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I'm sure she'll do fine with all the prayers we've got going on. Good to hear from you and I hope you are coming through all this ok. I know you are a tough one, but it's been quite a lot piled on you in the past year, I hope you have managed to give the load to your higher power to carry for you. I know I usually have to carry it around myself for a while before I can let go. -dz-

diane214@... wrote: Good Morning Everyone,It is 4:45am and I can not sleep..... I have been saying prayers forJan..... She will be fine.. With all of us behind her it is impossiblenot to be.... I've been there and done that too.... Looks like most ofus women here have had the same surgery!!! I was 33 when I had mine.I want to Thank Everyone for being here for me at this time.... It meansa lot. ;o Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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It's good seeing you in here Diane. I have been keeping you in my prayers, will be glad when your back on more offten.


diane214@... wrote: Good Morning Everyone,It is 4:45am and I can not sleep..... I have been saying prayers forJan..... She will be fine.. With all of us behind her it is impossiblenot to be.... I've been there and done that too.... Looks like most ofus women here have had the same surgery!!! I was 33 when I had mine.I want to Thank Everyone for being here for me at this time.... It meansa lot. ;o Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Glad to hear you are feeling just a bit better anyway. As I went out the door this am with our two Shih Tzu for the morning constitutionals I noted there is a special quality of spring out my door. Is springtime comeing to the Rockies? Oh I hope so.... I am ready.... Re: [ ] (unknown) Hi All of you wonderful people I haven't been online for quite some time...... due to being sickly!? Ever since Sat. I've been feeling -under the weather- Actually spent the past few days in bed!! It's my darn ol' abdominal pains- back to torment me again--God! How I hate feelin' lousy!! Started feeling a bit better this evening & am now trying to play 'catch-up' with my emails!! I'm hoping to make it outdoors by tomorrow????? I'm getting 'cabin fever'! Hope everyone is doing OK!!! arlene Terry Long wrote: I sure hope so, the only messages I have this morning are from you. But at least I have those. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Thanks Terry..It's nice to be loved even when I don't know what I'm talkin about half the time..Looks like got their stuff together huh?? Bout time..

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Well I wish I'd of thought to think someone would be up .... you were young as well for the surgery. At my age when I had it done that wasn't even young. I was lucky to have married early in life or I would not have had the kids Re: [ ] (unknown) Good Morning Everyone,It is 4:45am and I can not sleep..... I have been saying prayers forJan..... She will be fine.. With all of us behind her it is impossiblenot to be.... I've been there and done that too.... Looks like most ofus women here have had the same surgery!!! I was 33 when I had mine.I want to Thank Everyone for being here for me at this time.... It meansa lot. ;o Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Hi Michele...My PA manifested itself primarily in my hands also. I found that

Cortisone shots to the affected joints helped quite a bit at first but it has to

be done by an RD who really knows how. I had the most aggressive case of PA in

the hands my RD had ever seen. It was devastating to me because I am a

guitarist. In a year and a half I eventually had 9 joints affected on both

hands. I tried Sulfasalasine, MTX, and even 10 months on Minocine and

Nystantin. I also took Viox or Celebrex throughout the ordeal. Eventually,

during my worst and last flare, I went on Enbrel. Enbrel has been my miracle

drug. I had immediate improvement and have been on it since last June. I am in

near total reemission and take nothing for pain. I have 2 joints in my right

index finger that have permanent joint damage from before going on Enbrel. I

went from not being able to pick up an instrument to playing again. I have to

work around that troublesome finger but I'm immeasurably better than I was. I

only regret not being able to go on Enbrel sooner. If you are getting " C "

fingers I would suggest thinking about Remicaide or Enbrel or one of the other

TNF inhibitor drugs coming out now. Once the damage is there it is

irreversible. I worried quite a bit about being an Enbrel junky and you are

close to half my age. It's a quality of life thing. I think the benefit

justifies the risk since I had not much of a life with the pain and disability

and I am nearly normal now.

RGDS Ronnie E.

