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Re: (unknown)

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I set a rule in my email client to automatically delete any posts with that

subject line- works for me.


Saturday, February 17, 2007, 7:21:11 AM, you wrote:

i joined this group about a week ago, and this is my first post, mainly

because i joined right around the beginning of the homosexuality

discussion...and am anxiously awaiting the END of it. i've seen a

couple people post that perhaps it's time to drop it and move on, but

that has fallen on deaf...fingers?

at any rate, i look forward to learning and sharing...once i can just

stop automatically deleting all emails because this

one topic just won't die.



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I will try and

answer this one. The growling and gurgling is part of having the band. You can

try and learn a swallowing technique that helps lesson the sounds. Here is what

I do:

Before I

swallow, I blow all the air out of my nose slowly, put my tongue to the roof of

my mouth, and swallow. It takes some practice but what you are doing is

stopping yourself from swallowing air when you swallow. This will help prevent

the gurgling noises or at least make them not so noticeable. The other thing

you need to do is slow way down. Take tiny bites and chew chew chew before

swallowing. The hiccups means you overate your band. You should try and get to

know your bands “soft stop” or the sign that let’s you know

when to stop eating. I have heard them called soft stops and hard stops. A soft

stop is maybe a sigh, a burp, or a small hiccup to let you know you are done. A

hard stop is the stuck feeling, sliming, excessive hiccups, or a PB or a pain

in the left shoulder or side. Try and get to know your bands soft stop. J


DOB 3/1/05


5ft 6in, Size 8


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Alli Dye

Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007

8:55 PM



Hi all,

Well I have 2.4 cc and no restriction yet. What I do have though

is a lot of gurgling/ growling sounds coming up my throat when I eat. It

sounds like aliens have invaded my body and are coming up for air or something!!!

And if that isn't enough of a side show while having lunch, I topped that off

with a mean case of the hiccups that lasted 4/ever!!! LOL

Any advice on what is causing this and how to avoid



Valentine's Eve to you all!


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Nobody is going to ban anyone. I just think if you are going to start a

thread or post something, you ought to give it a subject so members can

follow the thread. It's just proper protocol. If proper protocol

bothers you, I understand Willie and Waylon Jennings have

started a board... ;+)




> no subject







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the point is, how uptight can one man be?

Re: (unknown)

Nobody is going to ban anyone. I just think if you are going to start a

thread or post something, you ought to give it a subject so members can

follow the thread. It's just proper protocol. If proper protocol

bothers you, I understand Willie and Waylon Jennings have

started a board... ;+)




> no subject







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OK. My apologies. I will cease pointing it out when you post

something with no subject.

I have seldom seen anyone talk about a supplement this way:

" yes, i am on a goji berry kick.

jury still out.

but 153 stuides listed on pubmed.

pretty impressive stuff.

critical attacks welcomed.

breast bared.

fangs too.

he, he "

If you are that passionate about your favorite supplement, you are

welcome to take me up on my offer.

Till then I stick with my opinion about goji juice. It's a juice like

a great many other juices, and no juice is worth 30 dollars for 26


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Re: (unknown)






WITH A SMILEY FACE. I will cease pointing it out when you post PLEASE DON'T DO





something with no subject.

I have seldom seen anyone talk about a supplement this way:

" yes, i am on a goji berry kick.

jury still out.

but 153 stuides listed on pubmed.

pretty impressive stuff.

critical attacks welcomed.

breast bared.

fangs too.

he, he "



If you are that passionate about your favorite supplement, you are

welcome to take me up on my offer.


Till then I stick with my opinion about goji juice. It's a juice like

a great many other juices, and no juice is worth 30 dollars for 26





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Thanks , I'll give that a try.

