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Re: (unknown)

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I had my first two (left and right) in 1978 and they were a miracle. I went from wheelchair to walking. I was in the Marine Corps when I developed RA at the age of 20. After many years, I needed both hip replaced and my right knee again in 1994 and again in 2003. The revisions are really tough. The recovery is tougher and they don't last as long.

Overall, I have a full time job I like, a great family with two young children and they keep me going.

Ray Silva

-- (unknown)

Hi I am new to this group. I need to have TKR on my right knee. I have many questions and hope that someone can answer them for me. In 1968 I was involved in a motorcycle accident. The right femur was crushed. The right femur is now 2" shorter than the left, 1/2 of the hamstring and 1/3 of the quadriceps muscles are missing. Since there is more mucle towards the inside of the leg it pulls the knee to the one side. I wear a brace to help correct this. I also only have 95 degrees of flexion. I am hoping to gain a greater range but I am not sure since none of the tendons have gone futher than this in such a long time. I was told I would lose the awareness (proprioception) of my leg and foot. I was told I would not be able to do Tai Chi after the surgery since I won't be aware of where my foot is without seeing it. I was wondering if this has happened to anyone and if it has, how does it affect you. Is there anyone currently doing Tai Chi after having a TKR? Up until a couple of years ago I was going on canoe trips, biking and cross country skiing competitively. I would like to know how far I could expect to able to bike ride or ski without really over using the new knee. Also, on the canoe trips could one carry 35lbs over short portages? Ken

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That is extraordinary!!!

-- Re: (unknown)

After TKR of both knees at the same time I'm walking from 3 to 5 miles each morning and can bend to 115 degrees could not walk over a half a block before. 1'm 60 and it's only been 12 weeks.

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Thanks Ray

For responding I am having a revision on my left knee after 17 years, Can you please tell me why it so much harder, I thought the first was hard and the doctors say it will hurt more, Please, I need all the info I can get, I don't find many people that have had revisions, I am supposed to have mine on 11/11/03, but I think I have bronchitis.

Silva <dyssilva@...> wrote:

I had my first two (left and right) in 1978 and they were a miracle. I went from wheelchair to walking. I was in the Marine Corps when I developed RA at the age of 20. After many years, I needed both hip replaced and my right knee again in 1994 and again in 2003. The revisions are really tough. The recovery is tougher and they don't last as long.

Overall, I have a full time job I like, a great family with two young children and they keep me going.

Ray Silva

-- (unknown)

Hi I am new to this group. I need to have TKR on my right knee. I have many questions and hope that someone can answer them for me. In 1968 I was involved in a motorcycle accident. The right femur was crushed. The right femur is now 2" shorter than the left, 1/2 of the hamstring and 1/3 of the quadriceps muscles are missing. Since there is more mucle towards the inside of the leg it pulls the knee to the one side. I wear a brace to help correct this. I also only have 95 degrees of flexion. I am hoping to gain a greater range but I am not sure since none of the tendons have gone futher than this in such a long time. I was told I would lose the awareness (proprioception) of my leg and foot. I was told I would not be able to do Tai Chi after the surgery since I won't be aware of where my foot is without seeing it. I was

wondering if this has happened to anyone and if it has, how does it affect you. Is there anyone currently doing Tai Chi after having a TKR? Up until a couple of years ago I was going on canoe trips, biking and cross country skiing competitively. I would like to know how far I could expect to able to bike ride or ski without really over using the new knee. Also, on the canoe trips could one carry 35lbs over short portages? Ken

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Hi Ray

How many is to many, how maney did they say you can have and did you have any bone loss with the first knee repalcements

Silva <dyssilva@...> wrote:

I had my first two (left and right) in 1978 and they were a miracle. I went from wheelchair to walking. I was in the Marine Corps when I developed RA at the age of 20. After many years, I needed both hip replaced and my right knee again in 1994 and again in 2003. The revisions are really tough. The recovery is tougher and they don't last as long.

Overall, I have a full time job I like, a great family with two young children and they keep me going.

Ray Silva

-- (unknown)

Hi I am new to this group. I need to have TKR on my right knee. I have many questions and hope that someone can answer them for me. In 1968 I was involved in a motorcycle accident. The right femur was crushed. The right femur is now 2" shorter than the left, 1/2 of the hamstring and 1/3 of the quadriceps muscles are missing. Since there is more mucle towards the inside of the leg it pulls the knee to the one side. I wear a brace to help correct this. I also only have 95 degrees of flexion. I am hoping to gain a greater range but I am not sure since none of the tendons have gone futher than this in such a long time. I was told I would lose the awareness (proprioception) of my leg and foot. I was told I would not be able to do Tai Chi after the surgery since I won't be aware of where my foot is without seeing it. I was

wondering if this has happened to anyone and if it has, how does it affect you. Is there anyone currently doing Tai Chi after having a TKR? Up until a couple of years ago I was going on canoe trips, biking and cross country skiing competitively. I would like to know how far I could expect to able to bike ride or ski without really over using the new knee. Also, on the canoe trips could one carry 35lbs over short portages? Ken

