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I was also just diagnosed a month ago. I've been

taking synthroid for about 4 weeks and I go for another

TSH check Monday. What is considered a " normal " TSH

level varies from doctor to doctor and lab to lab. Your

level would be in the normal range according to my

doctor. That's why it's SO important to do your own

research and educate yourself about hypothyroidism. You

need to know what to ask your doctor. They'll only

feed you bits and pieces unless you ask very specific

questions. <br><br>Empower yourself!<br>Here are some MUST

READ links!<br>Create a " thyroid " folder for yourself

in your bookmarks, and put ALL of these in




t.htm</a><br><br><a href=http://thyroid.about.com/health/thyroid/msub14.htm


Questions You Ought to Ask Your




a><br><br><a href=http://members.xoom.com/endocrine/thyroiditis.htm#Hashimoto



newsletter!<br><a href=http://THYROID.about.com/gi/pages/mmail.htm


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TSH = Thyroid Stimulating

Hormone.<br><br>Depending upon your lab's values, 5.82 could be a very low

hypothyroid. Mine was 7.82 and the Lab said 4.00 is the high

end of acceptable and 0.04 is to low. With TSH, to

low is HYPERthyroid, and to high is HYPOthyroid. TSH

is produced by the pituitary gland and TSH levels

get out of wack when the thyroid does not function

properly. They raise to compensate for a 'sluggish'

thyroid, and get quite low for an overactive thyroid. It

sounds to me like your Doctor was telling you you have a

mild hypothyroid condition and I would guess he'll

start you at a relatively low dose of a T4

med.<br><br>Hope this answers your question and good luck! Let us

know how you are doing.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi :

Welcome and thanks for introducing yourself and your daughter.

The best thing I have found to help my son with his OCD is cognitive

behavior therapy (CBT) and more specifically E & RP (exposure and response

prevention). It involves facing his fears in a graduated way and is well

described in Dr. March and Mulle's book, " Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder in Children and Adolescents " . Two of our list docs, Dr. Tamar

Chansky and Dr. Aureen Pinto Wagner have also written excellent books about

OCD and children.

It can be hard to find a skilled therapist who can engage our children in

this challenging work. However the effort is well worth it. Often I would

feel convinced that Steve would never be able to managed E & RP, but we kept

encouraging him and now he is masterful at it. He even helps me to expose

myself to my fears and holds my hand and tells me I can do it. He was very

sick with his OCD and depression and now his meds help with the depression

mostly and the E & RP handles the OCD. He still has symptoms but they are

usually quite manageable and he is able to enjoy a pretty typical teen life

- he is now 14.

Good luck, take care, aloha, Kathy (h)


At 02:37 PM 02/07/2001 +0000, you wrote:

>Hello everyone. My name is and i just wanted to introduce

>myself to ya'll. My daughter was diagnosed with ocd several years ago

>but has just recently started meds. She is 7 years old. We had a very

>hard time dealing with her but now things have gotten alot better. If

>anyone has any advice for us and how to help her get thru this i

>would deeply appreciate it! Most of the time she is great and then it

>seems like out of nowhere her ocd comes creeping back in. Will she

>always have these bad days even on meds? If anyone can give me some

>insight i would be very thankful.Thanks.

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Hi and welcome, my OCD daughter is 7 too, she had an abrupt onset of

symptoms a month before she turned 5.

Starting or switching meds requires patience and can be challenging, in that

it takes several weeks at the correct dose to see results, and at least to

begin with they may cause physical and behavioral side-effects. Sometimes

the first med tried is not a good fit for one reason or another, and many of

us have gone through several SSRIs finding the " right " one for our kids.

The meds don't cure OCD, but instead reduce its severity. OCD naturally

waxes and wanes and this usually continues despite medication. Medication

may be needed for a child to make good progress in Exposure and Response

Prevention therapy, which in turn can reduce or eliminate the need for an

SSRI to control symptoms. If your daughter doesn't do E & RP I highly suggest

you search for a CBT therapist who has experience using this method for OCD.

