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Dear Lynn,

it's normal to be discouraged, but it won't last. You've come to the

group for support and knowledge. You will find that and more.

By the way, the biopsy really didn't hurt. The agonizing thing was

lying still for 3 hours, haha.

Whether or not you decide to treat, we are here for you.

Hugs, Suzy

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Gosh I didn't have stay in the hospital longer than 3 hours for the whole

thing. And no it didn't hurt me either, they give you a little pain med and

after you feel a slight discomfort.

Re: New Member

Dear Lynn,

it's normal to be discouraged, but it won't last. You've come to the

group for support and knowledge. You will find that and more.

By the way, the biopsy really didn't hurt. The agonizing thing was

lying still for 3 hours, haha.

Whether or not you decide to treat, we are here for you.

Hugs, Suzy

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  • 4 months later...


Welcome to the group. I just wanted to let you know that there is help out

there for people who do not have insurance to cover the treatment. I don't have

insurance and I am on week 8 of treatment. My doctor helped sign me up for

Scherring Ploughs Commitment To Care Program. They give me my meds for free. I

do have to pay for my lab tests and doctors appointments but they are also on a

sliding scale. So far, treatment has cost me a few hundred dollars. Treatment

can be rough but I am still working and have only had one really bad week. You

two can get through this. My boyfriend helps me. The most helpful thing he

does is love me unconditionally. Even on my real nasty days (emotionally) he is

still there.


kartinteddy <mtvigil@...> wrote:

Hello. I am new to this group and I thought I would share a little

about myself and my situation.

I am recently married and found out that my husband's HCV is in an

active state. He told me before we were married that he had HCV (it

was not active 5 years ago)but current blood tests show that it is

now active. We have an appointment Thursday for him to see a


Right now I am just trying to show support and encouragement. I have

been spending several hours a day online doing research for him to

read that will encourage him. At the moment, I feel like that is

about all I can do until we see the doctor.

Our next hurdle is going to be finding medical assistance of some

sort. Since it is concidered a pre-existing condition and insurance

will not pay...if treatment is recommended then we will have to find

a way.

I joined this group to learn more through the experience of others.

Maybe I'll find a little comfort and support of my own through the

posts of others.

I love and support my husband 100% and my fears are not for myself

but for my husband's ability to cope with the results of what the

doctor says.

Best wishes to all,

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I had read about the Commitment to Care Program in a website but I

was not sure the information was current until now. I saved the link

you sent...it may come in handy real soon. Thank you for the



<marymax34@s...> wrote:

> ,

> Welcome to the group. I just wanted to let you know that there is

help out there for people who do not have insurance to cover the

treatment. I don't have insurance and I am on week 8 of treatment.

My doctor helped sign me up for Scherring Ploughs Commitment To Care

Program. They give me my meds for free. I do have to pay for my

lab tests and doctors appointments but they are also on a sliding

scale. So far, treatment has cost me a few hundred dollars.

Treatment can be rough but I am still working and have only had one

really bad week. You two can get through this. My boyfriend helps

me. The most helpful thing he does is love me unconditionally.

Even on my real nasty days (emotionally) he is still there.

> Sincerely,


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Hi and welcome, this is a great group of people with good info. I

came here just recently myself,,,,,,,damn insurance companies! I

know how it feels, I had my job yanked out from under me and put on

SSDI, I became a liability, I was no longer viable to them so they

got rid of me,,,,,,,,stand your ground tho. Anyway I got my

situation under control by taking advice given to me here and

following the links. My disposition has changed immensly and I get

to make new friends,,,,,what could be better!? Merry Meet and

Blessed BE,,,,,,,,,,Kos

> Hello. I am new to this group and I thought I would share a little

> about myself and my situation.

> I am recently married and found out that my husband's HCV is in an

> active state. He told me before we were married that he had HCV


> was not active 5 years ago)but current blood tests show that it is

> now active. We have an appointment Thursday for him to see a

> specialist.

> Right now I am just trying to show support and encouragement. I


> been spending several hours a day online doing research for him to

> read that will encourage him. At the moment, I feel like that is

> about all I can do until we see the doctor.

> Our next hurdle is going to be finding medical assistance of some

> sort. Since it is concidered a pre-existing condition and


> will not pay...if treatment is recommended then we will have to


> a way.