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I had a revision of the TKR after 7 months. It was more painful because the second incision was on top of the first and therefore was much tighter than the first. The incision pulled a great deal when I bent my knee. After the healing was complete I had a scar tissue release therapeutic massage that really helped. The massage therapist focused the entire massage on the scar and I am amazed at the amount of flexibility I have regained since. My recovery was not as bad for this revision because I only had the tibial plate replaced and so it didn't require cutting the muscles again. Still it was enough to deal with so soon after the first surgery. I hope this helps. I know there are worse things than a replacements and revisions--like the pain before either! That surgery pains are long gone and now I am painfree. God bless. Kathi


Hi I am new to this group. I need to have TKR on my right knee. I have many questions and hope that someone can answer them for me. In 1968 I was involved in a motorcycle accident. The right femur was crushed. The right femur is now 2" shorter than the left, 1/2 of the hamstring and 1/3 of the quadriceps muscles are missing. Since there is more mucle towards the inside of the leg it pulls the knee to the one side. I wear a brace to help correct this. I also only have 95 degrees of flexion. I am hoping to gain a greater range but I am not sure since none of the tendons have gone futher than this in such a long time. I was told I would lose the awareness (proprioception) of my leg and foot. I was told I would not be able to do Tai Chi after the surgery since I won't be aware of where my foot is without seeing it. I was wondering if this has happened to anyone and if it has, how does it affect you. Is there anyone currently doing Tai Chi after having a TKR? Up until a couple of years ago I was going on canoe trips, biking and cross country skiing competitively. I would like to know how far I could expect to able to bike ride or ski without really over using the new knee. Also, on the canoe trips could one carry 35lbs over short portages? Ken

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Well, in my case, each time I get a revision I am older (don't heal as fast). Also a person's muscles are not as flexible making bending harder. In my case, I lose more bone each time and have to have bone fusion from a cadaver and hope that it holds.

It is not much more painful. Actually, I think the pain is less with the revisions, you just have to work harder in the physical therapy. Also, don't be afraid to use painkillers while doing PT!!


Back working full time!!!

-- (unknown)

Hi I am new to this group. I need to have TKR on my right knee. I have many questions and hope that someone can answer them for me. In 1968 I was involved in a motorcycle accident. The right femur was crushed. The right femur is now 2" shorter than the left, 1/2 of the hamstring and 1/3 of the quadriceps muscles are missing. Since there is more mucle towards the inside of the leg it pulls the knee to the one side. I wear a brace to help correct this. I also only have 95 degrees of flexion. I am hoping to gain a greater range but I am not sure since none of the tendons have gone futher than this in such a long time. I was told I would lose the awareness (proprioception) of my leg and foot. I was told I would not be able to do Tai Chi after the surgery since I won't be aware of where my foot is without seeing it. I was wondering if this has happened to anyone and if it has, how does it affect you. Is there anyone currently doing Tai Chi after having a TKR? Up until a couple of years ago I was going on canoe trips, biking and cross country skiing competitively. I would like to know how far I could expect to able to bike ride or ski without really over using the new knee. Also, on the canoe trips could one carry 35lbs over short portages? Ken

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They don't know, I had my first at 22, now 47. My right knee is 21 years old and still strong. There is no way to predict how long these will last or how many they can do. My right knee has been replaced three times and is still pretty strong, but not much of my own bone left. Everyone is different and you will be better off with this surgery than not with it. I just had mine done in April and if I had to to it again next year I would. The technology keeps getting better and better. Of course, I would rather not have the problem, but that is not a choice. I also use a spinal instead of a general. Feel free to mail me off group at dyssilva@... or if the group feels that this interchange is helpful, then lets keep it online! I know you are nervous, but that is normal.


-- (unknown)

Hi I am new to this group. I need to have TKR on my right knee. I have many questions and hope that someone can answer them for me. In 1968 I was involved in a motorcycle accident. The right femur was crushed. The right femur is now 2" shorter than the left, 1/2 of the hamstring and 1/3 of the quadriceps muscles are missing. Since there is more mucle towards the inside of the leg it pulls the knee to the one side. I wear a brace to help correct this. I also only have 95 degrees of flexion. I am hoping to gain a greater range but I am not sure since none of the tendons have gone futher than this in such a long time. I was told I would lose the awareness (proprioception) of my leg and foot. I was told I would not be able to do Tai Chi after the surgery since I won't be aware of where my foot is without seeing it. I was wondering if this has happened to anyone and if it has, how does it affect you. Is there anyone currently doing Tai Chi after having a TKR? Up until a couple of years ago I was going on canoe trips, biking and cross country skiing competitively. I would like to know how far I could expect to able to bike ride or ski without really over using the new knee. Also, on the canoe trips could one carry 35lbs over short portages? Ken

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It's for weight loss.


