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I will have to agree with and Annie. I followed my drs. orders to the "T" before finally deciding to take my health into my own hands. I was to the point whereby I couldn't move myself off the couch, was very depressed, fuzzy thinking, gained a lot of weight and on and on. It was this board that "saved" me. When I join a group such as this, I do not just sign on and read posts. I go to the files/links section and read, read and read .. and then try to digest. It isn't until after I read the main "files/links" section of a board (such as this) that I attempt to actually go to the board to make heads or tails out of the individual posts. I think that if individuals would make a habit of "reading up" on the boards they join .. right away, when they join .. they would know that "just iodine" isn't what this board is

about. It is about a very intricate, unique chemical balance for each individual. If you decide/or your doc is advocating you to begin using iodine, all must know that you have to balance the iodine supplementation with much, much more. Hopefully your dr. knows this! If you read the files/links area of this board you will learn this. I was gearing up to "self-treat" when I learned of Dr. Brownstein. I feel I am very lucky to have learned of Dr. Brownstein (through Steph's posts .. way back when). He is approximately a 2 1/2 hour drive away for me, but well worth it!! I haven't felt as good as I do NOW .. in years! I know I still have a ways to go, but inch by inch, I am reclaining my life back. Best, Glo ladybugsandbees

<ladybugsandbees@...> wrote: That was my experience as well. I was left for dead on Synthroid for 6 years after my thyroid cancer dx and removal. They just kept blasting me with RAI and when they reached the limit they wanted to hit me with ext beam radiation. There are precious few doctors that can treat me the way Dr. Brownstein does. Just getting Armour is a trick in itself but then to get it at the right dose (because it suppresses TSH and that freaks docs out) and iodine on top of it.

You really are blessed to find that combo. That is where the need for these groups comes in. For those of us who do have access to what the good docs think / say and can be relayed to others who either cannot find a doc or cannot afford one. Because lets face it to do this protocol and see a good doc is VERY expensive. Re: Iodine I am sure your goals and your intentions are the best. The thing that worries me is that iodine is prescribed on this list by people who have no way of knowing if the person

needs it or not. These prescriptions could work out fine for many, I'm sure, but for some they could really be a problem. Not everyone is well informed, and some people come to these lists with very little nutritional knowledge, let alone knowledge about themselves and what is going on with them. I shudder to think what could happen if someone reads an enthusiastic prescription from someone on here and goes out and doses themselves with too much. They could become extremely ill, and maybe even worse. Roniladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbeessbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote: I have been reading posts for quite a while now that have bee advocating iodine for so many diseases, and symptoms, high readings, low readings no readings. The question I have is this: If all of the people who have been taking iodine are convinced it does all these things, why are you still on these lists and why do you still have symptoms? The damage done by low iodine can be anywhere from fatigue to damaged thryoid like Hashimotos or Graves to cancer. These things take time to heal. The entire iodine movement is relatively new and we are still learning what happens when you use higher doses of iodine. For me it put my cancer in check but I am having other nutrient issues that I am not sure are tied to taking iodine or gut absorption issues due to RAI. This is a great place to

ask questions and share experiences. Keep in mind that there are over 1,400 members here. Most do not post. The ones posting for the most part are new (within the last year) and there are a few "old timers" that stay to help educate others (like myself - however I own the group) on the benefits of iodine becuase it has worked for them so well. It would seem that if iodine was such a miracle, you would all be out dancing and having a wonderful time, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I am dancing. :) I enjoy helping so that is why I own the group. My live goal is to get my ND degree so I can do this as a job. I learn a lot from what is shared that in the future will help my clients as well Roni Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Oh I know, misdiagnosis is always a looming possibility, which is why I'm not fond of taking things if I don't know what I'm doing. Ronicathyedens <cathyedens@...> wrote: Resistence to anesthesia is a common problem in HYPERthyroid people - they aren't actually resistant, but rather metabolize it so fast that they can't be regulated properly - they wake up during surgery, or don't go under at all. Conversely, HYPOthyroid people tend to go under and stay under, because they don't

