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, Best wishes as you search for others in Oklahoma. Be sure to check

the Me list. I live in S.C. but am originally from Bartlesville, OK. I am

pretty sure there are some folks in OKC and Norman doing Lovaas but don't

have a clue how to contact them other than the Me List. Also check with

North Texas Feat. They may have some contacts or will post your search in

their newsletter. God Bless,

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Yes, but not frequent. I experienced a headache all last night and half

of today. It is gone now. I had done my first maintenance parasite

cleanse last Friday (today is Monday.) I was simultaneously taking

experimental dosages of ornithine and arginine and Choline Cocktail as

well as juiced apples, so it could have been anything causing it... .

says: " Parasites produce a great deal of ammonia as their waste

product " , And also this " The only after effects you may feel are due to

release of bacteria and viruses from dead parasites. These should be

promptly zapped " . Which I did, and the headache went away.




Has anyone experienced frequent headaches as a side effect to Dr. 's

parasite protocol? Or kidney protocol?


" Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. " --

Ralph Waldo Emerson



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Servings of fruit a day: 0



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Interesting is that I was doing juiced apples as well, and had quite a

headache (was on parasite maintenance dosage and kidney cleanse drink).

On Mon, 6 Mar 2000 19:10:37 -0800 (PST) mratchford@... writes:

> From: mratchford@...


> Yes, but not frequent. I experienced a headache all last night and

> half

> of today. It is gone now. I had done my first maintenance parasite

> cleanse last Friday (today is Monday.) I was simultaneously taking

> experimental dosages of ornithine and arginine and Choline Cocktail

> as

> well as juiced apples, so it could have been anything causing it... .


> says: " Parasites produce a great deal of ammonia as their waste

> product " , And also this " The only after effects you may feel are due

> to

> release of bacteria and viruses from dead parasites. These should be

> promptly zapped " . Which I did, and the headache went away.

> Marve









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Any advice on how to find a doc. My doc is okay, but i haven't needed any help with my cfids until just recently, and I'm afraid she may not believe me. we haven't talked about cfids, except that i did at one point tell her i had been diagnosed with it, but i was doing well.



From: candtcampbell@... I have great news! With the help of this group I located a CFS doctor near me and found out how much he charges. This morning I composed a longemail to my father explaining what I've learned about CFS and why I thinkI should be tested for mycoplasma. I was afraid that he might take more convincing, but he emailed me right back saying that my argument was verypersuasive, and he's sending me a money order today! I'm so excited, Ican't wait to go see this doctor. You can be sure I'll be keeping you informed about my visit and any test results. I'm so relieved. Thanks so much toall of you for helping me learn about CFS, find the doctor, and work up the courage to ask my father for help with this. Your moral support andcaring have been so helpful to me.Abra________________________________________________________________YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET!Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit:http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.


This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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Any advice on how to find a doc. My doc is okay, but i haven't needed any help with my cfids until just recently, and I'm afraid she may not believe me. we haven't talked about cfids, except that i did at one point tell her i had been diagnosed with it, but i was doing well.



From: candtcampbell@... I have great news! With the help of this group I located a CFS doctor near me and found out how much he charges. This morning I composed a longemail to my father explaining what I've learned about CFS and why I thinkI should be tested for mycoplasma. I was afraid that he might take more convincing, but he emailed me right back saying that my argument was verypersuasive, and he's sending me a money order today! I'm so excited, Ican't wait to go see this doctor. You can be sure I'll be keeping you informed about my visit and any test results. I'm so relieved. Thanks so much toall of you for helping me learn about CFS, find the doctor, and work up the courage to ask my father for help with this. Your moral support andcaring have been so helpful to me.Abra________________________________________________________________YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET!Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit:http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.


This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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Hi , I think I've gotten your emails by mistake.

I'm not interested in pen pals. Can you take me off

your list?


--- Derka <sderka1@...> wrote:



> I created a pen pal list for our " special

> children " ...I got al lot of

> responses to looking for a pen pal for my son, so I

> thought this might be a

> good idea. Some of my lists members children have

> joined already..if you

> would like your son, or daughter to join, go to:



> I also started a list for us grown ups looking for

> pen pals..if anyone is

> interested in that..email me..


> Thanks!