I've noticed that my daughter's " trouble times " , tend to come early in the

morning or late in the day when she's getting tired and running out of

" bossing power. " Also sometimes a day's events may trigger OCD and she'll

have a harder time. An example of this was when a boy in her class vomited,

triggering her obsessions about this.

Kathy R in Indiana

----- Original Message -----

From: " " <MomsbluZ71@...>

> Hello everyone. My name is and i just wanted to introduce

> myself to ya'll. My daughter was diagnosed with ocd several years ago

> but has just recently started meds. She is 7 years old. We had a very

> hard time dealing with her but now things have gotten alot better. If

> anyone has any advice for us and how to help her get thru this i

> would deeply appreciate it! Most of the time she is great and then it

> seems like out of nowhere her ocd comes creeping back in. Will she

> always have these bad days even on meds? If anyone can give me some

> insight i would be very thankful.Thanks.

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  • 2 years later...
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Hi ,

I have a consultation on the 15th with Dr Fox in Tacoma and then

one with Dr Ogle in Shelton on the 22nd. Figured it wouldn't hurt

to talk to both. If I can't get insurance to foot the bill - I

might just have to join you out of the country.

Coffee or lunch one day would be great. I work on Capital



> > Hi Everyone,

> > I have been doing research on the Lap-Band procedure. I am

> > extremely obese (BMI about 64) and have tried diets, shakes, you

> > name - I probably tried it. How are you doing with the band?


> > surgeons would you recommend? Anyone from the Olympia area?

> > I have Uniform Medical and was wondering if anyone has had


> > problems getting approval.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Connie

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  • 1 year later...

Welcome JS (Joy) ......

I am sure that you find this group very imformative and supportive. If

there are have any questions, please ask and someone probably will have

answer (or maybe different opinions) and if not at least it will start an

interesting discussion that we can all learn from.

You will get loads of information by 'lurking' and reading old posts.

All the best to you, your husband and brother.

Calgary. Canada

snoodledoo wrote:

> Hi, I'm new and was invited by a current member to join this group.

> My husband has the symptoms of Achalasia (swallowing problems, lack

> of paristalsis in his mid & lower esophagus, regurgitation

> of " stuck " foods, occasional chest pain - referred from his

> esophagus) that are in his case secondary to eosinophilic (allergic)

> inflammation in his esophagus. Oral steroids and antihistamines

> usually help reduce his symptoms, but he still has some problems.


> My Brother also happens to have LES (lower esophageal sphincter)

> problems that cause him to have food get stuck in his esophagus due

> to spasms...he has not been diagnosed with Achalasia at this point

> (and I don't know if he has it or not, his problems may just be

> caused by acid reflux), but takes Prevacid (acid reducing

> medication) to help with symptoms.


> -JS (in Washington State; I noticed there's another Joy in the group

> so I'll sign my posts with my initials instead)





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Welcome to the board. I am sure that you will lots of information

and tons of support here while trying to find answers for your

husband and his brother.

I joined this board almost two years ago searching for answers for my

husband, Chet. This board was my sanity and strength when I was

searching for answers - I sure hope that you to can find that here.

Best of luck!

> Hi, I'm new and was invited by a current member to join this


> My husband has the symptoms of Achalasia (swallowing problems, lack

> of paristalsis in his mid & lower esophagus, regurgitation

> of " stuck " foods, occasional chest pain - referred from his

> esophagus) that are in his case secondary to eosinophilic


> inflammation in his esophagus. Oral steroids and antihistamines

> usually help reduce his symptoms, but he still has some problems.


> My Brother also happens to have LES (lower esophageal sphincter)

> problems that cause him to have food get stuck in his esophagus due

> to spasms...he has not been diagnosed with Achalasia at this point

> (and I don't know if he has it or not, his problems may just be

> caused by acid reflux), but takes Prevacid (acid reducing

> medication) to help with symptoms.