> I joined this group to learn more through the experience of


> Maybe I'll find a little comfort and support of my own through the

> posts of others.

> I love and support my husband 100% and my fears are not for myself

> but for my husband's ability to cope with the results of what the

> doctor says.

> Best wishes to all,


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Roz,

You are welcome to ask ANY questios you have, this is one big happy

group. Don't worry about an invite into a string of posts, if there

is something in a post that you'd like more information about - ask

away. Many of us here have completed the currently available

treatment (with varying results), some are on treatment now and many

are gathering information about starting treatment. I believe we

have some members who have decided to forego treatment and use herbs

to manage their health.

your friend is very lucky that you want to get involved with his

health and his upcoming treatment, thanks for coming to this group,


> Hi,

> My friend sent your link to me. He will begin treatment in the


> week or two, and I want to be as informed and helpful as I can be.

> Is there a group of friends and partners out there who can let me

in on

> their conversation with each other? Thanks-

> Roz

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  • 1 month later...

Welcome to the list, Tom & ,

> It was amazing to finally find a name that fit the symptoms that

> he has.

Yes, it took me over a half a year to learn of the term " electrical

sensitivity " , and that followed another year of not even realizing

that electricity was causing my symptoms!

> He has worked in a clean-room manufacturing computer chips for nine

> years now.

In the " files " area is a PDF of an interesting book relating

hundreds of ES people's experiences -- how they got the illness,

etc. This book has only recently been translated into English,

so I'm just making my way through it. One thing that was interesting

to me is that a lot of people get this illness due to the offgassing

of computer components. One theory is that the chemical involved

are neurotoxins.

> All of his symptoms are on the left side of his body.

Hmmmm... I'm not sure what would cause this... the only thing

which comes to mind is perhaps a gold filling surrounded by

silver fillings (?)

> We have heard that people with EHS have a high level of toxins in their body

> How do we get rid of them?

One thing to do is to start eating healthier -- eliminate as much

(as much as you can stand) processed foods, cooked foods, junk

foods, alcohol, caffeine... and replace it with whole grains,

vegetables, seeds, nuts, etc. If you know your husbands blood

type, look up the dietary recommendations for the " eat right for

your type " diet.

Also, ES folks should try to remove as much metals on their body,

as it just attracts EMF to them. Replace metal dental work

with composits, replace metal-framed glasses with plastic framed

glasses, don't keep your car keys on you all the time, etc.

On top of all that, depending on where you live, try and find

an alternative health / holistic practioner that might be able

to give you herbs, etc. to assist in the detoxification process.

And if you're not happy with the person you find, find another

one (I've gone through over 10 health practitioners until I

found someone I was happy with).

Also, trying steam rooms and saunas might help.

The key is to don't overdo it -- when you detox, the toxins

are flowing through your bloodstream and need to be processed

by your livers and kidneys. And usually if you're incapacitated,

these organs are working 100%.

> How do you reduce your exposure to EMF's when

> it's all around.

Replace florescent lights with incandescent lights. Reduce

the resolution on your computer monitor (or perhaps find

an older one). Also, you might want to try a few EMF protection

devices and see if they help any. For me, I wouldn't have

been able to return to my job or live a semi-normal life

without these. For me, Springlife Polarizers and Quantum

Products do the trick -- other people have their own favorite


> Any tips on how to deal with this in an effective way

> would be awesome.

Well, you found us, so hopefully you'll be making some good

progress now!


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> We have heard that people with EHS have a high level of toxins in their body

> How do we get rid of them? How do you reduce your exposure to EMF's when

> it's all around. Any tips on how to deal with this in an effective way

> would be awesome.

Oh, on top of the regular dietary recommendations, you might want to

experiment with electrolytes (e.g, there is a supplement called e-Lyte,

but others have luck with magnesium/potassium), antioxidants (although

I had no improvement from regular vitamin A/C/E pills, I did get improvement


foods high in these, or supplements made from foods high in these).

Also foods/supplements/herbs which bind to toxins your bloodstream

( " blood cleansers " ), as this takes some of the load off your liver &

kidneys (echinacea is a blood/lymph cleaner). Also, I've personally

gotten good results from the sea vegetable/aloe vera nutritonal drinks

on the market (I use " sea energy " now, but have in the past also used

" seasilver " ). Also, probiotics seem to bind/neutralize toxins in your

digestive system (I use " primal defense " for this, but have found

other probiotics to also work).

