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In a message dated 9/20/00 1:31:44 PM EST, hyperbaric1@... writes:

<< Well, if you ever are, stop by,,,

Be like me, I work so much, I do not even know what is happening in the



Oh :

What a kind offer. Does the " dive " offer go out to all of us feeling the

pangs of life and a wee bit off / depressed?

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The following is a chain letter no matter how you look at it. You could

be in deap do-do. Just read what the USPS defines as a chain letter:


A chain letter is a " get rich quick " scheme that promises that your mail

box will soon be stuffed full of cash if you decide to participate.

You're told you can make thousands of dollars every month if you follow

the detailed instructions in the letter.

A typical chain letter includes names and addresses of several

individuals whom you may or may not know. You are instructed to send a

certain amount of money--usually $5--to the person at the top of the

list, and then eliminate that name and add yours to the bottom. You are

then instructed to mail copies of the letter to a few more individuals

who will hopefully repeat the entire process. The letter promises that

if they follow the same procedure, your name will gradually move to the

top of the list and you'll receive money -- lots of it.

There's at least one problem with chain letters. They're illegal if they

request money or other items of value and promise a substantial return

to the participants. Chain letters are a form of gambling, and sending

them through the mail (or delivering them in person or by computer, but

mailing money to participate) violates Title 18, United States Code,

Section 1302, the Postal Lottery Statute. (Chain letters that ask for

items of minor value, like picture postcards or recipes, may be mailed,

since such items are not things of value within the meaning of the law.)

Nola Apple wrote:

> Hey there! Sorry this is totally not Beck related. i was just

> hoping

> some of you would be interested. You could benefit from this alot so

> please

> read!



> -A Parent of a 15 year old find $71,000 cash hidden in his closet.


> It Works, Its Legal, Its Easy, so Why Not?


> Does this headline look familiar? Of course it does. You mostlikely

> have

> just seen this story recently featured on a major nightly news program


> (USA).


> His mother was cleaning and putting laundry away when she came across

> a

> large brown paper bag that was suspiciously buried beneath some

> clothes and

> a skateboard in the back of her 15-year-old son's closet. Nothing

> could have

> prepared her for the shock she got when she opened the bag and found

> it was

> full of cash. Five dollar bills, twenties, fifties and hundreds - all

> neatly

> rubber-banded in labeled piles.


> " My first thought was that he had robbed a bank " , says the 41-year-old


> woman, " There was over $71,000 dollars in that bag- that's more than

> my

> husband earns in a year " .


> The woman immediately called her husband at the car-dealership where

> he

> worked to tell him what she'd discovered. He came home right away and

> they

> drove together to the boy's school and picked him up. Little did they

> suspect that where the money came from was more shocking than actually


> finding it in the closet.


> As it turns out, the boy had been sending out via E-mail on the

> Internet a

> type of 'chain-letter' to E-mail addresses that he obtained off of the


> Internet. Everyday after school for the past 2 months, he had been

> doing

> this right on his computer in his bedroom.


> " I just got the E-mail one day and I figured what the heck, I put my

> name on

> it like the instructions said and I started sending it out " , says the

> clever

> 15-year-old.


> The E-mail letter listed 3 addresses and contained instructions to

> send one

> $5 dollar bill to the person at the top of the list, then delete that

> address and move the other 2 addresses up, and finally to add your

> name to

> the bottom of the list. The letter goes on to state that you would

> receive

> several thousand dollars in five dollar bills within 2 weeks if you

> sent out

> the

> letter with your name at the bottom of the 3-address list " I get junk

> E-mail

> all the time, and I really didn't think it was gonna work " , the boy

> continues.


> Within the first few days of sending out the E-mail, the Post Office

> Box

> that his parents had gotten him for his video-game magazine

> subscriptions

> began to fill up with not magazines, but envelopes containing $5

> dollar

> bills.


> " About a week later I rode [my bike] down to the post office and my

> box had

> 1 magazine and about 300 envelopes

> stuffed in it. There was also a yellow slip that said I had to go up

> to the

> [post office] counter- I thought I was in trouble or something

> (laughs) " . He

> goes on, " I went up to the counter and they had a whole box of more

> mail for

> me. I had to ride back home and empty out my backpack 'cause I

> couldn't

> carry it all " .


> Over the next few weeks, the boy continued sending out the E-mail.