> -JS (in Washington State; I noticed there's another Joy in the


> so I'll sign my posts with my initials instead)

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  • 6 months later...
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hi tonya! welcome to the group! it is good to meet you here.

im carolyn, 41, living in ontario canada with my husband, 2 sons, 2 dogs, 2

cats... we live out in the country which is indescribably fabulous in the

summer months but in the winter it really sucks! lol.

ive been using workout videos/dvds for over 3 years now and i love working

out with them (except that i am slacking off today...shhhh! dont tell

anyone ;)



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Hi Tonya,

Although, I am originally from New York I learned my friendly

hospitality from my fellow Texans........so I wish you a warm

southern " Hello. " (hmm...that may not have a southern accent) :-)



> Just wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself. I'm Tonya.


> live in Charlotte, NC. I'm married with two children and a house

> full of animals (actual furry animals, not just the kids, LOL).


> a certified personal trainer, sports nutritionist, and aerobics

> instructor, have been for 8 years now. I currently manage a gym,

> which means I can't workout at the gym anymore because I get

> interrupted too often. So, I'm going back to my exercise videos


> FitTV) for my workouts. I'm also taking some classes at the local

> public access tv station to learn how to produce my own workout


> to eventually go into making exercise videos. I joined this group

> because I need some information on the newest videos (which ones


> good, which ones aren't) because my video collection is getting


> old since I was doing all my workouts at the gym. And when the


> comes for me to finally do some production, I'd love to know what

> everyone wants in a video.


> Well, must go, it's time for Gilad!


> Have a healthy day!


> Tonya

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Thanks for the welcome. Remind me to only visit your part of the

world in the summer! LOL I'm a southern girl and can't handle the

cold. We moved here a couple of years ago from south Georgia and I'm

still struggling to get use to the ice and snow again. I actually

grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma and have lived in Arkansas, Ohio, and

Georgia before moving here, so I had experience with ice and snow,

but had moved to south Georgia to get away from it. I've decided

this week that my next move with be to Hawaii. (Maybe work for

Gilad! :) hehe) They're saying on the news to expect an artic blast

from Canada, so if you figure out how to hold it up there, I'd

appreciate it. LOL

Have a great day and don't worry about taking a day off. Remember,

the body needs rest once in a while too.


> hi tonya! welcome to the group! it is good to meet you here.

> im carolyn, 41, living in ontario canada with my husband, 2 sons, 2

dogs, 2

> cats... we live out in the country which is indescribably fabulous

in the

> summer months but in the winter it really sucks! lol.

> ive been using workout videos/dvds for over 3 years now and i love


> out with them (except that i am slacking off today...shhhh! dont


> anyone ;)

> :*carolyn.



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Thank you! My Dad's family is all in Texas. He was born and raised

there and currently lives there with my Mom (who wants to go back to

Oklahoma so bad!), so I know a think or two about a Texas hello. So

I'll send one back to you.

" Hey, Ya'll! "

Have a great day!


> >

> > Just wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself. I'm


> I

> > live in Charlotte, NC. I'm married with two children and a house

> > full of animals (actual furry animals, not just the kids, LOL).

> I'm

> > a certified personal trainer, sports nutritionist, and aerobics

> > instructor, have been for 8 years now. I currently manage a gym,

> > which means I can't workout at the gym anymore because I get

> > interrupted too often. So, I'm going back to my exercise videos

> (and

> > FitTV) for my workouts. I'm also taking some classes at the


> > public access tv station to learn how to produce my own workout

> show

> > to eventually go into making exercise videos. I joined this


> > because I need some information on the newest videos (which ones

> are

> > good, which ones aren't) because my video collection is getting

> kinda

> > old since I was doing all my workouts at the gym. And when the

> time

> > comes for me to finally do some production, I'd love to know what

> > everyone wants in a video.

> >

> > Well, must go, it's time for Gilad!

