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Can we please stop these emails about vaccines - we do not know what causes autism so please stop bashing each other. One fascinating point however is that the remainder of the vaccines that had thimerosol in them were sent to third world countries instead of being thrown outand you know what is happening the rate of autism has quadrupled in those countries.


Re: Re: vaccines

Who are the 'experts' on autism but the parents. She's got a better track record with her son than the doctors do.

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On Aug 27, 2010, at 9:16 PM, sunrose101@... wrote: I figure You must be speaking of Offit, also known as the most well paid spokesperson for the vaccine industry. Hmm. Think he might have a vested interest? Offit is also: Division of Infectious Diseases, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the inventor of the vaccine against rotavirus "a diarrheal disease that kills 600,000 children a year in poor countries" (NY Times, 1/12/2009). He speaks out against the idea that vaccines cause autism, and he's not alone. Others? " a few years ago this ceased to be a civil scientific discourse and became about crucifying individuals,” said Dr. A. Poland, chief of vaccine research at the Mayo Clinic, who says he has had threats against his children."; "“If the surgeon general or the secretary of health or the head of the C.D.C. would come out and make a really strong statement on this, I think the whole thing would go away,” said Dr. J. Hotez, president of the Sabin Vaccine Institute, who has a severely autistic daughter whose disease, he argues, is genetic"; "acting surgeon general, Dr. K. Galson, issued a statement saying that “childhood immunizations are one of the greatest achievements of all time” and that “scientific evidence clearly shows that vaccines do not contribute to autism.” I don't think all these people have a vested interest in anything but making sure children remain healthy. And to suggest that they would condemn children to autism is silly at best and paranoid at worst. If You feel vaccines are so good, why weren't your kids vaccinated? The mmr isn't the only vaccination.My daughter didn't get the MMR because it was not available in OK in 1970. Before she could get them once they became available, she'd already had the diseases. My son didn't get them because he got the diseases instead...from his sister. Both my kids had the oral Sabin polio vaccine, the dpt, the tetanus boosters, and my son the hepatitis vaccines. As did I. As did all 5 of my brothers and sisters (all younger than me). As did all 250 of my cousins on my mom's side. Louie is the only autistic person in our family. By your estimation, there should be several more. There are not. Unvaccinated people don't have to die of a disease; again, I'm referring You to Pasteur's words on the 'germ theory' he had so vigorously promulgated. You are confusing germs, aka bacteria, with virii. They are not the same thing. Polio, mumps, measles (both kinds), hepatitis C, pertussis are causes by virii. Dyptheria and hepatitis A is caused by germs. That's scientific fact, proved over and over again., I would like you to provide a scientific citation (that is, not one from a naturopath or a chiropractor, all of whom have their own adjendas) proving that Pasteur denied germ theory. A web address will do. I am glad You are so active in your church, and am sure You are a great help to many. And being grounded in a religion that grew from wonderful God healings, why do You dismiss them as 'luck'? I don't. You didn't say that you prayed that God would not give you polio. You said you didn't get it. Luck. And I am old enough to know that sometimes God has his own plans and the answer to a prayer is "no." Otherwise, I would not be suffering through Hepatitis C (that's viral hepatitis for which there is no cure) and all the things that go with it. My belief is not grounded in healings. It is grounded in faith, which does not need healings as proof. Besides, how do you know that God's answer to myriad prayers was not vaccines? Annie annie@...---A person should be like a watch--open-faced, busy hands, well-regulated, and full of good works. --- Roy B. Zuck

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I don't know if here in Oregon you can say you don't want them without

any proof. I know when they sent home notices a couple of times with my

grandkids it said they would be taken out of school on such and such a

date if they did not bring proof of their vaccinations being up to date.

They keep very good track of such things and with ours they had all

their shots but needed a booster, which we took the kids to get and had

the doctor's office sign the notice, so they could stay in school and

not be sent home that day.

I didn't see a line where the parent could just say they don't believe

in them...

Should look into that I guess, could it be some states are stricter than



tsm919@... wrote:


> There are loopholes that force the schools to allow unvaccinated

> children into school - these loopholes require no proof - they are

> religious or medically excused - so anyone can say its againt my

> religion to have my child vaccinated. I think you would be surprised

> how many kids who are in school are unvaccinated.

> Suzanne

> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


> vaccines

> >

> > oldest has Aspergers and now I have to get the second MMR for my

> > youngest (5) I am terrified to get the 3 in one shot but it seems

> > that's all my doctors are offering, Do I get it being that she is 5

> > and past that crutial 3 year old milestone????? Please help. Any

> > feedback would be appreciated?

> >



> ------------------------------------



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Please restrict your discussion of vaccines (or most other subjects)

to sharing your experience or thoughts.  There is no need to call

other people names or attack their intelligence.  I will not be

approving any posts that do so, and if you are currently unmoderated

and your posts go straight to the group, you will be placed on

moderation if you do so.

Thank you


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I have been reading all these posts about autism possibly being caused

by vaccinations and it is interesting to me how people express

themselves and I don't mind it at all, not even the drama. Because the

truth is though that nobody knows if there is any connection with autism

and vaccinations. In fact I just heard on the radio today that one more

research study showed they did NOT cause it. What research does is build

a body of evidence, and with more and more studies not a shred of

evidence is going that direction that vaccines are causing autism, not

saying it may not some day but it is not looking good for them being the

cause at this point.

I did think it was a valid point below that Marilyn made that it is a

" spectrum " . My son has it, as well as a lot of other things, such as

seizures, and one of his first cousin, the fathers are brothers, was

born with a birth defect, cleft palate, and had surgery young in life

and then developed really severe autism, would not give eye contact,

etc. Seems there is some genetic link...although my son was born with no

birth defects and developed normally until the seizures began about age

3, after that it was downhill.

And I do agree that many people are not rational and not educated. I too

have a MS, well had to get the BS first of course, from the University

or Oregon and all it does is teach people to think more on a rational

basis than emotion, that assumptions have to be back up with evidence. I

know a lot of people are against that, my own mom is 92 and you should

hear her opinions, she is very down on doctors, hospitals, medicines,

pharmaceutical companies, politicians, etc., just about everything and

seems to have no idea what I am talking about when I say things must be

proven by evidence and not opinion. Don't get me wrong my mom is a very

intelligent woman still lives alone and takes care of herself at her age....

Anyway I was raised to be just like her and to go with my assumptions

and opinions, if I thought it then it HAD to be true...but I changed. I

went to college.

Carolyn ;o)

tsm919@... wrote:



> Thank you Marilyn...I was going to respond the same as you (except my

> IQ isn't quite as high as yours LOL!). I am a teacher and my daughter

> is 16 with high-functioning Asperger's. I don't appreciate being

> called an idiot or that I didn't do my research. On the contrary, I

> research everything related to my childrens' health and well-being and

> the more I read, the more evidence I find that ignorance breeds

> ignorance. Thank you for your well voiced response. I applaud you!


> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> *From: * marilyn <onebusytwinmom@...>

> *Sender: * Autism and Aspergers Treatment

> *Date: *Sat, 28 Aug 2010 08:26:34 -0700 (PDT)

> **<Autism and Aspergers Treatment >

> *Reply* Autism and Aspergers Treatment

> *Subject: *Re: vaccines



> I don't see anything " open-minded " about your post, whereas I think my

> post was even-handed. And don't assume we are sheeple or brainwashed

> or don't do our homework, just because we may draw different

> conclusions than you from the information out there. Given that I have

> a Masters Degree and an IQ of 130, I'm not an idiot. I didn't say I

> buy into everything the Gov't or the Doctors tell me, but I also don't

> buy into the hysteria of " its all the fault of vaccines " . I don't

> accept Hysteria and POSTS LIKE THIS!!!!!! as facts. I deal in facts

> and hard evidence. There is no simple answer, and we don't know what

> the definitive answer is as to the cause(s) of Autism. It's entirely

> possible vaccines may play a role **in some cases** of autism--but

> there is no hard evidence. You yourself admitted it's half genetic in

> your own case. Parents have to make educated choices. But given that

> the decision to vaccinate, or not, is a MEDICAL choice, it should be

> made between a family and their health care providers, not a bunch of

> hysterical screaming people online. You can hate vaccines all you

> like, and it's your choice. You don't have the right to name call or

> judge others who make different decisions. You are not God.


> It's impossible to know if a child has autism at birth. Symptoms don't

> show up until 15m+ of age, because that's when you start noticing that

> milestones are being missed. My son was always " normal " as far as

> milestones went. He's so high-functioning, we couldn't get a

> definitive diagnosis until he was 7. We always knew something was

> " off " but nothing anyone could really identify. (He has a gifted IQ

> but is socially clueless). He makes good eye contact. He has a good

> sense of humor. If you met him, you'd just think he's a bit quirky.

> But we always knew, from infancy, that something was not quite right.

> But nothing you could put a finger on. I've now been dealing with

> Autism for close to 10 years. I'm not a moron, and I'm fairly well

> read on the subject, including any number of professional reference

> works. I don't claim to be any kind of expert, other than an expert on

> my own son, but I do grasp the basics.


> The important thing to also remember is here is that Autism is a

> SPECTRUM disorder. It runs a very wide range, from HFA (like my son)

> to non-verbal non-functional children. Just as there are probably

> several different causes of Autism, there are many different forms of

> Autism. One size does not fit all. So GFCF diet may work wonders for

> Kid A, and be useless for Kid B. Not vaccinating your child may be the

> right choice for your family, but you don't have the right to scare

> the pants off everyone else screaming it will harm ALL children,

> because it's simply not true, and can cause harm. Again, parents need

> to do their research, talk to their doctors, and make the decision

> that is best for their own family. But they don't get to scare,

> threaten, yell at, or judge other parents who reach different

> decisions. That's those parents right and privilege.


> I don't understand this need to " blame " someone for " causing " autism,

> instead of simply focusing on helping our children. I know I only have

> so much energy and time in my day, and it's devoted to my children. I

> don't have the time or the energy to carry irrational anger. I need to

> devote what time and energy I do have to my son and daughter.


> Peace.


> Marilyn


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> *From:* <chrispix525@...>

> *To:* " Autism and Aspergers Treatment "

> <Autism and Aspergers Treatment >

> *Sent:* Sat, August 28, 2010 6:42:39 AM

> *Subject:* Re: vaccines



> Okay I need to chime here. No one seems to be talking about the fact

> that there are children out there w/ ASD whom DID NOT pop outta mommy

> w/autism. Maybe no one here has heard of regressive autism. Funny how

> we have video of my child developing normally making all his

> milestones up until 13 months of age, then he received his MMR

> shot.... He had a fever that night and was sick for several days

> after. Well as most of you might guess he started regressing. It took

> us 4 months lata to understand what happened.

> So to ALL of you vaccine thumping people whom are brain washed and

> apparently DONT do your research, shame on you!!!

> I've been a stay @ home dad for 4 yrs with my son. It's been more than

> a trying experience BUT it has opened my eyes to many of the things

> wrong on this planet. eVERYTHING is about money!!!! I live right down

> the road from aventis which is the worlds leading manufacturer of

> vaccines. If u thought the so called " swine flu " was anything more

> than a total SCAM then YOU have serious problems. I honestly don't

> even think it ever existed except in the media. : )

> Funny how they had to throw out millions of doses they never used.

> Why? Cause people were starting to catch on to the scam realizing that

> BIG PHARMA only wants ur money they care nothing about us sheeple!!!!

> I understand I'll get shit for posting this but it seems there isn't

> anyone whose keeping an open mind about this topic. I'm not a crazed

> parent looking to blame the boogey man... We ARE certain that genetics

> plays a role in autism ( my wifes side) and the other half of it (

> vaccines) was the trigger.

> I could go deep into this subject.. But I'll leave it @ this..

> We will never vaccinate ourselves or our child!!!

> Get educated people


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I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, however, my son who is 2 now, was doing fine and actually developing faster than normal until he received the 3 in 1 vaccine. One day me and my husband noticed that he wasn't using his words. At first I thought he was being stubborn, until I realized that he no longer knew how to say the words he once learned. He would also do a lot of spinning and not wanting to play with kids his own age. I am glad that we decided to take him to his PCP to get a more thorough check up and she referred us to a developmental specialist and a psychologist; they are the ones that diagnosed him with Autism. I am not looking to blame anyone but I know this didn't just fall out of the sky.....................


From: Autism and Aspergers Treatment [mailto:Autism and Aspergers Treatment ] On Behalf Of ChrisSent: Saturday, August 28, 2010 6:43 AMAutism and Aspergers Treatment Subject: Re: vaccines

Okay I need to chime here. No one seems to be talking about the fact that there are children out there w/ ASD whom DID NOT pop outta mommy w/autism. Maybe no one here has heard of regressive autism. Funny how we have video of my child developing normally making all his milestones up until 13 months of age, then he received his MMR shot.... He had a fever that night and was sick for several days after. Well as most of you might guess he started regressing. It took us 4 months lata to understand what happened.

So to ALL of you vaccine thumping people whom are brain washed and apparently DONT do your research, shame on you!!!

I've been a stay @ home dad for 4 yrs with my son. It's been more than a trying experience BUT it has opened my eyes to many of the things wrong on this planet. eVERYTHING is about money!!!! I live right down the road from aventis which is the worlds leading manufacturer of vaccines. If u thought the so called "swine flu" was anything more than a total SCAM then YOU have serious problems. I honestly don't even think it ever existed except in the media. : )

Funny how they had to throw out millions of doses they never used. Why? Cause people were starting to catch on to the scam realizing that BIG PHARMA only wants ur money they care nothing about us sheeple!!!!

I understand I'll get shit for posting this but it seems there isn't anyone whose keeping an open mind about this topic. I'm not a crazed parent looking to blame the boogey man... We ARE certain that genetics plays a role in autism ( my wifes side) and the other h alf of it ( vaccines) was the trigger.

I could go deep into this subject.. But I'll leave it @ this..

We will never vaccinate ourselves or our child!!!

