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Most schools will tell you that you cannot go to school without being

vaccinated, however, what they really mean is that if there is a breakout of a

disease, your children will have to stay home until the quarantine is over.

They cannot legally deny you admittance into school but they will try. Several

of our friends have gone through this also~you just have to be firm with the

school authorities and even sign paperwork accordingly, but it can be done. Our

chiropractor's kids have never been vaccinated and they are all fine and never

got sick.

I, on the other hand, had the polio (born in 1952 so had it when?) shots,

smallpox vaccination, etc. I get very sick if I get a flu shot (I get the flu)

so only did that twice and learned not to. I have had CFS/FMS ever since a

child~always sleeping extra, brain fog and extra tired, was even told I had

" growing pains " when complained of leg cramps, so it's always been something.

in La Selva Beach CA

Re: Documentary on sundance Channel, " Origin of

Aids "

He has five boys and all out of high-school. He refused to let any of them

get vaccinated. the school board said his kids could not be schooled without

vaccines so his wife home schooled all of them. the amazing thing is that he

claims that not one of them ever got ill from anything.


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When my daughter was a junior in high school their was an assembly

for the students informing them that they needed to be vaccinated

with the hepatitus B vaccine. I was out of town at the time and she

called me to ask me if she should get one. She knew how I felt

about vaccines and I told her absolutely not! She was concerned

because the people giving the talk made it sound like a due or die

situation.........in other words they used scare tactics.

In her senior year I was called by the school Nurse informing me

that Carly (daughter) would not be able to finish her senior year if

she didn't get the vaccine. I was livid!...............but kept my

cool on the phone. I told her this was unethical and that Carly

could refuse the vaccine based on religous beliefs. This wasn't the

case but I knew that's how some people get around it. She told me

she would get back with me. Later she called and told me that it

would not be necessary for Carly to get the vaccine.

Kind of scary when we feel like we will be forced into doing

something we are against. A few weeks ago on the News there was a

report of a little girl in the state of Texas who's parents did not

want her to continue chemo because it was making her so

sick........but the state decided to try and make it mandatory that

the little girl continue to get chemo against the parent's consent.

The judge over-ruled the decision...thank god. She wasn't forced to

continue. Geez..............I hope it never comes to the point

where I was forced to get chemo.


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  • 2 months later...

I don't know, but I opted out of Hep B vaccines for both of my kids & one seems

to have (not official)


Grant 5

Brad 2

<threedrescue@...> wrote:

I was wondering if anyone knew of any research between , vaccinations and

any possible links between the 2.

I was reading some new data the other day about the Hep B vaccination and its

link to autoimmune disorders so it got me thinking about the subject.

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There is no correlation with any vaccine and any of the periodic fever


Please take the vaccine conversation off the board...

Thanks much


Fran A Bulone

Mom to ph 6 yrs old

Waxhaw, NC

Owner & Moderator Group

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Ok, sorry about the vaccine question, as I thought this board was about

questions and answers.

I am a parent first and foremost, with only my child's best interest at heart.

Nothing more.

What is the point in having a board about if it is not open to discussion

about our children's illness and possible research?

See this always gets me, because unless you have studied every child with

or chronic fevers you don't know that there isnt a link to vaccines, the sky

being blue, or the temperature being below 80. Meaning that to end a question

before it has even started is the perverbial ostrich with his head in the sand.

Unless we explore all possibilities as to why one child may have an illness over

another the we are benefiting no one.

For the record my question was not asked to start a debate about vaccines but to

see if anyone knew of any research- either way. I did not see any links to

studies saying they proved there WASN'T a link but instead a reply that there is

not a link and to take the discussion elsewhere.

Well tell me then where else as a parent to you expect us to look. At this point

for my son I am looking at EVERYTHING.

We are looking at bug spray we used on our house once, we are looking at foods

he ate, we are looking at medications I was given during my pregnancy, we are

looking at it all even if it means that we buck the system. We are doing this

only to find answers, real date, research and to learn more.

We are adults here right? So instead of shutting a conversation down why not

trust that we can have a conversation and share data in an adult manner?

Saying all this of course will probably get me moderated or banned but

regardless, if we can't share information about any subject relative to our

children's illnesses and respect everyone's choices and decisions then what good

can we expect to accomplish for our children?


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I believe the concern is that if we suggest that the vaccine could

be the problem it would in some way cause a parent to opt not to get

that vaccine which could/would cause them harm.

> Ok, sorry about the vaccine question, as I thought this board was

about questions and answers.

> I am a parent first and foremost, with only my child's best

interest at heart. Nothing more.

> What is the point in having a board about if it is not open

to discussion about our children's illness and possible research?

> See this always gets me, because unless you have studied every

child with or chronic fevers you don't know that there isnt a

link to vaccines, the sky being blue, or the temperature being below

80. Meaning that to end a question before it has even started is

the perverbial ostrich with his head in the sand. Unless we explore

all possibilities as to why one child may have an illness over

another the we are benefiting no one.

> For the record my question was not asked to start a debate about

vaccines but to see if anyone knew of any research- either way. I

did not see any links to studies saying they proved there WASN'T a

link but instead a reply that there is not a link and to take the

discussion elsewhere.

> Well tell me then where else as a parent to you expect us to look.

At this point for my son I am looking at EVERYTHING.

> We are looking at bug spray we used on our house once, we are

looking at foods he ate, we are looking at medications I was given

during my pregnancy, we are looking at it all even if it means that

we buck the system. We are doing this only to find answers, real

date, research and to learn more.

> We are adults here right? So instead of shutting a conversation

down why not trust that we can have a conversation and share data in

an adult manner?

> Saying all this of course will probably get me moderated or banned

but regardless, if we can't share information about any subject

relative to our children's illnesses and respect everyone's choices

and decisions then what good can we expect to accomplish for our


> Respectfully,





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I have always wondered if vaccines had alot to do with unexplained

problems in children since I have a 8 year old son with epilepsy and

cerebral palsy. When my second son was born I decided to hold off on

getting his vaccines because I was so afraid that the same thing would

happen to him. My now 1 year old son started getting fevers at 5

months old and has been diagnosed with . He had never gotten any

vaccines before 6 months old so I really dont think has anything

to do with the vaccines. I actually decided to start getting his

vaccines after he kept getting his fevers every 4 weeks since the

doctors could not find anything wrong with him and I was afraid it

might have been because he hadnt had any vaccines. I guess there

could be a link between and vaccines in other children but

because my sons fevers started before any vaccines I personally do not

believe they do.

> I was wondering if anyone knew of any research between ,

vaccinations and any possible links between the 2.

> I was reading some new data the other day about the Hep B

vaccination and its link to autoimmune disorders so it got me thinking

about the subject.





