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Armour thyroid

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Thanks for the info. That makes me feel better about the Westhroid, although

I've known my ND for years & trust his recommendations. At the moment, my

dosage is 1 g (I think) first thing in the morning. That's enough to get me

up to " normal " & I do feel a lot better than I did. But I'm glad to know

about Dr. Mercola's recommendations & will also see about the book Adrenal

Fatigue. Thanks again. Thanks, too, for the HB list you sent me.

" Westhroid is a fine choice, far superior to Levoxyl (Synthroid) or any

other of the synthetic varieties of the hormone. Dr. D'Adamo has stated

on the old BB, before it was deactivated, that the " Hog factor " is NOT

an issue with pharmaceutically prepared dessicated thyroid. I recommend

twice a day dosing with Armour (Westhroid, Naturethroid) as per Dr.

Mercola's recommendations here:


Speaking of reading, I highly recommend Adrenal Fatigue, by Dr.

. Adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism are often concurrent

conditions. "

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  • 5 years later...

Hi where can I buy armour thyroid without prescription? I need it and I don't have a doctor. Thank you to all of you. margootladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...> wrote: I would recommend that you get some labs done. If you have to order them yourself from www.healthcheckusa.com you need them. That will tell you what is going on. Have you had RAI? If you have you may have damage to your gut that needs to be healed.Here is what you should have checked (at the

minimum):Ferritin / IronB12Free T3Free T4TSHThyroglobulinTPO AbTg AbVit D - 25 OHIf you are a thyroid cancer patient you need to take care of your self. Why doesn't Dr. Starr run labs? He's an MD isn't he?Have you ever done a liver detox? That helps me to feel better. I also take probiotics to help heal my gut post RAI.Just some thoughts. Maybe something will help. Here are some ACAM dr's in your area http://www.acamnet.org/site/apps/kb/cs/contactsearch.asp?c=ltJWJ4MPIwE & b=2242497 & raw= Maybe one will be able to help you. Multiple Issues>I have been taking lugols for weeks and I cannot get above 1 drop without >becoming very> hyper. I can handle the magnesium and salt loads but I took 200 mgs. of > selenium last night> and it made me feel horrible. Made my vision blurry and shaky and just > felt horrible. Even> after a salt push and magnesium.This is what I am taking now:>> 3 grains of naturethroid> 2.5 mgs. of hydrocortisone 3 times a day> adrenal support by nutra medix> 250 mgs. of magnesium> 1 drop of lugols>> I have just found out my dr. is moving, Dr. Mark Starr, I need to find > another dr. in Atlanta> does anybody know of any. I get palps if I take b vitamins and I cannot > take more than a> 1000 mgs. of vitamin

c without getting the shakes, has anybody else run in > to this. I am a> thyca paitent and I got so fed up with my endo that I refuse to go, but I > have not had any> blood taken in a year and a half...Dr. Starr does not do blood work...>>>>>>>>

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I am sorry but you cannot get that information on this list. There are other groups related to natural thyroid hormones that may share that info with you. Because I am studying for my doctorate and work closely with licensed physicians with whom I do not want to burn my bridges I prefer to keep this group "clean" of those types of things.


Multiple Issues>I have been taking lugols for weeks and I cannot get above 1 drop without >becoming very> hyper. I can handle the magnesium and salt loads but I took 200 mgs. of > selenium last night> and it made me feel horrible. Made my vision blurry and shaky and just > felt horrible. Even> after a salt push and magnesium.This is what I am taking now:>> 3 grains of naturethroid> 2.5 mgs. of hydrocortisone 3 times a day> adrenal support by nutra medix> 250 mgs. of magnesium> 1 drop of lugols>> I have just found out my dr. is moving, Dr. Mark Starr, I need to find > another dr. in Atlanta> does anybody know of any. I get palps if I take b vitamins and I cannot > take more than a> 1000 mgs. of vitamin c without getting the shakes, has anybody else run in > to this. I am a> thyca paitent and I got so fed up with my endo that I refuse to go, but I > have not had any> blood taken in a year and a half...Dr. Starr does not do blood work...>>>>>>>>

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  • 1 month later...

hi there

I am a relative newbie.

From what you say you sound to have many complicated things going on

with your body and I must say you do very very well to carry on

teaching. I am hypo and cannot get around so this condition can be

totally disabling.

