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My daughter has been on sulphasalizine and oruvail for over a year. Her

rhuemy has been careful about what meds he puts her on because she's only 14.

We've had no problems with either of these drugs, her sed rate has gone from

83 to 27. She is active again, has very few sore days and nothing as bad as

she had before these meds. I hope this helps.


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I am rather new to this diagnosis, but my first NSAID was

Celebrex. I have had very good results and haven't noticed any

side effects unless my increase in GERD symptoms is linked. My

problem is that I have a variety of problems and don't know which

ones are linked. in KS

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rebecca, i have hotmail too, and often i would have troubles with them and

egroups, either messgages not getting sent or something, just with egroups

though, havent tried it through , have had enough trouble with them

allready,lol, so i just use our LAN address hubby doesnt really like getting

extra mail in our family one but understands. shawna.


> Hi all,


> It's me my other e-mail was

> Brink_00@.... If you send stuff to be from

> the beginning of the month I couldn't see it.

> Something's wrong with my hotmail account so I

> probablly won't use it.


> From,



> =====

> Friends Till The End


> __________________________________________________


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I'm glad I'm not the only one that has problems

with hotamil accounts. I've had that hotmail account

like for 3 years and it hasn't been a problem, but it

is- so I'll probablly use this one and the other

account that I have.

I suppose I could send these e-mails to my

parnet's e-mail account, but I don't think they want

to read extra mail, and plus they don't know that much

about autism and or ds.



Friends Till The End


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Thank you, thank you Janet, I taped this broadcast when it originally aired

but the last half of it got taped over before I could watch it. I've been

trying since to catch a rerun. My VCR is poised and ready . . .

You are speaking of our own Jackie's son , who appears in this


As far as my evening, I went to the grocery store in the rain. Not too much

vicarious fun to go on there I'm afraid. :-)

Kathy R in Indiana

----- Original Message -----

From: " Janet J " <pdx_janet@...>

> Just wanted to let anyone who might be interested know

> that there is a program about OCD on cable tonight. It

> is a rerun of the 48hrs program with Howie Mandell and

> also the first apperance of Mark (?), the young man

> who strayed in the bathroom for months. It is a couple

> years old I think but I am still gonna watch it, even

> though I have seen it before. It is on TLC - The

> learning Channel - at 10:00pm PST (West Coast Time).

> Check your cable guide for other time zones.


> Those of you who are reading this post on Sunday

> because you had something better to do on Saturday

> night than stay at home reading email and watching TV,

> please write and tell me all about your fun evening. I

> just love to live vicariously!!

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Kathy, I can see a big difference in the way you look. Maybe its different for you because you are used to seeing yourself. I noticed a big difference in your back area and you look so much more healthier. Keep up the great work!!


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Wow, Kathy-I can tell a major difference, so don't minimize such a great

achievement. You must be so motivated to continue with the challenge! Just

think, if you can do this in 47 days, the results will be great at the end of

the next six weeks. :-) Good luck!

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In a message dated 2/25/01 7:23:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,

on2gold@... writes:

<< Hi ya'll,

I have added my before photos, taken on January 18, 2001 and my day

47 photos to my briefcase. Here's the link: >>

HI Kathy. I can see a big difference. Way to go! DH and I just took our 4

week pics on Saturday and need to get them developed. I promised to post

them to the site. HOpefully I wont chicken out when I see them. You've

inspired me to share mine too!


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Dear ,

I am very interested to know about the kind of Lab

test have you done in order to know his thrombophilia

problem, because my son have tested for Lp (a) and

come out with very high score and this is also an

indication that his blood is very thick and sticky.

Please keep us informed of what should be done with

your son condition.

tks & rgds,


--- snunes@... wrote:

> Hi all,

> Dr. Bradstreet's office called me with the results

> of my son's

> thrombophylia test. It was positive. This

> condition means that the

> blood is too thick and does not carry enough oxygen

> to the brain (as

> well as everywhere else in the body). There are

> many factors which

> are tested. One of them indicates fibrous strings

> in the blood,

> another, too much clotting factor. Apparently, a

> lot of spectrum

> kids have this condition. He took a family history

> from both sides

> (mine and my husbands) on our first visit and felt,

> based on this, it

> was a possibility our son had it. I had never heard

> of it and was

> skeptical but gave the go ahead. And sure enough,

> he has it! It can

> lead to heart disease, stroke, etc., if not treated.

> Of course,

> brain function is effected, too. He put my son on

> non-flush niacin

> until our next visit when he will discuss what else

> needs to be

> done. Has anyone else's doctor tested for this

> condition?

> N




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We have been tested for this condition (via Dr Bradstreet/Kartiznel) and my

son and we are negative for thrombophylia.

I have heard that they feel maybe 40% of ASD kids have this issue. What

have you heard?

A Jeffs mom

Has anyone else's doctor tested for this condition?


