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We recommend 1 adult or 2 childrens chewable MVI's.

>>> Teorina Cerchie <tcerchie@...> 1/21/2008 9:46 am >>>


We are updating our manual and came across a question about

multi-vitamins. The other dietitian and I were comparing the labels on

the children*s MV and Centrum. They were very similar with some slight

differences. Our questions are: do you require patients to take two

multi-vitamins regardless of whether it*s children*s or adults?

Also, do most centers keep their patients on two MV*s for life (or

switch to one)?



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Thank you. Central Michigan Community Hospital

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Hi Virginia,

For those who may not know Virginia, she is Number 260 in the Zero Club.

Virginia was number 15 in the Phase 1 trial at UCLA with Dr. Sawyers and has

been on Gleevec since Apr 19, 1999.

Newbies take note. 9 years on Gleevec and still going strong.

Thank you for all that you do for us.


Zavie (age 69)

67 Shoreham Avenue

Ottawa, Canada, K2G 3X3

dxd AUG/99

INF OCT/99 to FEB/00, CHF

No meds FEB/00 to JAN/01

Gleevec since MAR/27/01 (400 mg)

CCR SEP/01. #102 in Zero Club

2.8 log reduction Sep/05

3.0 log reduction Jan/06

2.9 log reduction Feb/07

3.2 log reduction Jun/07

3.6 log reduction Sep/07

e-mail: zmiller@...

Tel: 613-726-1117

Fax: 309-296-0807

Cell: 613-202-0204

ID: zaviem


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

virginia garner

Sent: January 23, 2008 10:14 AM

Subject: [ ] (unknown)

Re: Ribbon Color? Suzanne is right. Team in Training is an excellent

group and a fine way to help through the LLS. I am now signed up to train

and fundraise for my 8th marathon with them. Right this moment they are

recruiting for their summer season and this begins the year of their 20th

anniversary.You can find out about it by going to www.teamintraining.org.

The people who fundraised for Team in Training helped save the lives of

CMLers because the LLS played a big part in supporting Dr. Druker's

research that led up to Gleevec. Dr. Druker, a runner, also trained and

fundraised for an event with them. That's why I signed up for my first

event and I've been involved ever since. Virginia in Claremont9th

anniversary on Gleevec coming in AprilIn my 11th year of survival

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Thank you for your kind words, Zavie. We just keep on keepin' on. Life is

goo. Virginia

[ ] (unknown)

Re: Ribbon Color? Suzanne is right. Team in Training is an excellent

group and a fine way to help through the LLS. I am now signed up to train

and fundraise for my 8th marathon with them. Right this moment they are

recruiting for their summer season and this begins the year of their 20th

anniversary.You can find out about it by going to www.teamintraining.org.

The people who fundraised for Team in Training helped save the lives of

CMLers because the LLS played a big part in supporting Dr. Druker's

research that led up to Gleevec. Dr. Druker, a runner, also trained and

fundraised for an event with them. That's why I signed up for my first

event and I've been involved ever since. Virginia in Claremont9th

anniversary on Gleevec coming in AprilIn my 11th year of survival

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Make that life is good.[iMAGE] Virginia

[ ] (unknown)

Re: Ribbon Color? Suzanne is right. Team in Training is an excellent

group and a fine way to help through the LLS. I am now signed up to train

and fundraise for my 8th marathon with them. Right this moment they are

recruiting for their summer season and this begins the year of their 20th

anniversary.You can find out about it by going to www.teamintraining.org.

The people who fundraised for Team in Training helped save the lives of

CMLers because the LLS played a big part in supporting Dr. Druker's

research that led up to Gleevec. Dr. Druker, a runner, also trained and

fundraised for an event with them. That's why I signed up for my first

event and I've been involved ever since. Virginia in Claremont9th

anniversary on Gleevec coming in AprilIn my 11th year of survival

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Make that life is good. Virginia

[ ] (unknown)

Re: Ribbon Color? Suzanne is right. Team in Training is an excellent

group and a fine way to help through the LLS. I am now signed up to train

and fundraise for my 8th marathon with them. Right this moment they are

recruiting for their summer season and this begins the year of their 20th

anniversary.You can find out about it by going to www.teamintraining.org.