I arent sure from what you say whether your thyroid problems are as a

result of your other conditions or the other way round.

Have you asked your doctor about the symptoms you are having?

They certainly sound as though you are hypothyroid, any blood tests

(however I find my bloods are only subtly out sometimes with

Hashimotos even when I feel terrible).

I am trying for Armour or combo therapy because I cannot see why the

correct hormones in my body would make me feel any worse. After all

they are supposed to be there :).

Because of the need for good adrenal function to use Armour (or any

thyroid replacement) I am wondering whether you might have a problem

with your adrenals, after all you are suffering from a number of

problems and your adrenals will have suffered. Perhaps just doing one

of the spital tests on your adrenals might be a good idea? Did the

doctor test your adrenal function before putting you on thyroxine?

Anyway I hope you find some help here, I am sure you will.

take care


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How low is you TSH there may be room to try an increased dose 100 is

quite low. This is probably an easier route to try first as Armour will

probably entail going private. Low iron prevents proper utilisation of

thyroid hormones. You might also like to consider zinc and selenium which

are also vital for thyroid activity and are generally low in the country.

See http://www.ithyroid.com

You are showing a lot of hypo symptoms still especially cholesterol which

raised levels used to be used as a confirming test of hypo.

I am wondering whether Armour thyroid would be more effective in

treating the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

I am 44 and have lupus (SLE) - although since having kidney failure in

1996 and a live-related transplant on 1998, I have had no symptoms of


I take EPO every week as my hb levels drop easily but my kidney is

functioning well and my consultant does not think that this is caused

by my kidney condition. Hb is kept at about 12 with EPO. When iron

stores drop, I am given intravenous iron.

I take Neoral cyclosporin, azathiaprine (both anti rejection drugs)

daily and also aspirin and atorvastatin daily. I have also just started

taking perindopril as my blood pressure has started to rise.

I use a rowing machine daily and eat healthily including using olive

oil and benecol to cook with.

Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing medication.

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Hi ,

Thanks for replying.

My T4 is usually about 15 and TSH about 0.4. I managed to get

thyroxine dose raised from 50 to 75 and the to 100. Symptoms still

exist but GP is looking at TSH ans says I don't need any more

levothyroxine, in fact he says I am probably on too high a dose.



> Hi,

> How low is you TSH there may be room to try an increased dose

100 is

> quite low. This is probably an easier route to try first as Armour


> probably entail going private. Low iron prevents proper utilisation


> thyroid hormones. You might also like to consider zinc and selenium


> are also vital for thyroid activity and are generally low in the


> See http://www.ithyroid.com

> You are showing a lot of hypo symptoms still especially

cholesterol which

> raised levels used to be used as a confirming test of hypo.



> I am wondering whether Armour thyroid would be more effective in

> treating the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

> I am 44 and have lupus (SLE) - although since having kidney failure


> 1996 and a live-related transplant on 1998, I have had no symptoms


> lupus.

> I take EPO every week as my hb levels drop easily but my kidney is

> functioning well and my consultant does not think that this is


> by my kidney condition. Hb is kept at about 12 with EPO. When iron

> stores drop, I am given intravenous iron.

> I take Neoral cyclosporin, azathiaprine (both anti rejection drugs)

> daily and also aspirin and atorvastatin daily. I have also just


> taking perindopril as my blood pressure has started to rise.

> I use a rowing machine daily and eat healthily including using


> oil and benecol to cook with.




> Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice.


> consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing



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Thanks for replying.

I only received thyroxine after requesting thyroid function tests and

these being out of range. My adrenal function was not tested.

I think that i will arrange the saliva test - how do you do this? Do

you arrange it online? If so, could you suggest a company?



> From what you say you sound to have many complicated things going on

> with your body and I must say you do very very well to carry on

> teaching. I am hypo and cannot get around so this condition can be

> totally disabling.

> I arent sure from what you say whether your thyroid problems are as


> result of your other conditions or the other way round.

> Have you asked your doctor about the symptoms you are having?

> They certainly sound as though you are hypothyroid, any blood tests

> (however I find my bloods are only subtly out sometimes with

> Hashimotos even when I feel terrible).