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At this time I believe it to be a bunch of hype, I maybe wrong maybe some of

those on the OBCE can correct this. However as I brought up last month

HIPAA is coming and apparently as I predicted or stated when the final

version goes into effect in Feb. 2003 it will cover all forms of patient

information not just electronic. At that time you will have to have a

written office policy (compliance plan) covering patient confidentially

including how patient information will be used for the purposes of billing

to insure that only that info that is required by the ins. company is what

you send out nothing more. And I believe this will have to posted so that

the public (patients) can read it. This is a federal program and as such

will probably carry some pretty hefty fines forcing compliance.

Again I maybe wrong on the need for one at this time but I haven't heard of

it if we do.

Take care

steve kinne



>I had a sales call from a Medical Billing company representative. The

>rep said she would be willing to write a " Compliance Plan " for my office.

> I was told the compliance plan, which states how my office does billings

>etc., is now mandatory and I could face fines if I did not have a

>compliance plan.


>Was this just sales hype? Are we required to have a compliance plan?


> DeSiena, D.C.





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Thanks so much for your encouraging story-I'm so excited to hear about your

success, which I know is soon to come. You're dedication and focus is so

inspiring. It sounds like your wife's story is just as interesting, and I

look forward to seeing her name on the Grand Champion List... " -) Keep the

encouraging progress coming, and good luck over the next few weeks! you can

do it! from SC/FL

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Thanks so much for your encouraging story-I'm so excited to hear about your

success, which I know is soon to come. You're dedication and focus is so

inspiring. It sounds like your wife's story is just as interesting, and I

look forward to seeing her name on the Grand Champion List... " -) Keep the

encouraging progress coming, and good luck over the next few weeks! you can

do it! from SC/FL

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You are right about HIPAA compliance, confidentiality of records, offoce

policies and so on. However, buying a " compliance plan " at this point is

probably not a good idea. For one thing, the HIPAA rules have just been

placed in an uncertain status by HHS. As part of the executive review by

Pres Bush there may be some delay in officially issuing rules, thereby

delaying the date of implementation and the need for compliance. It is a big

deal, and some form of federal regulation of health information is

inevitable. So stay tuned, shore up your office policies and procedures

about confidentiality and don't buy into anyone's canned-planned compliance



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Welcome aboard, Pat! :) You've come a long way, congratulations!

>This is my first time posting...my name is Pat and I am a BFLer...

HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Sorry, just struck me as really funny. Almost sounds like you're

copping to being an addict of some sort. ;) " Hi, my name is Tina and I'm a

BFLer. " " HELLO TINA " the crowd shouts. LOL


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Thanks Pat for that inspirational post......Todd who's hoping to get to 15%

bodyfat this round......

> (unknown)


> Hello All,


> There is a lot of wisdom in this group...thank you and remain

> steadfast in your efforts.


> This is my first time posting...my name is Pat and I am a BFLer...





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Hello Pat!!! What a wonderful introduction!

I believe you will reach your goals, and Im encouraged by your determination, its very positive :)

Keep looking forward and strive for your best :)


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And youre going to get it Todd!! You've come far already, I just know youre going to hit this goal too :)


Thanks Pat for that inspirational post......Todd who's hoping to get to 15%bodyfat this round......

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Welcome Pat! It is inspirational to read your story and " hear " the

excitement about your wife. Thanks for sharing! Let us know how each of

you are doing as your year progresses! Kit

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Raynaud's is triggered by cold, caffeine, stress, smoking, alcohol and some

drugs (that restrict or shrink blood vessels, such as sinus cold remedies

and allergy meds).

Also, don't forget, the sensors for cold that trigger this reaction to stop

the flow of blood to the extremities, is in the chest. If your back and

chest are cold you can't stop the reaction. No matter how big the mitts

are. Put on a heavy vest or layers of clothes to warm the chest. The hands

will follow suit. I also find a hat will warm you up too if you are in

extreme Raynaud's.

Also, if your hands or feet are purple or black (which is better than white

since there is a least some blood sitting in the vessels, apply external

heat to dilate the vessels and draw blood into them. A heating pad or hot

wax bath would do the trick.

If I am really bad I get into the tub.

Exercise will also heat the body and cause the circulation to put out into

the extremities.

Be careful or you will run into problems with ulcers and and tissue damage.

Do not underestimate the damage Raynaud's can do. If you see your hands

changing....what is going on inside the body??


Ottawa, Canada

Scleroderma, Jan.95, AP Oct.97

(Ottawa Support) http://www3.sympatico.ca/mousepotatoes/rbf.html

rheumatic (unknown)

>Hello everyone....


>I need some more help! I've been on the minocin since

>November and just started the Biaxin this week for

>Tuesday and Thursdays. It seems since I've been on the

>AP that my circulation in my hands is worse. When I was

>first diagnosed with CREST Scleroderma the Raynaud's was

>terrible to the point that my finger tips were almost

>black. They got better with the juicing and

>supplements. Now I find my hands are light purple and

>very cold again. Has this happened to anyone else? Any

>suggestions? Thanks everyone!




>To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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