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Re: (unknown)

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Thank you for always responding to my posts, I really do appreciate it

and may God bless you. Thank you!


On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 17:39:56 -0800 (PST) mark hogue

<markhogue2002@...> writes:










> " Grace H. " <foxyfox8@...> wrote:

> Hello everyone,


> My sister told me today, that she could understand my daughter,

> ,

> much better when she was younger than she can now. Could this be

> from

> the seizures or could this be from the meds. She gets mostly

> simple

> partials and she's on Trileptal but only 75mg which the neuro said

> is

> very low and is probably not doing much for her since it didn't

> even

> register on her blood work. I am so upset because I agree with her

> and I

> feel like I'm a translator all the time and I'm also having a hard

> time

> understanding her which I didn't much before. She's currently

> taking

> speech at school and soon will be having private speech therapy, but

> it

> doesn't seem to help. Any one else have this problem. Any comments

> or

> advice will be greatly appreciated.


> Grace


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hi heather,

the easiest way to use garlic in olive oil i found is

to infuse a crushed garlic glove in about 1/4 cup of

olive oil and put it on the heater for a few minutes.

then take dap some cotton wool in the garlic/olive oil

and wipe his ear(s) gently with it. or if he lets you,

even take a bit on a teaspoon and drip it in his ear.



--- heathercozart <heathercozart@...> wrote: >

I wanted to say Thankyou to everyone on this group

> who has inspired

> me to start using Homeopathy. My son started a

> fever last Monday

> and instead of freaking out and running for the

> tylenol, I stayed

> calm and monitored it. Knowing now that a fever is

> actually a good

> sign that the body is fighting an infection. Fever

> has stopped and

> now he has a cough. Yesterday I went to the Health

> Food store and

> found a remedy and started using it. It has helped

> tremedously and

> within minutes of starting it he was already able to

> breath better

> and cough has lessened. Last night he woke up

> crying that his ear

> hurt and I'm thinking he might have an ear

> infection. I gave him

> another dosage of Aconite. I remember hearing about

> using garlic

> and olive oil for the ear, but I'm not sure of how

> to use it. Can

> anyone give me some advice? I really do not want to

> take him to the

> doctor. I always get lectured on vaccinations and

> we've stopped going.

> Thankyou again for opening my eyes to Homeopathy.

> Iam very greatful to have found it!


> San Diego, CA






" A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his clients to

plant vines. " - Lloyd (1868-1959)


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I always make sure to squirt some directly into the ear (make sure it's cooled)

with an eye dropper and have my daughters lay on the opposite side on a pillow

as long as they will watch tv. Don't for get to give them a towel or cotton

ball or everything will be a garlic smelling mess.


Proud mom to Autumn (1-13-97) and Zoe (8-8-00)

Join my attachment parenting email list at:

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Is this used for inner or outer ear infections --- or both?


> hi heather,

> the easiest way to use garlic in olive oil i found is

> to infuse a crushed garlic glove in about 1/4 cup of

> olive oil and put it on the heater for a few minutes.

> then take dap some cotton wool in the garlic/olive oil

> and wipe his ear(s) gently with it. or if he lets you,

> even take a bit on a teaspoon and drip it in his ear.

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for both. garlic has antibiotic qualities, without the

side effects, so will help with any infection really.


--- Jordan's mom <shoebootie@...> wrote: >

Is this used for inner or outer ear infections ---

> or both?


> wrote:


> > hi heather,

> > the easiest way to use garlic in olive oil i found

> is

> > to infuse a crushed garlic glove in about 1/4 cup

> of

> > olive oil and put it on the heater for a few

> minutes.






" A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his clients to

plant vines. " - Lloyd (1868-1959)


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My feet, along with the rest of me, are short so I can often buy kids shoes!

Love that! But I inherited my mom's width, and they're pretty puffy and

swollen from never being walked on, so shoes can be hard to find sometimes. I

have a

terrible time with sandals or strappy, dressy shoes. They never fit, and they

show too much of my ugly feet anyway. But shoes are one of my favorite things

in the world! I have way too many, but they're cute and always look good as

new! :)


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Yes! I have my grandmother's feet! Ughhh! Short but wide. I usually buy

shoes that are too big so they don't hurt too much (my feet turn off in

weird directions). Having shoes that are slightly too big is not as problem

since I use a wheelchair.


P.S. I do like that my shoes still look new after years and years. :)


Ladies, I was wondering if any of you struggle to find shoes that fit



* The list members come from many backgrounds, ages and beliefs So all

members most be tolerant and respectful to all members.

* Some adult language and topics (like sexual health, swearing..) may

occur occasionally in emails. Over use of inappropriate language will

not be allowed. If your under 16 ask your parents/gaurdian before you

join the list.

