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Re: Digest Number 4282

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Thankyou all so much much for replying to my message.I hope eventually i

might get a diagnosis.Although doctors are pretty sure its aih. My liver

function tests have been abnormal many times, every time i reduce steroids,

but i suffer when they are ok too. But it seems i am not the only one. I

havn`t worked for a while now, and worry about this, especially on good

days. My sisters are extremely jealous of this, but havn`t got a clue what i

have been through over the last few years. They are so unsupportive and

uncaring. They hate me to say i don`t feel well. Once my sister`s reply was

" half the population don`t feel well but they have to go to F*****g work. So

as you can understand, i`m finding it really hard to cope with.

Sometimes i think should i try and hope for the best, but then i get so ill

again. Even when i was being sick in my sister`s presence all she could say

was " disgusting " . These remarks are as hard as being constantlt ill. I long

for a family that gives a little support, thank God for this site. If anyone

wants to get in touch please feel free to e mail me. Love and hugs. jackie x

Re: Hi everyone!


> Here goes my two cents worth on Milk Thistle -


> First, I order mine from a company on the web called Puritan Pride. They

> have a buy one get one free offer all the time - once in awhile they will

> give you two free.


> Second, my hepatologist told me it was a waste of money for people that

> have PBC or AIH (I have both). It was helpful with people that Hep C.

> Not sure about any other liver ailments. I keep taking it. Don't really

> know if it has made a difference or not. Had one flare up of AIH just

> recently, but once I was taken off the Welbutrin my blood tests showed a

> dramatic drop in my " counts. " in two weeks.


> I have been reading about all the aches and pains. I make myself walk

> two miles a day, I try to do yard work, etc. I hurt so bad that some

> nights I can't even sleep - every spot I lay in hurts. I am looking for

> opinions - is this PBC or AIH related? Is it from medication (I take URSO

> and Imuran)? I am 53 - is it arthritis setting in?


> Thank you - ALL of you have been more informative then any other website

> I have been to. I appreciate all of your answers, real concerns for each

> and everyone no matter what. You guys are great!


> Nina Eskelinen <nina_eskelinen@...> wrote:

> I've been away for a while but I've seen that you guys have been talking

> about Milk Thistle!?! Since I got curious I went and bought it (and it

> wasn't cheap..) But I'm determined to try it anyway although I'm not quite

> sure what it is supposed to do?!?

> I've had a wonderful time in Canada with my sister and her children but

> it feels really good to be home again. It was quite tuff for me to travel

> like that, and I still haven't quite recovered.

> Take care!

> Nina!




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I do have a litlle bit of ascites-not too bad at this point. But my stomach is

" hard as a rock " and it's really noticeable because in less than a year, I

dropped four sizes in clothes. (I've saved all the clothes for when I start to

gain again). Since I quit work and I'm not running up & down the halls of the

hospital for 12 hours a night, I've stayed the same size.

Do you have ascites? If so, how bad?

SOWeepee@... wrote:

Does anyone have ascites with this condition


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Jackie - your sisters are jealous - the problem with AIH is that we look healthy

but feel awful. Your sisters think you are " pretending. " I get that LOOK all

the time from my coworkers and some of my family. There are days when I feel

awful and can't seem to do much - I barely make it through the day...yet I still

look good. Here is what I do - when someone makes a RUDE comment to me

regarding my fatigue or limitations, I always say " thanks for your

understanding, I hope I never have to do the same for you. " Shuts them up and

gives me some satisfaction. I realize people are going to say that it is awful

of me to be this way, but one can only take so much before you want to " fight "

back. Families are the cruelest. Hang in there - you can spout off to us


Jo Anne - I asked my doctor about Cymbalta. She said no. My blood work was

still way out of control. I was taking the Welbutrin for weight loss and not

because I am depressed. She did say that it is great for depression and aches

and pains and that maybe once my blood work continues to drop we would


My advice to anyone with AIH - don't take Welbutrin if you can possibly help

it. I am still trying to reach some normalcy, mentally and physically from

going off of it. In the three months I was on it, my blood work showed an

increase every month. My specialist told me that Welbutrin was not a good

choice for AIH patients. I guess the moral of this story is I should have

checked with her after asking my regular m.d.


" J. Paterson " <jaknjills@...> wrote:

Thankyou all so much much for replying to my message.I hope eventually i

might get a diagnosis.Although doctors are pretty sure its aih. My liver

function tests have been abnormal many times, every time i reduce steroids,

but i suffer when they are ok too. But it seems i am not the only one. I

havn`t worked for a while now, and worry about this, especially on good

days. My sisters are extremely jealous of this, but havn`t got a clue what i

have been through over the last few years. They are so unsupportive and

uncaring. They hate me to say i don`t feel well. Once my sister`s reply was

" half the population don`t feel well but they have to go to F*****g work. So

as you can understand, i`m finding it really hard to cope with.