Also, you should try to limit any foods/supplements which make your sensitivity

worse. For me, this includes oranges, salt, chlorella, and certain

EMF protection devices (some of them seem to make me MORE sensitive

to EMF, e.g., the personal rejuvenizer, the harmonic protector,

and the sacred geometry medallions).


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Tom and ,

Welcome to the list.

The book " The Invisible Disease " by Gunni Nordstrom talks about people

specifically with your symptoms related to your work. You might find

solace in knowing you are not alone in your condition and have

supporting evidence that you are not crazy.

I have learned that our nerves and enzyme production are really messed

up from EMF and toxins. I highly recommend getting some good digestive

enzymes and taking them regularly. As you go through your detox, make

sure your bowels are clear (mercury is released most from sweating and

through the feces) with colonic products like Oxy-powder or whatever

your holistic health adviser recommends.

It is essential to rebuild the digestive system with Probiotics and

food with good bacteria like raw organic milk, kefir, colostrum,

butter, and cheese. I think these are great for rebuilding and

maintaining the intestines and removing toxins.

Animal fat is good! Read " The Cholesterol Myth " or " Nourishing

Traditions " if this is new info to you.

You will get an abundance of recommendations regarding vitamins,

homeopathic remedies, therapies, shielding devices, etc., from this

great list.

In short,

exercise regularly,

eat empowering and rejuvenating foods with plenty of B vitamins, (no

aspartame or other sweeteners)

remove yourself from the source of the EMF or toxic problem,

get shielding, RF (Radio Frequency) meters and Gauss (Magnetic field)

meters from LessEMF.com or other websites,

rebuild your system with Acupuncture, homeopathic remedies, vitamins,

detox programs...

No more MRI's.

I have at least a hundred different things that I do to heal myself and

I won't flood you with them all now.

Welcome to our group and may you heal quickly and share what works for



105 Woodstream Drive

Cary, NC 27511

On Nov 8, 2004, at 12:23 AM, T & S wrote:



> Hi, we just discovered that my husband has ES and are trying to get

> information on what we can do for him. We've gone through all the

> garbage

> with medical doctors running every test in the book on him. Every

> one of

> them turned out negative, of course. We figured out what he had off

> of the

> internet. It was amazing to finally find a name that fit the symptoms

> that

> he has. He has worked in a clean-room manufacturing computer chips

> for nine

> years now. All of his symptoms are on the left side of his body.

> When he

> has an episode, his eye droops, his lip curls up, the left side of his

> tongue swells and makes him talk funny, the foot turns in and drags,

> and the

> hand swells and curls up. He is totally drained of energy during an

> episode and it slows down his thinking processes. His episodes can

> last

> anywhere from a few hours to three days. He can't watch t.v., work on

> the

> computer, talk on the cell phone or be around radio towers. Doing any

> of

> the above will send him into an immediate episode. The thing that made

> us

> start thinking that it was work-related is when he had an MRI done.

> While

> he was in the MRI, his face squeezed together and he felt like his

> eyeballs

> were going to pop out and his left hand curled up in a tight fist and

> he

> couldn't move it. The MRI is one big magnet. The machines he works

> around

> are the same way. They have big, powerful magnets in them. That's

> when we

> started thinking about the electromagnetic fields and their affect on

> him.


> We have heard that people with EHS have a high level of toxins in

> their body

> How do we get rid of them? How do you reduce your exposure to

> EMF's when

> it's all around. Any tips on how to deal with this in an effective

> way

> would be awesome.



> Tom and




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Many people with ES discover mercury from amalgam fillings to be a major

contributor to their condition. Replacing fillings & mercury detox has been

a major step towards relief for many. The key is to get our digestion

system in order before trying mercury detox (or toxins will increase and

make symptoms worse).