> I am trying for Armour or combo therapy because I cannot see why the

> correct hormones in my body would make me feel any worse. After all

> they are supposed to be there :).

> Because of the need for good adrenal function to use Armour (or any

> thyroid replacement) I am wondering whether you might have a problem

> with your adrenals, after all you are suffering from a number of

> problems and your adrenals will have suffered. Perhaps just doing


> of the spital tests on your adrenals might be a good idea? Did the

> doctor test your adrenal function before putting you on thyroxine?

> Anyway I hope you find some help here, I am sure you will.



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Hi Jackie and welcome to our Forum. We are getting a lot of new members these days. How did you find us? I hope you get the help and support you need here.

I now take statins for raised > cholesterol.

Arggh! Statins are a terrible drug to take in trying to lower your cholesterol. It is often because you are hypothyroid that you have raised cholesterol, and once you get on the right thyroid hormone replacement, cholesterol is lowed naturally. However, we recommend that to lower your cholesterol safely, you stop synthetic Statins and instead take natural CoEnzymeQ10. You need to take a high dose of say, 300 mgs. Also we recommend a high dose of Vitamin B3 (Niacin). You might be better off buying the 'non-flushing' Niacin though.You will get a lower cholesterol quicker and will be vcery safe on these medications, unleike Statins that can give you some horrendous symptoms and actually do damage.

Also my skin is still dry and can be quite itchy. I aslo > have a tendency to be constipated although taking acidopholus and aloe > vera recently seems to have helped this. I am a maths teacher and find > that my concentration and memory (particularly speed of recall for > names and words) is declining.

We are not making the hormones anymore that we need, and the most valuable and active hormone to make our body and brain function is called triiodothyronine - or plain T3. Once you get T3 back into your body all these symptoms should clear. Doctors don't appear to realise exactly the value of T3 and give their patients plain inactive thyroxine - or T4. T4 has to convert to T3. Some of us can't convert. Our brain won't function without T3 - so we get short term memory and what we call brain fog. This can make some of very depressed.

> I am wondering whether Armour thyroid would be more effective in > treating the symptoms of hypothyroidism.> I am 44 and have lupus (SLE) - although since having kidney failure in > 1996 and a live-related transplant on 1998, I have had no symptoms of > lupus.

If you have lupus antibodies, it is very likely you have antibodies to your thyroid. Please ask your GP to check to see if this is the case. If yes, these antibodies attack your thyroid and gradually destroy it, and this is the reason you are ounable to make the thyroid hormones your body needs.

> I take EPO every week as my hb levels drop easily but my kidney is > functioning well and my consultant does not think that this is caused > by my kidney condition. Hb is kept at about 12 with EPO. When iron > stores drop, I am given intravenous iron.

Have you also had your Ferritin (stored iron) level checked? If this is low, you get all the symptoms of hypothyroidism, and thios can also cause hypothyroidiosm. Do ask your GP to check this out as well.

> I take Neoral cyclosporin, azathiaprine (both anti rejection drugs) > daily and also aspirin and atorvastatin daily. I have also just started > taking perindopril as my blood pressure has started to rise.> I use a rowing machine daily and eat healthily including using olive > oil and benecol to cook with.

Do you take Selenium? You would need to take 200 mcgs daily with food. Selenium helps in the conversion of T4 to T3.

What does your GP say about your thyroid status? Are you on any thyroid hormone replacement at all?

Luv - Sheila


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Hi Jackie,

Unfortunately doc seems to be fixated on the TSH ( a common fault)

your T4 at 15 is a long way from the top of the range which is 20 or 24

depending on the lab used. Therefore there is room to try a higher dose.

Hi ,

Thanks for replying.

My T4 is usually about 15 and TSH about 0.4. I managed to get

thyroxine dose raised from 50 to 75 and the to 100. Symptoms still

exist but GP is looking at TSH ans says I don't need any more

levothyroxine, in fact he says I am probably on too high a dose.



> Hi,

> How low is you TSH there may be room to try an increased dose

100 is

> quite low. This is probably an easier route to try first as Armour


> probably entail going private. Low iron prevents proper utilisation


> thyroid hormones. You might also like to consider zinc and selenium


> are also vital for thyroid activity and are generally low in the


> See http://www.ithyroid.com

> You are showing a lot of hypo symptoms still especially

cholesterol which

> raised levels used to be used as a confirming test of hypo.