> Get Your Private, Free Email at

> http://www.hotmail.com




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Hi, Ages ago you asked about soapmaking on the toletries list and I

started to write this, Dunno if this would be of any use to you now but

thought I should finish and send it on to you anyhow. You can always

delete it if not. Gotta finish my emails and not file them in draft and

forget them.

Personally I weigh out my water in a well marked dishwasher safe

pitcher (lye-poision-do not drink) which everyone in the family knows

not to even touch let alone try to drink. 'Specially the 4 year olds.

Then mix in my pre-weighed lye, preferably outside or if you have an

outside venting kitchen stove vent fan, this works real well; into the

water,stirring the whole time, til it stops fuming. Always rememeber,

lye into water not the other way around.

Don't even sniff this stuff. Nasty and will choke you. Has been know to

precipitate a case of bonchitis if inhaled. Or start a sinus flare-up.

Not that I've ever done any of this of course. ;)

The chemical reaction of mixing these two things (water and lye)will

heat it up, big

time. AS this is cooling in a safe place far beyond the reach of any

children or pets or any combination thereof, I weigh out my fats and

oils, put them in a stainless steel pot and start to heat this slowly.

DO NOT leave this for a moment, fat heats and catches afire easily. If

you are called away from the stove even for a moment, shut it off. Funny

how time flies when you get busy. And it goes fast.

Anyhoo, by time your fats are warmed enough to be melted(the solid ones

anyway) the lye may be cool enough. I used to measure the temp furiously

to make sure they were ok, roughly between 95 and 110 or a bit higher

and within a dozen or so degrees of each other. This may be good to

start with til you get a feel of it.

Now I feel the outside of the lye pitcher, yep warm but not hot, feel

the ss pot, yep it's a bit warmer but close. If the oils are hotter than

I like, I may pour the melted oils into a small(gallon? 5 Qt?) plastic

pail and this

not only frees up my ss pot for another batch but cools the oils down a

few more degrees and so evens things a bit.

Pour the lye water into the oils while stirring. Carefully so it don't

ploop into your or anyoen elses eyes or even ploop onto the floor where

unsuspecting kids or dogs may get to it. Not good.

I use a dedicated stick blender, one that does not touch food. You never

know if a bit of soap or something might come out into food if you do.

I stir with a spoon, then zap again for maybe 10 to 15 seconds. The

final stir when you get trace(when the dribbled soap stuff stays on the

surface of the solution for a secon or so) is to make sure the stick

blender didn't give you a " false trace " if it stirs back down to not

showing a trace when you try the dribble again, it was a false trace,

keep with the stir-buzz routine. I recently did just that with a huge

batch of gms. Got so impatient with all the waiting to keep the lye

solution cool that I got a decent looking trace and went with it. It was

not a good thing. Have to pitch a 14 lb batch of soap. This included 2

cans of evap goat milk. Pricey.

Also on a stick blender, don't let child mess with, if it is turned on

out of soap after being in solution, it will shoot bits of raw soap all

over usually in someones' eyes. Also make sure it is off before lifting

out of solution. Definitely would spit out raw soap at 4 yr old level,

maybe your own level.

And even seasoned soapers have bumped the switch cleaning it while it is

still plugged in, Guess it can do a major nasty on finger tips, Always

unplug as soon as you are done with it.

Oh, I guess I should try and answer your actual question. The chemical

reaction heats up the raw soap mixture to the levels it needs to go.

ONce in the mold, you may want to insulate it which is simply covering

it so it don't cool down too soon or " catch cold " , it may gel which is

when it heats itself up enough to durn dark and well, gell like. Might

even swell a little.(unless you have honey or some other things, can't

think of them now in it, then do not insulate, it will gel without any

help, no covering at all, might even volcano or just crawl out of the

mold and chase you out of the room.) So don't insulate those. Had a

honey-oatmeal one do that once, An odd feeling indeed to be afraid of

your own soap. Actually left the soap room cause I didn't know what it

was going to do. Felt like en-Soaper.

As you get recipes fine tuned and develope your own favorites, you soon

learn which oil combinations need what as far as insulation.