Get educated people

Another "crazed" vaccine hater. ; )

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 28, 2010, at 12:53 AM, marilyn <onebusytwinmom@...> wrote:

Thanks Carolyn ;-)There's a lot of propaganda out there, on both sides. The last place I'd trust for viable scientific information would be 99% of the websites in existence. People want something to blame. But focusing on one thing takes away the open mindedness of looking for real causes. Most of these websites have an agenda, often political, on both sides. Since I frankly don't trust 99% of anything coming out of the Relgious Right, I can discount a good proportion of it there. I think Christ as the most benevolent and compassionate of men and He must be horrified at what calls itself Christianity in too many cases these days. I see little benevolence and no compassion.No, I don't trust every word a doctor utters, no more than anyone else. I do trust that the majority of them are hard working, studied their art and science, and want what is best for their patients. They are partners in health care. They know a lot. I know a lot. We work together to make educated decisions. I learned at a young age that medicine is often more art than science and educated guesses are mostly what we work with.I think environmental toxins combined with a paricualr DNA sequence are probably the root cause of much of what we now call Autism. I'm sure my husband would be diagnosed as HFA/Aspergers, so is it a wonder our son is? They are also both left-handed and have curly hair. Puberty is also onsetting very early in girls, do we blame vaccines for that? I think it's more likely the food supply. Are we supposed to stop eating? We all do the best we can with what we have. In other words, I don't believe there is a simple answer, ie don't vaccinate your child and all will be well. I don't think vaccines cause it, and I don't think not vacinnating prevents it. Because we simply do not yet know the cause(s). As to someone who's never been vaccinated and who has escaped major illness--you can thank God all you like. I say you've just been lucky. I know just as many Christians (and others from other faiths) who can tell horrific stories of major illness and disease. A good friend of mine, devout since her youth, is wheel chair bound with a rare disease call Ehlers-Danlos. No cure. There have been prayers and fasts galore for her good health. How DARE anyone think they are more blessed or more deserving than she. Yet she is pain 24/7/365. She lives with a morphine pump. 3 other friends, all devout, are battling breast cancer. One is terminal end-stage. Claiming one is "blessed" because they have enjoyed good health is the HEIGHT of insensitive. It's like being at the scene of a school bus crash, where half the kids died. The parents of surviving children run around claiming they were "blessed" and their children are alive. WHAT horrific, insensitive message does that send to the parents whose child died? It's a stupid, specious argument. I'm sure God does bless us each in His own way, in His own time. But here's a newsflash--you are no more special than any of the rest of us. Stuff happens. It's part of the human condition.BTW, it was a doctor who told me any of us can develop an allergy to anything at any time. So your amoxycillin episode wasn't unusual. But does that mean it should be eliminated from the planet? of course not. I'm getting sick and tired of the Vaccine bogeyman. Countless children will pay a serious price for their parents decisions. Make whatever decision you think is best for your child. But don't hand out medical advice to other people unless you hold an M.D. A parent should discuss the decision to vaccinate or not with their spouse and their doctor and make an educated decision. But don't take the word of strangers on the internet, from EITHER side of the discussion. And most certainly don't take the word of a vapid pseudo-celebrity on a talk show. Famous does not equate knowledgeable.


From: Carolyn <charper777@...>Autism and Aspergers Treatment Sent: Fri, August 27, 2010 9:27:29 PMSubject: Re: vaccinesHere! Here! Marilyn, I agree with your post, like your attitude. I was thinking that Scarlet Fever is caused by the strep infection isn't it, when not treated with antibiotics it can go to the heart valves. My son Marty used to get strep throat as a kid, he was a carrier so when he started to get sick I had to make the doctor do a throat culture because he didn't have the usual symptoms yet. I just knew it. More than once he had to go on amoxicillin.But here is something to add to the mix, I got allergic to amoxicillin a few years ago, and had anaphalatic shock and had to go to the hospital in an ambulance! Shish! So don't take that anymore needless to say, was even afraid of taking any antibiotic ever again but finally had to and conquered my fear, it was hard but a friend of mine got bacteria in her brain and then in her heart from an abscessed tooth and was left with seizures so when I needed clindamycin for my tooth I took it, more than once...I agree about the immigrants, we have hundreds of them here in Oregon. We have a law they have to be vaccinated before they can go to school though thank goodness!I do wonder what in the world causes autism and wish the reason would be found, probably environmental of some kind, who knows at this stage. Plastics? Won't know till scientists figure it out, I mean scientists not people with really really strong opinions.....they think the louder they shout at others the truer it gets but I have a news flash, I went to college once and in a class I took on nutrition I learned it was NOT against the law to LIE. A lot of health food propaganda and all sorts of other propaganda it is NOT against the law to spread!My tuition was worth it learning that one thing. Really I did believe if it was written quoting doctors, etc. then it was true.NOT.Carolynmarilyn wrote:> We got the MMR, we just didn't get it as one vaccine. I'm 50 and I got > Measles, Mumps and Reubella Vaccines as a child. They just weren't > lumped in one shot. But the vaccines certainly existed.>> And prayer does nothing to keep a child safe from infectious disease. > God helps those who help themselves. I see His hand in giving us these > vaccines to help protect our children against childhood diseases that > used to maim and kill millions (I remember iron lungs for those who > had polio, I remember when Scarlet Fever killed, when the Mumps could > lead to deafness or loss of life). There is no such thing as a > "normal" childhood disease or a "safe" childhood disease. Vaccines are > important. WHEN to give them and how to space them is entirely > different, but it's stupid to throw the baby out with the bathwater, > so to speak. Why not just not get it? Because children still can and > do die from these entirely preventable childhood diseases. If you want > to risk your childs life, that's your choice. I hope they don't pay > the price for your decision. Given the increased rate of immigrants in > to the USA, our exposure to these diseases is more, not less, than 50 > years ago, since many of those moving here were not vaccinated.>> We all make the best choices we can. Knowing diseases can maim and > kill vs vaccination against it? No brainer.>> BTW I have twins. They got vaccinated at the same time. One is > Aspergers, one isn't. I don't regret vaccinating either of them. (I > also don't believe vaccines are the root cause of autism--I just think > people want a boogie man to blame, and they've picked that one).>> YMMV.> Marilyn>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------> *From:* "sunrose101@..." <sunrose101@...>> *To:* Autism and Aspergers Treatment > *Sent:* Thu, August 26, 2010 11:58:50 PM> *Subject:* Re: vaccines>> Why not just not get it, and certainly not the 3 in 1> We all grew up just fine without the mmr vaccine, and most of the > numerous others were unknown then too.> Prayer is the most helpful.> Francine>>>> vaccines>> oldest has Aspergers and now I have to get the second MMR for my > youngest (5) I am terrified to get the 3 in one shot but it seems > that's all my doctors are offering, Do I get it being that she is 5 > and past that crutial 3 year old milestone????? Please help. Any > feedback would be appreciated?> ------------------------------------

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a vaccine injured child and have researched vaccines at length. Feel

free to email me if I can be of any benefit. I would highly recommend you read

the CDC Pink Book Appendix B which lists every vaccine and its ingredients. Its

available free on-line.



> Hello all,


> I have a nearly 5 month old daughter and need to make some decisions about

vaccines. I searched the emails in the last year or so and one had some youtube

links that are no longer accessible. I have been recommended Dr. Sears'

book--any other recommendations out there or mom's who are willing to share what

they do with their children and why?


> Thank you!


> Jill Swanson


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Hi Jill,

You may find these blog discussions helpful:






- Beth


> I have a nearly 5 month old daughter and need to make some decisions about

vaccines. I searched the emails in the last year or so and one had some youtube

links that are no longer accessible. I have been recommended Dr. Sears'

book--any other recommendations out there or mom's who are willing to share what

they do with their children and why?

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A great resource regarding childhood vaccination is:


The site was put together by Kate Birch, a practicing homeopath. Kate offers

periodic classes about how vaccination affects your child's immune system and

outlines other options if parents choose not to vaccinate.

I've attended the class as have several of my homeopathic clients attend. I

highly recommend it.

Feel free to contact me. This is something that regularly comes up in my

homeopathy practice.