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I have always wondered if vaccines had alot to do with unexplained

problems in children since I have a 8 year old son with epilepsy and

cerebral palsy. When my second son was born I decided to hold off on

getting his vaccines because I was so afraid that the same thing would

happen to him. My now 1 year old son started getting fevers at 5

months old and has been diagnosed with . He had never gotten any

vaccines before 6 months old so I really dont think has anything

to do with the vaccines. I actually decided to start getting his

vaccines after he kept getting his fevers every 4 weeks since the

doctors could not find anything wrong with him and I was afraid it

might have been because he hadnt had any vaccines. I guess there

could be a link between and vaccines in other children but

because my sons fevers started before any vaccines I personally do not

believe they do.

> I was wondering if anyone knew of any research between ,

vaccinations and any possible links between the 2.

> I was reading some new data the other day about the Hep B

vaccination and its link to autoimmune disorders so it got me thinking

about the subject.





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  • 1 month later...

Hi ,

You could ask your doctor to check your son's titers. It is

stated in Kirby's book that 95% of kids have full immunity from the

MMR after the first shot, but the remaining 5% require a second

injection to achieve the desired response.

They just give the booster to cover that 5%. It's cheaper to just

give the shot again then it would be to run the blood tests to check

titers. So nice that it all comes down to money yet again.

Our daughter is 4 and when we checked her titers she didn't even

need any boosters - in fact, we discovered she has some pretty major

viral issues. My sister also just had her 5 year old daughter's

titers checked & she, too, didn't need the MMR. Just an idea that

may help to put your mind at ease . . . .

Hope this helps,



> OK It is almost time for Tyler's 5 year vaccines and I am in an


> place. On one hand I know it will be a fight with school and maybe


> daycare with the religious waiver not to get him vaccinated. I'm

sure you

> all have read that doctors can refuse to see the patients if they


> vaccinated and I am scared that schools and day cares may be able

to do the

> same thing. Plus, what if he really does need the vaccines for his


> Which brings me to the other area, if he received all of his

vaccines to

> date, and he did because I didn't know better back then, then

shouldn't he

> be immune already? Why get these boosters if the first ones didn't

take. I

> mean he has had 4 DTaPs, 4 IPVs, 1 MMR, 4 HIB/HEPBs and 1 chicken


> vaccine. Now he has to have another MMR, IPV, DTaP and PPD. If all


> previous 9 shots didn't make him immune how are the boosters going

to do the

> job?

> I know that even Kirby has said that he thinks vaccines are


> important they just need to be thimerosal free and I know that the


> of autistics are not anti-vaccine, they are anti-mercury. And I

know that

> most of his shots (all except for the DTaP that he would be

getting because

> of insurance. It contains a " trace " ) are mercury free, or so

claimed. I just

> don't know, though, if I would like to support the very vaccine

> manufacturers that started this whole mess. I know they took if

out but not

> until they had to. These are still the same ones that manufacture

the ones

> today.

> I am open to any and every comment and thought on this matter. I

will take

> no offense to anything said. Feel free to tell me your story if

you want. I

> am just trying to get help in making this very tough decision.

> Thanks!



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I have no idea where you live but I also have a 5 year old and live in

California. Our pediatrician was surprisingly sympathetic when we went in for

our son's 5 year check up. She told us that in California, you can object to

vaccines on a religious or personal belief basis. Like you, my kid had every

vaccine up until the 4 yr- booster MMR which we did the blood test for immunity

which he tested immune to. So when he starts kindergarten next year, I'll just

sign the petition or whatever stating we are against it. I think the

pediatricians may be starting to get the message. Mine certainly appreciates my

erring on the side of caution ... or at least that's what she says.

OK It is almost time for Tyler's 5 year vaccines and I am in an indecisive place. On one hand I know it will be a fight with school and maybe even daycare with the religious waiver not to get him vaccinated. I'm sure you all have read that doctors can refuse to see the patients if they aren't vaccinated and I am scared that schools and day cares may be able to do the same thing. Plus, what if he really does need the vaccines for his immunity.

Which brings me to the other area, if he received all of his vaccines to date, and he did because I didn't know better back then, then shouldn't he be immune already? Why get these boosters if the first ones didn't take. I mean he has had 4 DTaPs, 4 IPVs, 1 MMR, 4 HIB/HEPBs and 1 chicken pox vaccine. Now he has to have another MMR, IPV, DTaP and PPD. If all the previous 9 shots didn't make him immune how are the boosters going to do the job?

I know that even Kirby has said that he thinks vaccines are very important they just need to be thimerosal free and I know that the parents of autistics are not anti-vaccine, they are anti-mercury. And I know that most of his shots (all except for the DTaP that he would be getting because of insurance. It contains a "trace") are mercury free, or so claimed. I just don't know, though, if I would like to support the very vaccine manufacturers that started this whole mess. I know they took if out but not until they had to. These are still the same ones that manufacture the ones today.

I am open to any and every comment and thought on this matter. I will take no offense to anything said. Feel free to tell me your story if you want. I am just trying to get help in making this very tough decision.


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No one else seemed to have a problem with it, but here you go. Hope this makes it better.

-- Re: Vaccines

while your mickey mouse usa is cute, it makes it impossible and irritating to try to read your email so i stopped

" " <tylerhaley01@...> Sent by: EOHarm 10/25/2005 08:26 PM


<EOHarm >, <AutismBiomedGA >




OK It is almost time for Tyler's 5 year vaccines and I am in an indecisive place. On one hand I know it will be a fight with school and maybe even daycare with the religious waiver not to get him vaccinated. I'm sure you all have read that doctors can refuse to see the patients if they aren't vaccinated and I am scared that schools and day cares may be able to do the same thing. Plus, what if he really does need the vaccines for his immunity. Which brings me to the other area, if he received all of his vaccines to date, and he did because I didn't know better back then, then shouldn't he be immune already? Why get these boosters if the first ones didn't take. I mean he has had 4 DTaPs, 4 IPVs, 1 MMR, 4 HIB/HEPBs and 1 chicken pox vaccine. Now he has to have another MMR, IPV, DTaP and PPD. If all the previous 9 shots didn't make him immune how are the boosters going to do the job? I know that even Kirby has said that he thinks vaccines are very important they just need to be thimerosal free and I know that the parents of autistics are not anti-vaccine, they are anti-mercury. And I know that most of his shots (all except for the DTaP that he would be getting because of insurance. It contains a "trace") are mercury free, or so claimed. I just don't know, though, if I would like to support the very vaccine manufacturers that started this whole mess. I know they took if out but not until they had to. These are still the same ones that manufacture the ones today. I am open to any and every comment and thought on this matter. I will take no offense to anything said. Feel free to tell me your story if you want. I am just trying to get help in making this very tough decision. Thanks!