Howdy pardners,

I have a question or two: I believe (or someone else) mentioned

that the way to determine the amount of calories one should consume each

day is 8 times the body weight ?....is this correct? At 190 lbs. and a

touch over 6' tall, I would need to consume 1520 calories per day(?)

according to this calculation (that ain't much!). The USDA on the other

hand, recommends 2900 calories per day for a person my size...this is

almost double. I suppose the ratio of protein to fat to carbohydrate is

more important? I would like to adjust my caloric intake to an optimum

amount...does anyone have any recommendations in this regard?


Oh...and another question. I injured my back (again) the other day...it

is already healing quickly; I have also noticed swelling (I think) in

the area where hernias do their thing....I have no pain or discomfort

there and the slight swelling seems to go back to normal each morning.

Can anyone recommend possible exercises to help prevent a hernia and /

or other treatments / practices for prevention? I am realizing that I

have to decrease the weight I lift and the intensity of physical strain

I put myself through at work....I will keep the boulders under 500 lbs.

I suppose I should work out since the physical work I do is rather

focused on specific muscles and specific movements....who has the time?

Okay, okay, okay...I will make time...this body needs to last another 45

years and at this rate, it will not be worth occupying in another 25

years...gravity is drag, unless of course, you have a phobia of heights!

Muchas gracias, ....O-nonie

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Thanks Ray for you input, I am really nervous. When I had it done at 40 its was so painful I really needed it done and have no regrets, The pain was so bad and like you said technology is so advanced now, I don't have the pain I did 17 years ago because of the technology, pain meads and of course its not the same knee. it isn't as painful but I can't do my normal life, like walk very far. I have so much bone loss and it is very bowed from ware the Doctor said if I wait any longer he might not be able to fix it. I went to Stanford Medical Center 5 years ago and they put me on foseamax to grow the bone and it worked. Its ( the bone ) is little more dense, I say a little more,not much.

I worry about the blood clots, the infections, and the physical therapy. I don't like to work or have pain, I hate pain. lol I remember the last one, It took a full year to get back to some what normal. it was hard work but it was all worth it to be relived of the pain. I thank God that this the only thing I have because so many people have so much more to endure. I am also having a spinal. They say for pain management and they'll give me something to sleep through the procedure.

Silva <dyssilva@...> wrote:

They don't know, I had my first at 22, now 47. My right knee is 21 years old and still strong. There is no way to predict how long these will last or how many they can do. My right knee has been replaced three times and is still pretty strong, but not much of my own bone left. Everyone is different and you will be better off with this surgery than not with it. I just had mine done in April and if I had to to it again next year I would. The technology keeps getting better and better. Of course, I would rather not have the problem, but that is not a choice. I also use a spinal instead of a general. Feel free to mail me off group at dyssilva@... or if the group feels that this interchange is helpful, then lets keep it online! I know you are nervous, but that is normal.


-- (unknown)

Hi I am new to this group. I need to have TKR on my right knee. I have many questions and hope that someone can answer them for me. In 1968 I was involved in a motorcycle accident. The right femur was crushed. The right femur is now 2" shorter than the left, 1/2 of the hamstring and 1/3 of the quadriceps muscles are missing. Since there is more mucle towards the inside of the leg it pulls the knee to the one side. I wear a brace to help correct this. I also only have 95 degrees of flexion. I am hoping to gain a greater range but I am not sure since none of the tendons have gone futher than this in such a long time. I was told I would lose the awareness (proprioception) of my leg and foot. I was told I would not be able to do Tai Chi after the surgery since I won't be aware of where my foot is without seeing it. I was

wondering if this has happened to anyone and if it has, how does it affect you. Is there anyone currently doing Tai Chi after having a TKR? Up until a couple of years ago I was going on canoe trips, biking and cross country skiing competitively. I would like to know how far I could expect to able to bike ride or ski without really over using the new knee. Also, on the canoe trips could one carry 35lbs over short portages? Ken

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do you say 8 x current weight or

8 x desired weight???




Howdy pardners,

I have a question or two: I believe (or someone else) mentioned

that the way to determine the amount of calories one should consume each

day is 8 times the body weight ?....is this correct? At 190 lbs. and a

touch over 6' tall, I would need to consume 1520 calories per day(?)

according to this calculation (that ain't much!). The USDA on the other

hand, recommends 2900 calories per day for a person my size...this is

almost double. I suppose the ratio of protein to fat to carbohydrate is

more important? I would like to adjust my caloric intake to an optimum

amount...does anyone have any recommendations in this regard?


Oh...and another question. I injured my back (again) the other day...it

is already healing quickly; I have also noticed swelling (I think) in

the area where hernias do their thing....I have no pain or discomfort

there and the slight swelling seems to go back to normal each morning.

Can anyone recommend possible exercises to help prevent a hernia and /

or other treatments / practices for prevention? I am realizing that I

have to decrease the weight I lift and the intensity of physical strain

I put myself through at work....I will keep the boulders under 500 lbs.