It's late and I ramble, HTH


> I am thinking of making a batch of soap tomorrow. I

> know I am supposed to heat the oil to about 120 deg.,

> then add the lye to the water slowly (separately in a

> plastic container). Once the lye is all added, do I

> need to heat it also in another stainless steel

> container on the stove (or do it in the microwave in

> glass), or does the reaction take it to 120 deg.

> without additional heat?


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Welcome we are happy to have you with us and you are not alone :o]

we are here if you need us!

`•( ]–[ûG§ )•´


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Donna I am sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. T That would

be horrible to lose a brother. I have three of them and can't imagine

losing one of them. I am on serzone for depression mainly because of my

vasculitis. I just felt overwhelmed with having to live with an illness

everyday. It definitely helped with the feelings of hopelessness. I hope

that you will find some relief soon. Please hang in there, and feel free to

write back anytime you feel like talking. Kellie----- Original

Message -----

From: <dk143@...>


Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 1:57 PM

Subject: (unknown)

> From: dk143@...














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Hi Gloria

I share your concerns, ie, how do you know when something 'isn't' working,

and how long to give it to see if it is. I know I haven't been on my

Tetracycline long, I 'think' it's working as I'm feeling quite a bit better,

but I don't know whether things have just settled down after a big flare. I

daren't drop my mtx just yet (from 12.5mg to 10mg) incase I have another big

flare, especially as I'm just going back to work. (btw, thank you for the

good wishes!)



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Hi Gloria,

I know that the doxi is working for me as my temperature has returned to

normal after being elevated for over a year! I think this is a really good

sign. This wouldn't happen with the Vioxx (but I do know that the Vioxx is

helping my pain and stiffness).

I also don't know if the ANA would be affected by VIoxx. I know the RFactor

and CRP could .

Plus, the first time that I tried Vioxx it did NOTHING for me! The second

retry was about two to three months later and it was like a different drug!

I think the disease had been knocked down some and it was able to more

effectively do what it should.

OH, the GERD was being caused by the corisone shot and prednisone I

believe. Now that both are out of my system the bad taste in my mouth is

gone.( at least for now!)

>From: Gloria M Tate <missgloria@...>




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>From: Gloria M Tate <missgloria@...>

>Sharon.Ali-Mohamed@..., Rheumatic@...

>Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 16:09:21 -0600

>Subject: Re: rheumatic nsaids

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>Dear Sharon,

> Here is my concern. Like me, has been taking Doxy for two

>years with no response and a lot of major pain. Recently someone on the

>list started vioxx and now she feels great and her test number have come

>down quite a bit. I recently had tests done and the numbers were very

>high. In the last few days I have started vioxx and I am feeling

>infinitely better. the other woman who started vioxx thinks the doxy has

>started working and that her numbers indicate that, but I am afraid that

>the vioxx will make the numbers go down and we could be fooled while the

>disease continues unabated like it does with dmards and other nsaids. If

>I need to change medicines (which I probably should have done a long time

>ago but I couldn't make up my mind to go to something much stronger), I

>don't want to waste more time and possible damage thinking the doxy has

>started working when it hasn't. On the other hand...

> Does this make sense at all to you?




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I don't think you realize how truly close to your goal you are! What

happened today tells me that it won't be long until you WILL look exactly

like the picture it in your head. You see, that is a very big part of the

success of Life Lift, right there! Every time you see yourself with the body

you wish to have, not necessarily the one you are sporting at this exact

minute, you are dreaming your way to success. You are allowing your mind to

do the work for you. Of course, you have to do your part too, but I have no

doubt that you are doing all in your power to achieve that strong, lean,

healthy body that is your birth right. Take hold of it, grasp it and never

let it go. Don't let anyone or anything, especially yourself, stop you from

receiving all that you deserve.

You will be fabulous at the beach, because you are an absolutely fabulous

person. Inside and out. You wear what ever is comfortable to you, then

laugh, play, eat, swim, what ever sounds fun.

Thanks for the great post and I wish you a very happy birthday, in advance!

Oh, and by the way, you and your husband deserve are well matched, he sounds

almost as wonderful as you!



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Dear Jill,

You have just proven how a positive attitude can really change things around.

No matter what we do to improve our lives, we are going to have bad days

inevitably....the important thing is how we handle those bad days and how we

let them affect us. You have reminded us how easy it is to turn things

around. Thanks for sharing your story with us. You seem to be very blessed as

well with a wonderful friend! Take care and thanks again!