The first few days after my last fill, I felt nothing. Now, nothing seems to want to stay down so I guess I am getting some restriction. I still don't get a full feeling -ever but have to stop eating because of the hung food issue. I no longer can eat all the foods I've read you guys can't eat. I tried grilled chicken, brocolli and corn for dinner and it was not pretty. My throat is actually soar - so I guess I need to go on mushies or liquids tomorrow. Maybe my band is kicking in after all!!!! :)

Thanks for your suggestions,Ally

[Dr-Aceves-bandster s] (unknown)

Hi all,

Well I have 2.4 cc and no restriction yet. What I do have though is a lot of gurgling/ growling sounds coming up my throat when I eat. It sounds like aliens have invaded my body and are coming up for air or something!!! And if that isn't enough of a side show while having lunch, I topped that off with a mean case of the hiccups that lasted 4/ever!!! LOL

Any advice on what is causing this and how to avoid it???

Happy Valentine's Eve to you all!


Don't be flakey. Get for Mobile and always stay connected to friends.

Don't pick lemons.

See all the new 2007 cars at Autos.

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--- Beth, jun1488@... wrote:

> Looking forward to moving on!!! Beth


What topic in particular would you like to discuss?

You can use the search box at the top of the list web page to

search for key words and often find useful discussions.

There's also the multiple-health list search engine:


But if you're lazy like most of us, just post your question here :)

Feel free to interject some humor. We all need it.

Especially since we haven't heard from B in a while.

She's probably having way too much fun in France or somewhere.

Of course, we are also missing our wise list lord, who hopefully is

off having fun somewhere. I'm also hoping our wise moderator, Wanita,

will stick around and put up with our foolishness! Otherwise the

newest members will be unable to post.

<the list digressive deviant moron (pardon me)>

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> > Looking forward to moving on!!! Beth


> Beth,


> What topic in particular would you like to discuss?


> You can use the search box at the top of the list web page to

> search for key words and often find useful discussions.


> There's also the multiple-health list search engine:

> http://onibasu.com/

Thanks for that link! I've been a member of this group for years, and

I was never aware of the DiscussingNT group


Their policy states, " Discussion and debate of topics of a political

or religious nature are discouraged on this list. " And, a quick search

of the archives says they mean it. In fact, a search on the word

'homosexual' returned no hits at all.

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and B,

I thought this discussion interesting hoping to see if there was any connections

between hormones, mainly estrogen, testosterone and the effects on people.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I was wondering if women, especially the

younger ones are getting more aggressive and dominent, due to the possibility of

all the estrogenic compounds we are getting today, in food (soy), plastics give

off estrogen as well as pesticides that are in our food sources. Someone did

say yes that too much estrogen would make a female more aggressive. And what I

was wondering on the homosexual discourse is how estrogen would affect male

brains. I know in horses that it is used to calm a gelded male horse down if he

is to agressive. I was wondering if that is why young women are tending more to

not get into relationships with males, since possibly our hormones have been

disrupted somehow changing the way we think. Of course we also have to look at

society's changes in attitudes, things that are taught in school, which weren't

taught or emphasized before. But anything that can negatively affect our well

being, I would like to know either how to avoid it, or how to counteract it.

I personally have went through hormonal treatments that were disasterous. I was

told that a blood test showed I had low progesterone. After a short while on

progesterone, I was ready to kill. My poor husband didn't know which way to

turn as I was getting extremely short tempered. Yet if you read some

literature, I took this from :


Effects of Progesterone & Estrogen

Excerpted From:


Balance Your Hormones and Your Life from Thirty to Fifty


Estrogen Effects

Creates proliferative endometrium

Breast cell stimulation (fibrocystic breasts*)

Increased body fat and weight gain*

Salt and fluid retention

Depression, anxiety, and headaches*

Cyclical migraines*

Poor sleep patterns*

Interferes with thyroid hormone function*

Impairs blood sugar control*

Increased risk of blood clots*

Little or no libido effect*

Loss of zinc and retention of copper*

Reduced oxygen levels in all cells*

Causes endometrial cancer*

Increased risk of breast cancer*

Increased risk of prostate cancer*

Restrains bone loss

Reduces vascular tone (dilates blood vessels)