[ ] (unknown)


my name is michele and i just joined this group. i am

25 years old and have had psoriatic arthritis since i

was 20 (didnt really realize it till then at least!).

i dont think i have a *terrible* case of it, but it's

enough that i have some physical deformity from it

(fingers) and i live in some varying degree of

constant pain that i just deal with (as im sure all of

you can understand). as of a month or so ago only my

right index finger was deformed and the rest of my

symptoms were " unseen " (but surley felt!). well as of

the past month or so my left middle finger has swelled

-- and i just dont really know what to do about it.

it scares me to think of where i will be in 5 or 10

years from now (when i want to have children and all

that). i am currently taking relafen and have been on

3 other meds in the past few years that eventually

stopped working. i have seen that you all have

mentioned enebrel -- what is that? is this something

that i should be aware of?

well it seems i have rambled on and on ... just wanted

to say hello and introduce myself (and i hate to bore

my friends/family with these issues -- i know things

could be a whole lot worse, and i AM thankful for


well thanks for listening ... my AIM name is Miro127

if anyone's interested.



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well been asleep legs bothering me today and my back but it is ok i deal with it well i think i try to gt out today and feel the wind on my face and read a book i like siting outside and reading books as long as there are not to much noise arou8nd from cares that boters me and distrubs my constration and i realy kneed it to read lol take care fo your self

-----Original Message-----From: angelbear1129@... [mailto:angelbear1129@...]Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 1:22 AM Subject: Re: (unknown)Me, Me, Meeeee, I want to see a pic of you and that famous wheelchair !!! :o) How are you doing this fine sunny day ??? ((( Angel Hugs ))) Helen ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Would you happen to know how I would get ahold of Dan Burton's committee?

Also, on my sons amino acid analysis , urine,

he showed :

Serine L295 ref 336-822

Glutamine L418 ref 460-1176

Alanine L209 ref 239-813

Cystine L29 ref 35-97

Methione L20 ref 44-177

The lab was Mass General Hospital in Boston. If this was your child what

would you supplement with?

Thanks, Rawlings

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--- In @y..., " & Jack Rawlings " <jamaraw@a...>


> Andy,

> Would you happen to know how I would get ahold of Dan Burton's


Not directly, but it should be easy to find out by calling your own

congressional represenative. Writing to the committee or Burton at US

House of Represenatives, Washington, DC 20515 probably works too.


> Also, on my sons amino acid analysis , urine,

> he showed :

> Serine L295 ref 336-822

> Glutamine L418 ref 460-1176

> Alanine L209 ref 239-813

> Cystine L29 ref 35-97

> Methione L20 ref 44-177

> The lab was Mass General Hospital in Boston. If this was your child


> would you supplement with?

I don't know. I don't understand how to use the urine amino test very

well. Usually the list they give at the end of the test report is

helpful for 1-3 months.

> Thanks, R

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I have tried numerous times to call Jan's house......... There is never

an answer..... I will keep trying tho'.......

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Of course you've also got to imagine that he was real and that the rest

of us believe that. I never cared for snake handling myself because

snakes are so dumb. Still I'll never forget my Rosie Boa, it was stupid

but was a good pet.



Can you imagine?

The day as he wept, for one and for all,

that he knelt in the garden, and blood did flow.

Can you imagine the pain he must have felt

with thorns in his head, as he walked to the


Can you imagine experiencing that darkness of day

Knowing Jesus hung there with so few words to


Can you imagine his side, warm blood dripping


And tears on his cheeks, way up on that mound?

So many years, even centuries have passed us by,

for the man who gave all, and is admired on High.

-Debi Hoggan

copyright © 3/31/2002


hogganclan on EBAY

4 The " U " sual & " UN " usual in sales visit


Do U Want to sell online? Join a

growing listserv 4 independence!



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Hi Terry-.... It's 'rare' night when I CAN

sleep. Dr doesn't want me taking sleep aids but only 2 times per

week... & pain med about the same(actually he doesn't like me taking

any of them) But after you've been wide awake for 40+ hrs at a stretch...

something's gotta give....... he relates it as me going 'gung-ho' for 3

+ days & then it's like I 'crash into a cement wall'!!! He is

now thinking it's some sort of 'reverse enceph.' as the longer I'm

awake the better my brain functions - I get a memory boost - & I'm sharp

as a tack in my responses. or maybe I should say my reaction time

is very quick!!

But I sure hate going so long w/o sleep

& my body gets soooo tired & achy!

