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Knee Pain

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It is not unusual that a pain radiates to other

near place; I had problems with other illness, and so

it was. I think that what one should try to know is

if the diagnostic is rigth. The patella could be

replaced for some type of prostheses, even a part of the

femur too; I saw in internet something called the

'Repicci' method for partial knee replacement; I supposse

there should be similar methods for not to replace all

the knee but one part. After some time in pain I

should like to try something like this. I am really

afraid of needles and all that, but I would try it

anyway.<br> If everything is wrong in a knee, I suppose some

O.S. would help with such a method, what to

loose?.<br> Regards.<br> Agustin.

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I too have pain when clothing touches my knees,

my doctor thinks I am crazy but I asure you that as

I sit here my pants are hurting my knees. The best

thing I have found of course is wearing shorts or

dresses and when I have to wear pants I will put a brace

or one of those elastic sleeves over my knees.

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  • 1 year later...
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what's up Mark,

Just ordered the brace I'm supposed to get. Called yesterday about

aptts, and it looks like I'm heading down in the middle/end of July.

my friend Rob is there now, but I haven't heard from him. I will

soon, I'm sure. right now, I'm just whipping myself into the best

shape I can, in anticipation of going on crutches. so probably

within a month and a half, we'll know if this works(for me at least)

hope everyone is enjoying the summer,


> You should read through this site ... invest an hour or two of your

> time and then draw your own conclusions.

> A lot of members on this site are waiting for the outcomes from a

> members (and his friend) visit to an orthopaedic surgeon in North

> Miami who is apparently having some success with human hormone


> injections after debriding (if necessary) of the patella surface.


> sceptics amongst us who have all been where you are now and have

> tried pretty well everything think this new treatment that gets to

> the bottom line (permanent cartilege regrowth) has merit.

> Watch this site during July/August for the outcomes.

> Mark.

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  • 8 months later...
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Hi ,

I've had knee pain and swelling for the past few months. Mostly just a lot

of swelling in my left knee and pain once in while - usually when it's not so

swollen. I went to the rheum. a few weeks ago because I wasn't walking very

well. He had drained it a month before that, but that only helped for about

a week. So basically I've just been trying to put up with the swelling, but

it's been difficult. My rheum. told me that there was basically nothing he

could do for it. He wanted to drain it again, but I told him not to bother

and then he was going to give me a cortisone shot, but I didn't end up

getting that. I thought maybe next time I see him I would do that if my knee

is still a problem. In the meantime, I ice it every night and keep it

elevated when I'm lying down. That seems to make it feel better at times,

but again mine is mostly swelling and not really painful like yours. Sorry

to hear it's so bad. Well I hope this info. might help and even if doesn't,

I just wanted to let you know that it's something I'm dealing with also and I

know how difficult it can be. Hope you feel better....

Buffalo, NY

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Hi , I've missed you. Sorry to say my knees were the same for years.

They were always the worst from onset for me but have held their own and

only had one replaced just a couple of years back. As bad as they were my

other one is ok. Hopefully yours will be better sooner. I remember many,

many hours of heat packs and ice. Good luck, Melt

----- Original Message -----

From: <zev@...>

<Stillsdisease >

> Hi, guys. usually I just get some swelling in my knee and mild achiness.

> But yesterday my knee was so bad I couldn't focus on anything for a little

> while and had tears streaming down my face.

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  • 1 year later...
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I get help with 3 different braces.

I use the chopat brace, for everyday most of the time,

when I'm lounging, tv watching take it off completely.

Basically when I first discovered this brace it helped

and even when watching tv I had it on. When I took it

off my knee hurt. In addition to possible CP, they have

also told me platella tendinitus, and I have a tight IT band.

Who knows if I really have all of it, but I have knee troubles.

So, weather it works or not for you, who knows.

It is a lot like the strappy ones you see in the

sporting goods, or large meijer stores. If you get

relief from one of those straps, for me the chopat

brace is more comfortable to wear. I found the cheapest place

online to get the brace. cheaprelief.com

Sometimes they have specials, where the prices are better

if you buy 2.

I wear the chopat, dual action knee strap. It has 2 straps.

One above the knee, one below.

Wear this one when I take long walks, workouts at the gym.

If my knee is achy and we are going to be out all day.

This is a neoprene brace so it does make you sweat, so when working

out you sweat in that area.

