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Re: (unknown)

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Hi Zach. Yea, It is really hard to find. I used to have to get it from

Germany. Now a company called Atrium is making it in the US. but very few

people know about it, including chiros and naturopaths. Anyway I carry it and

I don't know who else does. You might call some Chiros in your area and see if

they carry Atrium. Make sure no one trys to fool you and tell you that

asporotate is the same thing. It isn't.

If you don't have success finding it. Send me a note privately and I will get

some to you.




Hey Donna-

Read your postings--re:magnesium oratate--

because of the cancer eating up the bones in my left

arm i went to health food store looking for calcium

and magnesium supplement.

I couldn't find supplement with magesium orate and

they haven't heard of it. Can you tell me where I can

find it and also the best form to have my calcium



> If you want the most absorptive magnesium on the

market, I would suggest

Magnesium orotate. Not only is it supposed to be 100%

absorbable it also

goes farther into the cell than other magnesiums.

Well, actually some don't

even go into the cell. They just go to the cell wall.

But orotates go into

the cell.


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I was told that carrots have lots of bioavailable calcium. Dr. Lorraine Day

swears that jucing carrots cured her cancer.


Hey Donna-

Read your postings--re:magnesium oratate--

because of the cancer eating up the bones in my left

arm i went to health food store looking for calcium

and magnesium supplement.

I couldn't find supplement with magesium orate and

they haven't heard of it. Can you tell me where I can

find it and also the best form to have my calcium



> If you want the most absorptive magnesium on the

market, I would suggest

Magnesium orotate. Not only is it supposed to be 100%

absorbable it also

goes farther into the cell than other magnesiums.

Well, actually some don't

even go into the cell. They just go to the cell wall.

But orotates go into

the cell.


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i have RA and lyme disease and co infections with the LYme disease. My RA

titer was very high. when I take abx its like my veins become

sticky...especially from just above my wrists leading into my hands. My

hands are also very cold in the day mostly. I think flax seed oil helps

with the circulation...garlic supplements should in theory help to. kathy

----Original Message-----

From: rb09322@... <rb09322@...>

rheumatic <rheumatic >

Date: Friday, March 02, 2001 5:45 PM

Subject: rheumatic (unknown)

>Hello everyone....


>I need some more help! I've been on the minocin since

>November and just started the Biaxin this week for

>Tuesday and Thursdays. It seems since I've been on the

>AP that my circulation in my hands is worse. When I was

>first diagnosed with CREST Scleroderma the Raynaud's was

>terrible to the point that my finger tips were almost

>black. They got better with the juicing and

>supplements. Now I find my hands are light purple and

>very cold again. Has this happened to anyone else? Any

>suggestions? Thanks everyone!




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In a message dated 3/5/01 3:08:09 PM Pacific Standard Time,

pattybacon@... writes:

<< BTW, anyone know why I've lost so much hair this year?

Is it caused by the drugs, stress, P, PA or what?


Are you on the MTX? cause it can cause hair loss..Stress can make your hair

fall out too. I am glad to see you are having a few good days, that is

wonderful! I must say that I am very envious of the lovely weather you are

having, I am in Minnesota and it is still cold and snowy...

Take care,

D in MN

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What is Touch for Health?

In a message dated 3/7/2001 10:54:20 AM Eastern Standard Time,

mnlarue@... writes:

<< My son sounded just like yours 2 years ago. What got him to sleep at night

was a combination " Touch for Health " and cranial sacral therapy. The first

time he received it was the first time ever that he slept through the night,

and he's been sleeping well ever since. >>

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My son sounded just like yours 2 years ago. What got him to sleep at night

was a combination " Touch for Health " and cranial sacral therapy. The first

time he received it was the first time ever that he slept through the night,

and he's been sleeping well ever since.

snickol@... wrote:

> Does anyone have a good recommendation for a drug or supplement to help

> keep their child asleep at night? Not Melatonin, as my son doesn't do w

> ell on this. Is anyone chelating while using Clonidine? My son is up

> (last night since 1:00am and he went straight to school this am!) He's up

> at 2:00 or 3:00 usually about 3 nights out of the week during chelation

> and off days. He's been DFGF for 4 months now with the exception of corn

> which I'm going to remove from his diet to see if this is the problem.

