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Re: (unknown)

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Hi Barbara,

My naturopathic doctor in Tucson also recommended that I go on the Eating Right 4 Your Blood Type plan, and gave me a fat handout of what I should eat (I am A+). I think it has alot of merit, as I found that I should not eat alot of meat. Voila, that fits me. I have to be honest and say that I have not strictly followed that plan, as I really do like some of the foods I am not supposed to eat, but I do find that sometimes I don't feel as well when I eat them, either. So it did change my eating habits somewhat. I also bought the cookbook that goes with the book., as my husband is an O+ and that makes it harder for me to prepare foods that fit us both.

I am always reading tons of books and have incorporated so many ideas, that I can't really say for sure that I have specifically done this one thing strictly. There is also, of course, alot of controversy on the validity of this doctor's theories. Mostly by those who always poo poo alternative medicine ideas, (their standard mode of operation when it comes to natural medicine.)

My feeling is that it definitely doesn't hurt to try it, and it can probably help. So go for it.

I have used castor oil myself, after reading several books and articles about it. Cayce was probably the most well known healer to use it. Castor oil (also known as "Palm of Christ") is very messy and stains everything, so be careful when you use it. It is supposed to help the liver dispose of toxins. I have used it several ways, including on my feet and as packs, but have never had the nerve to injest it. (The Gerson therapy has a protocol for taking it by mouth).

For those who want to investigate more on the use of castor oil to strengthen the immune system, do an internet search on Cayce, Castor oil, and you will find a number of links, such as these:





Let us know how you fare!

Thanks Barbara!


----- Original Message -----

From: barbsul2002

Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 7:35 AM

Subject: (unknown)

Has any one heard of the "Eat Right 4 Your type" eating plan? I went to another Naturopath and she said I should really follow this eating according to my blood type. I bought the book and one interesting thing it says that type O blood's (which I have) can have an overactive immune system and are more prone to auto-immune conditions than other blood types. I wonder how accurate this blood type thing is, does anyone know? Also she suggested I use castor oil packs and take some Perfect Food. Anyone use these castor packs?Barbara

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Would DMPS be better than DMSA for this person?

[ ] (unknown)

Try the specific carboyhdrate diet.

if that doesn't work, try the body ecology diet.

if that doesn't work, cut all sulfur out of your diet too.

If none of those work, chelate and gut it out.

Two to three week trial each diet.


> Extreme dysbiosis


> I'm caught in a vicious cycle here; I have a really bad time

> chelating (ALA or DMSA ) because my gut feels so bad. But if I don't

> chelate then I won't improve my other numerous health problems and


> yeast won't ever go away.


> I tried glutamine, probiotics (many brands), anti-yeast protocols,

> enemas and my gut problem won't go away.


> I ingest most supplements that Andy recommends in his book and it

> doesn't seem to help much.


> Should I take a really long break from chelation or should I push my

> body to the limit it can take?


> T

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> Would DMPS be better than DMSA for this person?

It may well be. it isn't the root problem, but is well worth a try..

.. . .



> Try the specific carboyhdrate diet.


> if that doesn't work, try the body ecology diet.


> if that doesn't work, cut all sulfur out of your diet too.


> If none of those work, chelate and gut it out.


> Two to three week trial each diet.


> Andy


> > Extreme dysbiosis

> >

> > I'm caught in a vicious cycle here; I have a really bad time

> > chelating (ALA or DMSA ) because my gut feels so bad. But if I


> > chelate then I won't improve my other numerous health problems


> my

> > yeast won't ever go away.

> >

> > I tried glutamine, probiotics (many brands), anti-yeast


> > enemas and my gut problem won't go away.

> >

> > I ingest most supplements that Andy recommends in his book and


> > doesn't seem to help much.

> >

> > Should I take a really long break from chelation or should I

push my

> > body to the limit it can take?

> >

> > T




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Yes I had Samters Triad very severely when I was pregnant. I was very ill

and I took massive amounts of medicine. However, my daughter was born

healthy and fine (after daily prayer!) I was up every night for several

hours gasping for breath. Since you want to take as few medications as

possible you could try what has helped me - you can find out about them at

www.naet.com or the book Mucusless Diet Healing system. You can order it

at Amazon. Using these two methods I have gone from being very severe to

doing very well. I use EdenSoy Original organic soy milk to be sure I get

enough protien, calcium and B12 on this diet. If you want more information

on this you can e-mail me directly.