Since your in PT, you might want to ask the therapist about

McConnel taping. Its helped me. Basically my kneecap likes

to move a little, so when exercising, the tape keep the kneecap in

place. Feels weird, constricting when you first have it done, but

it really has helped me. THey can show you how to tape

your knee yourself, and I purchased a starter kit from my PT,

but you can also purchase them on-line, or just the tape seperately.

3. Sometimes on my " better " knee. It gets achy, so

sometimes I wear one of those neoprene braces on it.

Basically makes it feel warm and fuzzy. Like if I did a

cardio class for an hour, and I'm achy the next day. I put

the sleeve on the good leg the next day. Not sure it does much.

Those sleeves, the ones with the reinforced stitching around

the knee hole. My right knee hates the re-inforced stitching

maybe its the CP? But it aggrivates that part of my knee.

Right knee doesn't bother, but left it does.

Other suggestion is to find out if you need orthodics?

If your feet are off it can throw you alignment, ankles, kenes,

hips, off.

Good luck,


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  • 3 months later...
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YES. I was diaganosed with that back in my pastry-cheffing' days. I

actually quit that

career because of knee pain. There are many things you can try to

ease the pain.... icing and elevation of course,

those soft braces help keep the kneecap in line a bit, but not great.

I found some relief sometimes taping my kneecaps over. A therapist

can show you,

if that's appropriate. Celebrex, a prescription drug, helps with the

swelling, but you

can't stay on it forever, I think it changes your liver profile. The

pain is probably

mostly from the swelling. That lame looking machine in the gym where

you squeeze

your legs in, supposedly to " tone " your inner thighs, is actually a

really good one,

suprisingly for VMO muscle. You need the VMO muscle to pull the

kneecap back

towards where it should be. Your outer quads may be over-developed

and pulling

your kneecap over. I finally had cortisone shots in my knees for the

swelling. That

really helped. Meantime, I wasn't squatting every two minutes

in the kitchen, because I had quit, and my pain finally eased, very

slowly. I was at my wits end though, and ready to go under the knife,

but people I

know told me not to, unless ABSOLUTELY necessary, because even though


orthopedist might want to go in there, that kind of surgery doesn't

come with a

guarantee of relief. I'm glad I didn't. But as far as BFL is

concerned, even now a year

later, I don't do much squatting and especially not lunges and do

limited range of

motion on leg extensions and lying hamstring curls. As far as cardio,

the elliptical for

me is great because its no impact, and sometimes the bike. Having a

stronger core

muscles, back and abs and also all the other lower body muscles, in

the long run take

a lot of the job away from the knee and it really helps, So don't

give up, You can

certainly do upper body. As far as lower body Focus on the core: abs

and lower back

especially. (if they say its okay of course). just make sure and stay

in the pain free

zone. Physical therapy will really help. Mostly just leg lifts and

such but, if you don't

have muscle there to support you, say , getting up from a chair, then

you put more of

a burden on your knee. Hope that helps a little. Just to let you

know, that I still do

those squeezie thingees. and me losing 13 pounds from BFL probably

didn't hurt

either.... So I'd definately stick with the eating part of BFL if

you're trying to lose

weight.... Sorry such a long-winded post but I've been there and

know how

frustrating it can be. Hang in there!!


> I was diagnosed with patello-femoral pain syndrome today :( Anyone

> have it/know anything about it? I know that my kneecap is rubbing

> against the femor bone. I have to start 4 weeks of physical


> and was told no lower body workouts or cardio :(



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> I was diagnosed with patello-femoral pain syndrome today :(


> have it/know anything about it? I know that my kneecap is rubbing

> against the femor bone. I have to start 4 weeks of physical


> and was told no lower body workouts or cardio :(



Blech. I'm no expert on this, but I did spent 3 months in physical

therapy working alternately on my shoulder and my knees. My PT

described my knees as " musical " because they make so darn much noise

when they move (crunch, crackle, etc.).

I'd highly recommend that you see a PT who specializes in sports

therapy. The guy I saw was just great and really understood exercise

and weight-lifting.

Best recommendations really depend on the severity of your problem.

Someone else (sorry, forgot who) mentioned something about your

muscles could be pulling your kneecap out of alignment. That's what

my PT suspected could be happening to me, so he told me to stretch

out my iliotibial band (I hope I got that right). It's the whole

mess of fibers running down the outside of your thigh.

