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Re: Bad Dreams/Naprosyn

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I think if you are concerned a child pschologist may help. Has Kelsey

overheard that the medication she takes has side effects of bleeding? Have

you told her about suffication and ballons? Maybe she is incorporating this

info into her dreams. I find

it strange that she remembers her dreams. Talk to your primary pediatrition.

Good Luck SHU PS maybe Halloween scarred her also.

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Thanks for your advice, each and every response will be very helpful :) I

know something is wrong, though. She's only been asleep for about an hour,

and already she has woken up crying. She will wake up crying or whining, and

her eyes will be open but look glazed, she seems out of it like she's not

really awake. She was moving her arms around like she was trying to push

something. I can try to talk to her, but she doesn't acknowledge me. I

don't know what we're going to do, but I am going to demand something be done

first thing Monday. I guess if we do need another opinion we could

travel...we're only about 2 hours from UVA, and 2-3 hours from Charlotte, NC.

Is your daughter taking anything now? Kelsey hasn't had any problems with

her stomach, although occasionally she will complain that it hurts. Again,


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My now 4 year old daughter was also on Naprosyn until about 2 months ago. I

also felt that they were causing bad nightmares and talked to the Pharmacist

about it. He said that it was a side effect but a rare one. But he said to

remember that the side effects are related to the side effects for adults,

not children. He said children react entirely differently than adults and

that it very well could be the problem.

We the rheumy took her off of it 2 months ago, not due to sleep problems,

but due to GI problems and she has been much better.

Don't know if this helps.

Good luck.


Bad Dreams/Naprosyn

>Hi Everyone,


>I've talked often of Kelsey's sleeping problems and bad dreams/nightmares,

>but something happened last night that just really bothers me. I have


>from a few people that Naprosyn can cause nightmares, but when I mentioned

>this to her doctor she disagreed, saying it was probably her age, that this

>is normal. I know this is crap, far from normal. My other daughter had

>night terrors, not taking any medication, but not every night! Last night,

>Kelsey woke up at 3am, hysterical, telling me she had a dream that she


>a balloon and it went down her sister's throat and choked her to death.


>said " mommy that was very scary, it was terrible " . She said she also


>that her uncle was walking around without a head and was bleeding. I just

>refuse to accept that this is normal, especially for a 3 year old. These


>not the kind of bad dreams my other child has had, although I know each


>is different I know this isn't good! There hasn't been anything bad to

>happen, and I'm strict about what the kids watch on TV and what they're

>exposed to (call me overprotective), so I don't think those are any


>I am very concerned that the Naprosyn is causing this, and Kelsey's doctor

>thinks I'm crazy. What should I do? If the doctor refuses to change her

>medication, what CAN I do? There are no other pediatric rheumatologists in

>our area, so getting a second opinion isn't really an option since we would

>have to travel...and I want something done ASAP. I'm afraid of taking


>off the Naprosyn against the doctor's orders, fearing it will cause a


>Sorry this is so long, but any advice will be greatly appreciated.






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I have heard other parents say they thought Naprosyn caused night terrors.

When was having trouble sleeping and waking up crying all the time when

she first started on it, I asked her doctor about this, and he too said this

was not a side effect of the drug. I think that's bunk. If other parents

are noticing it, it seems to me it is a potential side effect. stopped

waking up after being on it for a few weeks. The problem seemed to stop,

whatever it was. If Kelsey keeps having problems, I'd insist that she be

placed on another medication. There are plenty of other NSAIDs to be tried.

just stopped taking Naprosyn because she was getting huge open sores on

her bottom. She had a few on her face that didn't last long, but the ones in

her diaper area just kept coming no matter how often I changed her or how

much ointment I used. Her doctor said this wasn't a recognized side effect

of Naprosyn. Nonetheless, because I was convinced it was a side effect for

her, he did switch her meds just in case. She's now taking Relafen. I think

drugs can effect different people in different ways, and just because what

one person experiences isn't " the norm, " doesn't mean it's not from the drug.

I say follow your instincts and be insistent. Good luck, and sweet dreams

to Kelsey.


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In a message dated 11/18/00 6:13:35 AM Eastern Standard Time,

dbornscheu@... writes:

<< have heard other parents say they thought Naprosyn caused night terrors.