Triggers autoimmune diseases*

Creates progesterone receptors

Relieves hot flashes***

Prevents vaginal dryness & mucosal atrophy***

Increases risk of gall bladder disease*

Improves memory***

Improves sleep disorders***

Improves health of urinary tract***

Relieves night sweats***

Progesterone Effects

Maintains secretory endometrium

Protects against breast fibrocysts

Helps use fat for energy

Natural diuretic

Natural anti-depressant & calms anxiety

Prevents cyclical migraines

Promotes normal sleep patterns

Facilitates thyroid hormone function

Helps normalize blood sugar levels

Normalizes blood clotting

Helps restores normal libido

Normalizes zinc and copper levels

Restores proper cell oxygen levels

Prevents endometrial cancer

Helps prevent breast cancer1

Decreased risk of prostate cancer

Stimulates new bone formation

Improves vascular tone

Prevents autoimmune diseases

Increases sensitivity of estrogen receptors

Necessary for survival of embryo

Precursor of corticosteroid biosynthesis

Prevents coronary artery spasm and

atherosclerotic plaque.

Sleepiness, depression**

Digestive problems**

* Indicates that these effects are caused by estrogen dominance, or an

imbalance of estrogen caused by too little progesterone.

** Indicates that these effects are caused by an excess of progesterone.

*** Indicates that these effects are caused by a deficiency of estrogen.

It would seem that the progesterone treatment shouldn't have caused the

anger and frustration as it says here that progesterone seems to help these

conditions. Also my blood pressure and heart rate shouldn't have climbed. When

I switched from synthetic to the progesterone that was made using peanuts I

think, I would have to take that right before bed, as I would almost pass out.

It does say an excess will cause sleepiness. But during the peanut type of

progesterone I would have horrible nightmares every night, usually I would have

some sort of conflict in my dreams. I finally got off progesterone, I couldn't

handle it anymore.

So another doctor put me on estrogen. And at first that felt great.

Then almost like a drug I needed more and more, and was using a patch of

unapposed estrogen. Which since I am an intact female wasn't smart. I went to

the highest dose and after a while that didn't make me feel better. Plus I

experienced heavy flooding.

After I got off of all hormones I was still experiencing problems. I

had chronic fatigue which I found out later was due to having Epstien Barr. But

my heart rate and blood pressure was still going up. I had white coat syndrome

big time. And I started waking up just about every night between 11-3am with my

heart racing 140 bpm that would last anywhere from 20 minutes to hours. I had a

24 hour halter monitor and it showed the racing but the rythm was normal. No

doctor could tell me what was going on, even with blood tests. I went the

emergency room a couple of times thinking I was having a heart attack.

After this I went in for a PCOS study. They found me insulin

resistant, high testosterone and told me I'd have diabetes in a few years. My

blood pressure had gotten up to 200/100, my cholesterol was 275 and I was over

100 pounds overweight. I was told I was going to have a stroke, and needed to

take blood pressure meds, cholesterol drugs and metformin for the insulin

resistance. I started the blood pressure pills, (I don't do well with meds and

had the doc give me a childs dose to start with), and I was up all night with my

heart racing at over 140 bpm. Which in the morning a pharmacist told me I was

on too high of a dose. So I didn't take any medications and figured I'd just


It was after this that I picked up Atkin's book and after reading it

found out that a lot of what he was describing was what I was experiencing. So

I went low carb and on induction and felt great immediately. From starting

induction at lunchtime I had the first night I fell asleep quickly and slept

through the night. I started losing a lot of weight, and within 3 months my

cholesterol had dropped to 240 and my blood pressure was 117/78. The following

year I had lost 80 pounds and the endocrinologist told me he's never seen that

much change in cholesterol, the good coming up and the bad going down, without

statin drugs. He was very pleased and amazed. Especially on a diet that

consisted of fat, meats and some vegetables.