Jackie Krammer

Classical Homeopath

4306 Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55409



> Hello all,


> I have a nearly 5 month old daughter and need to make some decisions about

vaccines. I searched the emails in the last year or so and one had some youtube

links that are no longer accessible. I have been recommended Dr. Sears'

book--any other recommendations out there or mom's who are willing to share what

they do with their children and why?


> Thank you!


> Jill Swanson


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Here's a link to the info Libby is referring to:



Check out the ingredients in the vaccines being recommended for your child, and

then do some Google searches on their effects on humans. I think it's also

helpful to look at the government's website about vaccine injury compensation -

these are just the known reactions that they've conceded and compensate people

for. <http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/table.htm>

I was injured by a vaccine in my early 20s, and have read everything I can get

my hands on to learn more about them. Therefore neither of my kids are

vaccinated; my kids and their unvaxed friends are SO much healthier than their

vaxed friends, it's actually very interesting.

I'm not a fan of the Dr. Sears books because I have learned that all vaccines

negatively affect the immune system - delaying them simply delays the negative

effects. I have found that supporting the immune system with healthy food and

supplements (especially fclo), and DEcreasing the toxins we come into contact

with works wonders. Vaccinating weakens your immune system and contributes to

heavy metal toxicity, among other things, while also exposing you to potentially

dangerous viruses. Injecting cells from humans and animals into your blood

stream is a great way to spread unknown viruses!

I know it's a scary decision to face at first - you will be told horror stories,

especially by pediatricians, of what can happen if you don't vaccinate your

child. But have faith in your child's body to do what it was made to do.

Research everything so you're comfortable with your decision.

Best wishes!



> I have a vaccine injured child and have researched vaccines at length. Feel

free to email me if I can be of any benefit. I would highly recommend you read

the CDC Pink Book Appendix B which lists every vaccine and its ingredients. Its

available free on-line.


> Libby

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Excuse me, but what is fclo? It sounds important and I want to make sure my

kids are getting some.



Check out my blog at:


From: nelson.alyssa@...

Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 18:08:36 +0000

Subject: Re: vaccines

Here's a link to the info Libby is referring to:



Check out the ingredients in the vaccines being recommended for your child, and

then do some Google searches on their effects on humans. I think it's also

helpful to look at the government's website about vaccine injury compensation -

these are just the known reactions that they've conceded and compensate people

for. <http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/table.htm>

I was injured by a vaccine in my early 20s, and have read everything I can get

my hands on to learn more about them. Therefore neither of my kids are

vaccinated; my kids and their unvaxed friends are SO much healthier than their

vaxed friends, it's actually very interesting.

I'm not a fan of the Dr. Sears books because I have learned that all vaccines

negatively affect the immune system - delaying them simply delays the negative

effects. I have found that supporting the immune system with healthy food and

supplements (especially fclo), and DEcreasing the toxins we come into contact

with works wonders. Vaccinating weakens your immune system and contributes to

heavy metal toxicity, among other things, while also exposing you to potentially

dangerous viruses. Injecting cells from humans and animals into your blood

stream is a great way to spread unknown viruses!

I know it's a scary decision to face at first - you will be told horror stories,

especially by pediatricians, of what can happen if you don't vaccinate your

child. But have faith in your child's body to do what it was made to do.

Research everything so you're comfortable with your decision.

Best wishes!



> I have a vaccine injured child and have researched vaccines at length. Feel

free to email me if I can be of any benefit. I would highly recommend you read

the CDC Pink Book Appendix B which lists every vaccine and its ingredients. Its

available free on-line.


> Libby

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Hi, I think they are referring to _fermented cod liver oil_:-)

Apparently it's even better if it is with the butter oil.


On 9/11/2010 3:52 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

> Alyssa,


> Excuse me, but what is fclo? It sounds important and I want to make sure my

kids are getting some.

> Thanks!



> Suanne


> Check out my blog at:


> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









> From: nelson.alyssa@...

> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 18:08:36 +0000

> Subject: Re: vaccines







> Here's a link to the info Libby is referring




> Check out the ingredients in the vaccines being recommended for your child,

and then do some Google searches on their effects on humans. I think it's also

helpful to look at the government's website about vaccine injury compensation -

these are just the known reactions that they've conceded and compensate people



> I was injured by a vaccine in my early 20s, and have read everything I can get

my hands on to learn more about them. Therefore neither of my kids are

vaccinated; my kids and their unvaxed friends are SO much healthier than their

vaxed friends, it's actually very interesting.


> I'm not a fan of the Dr. Sears books because I have learned that all vaccines

negatively affect the immune system - delaying them simply delays the negative

effects. I have found that supporting the immune system with healthy food and

supplements (especially fclo), and DEcreasing the toxins we come into contact

with works wonders. Vaccinating weakens your immune system and contributes to

heavy metal toxicity, among other things, while also exposing you to potentially

dangerous viruses. Injecting cells from humans and animals into your blood

stream is a great way to spread unknown viruses!


> I know it's a scary decision to face at first - you will be told horror

stories, especially by pediatricians, of what can happen if you don't vaccinate

your child. But have faith in your child's body to do what it was made to do.

Research everything so you're comfortable with your decision.

> Best wishes!

> Alyssa



>> I have a vaccine injured child and have researched vaccines at length. Feel

free to email me if I can be of any benefit. I would highly recommend you read

the CDC Pink Book Appendix B which lists every vaccine and its ingredients. Its

available free on-line.


>> Libby






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Hi, I think they are referring to _fermented cod liver oil_:-)

Apparently it's even better if it is with the butter oil.


On 9/11/2010 3:52 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

> Alyssa,


> Excuse me, but what is fclo? It sounds important and I want to make sure my

kids are getting some.

> Thanks!



> Suanne


> Check out my blog at:


> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









> From: nelson.alyssa@...

> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 18:08:36 +0000

> Subject: Re: vaccines







> Here's a link to the info Libby is referring




> Check out the ingredients in the vaccines being recommended for your child,

and then do some Google searches on their effects on humans. I think it's also

helpful to look at the government's website about vaccine injury compensation -

these are just the known reactions that they've conceded and compensate people



> I was injured by a vaccine in my early 20s, and have read everything I can get

my hands on to learn more about them. Therefore neither of my kids are

vaccinated; my kids and their unvaxed friends are SO much healthier than their

vaxed friends, it's actually very interesting.


> I'm not a fan of the Dr. Sears books because I have learned that all vaccines

negatively affect the immune system - delaying them simply delays the negative

effects. I have found that supporting the immune system with healthy food and

supplements (especially fclo), and DEcreasing the toxins we come into contact

with works wonders. Vaccinating weakens your immune system and contributes to

heavy metal toxicity, among other things, while also exposing you to potentially

dangerous viruses. Injecting cells from humans and animals into your blood

stream is a great way to spread unknown viruses!


> I know it's a scary decision to face at first - you will be told horror

stories, especially by pediatricians, of what can happen if you don't vaccinate

your child. But have faith in your child's body to do what it was made to do.

Research everything so you're comfortable with your decision.

> Best wishes!

> Alyssa



>> I have a vaccine injured child and have researched vaccines at length. Feel

free to email me if I can be of any benefit. I would highly recommend you read

the CDC Pink Book Appendix B which lists every vaccine and its ingredients. Its

available free on-line.


>> Libby






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Share on other sites

Thanks Therese, I've never heard of that before!


Check out my blog at:


From: gibsongirl45@...

Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 16:02:45 -0500

Subject: Re: Re: vaccines

Hi, I think they are referring to _fermented cod liver oil_:-)

Apparently it's even better if it is with the butter oil.


On 9/11/2010 3:52 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

> Alyssa,


> Excuse me, but what is fclo? It sounds important and I want to make sure my

kids are getting some.

> Thanks!



> Suanne


> Check out my blog at:


> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









> From: nelson.alyssa@...

> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 18:08:36 +0000

> Subject: Re: vaccines







> Here's a link to the info Libby is referring




> Check out the ingredients in the vaccines being recommended for your child,

and then do some Google searches on their effects on humans. I think it's also

helpful to look at the government's website about vaccine injury compensation -

these are just the known reactions that they've conceded and compensate people



> I was injured by a vaccine in my early 20s, and have read everything I can get

my hands on to learn more about them. Therefore neither of my kids are

vaccinated; my kids and their unvaxed friends are SO much healthier than their

vaxed friends, it's actually very interesting.


> I'm not a fan of the Dr. Sears books because I have learned that all vaccines

negatively affect the immune system - delaying them simply delays the negative

effects. I have found that supporting the immune system with healthy food and

supplements (especially fclo), and DEcreasing the toxins we come into contact

with works wonders. Vaccinating weakens your immune system and contributes to

heavy metal toxicity, among other things, while also exposing you to potentially

dangerous viruses. Injecting cells from humans and animals into your blood

stream is a great way to spread unknown viruses!


> I know it's a scary decision to face at first - you will be told horror

stories, especially by pediatricians, of what can happen if you don't vaccinate

your child. But have faith in your child's body to do what it was made to do.

Research everything so you're comfortable with your decision.

> Best wishes!

> Alyssa



>> I have a vaccine injured child and have researched vaccines at length. Feel

free to email me if I can be of any benefit. I would highly recommend you read

the CDC Pink Book Appendix B which lists every vaccine and its ingredients. Its

available free on-line.


>> Libby






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Share on other sites

Loved the pictures on your blog:-) Especially your daughter! We home

school too and are moving into it slowly hoping for more warm weather.

Instead of snow days we take sun days:-)


On 9/11/2010 7:38 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

> Thanks Therese, I've never heard of that before!



> Suanne


> Check out my blog at:


> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









> From: gibsongirl45@...

> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 16:02:45 -0500

> Subject: Re: Re: vaccines







> Hi, I think they are referring to _fermented cod liver oil_:-)

> Apparently it's even better if it is with the butter oil.

> Therese


> On 9/11/2010 3:52 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

>> Alyssa,


>> Excuse me, but what is fclo? It sounds important and I want to make sure my

kids are getting some.

>> Thanks!



>> Suanne


>> Check out my blog at:


>> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









>> From: nelson.alyssa@...

>> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 18:08:36 +0000

>> Subject: Re: vaccines







>> Here's a link to the info Libby is referring




>> Check out the ingredients in the vaccines being recommended for your child,

and then do some Google searches on their effects on humans. I think it's also

helpful to look at the government's website about vaccine injury compensation -

these are just the known reactions that they've conceded and compensate people



>> I was injured by a vaccine in my early 20s, and have read everything I can

get my hands on to learn more about them. Therefore neither of my kids are

vaccinated; my kids and their unvaxed friends are SO much healthier than their

vaxed friends, it's actually very interesting.


>> I'm not a fan of the Dr. Sears books because I have learned that all vaccines

negatively affect the immune system - delaying them simply delays the negative

effects. I have found that supporting the immune system with healthy food and

supplements (especially fclo), and DEcreasing the toxins we come into contact

with works wonders. Vaccinating weakens your immune system and contributes to

heavy metal toxicity, among other things, while also exposing you to potentially

dangerous viruses. Injecting cells from humans and animals into your blood

stream is a great way to spread unknown viruses!


>> I know it's a scary decision to face at first - you will be told horror

stories, especially by pediatricians, of what can happen if you don't vaccinate

your child. But have faith in your child's body to do what it was made to do.

Research everything so you're comfortable with your decision.

>> Best wishes!

>> Alyssa



>>> I have a vaccine injured child and have researched vaccines at length. Feel

free to email me if I can be of any benefit. I would highly recommend you read

the CDC Pink Book Appendix B which lists every vaccine and its ingredients. Its

available free on-line.


>>> Libby





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Share on other sites

Loved the pictures on your blog:-) Especially your daughter! We home

school too and are moving into it slowly hoping for more warm weather.

Instead of snow days we take sun days:-)


On 9/11/2010 7:38 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

> Thanks Therese, I've never heard of that before!



> Suanne


> Check out my blog at:


> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









> From: gibsongirl45@...

> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 16:02:45 -0500

> Subject: Re: Re: vaccines







> Hi, I think they are referring to _fermented cod liver oil_:-)

> Apparently it's even better if it is with the butter oil.

> Therese


> On 9/11/2010 3:52 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

>> Alyssa,


>> Excuse me, but what is fclo? It sounds important and I want to make sure my

kids are getting some.

>> Thanks!



>> Suanne


>> Check out my blog at:


>> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









>> From: nelson.alyssa@...

>> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 18:08:36 +0000

>> Subject: Re: vaccines







>> Here's a link to the info Libby is referring




>> Check out the ingredients in the vaccines being recommended for your child,

and then do some Google searches on their effects on humans. I think it's also

helpful to look at the government's website about vaccine injury compensation -

these are just the known reactions that they've conceded and compensate people



>> I was injured by a vaccine in my early 20s, and have read everything I can

get my hands on to learn more about them. Therefore neither of my kids are

vaccinated; my kids and their unvaxed friends are SO much healthier than their

vaxed friends, it's actually very interesting.


>> I'm not a fan of the Dr. Sears books because I have learned that all vaccines

negatively affect the immune system - delaying them simply delays the negative

effects. I have found that supporting the immune system with healthy food and

supplements (especially fclo), and DEcreasing the toxins we come into contact

with works wonders. Vaccinating weakens your immune system and contributes to

heavy metal toxicity, among other things, while also exposing you to potentially

dangerous viruses. Injecting cells from humans and animals into your blood

stream is a great way to spread unknown viruses!


>> I know it's a scary decision to face at first - you will be told horror

stories, especially by pediatricians, of what can happen if you don't vaccinate

your child. But have faith in your child's body to do what it was made to do.

Research everything so you're comfortable with your decision.

>> Best wishes!

>> Alyssa



>>> I have a vaccine injured child and have researched vaccines at length. Feel

free to email me if I can be of any benefit. I would highly recommend you read

the CDC Pink Book Appendix B which lists every vaccine and its ingredients. Its

available free on-line.


>>> Libby





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Share on other sites


Thanks for checking my blog! How old are your kids? I have said that exact

phrase myself! Sun-days! :)

It's so fun to be flexible, isn't it! Do you have boys or girls?


Check out my blog at:


From: gibsongirl45@...

Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 20:08:31 -0500

Subject: Re: Re: vaccines

Loved the pictures on your blog:-) Especially your daughter! We home

school too and are moving into it slowly hoping for more warm weather.

Instead of snow days we take sun days:-)


On 9/11/2010 7:38 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

> Thanks Therese, I've never heard of that before!



> Suanne


> Check out my blog at:


> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









> From: gibsongirl45@...

> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 16:02:45 -0500

> Subject: Re: Re: vaccines







> Hi, I think they are referring to _fermented cod liver oil_:-)

> Apparently it's even better if it is with the butter oil.