Image copyright © Disney - visit www.hushport.com

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my 2 daughters' have never had any vaccines-or any



> > From: " " <tylerhaley01@...>

> <EOHarm >,

> <AutismBiomedGA >

> Subject: Vaccines

> Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 00:26:27 +0000


> OK It is almost time for Tyler's 5 year vaccines and

> I am in an indecisive

> place. On one hand I know it will be a fight with

> school and maybe even

> daycare with the religious waiver not to get him

> vaccinated. I'm sure you

> all have read that doctors can refuse to see the

> patients if they aren't

> vaccinated and I am scared that schools and day

> cares may be able to do the

> same thing. Plus, what if he really does need the

> vaccines for his immunity.

> Which brings me to the other area, if he received

> all of his vaccines to

> date, and he did because I didn't know better back

> then, then shouldn't he

> be immune already? Why get these boosters if the

> first ones didn't take. I

> mean he has had 4 DTaPs, 4 IPVs, 1 MMR, 4 HIB/HEPBs

> and 1 chicken pox

> vaccine. Now he has to have another MMR, IPV, DTaP

> and PPD. If all the

> previous 9 shots didn't make him immune how are the

> boosters going to do the

> job?

> I know that even Kirby has said that he thinks

> vaccines are very

> important they just need to be thimerosal free and I

> know that the parents

> of autistics are not anti-vaccine, they are

> anti-mercury. And I know that

> most of his shots (all except for the DTaP that he

> would be getting because

> of insurance. It contains a " trace " ) are mercury

> free, or so claimed. I just

> don't know, though, if I would like to support the

> very vaccine

> manufacturers that started this whole mess. I know

> they took if out but not

> until they had to. These are still the same ones

> that manufacture the ones

> today.

> I am open to any and every comment and thought on

> this matter. I will take

> no offense to anything said. Feel free to tell me

> your story if you want. I

> am just trying to get help in making this very tough

> decision.

> Thanks!



- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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Hi ,

If your child has any immune system disfunction at all - then why

put more vaccines into that already messed up system?

I'm 55 years old and I've only had one vaccine in my entire life

(tetanus after an accident, without my parents permission). I've

survived measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, flu and probably lots

more I've forgotten.

Vaccines may be useful if their benefits outweigh their risks, but

in the case of a child who has already been damaged, you know that

the risks are high.

Hope this helps.



> No one else seemed to have a problem with it, but here you go.

Hope this

> makes it better.


> -- Re: Vaccines



> while your mickey mouse usa is cute, it makes it impossible and


> to try to read your email so i stopped



> " " <tylerhaley01@a...>

> Sent by: EOHarm

> 10/25/2005 08:26 PM To<EOHarm >,


> com>

> cc

> Subject Vaccines







> OK It is almost time for Tyler's 5 year vaccines and I am in an


> place. On one hand I know it will be a fight with school and maybe


> daycare with the religious waiver not to get him vaccinated. I'm

sure you

> all have read that doctors can refuse to see the patients if they


> vaccinated and I am scared that schools and day cares may be able

to do the

> same thing. Plus, what if he really does need the vaccines for his



> Which brings me to the other area, if he received all of his

vaccines to

> date, and he did because I didn't know better back then, then

shouldn't he

> be immune already? Why get these boosters if the first ones didn't

take. I

> mean he has had 4 DTaPs, 4 IPVs, 1 MMR, 4 HIB/HEPBs and 1 chicken


> vaccine. Now he has to have another MMR, IPV, DTaP and PPD. If all


> previous 9 shots didn't make him immune how are the boosters going

to do the

> job?

> I know that even Kirby has said that he thinks vaccines are


> important they just need to be thimerosal free and I know that the


> of autistics are not anti-vaccine, they are anti-mercury. And I

know that

> most of his shots (all except for the DTaP that he would be

getting because

> of insurance. It contains a " trace " ) are mercury free, or so

claimed. I just

> don't know, though, if I would like to support the very vaccine

> manufacturers that started this whole mess. I know they took if

out but not

> until they had to. These are still the same ones that manufacture

the ones

> today.

> I am open to any and every comment and thought on this matter. I

will take

> no offense to anything said. Feel free to tell me your story if

you want. I

> am just trying to get help in making this very tough decision.

> Thanks!





> Image copyright © Disney - visit www.hushport.com










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I just talked to the doctor and they are going to order the titers to be drawn.

I do have a question on that, but I am sure that I can ask them when I pick up

the order: Is there a titer for everything. THat being pertusis, deptheria and

polio. I don't know if I spelt them all right, but you know what I mean. For

those that had titers drawn, where they drawn for everything?



> From: " Deborah " <dkahn@...>

> Date: 2005/10/26 Wed AM 07:29:32 CDT

> EOHarm

> Subject: Re: Vaccines


> Hi ,


> If your child has any immune system disfunction at all - then why

> put more vaccines into that already messed up system?


> I'm 55 years old and I've only had one vaccine in my entire life

> (tetanus after an accident, without my parents permission). I've

> survived measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, flu and probably lots

> more I've forgotten.


> Vaccines may be useful if their benefits outweigh their risks, but

> in the case of a child who has already been damaged, you know that

> the risks are high.


> Hope this helps.

> Deborah



> >

> > No one else seemed to have a problem with it, but here you go.

> Hope this

> > makes it better.

> >

> > -- Re: Vaccines

> >

> >

> > while your mickey mouse usa is cute, it makes it impossible and

> irritating

> > to try to read your email so i stopped

> >

> >

> > " " <tylerhaley01@a...>

> > Sent by: EOHarm

> > 10/25/2005 08:26 PM To<EOHarm >,

> <AutismBiomedGA@groups

> > com>

> > cc

> > Subject Vaccines

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > OK It is almost time for Tyler's 5 year vaccines and I am in an

> indecisive

> > place. On one hand I know it will be a fight with school and maybe

> even

> > daycare with the religious waiver not to get him vaccinated. I'm

> sure you

> > all have read that doctors can refuse to see the patients if they

> aren't

> > vaccinated and I am scared that schools and day cares may be able

> to do the

> > same thing. Plus, what if he really does need the vaccines for his

> immunity.

> >

> > Which brings me to the other area, if he received all of his

> vaccines to

> > date, and he did because I didn't know better back then, then

> shouldn't he

> > be immune already? Why get these boosters if the first ones didn't

> take. I

> > mean he has had 4 DTaPs, 4 IPVs, 1 MMR, 4 HIB/HEPBs and 1 chicken

> pox

> > vaccine. Now he has to have another MMR, IPV, DTaP and PPD. If all

> the

> > previous 9 shots didn't make him immune how are the boosters going

> to do the

> > job?