metabolize quickly enough. Both are dangerous. I personally have woken up from general anesthesia twice during oral surgery many years before I was ever diagnosed hyperthyroid. HYPERthyroid people need to be VERY careful with iodine, because it can trigger the antibody attacks that increase thyroid levels. Hyper people also can have something called a diffuse, toxic goiter, which is a goiter caused by inflammation of the thyroid cells. Maybe your mom was misdiagnosed and was hyper, or had fluctuating thyroid levels. > >> > I have been reading posts for quite a while now that have bee advocating> > iodine for so many diseases, and symptoms, high readings, low readings> > no readings.> > > > The question I have is this:> > > > If all of the people who have been taking iodine are convinced it does all> > these things, why are you still on these lists and why do you still have> > symptoms?> > > > It would seem that if iodine was such a miracle, you would all be> > out dancing and having a wonderful time, but that doesn't seem to be> > the case.> > > > Roni> >

> > > > ---------------------------------> > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.> >> > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.>

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In no way was I advocating to be a slave to a dumb doctor. If anyone comes across a doctor that won't listen to them and doesn't give them the proper treatment for their condition, leave that sucker like you would be running from a skunk. I have left plenty of morons, and I was never sorry. RoniAnnie Phenix <annie@...> wrote: Check with their doctors???? My Austin Endo

kept me hypo and fat and sick for FIVE years. Oh I checked in with him alright. I begged for thyroid medicines and I begged him to look at my 3 page list of symptoms that included low body temps. His response? He shrugged his shoulders. He was beyond useless: he wasted 5 years of my life. I trust very few doctors (though I FINALLY found one in Austin who truly understands thyroid) and I encourage anyone who listens to do their own research for their own body, no matter who their doctor is. Trusting your doctor blindly can kill you, in my experience. Annie/Texas -----Original Message-----From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of Roni MolinSent: Friday, January 04, 2008 10:20 PMiodine Subject: Re: Iodine Oh, of course no one can force anyone to do anything, except if they hold a piece of chocolate in front of me :-). I do think it is important though to make sure we tell new poeple to check themselves out with their doctors. Roniladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbeessbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote: That is always a problem on a group like this. All levels of knowledge and understanding. There isn't

anything that can be done to control that. Each person must be responsible for themselves and what they chose to do or not do. No one is forcing anyone to do anything. Re: Iodine I am sure your goals and your intentions are the best. The thing that worries me is that iodine is prescribed on this list by people who have no way of knowing if the person needs it or not. These prescriptions could work out fine for many, I'm sure, but for some they could really be a problem. Not everyone is well informed, and some people come to

these lists with very little nutritional knowledge, let alone knowledge about themselves and what is going on with them. I shudder to think what could happen if someone reads an enthusiastic prescription from someone on here and goes out and doses themselves with too much. They could become extremely ill, and maybe even worse. Roniladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbeessbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote: I have been reading posts for quite a while now that have bee advocating iodine for so many diseases, and symptoms, high readings, low readings no readings. The

question I have is this: If all of the people who have been taking iodine are convinced it does all these things, why are you still on these lists and why do you still have symptoms? The damage done by low iodine can be anywhere from fatigue to damaged thryoid like Hashimotos or Graves to cancer. These things take time to heal. The entire iodine movement is relatively new and we are still learning what happens when you use higher doses of iodine. For me it put my cancer in check but I am having other nutrient issues that I am not sure are tied to taking iodine or gut absorption issues due to RAI. This is a great place to ask questions and share experiences. Keep in mind that there are over 1,400 members here. Most do not post. The ones posting for the most part are new (within the last year) and there are a few "old