> Does everyone think that this is just their brains haywiring or is it

> attributable to " something " they ate? I'm curious what others think about

> the sleep disorder part to this puzzle.


> Thanks for any input.


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Here's the web site. You can click on " instructor or practitioner " to find

someone in your area. It is now being taught at most massage schools, as well as

cranial sacral, so you should be able to find someone that does both.

Lake260@... wrote:

> What is Touch for Health?


> In a message dated 3/7/2001 10:54:20 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> mnlarue@... writes:


> << My son sounded just like yours 2 years ago. What got him to sleep at night

> was a combination " Touch for Health " and cranial sacral therapy. The first

> time he received it was the first time ever that he slept through the night,

> and he's been sleeping well ever since. >>



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I''m curious was your child doing this prior to the GFCF diet

or chelation. Also what benefits have your seen since starting

the diet. If you started both at the same tiime how can you know

which one is benefiting him? Just wondering how you are keeping

score. The sleep situation is a problem have you tried Kava kava.

I tried it with no success, made my son more hyper.

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It's hard to explain, even now that I've had some training in it, it's still

hard to put into words. Have you heard of Kinesiology? It's based on that,

but simplified. It uses muscle testing to find out what's going on, and to

balance the body. I took the class because my Sensei in St. Louis worked on

me with it. He's been doing it for 25+ years. When ever I wasn't feeling

well, or having a hard time emotionally (he worked with me through Tristan's

diagnosis )he would work on me, and it really helped me cope!! Unfortunately

it's hard to do the muscle testing with Tristan because he won't stay still

long enough to get through all the muscles. I just do the basic ones (14),

but even with that I've found that the muscles linked with the large

intestine are always out when he has a yeast overgrowth.

Odd thing while I was taking the class, I worked on a lady that had

reoccurring pain in her arm. We were learning the meridians, and to get rid

of pain like that you " walk " the meridian by applying pressure from the start

of it to the end and keep the pressure on it till the pain is gone. The

meridian that goes through the sore spot on her was the large intestine

meridian. The next morning our teacher asked if any one felt different after

the last class. a said that an hour later she was stuck in the bathroom

for quite a while. Of coarse this made me go Hmmmmmm, so I asked her if she

has a history of yeast infections. She said yes, and that she thought she was

getting one yesterday, but no sign of it now.

Needless to say I'm rubbing that meridian on Tristan as often as he'll let

me. (usually every other day)

The lady that worked on Tristan while we lived in St. Louis, also worked at

Giant Steps...a school for kids with Autism. The kids that couldn't stand to

be touched still loved to have her work on them.

Tristan loves to be touched....on HIS terms. He LOVED to have her work on

him!!! When I would pull up in the car and open the door for him, he would

run to her door, ring the door bell, and when she opened the door he would

smile at her, then run down stairs and into the room where she worked on him,

and climb up on the massage table. Also, when she would rub his " central "

and " governing " meridians he would settle down and hold his chin up and out

(they end one on the upper lip, one on the bottom lip).

She also used cranial sacral on him, so I don't know if it was the cranial

sacral or the Touch for Health that helped him. I do know that I'll be taking

the cranial sacral class this june at the school where I took Touch for


Touch for Health Association..

There's a link to a list of practitioners

snickol@... wrote:

> ,

> What is " Touch For Health " ? Thanks.

> ________________________________________________________________


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We started chelation end of Oct.2000 and the chelation at around the same

time. I've done CFGF before and didn't think I saw any huge difference.

(I do know kids who it's helped tremendously, one in particular it was

the " magic bullet " ) so, I believe it does help some kids but I'm not sure

it helps mine. The only difference I've really noticed is it decreased

the stimming. I've kept detailed notes since chelation began and I am

seeing gains. I've heard negative things about giving a (sensitive) child

Kava Kava so I'm leary of doing so. He's always had sleep problems but

they seem to be getting worse. Question for everyone: Has anyone noticed

big gains after some rounds but not others? We noticed improvement after

round 8 and none so far after round 9. He's been a little less focused

and more stimmy. Maybe the " stuff " is still coming out? We finished last




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i spoke to my doctor about this phenomena and she recommended I add some

herbs like wild yam, cayenne, ginger and garlic to bring up the blood

pressure and increase circulation. I'm going to try it along with the abx

since it seems reasonable

rheumatic (unknown)

>Hello everyone....


