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YAY!!!!!!! - Marie

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Hi Marie

That is very cool news.

Here is some stats on the Phase 2 trial.

***Note the numbers on clearing.!!!!! [83-92%]


NS5A Inhibitor

Bristol-Myers Squibb

Phase II

Comments: The results from a study of 48 HCV genotype 1 treatment-naïve patients who received doses of BMS-790052 (3, 10, & 60 mg once a day) combined with pegylated interferon/ribavirin (or just pegylated interferon plus ribavirin – control arm) were released. In the 10 mg & 60 mg groups the rapid virological response (undetectable at week 4) was 83 to 92% and the complete early virological response (undetectable at week 12) was ~83%. There were no safety concerns noted. (July 14, 2010)


I am assuming that you will be enrolled in the Phase 3 [final trial] trial study, and that you will only have to do treatment for 24 weeks.???

Marie, I believe that your right.

This seems to be one of the better PI's, and you just might clear.

Your chances do look very good.

I am sooooo excited for you, because I have been pretty worried about you lately.

I think your finally getting a break.

Please do all of us a favor.

Please post as often as you can, and let us know how you make out.

We need to know everything - your diet, any sides, your thoughts and habits, just everything.

Anything and everything that might help someone else.

I have a thousand questions for you like -

- How did you find this study?

- Did your Hep-doc set you up with it?

- What were your most recent lab stats?

- Are you living in Calif now? [i thought you were in Texas.]

- How is your personal life going?

- Are the aliens talking to you? LMAO :-) - [just funnin]

I am blasting you with lots of love, good energy, and good times ahead.

- Smile -


don in ks

From: Rain <annamariestitt@...>Subject: [ ] YAY!!!!!!! Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 12:32 PM

GREAT NEWS EVERYONE: I have been accepted in Bristol Myers Clinical Trial in San Francisco!!!! It's protease inhibitor BMS-790052! I am so excited I know I am going to slay this dragon!!!Loving you all, marie------------------------------------

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