I started to eat the low carb goodies. The candy and ice cream. Pretty

soon I started to put on the pounds again. For some reason those made me start

craving starchy foods like before I started Atkins. Within about 6 months I put

on 30 pounds. And started to get the heart racing again some nights.

I started hearing about Splenda not being good for us. All Atkins

goodies have Splenda, and I personally cannot eat aspartame. So I started using

Stevia as much as I could.

Then I was talking to a woman via e-mail who told me about the Weston

Price foundation. I read his research and was amazed. She said Atkins took a

lot of his information from him. I got Sally Fallon's book and started using

real butter again, (I was using Smart Balance), and also using coconut oil to

cook and making soups using bones. After I had lost the 80 pounds on Atkins I

always felt cold. I had my thyroid checked more times than you can shake a

stick. I had the dry skin, the dry hair. But after a couple of weeks of eating

Atkins style, with no chemical sweetners and the addition of coconut oil and

butter, I started to not be so cold. My hair which was getting dry (which I

thought was due to getting old), is getting oily again. I don't have to load it

with conditioner to keep it from frizzing out. I'm not losing the weight I did

the first time, so I'm going to have to get more strict with the calories, but

overall I am feeling better again.

So I am here too, to try and figure some of this stuff out to help me

feel better, which will help my mental mood also. I wrote a lot of this down in

case others have had similar problems and thought they were alone and also if

someone has found something else that worked better.

My high testosterone went down after I was on Atkins for a few months,

so that is another reason why the homosexual thread was interesting. Though I

think there are connections with hormones, and maybe hormone therapy might be of

great help, the human being is much more complex, but we do need a place to

start. I think had I started this diet before the first progesterone pill, I

would be so much more healthier now.


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I agree gogi juice contains nutrients and antioxidants.

It's not a cancer cure; apoptosis in a test tube is irrelevant.

It's expensive by my calculation for a fruit juice.


On 18 Feb 2007 at 1:14, cures for cancer wrote:


> Posted by: " breathedeepnow " aug20@... breathedeepnow

> Date: Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:23 pm ((PST))

> Till then I stick with my opinion about goji juice. It's a juice like

> a great many other juices, and no juice is worth 30 dollars for 26

> ounces.

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Well said Duncan. I love goji berry juice. But it is just that, a fruit juice. I

put all my faith in Zavita to prevent the return of my colo-rectal cancer. I

still drink my goji berry " fruit " juice and enjoy many benefits from it. But I

don't trust it to keep my cancer from coming back. I do all my own research on

the nutrition I use instead of relying on someone else's opinions. I have to. My

life depends on it. I do still want to grow a couple a goji bushes in my garden


Brihgtest Blessings,

Duncan Crow <duncancrow@...> wrote: I agree

gogi juice contains nutrients and antioxidants.

It's not a cancer cure; apoptosis in a test tube is irrelevant.

It's expensive by my calculation for a fruit juice.


On 18 Feb 2007 at 1:14, cures for cancer wrote:


> Posted by: " breathedeepnow " aug20@... breathedeepnow

> Date: Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:23 pm ((PST))

> Till then I stick with my opinion about goji juice. It's a juice like

> a great many other juices, and no juice is worth 30 dollars for 26

> ounces.


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Hi, Duncan.

I got the same schpiel from the " Xango " (Mangosteen) people. I spoke

to one of their MM dealers who, when I told him the price was

outrageous, said to me, " IT'S YOUR LIFE, MAN!! " as if saving my

life/surviving and living with cancer ABSOLUTELY DEPENDED ON my

buying and drinking " Xango. "


BALANCE is key.

Every day I drink about 40 ounces of carrot, beet, celery, apple,

collard, spinach, parsley, cilantro, green pepper, broccoli, garlic,

ginger, jalapeno juice. I expect that, too, would kill cancer cells

in vitro. And I don't expect I need some " exotic, " over-priced juice

on top of that.