timers" that stay to help educate others (like myself - however I own the group) on the benefits of iodine becuase it has worked for them so well. It would seem that if iodine was such a miracle, you would all be out dancing and having a wonderful time, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I am dancing. :) I enjoy helping so that is why I own the group. My live goal is to get my ND degree so I can do this as a job. I learn a lot from what is shared that in the future will help my clients as well Roni Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Hypothyroid and anesthesia. When I read your post, , it reminded me of my dear father. He was elderly granted, but despite this he could not take even small amounts of anesthesia even when he was younger. He would become overmedicated and in one situation, it became life threatening. Also he always complained of being cold, and his temp was around 96. He took many meds as well and was diabetic. But my mother didnt "believe" in vitamins, minerals, anything that wasnt prescription. She still dosent, even after she saw his slow slide to disability and death. There was never a mention of thyroid even though he visited the doctor at least once a month if not more. One other thought I had which might be helpful for someone out there, he showed signs of dementia and halucinogenic behavior. The doctor said that it was old age. The more I think about it the more I think he may have had a severe

deficiency of B12 which was also never checked. Many elderly do have such a deficiency because of their inability to produce intrinsic factor. He had trouble eating meat- had new dentures which just wouldnt work. Sylvia

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I found this amusing. If you plan on checking with your regular doctor about

iodine, I'd

advise you to be seriously well read on the subject and be ready to be told how

ignorant you

are for even asking about iodine. Darlin' it would be a waste of your time and

your breath to

ask a doctor who's not an iodine literate doctor about it. Talking to an iodine

literate doctor

is highly recommend IMO.


> Check with their doctors????

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Totally correct. They will tell you that you get enough in your salt. Mark

my words.

Re: Iodine

>I found this amusing. If you plan on checking with your regular doctor

>about iodine, I'd

> advise you to be seriously well read on the subject and be ready to be

> told how ignorant you

> are for even asking about iodine. Darlin' it would be a waste of your

> time and your breath to

> ask a doctor who's not an iodine literate doctor about it. Talking to an

> iodine literate doctor

> is highly recommend IMO.


> Linn


>> Check with their doctors????










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Well, yes. I wouldn't check with gynocologist either. Ronimwm1glm <mwm1glm@...> wrote: I found this amusing. If you plan on checking with your regular doctor about iodine, I'd advise you to be seriously well read on the subject and be ready to be told how ignorant you are for even asking about iodine. Darlin' it would be a waste of your time and your breath to ask a doctor who's not an iodine literate doctor about it. Talking to an iodine literate doctor is highly recommend

IMO.Linn> Check with their doctors????

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Where did you get the info to back up what you said? I am very

interested...so, please tell us who told you this nd/or books and/or


Thank you...

> > >

> > > I have been reading posts for quite a while now that have bee


> > > iodine for so many diseases, and symptoms, high readings, low


> > > no readings.

> > >

> > > The question I have is this:

> > >

> > > If all of the people who have been taking iodine are convinced

it does all

> > > these things, why are you still on these lists and why do you

still have

> > > symptoms?

> > >

> > > It would seem that if iodine was such a miracle, you would all


> > > out dancing and having a wonderful time, but that doesn't seem

to be

> > > the case.

> > >

> > > Roni

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with


> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

Mobile. Try it now.

> >


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Go through the ppt at this link. There are a number of references in the back.

But if you

google thyroid disease and anesthesia you'll bring up a number of references.

But to

clarify, the greatest risk is for UNtreated hypo or hyperthyroidism.



> > > >

> > > > I have been reading posts for quite a while now that have bee

> advocating

> > > > iodine for so many diseases, and symptoms, high readings, low

> readings

> > > > no readings.

> > > >

> > > > The question I have is this:

> > > >

> > > > If all of the people who have been taking iodine are convinced

> it does all

> > > > these things, why are you still on these lists and why do you

> still have

> > > > symptoms?

> > > >

> > > > It would seem that if iodine was such a miracle, you would all

> be

> > > > out dancing and having a wonderful time, but that doesn't seem

> to be

> > > > the case.

> > > >

> > > > Roni

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ---------------------------------

> > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with

> Search.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

> Mobile. Try it now.