* No SPAMMING or sending numerous emails unrelated to the topics of

spinal muscular atrophy, health, and the daily issues of the disabled.

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i have problems finding shoes also. my feet are small and swollen. i

usually have to buy a couple sizes bigger to fit. i wear kids shoes and always


trouble finding mature styles. another thing that bothers me is my knee high

boots look funny b/c my legs are so skinny they arent tight around the legs.

i wish i could find custom made shoes.


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I can relate, but fortunately, I did respond to SSRI's so my hypogonadism

went undiagnosed for years. I also have no thyroid gland, so have been on


replacement for year (Synthroid). Everytime I tried to go off

antidepressants, I would crash and burn even if everything in my life was

wonderful. By

chance (I think due to an Androgel drug rep) my physician drew a T level during


annual exam. I was started on Androgel, and felt so much better for the first

month. I even successfully went off of the SSRI. I developed painful and

engorged nipples, and started feeling like crap again. I was taken off the


for a month and had new labs. Yesterday, I started on T injections (Depo

testosterone). If I get the nipple problems again, my doc agreed to start me on


estrogen blocker.

I am convinced that many men are misdiagnosed with depression when they

actually have hypogonadism. I had accepted that I would always have lower


poor concentration and mood problems. I am now hopeful that my quality of life

will improve! For the first time in years, I am hopeful.

Hang in there. It seems like you are on the right track.


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Thans for your reply...I traded my camping hi-top van today for a

conservative 4 door centry buick (1999), better mileage, and I can get in

and out of it much easier, got so the van was to tough to drive, couldn't

turn to see in and out windows and was not commfortable driving the big

thing anyway, guess that ws my christmas present to myself even steven

trade, so that was cool. hope you have the best of h2004...marge-----

Original Message -----

From: " mormar46 " <mormar46@...>

< >

Sent: Saturday, December 27, 2003 9:21 AM

Subject: [ ] (unknown)

> Hi Marge,


> That's wonderful that you have friends to come and be with you on

> Christmas, and bring you all sorts of goodies! Milwaukee is one of

> the things I miss about not living in Illinois--we used to go up

> there all the time, so much to see and do. But we are finding new

> things to see and do in Indiana.


> I'm having all sorts of trouble typing too, and if I try to go really

> slow I don't make as many mistakes, but then my hands cramp up. And

> I DO love to type, and compose stories and poetry. I think much

> better with my fingers on a keyboard.


> Stay warm, and much health and happiness in 2004 for you.


> Judi



> > Hi Ra Group, hope you all had a pain free holiday...visitors came

> from Milwaukee on Christmas eve...arrived about midnight...way past

> my bedtime; but was great to see them and they looked like santa

> arriving with a turkey and gifts...lots of fun on christmas morning

> uncle arthur seemed to stay away until christmas night..of course, I

> overdid, so I am hoping this will be a shortlived flare....it is so

> great to have such great friends..I have no family, so friends are

> even more important, and even this ra family who I don't write as

> often as I think of you...my fingers don't work as often as I would

> like to write...lthank you all for all the wonderful cards and

> wishes, I made a tree on the hallway wall with all the cards, and it

> added to the christmas cheer in the house, thanks again for all the

> memories...have a wonderful holiday and best to all of you in 2004, I

> will try to post more often...that's my reesolution, inspite of my

> lousy typing at times...it is just tiing to go back and retype where

> my fingers seem to hold down the keys too long.....thinking of you

> all and wishing you happiness and health...marge

> >

> >

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I haven't worn shoes since fourth grade. At times, it is nice b/c I am

never looking for that perfect pair of shoes, but at other times, it bothers

me a little. I'd like to find something that would be comfortable and look

good. However, most of the time it's okay, and I've never been run out of

any establishment for infringing on their " Shirts and shoes required "

policies! ;-) Happy New Year!

Blessings to all for the most fabulous New Year ever!



> I don't really have a hard time finding a shoe that fits well. I have

> problems finding a shoe that's light enough for me to lift. Since I do

> have some movement and the ability to transfer and bear weight on my

> legs, it's important that my shoes are very very light or it's too

> heavy for me to move my foot. I typically wear ballet slippers.

> Although, I have recently found a very nice casual/dress shoe that is

> perfect for my job and light enough to move my feet, from Payless.


> ~Kendra




> > Ladies, I was wondering if any of you struggle to find shoes that fit

> > well?





> * The list members come from many backgrounds, ages and beliefs So all

> members most be tolerant and respectful to all members.