> " The

> money just kept coming in and I just kept sorting it and stashing it

> in the

> closet, I barely had time for my homework " . He had also been riding

> his bike

> to several of the area's banks and exchanging the $5 bills for

> twenties,

> fifties and hundreds. " I didn't want the banks to get suspicious so I

> kept

> riding to different banks with like five thousand at a time in my

> backpack.

> I would usually tell the lady at the bank

> counter that my dad had sent me in [to exchange the money] and he was

> outside waiting for me. One time the lady gave me a really strange

> look and

> told me that she wouldn't be able to do it for me and my dad would

> have to

> come in and do it, but I just rode to the next bank down the street

> (laughs). "


> Surprisingly, the boy didn't have any reason to be afraid. The

> reporting

> news team examined and investigated the so-called 'chain-letter' the

> boy was

> sending out and found that it wasn't a chain-letter at all. In fact,

> it was

> completely legal according to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18,

> Section

> 1302 and 1341, or Title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the

> code of

> federal regulations, Volume 16, Sections 255 and 436, which state a

> product

> or service must be exchanged for money received.


> Every five dollar bill that he received contained a little note that

> read,

> " Please add me to your mailing list " . This simple note made the letter

> legal

> because he was exchanging a service(adding the purchasers name to his

> mailing list) for a five dollar fee.


> Here is the letter that the 15-year-old was sending out by E-mail, you

> can

> do the exact same thing he was doing, simply by following the

> instructions

> in this letter-


> --------------------------------------------



> Here are instructions on how to make $10,000 US cash in the next 2

> weeks:


> There are 3 addresses listed below.


> Send the person at the top of the list a $5 bill wrapped in 2 pieces

> of

> paper (to securely hide it), along with a note that says: " Please add

> me to

> your mailing list " .


> Then delete that name, move the other 2 up and put your name at the

> bottom.


> Now start sending this ENTIRE e-mail back out to people.


> When 20 people receive it, those 20 people will move your name up to

> the

> middle position and they will each send out 20.


> That totals 400 people that will receive this letter with your name in

> the

> middle.


> Then, those 400 people will move your name up to the top and they will

> each

> send out 20 E-mails. That totals 8,000 people that will receive this

> E-mail

> with your name at the top and they will each send you a $5 bill.


> 8,000 people each sending you a $5 bill = $40,000 cash. That's if

> everyone

> responds to this E-mail, but not everyone will, so you can expect more


> realistically to receive about $10,000 cash $5 bills in your mailbox.


> This will work for anyone, anywhere in the world in any

> country, but send only a US CASH $5 bill.


> The more E-mails you send out, the more cash you will

> receive. If each person sends out 100 E-mails, there will be 1,000,000


> people that receive this letter when your name reaches the top. If

> only 1%

> of those people respond, you will still get $50,000 cash.


> Here is the list:


> ----------------------------------------------------------





> Casey

> 1530 County Road 222

> Florence, AL 35633


> Neese

> Fleming Hall 0147

> East Carolina University

> Greenville, NC 27858


> Nola Apple

> 51 Shilling Way

> , NJ 08527



> ----------------------------------------------------------




> THERE'S NOTHING MORE TO DO. When your name reaches the top in a few

> days,

> you will start receiving $5 bills

> from other people just like yourself, who are willing to invest a $5

> bill to

> receive $10,000 cash. Besides, it's only $5 bucks.


> If you don't try it- you will never know.





> _

> _______________________________________________________________________


> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

> http://www.hotmail.com.


> Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

> http://profiles.msn.com.


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MSGT Sewell,

|> I'm an E-6 in the Air Force (active duty) and am concerned about the

|> anthrax vaccine. I'm leaning in the direction of refusal.