The people who fundraised for Team in Training helped save the lives of

CMLers because the LLS played a big part in supporting Dr. Druker's

research that led up to Gleevec. Dr. Druker, a runner, also trained and

fundraised for an event with them. That's why I signed up for my first

event and I've been involved ever since. Virginia in Claremont9th

anniversary on Gleevec coming in AprilIn my 11th year of survival

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Dr Peatfield advises his patients to do the spit test, and yes, it is more than just indicative. Sadly, I doubt you will find any GP who knows of the connection of Candida Albicans and hypothyroidism. They are not taught this and poor things are too busy to do further research into something they have never been in contact with before. Only when you mention it might they then do a bit of googling to see if there actually IS a connection. Having Candida Albicans does not mean you have the thrush that people suffer in the nether regions and/or mouth, these are different strains of candida. Go to our website www.tpa-uk.org.uk and read the article on Candida - also read the information in our Files and complete the Candida questionnaire.

Luv - Sheila

Sheila wrote:

The spit test is the test to see if candida is present.

Is it truly more than just indicative?When I did it, it definitely looked positive, so I went to my GP about it. He didn't give much credence even to the possibility of candida being present in the gut, said it can only develop in the mouth or the genital areas. So I had a tongue swab tested, which came back negative. Would you suggest I pursue it further, and if so how?Simon

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Well, I'm on 3 grains of Armour, my husband is on 4 grains, Dr Peatfield is on 6 grains, several are on higher doses than you are Glynis. Your pharmacist doesn't know what she is talking about and I would simply get the prescription from elsewhere. When desiccated porcine thyroid extract was the ONLY medication for hypothyroidism, the majority of sufferers were on much higher doses than people use now. Mainly, the average dose was 6 grains.

Don't let people who don't know about the properties of Armour and who have done no research whatsoever get you down.

Luv - Sheila

Hi can anyone tell me is 3 3/4 grains of armour a high dose, the pharmacist said to was and that i need my bloods done and that she had spoken to my GP who said I hadn't had them done recently! I was so annoyed, she then went on about the danger of ill health and my I would damage my heart my poor husband was getting worried, when we got outside I told him that I dont care if it takes 5 years off my life, I had already lost 13 years and would not be doing anything else. I wondered if this was why I could not get the armour from that pharmacy, as she said her suppliers would not accept the letter I had as it had to have that days date and be written by an endo. Do Pharmacists phone GPS, what business is it of theirs anyway. I was so upset I cried, my husband is only worried I will hurt myself he is supporting me with the armour and can see the difference.No such problems with boots who use idis, the only problem there is the Consultant did not sign the letter so they refused it on those grounds, I am now awaiting another letter from the consultant.I do feel there is some kind of conspiracy going on here or am I paranoid.When I spoke to the pharmacist another time I asked her who she was dealing with in regard to getting the NHS to pay for my prescription, she evaded the question and never answered it, but when I went to collect it I said I needed to know so when I put it in again it will not take another 3 months to get approval, and she told me it was, although on the first occasion when I asked I offered her this persons name and she said no it was not her.What must it be like when you need medication that costs thousands. Carol


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Please post to list. I have been curious about this also.




We are updating our manual and came across a question about multi-vitamins. The other dietitian and I were comparing the labels on the children¢s MV and Centrum. They were very similar with some slight differences. Our questions are: do you require patients to take two multi-vitamins regardless of whether it¢s children¢s or adults? Also, do most centers keep their patients on two MV¢s for life (or switch to one)?


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MVP, it's common with untreated or undertreated hypothyroidism.

Kate G



At 11:44 PM 1/28/2008, you wrote:

>I was told that I had an extra beat or something like that. I always

>forget what it's called. Yes, it is something with the valve. Once in a

>while I have a palpitation or two. I have to take antibiotics before the

>dentist or before any invasive procedure to protect the heart. I saw on

>TV that they are trying to phase out the antibiotics before seeing the

>dentist now. Other than that, it is really nothing (I

>hope!). PS.. Good Luck!

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Thanks for the good luck wishes, . I'm going to have to do some

research to find out more about heart murmurs.


