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liz. i saw your post and the door knob was my irst clue something was up too.

for a long time no one believed me either (family and friends) i was to the

point where i could not even butter my bread!!! i was due to move in 3 weeks

and the dr says oh no you are not touching a thing!!! my family moved everything

packed and unpacked. but seems they go through i believe you, no you're

crazy. i've had carpal tunnel surgeries both hands. then my back went, neck,

costchondritis, you have diabeties, you are a brittle diabetic, you are not

diabetic. to my feet. i wanted to cut them off. my toenails hurt, tarsal tunnel


feet. now they say i have reactive arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis,

inflamatory spondyloarthropy, bleeding ulcer from meds. many infections from


kidney function failing from meds. diabetic from meds. fibromyalgia, glaucoma


yrs< that was actually the first find) just seems like it always changes.

unfortunatly when you get an auto immune disease they come in clusters (they


their friends!!) hang in there and remember you know what you feel. take care

of you. kathy in il welcome!!!

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WOW GERRIE! What can I say? The soaps are so exquisite!! Will the art on the

soap wash off first wash or do you secure by a means of modge podge or other


Well done! You are really arty! You could even do glass jars for facial oils

and bath salts.




Hiya All,

Not really known here but have been a member about a year, just

started painting again.U gals inspire me:). Have never taken any

classes am self taught and only have painted a few things before. Here

are some soap & light switch plates and a few other things.



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You've come to the right place to find people that understand what you

are going through. Although I was diagnosed with RA in my early 20's

I was able to continue working until after the birth of my second

child at

age 26. The hardest thing I've done in my life is to raise my 2

children having

RA. They've been at my side through many surgeries and have had to pull

their own weight from an early age. They are both grown and gone and


all survived although sometimes I wonder how I survived those years.

It wasn't easy. But when faced with these problems, somehow we find


to compensate for what we can't do.

What other RA meds are you on? What will help the most is finding the


med cocktail that will give you some relief and hopefully slow the


of the disease and minimize damage.

Hang in there Liz.


On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 10:48 AM, ekay2001 wrote:

> Hello all...well here goes my story I am 24 years old and I was

> recently diagonosed in February of this year with having RA. I am

> married with 2 young girls (ages 5 and 2) And I can't even begin to

> explain the difficult times I am having with this and coming to

> realization that I have this disease. Each and everyday becomes more

> and more difficult to attend to my family, work, and even being a

> wife (all 3 being full time). I was on the medication called

> diclofenac (or Voltarn) which helped me greatly in the beginning,

> until I started getting horrible stomach pains and it no longer

> worked for me. I just started taking Mobic, and it has helped

> somewhat with my pain, but still that morning stiffness is there,

> making it quiet difficult to deal with my morning usual activities.

> I would greatly appreciate any advice to help ease this pain. Any

> advice on how to deal with stress, family, or just any advice, I need

> help, this disease has depressed me in such a way, thanks for all the

> support Liz.



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a, thank you for responding. The only medication I am on right now is

Meloxicam (Mobic) twice a day. I've been reading everyone's messages and I see

a lot of surgery talk, will that happen to me, I am so scared, I don't know what

to expect of this. Liz.

a <paula54@...> wrote:


You've come to the right place to find people that understand what you

are going through. Although I was diagnosed with RA in my early 20's

I was able to continue working until after the birth of my second

child at

age 26. The hardest thing I've done in my life is to raise my 2

children having

RA. They've been at my side through many surgeries and have had to pull

their own weight from an early age. They are both grown and gone and


all survived although sometimes I wonder how I survived those years.

It wasn't easy. But when faced with these problems, somehow we find


to compensate for what we can't do.

What other RA meds are you on? What will help the most is finding the


med cocktail that will give you some relief and hopefully slow the


of the disease and minimize damage.

Hang in there Liz.