Good call! Whatever you do, DON'T TAKE THE SHOT! I didn't even have the

option (long story), but from about nine months afterwards to today, I've

been paying for the Air Force's indiscretion and outright stupidity with my

health. I'll win eventually, but no matter how many Generals and SESs I/we

put away for life in some maximum security Federal penitentiary for what

they did to me and others, and no matter how much reumneration I/we may

eventually get (Feres Doctrine be damned), my victory will be indeed a

pyrrhic one. Although I was healthy and athletic when I got the shot, I'm

now separated from the AF and fighting for my disability retirement. (The

Air FOrce boarded me, acknowledged that I had seronegative rheumatoid

arthritis, and returned me to duty!) My disability status was a no-brainer

for the VA Ratings Board -- within six moths after separating from active

duty, they gave me 70% fully service connected disability for documented

seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. It's still active (and will likely stay

that way for the rest of my life), but my VA Rheumatologist and I have

managed to at least stop its progression at this point. Among other

things, The Shot that precipitated my seronegative rheumatoid arthritis

(Adult-Onset Still's Disease), also precipitated my getting osteopenia

(bone demineralization just shy of being called osteoporosis). I am now

recovering from a pathological ( " fragile bone " ) fracture of my right

humeral head. I smashed it into four parts following trauma so trivial I

didn't even sustain any soft-tissue injury to my right shoulder muscles or

skin! I'm just shy of three weeks post-op a right shoulder

hemiarthroplasty in which my unsalvagable shattered right humeral head was

replaced with a titanium-chromium-cobalt endoprosthetic implant. The

damned Shot plays for keeps.

I was a two-year post-promotion LTC and second in command of a flight

surgeon mobility team when I got The Shot. (I was with the Aeromedical

Consultation Service at AFB, TX at the time.) The Air Force didn't

care on whom it experimented. I'm 52, and got The Shot in 1993, when I was

45. Trust me -- the damned Shot isn't worth the toll it takes on your

health. Refuse The Shot, tell everybody else to do the same, and let's see

how the War Department explains to the electorate what it did and why it

can't keep anybody in uniform. People have posted to The List with

glomerulosclerosis (autoimmune kidney disease), a rapidly fatal case of

aplastic anemia (another autoimmune manifestation of The Shot), and myriad

other less well documented but nontheless serious syndromes with

significant symptoms.

You have a choice. Vote with your feet, and let the Air FOrce lose a

damned good Master Sergeant!


E. Fisher, M.D.


(Inactive Reserve)



People don't see the writing on the wall

until their backs are up against it.

-- Adlai son



|> (unknown)




|> List,


|> I'm an E-6 in the Air Force (active duty) and am concerned about the

|> anthrax vaccine. I'm leaning in the direction of refusal.......


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We're not supposed to use the " A " word here. We risk being banished to the

e-group that was set up for people who want to argue about that issue which

is sort of like what the abortion issue is in politics. Steve B.



> Speaking of Ampligen;

> Does any body know what happened to Tim Kenney (Kinney)....he wrote a book

about his experience with cfids and also he was a patient of Cheneys and on

Ampligen in the early 90's...........I think that his book was called

" Struggle for Hope " or something like that...he worked in a news station In

North Carolina I think.....anybody know?





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I think the reason I suggested HGH vs. GH stimulators is because of the

number of meds your taking and the complexity of your condition. All the GH

stimulators I've seen have all kinds of herbal additives and I don't know

how they may react with your current regimen. HGH injections are pure HGH

(no long list of additives and crazy herbs). After hearing in your next

post that you had skin cancer 5 years ago? I don't know if HGH is advisable.

If I were in your position I would have my IGF-1 levels tested and if

abnormally low, I'd supplement with HGH injection only up to the level of a

normal, healthy person your age. As you know, HGH declines with age. You

really have to consult with a good doctor to help you figure out what to do;

I'm no physician and only you can make such an important decision regarding

your health. Steve Bullock


> , Which part of my situation made you suggest skipping GH

stimulators? Tho perhaps a moot point, am curious. Thanks, Katrina




> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.


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Sorry MO,in Missouri if we see MO we think MO>


[ ] (unknown)

> hi, i do not live in MO, i live in MA(Massachusetts) ...mo is my


> for maureen......





> Please visit our new web page at:

> http://www.wpunj.edu/icip/pa


> This past year had moderated a chat on arthritis at

www.about.com on Thursday evenings and hopes to start up doing so again

soon- we will keep you posted! Meanwhile, if anyone would like to start a

weekly chat on egroups, please contact or . Thanks




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Hi, thank you for the response. The zyprexa is for thought disorder which

they thought he might have been developing. He has a family history of it,

and the cogentin is to help with the adverse side effects of the zyprexa.