> I am wondering whether Armour thyroid would be more effective in

> treating the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

> I am 44 and have lupus (SLE) - although since having kidney failure


> 1996 and a live-related transplant on 1998, I have had no symptoms


> lupus.

> I take EPO every week as my hb levels drop easily but my kidney is

> functioning well and my consultant does not think that this is


> by my kidney condition. Hb is kept at about 12 with EPO. When iron

> stores drop, I am given intravenous iron.

> I take Neoral cyclosporin, azathiaprine (both anti rejection drugs)

> daily and also aspirin and atorvastatin daily. I have also just


> taking perindopril as my blood pressure has started to rise.

> I use a rowing machine daily and eat healthily including using


> oil and benecol to cook with.




> Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice.


> consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing



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HI Marie

I am delighted that you are wanting a trial of Armour Thyroid and I hope it will work as well for you as it has worked for me, and so many other users who have done so badly on thyroxione alone. It sounds as if you too have a conversion problem, but with Armour, you will be getting all the thyroid hormones (and calcitonin) your body needs.

The VERY first thing that I would do though is to buy Nutri Adrenal Extra and start them for at least a week (longer if possible) before you start your Armour. Your adrenals, in all likelihood, with all the stress of what you are suffering, be completely pooped, and you need to give them a good boost so they are able to cope when you start taking Armour Thyroid.

What you should do is to stop taking your thyroxine (don't worry, you thyroxine has a half life of 6 to 8 weeks so you will have plenty in your body to keep you ticking over. Then start taking Nutri Adrenal Extra. Take one with your breakfast for a couple of days. If feeling OK, then add another NAE with your lunch (always take with food) but never take any after 1.00p.m. Stay on this for at least 7 days and then start taking your Armour. When you do start taking Armour, you might want to add another NAE to help you.

It matters not what amount of thyroxine you were taking before, it is always best to start on half a grain because Armour contains T4, T3, T2, T1 and calcitonin - all goodies your body hasn't been used to for a long, long time. Stay on that for 7 days, and if no adverse effects, add another half grain and stay on that for a month. Then again, if no adverse effects, add another half grain. after 4 weeks You keep on doing it this way until you DO feel adverse effects. These usually take the form of palpitations, feeling sweaty and probably dizzy, feeling spaced out and generally yuk! These are caused because you have reached a point when you have taken too much (usually it is the T3). What you do then is to stop the latest increase, and the next day, to start taking the lower dose before the last increase. This is your magical dose. This is the dose your body requires.

When you have adverse effects, as T3 has such a short half life of around 6 to 8 hours, it soon leaves your body completely and you feel OK again shortly.

Go to our FILES and look at the FILES "How to Treat Wtih Armour Thyroid". You will learn everything there. Read everything and make sure you understand, and if you don't, then just shout.

You can purchase Armour Thyroid from www.internationalphartmacy.com . It is best to buy double or quadruple the size you are starting with (forget the first 7 days, as these are the only days you will be taking half a grain (30mcgs). You can buy up to 3 drums - which makes it economical because you only have to pay one shipping fee, which I believe is around $7.50. It usually arrives between 7 to 10 days. You might want to post on the forum to let us know how you are getting along and if you are having any positive effects.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila i have not been in touch but i am still reading daily. Iwantsome help and advice i want to change to Armour and as i have told you before i always feel a little nervous about taking it without guidanceiknow you help every one. I am fed up with terrible dry skin on my legs i have to wash them in aqueoues cream then having to cake them inmousturiser if i miss hand cream one day i have horrible dry hands andd then eczema breaks out i cant lose weight on the strictest diet get fits of depression still have to push myself to do things in effort tolose weight i have took walks round local park after third day so sore all joints aching know it is to much but what else do i do turn into a couch potatoe? I have no end of coughs, colds, sore throats,tiredness and i feel if i change to Armour i will feel better can youhelp me .Were doi purchase it and how do i take it .I dont bothertelling my G.P. i just dont think he will help but i will tell himwhat i am going to do . Marie ,