When was having trouble sleeping and waking up crying all the time


she first started on it, I asked her doctor about this, and he too said this

was not a side effect of the drug >>


Every child is different biochemically so anything is possible. Tally

wakes up because of the pain starting to settle into his knees. He often

attributes this to a bad dream but that's how the pain manifests itself into

his subconscious. Now that the cold weather is here...it seems as though

Tally is very sore so the past two nights, he has barely slept. It could

just be the prednisone taper but I'm hoping it's the weather because I don't

want to go back up on the prednisone.

Cause and effect are so hard to pinpoint. Eating before bed has been

rumored to cause night mares as well as watching tv just prior to bedtime.

Stress cause nightmares... Just ask your doctor to put on another

anti-inflammatory and see how that goes.


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Maybe Kelsey needs a support group of her own. Jrais tough on us, even harder

on the kids. Perhaps her unknown fears are coming out as nightmares. Good

luck to both of you

Marcie, s Mom

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In a message dated 11/18/2000 3:13:26 AM Pacific Standard Time,

dbornscheu@... writes:

> Her doctor said this wasn't a recognized side effect

> of Naprosyn.

Kind of funny, Since when, did any Dr know of ALL the possible side effects

of any medication ??

Marcie, s Mom

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Kelsey's nightmares have just recently started, although she's been on

Naprosyn since April. Before, I was sure it was related to pain, as it was

real bad at first. Its been at least 3 months since she's had a flare, or

even a bad day, and now she hardly ever complains of pain. Her wrists appear

slightly swollen sometimes, but all other joints are doing great right now,

no swelling. Now I'm not so sure its due to pain, but who knows. I think I

am going to insist on a change.


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When Kelsey was first diagnosed, and right before, I was sure the sleepless

nights were all due to the pain, as it was real bad then. The cold weather

is definitely a concern of ours, too, and its freezing here tonight! Snow is

in the forecast, but no accumulation expected. I don't have arthritis, but I

have a bad knee that bothers me most in cold weather, and its killing me

today. Makes me wonder if maybe Kelsey could be in some pain that isn't

visible to us and she just isn't saying anything. You made a good point

about eating and watching tv right before going to bed. Kelsey usually has a

light snack with her Naprosyn around 7, and goes to bed at 8. She also

usually watches tv during that hour, Rugrats and Wild Thornberry's on

Nickelodeon. Although there's no violence or scary stuff its plenty to

over-stimulate her imagination. I'm going to experiment with our routine,

making a few minor changes, and see if that helps any. Her doctor has a

message waiting for her on Monday morning, too.

Hope Tally feels better, and we'll hope its just the cold weather :) Good

luck, and thanks.

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It is hard on us to see our kids go through such pain, but I can't even

imagine how they actually feel. Thats the thought that breaks my heart. I'm

sure when Kelsey is old enough to read (and/or type) she will join some kind

of support group. Its definitely helped me, so I think it will be great for

her as well.


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Kelsey was taking Motrin before diagnosed and it wasn't touching the pain,

swelling and stiffness. The Naprosyn has helped tremendously, with no side

effects, other than these nightmares. It is spooky, it really does scare me

when she wakes up like that.


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That is really spooky. You were describing Kelli to a tee when she would

wake up in the middle of the night. Even when my Mom visited us, she was

worried about her.

Kelli is currently on 200 mg Motrin 3 times a day, Plaquenil, & Zantac.

Also on Claritin for mild allergies. They are trying to decide what to put

her on for anti-inflammatory when we go back in 2 weeks because the Motrin

is just not cutting it for the swelling and stiffness. Motrin also causes

stomach upset, but she was having open mouth and rectal sores on the

Naprosyn. Again, not supposed to be a normal side effect, but she was doing

it. Since stopping the Naprosyn, the sores have cleared up and the sleeping

has been better. She now wakes up sometimes in pain though.

Good luck.


