluoride or fluoride-


> compounds. The answer appears to be Yes.

> Do I think that fluoride *causes* autism? No. Do I think


> fluoride's

> adverse effects can exacerbate a fetus's, infant's, or toddler's


> of

> autism-spectrum traits? The medical literature presented today

suggests that

> the

> answer is Yes! Fluoride's effects may be contributing to the immune


> neurologic impairments we are seeing as a national epidemic of

> autism-spectrum

> disorders.

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> i did see someone recommend salt the other day, a pinch of salt on

the toothbrush.

When I was young I used straight baking soda and that is fine for

me. Is this okay?

I have a hard time finding one I like because most are mint-flavored

and mint " stings " my mouth...don't like it.


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> > i did see someone recommend salt the other day, a pinch of salt on

> the toothbrush.


> When I was young I used straight baking soda and that is fine for

> me. Is this okay?

Use a soft toothbrush and don't brush too hard. I wore off the enamel

from the front of my two front teeth using baking soda every day. It

is very abrasive. My dentist recommended using it only a few days

each week, use a soft toothbrush, and a soft touch.


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>     Dentist gets the tooth thing out for fluoride and i say no thank you.

dentist says yes. I say no. no reasons. no trying to argue because they can

think fast and trick you. if dentist keeps saying i have to have it, i start to

get off the chair. dentist says ok and whinges about teeth rotting away but

that doesnt matter.

20. Re: Re: Fluoride

>           From: " Diane " <ddudzik@...>

>I'm wondering what you do when you go to the dentist to get your teeth cleaned.

 I know they would think you are a nut for not wanting fluoride.




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> I'm wondering what you do when you go to the dentist to get your

teeth cleaned. I know they would think you are a nut for not wanting



> Diane


I asked my dentist if he could do cleaning without fluoride. He said

he had plain pumice. It is much better tasting than the fluoride

stuff too. It has no taste.

Trudeau, D.C.

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> I have a hard time finding one I like because most are mint-flavored

> and mint " stings " my mouth...don't like it.

Tom's of Maine makes a " fennel " flavored one-- not minty!

Maybe you have tried it....... I like it okay...


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  • 1 year later...

> I noticed a few posts back about floride in water being >poisonous. It leads

me to wonder, my granddaughters >pediatrician wants her to take floride pills.

> Are these too poisonous to her? thanks

There is quite a bit of info on this in one of the latter chapters of Weston

Price's book NAPD. I was just reading it the other night.


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I attended a talk on flouride and floridation. I wouldn't touch the stuff

with a ten foot pole and i certainly wouldn't give it to a child to

ingest!!! It has been proven effective and safe applied topically only to

teeth, but you can't get a child not to swallow the stuff. If you live in an

area that is floridating the water then you need to not drink the water. The

chemicals used in floridation are toxic waste by products from pesticide

manufacturing. Cavity prevention comes from good diet. Also, Mothering

magazine did a big story a while back showing that mothers carrying a

certain cavity-causing bacteria in their mouths can pass it on to their

children (through sharing food). According to this article, that was the

major culprit in early childhood cavities.


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All my research (i have 7 books on the subject) leads me to the same



>From: " Elaine " <itchyink@...>



>Subject: Re: fluoride

>Date: 3 Nov 2003 08:20:15 -0800


>I attended a talk on flouride and floridation. I wouldn't touch the stuff

>with a ten foot pole and i certainly wouldn't give it to a child to

>ingest!!! It has been proven effective and safe applied topically only to

>teeth, but you can't get a child not to swallow the stuff. If you live in


>area that is floridating the water then you need to not drink the water.


>chemicals used in floridation are toxic waste by products from pesticide

>manufacturing. Cavity prevention comes from good diet. Also, Mothering

>magazine did a big story a while back showing that mothers carrying a

>certain cavity-causing bacteria in their mouths can pass it on to their

>children (through sharing food). According to this article, that was the

>major culprit in early childhood cavities.




Hot chart ringtones and polyphonics. Go to


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--- In , " Elaine " <itchyink@s...>


> I attended a talk on flouride and floridation. I wouldn't touch the


> with a ten foot pole and i certainly wouldn't give it to a child to

> ingest!!!

Was anyone else forced to participate in the " swish and spit "

program at school in the late 70's, early 80's? I despised it, but

my mother wouldn't sign a waiver to get me out of it. We had little

dixie cups full of fluoride rinse brought into the classroom and

we had to... you guessed it... swish it in our mouths and then spit

it out! It was absolutely vile!

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