They are very cautious to take him off the zyprexa because he is at the age

that schizophrenia can start. In males it usually starts between the ages of

18 and 25. My son had a delusion 3 years ago and got better, so that is

another reason they want to keep him on zyprexa. It can be very hard to tell

schizophrenia from severe OCD they said. They know he didn't have

schizophrenia this last summer, but they want to keep him on the zyprexa as

a preventative. From what I have read it makes sense. The psychologist

started him with exposure and response therapy today for the OCD. Hooray!

Has anyone on the list had a child with anything similar to this or is

taking similar medications? I welcome any responses. Thank you so much for

your letters!

>From: Kathy Hammes <kathyh@...>



>Subject: Re: (unknown)

>Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 09:12:52 -1000




>Welcome to the list. It is not unusual for someone to seem like they have

>other alphabet soup and then when their OCD gets treated, they only have

>OCD and the other stuff has cleared up.


>How does the doc think Zyprexa and Cogentin help your son's OCD?


>Not being able to follow things and doing things very slowly is a common

>symptom in people suffering with OCD. THey are so busy obsessing and

>ritualizing that there is no time for them to function except pretty much

>in response to OCD and it cruel demands.


>Good luck getting CBT for your son, it really helps. Looking forward to

>hear more about your son's progress. Take care, aloha, Kathy (H)



>At 05:05 PM 10/04/2000 +0000, you wrote:

> >Hi! I am new. My son has OCD and is 18. He was diagnosed this last

> >summer with OCD and something else but they are not sure what. He

> >takes prozac, zyprexa and cogentin. His symptoms have decreased and

> >his concentration is better than last summer. During the summer, he

> >could not concentrate at all. He was having trouble following

> >conversations. He was taking a long time to do things. He would take

> >a long time to answer questions. When the doctor saw him a couple of

> >weeks ago, he said he has only OCD symptoms now. Whatever he had

> >before is gone, but they will keep an eye on him. He had OCD plus

> >something, and now he has OCD. His OCD is mostly mental rituals, such

> >as spelling names before saying them, spelling numbers if he hears

> >them, counting 1, 2 , 3 if he hears the number three, repeating words

> >like motorcycle, car, truck when he is going to drive and is deciding

> >which to get into, repeating hot cold hot cold when he uses the sink.

> >All of these are thoughts that go on his head. He is not sure why he

> >does these things. When pressed he says it is because he doesn't like

> >to make a mistake, he likes to do things right. He sees the

> >Psychologist today. I plan to ask about behavioral therapy.

> > I am so glad to find a list of parents going through a similar

> >thing!




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Hi , welcome to the list!

There is an article on our webpage that you might want to skim before

going to the doc. It explains how to interview for a cbt.

My son is 17. I also have an 14 yo going on 17 and an 11 yo who thinks

she's 14! I understand just how frustrating adolescence and ocd can be.

If there is anything we can help with - ask away!

take care, wendy, in canada


>Hi! I am new. My son has OCD and is 18. He was diagnosed this last

>summer with OCD and something else but they are not sure what. He

>takes prozac, zyprexa and cogentin. His symptoms have decreased and

>his concentration is better than last summer. During the summer, he

>could not concentrate at all. He was having trouble following

>conversations. He was taking a long time to do things. He would take

>a long time to answer questions. When the doctor saw him a couple of

>weeks ago, he said he has only OCD symptoms now. Whatever he had

>before is gone, but they will keep an eye on him. He had OCD plus

>something, and now he has OCD. His OCD is mostly mental rituals, such

>as spelling names before saying them, spelling numbers if he hears

>them, counting 1, 2 , 3 if he hears the number three, repeating words

>like motorcycle, car, truck when he is going to drive and is deciding

>which to get into, repeating hot cold hot cold when he uses the sink.

>All of these are thoughts that go on his head. He is not sure why he

>does these things. When pressed he says it is because he doesn't like

>to make a mistake, he likes to do things right. He sees the

>Psychologist today. I plan to ask about behavioral therapy.

>I am so glad to find a list of parents going through a similar thing!


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Welcome to the list. It is not unusual for someone to seem like they have

other alphabet soup and then when their OCD gets treated, they only have

OCD and the other stuff has cleared up.

How does the doc think Zyprexa and Cogentin help your son's OCD?

Not being able to follow things and doing things very slowly is a common

symptom in people suffering with OCD. THey are so busy obsessing and

ritualizing that there is no time for them to function except pretty much

in response to OCD and it cruel demands.