On the other hand, someone else might prefer the " exotic " juice to

juicing all those vegetables every day. I don't know which one is

better than the other, or if they are comparable.

Chacun a son gout.

I certainly think that anyone coming here to promote a product,

whether they are selling it themselves or not, ought not to go

berzerk if a member or members have a lesser opinion of it, or even

if they say they think it is worthless. We can't safely express our

opinions here if we are going to be attacked when we do so.

I also happen to prefer my fresh vegetable juice over bottled Xango

or Goji juice because anything sold in a bottle has to be

pasteurized, and pasteurization destroys some of the " good stuff. "


> >

> > Posted by: " breathedeepnow " aug20@... breathedeepnow

> > Date: Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:23 pm ((PST))


> > Till then I stick with my opinion about goji juice. It's a juice


> > a great many other juices, and no juice is worth 30 dollars for 26

> > ounces.


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> I agree...I keep deleting posts...because I am so tired of this

> topic....maybe those who want to keep this discussion going could do it off


> Looking forward to moving on!!! Beth

Then stop reading the posts. YOU move on by deleting / not reading the ones you

don't like.


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Well then don't read the posts. Read the other posts - it's really simple, and

it's one of the

beauties of email groups.


> >

> > i joined this group about a week ago, and this is my first post, mainly

> > because i joined right around the beginning of the homosexuality

> > discussion...and am anxiously awaiting the END of it. i've seen a

> > couple people post that perhaps it's time to drop it and move on, but

> > that has fallen on deaf...fingers?

> > at any rate, i look forward to learning and sharing...once i can just

> > stop automatically deleting all emails because this

> > one topic just won't die.

> >

> > sincerely

> > b

> >

> >

> >




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Lynn, Thats neat that everyone been such good help to you and I'm glad your knee is doing so good for you :-) Well you have a nice day :-) Susie Lynn Holbrook <lynntmj2000@...> wrote: I just had to tell everyone, today is my one year anniversary with my new knee!!! Sure has been good to me. Where did the year go? You all have been so much help and given me so much knowledge. Thank you! Lynn It's here! Your new message!Get new email alerts with the free Toolbar.

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In a message dated 3/11/2007 11:12:02 A.M. Central Standard Time,

Hallgrim@... writes:

Some weeks ago there were links to alkalzink bath and drinks i have lost it

do sombody have this links. Hallgrimur




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~ I am so happy to hear that you have a fiancee that is so sweet, and is there for you. I am glad he will be able to come and be there with you. Tomorrow, you will get everything in line and be ready to go ! This will be positive change for you. Rest well, and God Bless you~ DedeAOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Hello there! How much I understand your feelings and your struggle!!! I have just had my second open Heller, after having my first one done 11 years ago. It took me 5 years to decide to go through another surgery. It is hard enough having to cope with achalasia, so I can imagine what it is to have to struggle with problems at work too. What a terrible boss you have!!! I got my job 11 years ago, right after my first surgery. Luckily I have the best job, boss and collegues one can wish for. My myotomy is now 10 weeks ago, I am still at home and my boss does not want to see me around now for anything else but a cup of coffee. He wants me to get better first and to get some answers as to why my swallowing problems are already coming back. He also wants me to get some rest in my head first, as I am scared to death to having to undergo another surgery (so that part of your feelings I also truly understand). I am

so gratefull for my job. Please hang in there and don't give up. Have your myotomy done by the best doctor you can find and don't bother about what others think of you. You know best what you are feeling and you are not alone. Like me, there are plenty of others here on the forum, who know what a terrible time this must be for you. But...after this rotten time, things will change for the better for you (and me). I am absolutely sure of that, so please don't give up hope!!! Isabellatig26904 <tig26904@...> wrote: Seven years later I'm now facing a second surgery.......I haven't been in this group for most of those seven years.....and I'm not reading alot of different information then I did then....I have to tell you I'm now scared to death of this second surgery, I wonder really what good it will do. After the first I still, like many of you, still have had problems and WHY???? Lack of information (which I know probably has been said time and time again) regarding our "condition".There have been times when I have had my, what I call for a lack of a better word, bouts...dry heaving, nausia, sweats for hours........where I've thought to myself, if someone came in here now to rob me and threatened to shoot me I'd tell them "Please do it". And believe me, I know there are people worse off than me......but once the bouts come on...and the longer they seem to