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Dear Jill,

What an incredible message. You made me cry, and then at the end, you made me smile the kind of smile only a Mother knows. I feel so warm inside that when I realize that you are discovering that the true beauty of any woman is that which is held within her heart. You so obviously have that beauty, that is why those around you reflect it in their attitude towards you. I love your friends. They are true friends who see the truth in how beautiful you are. Your husband too!

I think he is just fabulous, and so are you!

What a wonderful thing that you have decided what you want for your birthday and have expressed it openly. I will be honored to pack up your gifts myself like I did for Tami when her loved ones ordered for her birthday. Maybe I will start some sort of a wish list for everyone. You could give me a list and then they could know to call me or e-mail me and I would know what your big wishes are. I will think more on this. It really is a very sweet idea. You care lucky to have people who love you so much. Count me as one of them. When is your birthday?

I am just so touched at the way you took a situation that felt uncomfortable and turned it to your favor. If we could live each day this way, it would be so much easier to reach our goals.

I am so impressed with you. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful message.

Take care,


We will just keep working until we get you just where you want to be. In the meantime, love yourself for the wonderful woman you are.

Be sure to check out all of the great specials available on my web sites Save $30 on the Large Body Wrap package until April 30th.You are welcome to visit us at http://www.angelmagic.com or http://www.lifelift.com These are Rashelle's personal web sites, any others belong to distributors.join our discussion group at LifeLift-subscribeonelist


From: "Jill " <steveandjillharris@...> I read this list everyday and do my breathing each day. I am alsousing the trio and the bust cream. Between all this I have felt sopositive about about myself and losing weight. Well, today was oneof those days where the reality can really bring you down. My day was very hectic and I was very stressed about needing abathing suit for a trip to the beach with a friend on Friday. I havefelt so impowered lately, it didn't dawn on me that I wouldn't lookfabulous in whatever suit I picked out. Maybe not as good as I mightin a few more months, but certainly I WAS ON MY WAY! Well, that wasuntil I looked in the mirror at the store. This was not what Iexpected to see, it wasn't the me in my head! I tried not to cryand I left the store in quite a depression. I went to work out withme friend Charlotte. We lift weights 3x a week. She is about 5'7 and weighs 120. She looks fabulous and doesn'thave an ounce of fat on her. I was all prepared to tell her that I couldn't go to the beach,even though I had promised her that this summer I'd go and do and notlet my weight stop me. (Of course, I thought by now I'd be skinner!I am 5'4 and now weigh 156.) Well she could tell by the look on myface that something was wrong. I told her about my day. She lookedat me a smiled. She asked if didn't I know by now that she or theother girls, didn't care what I looked like or what I wore to thebeach. She said that I could wear a bathing suit top and shorts if Ilike or a t-shirt or whatever. What mattered to her was that I wouldbe there. She also reminded me of the 10 pounds I had lost, and thatthere is more to me than just my weight. I dashed home to find a suit top to wear with a pair of shorts. While changing, my very supportive husband mentioned that the stretch marks on my chest were almost gone and I was looking muchfirmer! ( Not the red kind, but the shiny skin colored kind) We thenchecked the back of my legs! There is a noticable improvement! Afterwards, I read thru the posts. Once again my postive feelingswere back! I wanted to add that I too want all of Rashelle's products. I have abirthday coming up, my 30th. So I printed a copy of Rashelle'sproducts off of her website. My dear husband and my mom each got acopy so that they would know what products I would love to have. We all like to try to give gifts that we know the receiver reallywants. My mom listens to gab about the list, Rashelle, the videosand products. She told me it was too bad she wouldn't be able to buyfrom Rashelle since she isn't on internet. Well, now that problem isfixed! I gave her a copy and the phone number. It was that orRashelle would need to create a system that would allow us toregister!Anyway, I am sorry this is so long! I just wanted to share that thebad moments will only last so long as long as we have lifelift andeach other! Cheering you on,Jill in Florida

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Dear Jill, What a GREAT message sis. I'm so glad you realized that "this too shall pass" when it comes to the "bad moments" :-) I'm really happy for you, and when praying for others, please remember me too. Can never get too much prayer :-) Really good idea on how to let family know what you want for your Birthday! And CONGRATULATIONS on the 10lb loss and firmer skin!!!!!!! Have a great week sis :-)