> > I know that even Kirby has said that he thinks vaccines are

> very

> > important they just need to be thimerosal free and I know that the

> parents

> > of autistics are not anti-vaccine, they are anti-mercury. And I

> know that

> > most of his shots (all except for the DTaP that he would be

> getting because

> > of insurance. It contains a " trace " ) are mercury free, or so

> claimed. I just

> > don't know, though, if I would like to support the very vaccine

> > manufacturers that started this whole mess. I know they took if

> out but not

> > until they had to. These are still the same ones that manufacture

> the ones

> > today.

> > I am open to any and every comment and thought on this matter. I

> will take

> > no offense to anything said. Feel free to tell me your story if

> you want. I

> > am just trying to get help in making this very tough decision.

> > Thanks!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Image copyright © Disney - visit www.hushport.com

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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<and I know that the parentsof autistics are not anti-vaccine<

I am antivaccine. There are other substances in vaccines that can be harmful. Since Tristan regressed into autism after his last shots I have learned a lot. There are parents who caved in and got the boosters and saw their children with autism regress and lose any gains they had attained. What state are you in? It is maddening that we have so little control over our own and our children's lives because of the control the drug companies have over our health agencies and lawmakers. I recommend you get the DVD of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny to learn more about vaccines.


Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DOSeptember 14, 2005 NewsWithViews.com

By way of introduction, I like to tell people I’m a physician by training and a compulsive researcher by inclination. To be specific, I’ve invested more than seven-thousand hours investigating the under-reported health hazards associated with vaccinations, along with the attendant ethical and legal issues.

What started as a fairly modest research exercise has turned into a second full-time career. I’ve discussed vaccination hazards on more than 50 radio and television programs, addressed hundreds of professional, political, and trade groups, produced two informational DVDs, and authored numerous articles for both print publications and Internet sites. In addition, I’m scheduled to produce two books relating to the subject over the next year.

The risk of vaccination must be considered as important—and potentially more serious—than the risk of a childhood disease. Years of experience and thousands of hours of research have lead to conclusions that are not uniformly accepted: the importance of legally ensuring vaccine exemptions in each State and the right to refuse Nationally mandated vaccinations.

Vaccination is a procedure and vaccines are medications….and both have risks and side effects which are often ignored by the media and, worse, by many in the medical profession. As a population, we are against being forcibly medicated. We value our right to choose what is done to our bodies.

Humans are intrinsically healthy and tend to remain so if they are given nutritious, non-GMO foods, fresh air, and clean water. We have been blessed with God-given protective barriers against infectious diseases, including our skin and immune system.

Knowing that these facts are true for all members of the human species, how did we come to embrace the idea that injecting solutions of chemically-treated, inactivated viruses, parts of bacteria, traces of animal tissue and heavy metals, such as mercury and aluminum, was a reasonable strategy for keeping human beings—babies, children and adults—healthy?

If a “dirty bomb” exposed a large segment of US citizens simultaneously to Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria, Haemophilus influenza B, three strains of polio viruses, 3 strains of influenza viruses, measles, mumps, and rubella viruses, the chickenpox virus, and 7 strains of Streptococcus bacteria, we would declare a national emergency. We would call it an “extreme act of BIOTERRORISM”. The public outcry would be immense and our government would act accordingly.

And yet, those are the very organisms that we inject through vaccines into our babies and our small children, with immature, underdeveloped immune systems. Many are given all at the same time. But instead of bioterrorism, we call it “protection.” Reflect a moment on that irony.

Vaccine injuries are reported to be “rare”, but only because very few reactions are “accepted” by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Institutes of Medicine (IOM) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as being caused by vaccines. I have frequently said that when a vaccine is given, and a bad reaction occurs, “ANYTHING BUT” the vaccine is “blamed” for the reaction. Here is a direct quote from the 6th edition of Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases called “The Pink Book”, published by the CDC:

“There is no distinct syndrome from vaccine administration, and therefore, many temporally associated adverse events probably represent background illness rather than illness caused by the vaccine…The DTaP may stimulate or precipitate inevitable symptoms of underlying CNS disorder, such as seizures, infantile spasms, epilepsy or SIDS. By chance alone, some of these cases will seem to be temporally related to DTaP.”

I have to admit, the first time I read that, I cried. Instead of blaming the vaccine for causing the problem, we blame the children for somehow being defective and the “defect” shows up after we inject them.

Another example of not blaming the vaccine for a reaction comes directly from the National Vaccine Injury compensation table. Only a handful of injuries are covered by this program; if your injury isn’t on the table, you don’t qualify for compensation. The government says “there is no proof”—no causal association—that the problem that was experienced, the seizure, for example, was caused by the vaccine.

And timing of the injury is important too. For example, the Injury Compensation Table states that if the baby manifests the symptoms of encephalopathy –or brain swelling—within 3 days of being given a DTaP shot, the injury is probably related to the vaccine. If the complication develops on the 4th day—or the 5th, 6th or 7th day—it is not considered to be “causally related” and the parent is ineligible to apply for compensation.

Sort of like saying the black and blue foot you have today had nothing to do with the frozen turkey you dropped on it last week, because the discoloration didn’t show up within the time allowed to “prove causation.”

Side effects and complications from vaccines are considered inconsequential because their numbers are supposedly “statistically insignificant.” This conclusion comes from epidemiological research involving large numbers of participants and has nothing to do with the individual person. Population-based conclusions go against one of the most basic tenants of all of medicine: to treat each person as an individual and believe them when they tell you something went wrong after a vaccine.

A “one in a million” reaction may be rare, but if you are “the one”, it is 100% to you.

And even if the one-in-a-million reactions are considered “rare” by the CDC, the health care costs associated with those “rare” reactions are not insignificant. Here’s one example.

One recognized complication of the flu shot is a condition called Gullian-Barre Syndrome (GBS). Guillian-Barre is disorder characterized by progressive paralysis, beginning in the feet and advancing up the body, often causing paralysis of the diaphragm and breathing muscles within a matter of hours or days.

Nearly all patients with GBS are hospitalized because of paralysis. The prognosis of GBS varies. Up to 13 percent die and 20 percent more are left significantly disabled, defined, for these purposes, as unable to work for at least a year.

The CDC reports this side effect to be “rare, perhaps 1 or 2 per million flu shots given.” Using the numbers determined from a variety of sources—including medical journals and government documents, it can reasonably be assumed that the flu shot may cause 40 cases of GBS per year.

The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) database reveals that the average hospital charge per person for GBS is nearly $70,000. Add another $40,000 per person for rehabilitation costs after months of paralysis. Therefore the cost to healthcare for this “rare” complication can be approximated to be at least $4.4 million.

This conservative estimate doesn’t include lost wages, reduced standards of living for patients who returned to work but had to take a lower paying job because of their illness. And of course, there is no price tag for the “human cost” of being paralyzed and away from your family for months.