>I need some more help! I've been on the minocin since

>November and just started the Biaxin this week for

>Tuesday and Thursdays. It seems since I've been on the

>AP that my circulation in my hands is worse. When I was

>first diagnosed with CREST Scleroderma the Raynaud's was

>terrible to the point that my finger tips were almost

>black. They got better with the juicing and

>supplements. Now I find my hands are light purple and

>very cold again. Has this happened to anyone else? Any

>suggestions? Thanks everyone!




>To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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Hi Suzy,

Read with the *

----- Original Message -----

From: " Suzy Balone "

> Dr. Misra:


> Thank You for all your help with those of us who

have this disease you are

> a truly wonderful human being I have a

question about my biopsy It

> showed moderate chronic portal inflammation,

piece meal necrosis, mild

> portl fibrosis My viral count was 1323 X1000 ml.

Showed lymphoid aggregates

> and rare scattered councilman bodies ( which

I have no idea what that

> means)

* Councilman bodies indicate that active hepatic

necrosis has been going on.These are the dead

liver cells being extruded from the liver.

These I understand are reason enough to staart

tx I do not know my

> genotype but plan on asking the doc again to

get that test I was dx.'ed

> last May and those are the only results I have

had, what is your opinion

> Am really struggling with decision

> Hugs

> Suzy

* Yes, treatment should be definitely begun, esp

if it is for the first time.We must also know your

AST/ALT levels and genotype.


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Hi Suzy,

Read with the *

----- Original Message -----

From: " Suzy Balone "

> Dr. Misra:


> Thank You for all your help with those of us who

have this disease you are

> a truly wonderful human being I have a

question about my biopsy It

> showed moderate chronic portal inflammation,

piece meal necrosis, mild

> portl fibrosis My viral count was 1323 X1000 ml.

Showed lymphoid aggregates

> and rare scattered councilman bodies ( which

I have no idea what that

> means)

* Councilman bodies indicate that active hepatic

necrosis has been going on.These are the dead

liver cells being extruded from the liver.

These I understand are reason enough to staart

tx I do not know my

> genotype but plan on asking the doc again to

get that test I was dx.'ed

> last May and those are the only results I have

had, what is your opinion

> Am really struggling with decision

> Hugs

> Suzy

* Yes, treatment should be definitely begun, esp

if it is for the first time.We must also know your

AST/ALT levels and genotype.


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I recently listed to the book-on-tape, working on a miracle... doc was

diagnosed as no longer hiv when no tests could find anti-virus and cell

counts had become and remained normal. Virus load was zero. So, 3 test to

pass, hiv, virus load, blood cell count.

Good luck.

Mark Woodruff



Hello all,

Is there anyone on this planet who has got rid of HIV/AIDS

successfully. If anyone of you know about he/she. Can you please share ur

views by letting us know the protocol to be followed.

What are the signs for complete recovery from AIDS/HIV. How

can one categorize that a person has overcomed HIV/AIDS.

Please share ur valuable views with us.

your suggestion is greatly appreciated.



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You're not cured until you stop taking the tests. Doctors have known since

the early 90s (and should have known from the start if they applied any logic

to what they were doing) that t-cells are not a valid surrogate marker for

health or disease progression. The early AIDS victims had low t-cell counts

not because a virus was destroying their t-cells, but because many years of

drug abuse and unhealthy living had destroyed their thymus glands. The viral

load test, according to the Nobel Prize winning scientist who developed the

technology, " is a load of crap. " The HIV testing was shown to be invalid

almost a decade ago.


There are plenty of people who have fully recovered from HIV/AIDS. Some have

even gone back for testing and tested negative, but most don't go back for

testing. They know better than waste their time, their blood and their money

on a useless test that should be banned, and, despite the fact that hundreds

of thousands of Americans were branded and condemned to iatrogenic death

based on the results, has never been approved for diagnostic purposes.