On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 10:48 AM, ekay2001 wrote:

> Hello all...well here goes my story I am 24 years old and I was

> recently diagonosed in February of this year with having RA. I am

> married with 2 young girls (ages 5 and 2) And I can't even begin to

> explain the difficult times I am having with this and coming to

> realization that I have this disease. Each and everyday becomes more

> and more difficult to attend to my family, work, and even being a

> wife (all 3 being full time). I was on the medication called

> diclofenac (or Voltarn) which helped me greatly in the beginning,

> until I started getting horrible stomach pains and it no longer

> worked for me. I just started taking Mobic, and it has helped

> somewhat with my pain, but still that morning stiffness is there,

> making it quiet difficult to deal with my morning usual activities.

> I would greatly appreciate any advice to help ease this pain. Any

> advice on how to deal with stress, family, or just any advice, I need

> help, this disease has depressed me in such a way, thanks for all the

> support Liz.



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What coconut timeline is this? Did I miss something?



> Harrie, Thank you for adding the coconut timeline to our

group!Great information.Is this your own work? Impressive!


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Harrie placed the coconut timeline in our links section.To access our links you

must go to the site and get on our group. Then you can see what links

we have.

Please, if anyone has relevant links to sources of coconut oil or health related

sites that are interesting please post them there. also if anyone has any

important coconut related papers or research they wish to place in our files

section they are welcome to do so.

The best way to have the best group possible is to have lots of input from



-- In coconutoil_open_forum , " Alobar " <alobar@b...> wrote:

> What coconut timeline is this? Did I miss something?


> Alobar



> (unknown)



> > Harrie, Thank you for adding the coconut timeline to our

> group!Great information.Is this your own work? Impressive!

> > IN NC

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is being stoooopid today. I tried to located this

group from " My Groups " but insisted this group is not among the

groups I belong to. If anyone else has any trouble like this, the

links page can be accessed directly from



Re: (unknown)

> -

> Harrie placed the coconut timeline in our links section.To access

our links you must go to the site and get on our group.

Then you can see what links we have.

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Please read the dosing schedule recommended by Andy Cutler. It's in the FAQs of

this list. By the way, if your child has any mercury amalgam fillings you

should stop the ALA until after removal of all the amalgam.




ALA, 2x 200mg;<BR>


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Dear Eve.

We have all been in the painful, frustrating situation in which you find

yourself. We all can help you with our caring, support, experience, and


What's going on? And how can we help you?

If you need to, feel free to write me off list.

Many Blessings,


> I am looking for anyone who can help me to deal with this disease. I

> get so frusterated with the pain. Can anyone help??

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I have no direct experience of this but have talked and emailed with many

people with independent insurance and this does seem to be a very typical


when you start making claims, they not only raise your rates but often double

or triple them to try to get you to change insurers which then typically

excludes the condition you were getting coverage for. With this in mind, if my

husband does end up going contract, we're planning to pay for most of Curt's

expenses ourselves and save the insurance for hospitalization assuming he can

even get typical insurance now that the immune dysreg diagnosis is in his file.

At this point though since you've already made the claims, you probably want

to keep using it as long as you can but also look for other plans that would

work for your family. My mother is using a plan that is major medical mainly

but also offers an additional " discount " plan to see doctors and order meds at

a significant savings. Even with breast cancer two years ago and diabetes,

she's only paying $100 a month. She said the med discounts are typically

1/3-1/2 off but you do have to mail order them.

Another thing to look at if your plan cost goes way up is moving your kids to

the CHIPS plan that I think is offered by all states through the fed govt.

It's for kids who can't get insurance and from what I understand covers basic

things fairly well. You might have to go out of pocket for Dr. G's stuff

though unless you can convince one of their docs to continue the treatment.


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It sounds like your summer was a very productive one. I saw a movie with

my husband at the house this weekend (a video) and was glad we were home

so I could get up and putter around the house during certain parts of the


What age children do you babysit? I used to babysit during my teenage

years. Brings back lots of memories.