The advantageous cost-benefit relationship is one of the main rationalizations given for supporting the national vaccination program at all levels, infants through the elderly. But has anyone seriously analyzed the cost of caring for vaccine complications?

This example of Guillian-Barre represents the cost of just ONE complication. What if the costs for healthcare from all acknowledged side effects were calculated and added to the cost of the National Vaccination programs? What if we add in the parent-observed complications, such as refractory seizures?

Are we getting our money’s worth financially? Are we getting our money’s worth in terms of a “healthier” nation?

What about other not-so-obvious costs incurred by vaccine mandates—increased taxes and increased health insurance premiums to pay for the shots? Increased administrative costs to track that they have been given? There are many others, but I’ll stop there.

There are three things to take away from this introduction:

1. Low infection rates and high vaccination rates should not be the cornerstone of our public health policy. Vaccine reactions should not be discounted, whatever their numbers. Further, the true cost-benefit of the vaccination program must be considered, and what has been presented is barely the tip of the iceberg.

2. Parents, and all adults, must retain their right to refuse vaccines. They are not without risk, and those “rare” complications can result in significant costs, both economic and in terms of human life.

3. Children, and all adults, who refuse to be vaccinated are being discriminated against. They are losing their rights:

a. Rights and access to a public education. b. Rights to access to health care, as doctors discharge them as patients. c. Rights to food because often moms on Medicaid are refused food stamps.

These rights—including the right to refuse—must be ensured.

When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us—and force us to vaccinate and medicate our children in the name “health” and “policy” and for “the greater good” we, in essence, accept that the state owns our bodies, and, apparently, our children.

[To order Dr. Sherri Tenpenny's latest video, click here: "Vaccines, The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices"]

© 2005 Sherri Tenpenny -

Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O. is the President and Medical Director of OsteoMed II, a clinic located in the Cleveland area that provides conventional, alternative, and preventive medicine. OsteoMed II's staff of three osteopathic physicians, two acupuncturists and a 10-member support team focuses on four specialized areas: allergy elimination; treating acute and chronic pain problems; all areas of woman's health; and the treatment of vaccine injured children.

Dr. Tenpenny has lectured at Cleveland State University and Case Western Reserve Medical School on topics related to alternative health. Nationally, she is a regular guest on many different radio and television talk shows, including "Your Health" aired on the Family Network. She has published articles in magazines, newspapers and internet sites, including, Redflagsdaily.com, Mercola.com and Mothering.com. She has presented at the National Vaccine Information Center's annual meeting and at several international conferences on autism.

Dr. Tenpenny is respected as one of the country's most knowledgeable and outspoken physicians regarding the impact of vaccines on health. As a member of the prestigious National Speaker's Association, Dr. Tenpenny is an outspoken advocate for free choice in healthcare, including the right to refuse vaccination. As an internationally known speaker, she is highly sought after for her ability to present scientifically sound information regarding vaccination hazard and warnings that are rarely portrayed by conventional medicine. Most importantly, she offers hope through her unique treatments offered at OsteoMed II for those who have been vaccine-injured.

Dr. Tenpenny is a graduate of the University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio. She received her medical training at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri. Dr. Tenpenny is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. Prior to her career in alternative medicine, Dr. Tenpenny served as Director of the Emergency Department at Blanchard Valley Regional Hospital Center in Findlay, Ohio, from 1987 to 1995. In 1994, she and a partner opened OsteoMed, a medical practice in Findlay limited to the specialty of osteopathic manipulative medicine. In 1996, Dr. Tenpenny moved to Strongsville, Ohio, and founded OsteoMed II, expanding her practice and her vision of combining the best of conventional and alternative medicine. Website: www.nmaseminars.com E-Mail: nmaseminars@...


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Sorry. I will be more careful next time with my e-mails. I have Incredimail and

it just pops up which ever letter it wants to so I will MAKE SURE from now on

that I send just the plain when I am forwarding to groups.

Someone should have told me! :)


> From: " Becky Grant-Widen " <bgrantwiden@...>

> Date: 2005/10/26 Wed AM 09:58:46 CDT

> " ' ' " <tylerhaley01@...>

> Subject: RE: Vaccines


> Actually, I've stopped reading your emails too. It's hard to read with

> those cute backdrops. I didn't bother to tell you.


> Becky


> Re: Vaccines





> while your mickey mouse usa is cute, it makes it impossible and

> irritating to try to read your email so i stopped





> " " <tylerhaley01@...>

> Sent by: EOHarm


> 10/25/2005 08:26 PM



> To


> <EOHarm >, <AutismBiomedGA >



> cc





> Subject


> Vaccines












> OK It is almost time for Tyler's 5 year vaccines and I am in an

> indecisive place. On one hand I know it will be a fight with school and

> maybe even daycare with the religious waiver not to get him vaccinated.

> I'm sure you all have read that doctors can refuse to see the patients

> if they aren't vaccinated and I am scared that schools and day cares may

> be able to do the same thing. Plus, what if he really does need the

> vaccines for his immunity.

> Which brings me to the other area, if he received all of his vaccines to

> date, and he did because I didn't know better back then, then shouldn't

> he be immune already? Why get these boosters if the first ones didn't

> take. I mean he has had 4 DTaPs, 4 IPVs, 1 MMR, 4 HIB/HEPBs and 1

> chicken pox vaccine. Now he has to have another MMR, IPV, DTaP and PPD.

> If all the previous 9 shots didn't make him immune how are the boosters

> going to do the job?

> I know that even Kirby has said that he thinks vaccines are very

> important they just need to be thimerosal free and I know that the

> parents of autistics are not anti-vaccine, they are anti-mercury. And I

> know that most of his shots (all except for the DTaP that he would be

> getting because of insurance. It contains a " trace " ) are mercury free,

> or so claimed. I just don't know, though, if I would like to support the

> very vaccine manufacturers that started this whole mess. I know they

> took if out but not until they had to. These are still the same ones

> that manufacture the ones today.

> I am open to any and every comment and thought on this matter. I will

> take no offense to anything said. Feel free to tell me your story if you

> want. I am just trying to get help in making this very tough decision.

> Thanks!














> Image copyright C Disney - visit <http://www.hushport.com/>

> www.hushport.com






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  • 11 months later...


Are you responding to my post about Pneumo vaccine? Cause, I'm certainly not

talking about any other. I would never get the flu shot, for instance.

Tho I am on extensive protocol for ME/CFS (anti-virals, immune modulators,

etc.), sure, I'm interested in what many alternatives to vaccines you are

speaking of. Especially for Pneumonia. Or other respiratory inf.

One year I took amantadine as prophylactic and did not get the flu. However, I

was very weak, maybe because it lowered my already low Blood Prssure.


> >>>> I also received allergy shots (hay

> >>>> fever) every week from age 12 throu age 37, and those shots were

> >>>> loaded with mercury in the merthiolate form!