Someone is " cured " when they have seen enough evidence to be convinced that

the viral theory of AIDS is either the greatest medical blunder in all of

history, or the cruelest hoax ever, and fires his doctor and learns to take

responsibility for his own health.

By the way, there is an Appendix full of people who have recovered, telling

their own experience in their own words, at the end of the 4th edition of

" What if Everything You Thought You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong? " The books is

available at discount prices on line through <A

HREF= " http://sobehealthy.com " >sobehealthy.com</A>

As for what they do? The common link is firing their doctors. The scores of

people I've advised do rebound exercise and some have made diet and lifestyle

changes. In over 15 years the success rate of this approach appears to be



(from Southbeach)

In a message dated 3/13/20s1 11:24:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,

oceanide@... writes:

> I recently listed to the book-on-tape, working on a miracle... doc was

> diagnosed as no longer hiv when no tests could find anti-virus and cell

> counts had become and remained normal. Virus load was zero. So, 3 test to

> pass, hiv, virus load, blood cell count.


> Good luck.


> Mark Woodruff

> Oceanside@...




> (unknown)



> Hello all,

> Is there anyone on this planet who has got rid of HIV/AIDS

> successfully. If anyone of you know about he/she. Can you please share ur

> views by letting us know the protocol to be followed.


> What are the signs for complete recovery from AIDS/HIV. How

> can one categorize that a person has overcomed HIV/AIDS.


> Please share ur valuable views with us.


> your suggestion is greatly appreciated.



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Dear ,

We have a technique that controls the progress of HIV by boosting CD8 cells.

See my home page and if you are interested contact me personally.



Prof. Noel

P O Box 137 Parkville VIC 3052 Australia

Phone 61 03 9639 6090 Fax 61 03 9639 6392

Email noelc@... Web http://www.smile.org.au


Hello all,

Is there anyone on this planet who has got rid of HIV/AIDS

successfully. If anyone of you know about he/she. Can you please share ur

views by letting us know the protocol to be followed.

What are the signs for complete recovery from AIDS/HIV. How

can one categorize that a person has overcomed HIV/AIDS.

Please share ur valuable views with us.

your suggestion is greatly appreciated.



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Hi . we found out in october my 6 year old has polyarticular JRA.

and it has been very hectic. seeing all the pain she has gone threw they put

my daughter on naprosyn and she seems to be doing better. she goes back to

the rummy on friday and i hope i hope she feels it has helped her alot plus

my daughter goes to physical therapy 3 times a week. i am very busy with her

but i keep looking at the bright side. my daughter could have somthing else

that was life threating. just remember jennifer we are all here for you.. we

all know what you are going threw.. kellie

>From: " " <jlacey26@...>



>Subject: (unknown)

>Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 01:15:02 -0000


>Hello out there my name is . we were just told about a month

>ago that my duaghter p[robably had jra(setm. I am not at all informed

>on this and I have tried to read up on it but it just seems to loose

>me even more. Kay-lynn is only 4yrs. She started sleeping alot and

>having high fevers about 6mths ago. And now here we are. if anyone

>can give me any info it would be great.

>Thanks for your help.




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Dear Kellie,

Just wanted to let you know that I have a 6 yr. old daughter also with

polyarticular jra. Was dx. at 3. We too started out with almost daily

therapy and I know that the first year can be extremely hectic. Also

was started out on Naprosyn. Meds have " come and gone " as she seems to

have very aggressive case, but she still goes to kindergarten, plays

pee-wee basketball and softball. Some days we take things a little

slower than others but you learn to take it one day at a time. I know

how scared I was when they first dx. her as they thought she had

leaukemia! Just " hang " in there and let me know how it's going.

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Hi ...

Allergic reaction to the hardware isn't very common, but I've known two

people who had that problem. In both cases, the hardware was loose in

at least one spot, allowing metal to rub against metal and shed tiny

particles of the metal into the soft tissue.

Best of luck!


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Maybe this is why my hardware is causing so much pain on one side. One more

thing to ask Dr. Hu about I guess...

in the East Bay

At 09:12 AM 03/15/2001 -0800, you wrote:

>Hi ...


