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In a message dated 7/2/02 8:44:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

sulablue2001@... writes:

> went down to 133 when

My mil who is diebetic and lost a toe do to it, was told to do at least 20

min a day of walking. Not including her little walk to work. The days she

does get it in her sugar is good the days she does not it is bad. So maybe

there is something to the exercise thing.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

START 6/1/02


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  • 5 weeks later...
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> FYI, I have been zapped and I think that

> it helps alleviate the fear of the unknown

> although others will surely disagree.

I think I will be aprehensive until it happens to me. I do think

getting zapped once will help me come to terms with this.


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  • 2 months later...

Hello and welcome. There are all kinds of suggestions we can make,

but first, we need some more info.

1) Can you describe your pain? Where and when does it hurt?

2) What have the doctors / physical therapists said? Have you been

diagnosed with CP?

3) Did you hurt your knee, or has the pain come on slowly?

Any information you can give us will help.

- Doug

> Hi,


> I've just joined. Do u know of any exercises that help ease the


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Its a sharp pain on the left hand side of my right knee. It hurts

when i walk up stairs and at the mo when i bend my knee. The doctor

just said to exercise and as I've been for physiotherapy before to do

the exercises that they had already given me. I have been diagnosed

with CP. The pain came along slowly a few years ago but keeps coming


> > Hi,

> >

> > I've just joined. Do u know of any exercises that help ease the

> pain.

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Hi Joanne:

I hesitate to make any specific recommendations regarding exercises,

because I don't have enough info to know what is really " wrong " with

your knees. Despite your CP diagnosis, your pain may be coming from

the soft tissues (ligaments, tendons, etc.) around the knee. See the

recent posts entitled " Can Cartilage 'Feel' " starting at #2934.

My general advice is as follows:

1) Check out the " Chondromalacia Do's and Don'ts " in the Files section

2) For now, stick with the exercises given to you by your doctor and


3) Check out the recent posts on stretching starting at #2967.

In general, it seems that the most important thing is that you do

SOME kind of exercises. Use your head and don't do anything that

hurts an awful lot. Minor pain, it appears, is alright. Whatever

you can do to " keep things moving " will help. Swimming, low/no-

resistance cycling and walking are often well-tolerated.

Your main focus should be determining what your true problem is. CP

is a usually a symptom of some other disfunction - a muscle

imbalance, an alignment problem or some other defect. Spend some

time going through the Group's old posts. Finding a doctor who

understands the inter-connectedness of the body is key. A thorough

exam should take over an hour. Look for doctors who are concerned

with whole-body wellness. Orthopedic surgeons are usually pretty

useless when it comes to CP.

In the meantime, keep asking questions and keep learning.

Hope that helps,


> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > I've just joined. Do u know of any exercises that help ease the

> > pain.

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One more thing Joanne...

Does your pain feel like it is above/below your kneecap, or next to

it, or behind it? Or is it well to the inside of it?

My pain was also to the medial side of my kneecap, and (as it turns

out) probably had nothing to do with the patella. More likely, my

pain was at the tendon that attatches the VMO (inside thigh muscle)

to the knee.

- D

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > I've just joined. Do u know of any exercises that help ease the

> > pain.

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That is probably good news. It may mean that your problem is not in

the kneecap at all, but rather some injuries to the soft tissues

(ligaments, tendons, etc.) surrounding the knee.

What you have to do is find a doctor who can give you a good exam.

It should take at least an hour. Try to find an osteopathic doctor

or a pain specialist. Anyone who specializes in " whole body "

wellness. You need to figure out what is really " wrong " with you

that is causing your knee pain. It may not be your knee at all - it

could be your feet, ankles, hips or back.

YOU have to become the expert. Learn as much as you can about

anatomy and all the different types of doctors out there. This Group

is probably one of the best sources of information, but it will take

some time to search in the old posts. Use the " Search Archive "

feature on the Home Page.

You've got to put alot of effort in, but it will pay off. The

members of this Group that have really done their homework are the

ones who are getting better.

Good luck,


> > > > > Hi,

> > > > >

> > > > > I've just joined. Do u know of any exercises that help ease

> the

> > > > pain.