> >

> > Have a healthy day!

> >

> > Tonya

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At 08:40 AM 3/06/2005, Tonya - wrote:

>Thanks for the welcome. Remind me to only visit your part of the

>world in the summer! LOL

i hear ya tonya!! i honestly wish that i didnt live here in the

winter. when im old im going to try to be a 'snow bird' and fly south for

the winter.

> I've decided

>this week that my next move with be to Hawaii. (Maybe work for

>Gilad! :) hehe)

OMG, i would SO love that too!!! and i also love gilad so you cant go

wrong there!!

by the way, gilad has a live chat every month -- you just missed the one

for march, but the next one is on april 1st. it is unique because gilad

uses a microphone so that we can hear his wonderful voice and he can answer

questions much more comprehensively than if he were forced to type in the

chat room. there are details about how to join in his live chats on his

website at www.bodiesinmotionwithgilad.com if you are interested. i need

to come up with some questions before the next chat, but the other day, i

made a comment to him about the workout i had done with him that morning

and he actually spoke to me!!! LOLOL!!! i was thrilled.

im supposed to do some of his 'total body sculpt' show... hopefully i will

be able to get my workout done before bed tonight!! so busy busy busy.

> They're saying on the news to expect an artic blast

>from Canada, so if you figure out how to hold it up there, I'd

>appreciate it. LOL

ive got it by the tail right now and im hanging on tightly!! i would hate

to unleash this coldness on you! actually it is above zero (celcius) here

today so it isnt too bad (about 35 degrees fahrenheit)

and also, tonya, i looked at your photos!!! wow, you have really come a

long way! good for you!! thankyou for sharing them. did you get the

wrestling gig?

>Have a great day and don't worry about taking a day off. Remember,

>the body needs rest once in a while too.

yeah, i know, but i still worry about taking days off and then not getting

back on program again. and my eating has be awful!! i did manage 5 out

of 7 workouts last week so that isnt too bad. i was aiming to do something

every day. oh well. this is a new week on my calendar so i must get my

workout in today to start the week off right!



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You can come visit me in Hawaii when I move and we'll both stay warm

with Gilad for the winter! Actually, it's not to bad here right

now. About 60F for the high today. Sorry I don't know what that

translates to in C. But it's getting down to 20F at night which is

just too cold for me.

Yeah, I saw something about Gilad's chat the other day but then I

forgot when it was to go check it out. Guess I'll have to write it

on my calendar for next time. Gotta hear that voice live! Actually,

my boss now has a cool accent too. He's from the Netherlands.

As for the pics, thanks! It was a lot of hard work. 75 pounds of

fat lost and 25 pounds of muscle gained in 6 months. I wasn't

actually going for a wrestling gig when those pics were taken. I had

worked in wrestling for 13 years and retired from it in 2001 when I

started having some health problems. Back and knees couldn't handle

it anymore, plus the feminine issues that put the weight on. Those

pics were taken for a fund raiser a friends promotion was doing for a

little girl with cancer. I donated autographed pics and did an

appearance (no wrestling) for the show.

You're doing good on your workouts. Don't stress if you miss one.

Just look at it like medicine. When you miss a dose, the bottle says

to skip it and go back to your regular dosing schedule. And

Exercise, is after all, the BEST Medicine!

Have a healthy day!


> >Thanks for the welcome. Remind me to only visit your part of the

> >world in the summer! LOL


> i hear ya tonya!! i honestly wish that i didnt live here in the

> winter. when im old im going to try to be a 'snow bird' and fly

south for

> the winter.


> > I've decided

> >this week that my next move with be to Hawaii. (Maybe work for

> >Gilad! :) hehe)


> OMG, i would SO love that too!!! and i also love gilad so you

cant go

> wrong there!!