last.......the more I feel that I want to give up this fight......and no one except people that have it, understands. I can't count the number of times I have had it at work....and everyone acts like it is nothing...my boss said the other day, "well, sometimes you just have to buck up and come to work sick". I would never want to wish this on anyone...but....give him 15 minutes of the pain, and I wonder how he would "buck-up"?Sorry, but I have to vent as I'm sure everyone here does....

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Tig, welcome back to the board. I must have joined

about the time you left. You said you didn't find

many changes from seven years ago. Did you mean

from messages on the board or from info about achalasia

in general? I find that there is a lot more information

on the net and that this group is getting more and more

knowledgeable about our disease every day.

I have not had the surgery, but I have read every message

posted on this board since I became a member in 2000. One

of the things I keep hearing over and over is "get a surgeon

that has done many myotomy's." I don't know where you

live nor who your doctor is. He could be the best in the

world, but there have been some doctors mentioned on the

board over and over that seem to perform the most successful

surgeries. If you are so scared, I would suggest you tell us

where you live, who your doctor is and if he is not one

of the ones recommended here, I am sure someone here could

tell you of one closest to you that has the best reputation


Fell free to vent here any time you want to....and print off

some of the letters here where others are describing their

symptoms and the pains...take it to him and let him read

for himself. I'd like to send him a boot by mail.

Good luck,


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Oh don't cry Lynn, you are getting my shirt wet. hehe. Believe me, I am fighting now for what I need. You are right, he should not be a doctor. What can I say, I don't hand out those liscences. I don't want to cross him though, unless I have to. So far, I have kept my mouth shut about my feelings towards him and his practices. Terry


Terry, your post just about made me cry. Has your doctor been under a rock? I would go to the ends of the earth to find someone else! I am so fortunate to have a wonderful doctor who cares, etc. Yes, this board has helped me out many times. I didn't know what a CPM machine was. Also, a poster said to build up your leg before surgery which helped a lot during PT. These people are priceless!! Lynn Holbrook, Michigan

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with the Search movie showtime shortcut.

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Tig, if you are talking about NCCP also known as spasm pains

maybe Debbi's famous post about that will be helpful to you.

I am copying it below. It is well worth reading. Hope it helps.



Chest pains, heartburn, acid reflux, spasm pains, NCCPs.... what the heck is all of this stuff anyway????

(aka: Debbi's Dissertation on Dysfunctional Dysphagia Diagnoses)

Here's some info I've put together on differences between "heartburn" and the "chest pains/spasm pains" that are related to achalasia. The official medical term that I've found for the "spasm pain" is "NCCP" or Non Cardiac Chest Pain. There are multiple terms used for "heartburn" including: acid indigestion, acid reflux, GERD/GORD, etc.

In my pre-achalasia days, I would have "indigestion/heartburn" once in a while (after a particularly large, fatty, acidic meal, etc.), maybe once or twice a year. I would have that nasty acid taste in my mouth when I burped, and a hot/burning sensation in the area of my breastbone. While not particularly comfortable, it wasn't an excruciating, debilitating pain, and taking some Tums or other antacid would neutralize it and both the taste and the discomfort would go away.

When I had my first NCCP, I had been having problems swallowing for a few years but hadn't yet been diagnosed with anything, and I had no clue that the pain was related to my swallowing problems. I thought the pain was some gawd-awful gas pains -- felt like something was stabbing me from the inside out! The pain seemed to start in the ribs and almost squeeze my chest with searing pain that seemed to shoot up into my neck, too. (note: everyone can experience NCCPs in varying degrees and in various parts of the body, including stomach, chest, shoulders, neck, back, jaw, tongue, teeth, and roof of the mouth.) I lived alone at the time, and I drove to a convenience store and bought three rolls of Rolaids and ate two whole rolls. That didn't have any effect at all, and it took a couple hours for the pain to go away.