----Original Message Follows----

From: " T & S " <weefour@...>


< >

Subject: New Member

Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2004 22:23:57 -0700 (Mountain Standard Time)

Hi, we just discovered that my husband has ES and are trying to get

information on what we can do for him. We've gone through all the garbage

with medical doctors running every test in the book on him. Every one of

them turned out negative, of course. We figured out what he had off of the

internet. It was amazing to finally find a name that fit the symptoms that

he has. He has worked in a clean-room manufacturing computer chips for nine

years now. All of his symptoms are on the left side of his body. When he

has an episode, his eye droops, his lip curls up, the left side of his

tongue swells and makes him talk funny, the foot turns in and drags, and the

hand swells and curls up. He is totally drained of energy during an

episode and it slows down his thinking processes. His episodes can last

anywhere from a few hours to three days. He can't watch t.v., work on the

computer, talk on the cell phone or be around radio towers. Doing any of

the above will send him into an immediate episode. The thing that made us

start thinking that it was work-related is when he had an MRI done. While

he was in the MRI, his face squeezed together and he felt like his eyeballs

were going to pop out and his left hand curled up in a tight fist and he

couldn't move it. The MRI is one big magnet. The machines he works around

are the same way. They have big, powerful magnets in them. That's when we

started thinking about the electromagnetic fields and their affect on him.

We have heard that people with EHS have a high level of toxins in their body

How do we get rid of them? How do you reduce your exposure to EMF's


it's all around. Any tips on how to deal with this in an effective way

would be awesome.

Tom and

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Glo,

I see you found your way here. Welcome to the coconut site! I have

been using coconut oil for awhile now and reading about it and I do

hope that it can help you. I will look forward to some answers from

some people in " the know " here. Think about this though. Coconut oil

is omega 6. We all need to balance omega 3 and omega 6. The answer

may not just be with coconut oil but also flax oil. Which is an

omega 6 oil but can turn into omega 3 by the body. It does have the

highest form of omega 3.



GLO wrote:

> Hi:

> Thought I would introduce myself. Invited to join the group by



> I live in So Ca. married and Nana to 5 wee ones. As Del and I

have been

> talking we came around to VCO and its benefits and the possibility

that it could

> be of help in my health issues. So here they are.


> I am female, 54, had my thyroid removed in 96, since then the


> have stopped functioning (no calicum function),and because of

heavy stress over

> about 20 years, developed IBS-D, am also in menopause.


> How can VCO help with my conditions, especially the thyroid and


> since I have to take the meds, what would VCO do to improve this,

what might

> I expect to see? I notice that some are being healed of the IBS

and this

> would be wonderful and may improve the calcium issue, I am sure

there would be

> improvement for menopause.


> I have printed off some information from the files and will be

reading it

> over the next few days. I look forward to learning more. I have

used ESPO, (I

> really don't like coconut).


> glo




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  • 1 month later...

hi dawn, welcome to the group!

i would say coconut oil is very easy to incorporate into your diet.

instead of using corn, soya, canola or any other oil for cooking or

baking, try using coconut oil. you might also want to try coconut

milk, we filipinos use it as cream when we cook our vegetebles, or

when making dessert, rice cakes, etc. we even make sherbet with

coconut milk. we love eating the young coconut meat fresh from its

shell, make sweetened coconut (similar to fruit jams) of the more

mature ones, drink the coconut water, use dessicated coconut for

cookies, bars... the possibilities are endless... try experimenting

by substituting coconut milk whenever lik is called for, try coconut

oil in all your recipes using oil.

best regards,



> Hello to all, I am a new member and would very much appeciate if

> someone could give me some tips on how and where I can begin to

> include coconut oil in my diet and athe bebfits therein. I so have

> hypothyrodism and I am abut 30 lbs. overweight. Thanks so much, Dawn

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  • 4 weeks later...

> I had my mercury fillings out last year but it

> didn't make much difference and im currently taking chlorella

> to chelate the remainder from my body.

Hi Stuart,

Welcome to the group!

Have you done any tests to see what impact the chlorella has

on your ES symptoms? As I recall, taking chlorella made me

*much* *much* more sensitive to EMF.

Stopping the chlorella *might* solve some of your problems.

I agree with you about the thyroid/ES connection. In my

case, eating some form of sea vegetables is a great way

to support the thyroid. I've done this mostly by drinking

seaweed/aloe vera juice products, but in the UK I believe

there are capsules called " Seagreens " . These also are

supposed to chelate mercury, and they don't seem to have

the same problem as the chlorella with regards to making

ES symptoms worse (at least, they didn't for me).