All we can do is hope for the better....who

wants to waste they're life away sleepin' anyway<g>???????


Terry Long wrote:

Arlene. I am sorry you haven't been feeling well. I have

had the last several nights & haven't been able to sleep.


ACE <arken@...> wrote:


All of you wonderful people

I haven't been online for quite some time...... due to being sickly!?

Ever since Sat. I've been feeling -under the weather- Actually spent

the past few days in bed!! It's my darn ol' abdominal pains- back to

torment me again--God! How I hate feelin' lousy!! Started feeling a

bit better this evening & am now trying to play 'catch-up' with



I'm hoping to make it outdoors by tomorrow????? I'm getting 'cabin


Hope everyone is doing OK!!!


Terry Long wrote:



> I sure hope so, the only messages I have this morning are from you.

> But at least I have those.


> Terry


> Jannewilms42@... wrote:


> Thanks Terry..It's nice to be loved even when I don't know

> what I'm talkin about half the time..Looks like got

> their stuff together huh?? Bout time..



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Spring has most definitely SPRUNG here in the NW....... we haven't had

too much rain of late- but lots of clouds(dark ones) But my trees

are budding out & some of the flowers are blooming.....Down the hill

from us the cherry trees are in full blossom---- but it takes a while

longer for us to get our trees blooming-- we are about 1000 ft higher up

here.......they didn't even get any snow down there & we got 5" here

& that was just about 10 days ago!!

I had moss growing on our deck & I fixed it as the snow was melting

around us--didn't get the parts that still had snow on it.....I had tried

that Moss Kill stuff on it & the moss just grew on top of it....so

this time I used laundry detergent & that fixed it...... of course

now we have to borrow the folk's pressure washer to get rid of it all

Oh I didn't tell you the deck is covered with indoo/outdoor carpeting

& that makes it just a bit harder to get rid of... I wish now I'd had

the roofing tiles put on it(I had lots of it left over from when we had

the roof redone in '97....no moss will grow on it!!!!



Glad to hear you are feeling just a bit better

anyway. As I went out the door this am with our twoShih Tzu for the

morning constitutionals I noted there is a special quality of spring out

my door.Is springtime comeing to the Rockies? Oh I hope so....

I am ready....

Re: [ ]


Hi All of you wonderful people

I haven't been online for quite some time......

due to being sickly!? Ever since Sat. I've been feeling -under the

weather- Actually spent the past few days in bed!! It's my

darn ol' abdominal pains- back to torment me again--God! How I hate

feelin' lousy!! Started feeling a bit better this evening & am

now trying to play 'catch-up' with my emails!!

I'm hoping to make it outdoors by tomorrow?????

I'm getting 'cabin fever'!

Hope everyone is doing OK!!!


Terry Long wrote:

I sure hope so, the only messages I have this morning are

from you. But at least I have those.


Jannewilms42@... wrote:


Terry..It's nice to be loved even when I don't know what I'm talkin about

half the time..Looks like got their stuff together huh?? Bout time..

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Our trees are starting to get buds but no blooms on them as yet. I eagerly await true spring I did see some crocus in bloom today so it can't be long. Moss grows on the deck or the dec carpet? That sounds rather unusual to me. Re: [ ] (unknown) Hi All of you wonderful people I haven't been online for quite some time...... due to being sickly!? Ever since Sat. I've been feeling -under the weather- Actually spent the past few days in bed!! It's my darn ol' abdominal pains- back to torment me again--God! How I hate feelin' lousy!! Started feeling a bit better this evening & am now trying to play 'catch-up' with my emails!! I'm hoping to make it outdoors by tomorrow????? I'm getting 'cabin fever'! Hope everyone is doing OK!!! arlene Terry Long wrote: I sure hope so, the only messages I have this morning are from you. But at least I have those. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Thanks Terry..It's nice to be loved even when I don't know what I'm talkin about half the time..Looks like got their stuff together huh?? Bout time..

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actually ---both!!!! Moss grows on everything up here Heck

we've even got the 'green slime'(precursor to the actual moss) on all 3

of our vehicles!!! & it's not the lack of washing or waxing either.....I

just had my truck washed & waxed just 2 weeks ago!!!!! In the

summertime I do this myself- but when it's cold out I take to the 'hand-wash'




Our trees are starting to get buds but no blooms

on them as yet. I eagerly await true spring I didsee some crocus

in bloom today so it can't be long. Moss grows on the

deck or the dec carpet?That sounds rather unusual to me.