On Tuesday, January 29, 2008, at 12:44 AM, monica feeley wrote:

> I was told that I had an extra beat or something like that. I always

> forget what it's called. Yes, it is something with the valve. Once

> in a while I have a palpitation or two. I have to take antibiotics

> before the dentist or before any invasive procedure to protect the

> heart. I saw on TV that they are trying to phase out the antibiotics

> before seeing the dentist now. Other than that, it is really nothing

> (I hope!). PS.. Good Luck!


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Many with FMS tend to have mitral valve prolapse too.

--- Kate Guynn <kguynn@...> wrote:

> MVP, it's common with untreated or undertreated

> hypothyroidism.


> Kate G

> Hashi's

> AS



> At 11:44 PM 1/28/2008, you wrote:

> >I was told that I had an extra beat or something

> like that. I always

> >forget what it's called. Yes, it is something with

> the valve. Once in a

> >while I have a palpitation or two. I have to take

> antibiotics before the

> >dentist or before any invasive procedure to protect

> the heart. I saw on

> >TV that they are trying to phase out the

> antibiotics before seeing the

> >dentist now. Other than that, it is really nothing

> (I

> >hope!). PS.. Good Luck!





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Marrianne thanks hugely for your very thoughtful response. Much appreciated.

From: tmtip@...

Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 09:39:38 -0800

Subject: [ ] (unknown)


I read the posts about MRSA (methicillin resistant S. Aureus. I do want to make

a few corrections: MRSA is now also community acquired even among otherwise

healthy young adults. Immunocomprosmised persons are more suspectible as they

are to most things. MRSA originated as an opportunistic infection in hospitals

among hospitalized patients who were immunocompromised, NOT hospital workers.

So, the problem has been that MRSA evolved when proper handwashing and other

precautions were not being used properly and thus spread from patient to

patient. Now, it's out in the community which is really scary. The treatment

plan sounds very promising. You have to alert staff anytime your hospitalized in

the future of your prior infection. I'm an RN and I have seen the affects

staffing has had on patient care and MRSA (in my mind) is one thing that could

have been avoided had hospitals been more diligent. I hope you're doing better

and I'm sorry to hear this has

happened to you. Take care.


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HI I tried mag to same problems i am now trying the new stuff you can buy at the store that is suppose to help ibs Shirley Godbout <prywarr@...> wrote: MAGNESIUM HAS TOTALLY CHANGED MY BOWELS HABITS - NOT FOR THE BETTER. MAKES ME HAVE MUCH GAS AND LOOSE STOOLS. DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE THIS PROBLEM ON MAGNESIUM AND WHAT DO YOU DO? Shirley Godbout Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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not me - but I think that is because Lyrica can cause constipation - I eat a lot of nuts per day and that has helped me stay 'regular' Shirley Godbout <prywarr@...> wrote: MAGNESIUM HAS TOTALLY CHANGED MY BOWELS HABITS - NOT FOR THE BETTER. MAKES ME HAVE MUCH GAS AND LOOSE STOOLS. DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE THIS PROBLEM ON MAGNESIUM AND WHAT DO YOU DO? Shirley Godbout Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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<<I am on MTX for a month now, and I have a constant, dull headache. Nothing

helps. F.>>

I do as well- though I did have severe headaches prior to the MTX. My rheumy

thinks it's an issue for my PCP, my PCP thinks it's a part of the autoimmune

problem. I have noticed since I was increased to 20mgs a week a decrease in

frequency and severity... Did you have the headaches before MTX?


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I don't remember " before " anymore, but I don't think so.

I have them everyday now.

From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of Marie Miley-

Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2008 10:13 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] (unknown)

<<I am on MTX for a month now, and I have a constant, dull headache. Nothing

helps. F.>>

I do as well- though I did have severe headaches prior to the MTX. My rheumy

thinks it's an issue for my PCP, my PCP thinks it's a part of the autoimmune

problem. I have noticed since I was increased to 20mgs a week a decrease in

frequency and severity... Did you have the headaches before MTX?





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Dear Dr. Hart,

Please go to the bottom of one of the e-mails and click on the word "unsubscribe". Unfortunately it may take doing this a few times. No one else will be able to do this for you. It is just the way it is set up.