I suppose I should work out since the physical work I do is rather

focused on specific muscles and specific movements....who has the time?

Okay, okay, okay...I will make time...this body needs to last another 45

years and at this rate, it will not be worth occupying in another 25

years...gravity is drag, unless of course, you have a phobia of heights!

Muchas gracias, ....O-nonie

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Current weight.


Howdy pardners,

I have a question or two: I believe (or someone else) mentioned

that the way to determine the amount of calories one should consume each

day is 8 times the body weight ?....is this correct? At 190 lbs. and a

touch over 6' tall, I would need to consume 1520 calories per day(?)

according to this calculation (that ain't much!). The USDA on the other

hand, recommends 2900 calories per day for a person my size...this is

almost double. I suppose the ratio of protein to fat to carbohydrate is

more important? I would like to adjust my caloric intake to an optimum

amount...does anyone have any recommendations in this regard?


Oh...and another question. I injured my back (again) the other day...it

is already healing quickly; I have also noticed swelling (I think) in

the area where hernias do their thing....I have no pain or discomfort

there and the slight swelling seems to go back to normal each morning.

Can anyone recommend possible exercises to help prevent a hernia and /

or other treatments / practices for prevention? I am realizing that I

have to decrease the weight I lift and the intensity of physical strain

I put myself through at work....I will keep the boulders under 500 lbs.

I suppose I should work out since the physical work I do is rather

focused on specific muscles and specific movements....who has the time?

Okay, okay, okay...I will make time...this body needs to last another 45

years and at this rate, it will not be worth occupying in another 25

years...gravity is drag, unless of course, you have a phobia of heights!

Muchas gracias, ....O-nonie

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Hi Cathi... If I can ask, what is a scar tissue release therapeutic massage as I have never heard of that.. I had a physio therapist tell me just last week that maybe my knee cap is slightly out of line because at times I can feel a slight clicking in the knee but it still feels so tight when I try and bend it to far.. I am getting about 85 degrees after 9 weeks..


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In a message dated 10/12/2003 4:28:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,

AtTheLake@... writes:

> mantus75@...



I have been where you are and I have 5 of my 6 kids that were very sick as



sue massie

732 933-4011

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It's done by a masseuse trained in working on scars. She spent over 30 minutes working diligently with her fingers on the scar. She had to have a release for me by my dr. saying my scar was totally healed before she would make my appointment. She didn't use a lot of oil/lubricant for this and said that was a main point of this therapy. She literally worked her magic fingers on the scar tissue and it is much more supple and easier to bend now. I was at 100 degrees when I started my PT and didn't progress much there because of the scar tightness. Now I am at 120 degrees which according to my Dr. is as far as my new knee will go. My physical therapist was amazed at the difference and says she will now refer many of her other patients to this lady. The masseuse has been trained in many different kinds of massage--total body, pressure point, and now scar release. If you can find a trained masseuse in your area I highly recommend it. Good luck.

-----Original Message-----From: Graham Mansfield [mailto:Graham60@...]Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 11:55 PMJoint Replacement Subject: Re: (unknown)

Hi Cathi... If I can ask, what is a scar tissue release therapeutic massage as I have never heard of that.. I had a physio therapist tell me just last week that maybe my knee cap is slightly out of line because at times I can feel a slight clicking in the knee but it still feels so tight when I try and bend it to far.. I am getting about 85 degrees after 9 weeks..


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Many Physical Therapists also do scar release techniques, it is part of

Myofascial Release training. But scar release should not be done

earlier than 3 months post op, at least in my training that is what I

learned. It is good that you had your physcians approval. However,

you can be doing so mobilization of your suture line at anytime, i.e.

making sure the suture line moves easily over the incision area,

without separating the incision. Ask your P.T. or your doctor about



K McRary wrote:

It's done by a masseuse trained in working

on scars. She spent over 30 minutes working diligently with her

fingers on the scar. She had to have a release for me by my dr. saying

my scar was totally healed before she would make my appointment. She

didn't use a lot of oil/lubricant for this and said that was a main

point of this therapy. She literally worked her magic fingers on the

scar tissue and it is much more supple and easier to bend now. I was

at 100 degrees when I started my PT and didn't progress much there

because of the scar tightness. Now I am at 120 degrees which according

to my Dr. is as far as my new knee will go. My physical therapist was

amazed at the difference and says she will now refer many of her other

patients to this lady. The masseuse has been trained in many different

kinds of massage--total body, pressure point, and now scar release. If

you can find a trained masseuse in your area I highly recommend it.

Good luck.

Re: (unknown)

Hi Cathi... If I can ask, what is

a scar tissue release therapeutic massage as I have never heard of

that.. I had a physio therapist tell me just last week that maybe my

knee cap is slightly out of line because at times I can feel a slight

clicking in the knee but it still feels so tight when I try and bend it

to far.. I am getting about 85 degrees after 9 weeks..