> Therese


> On 9/11/2010 3:52 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

>> Alyssa,


>> Excuse me, but what is fclo? It sounds important and I want to make sure my

kids are getting some.

>> Thanks!



>> Suanne


>> Check out my blog at:


>> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









>> From: nelson.alyssa@...

>> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 18:08:36 +0000

>> Subject: Re: vaccines







>> Here's a link to the info Libby is referring




>> Check out the ingredients in the vaccines being recommended for your child,

and then do some Google searches on their effects on humans. I think it's also

helpful to look at the government's website about vaccine injury compensation -

these are just the known reactions that they've conceded and compensate people



>> I was injured by a vaccine in my early 20s, and have read everything I can

get my hands on to learn more about them. Therefore neither of my kids are

vaccinated; my kids and their unvaxed friends are SO much healthier than their

vaxed friends, it's actually very interesting.


>> I'm not a fan of the Dr. Sears books because I have learned that all vaccines

negatively affect the immune system - delaying them simply delays the negative

effects. I have found that supporting the immune system with healthy food and

supplements (especially fclo), and DEcreasing the toxins we come into contact

with works wonders. Vaccinating weakens your immune system and contributes to

heavy metal toxicity, among other things, while also exposing you to potentially

dangerous viruses. Injecting cells from humans and animals into your blood

stream is a great way to spread unknown viruses!


>> I know it's a scary decision to face at first - you will be told horror

stories, especially by pediatricians, of what can happen if you don't vaccinate

your child. But have faith in your child's body to do what it was made to do.

Research everything so you're comfortable with your decision.

>> Best wishes!

>> Alyssa



>>> I have a vaccine injured child and have researched vaccines at length. Feel

free to email me if I can be of any benefit. I would highly recommend you read

the CDC Pink Book Appendix B which lists every vaccine and its ingredients. Its

available free on-line.


>>> Libby





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Thanks for checking my blog! How old are your kids? I have said that exact

phrase myself! Sun-days! :)

It's so fun to be flexible, isn't it! Do you have boys or girls?


Check out my blog at:


From: gibsongirl45@...

Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 20:08:31 -0500

Subject: Re: Re: vaccines

Loved the pictures on your blog:-) Especially your daughter! We home

school too and are moving into it slowly hoping for more warm weather.

Instead of snow days we take sun days:-)


On 9/11/2010 7:38 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

> Thanks Therese, I've never heard of that before!



> Suanne


> Check out my blog at:


> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









> From: gibsongirl45@...

> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 16:02:45 -0500

> Subject: Re: Re: vaccines







> Hi, I think they are referring to _fermented cod liver oil_:-)

> Apparently it's even better if it is with the butter oil.

> Therese


> On 9/11/2010 3:52 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

>> Alyssa,


>> Excuse me, but what is fclo? It sounds important and I want to make sure my

kids are getting some.

>> Thanks!



>> Suanne


>> Check out my blog at:


>> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









>> From: nelson.alyssa@...

>> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 18:08:36 +0000

>> Subject: Re: vaccines







>> Here's a link to the info Libby is referring




>> Check out the ingredients in the vaccines being recommended for your child,

and then do some Google searches on their effects on humans. I think it's also

helpful to look at the government's website about vaccine injury compensation -

these are just the known reactions that they've conceded and compensate people



>> I was injured by a vaccine in my early 20s, and have read everything I can

get my hands on to learn more about them. Therefore neither of my kids are

vaccinated; my kids and their unvaxed friends are SO much healthier than their

vaxed friends, it's actually very interesting.


>> I'm not a fan of the Dr. Sears books because I have learned that all vaccines

negatively affect the immune system - delaying them simply delays the negative

effects. I have found that supporting the immune system with healthy food and

supplements (especially fclo), and DEcreasing the toxins we come into contact

with works wonders. Vaccinating weakens your immune system and contributes to

heavy metal toxicity, among other things, while also exposing you to potentially

dangerous viruses. Injecting cells from humans and animals into your blood

stream is a great way to spread unknown viruses!


>> I know it's a scary decision to face at first - you will be told horror

stories, especially by pediatricians, of what can happen if you don't vaccinate

your child. But have faith in your child's body to do what it was made to do.

Research everything so you're comfortable with your decision.

>> Best wishes!

>> Alyssa



>>> I have a vaccine injured child and have researched vaccines at length. Feel

free to email me if I can be of any benefit. I would highly recommend you read

the CDC Pink Book Appendix B which lists every vaccine and its ingredients. Its

available free on-line.


>>> Libby





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Hi Suanne,

We have three boys at home.....16, 13, and 8. We have two girls in

college that are 21. We have always home schooled and our daughters

thanked us for it:-) That was nice! We live down in SE MN near Rushford,

about 20 miles west and a little south of Winona. I love connecting with

other homeschoolers:-)


On 9/11/2010 8:12 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

> Therese,


> Thanks for checking my blog! How old are your kids? I have said that exact

phrase myself! Sun-days! :)

> It's so fun to be flexible, isn't it! Do you have boys or girls?



> Suanne


> Check out my blog at:


> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









> From: gibsongirl45@...

> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 20:08:31 -0500

> Subject: Re: Re: vaccines







> Loved the pictures on your blog:-) Especially your daughter! We home

> school too and are moving into it slowly hoping for more warm weather.

> Instead of snow days we take sun days:-)


> Therese


> On 9/11/2010 7:38 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

>> Thanks Therese, I've never heard of that before!



>> Suanne


>> Check out my blog at:


>> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









>> From: gibsongirl45@...

>> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 16:02:45 -0500

>> Subject: Re: Re: vaccines







>> Hi, I think they are referring to _fermented cod liver oil_:-)

>> Apparently it's even better if it is with the butter oil.

>> Therese


>> On 9/11/2010 3:52 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

>>> Alyssa,


>>> Excuse me, but what is fclo? It sounds important and I want to make sure my

kids are getting some.

>>> Thanks!



>>> Suanne


>>> Check out my blog at:


>>> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









>>> From: nelson.alyssa@...

>>> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 18:08:36 +0000

>>> Subject: Re: vaccines







>>> Here's a link to the info Libby is referring




>>> Check out the ingredients in the vaccines being recommended for your child,

and then do some Google searches on their effects on humans. I think it's also

helpful to look at the government's website about vaccine injury compensation -

these are just the known reactions that they've conceded and compensate people



>>> I was injured by a vaccine in my early 20s, and have read everything I can

get my hands on to learn more about them. Therefore neither of my kids are

vaccinated; my kids and their unvaxed friends are SO much healthier than their

vaxed friends, it's actually very interesting.


>>> I'm not a fan of the Dr. Sears books because I have learned that all

vaccines negatively affect the immune system - delaying them simply delays the

negative effects. I have found that supporting the immune system with healthy

food and supplements (especially fclo), and DEcreasing the toxins we come into

contact with works wonders. Vaccinating weakens your immune system and

contributes to heavy metal toxicity, among other things, while also exposing you

to potentially dangerous viruses. Injecting cells from humans and animals into

your blood stream is a great way to spread unknown viruses!


>>> I know it's a scary decision to face at first - you will be told horror

stories, especially by pediatricians, of what can happen if you don't vaccinate

your child. But have faith in your child's body to do what it was made to do.

Research everything so you're comfortable with your decision.

>>> Best wishes!