> >>>

> >>> well, that's interesting... I was on allergy shots for a couple

> >>> years in the 1970's... I guess that was another source of

> >>> mercury for me (I've never read anything confirming that

> >>> this was a source of mercury exposure before)

> >>>

> >>> Marc

> >>

> >>

> >> Vinny Pinto

> >> vinny@

> >>

> >> phone 301-694-1249

> >>

> >> To see my informational websites and e-mail list groups, please go to:

> >> http://www.vinnypinto.us

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am very sure, Jax, and even have the phamplets that lay out the entire procedures. Perhaps this is the newer way? I just started mine last month.. Sheena Jackie on <redjaxjm@...> wrote: Are you sure about the HEPA shot? Mine was a solo shot, just one and no follow up,, now I gotta find out if I needed a second one but didnt get it,, jaxSheena

<mom4possums2002 > wrote: Hi Dave, Hep A is 2 injections, one and then one in 6 months. Hep B in one, then one in 30 days then one again in 6 months. They weren't bad, it was the Pnuemonia vaccine that did me in.. If those are dead viruses, I shudder to think what the live would do.. Sheena Dave <d_k45050 > wrote: Hello all, I> > just> > > got my new covered drugs formulary in the mail and> > > > > > lo and behold-----Hep C tx drugs are now> > covered. Now I have to > > > > decide whether to treat or not. I've always said> > I would, without > > a > > > > doubt. It's kind of scary to think of> > deliberately putting myself > > > > through treatment again. There are soooo many> > risks in NOT > > treating > > > > tho. > > > > > > > > I would appreciate

some feedback and opinions on> > this...........> > > > > > > > Sharon> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tim Parsons > > > > > > > > knoxville,tn 37931 > > > > > > > > 865-588-2465 x107 work> > > > > > > > > > > > www.knoxville1.com> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > > Low, Low, Low Rates! Check out > > Messenger's cheap PC-to-> > Phone> > > call rates.> > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tim

Parsons > > > > > > knoxville,tn 37931 > > > > > > 865-588-2465 x107 work> > > > > > > > > www.knoxville1.com> > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > Get your email and see which of your friends are> > online - Right > > on the new .com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > Get your email and see which of your friends are> > online - Right on > > the new .com> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > We have the perfect Group for you. Check out the> > handy changes to

Groups.> > > > > _______________________________________________________________________________> Check out the New - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. > (http://advision.webevents./mailbeta)> Get your email and see which of your friends are online - Right on the new .com Jackie __________________________________________________

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OH MY,, well I better call my doc this week,, thank you for telling me about it! I may need more boosters or something as my hep a shot was only ONE shot! I better check on this,, thanks again sweetie! IM GLAD you are part of our group!Sheena <mom4possums2002@...> wrote: I am very sure, Jax, and even have the phamplets that lay out the entire procedures. Perhaps this is the newer way? I just started mine last month.. Sheena Jackie on <redjaxjm > wrote: Are you sure about the HEPA shot? Mine was a solo shot, just one and no follow up,, now I gotta find out if I needed a second one but didnt get it,, jaxSheena <mom4possums2002 > wrote: Hi Dave, Hep A is 2 injections, one and then one in 6 months. Hep B in one, then one in 30 days then one again in 6 months. They weren't bad, it was the Pnuemonia vaccine that did me in.. If those are dead viruses, I shudder to think what the live would do.. Sheena

Dave <d_k45050 > wrote: Hello all, I> > just> > > got my new covered drugs formulary in the mail and> > > > > > lo and behold-----Hep C tx drugs are now> > covered. Now I have to > > >

> decide whether to treat or not. I've always said> > I would, without > > a > > > > doubt. It's kind of scary to think of> > deliberately putting myself > > > > through treatment again. There are soooo many> > risks in NOT > > treating > > > > tho. > > > > > > > > I would appreciate some feedback and opinions on> > this...........> > > > > > > > Sharon> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tim Parsons > > > > > > > > knoxville,tn 37931 > > > > > > > > 865-588-2465 x107 work> > > > > > > > > > > > www.knoxville1.com> > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > > Low, Low, Low Rates! Check out > > Messenger's cheap PC-to-> > Phone> > > call rates.> > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tim Parsons > > > > > > knoxville,tn 37931 > > > > > > 865-588-2465 x107 work> > > > > > > > > www.knoxville1.com> > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > Get your email and see which of your friends are> > online - Right > > on the new .com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

---------------------------------> > > Get your email and see which of your friends are> > online - Right on > > the new .com> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > We have the perfect Group for you. Check out the> > handy changes to .> > > > > _______________________________________________________________________________> Check out the New - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. > (http://advision.webevents./mailbeta)> Get your email and see which of your friends are

online - Right on the new .com Jackie __________________________________________________

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OH MY,, well I better call my doc this week,, thank you for telling me about it! I may need more boosters or something as my hep a shot was only ONE shot! I better check on this,, thanks again sweetie! IM GLAD you are part of our group!Sheena <mom4possums2002@...> wrote: I am very sure, Jax, and even have the phamplets that lay out the entire procedures. Perhaps this is the newer way? I just started mine last month.. Sheena Jackie on <redjaxjm > wrote: Are you sure about the HEPA shot? Mine was a solo shot, just one and no follow up,, now I gotta find out if I needed a second one but didnt get it,, jaxSheena <mom4possums2002 > wrote: Hi Dave, Hep A is 2 injections, one and then one in 6 months. Hep B in one, then one in 30 days then one again in 6 months. They weren't bad, it was the Pnuemonia vaccine that did me in.. If those are dead viruses, I shudder to think what the live would do.. Sheena

Dave <d_k45050 > wrote: Hello all, I> > just> > > got my new covered drugs formulary in the mail and> > > > > > lo and behold-----Hep C tx drugs are now> > covered. Now I have to > > >

> decide whether to treat or not. I've always said> > I would, without > > a > > > > doubt. It's kind of scary to think of> > deliberately putting myself > > > > through treatment again. There are soooo many> > risks in NOT > > treating > > > > tho. > > > > > > > > I would appreciate some feedback and opinions on> > this...........> > > > > > > > Sharon> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tim Parsons > > > > > > > > knoxville,tn 37931 > > > > > > > > 865-588-2465 x107 work> > > > > > > > > > > > www.knoxville1.com> > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > > Low, Low, Low Rates! Check out > > Messenger's cheap PC-to-> > Phone> > > call rates.> > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tim Parsons > > > > > > knoxville,tn 37931 > > > > > > 865-588-2465 x107 work> > > > > > > > > www.knoxville1.com> > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > Get your email and see which of your friends are> > online - Right > > on the new .com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