God bless, Bonnie

**********************************With God, ALL things are possible**********************************

Well, today was oneof those days where the reality can really bring you down. My day was very hectic and I was very stressed about needing abathing suit for a trip to the beach with a friend on Friday. I havefelt so impowered lately, it didn't dawn on me that I wouldn't lookfabulous in whatever suit I picked out. Well, that wasuntil I looked in the mirror at the store. This was not what Iexpected to see, it wasn't the me in my head! I tried not to cryand I left the store in quite a depression. . . I was all prepared to tell her that I couldn't go to the beach,. She lookedat me and smiled. She asked if didn't I know by now that she or theother girls, didn't care what I looked like or what I wore to thebeach. She said that I could wear a bathing suit top and shorts if Ilike or a t-shirt or whatever. What mattered to her was that I wouldbe there. She also reminded me of the 10 pounds I had lost, and thatthere is more to me than just my weight.Great Friend! While changing, my very supportive husband mentioned that the stretch marks on my chest were almost gone and I was looking muchfirmer! ( Not the red kind, but the shiny skin colored kind) We thenchecked the back of my legs! There is a noticable improvement! I wanted to add that I too want all of Rashelle's products. I have abirthday coming up, my 30th. So I printed a copy of Rashelle'sproducts off of her website. My dear husband and my mom each got acopy so that they would know what products I would love to have. Anyway, I am sorry this is so long! I just wanted to share that thebad moments will only last so long as long as we have lifelift andeach other! Cheering you on,Jill in Florida

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Is this where the creepy guy from Unsolved Mysteries comes on and posts up

the pictures of these two people and says " if you see these two please

call... " ......


At 03:08 AM 4/1/00 -0000, you wrote:

>Hello everyone. I know this is not a dating/escort

>service of any kind and do not intend to make it into


>But I need one of you for a day. Just to hang out with

>me and a friend.

>STOP! Before you think I am some kind of ignorant,

>insensitive, biggot who wants to use people, let me

>explain. (its a sappy love story)

>Syd's a strange one and that's why I love him. His real

>name is Arthur and he's turning 19 on April 11. I was

>best close friends with him for a few months and saw

>him every day. He drew me into his strange beautiful

>world and made me love him without even knowing it for a long time.

>When he asked me to be his girlfriend I turned him

>down, not knowing what I had. Then,a month later he gave

>me another opportunity. I eventually said yes.

>Oh my G0D. It was beautiful.

>I thought it would be akward since I kind of looked at

>him like a brother. But nothing felt more right, more

>true. On prom night, for a moment, we were talking. I

>thought I felt a pure, true, mutual feeling of love

>between him and I. It felt so distinct, so definate. NO

>question about it.

>But later in the summer he started ignoring me for a

>reason I honestly can not guess. so I read Men are From

>Mars, Women are From Venus. I realized that guys need

>space sometimes for no reason. so, even though I was

>pissed at his lack of maturity in handling his need, I

>gave him space.


>We broke up early August.

>I started college and saw him a few times. One night in

>October we talked out our break-up. It made us both

>cry. He still didnt have a reason for me. but he said I

>was his best friend.

>I was not his best friend at all. For the next months,

>until now, I have been calling him and contacting him

>and just trying to be his friend. sometimes he would

>talk to me for 10 minutes or so. Our conversations

>always end with a promise from him to call me. they

>still do, which is really insulting. Why bother to

>appease me with pathetic promises? they are a joke. It

>will snow here in San Diego before he calls me.

>Yes, I tried to just back off for a while. I havent

>seen the guy since December. Is that long enough?

>Not for him.

>I'm really sad. I really think I love him, at least as

>a friend. I think this is unhealthy.


>Okay, here's where little people come in.

>He loves them with a passion. He is obsessed with

>little people in a way unfathomable and baffling. He is

>a caring person who just has an interest in people who

>are different from him. No, he is not some kind of

>pervert. Yes, he is strange, but not in a scarey or

>disturbing way. He is unique. The kind of guy you can

>fall in love with easily.

>ON his birthday, I want to surprise him.

>Is anyone out there interested?