> > >

> >


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Hi Roni, sorry for the delay in answering you (just got home from second day of 12 hour shifts so haven't been online). Symptoms before were EXTREME fatigue. Sleeping 12 hr at night, waking up for an hour but not feeling like I had slept at all. Awake for 1 -2 hrs and going back to sleep and continued this pattern all day long til it was time to go to bed at night and sleep my 12 hrs again. I was getting very little done around here. I had to drag myself to work and through the day. Days off were mostly for sleeping. Other symptoms were pain in the souls of my feet, pain in my joints (mostly shoulder, ankles, hip), low temp, when I get cold I can't seem to get warm, cold feet and rear end, BRAIN FOG BAD, weight gain, very poor memory, constipation, pitting edema, ovarian cyst, a fibroid, night sweats.

Since starting Lugol's in Sept., I haven't needed the day time naps at all. I feel much more energy, the pain in the souls of my feet are not as extreme as it was, my body temp has come up from 96.3 to 97.0 (but yes I still get very cold and can't warm up), I no longer have the pain in my hip but still have pain in ankles and shoulder at times, my mind is MUCH more clear so I don't have that brain fog as bad, my memory has improved dramatically (although I did quit drinking diet coke with Splenda, also, so that could have helped my memory?), and constipation is not a problem as often as it was.

Just having some of my energy back is worth more to me then anything! I hope this answered your question.

Janie> I have only been taking iodine since Sept. I can tell a HUGE > difference in the way I feel.

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Wonderfully put !!


> Many people on this and other lists have severe deficiency diseases

which are not

> addressed easily with supplmentation of any single vitamin or

mineral. No one here is

> saying that iodine is a miracle, but as part of a larger regimine

it has proven very effective

> through objective evaluation and scientific study.


> What you can't see from these lists is the number of people who are

no longer here

> because their issues relieved through the counsel they received



> Maybe you could be more specific about your concerns - is there

something in particular

> you're dealing with; in what capacity are you asking this question?



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

the info you sent out Sheila re Iodine was very interesting and Im going to look into this more.

does anyone know if bog standard iodine is still available over the counter?



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Hi Gill

Yes it is still available, in small bottles (25ml), due to abuses....

you may have to ask for it too....and they may also restrict rapid

repeat sales...

best wishes



> the info you sent out Sheila re Iodine was very interesting and Im

going to look into this more.


> does anyone know if bog standard iodine is still available over the


> thanks,

> Gill


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OK, I am interested now June, how and why do you check for starch in your food.


Luv nne

Hi Gill...

Yes it is. I use it to test for starch in my food (when I am being good!) also on cuts and grazes from the garden work. I also purchase a little dropper bottle from the chemist as it helps control amounts..

June x

>> the info you sent out Sheila re Iodine was very interesting and Im going to look into this more.> > does anyone know if bog standard iodine is still available over the counter?> thanks,> Gill>

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cheers Bob, think Im going to give iodine a try after reading various articles about it, esp as I dont eat much seafood and also reduced salt intake due to high BP.

Has anyone tried taking Iodine?


Hi GillYes it is still available, in small bottles (25ml), due to abuses....you may have to ask for it too....and they may also restrict rapid repeat sales...best wishesBob> the info you sent out Sheila re Iodine was very interesting and Im going to look into this more.> > does anyone know if bog standard iodine is still available over the >

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Hi Gill...

Yes it is. I use it to test for starch in my food (when I am being good!) also on cuts and grazes from the garden work. I also purchase a little dropper bottle from the chemist as it helps control amounts..

June x

>> the info you sent out Sheila re Iodine was very interesting and Im going to look into this more.> > does anyone know if bog standard iodine is still available over the counter?> thanks,> Gill>

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Cheers June, from reading about iodine and its involvement in production of thyroid hormones and that many people are deficient in iodine, Im thinking of trying it for this as I think Im likely to be deficient as I dont eat very much seafood and reduced salt intake due to my raised BP.


Yes it is. I use it to test for starch in my food (when I am being good!) also on cuts and grazes from the garden work. I also purchase a little dropper bottle from the chemist as it helps control amounts..