Re: Bad Dreams/Naprosyn



>Thanks for your advice, each and every response will be very helpful :) I

>know something is wrong, though. She's only been asleep for about an hour,

>and already she has woken up crying. She will wake up crying or whining,


>her eyes will be open but look glazed, she seems out of it like she's not

>really awake. She was moving her arms around like she was trying to push

>something. I can try to talk to her, but she doesn't acknowledge me. I

>don't know what we're going to do, but I am going to demand something be


>first thing Monday. I guess if we do need another opinion we could

>travel...we're only about 2 hours from UVA, and 2-3 hours from Charlotte,


> Is your daughter taking anything now? Kelsey hasn't had any problems with

>her stomach, although occasionally she will complain that it hurts. Again,






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I know Tally sleeps really bad when his knees are sore. I wish I knew

what to do to make him feel better, but I'm just, like you, experimenting

with routine trying to get something that works. I get so tired sometimes.

I tell myself that next week, or next month, this will just go away but the

slightest change causes it to come crashing back. He's down to 5mg of

prednisone but he hasn't slept much the past three nights because of his

knees. I shouldn't complain as so far, his wrists, and spleen and lymph

nodes hasn't swelled... the popliteal cycts haven't appeared again and

he's fine after he gets moving in the am....but it doesn't help my fear at

night, thinking he might go into a full fledged flare. I have the night

mares here... the kind that keep me awake all night long. I would never

trade my son for anything but I sure do wish that it could have been me with

still's and not him. I have already done so much and he still has so much to

do. I'm sorry, I'm not very upbeat right now. I'm coming up on finals

and I'm in some pretty tough courses right now. It's hard doing it all and

sometimes I just get tired.


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Skyler has awoke three times now with night terrors since he started taking


[ & Skyler]

Re: Bad Dreams/Naprosyn


I have heard other parents say they thought Naprosyn caused night terrors.

When was having trouble sleeping and waking up crying all the time when

she first started on it, I asked her doctor about this, and he too said this

was not a side effect of the drug. I think that's bunk. If other parents

are noticing it, it seems to me it is a potential side effect. stopped

waking up after being on it for a few weeks. The problem seemed to stop,

whatever it was. If Kelsey keeps having problems, I'd insist that she be

placed on another medication. There are plenty of other NSAIDs to be tried.

just stopped taking Naprosyn because she was getting huge open sores on

her bottom. She had a few on her face that didn't last long, but the ones in

her diaper area just kept coming no matter how often I changed her or how

much ointment I used. Her doctor said this wasn't a recognized side effect

of Naprosyn. Nonetheless, because I was convinced it was a side effect for

her, he did switch her meds just in case. She's now taking Relafen. I think

drugs can effect different people in different ways, and just because what

one person experiences isn't " the norm, " doesn't mean it's not from the drug.

I say follow your instincts and be insistent. Good luck, and sweet dreams

to Kelsey.


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When I first got sick with still's I was taking all kinds of Nsaids, about a

year later I took Naprosyn and I started having night terrors and sleepwalking

alot. I was 18 at the time. The docs said it was just stress but the

sleepwalking stopped after I stopped the naprosyn.

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In a message dated 11/19/2000 7:02:51 PM Pacific Standard Time,

aandm90@... writes:

> The other strange thing about Nap is that one of the KNOWN side

> effects happens to be muscle aches/pain. The other is that it also

> KNOWN to react to other NSAIDS.




My oldest can't take Nap It gives her migraines :)

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> In a message dated 11/18/2000 3:13:26 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> dbornscheu@a... writes:


> > Her doctor said this wasn't a recognized side effect

> > of Naprosyn.

> Kind of funny, Since when, did any Dr know of ALL the possible side


> of any medication ??



Exactly, lol! " Recognized " , what was the point of even saying that.

How belitttling, well then if it isn't recognized then there

certainly must all sorts of side effects/contraindications that never

get anyone's full attention.

The other strange thing about Nap is that one of the KNOWN side

effects happens to be muscle aches/pain. The other is that it also

KNOWN to react to other NSAIDS.

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Well, this makes a lot of sense. Perhaps the nightmares are a possible

side effect of naprosyn specifically when taken by children? Maybe those

who use it should notify the manufacturer by email and see what they're

response is? Josh took it for just a very short time. He was switched

over to Indomethacin quickly which has worked well and doesn't seem to

affect his dreaming/sleep. Prednisone, if I'm remembering correctly, has

been known to cause more vivid dreams. He's been on that long-term but

it hasn't caused nightmares.