>You only have to hang out with him on his birthday,

>just be a friend. (I personally would love to hang out

>with a little person as well, so if you want to be my

>friend, it would definatley not be a one day event)

>It would ignite his world with exctacy. Maybe he would

>realize that I care enought about him to make a fool

>out of myself to make him happy.

>:-) Please respond.




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That is really strange. I didn't think we were such novelties.


> Hello everyone. I know this is not a dating/escort

> service of any kind and do not intend to make it into

> one.

> But I need one of you for a day. Just to hang out with

> me and a friend.

> STOP! Before you think I am some kind of ignorant,

> insensitive, biggot who wants to use people, let me

> explain. (its a sappy love story)

> Syd's a strange one and that's why I love him. His real

> name is Arthur and he's turning 19 on April 11. I was

> best close friends with him for a few months and saw

> him every day. He drew me into his strange beautiful

> world and made me love him without even knowing it for a long time.

> When he asked me to be his girlfriend I turned him

> down, not knowing what I had. Then,a month later he gave

> me another opportunity. I eventually said yes.

> Oh my G0D. It was beautiful.

> I thought it would be akward since I kind of looked at

> him like a brother. But nothing felt more right, more

> true. On prom night, for a moment, we were talking. I

> thought I felt a pure, true, mutual feeling of love

> between him and I. It felt so distinct, so definate. NO

> question about it.

> But later in the summer he started ignoring me for a

> reason I honestly can not guess. so I read Men are From

> Mars, Women are From Venus. I realized that guys need

> space sometimes for no reason. so, even though I was

> pissed at his lack of maturity in handling his need, I

> gave him space.


> We broke up early August.

> I started college and saw him a few times. One night in

> October we talked out our break-up. It made us both

> cry. He still didnt have a reason for me. but he said I

> was his best friend.

> I was not his best friend at all. For the next months,

> until now, I have been calling him and contacting him

> and just trying to be his friend. sometimes he would

> talk to me for 10 minutes or so. Our conversations

> always end with a promise from him to call me. they

> still do, which is really insulting. Why bother to

> appease me with pathetic promises? they are a joke. It

> will snow here in San Diego before he calls me.

> Yes, I tried to just back off for a while. I havent

> seen the guy since December. Is that long enough?

> Not for him.

> I'm really sad. I really think I love him, at least as

> a friend. I think this is unhealthy.

> *******************************************************

> Okay, here's where little people come in.

> He loves them with a passion. He is obsessed with

> little people in a way unfathomable and baffling. He is

> a caring person who just has an interest in people who

> are different from him. No, he is not some kind of

> pervert. Yes, he is strange, but not in a scarey or

> disturbing way. He is unique. The kind of guy you can

> fall in love with easily.

> ON his birthday, I want to surprise him.

> Is anyone out there interested?

> You only have to hang out with him on his birthday,

> just be a friend. (I personally would love to hang out

> with a little person as well, so if you want to be my

> friend, it would definatley not be a one day event)

> It would ignite his world with exctacy. Maybe he would

> realize that I care enought about him to make a fool

> out of myself to make him happy.

> :-) Please respond.




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Uh yeah.. since when did we pop on " So I Married an Axe Murderer? "

hehe, sorry. had to plug that in. <sigh> I can't believe I'm replying to

this.. but here's to humanity.

, just from the sound of your letter, I'm sorry, but I think your

relationship with Arthur or Syd... is over. Why pound yourself over the

head a hundred times for a guy who doesn't even care for you as a friend?

No matter what you do to woo his heart, he's not gonna come back.

And... I don't know do I speak for the rest of us, but do you know how...

ODD and dangerous a request like that is? I'm not gonna ask the next

African-American person to come to my house so I can set him up with a

girlfriend who is infatuated with black people. We don't know you, you

don't know us. I seriously think that someone who is that obsessed with a

certain mix of people HAS (no offense to you, to your wacked out beau) a

problem... we should only like people we like by our characters, not by our


Move on and find someone else who will care and respect you. Ditch this

guy, you WILL get over him. If you're still having problems, there are

plenty of counselors and hotlines out there who can help you. Good luck.


P.S. If you were to make a 'fool' out of yourself in introducing a dwarf to

this guy, don't you think that's rather insulting on our end? We aren't

leased for everyone's entertainment pleasure. hmm..