> by the way, gilad has a live chat every month -- you just missed

the one

> for march, but the next one is on april 1st. it is unique because


> uses a microphone so that we can hear his wonderful voice and he

can answer

> questions much more comprehensively than if he were forced to type

in the

> chat room. there are details about how to join in his live chats

on his

> website at www.bodiesinmotionwithgilad.com if you are interested.

i need

> to come up with some questions before the next chat, but the other

day, i

> made a comment to him about the workout i had done with him that


> and he actually spoke to me!!! LOLOL!!! i was thrilled.


> im supposed to do some of his 'total body sculpt' show...

hopefully i will

> be able to get my workout done before bed tonight!! so busy busy



> > They're saying on the news to expect an artic blast

> >from Canada, so if you figure out how to hold it up there, I'd

> >appreciate it. LOL


> ive got it by the tail right now and im hanging on tightly!! i

would hate

> to unleash this coldness on you! actually it is above zero

(celcius) here

> today so it isnt too bad (about 35 degrees fahrenheit)


> and also, tonya, i looked at your photos!!! wow, you have really

come a

> long way! good for you!! thankyou for sharing them. did you get


> wrestling gig?


> >Have a great day and don't worry about taking a day off. Remember,

> >the body needs rest once in a while too.


> yeah, i know, but i still worry about taking days off and then not


> back on program again. and my eating has be awful!! i did

manage 5 out

> of 7 workouts last week so that isnt too bad. i was aiming to do


> every day. oh well. this is a new week on my calendar so i must

get my

> workout in today to start the week off right!


> :*carolyn.



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At 06:45 PM 3/06/2005, Tonya - wrote:


>my boss now has a cool accent too. He's from the Netherlands.

oh, my father in law is from the netherlands... my mother in law is belgian.

their accents are still thick at times... when my husband and i first

started seeing each other, i had to listen carefully to be sure that i

heard everything they were saying. im used to it now though of

course. my husband was born in canada so he doesnt have an accent at all,

the only dutch words he knows are swear words...lol.

>As for the pics, thanks! It was a lot of hard work. 75 pounds of

>fat lost and 25 pounds of muscle gained in 6 months.

WOW! what an amazing accomplishment!

> When you miss a dose, the bottle says

>to skip it and go back to your regular dosing schedule.

this is a good analogy... thanks!



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  • 10 months later...

Thanks for the welcome. I'm glad to be a part of the group.



> welcome to the group I am Billie 54 female from Texas .There are

times it

> gets rough for all of us so you aren't alone.


> Billie


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi, I just started taking Lexapro a little over a month ago. I also

take Cymbalta. I think my depression may be a bit of a treatment

resistant type and so I sometimes have to take a combination of

meds. If I had a medication that I knew would work for me like you

say Paxil worked for you, I would not think twice about going back

on it. I don't like the idea of weight gain either but I HATE

depression/anxiety. I would much rather struggle with my weight

than struggle with depression. If it were me, I would go right back

to what I know would work.


> I was hoping someone could help me. I suffer from depression and


> been on Paxil off and on. I was given Lexarp a year ago and only


> it for 2 weeks, it made me tired but not sad. I stopped taking it

> after the 2 weeks. Everytime I think of being on a med for


> I become so afraid. I know what it's like getting off of them. I

> gained 20lbs on Paxil. Since part of my depression is based on


> fat and ugly I feel that doesn't help me. I will tell you I was


> happy with Paxil except for the weight which is why I got off in


> 1st place. I am starting to get sick again and was thinking of


> Lexapro a chance but, of course I'm afraid of the weight gain.

When I

> start taking a med I always think of when I will be getting off.


> I am trying to ask you guys is do you think I should stay away


> the drug and just go on like this. Please someone help me.


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I understand your issue with weight gain. I would suggest you discuss it with

your dr. If you know of something that worked for you in the past...then by all

means I would stick with what worked....I cant offer you any suggestions about

Lexapro...I have a fear of meds. I joined this group for courage to take it and

to see how people do on the med...and coming off the med. I worry about

both...go figure something else to worry about. Take care Let us know how you

are doing..