> * Some adult language and topics (like sexual health, swearing..) may

> occur occasionally in emails. Over use of inappropriate language will

> not be allowed. If your under 16 ask your parents/gaurdian before you

> join the list.


> * No SPAMMING or sending numerous emails unrelated to the topics of

> spinal muscular atrophy, health, and the daily issues of the disabled.


> Post message:

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> List manager: (Sexy Mature Artist) Email: Esma1999@...





> oogroups.com


> List manager: (Sexy Mature Artist) Email: Esma1999@...








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errr shoes have always been the hardest thing for me to find to fit. i can

fit in like a womens 6, but thats only like sneakers or boots. I always hated it

when prom or some other dances came around and i would have to find a pair of

dressy shoes. my feet and toes turn in such weird angles it was always soooo

hard to find CUTE shoes!

Elaine = I always like to wear shoes with a heel also! it some how makes me

feel taller! :)


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my left side is completely flat, i just have a nipple. I'm getting my breasts

" done " sometime dis yr.

s, the Unique Princess

" Follow your heart, your intuition, it will lead you in the right direction. "


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My problem is having an average size boob on one side and a flat boob on the

other. i think the development of my one breast was hindered by my position

and severe scoliosis. anyone else have this problem? and do any of you have

problem finding bras that fit well? when being transfered bras seem to ride up

so to speak. since i am thin and straps fall down, i tend to go for

strapless bras.


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I have an average size boob on one side and a smaller on the other side too!

It's horrible tryin to find a bra to fit, i hate it!!! Scoliosis was

definitely the cause of mine.....its my goal one day to get it fixed... :)! Push


bras dont work so well when ur not the same size on both sides....and that



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Hi Mark,

The pecking order tends to be, for the UK anyway:

ILCOR International Liaison Committee on Resus.

ERC European Resus. Council

RC(UK) Resus. Council UK

There are some excelent journals out there and

Resuscitation is very well thought of.

Happy hunting,




> >having just completed my remote

> ambulance and paramedic refresher exams we

> >were informed as >a class that a new

> " international " C.P.R. standard is

> >going to be implemented in Australia

> later in >the year,at present 15

> >compressions to 2 breaths in 4 cycles

> per minute for one or two person

> > >operators are the industry

> standard,(as the old 5 and 1 is obsolete), can

> >anybody tell me what >the

> " international " C.P.R. standard is , and which

> >medical body has enforced it as the

> gold standard.

> >obviously the instustors were not

> forthcoming in explaining the new

> >standard but i would obviously >assume

> more compressions and oxygenation

> >per minute are in the new

> equasion,obviously >enabling better

> oxygenation/

> >prefusion one would assume, but what

> about the long term effect >for the

> >patient if for instance a

> defibrillator was not at hand or is

> this a C.P.R

> >standard that is to >only be used in

> conjuction with a defibrillator i.e in

> >between salvos?


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I don't have any of these problems. I'm an average size cup and both

are the same on each side.

I don't understand how scoliosis is the problem, though. Did you girls

have the surgery? I had a 90 degree twist and an 82 degree bend

backwards and had my spinal fusion at 14. I was already developed by then.


> I have an average size boob on one side and a smaller on the other

side too!

> It's horrible tryin to find a bra to fit, i hate it!!! Scoliosis was

> definitely the cause of mine.....its my goal one day to get it

fixed... :)! Push up

> bras dont work so well when ur not the same size on both

sides....and that sucks.


> ~~~Robyn!!!




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Same here but I don't bother with bras at all. Natural is so comfortable

and I doubt anyone notices.


Re: (unknown)

I have an average size boob on one side and a smaller on the other side too!

It's horrible tryin to find a bra to fit, i hate it!!! Scoliosis was

definitely the cause of mine.....its my goal one day to get it fixed... :)!

Push up

bras dont work so well when ur not the same size on both sides....and that



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Yeah, me too. My husband is NOT into bras. Ha!


On 1/3/04 7:21 PM, " Those Two " <those2@...> wrote:

> Same here but I don't bother with bras at all. Natural is so comfortable

> and I doubt anyone notices.


> L


> Re: (unknown)


> I have an average size boob on one side and a smaller on the other side too!

> It's horrible tryin to find a bra to fit, i hate it!!! Scoliosis was

> definitely the cause of mine.....its my goal one day to get it fixed... :)!

> Push up

> bras dont work so well when ur not the same size on both sides....and that

> sucks.


> ~~~Robyn!!!




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Tom, your previous message DID post to our group, and I'm not sure why you think it didn't.

I think the reason you didn't get any responses is b/c you never really gave any indication that you actually *have* achalasia. Your post made it sound like you "self-diagnosed" achalasia and never saw a doctor or had any tests. And your symptoms don't really sound like achalasia, either.