>>> Alyssa



>>>> I have a vaccine injured child and have researched vaccines at length. Feel

free to email me if I can be of any benefit. I would highly recommend you read

the CDC Pink Book Appendix B which lists every vaccine and its ingredients. Its

available free on-line.


>>>> Libby




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Therese, It's really great that you had an opportunity to school your girls and

now your boys!

My, what a difference schooling them must be. I look forward to homeschooling

my little girl

too. I bet she'll be interested in some things that the boys just were not!

And how nice to get a thank you! All your hard work paid off in that one

comment I bet. :)

We have been down there before, driving through on our way home from Chicago.

Our church,

Hosanna, has taken teams down to Rushford to help after the flooding.

Do you have any tips for me on how to keep both of my boys from causing the

other one

to get distracted? Typically one will be studious and the other silly and well,

it usually doesn't swing

towards getting more school done but less. AND can be very frustrating for me.

If you have any suggestions I would love it!

Nice meeting you... :)


Check out my blog at:


From: gibsongirl45@...

Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 20:24:55 -0500

Subject: Re: Re: vaccines

Hi Suanne,

We have three boys at home.....16, 13, and 8. We have two girls in

college that are 21. We have always home schooled and our daughters

thanked us for it:-) That was nice! We live down in SE MN near Rushford,

about 20 miles west and a little south of Winona. I love connecting with

other homeschoolers:-)


On 9/11/2010 8:12 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

> Therese,


> Thanks for checking my blog! How old are your kids? I have said that exact

phrase myself! Sun-days! :)

> It's so fun to be flexible, isn't it! Do you have boys or girls?



> Suanne


> Check out my blog at:


> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









> From: gibsongirl45@...

> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 20:08:31 -0500

> Subject: Re: Re: vaccines







> Loved the pictures on your blog:-) Especially your daughter! We home

> school too and are moving into it slowly hoping for more warm weather.

> Instead of snow days we take sun days:-)


> Therese


> On 9/11/2010 7:38 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

>> Thanks Therese, I've never heard of that before!



>> Suanne


>> Check out my blog at:


>> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









>> From: gibsongirl45@...

>> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 16:02:45 -0500

>> Subject: Re: Re: vaccines







>> Hi, I think they are referring to _fermented cod liver oil_:-)

>> Apparently it's even better if it is with the butter oil.

>> Therese


>> On 9/11/2010 3:52 PM, Suanne Colegrove wrote:

>>> Alyssa,


>>> Excuse me, but what is fclo? It sounds important and I want to make sure my

kids are getting some.

>>> Thanks!



>>> Suanne


>>> Check out my blog at:


>>> http://susieq-ish.blogspot.com/









>>> From: nelson.alyssa@...

>>> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 18:08:36 +0000

>>> Subject: Re: vaccines







>>> Here's a link to the info Libby is referring




>>> Check out the ingredients in the vaccines being recommended for your child,

and then do some Google searches on their effects on humans. I think it's also

helpful to look at the government's website about vaccine injury compensation -

these are just the known reactions that they've conceded and compensate people



>>> I was injured by a vaccine in my early 20s, and have read everything I can

get my hands on to learn more about them. Therefore neither of my kids are

vaccinated; my kids and their unvaxed friends are SO much healthier than their

vaxed friends, it's actually very interesting.


>>> I'm not a fan of the Dr. Sears books because I have learned that all

vaccines negatively affect the immune system - delaying them simply delays the

negative effects. I have found that supporting the immune system with healthy

food and supplements (especially fclo), and DEcreasing the toxins we come into

contact with works wonders. Vaccinating weakens your immune system and

contributes to heavy metal toxicity, among other things, while also exposing you

to potentially dangerous viruses. Injecting cells from humans and animals into

your blood stream is a great way to spread unknown viruses!


>>> I know it's a scary decision to face at first - you will be told horror

stories, especially by pediatricians, of what can happen if you don't vaccinate

your child. But have faith in your child's body to do what it was made to do.

Research everything so you're comfortable with your decision.

>>> Best wishes!

>>> Alyssa



>>>> I have a vaccine injured child and have researched vaccines at length. Feel

free to email me if I can be of any benefit. I would highly recommend you read

the CDC Pink Book Appendix B which lists every vaccine and its ingredients. Its

available free on-line.


>>>> Libby




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I wanted to say something about Vaccines.  I have aspergers, and my 2 sons are both autistic.  I have NEVER had ANY vaccines.  My parents didn't believe in them when I was growing up, so we didn't have them.  I'm 43 now. 

My oldest had signs of autism from as young as 1 and he didn't receive any vaccines until he was 11 when he went from homeschooling to public school and had to have the shots.  My second son was vaccinated from birth.  He showed signs of Autism from 3 months on. 

I cannot say if I believe Vaccines are the cause of autism, but I can certainly say that I believe Autism/Aspergers is inheritable.  Both of my boys have my symptoms, and not because they are imitating me.  I have spent my entire life hiding my symptoms because my parents were embarrassed by what I would do, and I was spanked if I fidgeted, moved a lot, or did any of the things we do to combat the anxiety/stress. 

I used to be scared to death of the thought of vaccines, which is why my oldest was not vaccinated until he was 11.  Most of the fear was due to my mom who had wild stories about kids who were harmed, or had some sort of retardation due to vaccines (this was back in the 70's). It took all of my courage to allow my now 6-year-old son to be vaccinated at birth and beyond.  But given that he has me for a mom with my issues, I do not blame the vaccines for his autism. 

Just thought I'd share.AshtonAspergers mom with 2 Autistic boysOn Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:19 PM, crocco9504 <crocco9504@...> wrote:


oldest has Aspergers and now I have to get the second MMR for my youngest (5) I am terrified to get the 3 in one shot but it seems that's all my doctors are offering, Do I get it being that she is 5 and past that crutial 3 year old milestone????? Please help. Any feedback would be appreciated?

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Look up Sheri Nakken's website, _www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm_

(http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm) , she has done a ton of research and

ALL of her information is from very credible sources such as the CDC and the

vaccine manufacturers.

It is amazing, if you go thru her site, that what the CDC and the

manufacturers state about the efficacy and (lack of) safety of the vaccines is


different from what your doctor will tell you.

Right now the push is on to vaccinate everyone over 6 months of age with

both the " regular " and the swine flu vaccines--not because we will face a bad

flu year but because if the vaccines aren't used up, they will expire and

then the government will have to buy them all from the vaccine

manufacturers. Or they will (and do) just declare that expired vaccines

actually....haven't expired after all and are.....good to use still! It really


magical what simple declarations can do to change reality <sarcasm>.

The site is organized by vaccine/disease so you can check out each


One quote by a former vaccine researcher: " The safest vaccine is one you

don't use. "

If you keep your baby healthy by feeding nutrient dense foods, using

homeopathy and keeping your stress level manageable, you should do fine. And

really think about whether it would be necessary to vaccinate against the

" normal " childhood diseases such as chicken pox. With homeopathy, chicken pox

really isn't a big deal at all.


beth (who has had way too many vaccine-damaged kids brought in for

help--which homeopathy does a very nice job with, but why go to vaccines when

homeopathy can help a child thru an ailment so well).

beth Buchele HMC*

Professional Homeopath

Health Naturally Homeopathy Services

3601 Park Center Blvd. Suite 305

St. Louis Park, MN 55416



500 Main Street Suite 320

Menomonie, WI


_www.healthnaturally.biz_ (http://www.healthnaturally.biz/)

Natural Health for Mind and Body

*Homeopathic Master Clinician

* PLEASE NOTE: Homeopathic treatments are aimed at strengthening a

person's constitution and vitality and ARE NOT MEDICAL TREATMENTS. They are not

directed at identifying, treating or preventing specific diseases.