Liz <chipper1379@...> wrote: I was hoping someone could help me. I

suffer from depression and have

been on Paxil off and on. I was given Lexarp a year ago and only took

it for 2 weeks, it made me tired but not sad. I stopped taking it

after the 2 weeks. Everytime I think of being on a med for depression

I become so afraid. I know what it's like getting off of them. I

gained 20lbs on Paxil. Since part of my depression is based on how

fat and ugly I feel that doesn't help me. I will tell you I was very

happy with Paxil except for the weight which is why I got off in the

1st place. I am starting to get sick again and was thinking of giving

Lexapro a chance but, of course I'm afraid of the weight gain. When I

start taking a med I always think of when I will be getting off. What

I am trying to ask you guys is do you think I should stay away from

the drug and just go on like this. Please someone help me.

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Thanks for your advice. I was going to try lexapro not Paxil. But,

I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. I really appreciate your

comments. I know it sucks to be depressed and have panic attacks. I

just sit around hurting people by having them seeing me depressed.

-- In Lexapro , " pba1221d " <pba1221d@...> wrote:


> Hi, I just started taking Lexapro a little over a month ago. I


> take Cymbalta. I think my depression may be a bit of a treatment

> resistant type and so I sometimes have to take a combination of

> meds. If I had a medication that I knew would work for me like


> say Paxil worked for you, I would not think twice about going back

> on it. I don't like the idea of weight gain either but I HATE

> depression/anxiety. I would much rather struggle with my weight

> than struggle with depression. If it were me, I would go right


> to what I know would work.




> >

> > I was hoping someone could help me. I suffer from depression


> have

> > been on Paxil off and on. I was given Lexarp a year ago and


> took

> > it for 2 weeks, it made me tired but not sad. I stopped taking


> > after the 2 weeks. Everytime I think of being on a med for

> depression

> > I become so afraid. I know what it's like getting off of them.


> > gained 20lbs on Paxil. Since part of my depression is based on

> how

> > fat and ugly I feel that doesn't help me. I will tell you I was

> very

> > happy with Paxil except for the weight which is why I got off in

> the

> > 1st place. I am starting to get sick again and was thinking of

> giving

> > Lexapro a chance but, of course I'm afraid of the weight gain.

> When I

> > start taking a med I always think of when I will be getting


> What

> > I am trying to ask you guys is do you think I should stay away

> from

> > the drug and just go on like this. Please someone help me.

> >


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You sound alot like me with the issues of how it is to be on it and

how it is to get off. I wonder why I just can't just go ahead and

take something that makes me feel better and second guess it. Good

luck to you. Thanks for answering me.

I was hoping someone could help me.

I suffer from depression and have

> been on Paxil off and on. I was given Lexarp a year ago and only


> it for 2 weeks, it made me tired but not sad. I stopped taking it

> after the 2 weeks. Everytime I think of being on a med for


> I become so afraid. I know what it's like getting off of them. I

> gained 20lbs on Paxil. Since part of my depression is based on


> fat and ugly I feel that doesn't help me. I will tell you I was


> happy with Paxil except for the weight which is why I got off in


> 1st place. I am starting to get sick again and was thinking of


> Lexapro a chance but, of course I'm afraid of the weight gain.

When I

> start taking a med I always think of when I will be getting off.


> I am trying to ask you guys is do you think I should stay away


> the drug and just go on like this. Please someone help me.







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My doc wont even prescribe me paxil because I have the same issue

with weight and being happy and she said that is one of the worst

weight gain. I didnt have that much of prob on the lexapro but I

did with the Celexa. I found taking it at night gets rid of the

tiredness. I have gone off it before and I cant say that was much

fun but not too bad. A few weeks feeling a little dizzy.