Also, have you tried any EMF protection devices? If

so, did they do anything (good or bad) ?


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> > I had my mercury fillings out last year but it

> > didn't make much difference and im currently taking chlorella

> > to chelate the remainder from my body.


> Hi Stuart,


> Welcome to the group!


> Have you done any tests to see what impact the chlorella has

> on your ES symptoms? As I recall, taking chlorella made me

> *much* *much* more sensitive to EMF.


> Stopping the chlorella *might* solve some of your problems.


> I agree with you about the thyroid/ES connection. In my

> case, eating some form of sea vegetables is a great way

> to support the thyroid. I've done this mostly by drinking

> seaweed/aloe vera juice products, but in the UK I believe

> there are capsules called " Seagreens " . These also are

> supposed to chelate mercury, and they don't seem to have

> the same problem as the chlorella with regards to making

> ES symptoms worse (at least, they didn't for me).


> Also, have you tried any EMF protection devices? If

> so, did they do anything (good or bad) ?


> Marc

I've not tried any of the protection devices. The only thing i tried

which i thought could help was a magnetic bracelet, one of those

bioflow things. Needless to say it made me far far worse. Another

point i didn't mention was my " intolerance " to man made fibres.

Basically everything i wear is cotton otherwise i feel agitated. I

also don't wear a watch or jewelry.

I know the thyroid is a contributing factor. The problem with the UK

though is that the majority of doctors use one simple test the TSH

test to diagnose the problem. If that's ok then you're fine. I've had

two thyroid tests lately within the space of two months, one came

back 3.1 which if i was living in the US would be classed as

hyperthyroidism and the other 1.5. Those in itself prove there is a

real imbalance. Needless to say all the symptoms associated with

hyperthyroidism are also brought on by EMF exposure.

Diet does make a difference and you're right about seagreens i feel

better taking them. I didn't know that about chlorella and will give

it a break and see what happens. Thanks!


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  • 2 weeks later...

There is really nothing wrong with WET expeller pressed oil except that it has

used high heat in producing the oil. I don't think it should qualify as virgin

due to the high heat used. Some vitamins/minerals/acids might have been

eliminated due to the heat, but hey eat lots of fruits and vegetables and you

get them too.

However, there are expeller pressed oils that come from copra. Copra is coconut

meat that has been dried, mechanical or under the sun. Most copras are moldy.

dirty, etc. This is usually used not for ingesting but as an ingredient to

soap. or other cosmetics.

How can you tell? You have to go to a good health store who really checks up on

its suppliers.

New member

After reading an article in Women's World I decided to see what info

I could find on-line about coconut oil. (Since I am not gullible

enough to believe everything I read.)

I went to my local healthfood store and bought " Spectrum Naturals

expeller pressed organic coconut oil " . The label states that it is

mechanically expeller pressed without hexane or other harmful

chemicals and processed according to strict organic standards.

Having read some of the messages, it's obvious that there is

disagreement as to which coconut oils are the healthiest. Since it's

been many, many years since I took a course in chemistry, I'd like

some opinions, in layman terms, about this particular oil.

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, When I cook I use coconut oil or Olive oil or real butter. So theres

nothing wrong with olive oil. Also if you are a meat eater rendered chicken and

other meat fats are healrhier for you than hydrogenated oils. Turns out that

cholesterol is a whole lot healthier than transfats.

Wheeling <sarahinpensacola@...> wrote:Thanks for clarifying this for

me, . I assume I can use this for stir frying, which is the only type

frying I do . I must say I was surprised to read that coconut oil was healthier

for me than the virgin olive oil I have always used.

Wilkins <montemomma2002@...> wrote:, As a general rule of

thumb, virgin coconut oil it thought to be the superior oil. Usually it has an

aroma of coconut about it. Which is how I identify it , although says some

virgin coconut oils have almost no odor.This is something I would liketo try.

I do use expeller pressed coconut oil for most of my frying of my families

foods becaus they dont like the taste of coconut in their food. I also use

virgin coconut oil in my tea, smoothies and when I cook for myself


Acording to Bruce Fife , a leading author of many coconut books, the healthful

benefits of coconut oil can be had from either of these products,

My opinion is There are subtle health benefits the virgin imparts above the

EPCO. Which is why I choose to use that also.But my family benefits from the

epco.And even the RBD(refined bleached deodorized) coconut oil would be superior

to any of the vegetable oils commonly sold for frying at the supermarket.