Homeopathic practitioners are prohibited by law from diagnosing or treating


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Thank you so much for sharing. I think most of the parents dealing with a child or children on the spectrum would like to be able to pin point where this all started. Doctors don't seem to have any answers, and it is difficult to take. Now, I am trying to figure out what is best given the circumstances. That being said, how many of us out there have multiple kids on the spectrum? How many have family members on the spectrum? Just curious as to what the responses would look like.Thank you,Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®From: Ashton S <ashtonca@...>Sender: Autism and Aspergers Treatment Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 16:56:37 -0700<Autism and Aspergers Treatment >Reply Autism and Aspergers Treatment Subject: Re: vaccines I wanted to say something about Vaccines.  I have aspergers, and my 2 sons are both autistic.  I have NEVER had ANY vaccines.  My parents didn't believe in them when I was growing up, so we didn't have them.  I'm 43 now.  My oldest had signs of autism from as young as 1 and he didn't receive any vaccines until he was 11 when he went from homeschooling to public school and had to have the shots.  My second son was vaccinated from birth.  He showed signs of Autism from 3 months on.  I cannot say if I believe Vaccines are the cause of autism, but I can certainly say that I believe Autism/Aspergers is inheritable.  Both of my boys have my symptoms, and not because they are imitating me.  I have spent my entire life hiding my symptoms because my parents were embarrassed by what I would do, and I was spanked if I fidgeted, moved a lot, or did any of the things we do to combat the anxiety/stress.  I used to be scared to death of the thought of vaccines, which is why my oldest was not vaccinated until he was 11.  Most of the fear was due to my mom who had wild stories about kids who were harmed, or had some sort of retardation due to vaccines (this was back in the 70's). It took all of my courage to allow my now 6-year-old son to be vaccinated at birth and beyond.  But given that he has me for a mom with my issues, I do not blame the vaccines for his autism.  Just thought I'd share.AshtonAspergers mom with 2 Autistic boysOn Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:19 PM, crocco9504 <crocco9504@...> wrote: oldest has Aspergers and now I have to get the second MMR for my youngest (5) I am terrified to get the 3 in one shot but it seems that's all my doctors are offering, Do I get it being that she is 5 and past that crutial 3 year old milestone????? Please help. Any feedback would be appreciated?

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I just have a son on the spectrumSent via BlackBerry from T-MobileFrom: amandaakp@...Sender: Autism and Aspergers Treatment Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 02:48:55 +0000<Autism and Aspergers Treatment >Reply Autism and Aspergers Treatment Subject: Re: vaccines

Thank you so much for sharing. I think most of the parents dealing with a child or children on the spectrum would like to be able to pin point where this all started. Doctors don't seem to have any answers, and it is difficult to take. Now, I am trying to figure out what is best given the circumstances. That being said, how many of us out there have multiple kids on the spectrum? How many have family members on the spectrum? Just curious as to what the responses would look like.Thank you,Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®From: Ashton S <ashtonca@...>Sender: Autism and Aspergers Treatment Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 16:56:37 -0700<Autism and Aspergers Treatment >Reply Autism and Aspergers Treatment Subject: Re: vaccines I wanted to say something about Vaccines.  I have aspergers, and my 2 sons are both autistic.  I have NEVER had ANY vaccines.  My parents didn't believe in them when I was growing up, so we didn't have them.  I'm 43 now.  My oldest had signs of autism from as young as 1 and he didn't receive any vaccines until he was 11 when he went from homeschooling to public school and had to have the shots.  My second son was vaccinated from birth.  He showed signs of Autism from 3 months on.  I cannot say if I believe Vaccines are the cause of autism, but I can certainly say that I believe Autism/Aspergers is inheritable.  Both of my boys have my symptoms, and not because they are imitating me.  I have spent my entire life hiding my symptoms because my parents were embarrassed by what I would do, and I was spanked if I fidgeted, moved a lot, or did any of the things we do to combat the anxiety/stress.  I used to be scared to death of the thought of vaccines, which is why my oldest was not vaccinated until he was 11.  Most of the fear was due to my mom who had wild stories about kids who were harmed, or had some sort of retardation due to vaccines (this was back in the 70's). It took all of my courage to allow my now 6-year-old son to be vaccinated at birth and beyond.  But given that he has me for a mom with my issues, I do not blame the vaccines for his autism.  Just thought I'd share.AshtonAspergers mom with 2 Autistic boysOn Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:19 PM, crocco9504 <crocco9504@...> wrote: oldest has Aspergers and now I have to get the second MMR for my youngest (5) I am terrified to get the 3 in one shot but it seems that's all my doctors are offering, Do I get it being that she is 5 and past that crutial 3 year old milestone????? Please help. Any feedback would be appreciated?

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It's brave to come forward and say that it's not vaccine related in your case. So many people jump a parent when they say such things. Well I am also a parent who can say that vaccines did not have a hand in my son's autism.

I think we all just have to realize that there are no clear answers and there could be different paths to ending up with autism.

From: "amandaakp@..." <amandaakp@...>Autism and Aspergers Treatment Sent: Sun, September 12, 2010 9:48:55 PMSubject: Re: vaccines

Thank you so much for sharing. I think most of the parents dealing with a child or children on the spectrum would like to be able to pin point where this all started. Doctors don't seem to have any answers, and it is difficult to take. Now, I am trying to figure out what is best given the circumstances. That being said, how many of us out there have multiple kids on the spectrum? How many have family members on the spectrum? Just curious as to what the responses would look like.Thank you, Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: Ashton S <ashtonca@...>

Sender: Autism and Aspergers Treatment

Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 16:56:37 -0700

<Autism and Aspergers Treatment >

ReplyAutism and Aspergers Treatment

Subject: Re: vaccines

I wanted to say something about Vaccines. I have aspergers, and my 2 sons are both autistic. I have NEVER had ANY vaccines. My parents didn't believe in them when I was growing up, so we didn't have them. I'm 43 now. My oldest had signs of autism from as young as 1 and he didn't receive any vaccines until he was 11 when he went from homeschooling to public school and had to have the shots. My second son was vaccinated from birth. He showed signs of Autism from 3 months on. I cannot say if I believe Vaccines are the cause of autism, but I can certainly say that I believe Autism/Aspergers is inheritable. Both of my boys have my symptoms, and not because they are imitating me. I have spent my entire life hiding my symptoms because my parents were embarrassed by what I would do, and I was spanked if I fidgeted, moved a lot, or did any of the things we do to combat the

anxiety/stress. I used to be scared to death of the thought of vaccines, which is why my oldest was not vaccinated until he was 11. Most of the fear was due to my mom who had wild stories about kids who were harmed, or had some sort of retardation due to vaccines (this was back in the 70's). It took all of my courage to allow my now 6-year-old son to be vaccinated at birth and beyond. But given that he has me for a mom with my issues, I do not blame the vaccines for his autism. Just thought I'd share.AshtonAspergers mom with 2 Autistic boys

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:19 PM, crocco9504 <crocco9504@...> wrote:

oldest has Aspergers and now I have to get the second MMR for my youngest (5) I am terrified to get the 3 in one shot but it seems that's all my doctors are offering, Do I get it being that she is 5 and past that crutial 3 year old milestone????? Please help. Any feedback would be appreciated?

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