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Greg, Contact Lovey at LoveyOnLyme@.... She's an extremely kind

Floridian and if anyone knows who to call in FL it's Lovey. Rita

[ ] (unknown)

> Hello everyone,

> My name is Greg and Im 17. I have battled depression most of my life

> but the pain I have felt for the past 7 months has become

> unbearable. Last year early August. I went on super fun trip to my

> cabin in OH. After going home to Cincinnati I found 3 ticks

> (one in ear, hair, and a very small one on my left arm) helping them

> selves to a nice drink of my blood. So at this point I don't really

> think much of it, I just get the tweezers and pick the little nasty

> critters out. So a day or two goes by and I get a large bull's eye

> rash on my arm. So I go to my regular doc and I had a few nurses and

> docs in the room all drooling over my rash because none of them had

> ever seen one before. So they say its lyme and give me antibiotics

> and order some kind of blood test (witch came back negative for

> lyme). The docs didn't make lyme sound like that big of a deal so I

> take my meds and go on with my life. As time goes by I start loosing

> interest in doing much of anything. My relationship with my

> girlfriend completely falls apart witch hits me like a 100 tons of

> bricks. This girl really did some not very nice things and took me

> down hard. I end up in the hospital for severe depression. After

> getting out I felt like my stay and the antidepressants did nothing.

> Now im really going crazy and started thinking some very stupid

> thoughts. As most of you know dealing with a broken heart is hard

> enough for a well person but me in the condition that im in its

> impossible. I tried every thing that I could think of to attempt to

> get my love back but it just blew up in my face even more and i just

> got more upset. Feeling helpless and rejected I fall into an even

> deeper state of depression and I acted on my stupid thoughts just

> because I wanted my pain to stop. I saved myself from myself because

> I love my mom too much to ever put her thru the pain of loosing me.

> So my mom and I decide something must be done. Thinking it might be

> best for me to get out of cinci we decide that I should move to

> Florida with my dad and I did. So now I have been in Florida for

> like 4 months and I just keep getting worse. up in till like a month

> ago I had completely forgotten all about lyme and then i get a call

> from my mom and she told me to go to the store and pick up a copy of

> good house keeping and read the article titled I refuse to give up

> on my daughter. I read this article and it freaked me out. The story

> is just so similar to my life...lyme must be the reason why my life

> has been destroyed. So now im sitting in FL not doing much of

> anything but being scared that Ill never be the person that I was.

> Everyday I think im getting worse little by little. I am so sick of

> fighting my emotions everyday. I feel tired all the time(even when I

> wake up), I get bad headaches, im unable to deal with stress, I get

> panic attacks, fevers, my whole body feels weak and aces, I have

> back, shoulder, and neck pain, my knees shake sometimes, I have no

> motivation. I feel very stuck at the moment because I have Ohio

> medicade and Im on a waiting list to get into children's hospital(in

> cinci) but im very scared because this girl is a very big trigger

> for me but at the same time I am unable to let go of her. Im just

> afraid of what will happen if I run into her in cinci if I go back

> because I am so mad at her but at the same time I love her and I

> don't want to let her go but now there are other people involved on

> her end so its very upsetting. I would just go to the doc here in FL

> but the house hold here is packed full of very stressful things and

> the doc here will not take my Ohio medicade. I was trying to get fl

> medicade but its taking forever. All I want is my pain to stop but

> it never does. If I had one wish it would be... to be happy again! I

> am so frustrated I don't know what to do about anything. I FEEL SO

> CRAZY AND HELPLESS. I am so sick of this shutting me down; it brings

> me to my knees as I beg the pain to stop. Well that's kind of the

> condensed story.Im scared because i dont know what to expect in the

> future. i just hope the road to recovery is not too long. I have

> wasted so much time with this crap and Im very pissed. thank you for

> your time to whoever reads this

> -Greg






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I had been massaging the scar myself and the PT did during our sessions too. I used cocoa butter and vitamin E oil several times a day. I had this scar release after my revision surgery. I had an abcessed stitch when one of the interior stitches did not dissolve as it was supposed to. The dr. had to make a small incision to get the suture and knot out and this spot made a larger scar and was more troublesome than the rest of the incision. After all this healed I had the massage therapy. All in all I am now less distressed about my scar tissue. Have a good day. Kathi

-----Original Message-----From: Marilyn [mailto:mwelton@...]Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2003 3:33 PMJoint Replacement Subject: Re: (unknown)Many Physical Therapists also do scar release techniques, it is part of Myofascial Release training. But scar release should not be done earlier than 3 months post op, at least in my training that is what I learned. It is good that you had your physcians approval. However, you can be doing so mobilization of your suture line at anytime, i.e. making sure the suture line moves easily over the incision area, without separating the incision. Ask your P.T. or your doctor about this.MarilynK McRary wrote:

It's done by a masseuse trained in working on scars. She spent over 30 minutes working diligently with her fingers on the scar. She had to have a release for me by my dr. saying my scar was totally healed before she would make my appointment. She didn't use a lot of oil/lubricant for this and said that was a main point of this therapy. She literally worked her magic fingers on the scar tissue and it is much more supple and easier to bend now. I was at 100 degrees when I started my PT and didn't progress much there because of the scar tightness. Now I am at 120 degrees which according to my Dr. is as far as my new knee will go. My physical therapist was amazed at the difference and says she will now refer many of her other patients to this lady. The masseuse has been trained in many different kinds of massage--total body, pressure point, and now scar release. If you can find a trained masseuse in your area I highly recommend it. Good luck.