>I'm really sad. I really think I love him, at least as

>a friend. I think this is unhealthy.


>Okay, here's where little people come in.

>He loves them with a passion. He is obsessed with

>little people in a way unfathomable and baffling. He is

>a caring person who just has an interest in people who

>are different from him. No, he is not some kind of

>pervert. Yes, he is strange, but not in a scarey or

>disturbing way. He is unique. The kind of guy you can

>fall in love with easily.

>ON his birthday, I want to surprise him.

>Is anyone out there interested?

>You only have to hang out with him on his birthday,

>just be a friend. (I personally would love to hang out

>with a little person as well, so if you want to be my

>friend, it would definatley not be a one day event)

>It would ignite his world with exctacy. Maybe he would

>realize that I care enought about him to make a fool

>out of myself to make him happy.

>:-) Please respond.




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Have you tried catching him being quiet? Heavily reinforce him for being


Give him one warning during a reinforcer " remember to be quiet " , then he


access to it. On his down time set a timer for you (every 10 min.?) to attend

to him. If he's stimming, ignore it. If he's quiet reinforce big time . This

should help. It's what I was told to do for my son by the Princeton people.

Good luck! Annie

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Hi Everyone!

I have missed you guys so much! Shortly after I posted on Wednesday,

my computer got struck by lightning. I just got everthing back and

running to day ( Sunday evening). The last hold up was a new modem.

Talk about withdrawals! I was dying to get back to the list. It is

such a postive force in my life. It has taken me over an hour to

read everything that has been posted. There are so very touching

stories. It definitely helps one keep everything in perspective.

It certainly was nice to see Tami's pictures. You are such a

special person and you have a beautiful family!

Thinking of all of you,

Jill in Florida

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I wanted to thank you guys for your encouragement. My birthday isn't

until May 23rd. I know some don't enjoy birthdays, but I really do!

( It is better than the alternative) I taught 5th grade for 5 years

and made sure every student celebrated their special day with the

rest of us. It is such a hectic world some people never get a chance

to shine or feel important. I like birthdays because they give

people a chance to receive extra attention that might not normally

get. It is their own special day. This year for my 30th, I am

having a doll made for my mother that looks like me when I was a

little baby, so I am especially excited!

> Dear Jill,

> What an incredible message. You made me cry, and then at the end,

you made me smile the kind of smile only a Mother knows. I feel so

warm inside that when I realize that you are discovering that the

true beauty of any woman is that which is held within her heart. You

so obviously have that beauty, that is why those around you reflect

it in their attitude towards you. I love your friends. They are true

friends who see the truth in how beautiful you are. Your husband too!

> I think he is just fabulous, and so are you!

> What a wonderful thing that you have decided what you want for your

birthday and have expressed it openly. I will be honored to pack up

your gifts myself like I did for Tami when her loved ones ordered for

her birthday. Maybe I will start some sort of a wish list for

everyone. You could give me a list and then they could know to call

me or e-mail me and I would know what your big wishes are. I will

think more on this. It really is a very sweet idea. You care lucky to

have people who love you so much. Count me as one of them. When is

your birthday?

> I am just so touched at the way you took a situation that felt

uncomfortable and turned it to your favor. If we could live each day

this way, it would be so much easier to reach our goals.

> I am so impressed with you. Thank you so much for sharing this

wonderful message.

> Take care,

> Rashelle

> We will just keep working until we get you just where you want to

be. In the meantime, love yourself for the wonderful woman you are.

> Be sure to check out all of the great specials available on my web

sites Save $30 on the Large Body Wrap package until April 30th.

> You are welcome to visit us at http://www.angelmagic.com or

http://www.lifelift.com These are Rashelle's personal web sites, any

others belong to distributors.

> join our discussion group at LifeLift-subscribeonelist

> (unknown)



> From: " Jill " <steveandjillharris@...>


> I read this list everyday and do my breathing each day. I am also

> using the trio and the bust cream. Between all this I have felt


> positive about about myself and losing weight. Well, today was


> of those days where the reality can really bring you down.