Warm regards


[low dose naltrexone] (unknown)

Could you please un-suscribe me and take me off the e mail list? I can not handle this many daily e mails. Thank you kindly. Dr.Hart

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Hi Shirley I have short hair also i have really thinned out as well. Perms works for me for now too. shellyShirley Godbout <prywarr@...> wrote: I have had to do the short hair for several years now but have to get a perm because my hair is so thin. It works for me.Shirley Godbout

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My hair is really thin too, and I'm wearing it short and straight. I would love to get a perm, but I've been afraid that the chemicals might cause the rest of my hair to fall out.



I have had to do the short hair for several years now but have to get a perm because my hair is so thin. It works for me.Shirley Godbout

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I too have had the same experience as you, shirley. It was so painful, but it was caused by a stressful event. I get it when i walk the treadmill at times, too. also, have been taken to emergency once, by ambulance in the middle of the night. The funny part of this, I was never told what it was only that it was muscle spasms in the chest wall. It wasn't until reading a post on another site that talks about RA and FMS that it really had a name!! We learn so much talking to one another on these reputable sites with people who want to help all of us get well and be pain free. Most everything that I do to keep comfortable I have learned on these type of informational sites. I think it is because what works and what doesn't is eventually filtered out. ElaineShirley Godbout <prywarr@...> wrote: Heidi, yes I have (and so do many other fibromites) the costochondritis. I mainly get it when I am over stressed or over tired. It lets me knows when I have gone too far and done way too much. I don't do anything but try to rest. You can use pain cream and/or take an antiinflammatory. Basically that is what I was told. I have had all the heart tests, etc and my heart is fine. Was in the hospital (via the emergency room) in July because of chest pain that lasted 4 weeks so I was concerned it was something else but it turned

out to be just the c....... word, ok?Shirley Godbout Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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i find that this flares up during twisting motions of the upper body (so i try to limit those).Shirley Godbout <prywarr@...> wrote: Heidi, yes I have (and so do many other fibromites) the costochondritis. I mainly get it when I am over stressed or over tired. It lets me knows when I have gone too far and done way too much. I don't do anything but try to rest. You can use pain cream and/or take an antiinflammatory.

Basically that is what I was told. I have had all the heart tests, etc and my heart is fine. Was in the hospital (via the emergency room) in July because of chest pain that lasted 4 weeks so I was concerned it was something else but it turned out to be just the c....... word, ok?Shirley Godbout Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Hi Nicola - good you are still around, and I hope you get yourself better soon. I DO believe from what you say that your problem could be adrenal related, so have a stab at answering the questions in our adrenal questionnaire and see how you score. You could boost your adrenals yourself (unless they are completely pooped) by taking Nutri Adrenal Extra. Have you ever seriously considered doing this. They are a natural product and it would not hurt to give them a try.

luv - Sheila

Well I have to say, I am a bit of a lurker on this group, but have been a member for a long time, I cannot say I read every email that would be a lie as the volume of emails coming in, but I do read a fair few and I have to admire Shiela and the gang who dedicate there time to this group which proves to help so many people, I have my problems and I should address them but, I cannot pin point what is that is holding me back, do I just need a kick up the back side? or is it fear of the unknown, I really have no idea, I spend my life being unwell, I suspect I have adrenal gland problems as from what I read all my symptoms add up to this, I have got PCOS which is hormonal to start with, I also have high prolactin, which is hormonal, I have breathing problems which my dr believes is in my head and my energy levels are zero, but besides that I am fine!!!!I have to go back to my Endo at in April and I will stand there until he takes some fresh blood tests and then I will post the results when I get them. I also want to add, a Jewish person can take medication what ever is in it if it is going to make them better.Also was reading a few weeks back about injections with Iodine, well I am highly allergic to Iodine and it is a cause by one of the tablets I am on and I have to stop the tablet a week before I have a Scan or tell them not to give me the injection which they did last time, I found out the hard way as I was rushed in for an emergency MRI scan on my lungs as they suspected a clot and thankfully there was no clot but came out a lot worse as was allergic to the iodine.just wanted to say hello to all Nicola

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