Are you looking forward to school? I enjoy reading your emails. Thanks

for the times you write.

debby (mom to Jordan)



My parents were out of town this weekend. I thought that it was going to

be an ok weekend- since I don't like to sleep alone in the dark without

anyone home. I did have my pet, so I did alright. I went and saw 2 late

night movies with some friends that was awesome- except one of the

movies. Other then that I babysatt all day on Friday, and been at the

pool- or just chilling here.

I went to someone house and saw a movie. Only one thing bothered me but

overall it was a neat time.

My summer is going pretty good. Overall of doing nothing during the

summer- I'm pretty busy with either babysitting, dog walking, feeding my

neighbor's fish, or at the pool. I get to chill at home, w/ parents, and

with friends to relax.

I hope that y'all are having a great summer. Sorry I'm not responding to

every e-mail. I skim them-- and the important ones I keep and e-mail

when I have time to sit and just write e-mails.


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Thanks. My summer is a productive one. Usually around this time I'm getting

bored of my summer. But not this year.

haha, that sounds like me. checking my aol im- during commerical break once in

a while.

I'm pretty much a nanny for my next door neighbor kids. Just becasue I'm at

their house half the time- and I've watched them over the weekend, and for 9

days when the parents were in Europe. I also take them places, like swimming,

the movies, out to eat. The kids ages are: 2,3, and a 7 year old. I actully

bought 2 booster seats for my car- just for the 2 youngest ones.

I had to pick the kids up from swimming- and the mom had some beer and was out

of it--so I had the 2 year old not in a carseat- just in the middle back seat.

Even though it was for a mile, I still hated it. So over that weekend I bought

a booster seat for her. Since she's 20 lbs she can fit in a booster seat--then

later it becomes a lap/solder booster seat. Then the following weekend a bough

a little seat- one where you just put down for the 3 year old. That one I can

toss in my trunk if I have any one in the backseat.

Then the following week. I had latch system installed in my car. The

dealearship did it for free. So overall I think the booster seats is a good


Anyone can sit in the little one- up to 100 lbs.

and the other one it goes up to 40 I think.



It sounds like your summer was a very productive one.  I saw a movie with

my husband at the house this weekend (a video) and was glad we were home

so I could get up and putter around the house during certain parts of the


What age children do you babysit?  I used to babysit during my teenage

years.  Brings back lots of memories.

Are you looking forward to school?   I enjoy reading your emails.  Thanks

for the times you write.

debby (mom to Jordan)



Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com


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Sorry that you are having trouble doing the normal everyday things, Ann.

Here are a couple of sites that have assistive devices:

Aids for Arthritis:


Assistive devices from Arthritis.com:


Comforthouse.com arthritis aids and assistive products:


Arthritis aids from e-bility.com:


Hope the MTX works very soon!

[ ] (unknown)

> I have been having quite a few problems with little things lately and

> if anyone has some suggestions as to where on the internet I can find

> things like something to help me squeeze the toothpast tube, and

> something to help you hold down the button on spray cans (like Pam

> and spray paint), I would really appreciate it. Been on Methotrexate

> injections for 8 weeks now and no change yet, but I have high hopes

> for a decrease in pain. Thanks in advance for your help.


> Ann

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Hi Leirs,

When he feels the need to bite, can you give him something else to chew on?

Maybe something very hard and crunchy like pretzels or something soft and chewy

like bubble gum or gummi bears?

Do you have him on any supplements? I've heard several parents say that giving

their children zinc solved their biting problems.


[ ] (unknown)

Hi.. Im new to the group my name is Leirs Im from the Philippines

and my son's name is Joshwa. I need help.. Joshwa is biting his

nails like crazy. I dont know what to do.. There was a time that we

had to rush him to the ER coz the color of his middle finger was

already like the color maroon.Yet he wouldnt stop biting it. I was

secretly afraid that it might be infected. I know some may think

that Im crazy. Couldnt I handle this situation at home and it was

an emergency that I had to bring him to the ER. Heck, who cares

about what other people would think.Id rather not risk and

infection..The doctors couldnt believe that Joshwa would do that to

himself they even thought that a rat bit his finger.So I had to

explain na naman that he has Autism and that he's level of pain is

different. I tried everything i could think of from distracting

him, to holding his hand,always telling him no dont do that..