-----Original Message-----From: Graham Mansfield [mailto:Graham60@...]Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 11:55 PMJoint Replacement Subject: Re: (unknown)

Hi Cathi... If I can ask, what is a scar tissue release therapeutic massage as I have never heard of that.. I had a physio therapist tell me just last week that maybe my knee cap is slightly out of line because at times I can feel a slight clicking in the knee but it still feels so tight when I try and bend it to far.. I am getting about 85 degrees after 9 weeks..


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I am so very, very sorry and sad that we have lost one of ours. Is there an

address where we could send condolences to her family/children? My heart goes

out to you and them,



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> Elma,


> I am so very, very sorry and sad that we have lost one of ours. Is

there an

> address where we could send condolences to her family/children? My

heart goes

> out to you and them,


> Sue - Probably the best place to send cards is to my office. We

will be seeing her kids and I can deliver them to Jim & Susie.

Send to: The Leeper Family

c/o Washington PAVE

6316 So. 12th Street

Tacoma, WA 98465-1900

Thank you all for you thoughts & prayers.

Elma in Graham, WA

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At 09:46 AM 10/13/2003 -0700, you wrote:


>What fertilizer did you use for your vanilla orchid? I know that you used

to write for Organic Gardening magazine,so did you use something organic?

Stinky old fish fertilizer in a foliar spray. Makes the garden stink to

high heaven for a day or so, but I love it! Ah, the fecal, animalic funky

stuff -- what would perfumery be without it? NO< I have not thought of

tincturing the fish emulsion, LOL.

Oh, I also threw some half-way-there compost on the root area.

I'm squeemish about using chemicals and I'm trying to get my fabulously

scented cattelya to bloom. The bloom stalks come up,but then nothing. The

scent is beautiful;its kind of like bubble gum and floral,very light and

delicate and very persistent and diffusive. It scented my entire sunroom

when it was in bloom(three years ago).

I'm not much of an orchid grower, sorry.

Any advice for passion flowers or hibiscus?

Both need a balanced fertilization schedule because you want both foliage

and flowers. Compost, fish fertilizer, maybe a seaweed spray, bone meal,

blood meal, the usual stuff. Try http://gardensalive.com or a local place

to see if they have organic fertilizers.

>p.s.How does the flower of the orchid vanilla smell? Like vanilla?

Yep. Flowers in April/May. Gotta fashion one of those crooked brush

thingies like they have in Madagascar to hand pollinate. Darn plant is 15

yo, and never had a bean due to lack of pollination.




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Dear Greg:

Your story is very close to mine. I went 29 years going from MD to MD trying to

figure out what the heck was wrong with me.

As if that's not bad enough, the test results just came back and BOTH of my

children, dau, 21 and son, 16 have lyme also. More than likely were born with

it, as I've had lyme since I was 13.

Sometimes I'm so overwhelmed with pain and anger. I hurt a lot like you. I'm

sorry you feel bad and hope you get relief real soon.

I know how hard it is... but, you must persist and hang in there. There is

always a way for those who don't stop trying to find it.

My e-mail address is carolkerr@.... Please feel free to contact me if you

want to talk more.

Best wishes to you,


[ ] (unknown)

Hello everyone,

My name is Greg and Im 17. I have battled depression most of my life

but the pain I have felt for the past 7 months has become

unbearable. Last year early August. I went on super fun trip to my

cabin in OH. After going home to Cincinnati I found 3 ticks

(one in ear, hair, and a very small one on my left arm) helping them

selves to a nice drink of my blood. So at this point I don't really

think much of it, I just get the tweezers and pick the little nasty

critters out. So a day or two goes by and I get a large bull's eye

rash on my arm. So I go to my regular doc and I had a few nurses and

docs in the room all drooling over my rash because none of them had

ever seen one before. So they say its lyme and give me antibiotics

and order some kind of blood test (witch came back negative for

lyme). The docs didn't make lyme sound like that big of a deal so I

take my meds and go on with my life. As time goes by I start loosing

interest in doing much of anything. My relationship with my

girlfriend completely falls apart witch hits me like a 100 tons of

bricks. This girl really did some not very nice things and took me

down hard. I end up in the hospital for severe depression. After

getting out I felt like my stay and the antidepressants did nothing.