Angie wrote:


> My now 4 year old daughter was also on Naprosyn until about 2 months ago. I

> also felt that they were causing bad nightmares and talked to the Pharmacist

> about it. He said that it was a side effect but a rare one. But he said to

> remember that the side effects are related to the side effects for adults,

> not children. He said children react entirely differently than adults and

> that it very well could be the problem.


> We the rheumy took her off of it 2 months ago, not due to sleep problems,

> but due to GI problems and she has been much better.


> Don't know if this helps.


> Good luck.


> Angie

> Bad Dreams/Naprosyn


> >Hi Everyone,

> >

> >I've talked often of Kelsey's sleeping problems and bad dreams/nightmares,

> >but something happened last night that just really bothers me. I have

> heard

> >from a few people that Naprosyn can cause nightmares, but when I mentioned

> >this to her doctor she disagreed, saying it was probably her age, that this

> >is normal. I know this is crap, far from normal. My other daughter had

> >night terrors, not taking any medication, but not every night! Last night,

> >Kelsey woke up at 3am, hysterical, telling me she had a dream that she

> popped

> >a balloon and it went down her sister's throat and choked her to death.

> She

> >said " mommy that was very scary, it was terrible " . She said she also

> dreamed

> >that her uncle was walking around without a head and was bleeding. I just

> >refuse to accept that this is normal, especially for a 3 year old. These

> are

> >not the kind of bad dreams my other child has had, although I know each

> child

> >is different I know this isn't good! There hasn't been anything bad to

> >happen, and I'm strict about what the kids watch on TV and what they're

> >exposed to (call me overprotective), so I don't think those are any

> reasons.

> >I am very concerned that the Naprosyn is causing this, and Kelsey's doctor

> >thinks I'm crazy. What should I do? If the doctor refuses to change her

> >medication, what CAN I do? There are no other pediatric rheumatologists in

> >our area, so getting a second opinion isn't really an option since we would

> >have to travel...and I want something done ASAP. I'm afraid of taking

> Kelsey

> >off the Naprosyn against the doctor's orders, fearing it will cause a

> flare.

> >Sorry this is so long, but any advice will be greatly appreciated.

> >

> >Thanks,

> >

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My daughter le was on Naprosyn for 18 mos. and did not experiance any

nightmares. She is 5 now. When we switched to Trisilate and now Voltaren we

noticed her waking up and complaining of nightmares. She was on Trisilate for

3 mos. and her liver enzymes went way up., so now she is on Voltaren. This

is her second month on that. Her wake-ups and nightmares started after her

stint with Naprosyn. Blanca

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Well to be perfectly honest...Meghann went through a period of bad dreams

early on. But I don't know if she was on naprosyn at the time for sure.

Although it is a good possibility because if I remember it was early on

about the time she would have been on naprosyn...(it was one of the first

meds she was on after baby aspirin). She would wake up and come in the

bedroom and ask if we were going to die...This was from a 3 year old.

Sharon and Meghann


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Well, its been 6 days now since Kelsey has taken any Naprosyn, and last

night was her 4th night of sleeping all night :) She has woken up maybe once

over the past 4 nights and it was to use the bathroom, then she went right

back to sleep. I am worried about her flaring, but so far she's been fine.

We are giving her Motrin, which her pediatrician said to do until we get her

back to the rheumatologist. Time for me to get ready for work, hope everyone

has a very happy thanksgiving!

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so far melissa has not had no nightmares with voltaren

she has had nights where she just couldnt sleep

but i am not sure if that is from the meds or just hurting

i know she just went through a bout with her back and leg

and she couldnt sleep

i am not experienced on napro so i cant say on that

but back when melissa was 2 3 4 5 6 and 7

she would wake with dreams that scared her

but i associated those with things that had happened

or things that came true

dueing that time she lost her grandma grandpa several great aunts and uncles

we were going to funerals like every 6 months then our last was my moms a

year ago

i have found it will help to sit and talk about the dream with the child

see what she dreamed

could it be related to her fear of what she feels about the JRA

interrupt the dream

but it is strange for most of these kids on napro is haveing these dreams

i read up on the dreams years ago sub consciously you dream out what you feel

things that scare you fearful of and fantasies

since these are nightmares i would say its what she fears and scares her

if a child tells another they are going to do something and the child knows

they could get hurt they will see it as what will happen


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