<sarahinpensacola@...> wrote:

After reading an article in Women's World I decided to see what info

I could find on-line about coconut oil. (Since I am not gullible

enough to believe everything I read.)

I went to my local healthfood store and bought " Spectrum Naturals

expeller pressed organic coconut oil " . The label states that it is

mechanically expeller pressed without hexane or other harmful

chemicals and processed according to strict organic standards.

Having read some of the messages, it's obvious that there is

disagreement as to which coconut oils are the healthiest. Since it's

been many, many years since I took a course in chemistry, I'd like

some opinions, in layman terms, about this particular oil.

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and ,

I have read a number of conflicting reports about

suitable cooking oils. There are some pretty extreme

views on oils and rancidity factors. For a while, I

was even concerned about the consumption safety of my

refrigerated flax oil and cod liver oils (which I

would never use for cooking).

According to most of the reliable sources I've read,

it is best not to cook with ANY unsaturated fats,

because their molecular structures are so fragile, and

they quickly turn to trans fats when exposed to heat.

This is true of ALL unsaturated fats. Some are

extremely vulnerable, like flax oil. Even though olive

oil may be a bit more resilient, it's still very

vulnerable to heat.

Saturated fats (including pasture-fed, organic animal

rendered fats are even better than unsaturated fats

(including olive oil) for cooking purposes.

Since transfats are so toxic, I would rather not

gamble. When in doubt, I play it safe; I use my flax,

olive oil, and cod liver oil for non-cooking purposes

(salad dressing) only.

--- Wilkins <montemomma2002@...> wrote:

> , When I cook I use coconut oil or Olive oil

> or real butter. So theres nothing wrong with olive

> oil. Also if you are a meat eater rendered chicken

> and other meat fats are healrhier for you than

> hydrogenated oils. Turns out that cholesterol is a

> whole lot healthier than transfats.


> Wheeling <sarahinpensacola@...>

> wrote:Thanks for clarifying this for me, . I

> assume I can use this for stir frying, which is the

> only type frying I do . I must say I was surprised

> to read that coconut oil was healthier for me than

> the virgin olive oil I have always used.


> Wilkins <montemomma2002@...>

> wrote:, As a general rule of thumb, virgin

> coconut oil it thought to be the superior oil.

> Usually it has an aroma of coconut about it. Which

> is how I identify it , although says some

> virgin coconut oils have almost no odor.This is

> something I would liketo try.

> I do use expeller pressed coconut oil for most of my

> frying of my families foods becaus they dont like

> the taste of coconut in their food. I also use

> virgin coconut oil in my tea, smoothies and when I

> cook for myself

> .

> Acording to Bruce Fife , a leading author of many

> coconut books, the healthful benefits of coconut oil

> can be had from either of these products,


> My opinion is There are subtle health benefits the

> virgin imparts above the EPCO. Which is why I

> choose to use that also.But my family benefits from

> the epco.And even the RBD(refined bleached

> deodorized) coconut oil would be superior to any of

> the vegetable oils commonly sold for frying at the

> supermarket.




> <sarahinpensacola@...> wrote:



> After reading an article in Women's World I decided

> to see what info

> I could find on-line about coconut oil. (Since I am

> not gullible

> enough to believe everything I read.)


> I went to my local healthfood store and bought

> " Spectrum Naturals

> expeller pressed organic coconut oil " . The label

> states that it is

> mechanically expeller pressed without hexane or

> other harmful

> chemicals and processed according to strict organic

> standards.


> Having read some of the messages, it's obvious that

> there is

> disagreement as to which coconut oils are the

> healthiest. Since it's

> been many, many years since I took a course in

> chemistry, I'd like

> some opinions, in layman terms, about this

> particular oil.









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I agree with you there. Though I use it in moderation, I use butter instead of


Wilkins <montemomma2002@...> wrote:, When I cook I use coconut

oil or Olive oil or real butter. So theres nothing wrong with olive oil. Also if

you are a meat eater rendered chicken and other meat fats are healrhier for you

than hydrogenated oils. Turns out that cholesterol is a whole lot healthier than


Wheeling <sarahinpensacola@...> wrote:Thanks for clarifying this for

me, . I assume I can use this for stir frying, which is the only type

frying I do . I must say I was surprised to read that coconut oil was healthier

for me than the virgin olive oil I have always used.