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I used to get pain in the medial area in what is called the " pes

anserinus " area. This is below the joint line where the ligament

attaches to the top of the shin bone. It was a horrible sharp

pain... and is definitely NOT cartilage related. It is due to soft-

tissue damage (stretching, twisting, scarring etc). I still get it a

little though not nearly as bad as I used to.

Pain in the medial area along the joint line would be a different

matter. In fact I had pain there too but it has got a lot better,

now virtually gone.

Take your CP diagnosis with a pinch of salt. You may have a

different problem!

The most useful guy I saw was a sports injury specialist. You should

get a thorough and competent check up from someone ofthis ilk. Don't

use an OS for this - they are surgeons not pain specialists.


> > > > > > Hi,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I've just joined. Do u know of any exercises that help


> > the

> > > > > pain.

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  • 1 month later...

Katte, Annette and ,

Please lets stop defending ourselves :-)

My understanding is that exercise intolerance is a " specific " marker

for CFS but I am one of a few who can exercise since 5 years ago.

Í've had ME for ll years but I have never suffered pain with this

illness so maybe this makes the difference in each subset?

Katte mentioned exercising during the intial onset of CFS- BIG no

no. I did this only once during the beginning. I decided to get on

my stairmaster one day when I felt " fairly " ok, this was the BIGGEST

mistake of my life!! I had so much aching discomfort in legs that I

wanted to cut them off and I do believe this little bit of exercise I

did at the time prolonged this illness and made me worse for the next

6 years.

Up until 5 years ago I was radually able to go for very slow short

walks and then I was fortunate to be able to build up to brisk 30-40

minute walks and now I am able to run once a week (around 6km). But

I have to admit that since I started running this is when my

cognitive problems started. So I have to be honest with myself and

not ignore this although I would like to stay in denial and keep

running :) I have the energy to run but I really pay for it the next

day when my brain can no longer concentrate.

I will try to run less more often, pace myself to where I run 2km

every few days. I won't get the same " high " from running but at

least this a smarter solution.

I 'feel very much empathy for those who can't tolerate exercise and I

don't think you should have to defend yourselves to ANYONE! It's

certainly not because your " not trying " or because " your used to not

doing anything " , this illness effects people very differently and if

you can't exercise DON'T! Your body is telling you not to.

Oh and please whoever it is who is saying that it has to do

with " attitude " , please stop this, it's belittling.


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I think that everyone needs to get it through their heads that we are not

all the same. That even each person's symptoms can change at different


Personally, I was not exercise intolerant for the first several years of my

illness. It was odd, the one symptom that was supposed to be the " hallmark "

I didn't have. I had many of the others though including lab diagnostics.

But then in later years I became exercise intolerant. Some day I'm sure it

will all make sense. They will figure out what makes any of us exercise

intolerant, and it will be clear that it is some side effect of some bug or

lack of a nutrient, or something like that.

In many years I have never seen a single thing that is consistent among us.

We may not have the same illness, or maybe we do. But nobody should believe

that we are all the same.



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  • 1 month later...

- good for you!!!!!!

I use my exercise bike regularly and have it set at zero for tension. I do about 9 miles in 30 minutes. A trainer I talked to said that as long as losing weight was my primary goal, that the best thing to do would be to skip the resistance on the bike for now....I do other toning instead and this seems to be working for me! The fat is disappearing and the leg muscles are starting to develope (slowly but thats what I want).

So I think you did great!!!!!!!!

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In a message dated 1/1/03 8:33:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, Jase4567@... writes:

Well, got off my butt and exercised. It was not until 8pm but I did it.

Weight to go . It does not matter when you did it...just that you did it.



"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal"

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In a message dated 1/1/03 8:41:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, karbchickadee@... writes:

zero for tension

I may try this today. I had it 4 clicks from zero. It hurt. Then I thought I did not type of warm up. If I started at zero I would not need a warm up.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

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>> did 20 min on the exercise bike. I was telling hubby I did 5 miles in 21 min.

That's pretty good, no matter *what* the tension was set at.

> and said how do your legs feel.

Probably like rubber! LOL

> I have made a exercise sheet from my computer to log my exercise.

I think I'm going to dig up that box of stick-on stars I bought last year and finally start using them by putting a star on the calendar on days I exercise. I've made so many charts as incentive then ignored them it's pathetic. :(

At least I got 2 days of exercise in already this week, and as soon as I finish checking email it'll be 3. Hubby is already gone to work, I finished my asthma meds, and have no excuse not to stick my video in the machine, other than my own laziness.