Good luck getting CBT for your son, it really helps. Looking forward to

hear more about your son's progress. Take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


At 05:05 PM 10/04/2000 +0000, you wrote:

>Hi! I am new. My son has OCD and is 18. He was diagnosed this last

>summer with OCD and something else but they are not sure what. He

>takes prozac, zyprexa and cogentin. His symptoms have decreased and

>his concentration is better than last summer. During the summer, he

>could not concentrate at all. He was having trouble following

>conversations. He was taking a long time to do things. He would take

>a long time to answer questions. When the doctor saw him a couple of

>weeks ago, he said he has only OCD symptoms now. Whatever he had

>before is gone, but they will keep an eye on him. He had OCD plus

>something, and now he has OCD. His OCD is mostly mental rituals, such

>as spelling names before saying them, spelling numbers if he hears

>them, counting 1, 2 , 3 if he hears the number three, repeating words

>like motorcycle, car, truck when he is going to drive and is deciding

>which to get into, repeating hot cold hot cold when he uses the sink.

>All of these are thoughts that go on his head. He is not sure why he

>does these things. When pressed he says it is because he doesn't like

>to make a mistake, he likes to do things right. He sees the

>Psychologist today. I plan to ask about behavioral therapy.

> I am so glad to find a list of parents going through a similar


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In a message dated 10/4/00 4:11:58 PM Central Daylight Time,

jldenis@... writes:

<< How much damage does a few cheating episodes set us back really??? >>

I have read that trying to fight candida and cheating can make it worse:- (



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HI :

Thanks for the additional details. While some people do have schizophrenia

with their OCD it is one of the less usual combinations. In fact, the

commonest misdiagnosis of OCD in adults is schizophrenia! The commonest

misdiagnosis in kids is AD(H)D. Take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


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>How much damage does a few cheating episodes set us back really???

alot. don't do it. make candida friendly brownies i wrote the recipe in

one of my e-mails. it should be in the history. i am going to make

chocolate mousse today (made with stevia,tofu and baker's chocolate etc..)

i'll let you know how it comes out. does anyone know what graham flour is

exactly. are we allowed to use it?


>From: " Joanne Denis " <jldenis@...>



>Subject: (unknown)

>Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 21:06:48 GMT


>Has anyone given any forethought to the fact that Halloween is just around

>the corner and that Christmas is just after that??? How are we going to

>survive all those treats floating around our offices, our homes, our

>friends...I'm beginning to crack....


>How much damage does a few cheating episodes set us back really???







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In a message dated 10/5/00 9:35:52 PM !!!First Boot!!!, raenfinn@...


<< make candida friendly brownies i wrote the recipe in

one of my e-mails. it should be in the history. >>

Oh I *must* be dreaming! Watch how fast I go thru that history....

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In a message dated 10/5/00 6:20:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

louisej@... writes:

> so bummed... I have herpes too so I found that even unsweetened

> chocolate I can never have again... it's like telling an alcoholic no more

> booze

*****I have herpes too. Hoping that once I get the yeast under control, my

poor overworked immune system will be up to the challenge of taking on the

herpes. Chocolate doesn't seen to bother me, but EVERY TIME I go to the

dentist, I get herpes in my throat...something about the blood supply being

increased in my mouth. Anyhow, I have great hopes that the herpes will also

improve with the conquest of the yeast. BTW, have you tried lysine for the

herpes??? It's supposed to help stave it off, LOL. I jsut started taking it,

but I know that the yeast control has to come first, before my immune system

can handle anything else.


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Unfortunately Raen, I can't have the brownies as they contain cocoa, which I

can't have apparently. I have also developed an intolerance to garlic and

gluten, and it is frustrating to say the least. In any case, I am hoping

that this intolerance that I supposedly have to cocoa and garlic will

eventually go away. However, please pass on that chocolate mousse recipe...

I'm intrigued by the creativity of some of the recipes that I've seen so


>From: " Raen Fionn-Inish " <raenfinn@...>



>Subject: Re: (unknown)

>Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 09:57:09 EDT


> >How much damage does a few cheating episodes set us back really???


>alot. don't do it. make candida friendly brownies i wrote the recipe in

>one of my e-mails. it should be in the history. i am going to make

>chocolate mousse today (made with stevia,tofu and baker's chocolate etc..)