Now im really going crazy and started thinking some very stupid

thoughts. As most of you know dealing with a broken heart is hard

enough for a well person but me in the condition that im in its

impossible. I tried every thing that I could think of to attempt to

get my love back but it just blew up in my face even more and i just

got more upset. Feeling helpless and rejected I fall into an even

deeper state of depression and I acted on my stupid thoughts just

because I wanted my pain to stop. I saved myself from myself because

I love my mom too much to ever put her thru the pain of loosing me.

So my mom and I decide something must be done. Thinking it might be

best for me to get out of cinci we decide that I should move to

Florida with my dad and I did. So now I have been in Florida for

like 4 months and I just keep getting worse. up in till like a month

ago I had completely forgotten all about lyme and then i get a call

from my mom and she told me to go to the store and pick up a copy of

good house keeping and read the article titled I refuse to give up

on my daughter. I read this article and it freaked me out. The story

is just so similar to my life...lyme must be the reason why my life

has been destroyed. So now im sitting in FL not doing much of

anything but being scared that Ill never be the person that I was.

Everyday I think im getting worse little by little. I am so sick of

fighting my emotions everyday. I feel tired all the time(even when I

wake up), I get bad headaches, im unable to deal with stress, I get

panic attacks, fevers, my whole body feels weak and aces, I have

back, shoulder, and neck pain, my knees shake sometimes, I have no

motivation. I feel very stuck at the moment because I have Ohio

medicade and Im on a waiting list to get into children's hospital(in

cinci) but im very scared because this girl is a very big trigger

for me but at the same time I am unable to let go of her. Im just

afraid of what will happen if I run into her in cinci if I go back

because I am so mad at her but at the same time I love her and I

don't want to let her go but now there are other people involved on

her end so its very upsetting. I would just go to the doc here in FL

but the house hold here is packed full of very stressful things and

the doc here will not take my Ohio medicade. I was trying to get fl

medicade but its taking forever. All I want is my pain to stop but

it never does. If I had one wish it would be... to be happy again! I

am so frustrated I don't know what to do about anything. I FEEL SO

CRAZY AND HELPLESS. I am so sick of this shutting me down; it brings

me to my knees as I beg the pain to stop. Well that's kind of the

condensed story.Im scared because i dont know what to expect in the

future. i just hope the road to recovery is not too long. I have

wasted so much time with this crap and Im very pissed. thank you for

your time to whoever reads this


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BTW Greg,

Another great site for lyme-related info is:


[ ] (unknown)

Hello everyone,

My name is Greg and Im 17. I have battled depression most of my life

but the pain I have felt for the past 7 months has become

unbearable. Last year early August. I went on super fun trip to my

cabin in OH. After going home to Cincinnati I found 3 ticks

(one in ear, hair, and a very small one on my left arm) helping them

selves to a nice drink of my blood. So at this point I don't really

think much of it, I just get the tweezers and pick the little nasty

critters out. So a day or two goes by and I get a large bull's eye

rash on my arm. So I go to my regular doc and I had a few nurses and

docs in the room all drooling over my rash because none of them had

ever seen one before. So they say its lyme and give me antibiotics

and order some kind of blood test (witch came back negative for

lyme). The docs didn't make lyme sound like that big of a deal so I

take my meds and go on with my life. As time goes by I start loosing

interest in doing much of anything. My relationship with my

girlfriend completely falls apart witch hits me like a 100 tons of

bricks. This girl really did some not very nice things and took me

down hard. I end up in the hospital for severe depression. After

getting out I felt like my stay and the antidepressants did nothing.

Now im really going crazy and started thinking some very stupid

thoughts. As most of you know dealing with a broken heart is hard

enough for a well person but me in the condition that im in its

impossible. I tried every thing that I could think of to attempt to

get my love back but it just blew up in my face even more and i just

got more upset. Feeling helpless and rejected I fall into an even

deeper state of depression and I acted on my stupid thoughts just

because I wanted my pain to stop. I saved myself from myself because

I love my mom too much to ever put her thru the pain of loosing me.

So my mom and I decide something must be done. Thinking it might be

best for me to get out of cinci we decide that I should move to

Florida with my dad and I did. So now I have been in Florida for

like 4 months and I just keep getting worse. up in till like a month

ago I had completely forgotten all about lyme and then i get a call

from my mom and she told me to go to the store and pick up a copy of

good house keeping and read the article titled I refuse to give up

on my daughter. I read this article and it freaked me out. The story

is just so similar to my life...lyme must be the reason why my life

has been destroyed. So now im sitting in FL not doing much of

anything but being scared that Ill never be the person that I was.