>Allergic reaction to the hardware isn't very common, but I've known two

>people who had that problem. In both cases, the hardware was loose in

>at least one spot, allowing metal to rub against metal and shed tiny

>particles of the metal into the soft tissue.


>Best of luck!








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I have not read anything so offensive and uninformed in years. Stating that everyone with HIV got it "because many years of drug abuse and unhealthy living had destroyed their thymus glands".

, before you make such claims you ought to study human biology, the single thymus gland humans are born with naturally stops working in ALL humans as we age, regardless of health. Before you go spilling off more nonsense, what exactly is your education level?


(unknown)> > > Hello all,> Is there anyone on this planet who has got rid of HIV/AIDS> successfully. If anyone of you know about he/she. Can you please share ur> views by letting us know the protocol to be followed.> > What are the signs for complete recovery from AIDS/HIV. How> can one categorize that a person has overcomed HIV/AIDS.> > Please share ur valuable views with us.> > your suggestion is greatly appreciated.> > JOHN._

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Hello ,

I too am new to JRA as my daughter, , was diagnosed poly-JRA in

February. We got to a point when I had to give " piggy-back " rides

through the house to get things done (like taking meds, brushing teeth, etc).

We started out on naproxen (250mg 2x/day) and tylenol #3 for the pain. Two

weeks ago we started prednisone (10mg 1x/day) as we saw no releif with

naproxen. OK, I do agree, prednisone is a miracle drug, could write

again on her own, walk with less of a limp and got back involved in Tae Kwon

Do (which she is a brown belt/red strip - two promotions from a black belt).

Today we saw our Peds Rhuem and started methotrexate (5mg for two weeks and

10mg/week thereafter) and will decrease the prednisone on Monday to 5 mg.

All I can say is the happiness and playfulness in 's personnality

is so wonderful to see back. I hope we figure out the med routine without

too much difficulty. I truely believe in a positive attitude ~ which I did

not have about a week and a half ago.

This is a nice list of people who are sharing in all the same

experiences you are and is a wonderful support ~ best of luck!

Dee Dee ~ 's mom

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i took Feldene for years but quit finally as it was to hard on my stomach.


From: " Emma " <emmareedd@...>

I just had my first appointment with Dr. Rand of the Boston Spine

Group, and he was wonderful. Thank you to those on the list who recommended

him. I would highly recommend him to anyone in the Northeast. I went to

see him after my old surgeon retired and needed to see someone about post op

pain problems. He was very helpful.

He wrote a perscription for Feldene. Does anyone know what this is, or what

the long term side effects are? Is it safe to take indefinitely?

Also, I have been having a problem with a nickel allergy and rejection of

the stainless steel hardware in me as a result. Dr. Rand ordered a CAT scan

to look at how much fluid is around the harware, indicating infection (which

apparently would indicate the extent of the allergic reaction). Anyone

heard of this before? Dr. Rand said that he has indeed heard of spine

patients having a problem with being allergic to the hardware, which I was

told by other doctors was unheard of.



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thank you for writing me back. my daughter went to the rummy today and

they said she is looking good. she still has inflamation and they started

her on plaquinel in addition to her naprosyn. i hope this helps. she is also

anemic and we have been giving her vitamins with iron to help out her

appitite isn't the greatest. what all types of meds have your daughter been

on? well thank you again and please keep in touch.. kellie

>From: nLilly@...



>Subject: Re: (unknown)

>Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 08:33:59 -0500 (EST)


>Dear Kellie,

>Just wanted to let you know that I have a 6 yr. old daughter also with

>polyarticular jra. Was dx. at 3. We too started out with almost daily

>therapy and I know that the first year can be extremely hectic. Also

>was started out on Naprosyn. Meds have " come and gone " as she seems to

>have very aggressive case, but she still goes to kindergarten, plays

>pee-wee basketball and softball. Some days we take things a little

>slower than others but you learn to take it one day at a time. I know

>how scared I was when they first dx. her as they thought she had

>leaukemia! Just " hang " in there and let me know how it's going.




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