>i'll let you know how it comes out. does anyone know what graham flour is

>exactly. are we allowed to use it?




> >From: " Joanne Denis " <jldenis@...>

> >Reply-candidiasisegroups

> >candidiasisegroups

> >Subject: (unknown)

> >Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 21:06:48 GMT

> >

> >Has anyone given any forethought to the fact that Halloween is just


> >the corner and that Christmas is just after that??? How are we going to

> >survive all those treats floating around our offices, our homes, our

> >friends...I'm beginning to crack....

> >

> >How much damage does a few cheating episodes set us back really???

> >

> >Joanne

> >

> >

> >

> >_________________________________________________________________________

> >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

> >

> >Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

> >http://profiles.msn.com.

> >



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I'm so bummed... I have herpes too so I found that even unsweetened

chocolate I can never have again... it's like telling an alcoholic no more


Re: (unknown)

On 5 Oct 00, at 18:08, kab2K@... wrote:

> Got it - THANK YOU!

> Karal (the world's biggest -- and i'm not kidding -- chocolate lover)

Could you forward it to me, please? And I bet I'm worse for

chocolate than you!!



http://www.willow-web.net Quality Web Design


Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to


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On 5 Oct 00, at 18:08, kab2K@... wrote:

> Got it - THANK YOU!

> Karal (the world's biggest -- and i'm not kidding -- chocolate lover)

Could you forward it to me, please? And I bet I'm worse for

chocolate than you!!



http://www.willow-web.net Quality Web Design


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On 5 Oct 00, at 15:18, Louise wrote:

> I'm so bummed... I have herpes too so I found that even unsweetened

> chocolate I can never have again... it's like telling an alcoholic no more

> booze...

Oh petal....but hey, chocolate's nasty horrible stuff. Tastes vile. No,

really, it does. And it gives you spots and it makes you fat and and


I'll just shut up, shall I...?

Ann ;)


http://www.willow-web.net Quality Web Design


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In a message dated 10/05/2000 9:48:15 PM Central Daylight Time,

bluefilly@... writes:

<< then my SO gave it back to me, and he refuses to be treated >>

please pardon my stupidity....but what does SO stand for?

Foggy Ann.... *sheepish grin*

2000/10/5 21:57:09 CDT

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In a message dated 10/5/00 11:00:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

NorthernRosebud@... writes:

> please pardon my stupidity....but what does SO stand for?

***It means " significant other " ..... for those who are not married. I have a

SO, too.


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I never eat anything at all,unless i have something to drink

to help wash it down. Before my surgery,drinking with a meal actually

made it worse. That's when I realized something wasn't quite right. Now,

I would never dream of eating without drinking something Abby

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I take Lysine orally daily, and use Lysine lotion on outbreaks, and it

really helps! The chocolate was just too much for it though... =)

Re: (unknown)

In a message dated 10/5/00 6:20:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

louisej@... writes:

> so bummed... I have herpes too so I found that even unsweetened

> chocolate I can never have again... it's like telling an alcoholic no


> booze

*****I have herpes too. Hoping that once I get the yeast under control, my

poor overworked immune system will be up to the challenge of taking on the

herpes. Chocolate doesn't seen to bother me, but EVERY TIME I go to the

dentist, I get herpes in my throat...something about the blood supply being

increased in my mouth. Anyhow, I have great hopes that the herpes will


improve with the conquest of the yeast. BTW, have you tried lysine for the

herpes??? It's supposed to help stave it off, LOL. I jsut started taking


but I know that the yeast control has to come first, before my immune system

can handle anything else.


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In a message dated 10/6/00 1:47:21 AM !!!First Boot!!!, louisej@...


<< Lysine orally daily, and use Lysine lotion on outbreaks >>

Yes, this was a Godsend for me, too.

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lease forgive me for sticking my nose in but Bless You, Bless You. I am sory

that you father has to go through all of this. Keep his spirits up sometimes

I don't think the doctors deal with what happens when our lives have to

change when we are use to being an active member in our families and our


Make him feel worth while but not sorry for hiself. Maybe a little hobb, or

a little gardening as time prmits. It is a hughe djustment and scary as hell

believe me.

God I tink I am becoming dear abbey.

Just remeber to love him each and every day, learn to make him laugh!

Love to all of you.

Sharon Gabby Abbey

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