June x

>> the info you sent out Sheila re Iodine was very interesting and Im going to look into this more.> > does anyone know if bog standard iodine is still available over the counter?> thanks,> Gill>

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Hi Gill,

Be careful when using iodine that you don't inadvertently overdose

yourself and start making thyroid hormone (if you still have

the 'kit').....

If you start low and increase very slowly, look out for any signs and

symptoms, as you might if incrementing up with Armour.

Try and balance the two, if you are using Armour.

Don't increase both at the same time, for instance.

best wishes



> cheers Bob, think Im going to give iodine a try after reading

various articles about it, esp as I dont eat much seafood and also

reduced salt intake due to high BP.


> Has anyone tried taking Iodine?

> Gill



> Hi Gill


> Yes it is still available, in small bottles (25ml), due to


> you may have to ask for it too....and they may also restrict


> repeat sales...


> best wishes

> Bob


> > the info you sent out Sheila re Iodine was very interesting and


> going to look into this more.

> >

> > does anyone know if bog standard iodine is still available over



> >







> --------------------------------------------------------------------




> Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.

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Hi Bob, thanks for this. Im on levothyroxine not Armour, but value your advice on this. I am still producing thyroid hormones and dont have antibodies, so I think iodine deficiency could be part of the problem and worth investigating. I will take it slowly as you suggest.

Any further advice will be appreciated!


Hi Gill,Be careful when using iodine that you don't inadvertently overdose yourself and start making thyroid hormone (if you still have the 'kit').....If you start low and increase very slowly, look out for any signs and symptoms, as you might if incrementing up with Armour.Try and balance the two, if you are using Armour.Don't increase both at the same time, for instance.best wishesBob>> cheers Bob, think Im going to give iodine a try after reading various articles about it, esp as I dont eat much seafood and also reduced salt intake due to high BP. > > Has anyone tried taking Iodine?> Gill> > > Hi Gill> > Yes it is still available, in small bottles (25ml), due to abuses....> you may have to ask for it too....and they may also restrict rapid > repeat sales...> > best wishes> Bob> > > the info you sent out Sheila re Iodine was very interesting and Im > going to look into this more.> > > > does anyone know if bog standard iodine is still available over the > > >> > > > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------> > > Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.> Checked by AVG Free Edition. > Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.17.6/1192 - Release Date: 21/12/07 13:17>

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.17.6/1192 - Release Date: 21/12/07 13:17

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Oh boy I wish the little was as true as the stranger LOL.

I am most grateful for your comprehensive answer because I had never heard of it before - thankfully I have no need of the test but it is something that I hope I shall retain in the back of this feeble mind if anyone else ever does.

Luv nne

Hi nne you little stranger!

Well starch is bad for IBS (mostly in carbs!)

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If we don't have 'the kit' does that mean we can use extra iodine?

Luv - Sheila

Hi Gill,Be careful when using iodine that you don't inadvertently overdose yourself and start making thyroid hormone (if you still have the 'kit').....If you start low and increase very slowly, look out for any signs and symptoms, as you might if incrementing up with Armour.Try and balance the two, if you are using Armour.Don't increase both at the same time, for instance.best wishesBob>> cheers Bob, think Im going to give iodine a try after reading various articles about it, esp as I dont eat much seafood and also reduced salt intake due to high BP. > > Has anyone tried taking Iodine?> Gill> > > Hi Gill> > Yes it is still available, in small bottles (25ml), due to abuses....> you may have to ask for it too....and they may also restrict rapid > repeat sales...> > best wishes> Bob> > > the info you sent out Sheila re Iodine was very interesting and Im > going to look into this more.> > > > does anyone know if bog standard iodine is still available over the > > >> > > > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------> > > Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.> Checked by AVG Free Edition. > Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.17.6/1192 - Release Date: 21/12/07 13:17>

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.21.4/1310 - Release Date: 04/03/2008 08:35

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Dear Sheila,

I'd still suggest using caution with iodine, until you get used to the

signs and symptoms that it affects.

one thing that might improve is the teeth and/or gums....

one of my amalgam fillings certainly looked as though it had reacted

with the iodine ~ reddish purple colouring...

best wishes


> >

> > cheers Bob, think Im going to give iodine a try after reading

> various articles about it, esp as I dont eat much seafood and also

> reduced salt intake due to high BP.