Re: [ ]


Hi All of you wonderful people

I haven't been online for quite some time......

due to being sickly!? Ever since Sat. I've been feeling -under the

weather- Actually spent the past few days in bed!! It's my

darn ol' abdominal pains- back to torment me again--God! How I hate

feelin' lousy!! Started feeling a bit better this evening & am

now trying to play 'catch-up' with my emails!!

I'm hoping to make it outdoors by tomorrow?????

I'm getting 'cabin fever'!

Hope everyone is doing OK!!!


Terry Long wrote:

I sure hope so, the only messages I have this morning are

from you. But at least I have those.


Jannewilms42@... wrote:


Terry..It's nice to be loved even when I don't know what I'm talkin about

half the time..Looks like got their stuff together huh?? Bout time..

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Gasp well remind me if I ever come to visit to move about frequently, Green is not my color. Seriously.... thats awful. Re: [ ] (unknown) Hi All of you wonderful people I haven't been online for quite some time...... due to being sickly!? Ever since Sat. I've been feeling -under the weather- Actually spent the past few days in bed!! It's my darn ol' abdominal pains- back to torment me again--God! How I hate feelin' lousy!! Started feeling a bit better this evening & am now trying to play 'catch-up' with my emails!! I'm hoping to make it outdoors by tomorrow????? I'm getting 'cabin fever'! Hope everyone is doing OK!!! arlene Terry Long wrote: I sure hope so, the only messages I have this morning are from you. But at least I have those. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Thanks Terry..It's nice to be loved even when I don't know what I'm talkin about half the time..Looks like got their stuff together huh?? Bout time..

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... I know you are starting this out of frustration but it is a good thing.

That is exactly what you should do if you are not happy ... you should always

seek someplace that will make you happy! This group was created because the

group we were in lost all sight of weight loss.... it became totally off topic &

everyone started fighting.... Some of us wanted a place to go to get support for

weight loss... Yes it does mean discussing bad relationships and injuries & even

the weather... Because God knows I can use anything as an excuse to eat right


Holmes wrote:



> So for those of you looking for a FUN group, who can discuss OFF TOPIC things

I have created a group which actually CARES about what you have to say, and

won't ridicule you when you have something you would like to share with the rest

of us!! :) The group is called 101Weight Losers. I would love to have you join.

I am not asking any of you to leave this group. Just letting you know there is

an open invite for those interested.


> Now I'm off to get ready for work and have a glass of crystal lite because I

for one am tired of water!! :)




> ---------------------------------


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Correct me if I am wrong if I should come for a visit and if I should stand in the rain for a month or more. Yous gonna consider me as laundry and break out the soap? After a month I'm thinking I am going to need soap.... LOL Fluffy Re: [ ] (unknown) Hi All of you wonderful people I haven't been online for quite some time...... due to being sickly!? Ever since Sat. I've been feeling -under the weather- Actually spent the past few days in bed!! It's my darn ol' abdominal pains- back to torment me again--God! How I hate feelin' lousy!! Started feeling a bit better this evening & am now trying to play 'catch-up' with my emails!! I'm hoping to make it outdoors by tomorrow????? I'm getting 'cabin fever'! Hope everyone is doing OK!!! arlene Terry Long wrote: I sure hope so, the only messages I have this morning are from you. But at least I have those. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Thanks Terry..It's nice to be loved even when I don't know what I'm talkin about half the time..Looks like got their stuff together huh?? Bout time..

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HA! oingers and old goats for the blackberries. I am sure though you would tire of the rian Re: [ ] (unknown) Hi All of you wonderful people I haven't been online for quite some time...... due to being sickly!? Ever since Sat. I've been feeling -under the weather- Actually spent the past few days in bed!! It's my darn ol' abdominal pains- back to torment me again--God! How I hate feelin' lousy!! Started feeling a bit better this evening & am now trying to play 'catch-up' with my emails!! I'm hoping to make it outdoors by tomorrow????? I'm getting 'cabin fever'! Hope everyone is doing OK!!! arlene Terry Long wrote: I sure hope so, the only messages I have this morning are from you. But at least I have those. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Thanks Terry..It's nice to be loved even when I don't know what I'm talkin about half the time..Looks like got their stuff together huh?? Bout time..