> I was hoping someone could help me. I suffer from depression and


> been on Paxil off and on. I was given Lexarp a year ago and only


> it for 2 weeks, it made me tired but not sad. I stopped taking it

> after the 2 weeks. Everytime I think of being on a med for


> I become so afraid. I know what it's like getting off of them. I

> gained 20lbs on Paxil. Since part of my depression is based on


> fat and ugly I feel that doesn't help me. I will tell you I was


> happy with Paxil except for the weight which is why I got off in


> 1st place. I am starting to get sick again and was thinking of


> Lexapro a chance but, of course I'm afraid of the weight gain.

When I

> start taking a med I always think of when I will be getting off.


> I am trying to ask you guys is do you think I should stay away


> the drug and just go on like this. Please someone help me.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

, sounds like my son at 5 and now,



From: Autism and Aspergers Treatment [mailto:Autism and Aspergers Treatment ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006

11:16 PM

Autism and Aspergers Treatment

Subject: Hi,

I'm new here

I have a son who is 5-1/2 that I believe has

Asperger's. He started

off at age 2-1/2 with a Global Delay dx, spent 2 years in special ed

both through the Regional Center and the school district. In May of

2005 he was " booted " out of the program because he had caught up and

surpassed his age level in all areas. We agreed with that decision.

We ended up putting him in a private Christian school for

Kindergarten a year earlier that I had wanted based on his academic

skills. The only problem area was Sensory Integration...fear of new

environments, and poor eating habits. I explained to his teacher

what triggers meltdowns and how to handle them. Everything was fine

until the last couple months of school when he started behaving

incorrectly socially. His teacher would complain about his behavior

on a daily basis. That is when she and I started butting heads

because I couldn't get her to understand that he was socially behind

the rest of the kids. He was doing things like making noises in

class, poking and touching the other kids. One day when they were

working on an assignment in class, out of the blue he shouted, " shut-

up " . Most of the things she complained about, I felt were normal 5-

year-old boy behaviors. Then my neighbor, who has taught special ed

for 30 years, suggested that he might have AS. Aside from this, he

excelled in Kindergarten academically. I have spent the last 2 weeks

researching AS, and have come to believe that I think this is what

might be going on with him. The problem I think we will have getting

a dx is that he is very borderline. Other than his social skills

that I feel are about 1-1/2 years behind his age, the other things

that are going on are his sensory meltdowns, picky eating (texture

driven), no fear of the road (will run into the street/parking lot

unless I have a hold of him) and will watch the same movie 4 or 5

times before moving on to a new one.

My questions to the group are do you think he has AS, and what type

of doctor do I take him to to get him diagnosed? Any recommended

reading material? With my experience with our school district

(HBCSD) I know that I have to get a dx first, then contact them for

an eval.


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Hi , This sounds like a less severe Hope (my youngest who has HFA (high functioning autism), SID, ADHD. I can tell you what I did. We are military, and generally speaking the military is great with health care - HOWEVER in their peds clinic, you never see the same person twice (or not very often) I went in constantly with my concerns, and they basically patted me on the head and figured I was one of those attention getting Navy wives yada yada. At first I took her to my psychiatrist (who almost strictly deals with kids and has helped my AS 14 yo a great deal), then I contacted a psychologist, who works with children. I asked her for a full eval after Hope was kicked out of school for violent behaviors... Turns out she has autism. If the peds docs were really looking out for things they could have theoretically seen it sooner. However, maybe my wording of things was wrong, or maybe having all

special needs kids, I didn't click to the social delays and the lining things up, and the sensory stuff - we thought all of it was related to the severe constant ear infections that she has had. Example - she runs around 8 months to 5 years ahead of her classmates. Her vocabulary is measured at between 8-11 years of age. HOWEVER, she cannot "organize" it. In other words, her sister will grab her arm, she will say STOP and that is as far as it goes, she completely melts down. I would strongly urge you to find a developmental pediatrician or a licensed clinical psychologist with experience dealing with autism spectrum disorders, DEMAND a full evaluation - the schools generally do not to a "full evaluation" they do a questionaire and the woodcock johnson - and that doesn't give you the whole picture. We started her eval probably in March and I got the final results about 3 weeks ago. It was 100%