Another time, I have a distinct memory of standing in the kitchen holding onto the countertop and just WAILING at the top of my lungs because it hurt so bad, and my knees buckling from the pain. My wailing turned into one big repetitious prayer: "Please, Lord, Please, Lord, Make It Stop, Lord, I Can't Take It Anymore, Lord, Please, Lord, I Need You To Please Help Me!" over and over and over again while sobbing. This was almost a decade ago and I don't know how long it went on, but I'm thinking that it was well over an hour of that constant wailing. Boy, those were the days, huh? ;o)

For people whose doctors believe that NCCPs are an "atypical" (not normal) symptom for achalasia patients, point them in the direction of this informal poll here on our group: achalasia/surveys?id=1037310

The poll is now closed, so who knows how many more would be added to it if it were still accepting votes. If you scroll down to the end, 38 people reported that they have these "spasms", and 5 people reported that they don't have spasms. So out of 43 people who answered the poll, 88% have spasms and 12% don't have spasms. Doesn't sound like a "rare" or "atypical" symptom, does it?

In another poll ( achalasia/surveys?id=1011383 ) of people who went to the Emergency Room due to extreme chest pains, 2 were given intravenous Valium, 3 were given Demorol or other narcotic injection, and 7 were given no treatment whatsoever.... isn't that sad? 58% of the people who were in such severe pain that they went to the E.R. were given NO TREATMENT at all!!! That is SO unnecessary!!!!

Here's some info that I copied from an old post of mine -- if your doctor will bother to do some simple web searches, he'll see that calcium channel blockers, nitroglycerine, and anti-depressants are all documented ways to treat NCCP in people with esophageal disorders! Maybe if you print it out and show it to him, he'll be willing to offer you some help in dealing with this.


Here's some basic info that I've posted in the past -- different things work for different people, so it's basically just an experiment to find what works for your own particular situation.

Here are some different coping methods to try:

-- Swallowing something warm or something cold (in my case, I chug warm --not hot-- water as fast as I can).

-- CCB medication (calcium channel blockers) -- when I'm having NCCPs, I prick the shell of a nifedipine capsule and squirt it under my tongue. It absorbs into the bloodstream under the tongue (this is called a "sub-lingual" medication, meaning under-tongue) and relaxes smooth muscle tissue (which is what the esophagus is made up of). You can also just swallow the capsule, but since we have trouble swallowing in the first place, I've found the under-the-tongue method works best (then you just swallow when you've held it there as long as you can and your saliva requires a swallow). Unfortunately, it can also lower your blood pressure (usually only a problem if you already have low BP to begin with) and cause a headache afterwards -- some people experience this, some don't. CCB's can also be tried in the "slow release" formula as a preventative to having NCCPs start in the first place.

-- Nitroglycerin medication -- works in much the same way as the CCB mentioned above, and can also be taken sublingually for fast relief.

-- Certain anti-depressant and anti-convulsant medications -- some people don't have NCCPs when on these types of medications, believed to be a function of the medicine's effect on serotonin in the brain (antidepressants such as Nortryptaline, Amitryptaline, Imipramine and Trazodone have been studied; Neurontin is being studied in a similar way for "phantom limb pain" in amputees, etc.) People in the group have had luck with Paxil, Ativan, Nortryptaline, etc. The dosage needed in this case is generally lower than the dosage that is normally used to treat depression.

-- L'Argnine supplements -- some people have found these relieve NCCP symptoms.

-- If symptoms are debilitating and none of the methods above help, you may need a narcotic pain reliever, but definitely try all the options above first, b/c if you're on narcotics you can't drive, work, etc., and the vast majority of people can find relief in a way that doesn't involve narcotics.