---------------------------------> > > Get your email and see which of your friends are> > online - Right on > > the new .com> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > We have the perfect Group for you. Check out the> > handy changes to .> > > > > _______________________________________________________________________________> Check out the New - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. > (http://advision.webevents./mailbeta)> Get your email and see which of your friends are

online - Right on the new .com Jackie __________________________________________________

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There are different drug companies for vaccines, the same as other drugs, but JUST one injection for all does not sound right. The B vaccine is VERY expensive, sometimes I wonder if they try to cut corners..? Thank you, Jax, I am so very glad to be here, it has basically restored my Faith in humans. Where else could one go where people actually CARE.. and enough to pray for strangers.. I'm here as long as you'll have me, and my computer cooperates.. Sheena Jackie on <redjaxjm@...> wrote: OH MY,, well I better call my doc this week,, thank you for telling me about it! I may need more boosters or something as my hep a shot was only ONE shot! I better check on this,, thanks again sweetie! IM GLAD you are part of our group!Sheena <mom4possums2002 > wrote: I am very sure, Jax, and even have the phamplets that lay out the entire procedures. Perhaps this is the newer way? I just started mine last month.. Sheena Jackie on

<redjaxjm > wrote: Are you sure about the HEPA shot? Mine was a solo shot, just one and no follow up,, now I gotta find out if I needed a second one but didnt get it,, jaxSheena <mom4possums2002 > wrote: Hi Dave, Hep A is 2 injections, one and then one in 6 months. Hep B in one, then one in 30 days then one again in 6 months. They weren't bad, it was the Pnuemonia vaccine that did me in.. If those are dead viruses, I shudder to think what the live would do.. Sheena Dave

<d_k45050 > wrote: Hello all, I> > just> > > got my new covered drugs formulary in the mail and> > > > > > lo and behold-----Hep C tx drugs are now> > covered. Now I have to > > > > decide whether to treat or not.

I've always said> > I would, without > > a > > > > doubt. It's kind of scary to think of> > deliberately putting myself > > > > through treatment again. There are soooo many> > risks in NOT > > treating > > > > tho. > > > > > > > > I would appreciate some feedback and opinions on> > this...........> > > > > > > > Sharon> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tim Parsons > > > > > > > > knoxville,tn 37931 > > > > > > > > 865-588-2465 x107 work> > > > > > > > > > > > www.knoxville1.com> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > ---------------------------------> > > > Low, Low, Low Rates! Check out > > Messenger's cheap PC-to-> > Phone> > > call rates.> > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tim Parsons > > > > > > knoxville,tn 37931 > > > > > > 865-588-2465 x107 work> > > > > > > > > www.knoxville1.com> > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > Get your email and see which of your friends are> > online - Right > > on the new .com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > Get

your email and see which of your friends are> > online - Right on > > the new .com> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > We have the perfect Group for you. Check out the> > handy changes to .> > > > > _______________________________________________________________________________> Check out the New - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. > (http://advision.webevents./mailbeta)> Get your email and see which of your friends are online - Right on the new .com Jackie __________________________________________________

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well my hep a was ONE shot,, my hep B was 2 shots and then they checked my hep titer to see if it was high enough to offer protection.. but Im going to have it rechecked this next feb at my 4 year post tx PCR,,, YOU are ALWAYS welcome here Sheena honey,, as you learn, you will be able to give back to the new people who are always coming and joining our group! hugs jaxSheena <mom4possums2002@...> wrote: There are different drug companies for vaccines, the

same as other drugs, but JUST one injection for all does not sound right. The B vaccine is VERY expensive, sometimes I wonder if they try to cut corners..? Thank you, Jax, I am so very glad to be here, it has basically restored my Faith in humans. Where else could one go where people actually CARE.. and enough to pray for strangers.. I'm here as long as you'll have me, and my computer cooperates.. Sheena Jackie on <redjaxjm > wrote: OH MY,, well I better call my doc this week,, thank you for telling me about it! I may need more boosters or something

as my hep a shot was only ONE shot! I better check on this,, thanks again sweetie! IM GLAD you are part of our group!Sheena <mom4possums2002 > wrote: I am very sure, Jax, and even have the phamplets that lay out the entire procedures. Perhaps this is the newer way? I just started mine last month.. Sheena Jackie on <redjaxjm > wrote: Are you sure about the HEPA shot? Mine was a solo shot, just one and no follow up,, now I gotta find out if I needed a second one but didnt get it,, jaxSheena

<mom4possums2002 > wrote: Hi Dave, Hep A is 2 injections, one and then one in 6 months. Hep B in one, then one in 30 days then one again in 6 months. They weren't bad, it was the Pnuemonia vaccine that did me in.. If those are dead viruses, I shudder to think what the live would do.. Sheena Dave <d_k45050 > wrote: Hello all, I> > just> > > got my new covered drugs formulary in the mail and> > > > > > lo and behold-----Hep C tx drugs are now> > covered. Now I have to > > > > decide whether to treat or not. I've always said> > I would, without > > a > > > > doubt. It's kind of scary to think of> > deliberately putting myself > > > > through treatment again. There are soooo many> > risks in NOT > > treating > > > > tho. > > > > > > > > I would appreciate

some feedback and opinions on> > this...........> > > > > > > > Sharon> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tim Parsons > > > > > > > > knoxville,tn 37931 > > > > > > > > 865-588-2465 x107 work> > > > > > > > > > > > www.knoxville1.com> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > > Low, Low, Low Rates! Check out > > Messenger's cheap PC-to-> > Phone> > > call rates.> > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tim

Parsons > > > > > > knoxville,tn 37931 > > > > > > 865-588-2465 x107 work> > > > > > > > > www.knoxville1.com> > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > Get your email and see which of your friends are> > online - Right > > on the new .com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > Get your email and see which of your friends are> > online - Right on > > the new .com> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > We have the perfect Group for you. Check out the> > handy changes to

Groups.> > > > > _______________________________________________________________________________> Check out the New - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. > (http://advision.webevents./mailbeta)> Get your email and see which of your friends are online - Right on the new .com Jackie __________________________________________________

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first child was fully vaccinated, plus I was coerced into

receiving a flu shot while I was a pregnant. She is severely

autistic with extreme immune dysregulation. My second child was only

partially vaccinated. She has asthma and allergies so severe that

she has to carry an epi-pen and inhaler everywhere she goes. My

third child is unvaccinated and is the healthiest child I have ever

seen. Her immune system is so strong that she fights most illnesses

off in one or two days. My aunt developed Guillain-Barre syndrome

following a vaccination and is permanently disabled. Vaccines are the

reason our society is so chronically ill and why autoimmune disorders

are so prevalent. This myth of vaccine safety and protection is one

of the most heinous and evil frauds perpetrated against humanity.