Sometimes i think should i try and hope for the best, but then i get so ill

again. Even when i was being sick in my sister`s presence all she could say

was " disgusting " . These remarks are as hard as being constantlt ill. I long

for a family that gives a little support, thank God for this site. If anyone

wants to get in touch please feel free to e mail me. Love and hugs. jackie x

Re: Hi everyone!


> Here goes my two cents worth on Milk Thistle -


> First, I order mine from a company on the web called Puritan Pride. They

> have a buy one get one free offer all the time - once in awhile they will

> give you two free.


> Second, my hepatologist told me it was a waste of money for people that

> have PBC or AIH (I have both). It was helpful with people that Hep C.

> Not sure about any other liver ailments. I keep taking it. Don't really

> know if it has made a difference or not. Had one flare up of AIH just

> recently, but once I was taken off the Welbutrin my blood tests showed a

> dramatic drop in my " counts. " in two weeks.


> I have been reading about all the aches and pains. I make myself walk

> two miles a day, I try to do yard work, etc. I hurt so bad that some

> nights I can't even sleep - every spot I lay in hurts. I am looking for

> opinions - is this PBC or AIH related? Is it from medication (I take URSO

> and Imuran)? I am 53 - is it arthritis setting in?


> Thank you - ALL of you have been more informative then any other website

> I have been to. I appreciate all of your answers, real concerns for each

> and everyone no matter what. You guys are great!


> Nina Eskelinen <nina_eskelinen@...> wrote:

> I've been away for a while but I've seen that you guys have been talking

> about Milk Thistle!?! Since I got curious I went and bought it (and it

> wasn't cheap..) But I'm determined to try it anyway although I'm not quite

> sure what it is supposed to do?!?

> I've had a wonderful time in Canada with my sister and her children but

> it feels really good to be home again. It was quite tuff for me to travel

> like that, and I still haven't quite recovered.

> Take care!

> Nina!




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  • 5 years later...

Hello to you all.I am new to the site and bowled over by how much I need to learn.I have been hypo- since the age of probably 6/7 yrs and on

Levothyroxine since a diagnosis by a pediatrician aged 10 yrs.Having been hypo this long I really do not know what 'normal' for me is. I know reading the book from the advocacy I have just recieved and from reading what I have so far in the daily digests, that alot of things that I didn't realise were due to my thyroid could hopefully be eased. I am now 46 yrs.I am on 125mg of levo / day which I have always just taken on a morning before eating my breakfast- mainly so its done and dusted. Nobody has ever suggested that to take it any other way would be beneficial. I noticed Sue saying that she takes T3 early and then throughout the day. I assume this is different to Levo or could I benefit too?I also take 10mg Citalopram- after having my 2 children now 13 and 11 yrs old I suffered depression and severe PMS. I went to a special PMS clinic and was prescribed Citalopram, which has eased the depression, although I still have low periods. The PMS mood swings have been alot better though, which I'm sure my children are greatful for.I have had problems with my upper back for years and see an accupuncturist every 4/6 months again this helps but has not totally sorted out the situation, neither did the pain clinic or physio. But reading the book I now see that this could be thyroid related.I have low blood pressure which leaves me very dizzy. Of course have the brain

fog, can't stand too much noise- not good when you work with kids. This summer I have started having breathlessness and palpitations. This has frightened me as normally keep very fit and cycle every where. I have also had a swollen feeling in my throat all summer. I have also had the usual constipation on and off most of my life. Suffered from Candida for long periods- successfully sorted with homeopathy and diet. Have restless feet at night and night sweats. Always feel cold. Have awful headaches.Like to be on my own alot. Saying all that I'm also a determined little bu##er who when not too low fights to carry on. Sometimes I get sick of the fight and wish I was 'Normal'.I have just had my usual blood tests taken today. I am intersted to see waht they say and whether all the tests you suggest have been done. I will be asking for my results properly this time, not just a, ''yes your ok'' or a, ''you need to take a bit more increase to----''I saw my accupuncturist last week who helped my pulses, which were very faint. Also she suggested a mutivit/ mineral tonic which I am taking daily. I am going to get extra vit c after reading about that. Has anyone any other tips for me?Need to read much more to educate myself about what I can do to improve my way of life.Thank you so far for all the advice I have already learnt, I can't wait to learn more.

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Hi Helen

Thank you for the responce. I will give it a go at night and see how that goes.

Still got alot of reading to do and read up on all the tests available etc and

make sure I get the information togehter to help me improve my day to day

health. Thanks again



> > I have just had my usual blood tests taken today. I am intersted to see waht

they say and whether all the tests you suggest have been done. I will be asking

for my results properly this time, not just a, ''yes your ok'' or a, ''you need

to take a bit more increase to----''

> >

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