Suggestions would really be helpful.. thanks

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I had a friend whose son did this and she upped his zinc. She was told it's

a zinc deficiency

[ ] (unknown)

> Hi.. Im new to the group my name is Leirs Im from the Philippines

> and my son's name is Joshwa. I need help.. Joshwa is biting his

> nails like crazy.

For my kids, it would mean they were eating a food/supplement they did

not tolerate, or they had a yeast issue, or I gave them too much of a

B vitamin.


Some kids need to add zinc.



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>>>>>>>>> I should also mention that he has been on a tiny dose of Risperdal

for 9 months now, maybea 16th of a tablet 2x a day. Everytime I try to wean him

off he gets even worse. >>>>>>>>>

It has been my experience that my son gets worse, before better, when ever he

has been weaned off a med. It is like a withdrawl period, if you will.

>>>>>>>>>>>part of me feels like stopping everything because it is so bad

anyway, am I crazy to just keep going?>>>>>>>>>

Sometimes it is necessary to do this, however, I would suggest changing to the

GSE or trying a course of collidal silver. If you choose that route, don't do

it more than 7-10 days. How long has he been taking a probiotic? Probiotics

can often be a problem for some kids.


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Hey Liz: Sorry to hear that you had a bad week last week, you and I were in the

same boat then. The MTX is making my stomach a mess...I am going to ask my

rhuemy to give me the injection type, but I just purchased a months worth as I

am going on vacation this week for 11 days. Going to have a 20 hour drive to the

beautiful Ouchita Lake in Arkansas, I did not think it was a good time to try

something new, but I will when I get back. Glad to hear you learned some new

things at the Health store. It is very hard trying to keep positive when you

take a handful of med's everyday, just to get going. I am hoping that the lake,

will bring some much needed rest...The drive is another thing...Take care and

hope you are feeling better..Sheri D

ekay2001 <Ekay2001@...> wrote:Hey everyone, I just came back from the

Health Food Store

Chamberlain's and spoke with the Nutritionist there, she recommended

Glucosamine (1000mg), Chondroitin (800mg), & MSM (1000 mg) Dietary

Supplements. I am very hopeful it works, I am also on Methotrexate

and Bextra, if any one has any advice about these two drugs

(methotrexate and Bextra) please let me know. I had a really awful

week last week, the worst I've ever experienced, I couldn't move my

head, my feet, my knees or fingers, it was horrible. I am only 24

with two children as I have previously posted. Thanks a million,

Liz :)

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Congrats and Greg. Keep up the good work.


Patient Coordinator

Dr. Rutledge's Office

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OP DATE 5/14/03



OP DATE 5/13/03


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YOU GO GIRLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good for you I hope you have a fabulous time in

Ouchita Lake, it sounds so relaxing. That 20 hour drive is a pain, but I am

sure it will be well worth it :) I want full details when you get back. Good

luck with your Rhuemy and the injections.

sheri duke <sheriduke@...> wrote:

Hey Liz: Sorry to hear that you had a bad week last week, you and I were in the

same boat then. The MTX is making my stomach a mess...I am going to ask my

rhuemy to give me the injection type, but I just purchased a months worth as I

am going on vacation this week for 11 days. Going to have a 20 hour drive to the

beautiful Ouchita Lake in Arkansas, I did not think it was a good time to try

something new, but I will when I get back. Glad to hear you learned some new

things at the Health store. It is very hard trying to keep positive when you

take a handful of med's everyday, just to get going. I am hoping that the lake,

will bring some much needed rest...The drive is another thing...Take care and

hope you are feeling better..Sheri D

ekay2001 <Ekay2001@...> wrote:Hey everyone, I just came back from the

Health Food Store

Chamberlain's and spoke with the Nutritionist there, she recommended

Glucosamine (1000mg), Chondroitin (800mg), & MSM (1000 mg) Dietary

Supplements. I am very hopeful it works, I am also on Methotrexate

and Bextra, if any one has any advice about these two drugs

(methotrexate and Bextra) please let me know. I had a really awful

week last week, the worst I've ever experienced, I couldn't move my

head, my feet, my knees or fingers, it was horrible. I am only 24

with two children as I have previously posted. Thanks a million,

Liz :)

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Any ideas on what would be the first thing you would look for in a person

complaining with stomach hurting all the time?