The only reason why these viruses are still around is that vaccinated

people are shedding their injected viruses all over the place. The

outbreaks of these so-called vaccine preventable illnesses, such as

mumps and pertussis, are occurring in vaccinated people! Not only do

vaccines make us sick, but they don't even work most of the time. In

order for our immune systems to function properly, we need to allow

them to do what they were designed to do.

Here is my autistic daughter's doctor discussing this issue.

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Polio was on the sharp decline before a vaccine was invented. The

vaccine was given credit for stopping the epidemic even though polio

decline came from chlorinating swimming pools. There are cases in

which Polio was cured by using IV of vitamin C. The docs insist

that polio is incurable, so one needs to be vaccinated. There is

a BIG difference between scratching the skin with pustule from cowpox

to vaccinate against smallpox and the deadly chemical cocktails used

these days. See the PDF file on vaccine dangers here:


Difficult to prove, but there are indications that the huge influenze

epidemic which came at the end of WW-I was caused by vaccinations of

soldiers who then returned home to spread the plague amongst



See also the URL below this excerpt:


" It has been said that the 1918 flu epidemic killed 20,000,000 people

throughout the world. But, actually, the doctors killed them with

their crude and deadly treatments and drugs. This is a harsh

accusation but it is nevertheless true, judging by the success of the

drugless doctors in comparison with that of the medical doctors.

" While the medical men and medical hospitals were losing 33% of their

flu cases, the non-medical hospitals such as BATTLE CREEK, KELLOGG and

MACFADDEN'S HEALTH-RESTORIUM were getting almost 100% healings with

their water cure, baths, enemas, etc., fasting and certain other

simple healing methods, followed by carefully worked out diets of

natural foods. One health doctor didn't lose a patient in eight years.



What kills people is poor sanitation, filthy drinking water,

malnutrition -- and vaccinations & antibiotics administered by



On 11/18/06, Ann E. Hendricks <aehend@...> wrote:

> Gosh, I have to speak up on this matter, too.


> Vaccines are another case where these is much argument

> in the States about their helpfulness or harm, but,

> man, try living in a developing country for a few

> years and you will lose any doubt that vaccines are

> major lifesavers for humanity. It is very obvious,

> outside America, that vaccines have saved MILLIONS of

> lives--especially infants and children. When we watch

> Americans debating vaccines, it looks as nutty to us

> as Americans denying global warming while we lose our

> island nations and our homes sink into mud where there

> always used to be permafrost. Vaccine efficacy is as

> obvious to us over here as is climate change.


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I think the following would be correct. Hypothetically those who get vaccinated

would have immunity from the diseases they were vaccinated against....so if one

decides to not be vaccinated in a " free country " then they would not be

endangering those who did get vaccinated. Then we would have a true population

study and be able to compare.We would also have one of the basic freedoms of

deciding for oneself what is injected into our bodies. Science is certainly not

infallible and to make it mandatory for all children to be vaccinated is

well....taking away our basic freedoms to decide. Mumps, measles, chicken pox,

flu are most often not dangerous diseases as they are portrayed to be. Mercury

is not the only problem in vaccines but contamination with other microbes

contained in the pus and tissues of animals used are another worry...plus

....rearranging our immune systems in an unnatural way

Henry Kissenger wrote up a Memorandum for our president a few years ago. It

was called Nssm 200......A National Security Memorandum. He stated that 13

countries in Africa were becoming too populated and were threatening the

availablility of resources. He said that either the birth rate needed to be

decreased of the death rate INCREASED. Two years later the WHO went over to

those countries and gave the people free smallpox vaccines even tho I heard

smallpox was not a huge problem. A couple of years later about 60% of the

vaccinated people had AIDS. The same thing happened around the same time in new

York City. A free hepatitis vaccine was advertised to give out free to

promiscuous gay men. Well, From what I understand, the same thing happened to

them a couple years later....60% came down with AIDS.

I've read that many times sanitation in countries is cleaned up at the same

time vaccines are given and that this is most often the reason for decrease in

the particular disease being vaccinated for....even tho degenerative diseases

increase at a substantial rate. Also it has been documented that many of our

diseases, such as polio were on the downswing before the vaccines were

initiated. Epidemics do have cycles. However, I agree...people should also have

the right to study the science and outcomes of vaccines throughly and also be

able to receive them if they want to.It should be an individual decision...with

no question. However, like another poster said...those who do get vaccines can

shed the viruses which they were vaccinated with (if they are live viruses) and

can in turn infect those who have not gotten the vaccine. So it seems to me that

again in the underdeveloped countries we should go back to providing or

educating about sanitation and helping them provide

for themselves, concerning healthy food. I am in the middle of reading

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration and it appears to me that it's the native

cultures who become " civilized " that have most of the disease problems. Those

who still live on the pure native diets have much natural protection from

disease. However, I don't think there are many societies left untouched by

modern " civilization "

" Ann E. Hendricks " <aehend@...> wrote:

Gosh, I have to speak up on this matter, too.

Vaccines are another case where these is much argument

in the States about their helpfulness or harm, but,

man, try living in a developing country for a few

years and you will lose any doubt that vaccines are

major lifesavers for humanity. It is very obvious,

outside America, that vaccines have saved MILLIONS of

lives--especially infants and children. When we watch

Americans debating vaccines, it looks as nutty to us

as Americans denying global warming while we lose our

island nations and our homes sink into mud where there

always used to be permafrost. Vaccine efficacy is as

obvious to us over here as is climate change.

For example, just the other day I was watching the

BBC's excelent program " Kill or Cure " which followed

pneumococcal vaccine's adoption in developing areas.

Pneumococcal Disease is a horrible killer and torturer

of infants an young children throughout most of the

world, including where I live in SE Asia. After

introducing the vaccine to Alaskan native children

(who had been suffering terribly from PD), the

incidence of PD in the population dropped by something

like 95%. PD--and other childhood diseases vaccinated

against--kill or stunt, and cause real misery. None of

the elusive hypothetical dangers of vaccination come

close to those real consequences of not vaccinating.

I'm a natural, breastfeeding, coconut oil using,


get-sick-and-boost-your-immune-system-believing Momma,

and over here in SE Asia, do I vacinate against

serious diseases? You betcha! Would I in America?

Heck, yes! And when pneumococcal vaccine shows up in

Malaysia or Singapore, I'll be standing in line to get

my kids vaccinated. Even if that risks these vague

hypothetical consequences of vaccination, otherwise I

am seriously risking their deaths. (And the last

non-vaccinated-against serious disease that came

around I almost died from as well, ending up in the ER

in the middle of the night!)

I think living in a cozy safe country it might not be

easy to appreciate these things--but these diseases

are very serious in the developing world, and if

Americans stop vaccinating in large enough numbers,

these serious, killer diseases will come back over

there, too. I guess that would end the debate,


Ann H in Malaysia


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