> >

> > Has anyone tried taking Iodine?

> > Gill

> >

> >

> > Hi Gill

> >

> > Yes it is still available, in small bottles (25ml), due to

> abuses....

> > you may have to ask for it too....and they may also restrict

> rapid

> > repeat sales...

> >

> > best wishes

> > Bob

> >

> > > the info you sent out Sheila re Iodine was very interesting and

> Im

> > going to look into this more.

> > >

> > > does anyone know if bog standard iodine is still available over

> the

> >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ----------------------------------------------------------

> ----------

> >

> >

> > Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.

> > Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> > Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.17.6/1192 - Release Date:

> 21/12/07 13:17

> >











> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.21.4/1310 - Release Date:

04/03/2008 08:35


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Bob please correct me if Im wrong - but my understanding from the little Ive read so far is that Iodine is required for the thyroid to create thyroid hormones. Shortage of iodine can therefore lead to shortage of thyroid hormones. Some of the info i have read (Iodine Project is useful) indicates that many people are short of iodine esp if they dont eat seafood or get their iodine from iodized salt.

I think what Bob means is that you need at least a partially functioning thyroid to be able to use the iodine - presumably if your thyroid isnt producing thyroid hormones at all the body wont be able to use the iodine. And if there's a functioning thyroid and we are taking T3/T4 and the body starts to make more as a result of the available iodine, this could lead to overdose of thyroid hormones = hyperT effect.


If we don't have 'the kit' does that mean we can use extra iodine?

Luv - Sheila

Hi Gill,Be careful when using iodine that you don't inadvertently overdose yourself and start making thyroid hormone (if you still have the 'kit').....If you start low and increase very slowly, look out for any signs and symptoms, as you might if incrementing up with Armour.Try and balance the two, if you are using Armour.Don't increase both at the same time, for instance.best wishesBob>> cheers Bob, think Im going to give iodine a try after reading various articles about it, esp as I dont eat much seafood and also reduced salt intake due to high BP. > > Has anyone tried taking Iodine?> Gill> > > Hi Gill> > Yes it is still available, in small bottles (25ml), due to abuses....> you may have to ask for it too....and they may also restrict rapid > repeat sales...> > best wishes> Bob> > > the info you sent out Sheila re Iodine was very interesting and Im > going to look into this more.> > > > does anyone know if bog standard iodine is still available over the > > >> > > > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------> > > Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.> Checked by AVG Free Edition. > Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.17.6/1192 - Release Date: 21/12/07 13:17>

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.21.4/1310 - Release Date: 04/03/2008 08:35

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.17.6/1192 - Release Date: 21/12/07 13:17

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Hi Gill,

[[..presumably if your thyroid isnt producing thyroid hormones at all

the body wont be able to use the iodine..]]

my understanding is that many tissues in the body use iodine locally;

breast tissue appears to need iodine to function properly, and others

have told me that cysts can be reduced this way..using iodine...

I'll add this to my reading list, to expand the 'tissue knowledge' on

iodine use.

Jan in Oz (thyroidabout forum uk) has a blog with information on iodine.

best wishes


> >

> > cheers Bob, think Im going to give iodine a try after reading

> various articles about it, esp as I dont eat much seafood and also

> reduced salt intake due to high BP.

> >

> > Has anyone tried taking Iodine?

> > Gill

> >

> >

> > Hi Gill

> >

> > Yes it is still available, in small bottles (25ml), due to

> abuses....

> > you may have to ask for it too....and they may also restrict

> rapid

> > repeat sales...

> >

> > best wishes

> > Bob

> >

> > > the info you sent out Sheila re Iodine was very interesting and

> Im

> > going to look into this more.

> > >

> > > does anyone know if bog standard iodine is still available over

> the

> >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ----------------------------------------------------------

> ----------

> >

> >

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