> My day was very hectic and I was very stressed about needing a

> bathing suit for a trip to the beach with a friend on Friday. I


> felt so impowered lately, it didn't dawn on me that I wouldn't


> fabulous in whatever suit I picked out. Maybe not as good as I


> in a few more months, but certainly I WAS ON MY WAY! Well, that


> until I looked in the mirror at the store. This was not what I

> expected to see, it wasn't the me in my head! I tried not to cry

> and I left the store in quite a depression. I went to work out


> me friend Charlotte. We lift weights 3x a week.

> She is about 5'7 and weighs 120. She looks fabulous and doesn't

> have an ounce of fat on her.

> I was all prepared to tell her that I couldn't go to the beach,

> even though I had promised her that this summer I'd go and do and


> let my weight stop me. (Of course, I thought by now I'd be


> I am 5'4 and now weigh 156.) Well she could tell by the look on


> face that something was wrong. I told her about my day. She


> at me a smiled. She asked if didn't I know by now that she or the

> other girls, didn't care what I looked like or what I wore to the

> beach. She said that I could wear a bathing suit top and shorts

if I

> like or a t-shirt or whatever. What mattered to her was that I


> be there. She also reminded me of the 10 pounds I had lost, and


> there is more to me than just my weight.

> I dashed home to find a suit top to wear with a pair of shorts.

> While changing, my very supportive husband mentioned that the

> stretch marks on my chest were almost gone and I was looking much

> firmer! ( Not the red kind, but the shiny skin colored kind) We


> checked the back of my legs! There is a noticable improvement!

> Afterwards, I read thru the posts. Once again my postive


> were back!

> I wanted to add that I too want all of Rashelle's products. I

have a

> birthday coming up, my 30th. So I printed a copy of Rashelle's

> products off of her website. My dear husband and my mom each got


> copy so that they would know what products I would love to have.

> We all like to try to give gifts that we know the receiver really

> wants. My mom listens to gab about the list, Rashelle, the videos

> and products. She told me it was too bad she wouldn't be able to


> from Rashelle since she isn't on internet. Well, now that

problem is

> fixed! I gave her a copy and the phone number. It was that or

> Rashelle would need to create a system that would allow us to

> register!

> Anyway, I am sorry this is so long! I just wanted to share that


> bad moments will only last so long as long as we have lifelift and

> each other!

> Cheering you on,

> Jill in Florida

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Hi Jill,

It is sure good to have you back. We missed you. It is amazing how when we are granted the time to get to know someone special how they become such a part of your life. We like having you around. You are a very special person.

Sorry you had the problems with your computer, but it is sure good that the problems have been resolved so we can have you back again.

Take care,


Be sure to check out all of the great specials available on my web sites. Save $30 on the Large Body Wrap package until April 30thVisit us at http://www.lifelift.com or http://www.angelmagic.com. All other web sites belong to distributors, these are my personal web sites.Join our discussion group at LifeLift-subscribeonelist

Re: (unknown)

Hi Everyone!I have missed you guys so much! Shortly after I posted on Wednesday, my computer got struck by lightning. I just got everthing back and running to day ( Sunday evening). The last hold up was a new modem. Talk about withdrawals! I was dying to get back to the list. It is such a postive force in my life. It has taken me over an hour to read everything that has been posted. There are so very touching stories. It definitely helps one keep everything in perspective. It certainly was nice to see Tami's pictures. You are such a special person and you have a beautiful family!Thinking of all of you,Jill in Florida

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I have been on a strict low carbohydrate (starch) diet since last June.

About that same time I started having symptoms of RA. I'm actually on ithe

diet to eliminate blood sugar swings (hypoglycemia). It 's working

wonderfully for that. I've also lost about 20#!!!! Even on 10 mg of

Prednisone! Problem is, it goes against the diet suggested for rhuematoid

problems. So, guess we all have to pick our preferences.

The amazing thing is that I've had very good success with the minocin for RA.

When I started it, I stopped the methotrexate--cold turkey!!! After 9 weeks

I am pretty much pain free! Have intermittent, short episodes of knuckle and

foot pain, and fatigue. (Suspect fatigue is from having a bacterial

infection right now though)

So, I don't know which has helped most. All I know is that I definitely do

better on a low carb, high protein/fat diet!!

You can find out more about the strict low carb diet by going to

www.guaidoc.com and reading about hypoglycemia and the diet, or check out Dr.

Atkin's low carb diet which is all the rage these days. Different people

have better results on one or the other sometimes.


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