worth it. Simply because Hope doesn't "present" as autistic. I have my appointment with Regional Center in July - and my fear is that they will not "see it". It took really intensive testing to see what was going on with her. Probably because very simply her iq is somewhere between 110 - 140. They told me that the number on the page 110 is way too low - that it was a difference in performance and IQ. She doesn't make direct eye contact, but I JUST realized that a couple months ago when my psychiatrist pointed it out - she appears to make eye contact, but she looks just to one side. She has gotten so good at it that I her MOM never noticed!!!! Anyways, read up - you can go to OASIS and read up, but I will tell you that my 14 yo didn't have any interventions because she was dx'd at 12/13. Her dx for years was: bp/ts/odd/add/ocd/ptsd. No one was able to see the forest for the trees...

you know what I mean. Better safe than sorry - to invest some time in a complete eval rather than end up with your child at 13 or older with the dx then. Jen mom to four miracles, 17 Max adhd/ld, 14 Molly AS, r/o Mood disorder, PTSD, OCD symptoms, 9 Sara SEVERE adhd, r/o mood disorder, 5 Hope HFA, ADHD (can't medicate due to aggression), Gastro Issues -i.e. acid reflux, swollen tonsils and adenoids 24/7, ear infections, asthma arrrgghghhg and 2 doglets, 2 brat cats, 1 tortoise, 2 bearded dragons and two hamsters ~welcome to the zoo!~Charlotte <scottdesigns@...> wrote: , sounds like my son at 5 and now, lol. -Charlotte From: Autism and Aspergers Treatment [mailto:Autism and Aspergers Treatment ] On Behalf Of Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:16 PMAutism and Aspergers Treatment Subject: Hi, I'm new here I have a son who is 5-1/2 that I believe has Asperger's. He started off at age 2-1/2 with a Global Delay dx, spent 2 years in special ed both

through the Regional Center and the school district. In May of 2005 he was "booted" out of the program because he had caught up and surpassed his age level in all areas. We agreed with that decision. We ended up putting him in a private Christian school for Kindergarten a year earlier that I had wanted based on his academic skills. The only problem area was Sensory Integration...fear of new environments, and poor eating habits. I explained to his teacher what triggers meltdowns and how to handle them. Everything was fine until the last couple months of school when he started behaving incorrectly socially. His teacher would complain about his behavior on a daily basis. That is when she and I started butting heads because I couldn't get her to understand that he was socially behind the rest of the kids. He was doing things like making noises in class, poking and touching the other kids. One day when they were

working on an assignment in class, out of the blue he shouted, "shut-up". Most of the things she complained about, I felt were normal 5-year-old boy behaviors. Then my neighbor, who has taught special ed for 30 years, suggested that he might have AS. Aside from this, he excelled in Kindergarten academically. I have spent the last 2 weeks researching AS, and have come to believe that I think this is what might be going on with him. The problem I think we will have getting a dx is that he is very borderline. Other than his social skills that I feel are about 1-1/2 years behind his age, the other things that are going on are his sensory meltdowns, picky eating (texture driven), no fear of the road (will run into the street/parking lot unless I have a hold of him) and will watch the same movie 4 or 5 times before moving on to a new one. My questions to the group are do you think he has AS, and what type of doctor

do I take him to to get him diagnosed? Any recommended reading material? With my experience with our school district (HBCSD) I know that I have to get a dx first, then contact them for an eval. Thanks, If there are no dogs

in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they wentWill There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.Ben A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loveshimself.Josh Billings

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Dear Ingrid,

Welcome to the group. I'm sorry to hear that your doctor didn't tell you much about life after the band, but i'm sure that you will find everyone here most willingly to help you with any questions that you have.


On 11/4/06, tesschloe <ingrid67@...> wrote:

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