<< Sue in NJ >>

Amazing! You just hang something in your closet for a while, and it shrinks two sizes.

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> I may try this today. I had it 4 clicks from zero. It hurt.

Exercise should NOT hurt! Ignore Jane Fonda and No Pain, No Gain!

>If I started at zero I would not need a warm up.

Going at zero tension would probably be your warm-up. If you're like me, after a few minutes you'll *want* to increase the tension to work a bit harder because it feels so good.

Gee, I really miss my exercycle, but there is just no room in this apartment for one, even if we did sell the treadmill. :(

Sue in NJ

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> Gee, I really miss my exercycle, but there is just no room in this apartment for one, even

> if we did sell the treadmill. :(

> Sue in NJ

When the podiatrist told me to ride an exercise bike for 30 minutes a day, I just didn't want to have to go to the clubhouse to ride it -- and I didn't want one sitting in the house! So I bought a "pedal exerciser" (you can find them on the web). It's a set of pedals, with tension adjustment, on a stand. You sit in a chair and pedal away. It's great because you can just put it away when you're not using it!

Sue"I did the thing I feared the most -- excuse me while I cheer.Now here I stand, a stronger soul -- and all I've lost is fear.""Don't give up what you want mostfor what you want for the moment""Fate is what life hands you.Destiny is what you do with it."

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> want one sitting in the house! So I bought a " pedal exerciser " (you can

> find them on the web). It's a set of pedals, with tension adjustment, on


> stand. You sit in a chair and pedal away.

I keep forgetting about those. I see the cheap ones in Lillian Vernon

catalogs and always mean to order one, but want to see one in person first.

I've been known to bend pedals on real bikes even when I was a lower weight.

Next time I'm at the mall there's a Modell's sporting goods store nearby.

I'll have to remember to stop in and take a look.

Thanks for the reminder.

Sue in NJ

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In a message dated 1/2/2003 6:17:55 AM Eastern Standard Time, susang@...


> At least I got 2 days of exercise in already this week, and

> as soon as I finish checking email it'll be 3

Good for you Sue!!!!

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In a message dated 1/2/2003 8:03:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, Jase4567 writes:

> If I started at zero I would not need a warm up.

- when I do the time on my bike, I basically keep the tension at zero,

then the first 3-4 minutes I start out slowly (appx 13 mph) then build to my

full speed of 18 mph - at about 15 minutes into it I hit 19-20 mph and stay

there until the end of my workout - when I slowly bring it back down (about 2

min). I normally do at least 30 minutes but have worked up to 45-60 minutes at

times. When I go longer I aim for quick bursts of speeds of about 21-22 miles

an hour.

My bike has been my standard form of exercise for the past 7 months and has

helped me to lose the weight.

This method seems to work fine for me.

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In a message dated 1/2/2003 8:41:42 AM Eastern Standard Time,

suer@... writes:

> Actually, for maximum fat burning, you should not use any resistance! you add

resistance when the fat is gone and you

> want to add muscle...


That is what I am finding using the exercise bike. The thinner my tree trunk

thighs get the more I can actually feel muscle underneath them. The not using

any tension is working great for me.....

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  • 3 months later...
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In a message dated 4/15/2003 4:51:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,

supermattvan@... writes:

> I was wondering what kinds of

> gentle exercise others on the list found useful.

Adrienne is back doing ballet. She is also doing Modern and jazz, but she

is feeling pretty good right now.

Even when she was not feeling well... she danced. And when she stopped

dancing with the dance company, she continued dancing on her own either in

classes in Seattle or locally with theater groups. She just broadened her

type of dancing, to swing, ball room, even country and anything else a

director wanted in a show. (within reason) The dancing seems to help keep

her flexible. And she just loves the movement.


Adrienne's Mom

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I would like that info too. I am very sure my lower spine is starting to

fuse. I just had xrays which may help with that dx.

And I want to know what kinds of exercise I can do to help with my

increasing problems with weight gain. I have enough fatigue that I'm

having a struggle doing daily activities a lot of the time. The dr. keeps

telling me that I need to exercise more and she does not understand the

level I plunge to if I don't monitor myself right--or even if I DO at

times... I do know that just diet alone isn't going to help the weight.



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