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

HI Marie

I deleted the other message as you sent this to us twice over. Armour making your fingers work eh? This is wonderful news, I sincerely hope it continues. Don't be too eagre to increase your Armour dose, do everything by the book and you should be absolutely fine. What a wonderfully positive day it is today.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila and everyone this is Marie i have beenn taking my nutri adrenal since Thursday last week stopped my Eltroxin at the same time worked my way up to three nutri adrenal and started my Armour today .I had started to feel full of energy Especially yesterday up at 7.a.m im only up that early if i have a early morning flight for my hols or something important.i had the whole house cleaned in no time at all that is not me once a week if i can get myself to do it but not with that much vigour. I went shopping for weekly shop and by the time i had put it away i was tired but never ever for years have i had that much go or energy in me . I seem okay so far today have started my selenium and Monday starting (hopefully) diet and walks round the park. no depression . if i feel this good on Nutri adrenal i will be wonder woman once Armour reaches it peak. Done all washing bedding as well and quick tidy round off to town shortly only to buy a shower head so wont over do it. Hope these symptoms are okay and i am not just on cloud nine because i have actually made the change over but honestly i really feel good so far. love to all Marie ..

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Hi Marie,

Wonderful! I had a similar reaction.

One tiny word of caution- your body has much healing to do, so try not to

go too overboard and rest to let your body heal, you still have a way to go

yet- but it is a wonderful feeling knowing you are on the right track at


Subject: Armour thyroid

Hope these symptoms are okay and i am not just on cloud nine because

i have actually made the change over but honestly i really feel good

so far. love to all Marie .


Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing medication.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Another doctor just guessing. I have antibodies and take Armour, and I have NEVER had a problem using Armour, nor have I heard of one elsewhere. Delighted that Armour is doing its stuff and I hope this IS the start of your new life. It is a wonderful feeling, isn't it? It is something I will never forget for the rest of my life how I felt when Armour started to work. It felt miraculous.

luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila and every one sorry i have not been in touch had heating engineers in and now my son is decorating for me.iam on week two of Armour taking one gram and feel fine so far i felt a little tired so i upped nutri adrenal to 4 a day but i think the tiredness was down to all the different work going on in the house.i cant believe how i feel i am actually waking up of a morning AWAKE i want to do things i dont have to push my self and i have more energy and less depression and my skin seems to be improving.i am still whizzing round the house so far so good .I have just been to my doctors and i now know he does not know anything at all about Armour i told the facts how it was used up till the 70ties and he seemed to think it was an alternative medicine of the( natropath kind )i think thats the word .He then told me my anti bodies may react to it with it being from animals . I think i will have quite a job convincing him it is safe to use . He accepted that i have a right to choose but said i need a blood test next week to check levels however i made it for the 3rd April by then i will of had a month nearly on Armour i may need your help so i can tell him what figures and tsh levels to look for. going to do tea now will check after for a reply. Marie

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Yes, I have Armour on the NHS, prescribed by the endo.



> Hi all im new to the site,just wondering if anyone has managed to get

> armour thyroid prescribed on the nhs


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Hi (do you have a name we can call you?)

Welcome to our Forum and I hope you get the help and support you need here.

Yes, I have managed to get Armour Thyroid prescribed for me by my NHS GP as recommended to him by my NHS endocrinologist. There are quite a few of us who do get it on the NHS but up to date, most doctors have been going by incorrect and misleading information put out about Armour thyroid, USP by the pharmaceutical companies and other thyroid organisations who profit through prescribing L-thyroxine. There is a wealth of information in our FILES on this Forum and in our website www.tpa-uk.org.uk and if you are thinking of asking your own doctor to prescribe it, make sure that you have all the available evidence to show him. There is a letter from the MHRA stating that NHS doctors can prescribe Armour Thyroid if their patients don't do well on thyroxine, but that this is on their own responsibility as Armour remains an unlicensed drug, though it is approved by the FDA.

Copy also the response that I have written to the British Thyroid Association's misleading, and in places, incorrect statement about Armour, showing almost 150 references to back up our evidence. Make sure you understand everything about Armour so you can respond appropriately if s/he gives you incorrect information. Read, read and read again. Knowledge is everything and you need to be assertive in your fight.