Wilkins <montemomma2002@...> wrote:, As a general rule of

thumb, virgin coconut oil it thought to be the superior oil. Usually it has an

aroma of coconut about it. Which is how I identify it , although says some

virgin coconut oils have almost no odor.This is something I would liketo try.

I do use expeller pressed coconut oil for most of my frying of my families

foods becaus they dont like the taste of coconut in their food. I also use

virgin coconut oil in my tea, smoothies and when I cook for myself


Acording to Bruce Fife , a leading author of many coconut books, the healthful

benefits of coconut oil can be had from either of these products,

My opinion is There are subtle health benefits the virgin imparts above the

EPCO. Which is why I choose to use that also.But my family benefits from the

epco.And even the RBD(refined bleached deodorized) coconut oil would be superior

to any of the vegetable oils commonly sold for frying at the supermarket.


<sarahinpensacola@...> wrote:

After reading an article in Women's World I decided to see what info

I could find on-line about coconut oil. (Since I am not gullible

enough to believe everything I read.)

I went to my local healthfood store and bought " Spectrum Naturals

expeller pressed organic coconut oil " . The label states that it is

mechanically expeller pressed without hexane or other harmful

chemicals and processed according to strict organic standards.

Having read some of the messages, it's obvious that there is

disagreement as to which coconut oils are the healthiest. Since it's

been many, many years since I took a course in chemistry, I'd like

some opinions, in layman terms, about this particular oil.

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> Hi, I'm new to this group. I'm trying to help my mother that has a

> lot of the symptoms described for ES. I have just ordered the

> Springlife Lifefore Polarizer Pendant for her. I'm sure hoping it

> helps, she is just miserable. It started with not being able to use

> the cell phone, and now is unable to have the TV on (connected to

> satellite dish), along with lots of other symptoms. Also they live

> 1/2 mile down the street from a cell tower. Any suggestions for the

> polarizer once she gets it??? Any hints or helps from any of you

> that have experience with it.

My experience was that the Lifeforce (the smallest) pendant wasn't

really strong enough to help me much, but we should wait and see

what happens, as everyone is different.

You may also want to look at the nutritional aspect too... for

example, taking evening primrose oil for essential fatty acids,

and looking at mineral intake (too much salt? too little potassium?)

Generally I find that there is no one thing that can solve the

problem completely, but there are lots of little things when done

together can make life livable again.


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Thanks for the advice. I'm hoping this polarizer works, a little

relief would be so great. Today was a better day, was able to have a

couple lights on in the house tonight, but still no TV. Going to the

Dr. next week, not really planning on much help but maybe they will

do some blood work and we can find out if she is low on pottasium. I

will tell her about the evening primrose. At this point anything is

worth a try. When she does get the polarizer should she just keep it

near her, or does it come with instructions? Sorry, this is all

unfamiliar territory for us. Any and all suggestions are

appreciated!! Thanks again for the replies and I will be checking

back and will let you know how this goes. Jo

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> At this point anything is

> worth a try. When she does get the polarizer should she just keep it

> near her, or does it come with instructions?

The Lifeforce pendant is intended to be worn as a necklace, but

I have found that it also works when worn in a pant pocket,

or also if it is sitting on a table next to you.

I've found that in my own case, the polarizers seem strongest

when they are closest to my head. And then they get less and

less strong when they are further away from my head. When

I first got one, I could feel their effects from over 5 feet

away, so they a good range.

I've also found that the worse the situation is (e.g., more

or stronger EMF sources), the more you are need of the larger

sized models. However, I do not find that they are a complete

solution, so you also need to look into making changes in diet,

and perhaps adding some supplements which help.

Some of the larger polarizers models can be used to treat the

entire house by placing them next to the fusebox, or the

incoming water or gas lines, or placing them on an appliance

which has a large electromagnetic field (TV, refrigerator).

I've tried doing this in my own house, and it does make a

difference, but we have a sensitive cat which stops using

the litter box when I do this, so I just stick to the personal



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Hello, Lori, and welcome!