My PT also explained about half a dozen reasons why women's bodies

are just simply more likely to have knee problems (the whole way our

hips are constructed and stuff like that). Nice, huh?

Also make sure you've got good shoes that are properly supporting


Good luck! (And always do your PT homework!)

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-Hi, .

I have the same thing, have had problems with my knees since I was a

teenager (I'm 40).

The good news is that my knees are better than they ever have been

because my body composition is better than it ever has been.

What makes my knees better:

- Losing weight

- Strong legs

- Swimming

- Short, intensive cardio (HIIT)

- Bicycling

What makes my knees worse:

- Gaining weight

- Weak leg muscles

- Distance running

I've had to really pay attention to what my knees are doing. Although

my doctor didn't have much to say about weight training, Body for Life

has been the absolute best thing ever for my knees. Follow your PT's

suggestions, and try things, one at a time. Take it nice and slow.

You've got an awesome community here in this group. Let us know how it



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Thanks Vicki for your suggestions..I've definitely got to loose some

weight! I'm sure once those pounds start coming off,I'll feel better.

Also, thanks to for that cool website!!!

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  • 3 months later...

Hi ,

Look to the pelvic imbalance .... you will have a posterior inferior ilium

on one side and an anterior superior ilium on the other. On the PI side,

the sartorius insertion is stretched, influencing the tibia medial, forcing

the femur lateral; on the AS side, the sartorius insertion is loose or

buckled, whichever image you prefer, influencing the tibia lateral and the

femur medial .... the result is medial wear of the meniscus on one side and

lateral wear on the other.


Sunny Kierstyn, RN DC

Fibromyalgia Care Center of Oregon

59 Santa Clara St.,

Eugene, Oregon, 97404


>From: " Dr. T. Foedsisch " <drfoedisch@...>

> " Oregon Doctors - Group " < >

>Subject: knee pain

>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 09:52:07 -0400


>Thank you everyone for your respones. Orthotic casting will be done

>this week. Ct cream ordered. The knee owner is 46 years old/young,

>184lbs. last week (today 191and counting) and 5' 6 " . No access to laser

>but will try micorstim. Now for more of the story... I didn't mean to

>hurt myself...I guess it's one of those midlife crisis things. You know

>sort of like trying to beat your 17 year old kid in a 50 yard dash! I

>would have beat her if my hams didn't pop in those last few yards. Back

>to the story...I picked up Phil Maffetone's book TRAINING FOR EUNDURANCE

>and prepared for our Philadelphia Distance Run (half marathon) Sept 19.

>The training went so well I decided to go for the full marathon.

>Everything seemed to go fine until the Distance Run. The run went

>well...no pain...no evidence of anything...unitil I got home..I had to

>drag my right leg into the house...literally...my hip flexors were

>toast. Puzzling! Why?.. because the race pace was close to training pace

>and I've logged over 500 painfree miles. No crazy ideas about beating

>any Kenyans either. In fact, I stayed at 9:45 - 10 min. miles

>throughout the race. Blazing, yes, I know,...only for the turtles

>amoung us. The next day the right hip pain was gone and the left knee

>started. Fast forward...the MRI shows a cartilage defect in the

>saggital/coronal midline of my left medial femoral condyle. Here is my

>new question...What, if any, tracking or muscular imbalance would need

>to be present to cause the articular cartilage to fail?


> Foedisch, DC

>Franconia, PA

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Don't forget about the popliteus muscle!

> Hi ,


> Look to the pelvic imbalance .... you will have a posterior inferior

> ilium on one side and an anterior superior ilium on the other. On the

> PI side, the sartorius insertion is stretched, influencing the tibia

> medial, forcing the femur lateral; on the AS side, the sartorius

> insertion is loose or buckled, whichever image you prefer, influencing

> the tibia lateral and the femur medial .... the result is medial wear

> of the meniscus on one side and lateral wear on the other.


> Sunny




> Sunny Kierstyn, RN DC

> Fibromyalgia Care Center of Oregon

> 59 Santa Clara St.,

> Eugene, Oregon, 97404

> 541-689-0935





>>From: " Dr. T. Foedsisch " <drfoedisch@...>

>> " Oregon Doctors - Group " < >

>>Subject: knee pain

>>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 09:52:07 -0400


>>Thank you everyone for your respones. Orthotic casting will be done

>> this week. Ct cream ordered. The knee owner is 46 years old/young,

>> 184lbs. last week (today 191and counting) and 5' 6 " . No access to

>> laser but will try micorstim. Now for more of the story... I didn't

>> mean to hurt myself...I guess it's one of those midlife crisis things.