Tell us a little about yourself and your own thyroid story.

luv - Sheila

Hi all im new to the site,just wondering if anyone has managed to getarmour thyroid prescribed on the nhs

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sheilaturner <sheilaturner@...> wrote: Hi (do you have a name we can call you?) Welcome to our Forum and I hope you get the help and support you need here. Yes, I have managed to get Armour Thyroid prescribed for me by my NHS GP as recommended to him by my NHS endocrinologist. There are quite a few of

us who do get it on the NHS but up to date, most doctors have been going by incorrect and misleading information put out about Armour thyroid, USP by the pharmaceutical companies and other thyroid organisations who profit through prescribing L-thyroxine. There is a wealth of information in our FILES on this Forum and in our website www.tpa-uk.org.uk and if you are thinking of asking your own doctor to prescribe it, make sure that you have all the available evidence to show him. There is a letter from the MHRA stating that NHS doctors can prescribe Armour Thyroid if their patients don't do well on thyroxine, but that this is on their own responsibility as Armour remains an unlicensed drug, though it is approved by the FDA. Copy also the response that I have written to the British Thyroid Association's misleading,

and in places, incorrect statement about Armour, showing almost 150 references to back up our evidence. Make sure you understand everything about Armour so you can respond appropriately if s/he gives you incorrect information. Read, read and read again. Knowledge is everything and you need to be assertive in your fight. Tell us a little about yourself and your own thyroid story. luv - Sheila Hi all im new to the site,just wondering if anyone has managed to getarmour thyroid prescribed on the nhs No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version:

7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.11/1368 - Release Date: 09/04/2008 16:20

for Good helps you make a difference

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Hello Glynis,

How did you manage that ? and did you have a fight on

your hands,if you dont mind me asking what area of the uk do you live

and who is your endo Thanks Caroline.

> >

> > Hi all im new to the site,just wondering if anyone has managed to get

> > armour thyroid prescribed on the nhs

> >


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A few luck souls have. I've had mixed success GP was initially willing

until discussion with partners......

Subject: armour thyroid

Hi all im new to the site,just wondering if anyone has managed to get

armour thyroid prescribed on the nhs


Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing


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Did you mean to write something?

luv - Sheila

sheilaturner <sheilaturnertpa-uk (DOT) org.uk> wrote:

Hi (do you have a name we can call you?)

Welcome to our Forum and I hope you get the help and support you need here.

Yes, I have managed to get Armour Thyroid prescribed for me by my NHS GP as recommended to him by my NHS endocrinologist.


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After struggling for seven years with being so ill I was next to

useless I was on the verge of buying my own Armour and treating myself

then I cam across a paper flagged up by TPA called 'Does synthetic

thyroxine suit everyone?' (I think its in 'Files') which pointed me in

the direction of an endo in my area (Sandwell) who prescribes Armour.

I went to see him, (what a lovely man) and explained that I'd never had

any relief from symptoms in all the 7 years of taking Levothyroxine and

he agreed to put me on Armour, he wrote a prescription and it did take

a couple of weeks to get it (from Boots) but I got it with a NHS


It was such a huge relief to be treated as a person instead of a blood


I have now decided that I will not have any more blood tests until they

are used in their proper context.

> Hello Glynis,

> How did you manage that ? and did you have a fight on

> your hands,if you dont mind me asking what area of the uk do you live

> and who is your endo Thanks Caroline.

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Thanks for the reply Glynis,you are very luck to have found someone to

give armour on nhs,my doctor refuses to give it and my specialist

refuses even though i have been on levo. for 8 yrs with no joy.

I have even writen to my local pct to see if they would fund

armour,and they sent a letter back saying it was unsafe and they would

not,I have printed aload of stuff out for them to read,and i am going

to send another letter but i dont hold out much hope,( i took loads of

info for my doctor and she told me she never read it)so i really dont

know what to do any thoughts Caroline.



> After struggling for seven years with being so ill I was next to

> useless I was on the verge of buying my own Armour and treating myself

> then I cam across a paper flagged up by TPA called 'Does synthetic

> thyroxine suit everyone?' (I think its in 'Files') which pointed me in

> the direction of an endo in my area (Sandwell) who prescribes Armour.

> I went to see him, (what a lovely man) and explained that I'd never had

> any relief from symptoms in all the 7 years of taking Levothyroxine and

> he agreed to put me on Armour, he wrote a prescription and it did take

> a couple of weeks to get it (from Boots) but I got it with a NHS

> prescription.