The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!

Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!

Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!


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Stomach pain, wow this is about as widespread as headaches. But here goes with some places to start. Every one will have one problem...high Ph levels in the organs. Balance this, Supergreens from innerlight with Prime Ph works fastest. To help with the pain first here are some areas you can do:

1. Test matrix search "stomach (pain or ache)", "digestive", "intestine", Zaps under "miasms" in case it is genetic or from miasms like vaccinations.

2. Disease dictionary for stomach ache.

3. Treatment drop down for Cause/Cure/Palitation (Patient superconsious) type in stomach pain and do the link.

4. Now to Biofeedback you'll find digestion and stomach here in the drop downs.

Now to Treatments:

5. Scalar: Stomach chackra.

6. Spinal page:

A. Short sarcode: check the digestion areas double click if high.

B. Timed therapies: Do digestion, and intestinal stim for at least 7 minutes (click the corresponding parts which are bothering or showed up on the test matrix)

C. You will see a button by bone, nerve, sinus etc. that says "digestion" when you bring it up it will tell you what the #1 concern is again you can do it for 7 min. should you so choose.

D. Spinal look for nerval compressions or subluxations in the thoracic regions, this can cause all types of stomach problems

E. Dental to References to Iridology, Reflexology, etc. to "Ear & etc.", for large and small intestine, double click on each word to find the area of concern and why. Go to "Misc., Rx" to work on Digestion the same way.

7. Timed therapies and Superlearning. Go to Timed therapies and do digestion here (don't forget to piggy back here to do pain)

If there are any places you need explanations for, you can contact Quantum-Life at www.quantum-life.com for my manual. 'Reaching Your Full Potential'.

Now that you dealt with the symptoms look for a connection that caused it... Stomach aches usually have a corresponding area.

1. Headaches, both will cause a lack of oxygen watch the VARHO for the oxygen then watch for pathogens and worms.

2. Check Test matrix for Bacteria, type in ulcer and click "search", if these are high you have another possible connection. Start them on L-Glutamine and a stomach digestive enzyme (without protease, it will aggravate ulcers). You will find this therapy wise with ALL stomach problems. L-Glut. lines the intestines while they heal.

3. Emotional (NLP) watch for "holding on" issues

4. Inflammation and bloating. Check for fungus and Candida.

5. Food allergies, watch for the immune system and autonomic system (sympathetic / parasympathetic) these problems will relate to both food allergies and stomach issues.

6. Intestinal irritation (cron's, diverticulitis, prolapses) also, get them to stay off nuts, seeds, iceburg lettuce, fats like gravy until it is healed.

Well this should get you started, hope it helps.

Yours in Health,

Kathy Darla J Hart <djhart52@...> wrote:

Any ideas on what would be the first thing you would look for in a personcomplaining with stomach hurting all the time?djhart52@...________________________________________________________________The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!............................................

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Dear Darla:

I would check for blood stains on his shirt or her blouse.

I would then start asking a lot more questions. Remember, at some level, they know what the problem is and if you go a bit deeper, they can discover the positive intent of their body for this sort of communicaton. The QXCI could be very helpful in opening new avenues of discovery also. Good luck and be in touch.

Kindest Regards,



Any ideas on what would be the first thing you would look for in a personcomplaining with stomach hurting all the time?djhart52@...________________________________________________________________The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!............................................

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Helicobacter (H.pylori)

Someone making them feel sick

Sugar intake


Gall Stones

Closed Solar Plexus

pH imbalance

The list goes on any other symptoms?


Any ideas on what would be the first thing you would look for in a personcomplaining with stomach hurting all the time?djhart52@...________________________________________________________________The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!............................................

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