>> You know sort of like trying to beat your 17 year old kid in a 50 yard

>> dash! I would have beat her if my hams didn't pop in those last few

>> yards. Back to the story...I picked up Phil Maffetone's book TRAINING

>> FOR EUNDURANCE and prepared for our Philadelphia Distance Run (half

>> marathon) Sept 19. The training went so well I decided to go for the

>> full marathon.

>>Everything seemed to go fine until the Distance Run. The run went

>> well...no pain...no evidence of anything...unitil I got home..I had to

>> drag my right leg into the house...literally...my hip flexors were

>> toast. Puzzling! Why?.. because the race pace was close to training

>> pace and I've logged over 500 painfree miles. No crazy ideas about

>> beating any Kenyans either. In fact, I stayed at 9:45 - 10 min. miles

>>throughout the race. Blazing, yes, I know,...only for the turtles

>> amoung us. The next day the right hip pain was gone and the left knee

>> started. Fast forward...the MRI shows a cartilage defect in the

>>saggital/coronal midline of my left medial femoral condyle. Here is my

>> new question...What, if any, tracking or muscular imbalance would need

>> to be present to cause the articular cartilage to fail?


>> Foedisch, DC

>>Franconia, PA






> OregonDCs rules:

> 1. Keep correspondence professional; the purpose of the listserve is to

> foster communication and collegiality. No personal attacks on listserve

> members will be tolerated. 2. Always sign your e-mails with your first

> and last name.

> 3. The listserve is not secure; your e-mail could end up anywhere.

> However, it is against the rules of the listserve to copy, print,

> forward, or otherwise distribute correspondence written by another

> member without his or her consent, unless all personal identifiers have

> been removed.

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Also , pay close attention to the muscle balance between the Hams and Quads, they are like the reigns on a horse to the knee, if one is pulling harder than the other (because of inadequate strenght ratio) it's creating an imbalance and sets up for further injury and breakdown of cartilage. Don't forget about chondroitin and glucosamine for cartlilage regeneration.

Joe Medlin DC

Portland, OR

knee pain

Thank you everyone for your respones. Orthotic casting will be done this week. Ct cream ordered. The knee owner is 46 years old/young, 184lbs. last week (today 191and counting) and 5' 6". No access to laser but will try micorstim. Now for more of the story... I didn't mean to hurt myself...I guess it's one of those midlife crisis things. You know sort of like trying to beat your 17 year old kid in a 50 yard dash! I would have beat her if my hams didn't pop in those last few yards. Back to the story...I picked up Phil Maffetone's book TRAINING FOR EUNDURANCE and prepared for our Philadelphia Distance Run (half marathon) Sept 19. The training went so well I decided to go for the full marathon. Everything seemed to go fine until the Distance Run. The run went well...no pain...no evidence of anything...unitil I got home..I had to drag my right leg into the house...literally...my hip flexors were toast. Puzzling! Why?.. because the race pace was close to training pace and I've logged over 500 painfree miles. No crazy ideas about beating any Kenyans either. In fact, I stayed at 9:45 - 10 min. miles throughout the race. Blazing, yes, I know,...only for the turtles amoung us. The next day the right hip pain was gone and the left knee started. Fast forward...the MRI shows a cartilage defect in the saggital/coronal midline of my left medial femoral condyle. Here is my new question...What, if any, tracking or muscular imbalance would need to be present to cause the articular cartilage to fail?

Foedisch, DC

Franconia, PAOregonDCs rules:1. Keep correspondence professional; the purpose of the listserve is to foster communication and collegiality. No personal attacks on listserve members will be tolerated.2. Always sign your e-mails with your first and last name.3. The listserve is not secure; your e-mail could end up anywhere. However, it is against the rules of the listserve to copy, print, forward, or otherwise distribute correspondence written by another member without his or her consent, unless all personal identifiers have been removed.

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Knee pain can be a manifestation of hip

joint involvement (arthritis / DJD / inflammation) even when the hip pain is

not in the awareness of the patient. How are the hip tests?