> It was such a huge relief to be treated as a person instead of a blood

> test!

> I have now decided that I will not have any more blood tests until they

> are used in their proper context.





> > Hello Glynis,

> > How did you manage that ? and did you have a fight on

> > your hands,if you dont mind me asking what area of the uk do you live

> > and who is your endo Thanks Caroline.


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This is quite ridiculous Caroline - especially that your doctor actually told you that she never read the information. She should be told about "the duties of a doctor" under the General Medical Council regarding "keeping their knowledge up to date" and perhaps reported too your local Primary Care Trust. As she and your local Primary Care Trust obviously have the wrong information, can you send me a copy of what the Primary Care Trust actually said and I will respond to their pharmacist with the facts, so they can at least, update their information on Armour.

Take a copy of the response to the BTA (in our FILES) about Armour, and as this is your life and health we are talking about, tell her that she must read it so that she has the facts and that you will come back when she has read it. Ask her also to discuss this with the other doctors in her practice. When you send it to your local PCT, put in a stamped address envelope and tell them you would like their comments, and if there is anything they say is incorrect, to give you details of this with references to prove this. As they say that Armour is "unsafe" - then they HAVE TO PROVE THIS. They are giving out incorrect information. DO MAKE SURE YOU GET A COPY OF THE LETTER WHERE THEY SAID THIS- AND SEND A COPY TO ME. They are far too flippant. Tell them also that there are MANY PCT who do fund Armour and that there are many of us who are being prescribed Armour within the NHS.

You can take this further and report it to an organisation who will look into this for you - and who can overturn a PCT's decision. More on this later, but for the time being, put everything in writing, keep a copy yourself, ask your GP and PCT to read the response to the BTA and give them 10 days in which to respond.

Don't give up Caroline, this is exactly what they want us to do. You are with friends who will help you here.

Luv - Sheila

Thanks for the reply Glynis,you are very luck to have found someone togive armour on nhs,my doctor refuses to give it and my specialistrefuses even though i have been on levo. for 8 yrs with no joy.I have even writen to my local pct to see if they would fundarmour,and they sent a letter back saying it was unsafe and they wouldnot,I have printed aload of stuff out for them to read,and i am goingto send another letter but i dont hold out much hope,( i took loads ofinfo for my doctor and she told me she never read it)so i really dontknow what to do any thoughts Caroline.thanks--- In thyroid treatment , "glynisrose06"


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Hi Caroline,

The only way forward now is to either go private- Sheila holds a list of

'docs who do' and will let you know who's in your area if you ask. Or as a

last resort self medication, but this is not to be done lightly- see the tpa


Subject: Re: armour thyroid

Thanks for the reply Glynis,you are very luck to have found someone to

give armour on nhs,my doctor refuses to give it and my specialist

refuses even though i have been on levo. for 8 yrs with no joy.

I have even writen to my local pct to see if they would fund,( i took loads


info for my doctor and she told me she never read it)so i really dont

know what to do any thoughts Caroline.



> After struggling for seven years with being so ill I was next to

> useless I was on the verge of buying my own Armour and treating myself

> then I cam across a paper flagged up by TPA called 'Does synthetic

> thyroxine suit everyone?' (I think its in 'Files') which pointed me in

> the direction of an endo in my area (Sandwell) who prescribes Armour.

> I went to see him, (what a lovely man) and explained that I'd never had

> any relief from symptoms in all the 7 years of taking Levothyroxine and

> he agreed to put me on Armour, he wrote a prescription and it did take

> a couple of weeks to get it (from Boots) but I got it with a NHS

> prescription.

> It was such a huge relief to be treated as a person instead of a blood

> test!

> I have now decided that I will not have any more blood tests until they

> are used in their proper context.





> > Hello Glynis,

> > How did you manage that ? and did you have a fight on

> > your hands,if you dont mind me asking what area of the uk do you live

> > and who is your endo Thanks Caroline.



Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Marie,

Armour is a prescription only med in the USA as it is here. The odd

thing is that they can buy it online from here and we can buy it online

from there.


Subject: armour thyroid

but could she

purchase some Armour without prescription over there and bring it back

for me in higher grains hopefully. Marie


Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing


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