<< File: ATT00011.htm; charset = ISO-8859-1 >>

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Welcome to the list. Comments interspersed.



Now to my question: Is there any clinic/program in the country that<BR>

specializes in evaluation of SI and/or autism who will do the <BR>

comprehensive eval..<BR>

including the blood and urine test for glutin/casin/mercury and also<BR>

allergy blood tests.


*To check for mercury yo want the DDI hair analysis and apply the counting

rules. See FAQS of this list for info on that. Blood and urine only show

current mercury exposure. Try www.naet.com for allergy treatment practitioners

in your area.


AND a place who has OT and ST as part of the <BR>

team who<BR>

can do the evals for this too. I would like to explore going to one<BR>

of the best places in the country to get this info more quickly so<BR>

we can get started. My " team " here is supportive of that in light of<BR>

the fact that we are not able to get into the see the two main<BR>

people we need for such a long time. I live in AL....we can fly<BR>

anywhere but if there is any place in the southeast who has program<BR>

especially designed for SID, I'd lOVE to know about it. I want to be<BR>

sure that where we go is attuned to finding the underlying causes of<BR>

this-if that is possible to do and if there are any that can be<BR>

discerned... so I am interested in the places which support the<BR>

testing for glutin/casin and mercury.. my son was adopted from<BR>

Guatemala and there is mercury still in those vaccines.. that is a<BR>

big concern to me.<BR>


*There is mercury still in the vaccines here, too. Some adopted kids end up

getting a double dose of vaccines because paperwork can't be found when it's

time to bring them in to the US so they get another round. Hope that wasn't the

case with your son.


Thanks for any info. I am still learning so I hope I asked this<BR>

the " right way " and that it made sense. Any thoughts will be sooo<BR>


Have a blessed day!<BR>



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Since your child is so young, he'd most likely recommend Poly Vi Sol drops by




Does Dr G. recommends any vitamins? I just do not know what vitamins

to give my 2 years old.


Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

the original author, and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

opinion of the Research Institute.

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My daughter and husband and stepdaughter had blep. You can't tell by looking

at my husband or stepdaughter they are any different because of the surgeries

that they have had to correct it. My 2 1/2 yr old has had one surgery when she

was 4 mo.s to hold her eyelids open. She will have another around school age

to do more extensive work on creating folds in her lids, etc.

It will depend on the severity of your child's and whether the two eyes are

the same or differently affected as to when she will have surgery. Definitely

see an opthalmalgic MD who can evaluate her and recommend what needs to happen.

Only a specialist can really do the surgery your child might need. If your

child's condition is severe enough, a surgery may be needed early as 4mos so

there is no vision loss in either eye and so that one isn't weaker than the


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Hi there...Where are you guys from?...We are from New-Zealand, Do you have a photo of your daughter that you could post on the site, would love to see if you do, You will find how nice it is to see pix of others who have this, makes you feel that your not the only one with a child who has this:) and the after results of some are also a reassurance of how the surgeries can be.

Our son Ethan has 3 pix posted, he is now 9 months old, and very happy, and healthy:)...He has the biggest smile that lights up the room:) it makes up for his wee eyes:)

blepharophimosis (unknown)

New member to this group. Just learned today that our daughter could have blep. She is 2 months old. Help!! What can we look forward to?? Should we be worried??

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Hi again...Just read this e-mail and see that your husband and stepdaughter have it as well as your daughter!, Have you got pix of all of them! again, that would be great to see if you do...:)

Re: blepharophimosis (unknown)

My daughter and husband and stepdaughter had blep. You can't tell by looking at my husband or stepdaughter they are any different because of the surgeries that they have had to correct it. My 2 1/2 yr old has had one surgery when she was 4 mo.s to hold her eyelids open. She will have another around school age to do more extensive work on creating folds in her lids, etc.It will depend on the severity of your child's and whether the two eyes are the same or differently affected as to when she will have surgery. Definitely see an opthalmalgic MD who can evaluate her and recommend what needs to happen. Only a specialist can really do the surgery your child might need. If your child's condition is severe enough, a surgery may be needed early as 4mos so there is no vision loss in either eye and so that one isn't weaker than the other.

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I am pretty sure that minute maid juices are okay. I give my DS OJ with

calcium from MM.

- ( I got that reference from a mom who made a book about what is

okay and not okay on the GFCF diet - she has called a bunch of places)

[ ] (unknown)

Hi somewhere in the last few days, someone suggested I give calcium

fortified orange juice to my son who is now casin free... to supply

calcium since I am trying to get him to just water.. not rice milk


I just looked on the can and it has calcium lactate listed. This

sounds like a " no no " . Am I right??