Larry Lubcke, DC, DABCO

knee pain

Thank you everyone for your

respones. Orthotic casting will be done this week. Ct cream

ordered. The knee owner is 46 years old/young, 184lbs. last week (today

191and counting) and 5' 6 " . No access to laser but will try micorstim. Now

for more of the story... I didn't mean to hurt myself...I guess it's one

of those midlife crisis things. You know sort of like trying to beat your

17 year old kid in a 50 yard dash! I would have beat her if my hams

didn't pop in those last few yards. Back to the story...I picked up Phil

Maffetone's book TRAINING FOR EUNDURANCE and prepared for our Philadelphia

Distance Run (half marathon) Sept 19. The training went so well I decided

to go for the full marathon. Everything seemed to go fine until the

Distance Run. The run went well...no pain...no evidence of

anything...unitil I got home..I had to drag my right leg into the

house...literally...my hip flexors were toast. Puzzling! Why?.. because

the race pace was close to training pace and I've logged over 500 painfree

miles. No crazy ideas about beating any Kenyans either. In fact, I

stayed at 9:45 - 10 min. miles throughout the race. Blazing, yes, I

know,...only for the turtles amoung us. The next day the right hip pain

was gone and the left knee started. Fast forward...the MRI shows a

cartilage defect in the saggital/coronal midline of my left medial femoral

condyle. Here is my new question...What, if any, tracking or muscular

imbalance would need to be present to cause the articular cartilage to fail?

Foedisch, DC

Franconia, PA



1. Keep correspondence professional; the purpose

of the listserve is to foster communication and collegiality. No personal

attacks on listserve members will be tolerated.

2. Always sign your e-mails with your first and

last name.

3. The listserve is not secure; your e-mail could

end up anywhere. However, it is against the rules of the listserve to copy,

print, forward, or otherwise distribute correspondence written by another

member without his or her consent, unless all personal identifiers have been


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Doris,

I had mine done (r-Nov. 28th), (l-Feb 15th) so I know what you mean. I had partials before that that came loose and messed up my knee caps bad. I was having alot of pain because I couldn't get my knee caps to move very well. My new rehab group is doing wonders. Are you doing rehab. Check to see if your knee caps are moving well. Salemdmv711 <dmv711@...> wrote:

My total knee was done 1/31/05. Did great first 3weeks. Since then have pain in knee especially getting out of bed and chairs. So bad that I find my self shuffling. Once I get going it sort of goes away.Saw the Dr. 4wks ago, he xrayed, found nothing wrong. Going again tomorrow and will ask him to find something wrong, this is worse than before surgery. Doris

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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

Sounds like bursitis to me. I have the same thing. Whenever my

inflammation level is high I get terrible knee pain. For instance dairy

products cause inflammation for me and makes my knee ache. Also when on

antibiotic therapy my knees one shoulder and my hands ache.


Dawn wrote:

> I am hoping that this might sound familiar to someone and that maybe

> someone would have some advice for me. Last Thursday, I had some mild

> stomach/intestinal flu symptoms with a low grade fever. This lasted

> maybe 4-5 days. About 3 days into it, my muscles started to hurt,

> like they were overused or fatigued. Most of that went away, but I

> seem to have residual knee pain. It is really severe in my right knee

> (which is unusual because I have had 3 surgeries on my left). It is

> definately not fibromyalgia pain, it feels more like it is in the

> muscle. It doesn't hurt to stand or walk, just bending it in any

> way. I do have some mild swelling. I did not injure it. Does this

> sound like anything to anyone? Any advice is welcome.


> Thanks,

> Dawn







> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.


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Do you have Lymes? Knee pain, especially on one side is a symptom.


> I am hoping that this might sound familiar to someone and that maybe

> someone would have some advice for me. Last Thursday, I had some mild

> stomach/intestinal flu symptoms with a low grade fever. This lasted

> maybe 4-5 days. About 3 days into it, my muscles started to hurt,

> like they were overused or fatigued. Most of that went away, but I

> seem to have residual knee pain. It is really severe in my right knee

> (which is unusual because I have had 3 surgeries on my left). It is

> definately not fibromyalgia pain, it feels more like it is in the

> muscle. It doesn't hurt to stand or walk, just bending it in any

> way. I do have some mild swelling. I did not injure it. Does this

> sound like anything to anyone? Any advice is welcome.