Everyday I think im getting worse little by little. I am so sick of

fighting my emotions everyday. I feel tired all the time(even when I

wake up), I get bad headaches, im unable to deal with stress, I get

panic attacks, fevers, my whole body feels weak and aces, I have

back, shoulder, and neck pain, my knees shake sometimes, I have no

motivation. I feel very stuck at the moment because I have Ohio

medicade and Im on a waiting list to get into children's hospital(in

cinci) but im very scared because this girl is a very big trigger

for me but at the same time I am unable to let go of her. Im just

afraid of what will happen if I run into her in cinci if I go back

because I am so mad at her but at the same time I love her and I

don't want to let her go but now there are other people involved on

her end so its very upsetting. I would just go to the doc here in FL

but the house hold here is packed full of very stressful things and

the doc here will not take my Ohio medicade. I was trying to get fl

medicade but its taking forever. All I want is my pain to stop but

it never does. If I had one wish it would be... to be happy again! I

am so frustrated I don't know what to do about anything. I FEEL SO

CRAZY AND HELPLESS. I am so sick of this shutting me down; it brings

me to my knees as I beg the pain to stop. Well that's kind of the

condensed story.Im scared because i dont know what to expect in the

future. i just hope the road to recovery is not too long. I have

wasted so much time with this crap and Im very pissed. thank you for

your time to whoever reads this


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Hi Kara,

I also have BPES along with my two year old son, we are located near Toledo Ohio and our surgeon is located at the University of Michigan. What area do you live near? I don't know of anyone else in our direct area either that has BPES.


>From: "Kara"

>Reply-blepharophimosis >blepharophimosis >Subject: blepharophimosis (unknown) >Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 21:55:52 -0000 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >X-Originating-IP: >Received: from n14.grp.scd. ([]) by mc6-f36.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5600); Sat, 11 Oct 2003 04:24:43 -0700 >Received: from [] by n14.grp.scd. with NNFMP; 07 Oct 2003 21:55:55 -0000 >Received: (qmail 84856 invoked from network); 7 Oct 2003 21:55:54 -0000 >Received: from unknown ( by m13.grp.scd. with QMQP; 7 Oct 2003 21:55:54 -0000 >Received: from unknown (HELO n16.grp.scd.) ( by mta6.grp.scd. with SMTP; 7 Oct 2003 21:55:53 -0000 >Received: from [] by n16.grp.scd. with NNFMP; 07 Oct 2003 21:55:53 -0000 >X-Message-Info: JGTYoYF78jHIjHXhUj+E9jLlslfRQy/b >X-eGroups-Return: sentto-1507948-375-1065563754-llogan2=hotmail.com@... >X-Sender: kisweeney@... >X-Apparently-blepharophimosis >Message-ID:

>User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82 >X-Mailer: Message Poster >X--Profile: sweeney1992 >Mailing-List: list blepharophimosis ; contact blepharophimosis-owner >Delivered-mailing list blepharophimosis >Precedence: bulk >List-Unsubscribe:

>Return-Path: sentto-1507948-375-1065563754-llogan2=hotmail.com@... >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 11 Oct 2003 11:24:43.0153 (UTC) FILETIME=[448A2810:01C38FEA] > >Hello group. > I just came across this group as I was searching for updated >information on blepharophimosis. My middle daugther (age 6) was >diagnoised with this condition shortly after birth. She has a local >surgeon and a surgeon also in Michigan. Her surgeon in Michigan has >completed two of the three reconstructive surgeries. My daugther will >have the third and final surgery this December. We are so excited >that the surgeries will finally be over for her soon. We visited with >a genetic counselor recently and discovered that there is only one >other person in our local area with Blepharophomosis. She is in her >thirties. It is nice to see that their is an online group available >for support. > > If there are parents who recently received this diagnosis regarding >their child. E-mail me and I'll be happy to share any information I >have as well as our families experience. > > > Fretting that your Hotmail account may expire because you forgot to sign in enough? Get Hotmail Extra Storage today!

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Perimeno and meno are a time of estrogen loss. He may not be too far off on

that. After I got on estradiol, my vaginal life is much better. You should

get your estradiol checked on day 14. You still also sound undermedicated

with thyroid. I had terrible migraines before diagnosis.

Val in Boulder, CO

-----Original Message-----

From: Kemal And Sheila Kalajdzic [mailto:kemalandsheila@...]

Let me tell you about my appt. and the bad news.

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I was going to add that the perimenopause period starts around age 35 for normal

women. You would still be menstruating during this perimenopausal time. For

thyroid patients, the onset of menopause can be premature. Mine certainly was!

So, it's not out of line for a doctor to try to rule out menopausal signs if

someone is complaining of dryness. That is where many women notice it first.

Valarie <val@...> wrote:Perimeno and meno are a time of estrogen

loss. He may not be too far off on

that. After I got on estradiol, my vaginal life is much better. You should

get your estradiol checked on day 14. You still also sound undermedicated

with thyroid. I had terrible migraines before diagnosis.

Val in Boulder, CO

-----Original Message-----

From: Kemal And Sheila Kalajdzic [mailto:kemalandsheila@...]

Let me tell you about my appt. and the bad news.

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