If I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me. But bashing for what is, afterall, a free service, doesn't seem warranted IMO.


This has been one fookin' mission - is stupid beyond comprehension. All I wanted to do was talk to all the members of the Achalasio support group and it's taken six hours to get here. I hope I'm talking to at least some of you.

I came down with the disease five years ago without knowing what it was.

I fixed my own problem with a recently developed form of self-hypnosis called Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Look up their web sites, but unless you are in direct contact with Bandler or Grinder (the founders) you are talking to wannabe's.

This spastic muscle in the throat I can help relax.

Don't reply through - it's a Carnegie-Mellon set-up that once launched Angelfire Mail which is no longer.

My address is :


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Dear Support Group at Large:

If I am wrong about this please correct me. I am under the impression that the post from this individual is an attempt to sell something and not at all what the person posting is representing himself to be. If this is true, I may be nieve,but I feel this is reprehensible.

Jan in N. KY

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Jan in N. KY wrote:

>... I am under the impression that the post from this individual is an

>attempt to sell something and not at all what the person posting is

>representing himself to be. If this is true, I may be nieve,but I feel

>this is reprehensible.

You may be correct and that was my first impression when I read his

message. There is a chance that he is just a strong believer in the method

and the people he spoke about. But, the message has the hit and run feel to

it, that you get from people that are not interested in a general

discussion and just want to get something from you. Too bad. I would

actually be interested in discussing the possibility of using our own minds

to help our conditions. Think about it for a moment. Many people have

written about how stress makes their symptoms worse and that many first had

problems at a time of high stress. I don't remember anyone saying that

stress made no difference to them. I may just have forgotten though.

Don't get me wrong though. I am not one of those people that believes in

the " we only use 10% " nonsense. I also think that terms like hypnosis and

Neuro-Linguistic Programming probably cause more confusion than

enlightenment. I also am not interested in metaphysical fixes. On the other

hand, I believe that stress can be reduced by what we believe or expect and

that we can change our minds about some of the things that cause the stress

so it will be less. I think we can learn to be more relaxed. I think good

suggestions from ourselves and those we trust can help us make these

changes. I don't think these things will fix us, but maybe we could have

more good days. I have seen stranger things than this that were true.

Mesmerized by the possibilities,


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Jan, unfortunately there are all kinds of people out there that do stuff like this.

Whether this person is a true believer of his "method" or whether he's trying to sell us something, I don't think this is the place for him. Our best recourse is just to ignore him, which we all did the first time around and which obviously upset him to the point that he felt the need to bad-mouth and post his message again (the best defense is a good offense, ya know! LOL)


Dear Support Group at Large:

If I am wrong about this please correct me. I am under the impression that the post from this individual is an attempt to sell something and not at all what the person posting is representing himself to be. If this is true, I may be nieve,but I feel this is reprehensible.

Jan in N. KY

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Hi Ellis,

I am 27, My displacia at birth got messed up, the head of my femur was

broken off, and all I had was a stub, no neck no socket. I got to the stage

where I couldn;t sleep, had a stomach ulcer after too many meds, and was

usually so messed up over so many painkillers, my career was going down the

pan.. I was always told, that unless I had it done.. that I would be in a

wheel chair for my last trimester if I got pregnant..

I had my first THR last march. For the first time ever I can sit cross

legged, can scuba dive with no problems and have no pain.. Not yet

pregnant... but.. watch this space.. Life is very, very different.. without


GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you want any other words of confidence.. or anything else.. please give

me a shout.


>From: " ellis_junk " <ellis_junk@...>

>Reply-Joint Replacement

>Joint Replacement

>Subject: (unknown)

>Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2004 03:01:35 -0000



>didn't know this existed. I hope someone can shed some light on what

>to expect after surgery. I am 38 and scheduled for THA in Feb, i

>have so many questions and i am a little nervous about life after

>surgery. I have OA in my left hip, restricted activity but i

>participate in Yoga, pilates, and deep water aerobics; believe it or

>not, i also ski. Is there anyone out there who is like me and had

>concerns about life after hip replacement before their surgery? I

>have two kids and like another person i saw who posted a message,

>will i be able to......?

>I feel like i have lost 10 years of my life to this pain and i am

>tired of it. It has robbed my kids of their Mom and i can't wait for

>the outcome. I would appreciate any information, resources, ideas,

>anything. I want to go to my pre-op appt armed with all the

>information so my doctor can help me make the best decision. thanks

>in advance!









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Can you be more specific?


I am doing a year long research on autism at the elementary level. If

you have any information that could be helpful for writing a research

paper and a presentation to school staff I would greatly appreciate


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