You will find lots of information here and many caring individuals.

Have your hubby join us as well; he needs to educate himself and

take control of his health. We are here for you!



> Hi..my name is Lori and my husband was diagnosed with Hepatitis C,

> Geno Type 1B just a little over a year ago. He went through 9


> of treatment and his body did not respond to the treatment so the

> doctors stopped the treatment and basically said they will take his

> blood every 6 months and check his Alpha-Fetoprotein level and


> about all they can do. My husband just had his blood taken this


> and his viral load went up from 77,000 to 1.6 million in 3 months

> which to me sounds like the virus is spreading quickly, but I just

> learned that the viral load can go up and down based on many


> His Alpha-Fetoprotein level was high 17.4, so he's going to have an

> ultra sound done to determine if it's cancer or if it's just his

> hepatitis.


> I just have so many questions and felt I needed a support group,

> people I could talk to who understand the disease and the different

> moods/stages my husband goes through.


> So here I am :)

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Lori, most of us live with Hep C and will not die from it. While counts in the

millions sound really scary, some people on this list have had viral loads of 25

million. The effects from this virus progress really slowly in most cases.

From what we can tell, I contracted it when I was 10, and I'm 57 now. I'm 1B,

but my liver biopsy came out great, so I have never taken treatment. We just

never know how this virus will progress with any one of us.

This is a great list with lots of really wonderful people on it. They helped me

so much when I got my diagnosis 3 years ago. Feel free to ask any questions you

have - there is always someone here who can give you an answer.


New Member

Hi..my name is Lori and my husband was diagnosed with Hepatitis C,

Geno Type 1B just a little over a year ago. He went through 9 months

of treatment and his body did not respond to the treatment so the

doctors stopped the treatment and basically said they will take his

blood every 6 months and check his Alpha-Fetoprotein level and that's

about all they can do. My husband just had his blood taken this week

and his viral load went up from 77,000 to 1.6 million in 3 months

which to me sounds like the virus is spreading quickly, but I just

learned that the viral load can go up and down based on many things.

His Alpha-Fetoprotein level was high 17.4, so he's going to have an

ultra sound done to determine if it's cancer or if it's just his


I just have so many questions and felt I needed a support group,

people I could talk to who understand the disease and the different

moods/stages my husband goes through.

So here I am :)

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Hi Al,

I'm sorry to hear about your pain. I am Tammy, 35 Married with a 5 year old. I have a screwed up cervical spine from multiple car accidents and have been in this severe pain for only 8 months now. I can't imagine feeling this way for 5 years. I have tried physical therapy, chiropractic (until my MRI showed spinal cord compression), deep tissue massage, and lots of Vicoden. I go to see my 2nd physiatrist on Thursday (the first one was an a$$ who didn't even have the right MRI results in front of him). I hope to find some relief some how.


New member

Hello, My name is Al Killian. I am 32, married with two children 10 and 12. I have been dealing with back and neck pain for almost five years now.

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Welcome to the group!! So sorry to hear about your accident. I too

was suffered back problems from a previous accident, many many years

ago. Went 4 years before I had to have back surgery. That was a

success this past January until I was rearended by a Big Huge Va

Dept. of Trasportation truck on Jan 12, of this year. Now I have more

back problems, with a new neck problem. So I will be having a fusion

on my neck and another Laminectomy on my back, as soon as I schedule

the surgeries. You have definately come to the right place for

support. We all suffer through these same types of pains in one form

or another. I wish you the best with the disc replacement option.

Hopefully that will work out for you.

Jeanine ;0)

In neck pain , " AL " <ALKILLIAN@r...> wrote:


> Hello,

> My name is Al Killian. I am 32, married with two children 10 and

> 12. I have been dealing with back and neck pain for almost five

> years now. It started when I was rear-ended on the thruway. In my

> back has five herniated disc and two cracked vertebrae's, in my


> there are two herniated disc. Along with this, I get numbness in my

> left leg, migraines, and blackouts from the pain.

> They have tried physical therapy, traction, injections and tens

> treatment with little to no help. Disc fusion is not an option.


> said too much damage to try it. Now april I am going to meet with a

> nero surgeon about disc replacement surgery.

> Fellow pain suffer

> Al K.

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