If so, where can I find OJ that is OK?? Are there any in the regular

frozen food sections in most stores.. ie name brands.. that are OK??

Sorry for the post that is a bit off subject.. I really am... but

this group seems to always have an answer that is correct and fast

in most cases and I wanted to know by AM if possible. I don't want

to do something wrong if I can prevent it.

Thanks so much AGAIN! :)

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hi! two weeks ago i went to an autism conference and the DAN! doctor there

recommended vruit juice. it is veggies + fruit =vruit juice. it has vit a & c/rich

in potassium/100% pure fruit and vegetable juice/no added sugars,preservatives,

or colors/kids loves it. it has 2% calcuim. i tried it and my daughter does like

it. angie

adoptinggrace <adoptinggrace@...> wrote:Hi somewhere in the last few

days, someone suggested I give calcium

fortified orange juice to my son who is now casin free... to supply

calcium since I am trying to get him to just water.. not rice milk


I just looked on the can and it has calcium lactate listed. This

sounds like a " no no " . Am I right??

If so, where can I find OJ that is OK?? Are there any in the regular

frozen food sections in most stores.. ie name brands.. that are OK??

Sorry for the post that is a bit off subject.. I really am... but

this group seems to always have an answer that is correct and fast

in most cases and I wanted to know by AM if possible. I don't want

to do something wrong if I can prevent it.

Thanks so much AGAIN! :)

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In a message dated 11/4/03 2:34:27 PM, tltne@... writes:

<< blepharophimosis >>

I am having problems logging onto the site. I get all the messages but

I think I have to re register or something. Sorry this is taking so long to

post photos!

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Have you had your thyroid checked? You should definitely have a TSH blood

test, if you haven't already. You may be hyperthyroid. Those with

autoimmune disease are more prone to thyroid disease. Weight loss and hair

loss could be a symptom of hyperthyroid.

Janet in SF

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You need to see a doctor. It could be Reiters but there are many other

autoimmune disorders as well. These disorders can cause a variety of symptoms.

I lost a lot of weight when I first developed Reiter's after a respiratory

illness. I just didn't have any appetite. No one but a doctor, preferably a

rheumatalogist can diagnose your illness. Be sure to see a doctor soon!

Kay Braddock

Speedway German Wirehaired Pointers

Paint Horses


I am a 20 year old college student who contracted shiggellosis this

summer at a family reunion. (my uncle also has reiters). About 4

weeks I was finally getting over the dysentary, when all my muscles

began to freeze up.

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I'm fairly new to this site (this is my first posting).

I didn't realize there were two different types of surgery - ctoma

removal versus mastoidectomys. I had always assumed they were one and

the same as far as basic proceedure.

The three surgeries I have had all have involved scraping of the

mastoid bone as well as ctoma removal. This last one was the most

extensive involving a completely open mastoid cavity as well as

eustatian tube removal and prosthetics and reconstruction of the ear

drum and bones. I believe as well they called the procedure a canal

wall down.

From all the postings I have read, it appears that people have had to

have multiple surgeries (I thought 3 was excessive) and as well,

there has been a lot of talk about cleaning. What does that mean? It

sounds like a proceedure in and of itself, but from all the talk I

have had with my ENT, he is confident that I will not need any other

proceedure on my ear.

Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories. I wish I had found you

all sooner.


> > Hi group

> >

> > I am set for surg on Nov 19th. they plan on a

> > Mastoid removal,ear drum

> > replacement and maybe new bones (all three ) if

> > possible. No c toma this

> > time supposedly. this is surg #12. Did a cat and I

> > still have a mastoid bone

> > and have had an ear infection cents last march. Is

> > the recovory different

> > when they remove the matoid or about the same as

> > when you have a c toma? I

> > go for pre op on the 14th they will tell me then if

> > CWD or CWU.

> > hope all is well and continued recovery for those

> > that need it. God bless

> > sherry

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Negative on the weight loss. : (

As for the hair loss, I need a portable minivac with me all the time cause I

drop hair worse than most householld pets. When I have visitors they see my

hair everywhere. It looks like I never clean but it gets that way in one

day. Thank goodness there are periods when the hair loss improves, so I'm

not bald yet.