In the last few years I've taken three different drugs that affect serotonin (one of which isn't considered to be an anti-depressant medication, but which does have a serotonin effect nonetheless); any time I was on one of those drugs, my NCCPs have either disappeared entirely, or been nearly eliminated. And each time I discontinued a serotonin-effect drug, the NCCPs started up again within a month's time. One member here who was in the E.R. repeatedly for debilitating NCCPs finally had a doctor prescribe a low-dose daily antidepressant; her NCCPs have been eliminated.... no more pain, no more narcotics, no more trips to the hospital.

There are soooooooooooo many things that can be done to reduce NCCPs, but doctors don't even bother to TRY to find a solution for us. I say let THEM curl up in a fetal position making plea-bargain deals with their Maker at 3:00 in the morning just ONCE, and you can bet your booty that they'll find a solution REAL fast!!! :oP

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Thank you for the words of encouragement!

I am going to see my surgeon on the 3rd of April. I'm not sure that

he is the best...but...his name is Dr. at Strong Memorial

Hospital in Rochester NY. I have not read all of the posts, so I

don't know if he has been mentioned or not. When I had my first

surgery I didn't have alot of time to check out anyone. This second

time around I would like to be a little more cautious though. So any

information anysone can provide would be helpful.

And in my first post I meant not that there isn't alot of good

information offered here, just that we are all still dealing with the

pain at some level and I'm beginning to think that it is wishful

thinking to think it will ever go away completely.

-- In achalasia , Isabella Arnold <arnoldisabella@...>



> Hello there!


> How much I understand your feelings and your struggle!!! I have

just had my second open Heller, after having my first one done 11

years ago. It took me 5 years to decide to go through another surgery.


> It is hard enough having to cope with achalasia, so I can imagine

what it is to have to struggle with problems at work too. What a

terrible boss you have!!! I got my job 11 years ago, right after my

first surgery. Luckily I have the best job, boss and collegues one

can wish for. My myotomy is now 10 weeks ago, I am still at home and

my boss does not want to see me around now for anything else but a

cup of coffee. He wants me to get better first and to get some

answers as to why my swallowing problems are already coming back. He

also wants me to get some rest in my head first, as I am scared to

death to having to undergo another surgery (so that part of your

feelings I also truly understand). I am so gratefull for my job.


> Please hang in there and don't give up. Have your myotomy done by

the best doctor you can find and don't bother about what others think

of you. You know best what you are feeling and you are not alone.

Like me, there are plenty of others here on the forum, who know what

a terrible time this must be for you. But...after this rotten time,

things will change for the better for you (and me). I am absolutely

sure of that, so please don't give up hope!!!


> Isabella


> tig26904 <tig26904@...> wrote:

> Seven years later I'm now facing a second surgery.......I


> been in this group for most of those seven years.....and I'm not

> reading alot of different information then I did then....I have to

> tell you I'm now scared to death of this second surgery, I wonder

> really what good it will do. After the first I still, like many of

> you, still have had problems and WHY???? Lack of information (which


> know probably has been said time and time again) regarding

> our " condition " .


> There have been times when I have had my, what I call for a lack of


> better word, bouts...dry heaving, nausia, sweats for

> hours........where I've thought to myself, if someone came in here

> now to rob me and threatened to shoot me I'd tell them " Please do

> it " . And believe me, I know there are people worse off than

> me......but once the bouts come on...and the longer they seem to

> last.......the more I feel that I want to give up this


> no one except people that have it, understands. I can't count the

> number of times I have had it at work....and everyone acts like it


> nothing...my boss said the other day, " well, sometimes you just


> to buck up and come to work sick " . I would never want to wish this


> anyone...but....give him 15 minutes of the pain, and I wonder how


> would " buck-up " ?


> Sorry, but I have to vent as I'm sure everyone here does....







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