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O, Elissa! Thank you for this wonderful, lively, fantastically

supportive post from way back when, and also for your more latest

personal email which I still have not answered. What an engaging and

inspiring writer and person you are.

And , thank you for your recent letter, too. I have really

deteriorated as a correspondent not to mention as " moderator " of this

list (not that this list appears to need one! -- carry on, all you

great people with your great posts!).

Mea culpa. I would promise to do better, but I may not keep such a

promise. I am a bit of a slacker lately, that's for sure, but am

trying to give myself room to be a little irresponsible and lazy even

now, 3 whole months after surgery. (At least till I get myself on the

weekly Fosamax -- sp.? -- as prescribed. Yup, I seem to have

developed a rip-roaring case of early osteoporosis on top of the

other stuff. Time to rebuild a little bone density!)

Regardless, everyone here remains in my love and thoughts and

prayers, every day. Thank you again, feisty folks, for all that you

write, and for all that you are . . . .


-- In @y..., " Elissa K. " <elissa@p...>


> Eliana (and all, since this is a public note) --


> A quick, quick note that may be no help at all.


> Regardless of whether she's right or wrong about your beloved

chair, anyone

> who is coming into your house to revile and shame you should be


> immediately and replaced with someone sympathetic, caring, and

helpful, and

> who, if she thinks the chair is a bad idea, will say so in a way

that takes

> your feelings into consideration. Period, the end. This person

needs to be

> gone. I know it may be extremely hard, especially in your state of

> increased vulnerability, but sheesh!. . . .

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Terry I have a confession to make I even left the back row today and started looking in ever nook and cranny I could think of to find you all. I miss everyone. Fluffy headed for the back row to wait till more show up. [ ] (unknown) Where is every one today? Terry

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Hello Everyone...... ;o

I was not home yesterday........ Had to go and get Homeownes Ins.

because I had been dropped for non payment..... Funny thing is that my

Mortgage Co. is taking it from my Mortgage payment and didn't pay it....

I have not been covered since last June. I am so glad that nothing

happened or I would be in big trouble........ I do intend to call them

on Monday (Mortgage Co.).... I just called the ins. co to ask a question

and found out they dropped me..... Imagine That!!!!!!!!! Hope everyone

has a good week-end. ;o

Waving Atcha from


in the back row with Fluffy...

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Hi Diane. That stinks. I would be calling the the Mortgage Co & be all over their backside. Yelling till I got the $$$ they took for insurance & didn't pay. Then an a apology. They would remember me for a long time to come.


diane214@... wrote: Hello Everyone...... ;oI was not home yesterday........ Had to go and get Homeownes Ins.because I had been dropped for non payment..... Funny thing is that myMortgage Co. is taking it from my Mortgage payment and didn't pay it....I have not been covered since last June. I am so glad that nothinghappened or I would be in big trouble........ I do intend to call themon Monday (Mortgage Co.).... I just called the ins. co to ask a questionand found out they dropped me..... Imagine That!!!!!!!!! Hope everyonehas a good week-end. ;oWaving Atcha fromN.J.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in the back row with Fluffy... Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Holy Smokes I'd be mad as a hatter what if........ well don't even go there on the what ifs the least that morgage company owes you is a whole lot of premiums. Not to mention apologies. Oh man that could have been disasterous. Fluffy in the back row waving back from Colorado. Re: [ ] (unknown) Hello Everyone...... ;oI was not home yesterday........ Had to go and get Homeownes Ins.because I had been dropped for non payment..... Funny thing is that myMortgage Co. is taking it from my Mortgage payment and didn't pay it....I have not been covered since last June. I am so glad that nothinghappened or I would be in big trouble........ I do intend to call themon Monday (Mortgage Co.).... I just called the ins. co to ask a questionand found out they dropped me..... Imagine That!!!!!!!!! Hope everyonehas a good week-end. ;oWaving Atcha fromN.J.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in the back row with Fluffy... Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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