Taking a good multivitamin like Centrum is one of the best things I do

regarding nuttrition and sometimes I take a couple a day if I'm having a

worse time than usual. Those minimums on the back of the label are what the

US gov't. says are the minimum for healthy ppl to stay that way.

Each of us has to make our own decision regarding these sorts of things, so

don't everyone start writing me that I ought to check with my doc about it.

I have read more than lots of ppl with degrees on this subject. Most docs

don't even take nuitrition in med school. It's an elective, like pain

control in most, if not all med schools.


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In a message dated 11/7/2003 9:49:24 PM Pacific Standard Time,

diaskci@... writes:

I guess I'm looking through the websites but how can I make a decision? It's

too hard to pick one and be 100% about it. I'm the type of person that

always buy stuffs and then next day or a week later..I want to return it. You


what I mean? But this is really serious......

I know what you mean. I was given info to three manufactures and I thought

OH NO...... and another issue,,,, WHICH EAR.

Your audiologist will be best person to help you decide. When I went back 2

weeks after my first appointment, before seeing the surgeon, I have pretty

much narrowed down to one but kept my mind open on anther make. Using those


I asked bunches of questions and narrowed back to the one that I was thinking


When you talk to audiologist about the implant, you get to " play " with the

toys from all 3 companies, if your CI centers offers all 3.

It was MY AUDIOLOGIST'S help that helped me decide which ear to implant. I

wanted right, he said left be better, I say no everything " complains " to my on

my right (jk),,,,,, so it was decided..... OK left ear implanted, processor on

right with long cord.

You, your audiologist, and your doctor (the CI team) make the choice

together. The CI Team is very valuable to all of us.


CI candidate

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Hi Di:

Judging from the people I know with CI's, including myself, you're not going

to make a mistake when you choose a brand--you're going to like what you

get--so when you say it's such a serious decision---not really... it just seems

that way. In the beginning I had doubts and thought maybe I'd be doing better


I'd selected another brand but very quickly I've adjusted to this and,

judging from the messages on the itnernet, I'm hearing about like all the other


folks--some with my same brand are doing better, some are doing worse and some

with other brands do better; some worse.

When my hearing aids worked, I liked that hearing better than I like my CI

type of hearing(I could appreciate music--things sounded the same as my old

hearing ) but as my hearing worsened I hated them. I hear soooo much better now

than my HA's allow me to hear. I still have problems in noisy environments

focusing on the person talking to me--if a toilet is flushing or bathtub


I won't be able to make out the voice. But there are various programs that

help hear in such trouble and sometimes I'm surprised how well I'm hearing.

My CI does sometimes fall off my head when I'm playing tennis--so I just have

to put a sweat band on it to hold it on.

There are such things as lame questions, Di, but you haven't asked them yet.

I wonder where them weapons of mass destruction could have gotten off to,

that's lame.


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Hi Suzie,

The CBC tells you about your level of blood platelets, along with a bunch

of other things. Platelets are what cause your blood to clot. Mine was

a little low last time, but I only have 4 more weeks of treatment, thank


Good luck with your tests.

Marie in NW Florida

At 05:09 PM 11/8/2003, you wrote:

>Hi Guys, I've got a question - my doctor gave me a blood requisition so I

>can get my bloodwork done before I see him next month . My question is -

>which is it that tests for the thing that causes the blood to clot . He

>has ordered AST , ALT , GGT , CBC & INR . Is any of these the clotting

>thingy ? I can add to the req if it's something else .

>Thanks , Suzie



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Marie thank you so much for your rapid response . I used to know this kind of thing but my brain is fogged lately. I'm waiting to go on tx but my doc keeps sending me for tests - CAT scan . MRI , Ultrasound etc. Weird how the docs push & push for tx & when you finally agree to it & your stomach is in knots awaiting tx , they make you wait & wait !!

SuzieMarie Kuhn <mariemk@...> wrote:

Hi Suzie,The CBC tells you about your level of blood platelets, along with a bunch of other things. Platelets are what cause your blood to clot. Mine was a little low last time, but I only have 4 more weeks of treatment, thank goodness.Good luck with your tests.Marie in NW FloridaAt 05:09 PM 11/8/2003, you wrote:>Hi Guys, I've got a question - my doctor gave me a blood requisition so I >can get my bloodwork done before I see him next month . My question is - >which is it that tests for the thing that causes the blood to clot . He >has ordered AST , ALT , GGT , CBC & INR . Is any of these the clotting >thingy ? I can add to the req if it's something else .>Thanks , Suzie>>

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