> Thanks,

> Dawn


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Cipro makes ligaments and tendons more pliable. They can actually become too

loose and overstretch. Are you taking cipro? That could account for the pain.

Your joints, knees, etc , could be moving around. (I'm a personal trainer. )

Carol In LI

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What do you take abx for? Isn't antibiotic therapy supposed to reduce pain?



> Also when on

> antibiotic therapy my knees one shoulder and my hands ache.

> Gail

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Ditto for any quinolone. They are very dangerous for tendons. Buyer


a Carnes


> Cipro makes ligaments and tendons more pliable. They can actually

become too

> loose and overstretch. Are you taking cipro? That could account for

the pain.

> Your joints, knees, etc , could be moving around. (I'm a personal

trainer. )

> Carol In LI




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I am on the Vanderbilt Protocol for FMS/CFS. The goal is to reduce pain

but in the process when you take antibiotics you get a herxheimer

reaction which manifests differently in different people depending where

more bacteria is being killed. The reaction is caused by endotoxins

being released with the die off of bacteria. The treatment targets

Chlamdyia pneumonia. I am positive for other pathogens as well so get

kicked really hard with die off. You can read about it on Cpnhelp.org

Ellen Frieder wrote:

> Gail,


> What do you take abx for? Isn't antibiotic therapy supposed to reduce pain?


> Thanks,

> Ellen



>> Also when on

>> antibiotic therapy my knees one shoulder and my hands ache.

>> Gail





> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.


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Someone on this thread said that one sided knee pain may be a symptom of

lyme. I am interested in this because I have always had pain more on my

right side. Of course I really don't need one more diagnosis. Already

being treated with antibiotics so don't know if it would make a difference.


Cattttttt@... wrote:

> Cipro makes ligaments and tendons more pliable. They can actually become too

> loose and overstretch. Are you taking cipro? That could account for the pain.

> Your joints, knees, etc , could be moving around. (I'm a personal trainer. )

> Carol In LI




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Have always had more pain on my right side. Can you direct me to any

references that talk about one side symptoms.


ballady4 wrote:

> Do you have Lymes? Knee pain, especially on one side is a symptom.




>> I am hoping that this might sound familiar to someone and that maybe

>> someone would have some advice for me. Last Thursday, I had some mild

>> stomach/intestinal flu symptoms with a low grade fever. This lasted

>> maybe 4-5 days. About 3 days into it, my muscles started to hurt,

>> like they were overused or fatigued. Most of that went away, but I

>> seem to have residual knee pain. It is really severe in my right knee

>> (which is unusual because I have had 3 surgeries on my left). It is

>> definately not fibromyalgia pain, it feels more like it is in the

>> muscle. It doesn't hurt to stand or walk, just bending it in any

>> way. I do have some mild swelling. I did not injure it. Does this

>> sound like anything to anyone? Any advice is welcome.


>> Thanks,

>> Dawn









> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.


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Pain and swelling can be one knee or both knees. Lyme symptoms are

extremely diverse and can look like completely different diseases. My

son has severe nerve pain behind one eye as his ONLY symptom. I had

both knees and small finger joints sore for years. Husband has only

sciatic nerve pain and protate problems. Go figure. All of our

symptoms respond to antibiotics.

This link describes " one or both knees. "


a Carnes




> Have always had more pain on my right side. Can you direct me to


> references that talk about one side symptoms.

> Gail

> ballady4 wrote:

> > Do you have Lymes? Knee pain, especially on one side is a symptom.

> >

> >

> >

> >> I am hoping that this might sound familiar to someone and that


> >> someone would have some advice for me. Last Thursday, I had

some mild

> >> stomach/intestinal flu symptoms with a low grade fever. This


> >> maybe 4-5 days. About 3 days into it, my muscles started to


> >> like they were overused or fatigued. Most of that went away,

but I

> >> seem to have residual knee pain. It is really severe in my

right knee

> >> (which is unusual because I have had 3 surgeries on my left).

It is

> >> definately not fibromyalgia pain, it feels more like it is in


> >> muscle. It doesn't hurt to stand or walk, just bending it in


> >> way. I do have some mild swelling. I did not injure it. Does


> >> sound like anything to anyone? Any advice is welcome.

> >>

> >> Thanks,

> >> Dawn

> >>

> >>

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